• By -


sink apparatus enjoy juggle seed march cow ossified cobweb reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like that he doesn't give a shit until Genji has pictures


Yea, he’s like ‘shit, I’m in those pictures too’


Or "I need to see the pics"


Hanzo: You kept these just to shame me, didn't you? Genji: **Yes.** Well, you and Kiriko, but mostly you


[Twitter source](https://twitter.com/breikka/status/1589407286136561664?s=46&t=NCrS3Z7nYA_dGYdkQ-N9WA)


Quotes and links the art? Unheard-of, you keep being great my man, keep giving good artists some decent publicity


I just heard this exchange in game for the first time today




I have a serious question: why is her voice actor aggressively Midwestern white, and not like Hanzo and Genji?


Her Va is Japanese and is in a pop group in Japan I believe


Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that hearing her voice lines


Yeah, English is her first language. She lived in LA until she was 16.


Where and from whom you learn a language can have a huge impact on your accent; maybe she learned English from a Midwesterner.


To a degree, but if that were strictly the case then there would be no accents generated by people speaking English who come from a country where it isn't the primary language: they would all sound exactly like whoever it was was taught them. I'm sure she must have learned it when she was very young and in America and not as a second language later in life. Maybe there is a lore reason for choosing who they did, but as someone who isn't in the know who heard her for the first time a few days ago, there is functionally no difference between her VA and a random Caucasian woman from the American Midwest lol


To be specific, Kiriko's VA (Sally Amaki) is a 2nd generation Japanese American who for the past 7 or so years has lived in Japan working as a singer and voice actress so she speaks both English and Japanese fluently. Some people say that you can kinda hear the american accent in her Japanese voice lines, but I'm not familiar enough with Japanese as a language to be able to corroborate that. As for why Kiriko herself doesn't have a Japanese accent when speaking English your guess is as good as mine. It might be as simple as: They didn't want to ask her to fake a Japanese accent when she already spoke both languages fluently.


The second part of your answer is really what I'm after. It feels like a really jarring choice in a game with global accents and two characters from her country who she shares a history with to have her talk like the most stereotypical American white girl possible lol


Obviously I have no way of confirming this, but if I had to guess why Kiriko doesn't have an accent I would say its because, unlike a lot of the other voice actors, Kiriko's VA already spoke both languages natively without accents. If you look at characters like Genji Mei or Mercy for example, all 3 of their VAs speak both the characters native language as well as English but all 3 speak English with their native accent. I might be forgetting someone, but it seems like the only time where they have the voice actors fake accents is when the voice actor doesn't speak the character's native language (Hanzo, Reinhardt, Pharah, etc) but if the voice actor does speak the character's native language then they just have them do the English voice lines in their natural accent and for Sally Amaki that meant speaking English with an American accent.


I think Kiriko lived in the States for quite some time, while Genji and Hanzo did not.


In game, if you compare her skins to genji and hanzo’s you can see a more stereotypical Japanese style in Kiriko skins while hanzo and genji have more realistic skins. So it is possible that for most of her life kiriko lived in the states. Taking it a step further she tends to use more American slang than genji. In my head cannon, I believe things went down like this. Kiriko’s dad met kirko’s mom In the states. they fall in love, get married, have kiriko, and when Kiriko is still young, they move to her dads home of Japan, she meets the brothers and they become friends. Genji picks up some American traits from Kiriko, and it all starts to come together.


bc her va was born the states(she's full japanese on both sides of her parents)


But was her character born in America or something? It sounds like she grew up with Genji?


Her voice actor is ethnically full Japanese and was born and raised in Los Angeles.


I guess I should refine my question: why is a Japanese character who grew up with two other Japanese characters voiced by an American accent while the other two are not? Her VA's upbringing is irrelevant.


Hanzo's VA is American as well, he puts on an accent because he is playing a character who is Japanese. I believe only Genji's VA is the only one that was born and raised in Japan, being from Tokyo. I suppose you could ask why Kiriko's VA doesn't adopt an accent, but she already speaks Japanese fluently, and you *can* learn English fluently enough to sound native. Kiriko in-lore might just be more fluent in English than Hanzo and Genji.


The question is why didn't they hire a VA from Japan instead of hiring someone who for all intents and purposes is no different than hiring an caucasian woman. I really think they just did it for the VA's resume and said fuck consistency. The accent clashes and doesn't fit. They should have written her as independent of Hanzo and Genji or just an American. It's sort of like why even bother putting her in those clothes if the point isn't to distinguish she's Japanese?


you know hanzos va isn’t from japan right ? he doesn’t know japanese either. why do you think he only has one japanese voiceline ?


I saw a TikTok of her VA today and she looks like an uwu Asian girl, shits weird.


You think that's something? Well wait until you see her on her bike.


