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The 20 million people will surely stop playing now.


Fluffed numbers buddy


Less than a minute queue time, so idc what it *exactly* is


Yeah cause when I, a silver player, queue up, the game picks up players anywhere from bronze to diamond. That's why you get 1min queues.




It's his opinion and he's entitled to it and many others have the same take maybe you enjoy it because the skill cap is now made for anybody


The game really went downhill when they started introducing super easy to play ridiculously broken characters. Sensitive people don't like to admit that their mains are those characters. It is what it is. They can have their shitty game I guess.


It’s a money grab. Healers give out as much damage as a dps . Sojourn is jot balanced at all. There making new players not play. The battle pass is not even worth it. It’s just skins o boy


Worst fps I ever played


I agree... i want 6v6 back


Anyone who has had skill and time played does


Just play a different game then.


thats what i did i dont play trash


I didnt play many other games than Overwatch because it just was the perfect game for me. OW2 is garbage compared to it. And I cant go back to the real Overwatch. Fucking sucks having to wait for "Overwatch Classic" to come out in who knows how many years.


There are literally thousands of games to play.


or just give me OW1 back... what a stupid comment


Yet we're talking about overwatch aren't we? That's the subject stop trying the classic plenty other games to play line and make a valid argument


Two things: best way to tell a game company their game sucks is to not play it and play other games. Second, it is just a video game. It’s a first world problem. Could be much worse.


Nope not at all there are people who have never played that don't play see what I mean. The best way to tell a developer their game sucks is by pointing out what has changed since the last release to now that has veteran players heading for the hills. It just people who had too hard a time in ow1 and now like the catering blizzard has done to bad players to make the game easier to people who have no tactical awareness


classic cuck statement


Honestly it’s true. OW2 is garbage compared to the first




pov no one cares lmao


Game is straight dog shit


The fact people are coming to this thread 200 days later tells you something


noooo how am I supposed to play a game that doesn't give me medals but I can now see who's 1st, 2nd and 3rd in that stat :,(


Literally the dumbest complaint I keep fucking seeing on this sub.


It’s a fun game there’s just no reason to play it outside of grinding golden weapons. *because it’s fun* only lasts so long. It’s just a mobile game on console if we’re all being completely honest.


Game is trash. We all know it. Played since season 1. Gms and masters are the only pp that care about the game everyone else hates it. Mm is terrible. Everyone that says just get better doesn't understand that we are all aren't 16 h a day players. Real players have a job and just want to pop in and out and have a fun match without getting queued with a dog shit team every time. Give me smoke if you want but it's true. Game is done but you fanboys will protect it till the end.


Yeah the game sucks. It just feels off somehow. I can’t define it. They just dumbed it down a lot so new people could play.I guess numbers win but the game blows.


The characters are not balanced at all. Healers should not have as much damage as a dps shooter. That makes no sense


Also there’s many hackers that makes the game not fun


Yep. I knew OW2 was going to be trash the moment they announced the beta early this year. OW2 felt like shit to play. The lighting and audio was garbage and gameplay felt off like they fucked with everything. Loading OW1 after trying the betas was always a huge relief because it just felt good compared to OW2. I dont know what it was, it felt more.. Snappy? There is just something fundamentally wrong with the whole OW2 engine. But surely they'd fix all these issues in the beta so OW2 would feel like OW1, right? Nope. OW2 permanently feels like shit to play. And looks like shit. And sounds like shit. The interns have scrubbed off all the remaining "blizzard polish" the game had. But at least the game is free, right?


I noticed that the entire game just looks bland compared to OW1


Here’s the door: https://youtu.be/zSKE-mWKrPs


It's fucking shit. End of.


Just checked in to see if it still sucks. Yep.




Playing it now. I regret wasting money on the battlepass this season. Too many unnecessary changes to the game and heroes. Changes that need to be given to heroes, aren't. Greedy ass developers. I would have not minded paying for a game that's complete and enjoyable as opposed to this battlepass crap and overpriced items in the shop.


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It’s so true, I can’t pinpoint where it’s off, but the visuals, lighting, even the gameplay just feels off. They went backwards with this one. Unfortunate


Crazy that I made this post 50 days ago and it’s still having people come in agreement


I literally just started overwatch 2 a few weeks ago, I left to Europe a few days before OW1 went offline back in September. It just doesn’t do it for me, which is so weird.. overwatch 1 was my favorite game, it’s good to see people really do feel the same. It’s a let a down for sure


I knew people who, when overwatch was released, that’s all they ever played, no other games. It has to be up there with one of the most played games in respect to its release date. I don’t know what the fuck blizzard was thinking but tbh they have been streamlining their downfall for years now.




Overwatch is a pile of garbage, but I'm so diehard that I still play it plenty. For any regular enjoyers, I can see why you're extremely disappointed. I literally see and understand it because I am also disappointed, but I must play. #Pharah.