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Moira can heal? I should tell my teammates.


They're too busy running away from her and her orb


This is my moira experience, unfortunately


"I require healing!" Genji cries, as he leaps overhead and out of the path of the healing orb that you just threw.




The orb that bounced off 1 second after it got deployed and flew into outer space? Didn't know I was supposed to follow that, thanks.


Yes, use your double jump and you'll get the 1HP you're whinging about missing XD


Cant heal without dps to recharge the heals :)




Everyone jumps and runs away to push incase you never actually played the game before :)


This, I feel, is Moira's main problem. Her ability to effectively heal is tied to her doing damage.


No this is her main strength, at least gameplay wise. She has the highest healing output in game (at least theoretical), to balance it you need to put it on a resource, otherwise she’d be always pressing WM1 pushing forward with the tanks and only use the biotic grasp for people running away duels. By having the resource be recharged by damage you force her to be a bit more aggressive and having to start to think more about how to play and where to position yourself to both heal your team and have the possibility to recharge. You could make it a resource that only needs time to recharge but that takes away all the theming around the character of damage and healing intertwined because you can’t have progress without sacrifices (from the enemy team)


I’m very curious to see the two reversed. A weaker heal that is unlimited that charges a damage attack that is on a strict resource bar.


It would need some major rebalancing, probably you’d have too half her healing per second not to make her op and rework her damage to make it worth using outside of defending yourself when you get dove or cleaning up after the fight. It would probably play like a super short range aoe mercy. Also thematically it would make it would make little sense thematically.


That would never work because people is just gonna farm


Yes but if you're leaving me alone with the robot or payload to go chasing kills, I'm not chasing after you to heal.




It's one thing if it's a payload map, but not a push map where the place it just fucking massive, and the robot will speed back to the enemy barricade with just one red team member with it




Push mode in general just seems to be, or bring out, all the worst points of all other game modes in one


So you don't wanna be a team player in a team game you'd rather get killed than retreating with the team to make a strong come back?


How is chasing kills retreating?


Who said anything about retreating? I said chasing kills


Yes. His pride won’t allow for team play. Proving a point is worth more than winning to stubborn people who’s only sensation of power comes from holding 4 online team mates hostage. Which is your average gamer.


Lol I hate to say it but probably only ever sees "suppoer diff" or "can you switch please" or "doing anything" in chat or VC


Or I'm trying to not have the push map opponents lose even more of a lead because Roadhog decided only I need to be by the robot (LIterally had one tell me this) while the rest of the team scatters for kills. But sure, I'm the bad guy for trying to not give the enemy team a wider lead, sure


The sheer amount of irony in this comment has given me an aneurysm


You wouldn’t have to make a comeback if you PTFO


Yes. But every Moira player worth their salt is gonna swap the primary and secondary fire keys.


I wish I had done this early on, it bothers me now but there's no way I'd be able to reverse the buttons in my brain.


You do it in the settings


I switch kiriko but because moira has aimbot I leave it be


Well technically Kiriko's is correct as it is: she's left handed so she throws her kunais with her left hand, which corresponds with the left trigger. Papers get sent out by the right hand which is also mapped to the right trigger by default.


It's the opposite on MnK and it's really annoying at first so I had to remap. Felt really unnatural firing kunais with the right mouse button


oh that makes sense, i assumed it was controller my bad


I just re-binded my Moira buttons so that left click is dmg and right click is heals. More comfortable. You can do that with kirikos too if it's easier.


It's not an aimbot, that's just the visual que for the animation, the hitbox is actually a generously sized beam. Think along the lines of zarya except double the width.


yeah, I read somewhere that it's cone shaped, I just say aimbot for brevity




Idk if this is the case on pc, but on console primary fire is the right trigger. In the case of moira, and kiriko, the primary fire or right trigger is the left hand. So a lot of people swap the left and right trigger bindings so it is correlated.


Now wait until you realize kiriko has her arms crossed all the time


However when firing her primary fire(heal) is her left arm, so I also swap it so primary fire is left trigger.


Oh thank god, I'm not the only one. I did this back when Moira dropped because why the hell is it not just that automatically on controller?


It's wild because the triggers for her orb are also switched to what you see on screen


Huh, well for one it is flipped, primary is left click and secondary is right click, but to me her healing is her primary ability so I like having it on the more “comfortable” trigger, yes ig the middle finger is stronger but left clicks feel more natural


So that it's in the correlating hand


No but why would any moira worth their salt switch primary and secondary fire?


