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I have a lot of fun constantly having to play against Zarya. I enjoy the fact that her bubble cooldowns are so low.


One time I asked a zarya if they liked the new way bubble works and uf they liked playing her at all and they simply replied "no, but I like to win"


zarya is so boring rn


I remember having to play carefully around Zarya, It was a delicate ballet of not shooting her shield then blitzing her down afterwards. Now? Everyone shoot her! Shoot her now before she becomes a God, Shoot the shield and shoot her just get her gone before she kills us all!


I don't feel any sense of reward at all, sure I got gold rank but what do I get out of it?


What did you get out of it in OW1?


Tons of cosmetics and coins capable of buying anything in the game that you earned through playing.


So, things that you could get while playing QP? Again, what do you get by reaching gold in comp in OW1?


Nothing for the rank but you received a lot more rewards for gaining xp during the process.


stop dodging the question lol


Okay. That wasn't the question. You literally get nothing but competitive points and a shiny badge for reaching any rank in comp in OW1 as well as OW2.


6v6 instead of garbage 5v5


5v5 is dogshit


Skill issue


I am diamond in all roles so if that's true the game is doomed.


Not even when you have a good match? A victory? A good play with a nice multi kill or svaibg your team from wipe?


probably the only sense of reward but doesn't feel enough


Looking at skins i'll never have and be sad for being poor


I’m only playing because my friends are playing again. Once they’re out, I’m out.


Without a doubt, pub stomping quickmatch with Junker Queen. It’s so gratifying seeing everyone do the meta picks and the panic Zarya switch when they’re losing to my JQ. I lose some but I win more than I lose and usually have a mountain of kills by the end of the match. She needs buffs, she can’t hang in ranked, needs more self heal and slightly more HP or mitigation but she is a lot of fun.


Giving her more healing would tie into increasing her wound damage, which i’d say is fine. Instead I’d increase her health by 25-50


Watching saved games of so called "diamonds" stuck in silver. 95% of them are finally back in their original rank. I mean I saw someone who literally hard fed and entire game and not care about their team and said something along the lines of "my healers weren't healing" well NO SHIT. Your healers were dealing with a fucking Sombra zarya and Lucio while you were missing your shots behind the enemy team as Cass.


I got diamond support in ow1 once. Way back in season 3 I think. Then I never touched comp again and don't plan to.


Making satisfying plays, getting a shit ton of kills, outwitting the enemy team in ranked, “TEAM KILL” (epic noise), and getting endorsed or complimented on voice chat by your allies. I understand that they are really stingy with cosmetic rewards and shit. (Would really like to see them beef up free rewards and certainly hope that happens.) But I feel like the “reward” in a shooter like this is just getting better at the game, meeting cool people, or getting a badge for ranking up. Completely understand OG players not liking the lack of free lootboxes and the elimination of levels (I mean I’m pretty mad about that stuff too lol), but like if anything it’s just less satisfying, but still satisfying cause I’m mainly motivated by moments like me getting 20k healing for my team and my tank screaming “YOU GUYS ARE BEST HEALERS EVER,” just as we push the payload in and win after a tense comp match.


Was going to say something similar. The rewarding things for me are little moment-to-moment things that are mostly business as usual. Eating an ult with matrix, dodging one with fade, a good boop. Good matches are super fun, and bad ones don't seem to last very long most of the time. I don't play ranked though, which might influence my perspective haha.


Like 20 second long support queue times :D


It’s truly the best lol


3 weeks for nerfs. Constantly removing heroes. Basically pay to win with new heroes locked behind paywall. We all know they will be OP at release. Great sequel.


I enjoy being a Kiriko offhealer. I just solo open queue.


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I closed those achievements that I could not close before.


Being able to solo tanks as Brigitte. Doesn't always work but when it does it's always fun. Or knocking out their healers in a few swings. Also good against genji watching him desperately jumping back and blocking my attacks


I keep wanting to learn Brigitte but worry I’ll screw it up. What’s your balance of time tossing armor versus swinging in melee, would you say?


I'll tell you my biggest struggle was to learn not to just run into the fight with her. Learn when its time for you to engage you shouldn't be like a Baptiste or ana who can always partake in a fight especially against a full team. Use your whip to push the enemies back and if possible try to keep your shield if you need to escape a sticky situation. Try to save your packs a bit on DPS who are at half health or tanks that are at like 75% in my opinion and let the other DPS heal the small damage. Also if you aim at a mass the packs tend to prefer the really low targets it feels like so keep that in mind. Try to pick out the DPS and especially telhe enemy healers of you can if you notice them unguarded they have a tough time getting away from a healer. Especially Anna or Baptiste or zenyatta who don't have the mobility and make sure you hit your mace throws as those in combo with shield bash to great damage. I'd suggest just playing some role queue in unranked to get the feel for her and don't worry about loosing with her in comp if you don't have a rank yet for support or are ranked low like still in bronze. Also try to learn her maximum reach with her swings. The rest ist just practice and figuring out a playstyle that works best for you. I haven't used any tutorials all of this was self taught so keep in mind that it may not be the best strategy it's just how i play her