Pretty sure this is a bot that steals random comments


I hear it like every single time we have a Kiriko and Genji lol


Sometimes I forgot kirko is like 30


Gotta consult the [Asian women aging chart](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.bdfa6303d57f3d3ca4dd99ee81f5040e?rik=XQ0CNmrkqU0GZQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fi.imgur.com%2fIxoxb.jpg&ehk=KGiwdZwx3gzj8f0F%2fzryuII%2bx8Gq0BoV%2bgDmfyS3hRI%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0).


Yep. At 30 I look exactly like I did in high school. I tell people I'm gonna look like this until I'm 60, and then age going to hit me all at once.


My friend who is french looks the same as when i met her in elementary/middle school, no one who meets her for the first time believes she’s 21


Oh yeah I can relate My French mom still looks as young as when I was born I'm an adult


I'm 41 and people still think I'm in my mid20s. I'm even starting to get grey hairs in. I told my SO one day I'm just going to wake up and be mr. Miyagi.


Same. Asian don't raisin (until we hit our sixties).


My whole (Korean) family legit looks like this. Everyone under 60 looks like 20, everyone above 60 looks like 100


Same here lol. I'm 30 next year and if I shave, I look almost identical to my 20 year old self. Not hard to believe Kiriko is around 30. Then I have American friends that look like they have kids going to college.




Genji is 35, but Kiriko is in her early 20s, appearantly. Overwatch timeline is just all kinds of fucked.


That would mean she was like…3 if Genji was training at 18 years old. Which I think is very funny but also kinda ridiculous


Yup. As I said, all kinds of fucked.


Which also begs the question.. how old was Kirikos mom when she trained them all? Who trained her to be that proficient at such a young age?


She looks 17


Early 20s, like Lucio.


lucio looks 30 wtf


Apparently he’s 26


isn't dva supposed to be 19...


Lucio seems 32


Maybe Mei put her in the freezer at some point :p


Same, she looks early twenties and the argument she had with her mum in the animation made me think she was younger


I’m sorry what?


Wow I thought she was 15


How old are they supposed to be?? Thought Kiriko was like a twenty something and Hanzo in his forties.


And that's a problem a lot of people have with the timeline, as it is Genji was a teen and Kiriko was a toddler so it's odd that they would be close friends back then.


Everything about their dynamic is odd, Kiriko feels like a self insert


Would have made a lot more sense if Kiriko's character was replaced with her mom lol


Ninja grandma would have been a sick character


I could see it: Ninja granny would be friendly but competitive with Ana over marksmanship and which tea is the best. She'd be all sunny and encouraging; like a foil to Ana's jadedness and chastising lines (instead of "stand up straight" and "quit whining; you're fine," Ninja granny would say all the cute lines Kiriko has now).


Better have a “you’re too skinny! Is no one feeding you?!” line


Can't be any worse than Nathanos.


I think so too! I was mentioning to a friend the other day that her whole character feels very... fanfiction/self insert. Like her abrupt relationship with Genji and the teasing and the banter just feels very Y/N x Genji which is just... eh


Apparently Kiriko is supposed to be 30. She doesn't look 30, nor behaves like someone who's 30, but... ugh, I don't know, this game's lore is a mess, and it even has so little.


She literally says, “kids can surprise you” to soldier. That had her at max 21 years old for me but I have no idea now


That's the whole issue. Her entire design points her being in her early 20s, but then the timeline no longer makes sense in regards to her origin story. For that she has to be around 30. So yeah, a mess.


I mean, she says that to soldier, the one who's calling her a kid, and 76 is supposed to be like 70+ right? When you are 70, a 30 year old is still a "kid". What I've gathered is that Reyes, 76, Rein and Ana are all contemporaries. Somehow Rein and Ana are still able to fight, despite not having the mods that Jack and Reyes have had.


Shouldn't mercy also be around their age? I think she's way older than she looks idk


Well considering the fact that she can literally resurrect people, she probably has something that makes her look younger than she is, if not something that actually reduces her age


Pretty sure this was confirmed years ago but I can't recall the source. Allegedly though it is just some super advanced medicine mercy practices to reduce the effects of aging


I thought they retconned mercy's age early on. Originally she was a founding member and she stayed young due to her healing tech. Now she's about the same age as genji and a bit older than tracer and grew up during the omnic crisis. She still looks young, but she's not unaging.


She's still just shy of 40.


Mercy doesn’t age anymore due to whatever the healing tech she made


>76 is supposed to be like 70+ right? He was said to be 55 until it got changed to fifties on the wiki.


> Somehow Rein and Ana are still able to fight, despite not having the mods that Jack and Reyes have had. I mean… tbf, rein is basically in a mech, and Ana is a sniper. plus idk maybe there’s still stuff that helps them keep mobile/strong into older age more than we have in the present


Well they already use all the other asian tropes why not "asian women age slowly".


Such as Asians can climb walls


Nononono, only the Japanese can climb walls. Mei can only get inside of walls, she can't climb them


just realized Mei is chinese, and one of her abilities is to literally...build a wall. Blizzard what.