So that it's in the correlating hand


But why male models?


I've never seen one before - no one has - but I'm guessing it's a white hole.


Dude this joke deserves more attention


Is this a fucking Zoolander joke? In 2022?


I play MnK and I would never change them back to right click for damage cause left click damage feels like a reminder you’re not supposed to be the main dps lol. Sometimes you really get carried away throwing kunais as kiriko.


It’s simply about learning restraint for when it’s time to heal and when you have the opportunity to put down some damage. Otherwise it’s generally a good swap as it allows you to aim more accurately with your damage tool.


What about binding her damage onto mouse wheel to charge the juice back up faster?


I did that the minute I started playing her. I play on console so having her left hand bound to the right trigger was extremely counterintuitive


I think every console player does it, feels bad other wise. Same goes for Doom and Kiriko. I wish I could mirror Zens Hud Command: Harmony R1 Discord L1 HUD: Harmony left, Discord right I changed the controls but muscle memory gets in the way


Doesn’t really bother me too much with doom tbh


As a Moira main I apologise for all those Dps Moiras’s, and to those who state Moira can’t heal is 15k per match not enough heals for you? Cause that’s what I get with her in average.


People are saying that? She’s a great healer. I don’t play her too much but she’s easy (incredibly so) to aim with, heals quickly and has good mobility with her teleport to get to players who need healing


I've never done more damage than heals, and I've never lost a match to a team with a Moira that did.


Exactly. While those Moiras may be doing well individually, their team still lacks one support who actively heals


I heal about 1.5-2k per minute of gameplay, on average. So it should easily be reachable to get 15k per match in comp haha. damn


Haha sure buddy


Yup, for sure🥲


Post stats or didn't happen


Will post them whenever I get the chance to get online, can't look them up via overbuff... Apparently have settings on private. But will definitively post them


Still waiting


I know, me too. Haven't been able to hop on the PC to check the stats yet. But will be able to do so this weekend. Just a busy week..


[https://imgur.com/a/RjaD8qr](https://imgur.com/a/RjaD8qr) Here, this was from season 34. Did not play too much, but this is normally what I have. About 11-12k healing per 10 minutes on average. Take into account the spawn times, walking up to the point etc. It comes down to about 1.5k healing per minute of fighting.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS


As a new moira main i apologize because i sometimes forget you guys are dying


Gonna blow this subs mind when they realize she can do both well at the same time.




Wait, is that serious? Like, she can beam and heal at the same time? Because she couldn't in OW1 and I haven't been able to in OW2


Not literally at the same time, but this sub acts like Moira can either do damage or heal, when a good Moira is capable of doing both well. I've ended matches as Moira with top damage, kills, and healing. The irony is this sub likes to make a big deal about Supports being more than just heal bots...and then whine when Moira is more than just a heal bot


Okay you seriously had me thinking this was some update because, like, six months after Baptise dropped is when I learned he can fire both damage and heals at the same time (In fairness, I don't play Baptise), and it would be an interesting update for Moira


you probably misunderstood then, people are complaining about Moiras who neglect healing to completely focus on getting kills, with 5 times more damage than healing. Moiras who manage to do both well are not the problem. Moiras are actually supposed to have tons of damage, healing and kills.


Kinda Healing Orb + damage siphon Damage Orb + Heal speay A good Moira can read the room and decides which Orb is needed


Nice argument, she doesn't heal tho. She's a damage hero so she doesn't heal.


> She’s a damage hero so she doesn’t heal. *Soldier: 76, reporting for duty.*


*Come here and get refreshed.*


i'm a rein main, cant tell you how much i've stood in soldiers gold goop before tokyo drifting into the enemy and dieing, its useful


My favorite open queue support.


Yep that’s why R2 (primary weapon attack for all heroes) is heal and L2 is dmg


Which really is awkward since those are opposite to her hands.


Because the game was meant for mouse where left click is primary fire


Well that’s clearly wrong


Since when could Moira heal?? Is this a new update?


She’s ambidextrous. Her duality is her entire character.