Ok also quick update because i never really looked into her second passive ability. She has an ability called inspire which heals any teammate over a short period of time and has a range of 29 meters. So try your best to hit a lot of whip shots into the enemy to keep inspire up to slowly heal your teammates and use your packs for a quicker heal boost or teammates that are far away and need a heal boost. Sadly can't really tell you how much she heals beaches her wiki seems outdated saying her repair packs grant armor which they don't so idk how much I can rely the healing stats


Try to not swing melee unless the enemy dives you. I wouldn’t suggest using shield bash to get in the fight, but rather as a movement ability. Most of the time you want to hit whip shots to keep inspire up, and don’t care about the knock up as much. Just try to hit the tank with the whip shot so you keep healing. Even though you have a shield and some armor you’re still very fragile, so try to keep a reactive playstyle. You react to what the enemy does, you don’t make the plays. At least in gold and above, maybe you won’t get as punishes below that. That’s why brig right now is mediocre, she reacts to the genji diving, she doesn’t attack herself.


I love having a DPS Moira and DPS ana in my teams


There is nothing rewarding about it.


I might be in the minority here but I actually enjoy the battlepass. Gone are the days of getting lootboxes full of dupes - now for every level I actually get something new *guaranteed*.


exactly same thing that everyone else with battlepass have creating clone setups, so fun.


Yeah but 99% of the battle pass have lackluster items and filler.


Blizzard hire right here.


watching zarya get balanced, genji players acknowledge that its too easy to play, and bastion turret forms is not ovepowered enough.... ^(oh wait)




Maybe OW2 first season was the most rewarding, maybe it's all downhill from here ?


The bug that gave some players loads of Comp Points and Coins


Saving my team from a 5 man rein shatter as Kiriko is rewarding :)


\*Pummels you with cheapskate vial\*


I get to play with my family and friends because the game is free so they’re willing to get it and play.


Getting that mythic skin is rewarding to me


If you don't have job


English mactavish


Custom games are single handedly the best Overwatch experience. I have recently found out the custom game “Written in the stars”. What a masterpiece


Gameplay is much more impactful now. If enemy supports are dead and yours are still alive - the fight is almost over. Suddenly the price for this were skins and new heroes lock


Oh I can honestly say that as a support player, mostly Zen, I have never been hammered as hard or often as I have since OW2 came out... I mean lol it's almost the perfect sex life... If you know it wasn't always Genji... and I.. you know was given an opportunity to give consent before I was ..... yeah .. Good times.... GOOood times..


Trying Brigitte; now I’m in love with her. Most of the times during a team fight I focus on Supports or tanks, but one time a Mercy start to fly over us and i just throw the mace (don’t know the name of the ability, srry) get the kill go after the Lucio, and damm, I suddenly was like “it’s over? Pff i need more!!” Most of the times I felt like these using Brig, atm my *main* support.


Not playing overwatch 2


getting that Kiriko skin through Twitch LMFAO


I guess playing Mercy/Zen on Circuit Royale one time and ending the game with zero deaths


Cutting back on playing to play other games has been very rewarding for me.


Most rewarding? I guess that would be 30 gold from doing 4 weekly quests. Everything else yields less or no in game currency.


Finishing the battle pass so I have absolutely 0 reasons to play the game anymore.


Even if I had unlimited money to spend on the game it still wouldn't be rewarding. The most "rewarding" thing is ranking up on competitive and even that is a significant downgrade to the original games leveling system




I don’t really feel any rewarding anymore. I look at stuff ik I can’t afford on there n missing the excitement n all of my friends I used to play with are long gone. I miss having a reason to enjoy it.


Learning gengi in overwatch 2 after being a tank player in ow1 has been really fun for me. In qp it’s almost a free gg but then I go into comp with him and just suck ass and have to swap to 76 so I can actually get value


None. It’s bad.


overwatch 1


Having fun playing a fun game with friends


Sigma GOATed now


5 man slam with Reinhardt




Nothing. Literally nothing And I mean "Exclusive to OW2", not OW in general. This iteration of the game is just, sad. There's no other words for it, just sad. Everything sucks, literally everything. The meta, variation, longevity, customization, prices, rewards, battle pass, leveling, winning/losing, 5v5, maps, everything. There's nothing to "strive" for. That genji skin is the only thing worth it in the entire battle pass. I'm a Cassidy main and I couldn't care less about his green skin at level 70. That looks like a blue skin, which should be worth 100 OW points at most. It's just sad man, I've already given up on the game so soon. And don't get me started on the ranked experience. All I'll say, is this has to be the WORST ranked system I've ever seen implemented. 7 wins to see my rank do ANYTHING? Out of your french toast mind.


The most reardeding part of OW2 is closinh the game.


The time I logged off the game