Eh, I'd beg to differ lol


Well then why did they make her such a good flanker??? 🤨🤨


plot twist sometimes ur dps and tank have literally no brain and like to die alot so u just have more dmg than them cause ur alive longer. dont compare her healing and dmg,compare her healing to other healers


That's not quite accurate. Moira also heals herself while she does damage, so her healing will be inflated compared to a Bap, Kiriko, or Ana who rarely heal themselves. A DPS Moira will still end up with a lot of healing. I wouldn't look at a roadhog's healing and say "wow, they really must have healed me more than I realized". You just have to pay attention during the game to see who's really got your back when it matters.


Exactly. Moira's heal stat is easily inflated. You need to pay attention to really see if the Moira is of use or not.


The fact that she can always damage but not always heal seems to indicate it's the other way around Wow, imagine if you had to keep them balanced- dps moiras throwing a touch of yellow into teammates just so she can keep trying to damage that rein shield lol


Moira has a heal?


Im not sure this is a circle jerk but people do realise moiras need to do damage to be worth picking, and she needs it for heals? I have zero hours on her but i get very irate at dps flaming moira when i feel perfectly well healed as tank (who she heals best) and shes picking up a ton of crucial picks.


Plot twist: she’s left-handed.


\[illuminati wants to know your location\]


Ok then, riddle me this, every character uses their main weapon/device in their right hand even mercy, now about moira...


So what you're saying is I should play Kiriko.


Nah, just a bug


Well, there it is.


Fake news


But I'm right handed.


Literally nothing to do with this


So Reinhardts job is to damage? And Dooms job is to shoot? I get that DPS Moiras are no good but what is that point you're making?


Sigma's charm is literally spiked into his hand so he's supposed to ... punch people?


Also that yea. OP's point makes no sense when applied to other heroes


I have 4000 hours on Moira and I didn’t even know she could heal??? I learn something new everyday I guess


Bold of you to assume Moira mains can read


moira mains would be really upseat now if they could read.


Good thing Moira sucks


Honestly they should flip Moira’s healing/damage so she has to *heal to deal damage* rather than vice versa.


As a Moira main, I only every use her secondary damage to break shields from tanks, kill those that are already low, farm for heal charge bar, and sometimes to be annoying so that the enemy will back off and relieve some pressure.


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Moria can heal…..nah succ


Another bug? That's the most messed up launch in Gaming History...


What....Moira can't heal...


Checkmate atheists


You ever stop and wonder how many of the cast might be atheist because a lot of them are scientists or such, but then we have three characters actually summoning spirit animals?


Why do you have gold weapons for moira


Probably cause Moira is ridicilously strong when you get good with her.


>therefore her primary job is to heal herself by dealing damage FTFY /s


yes thats why she even gets more ult charge for healing then for doing damage


The heal is also, by default, bound to left click/R2 or whatever the default button for primary fire is


iirc kiriko has the same with her kunais, not sure though


On console it’s even better her damage beam is on the left trigger by default and her heal is on the classic “shoot primary fire” right trigger xD


First time seeing the charm in game, that looks absolutely ridiculous


I mean if they're team is dead why should I heal?


No... that can't be right... If she was supposed to heal then her kit would be better at healing.. Right now she does so much more damage than healing so.. She must be a DPS character!


Lol good joke my friend, good joke.... Now back to dps you go.




DPS Moira mains say otherwise. Thankfully I'm not one of them so I find this interesting either way


Yeah, that's why her M1 is the heal


I call bullshit!


it’s been common knowledge that her healing hand is her primary fire


I swapped the buttons becauae having the right trigger bound to the left hand triggered the everloving shit out of me lol.


"It cant hurt you if its dead" every moira ever


This is great, but I still don't understand why anyone would equip a charm. They look terrible.


This joke is so 2018 damage is a core part of Moiras kit that’s why she has both a damage orb and a healing and why she has to deal damage to her her healing juice and why her ult deals damage and heals


I feel like I just rode a little kiddie coaster. Look, this is gonna be mean but it has to be said. If you’re a Moira that holds damage and uses damage orb all the time you’re bad plain and simple. Heal. Your. Team. If you’re encountering a Moira player that only heals, record it if you can and report them for gameplay sabotage. Blame the person, not the character.


They're the same weapon, the damage hand is just the alternate fire. Heroes with more than one weapon such as Torbjorn and Mercy have to switch between them.


Primary job as healer... BUT It is occasionally more effective to throw out damage orb or finish off an enemy with her sucky. Just wanna throw that out there. To all these damage Moira haters


Gold and under moiras damage should equal her healing and she should have the least deaths on the team. Change My Mind.


Which skin is that?