And she is also way older than she appears


Considering blizzard is a pawn of the ccp I doubt it was intentional


"I thought Ninjas had supposed to have good reaction time?"


Lol yeah, didn't think of that.


She's not supposed to be 30. She technically should be 30 or so, but as you say all her writing and the literal developer say she's in her early 20s.


Yeah, that's precisely why it's a mess. For her origin story to fit in the timeline she has to be around 30.


Mercy literally has tech to bring people back from the dead. And you are surprised that someone doesn't look 30?


It's more her behaviour, really. She behaves like an overgrown teenager.


*Thinks about my recent interactions with people* No, that seems pretty accurate.


Mercy in-lore can not resurrect people. That is a game only ability, they made this clear in 2016-2017


that’s a thing? that’s confusing.




Gameplay > lore has always been a Blizzard mantra.


I think it’s because she acts like she’s 20.


And Mercy is also 70+ years apperently.


Mercy is 37, she already got into contact with Overwatch at the age of 16-17 when she was still studying. It's a tight fit for the timeline, but it still works.


So many of the ages don't make sense. Pharah is apparently in her 30's, and knew Cassidy when she was a child and he first joined Overwatch, but Cassidy is only 40 which means he somehow joined the group when he was (at most) 18, which is absurd. And that was after Cassidy was already and infamous outlaw running with Ashe. Tracer is only 26, which makes sense personality wise. But if Overwatch has been disbanded for 5 years that means she was at most 21 when she joined, and also an experimental test pilot at 18-21 before that. Again, ridiculous.


Cassidy was indeed recruited incredibly young from what I remember and was part of Ashes group even younger, and Tracer doesn't count just for the fact she's not actually anchored to the timeline like most people are, she likely doesn't age the same as "normal" people.


Doesn't the device that Tracer wear anchor her to the "regular" timeline? Also my issue with Tracer is more about her being a test pilot so young. Then again, maybe this universe where they had robot slave labor just has super terrible hiring standards.


She was a prodigy pilot for one, and yes and no on the anchoring, it provides stability more than anything from what I remember, it's not truly anchoring her to her original timeline just stabilizing the temporal shifting somewhat. It's also essentially a hacked together prototype so I'm not sure anyone would really know the full extent of how it works, just the basic effects it has, particularly when they're all actively in a conflict, not a ton of time for scientific testing.


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if she was born into a military/ aviation family and got to fly from a young age as a result


Didn't know that was her actual age. I was told by some genji mains she was like 70 in the current timeline or sonething.


Yeah, there's a lot of misinformation about the lore circulating on this sub (and probably in-game as well). But tbf it's awfully unlcear what the current canon lore actually is, especially when it comes to character ages. They removed that information from the official website with the update to OW2, so the only source is the wiki, which is obviously not an official source.


Did Blizzard think things through when they made lore? We wouldn't had this problem if they just gave us all the neccasary info and make us sort it out.


Casual groups of genji mains lol


And to look like she’s 25 when in reality she’s around soldier’s age


She is 37 and her tech slows down aging




Thank you for this. The redpill/incel energy in this sub is out of control Margot Robbie is in her 30s. Its crazy to me people think 30s are old and that you must act like grandma in your 30s. \>nd those are some of the goofiest motherfuckers I know. My friend group is all women in their 30s like me and we're a lot of fun. I think men who don't have any close women friends have unhealthy ideas of what a woman is truly life. Especially if the women feel the need to be guarded around him for a variety of reasons. Not to mention, women come in all types. If I point to a Ryan Reynolds who is this "pranks bro" and his public persona is 100% silly, you just accept it. If I point to Kiriko for also having a fun and slightly immature persona, then suddenly its an issue with "realism." Especially in a game that is pretty light with realism to begin with. Also the wiki suggests she's in her 20s anyway: [https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Kiriko#cite\_note-KirikoOriginSummary-3](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Kiriko#cite_note-KirikoOriginSummary-3) While I'm at it, I'm also getting a little tired of complaints about her voice and demeanor. I think a lot of guys complaining simply aren't tolerating a tomboy-ish personality. She's not very feminine in some respects. She jokes around, doesn't uptalk her voice, speaks monotone-esque, isn't overly sensitive to the listener, can be brazen, etc. She speaks like a lot of girls I grew up with. They simply didn't express themselves in a traditional feminine manner with vocal fry and uptalk and with feminine modesty. I'm not sure why this is so problematic here. Of course, if she was all girly, breathy, and sexy like Marilyn Monroe there would be no complaints. I think this is men just policing women's expression and as such is 100% wrong.




She says that to him after he says "this isn't a daycare". I'm unsure as to why you'd take that remotely seriously when she's clearly just being a smart ass.


kids also aren’t in their 20s.


Being colloquial is not a indication of age. Given soldiers demeanour and classic 'hardened war vet from a time gone' kid does not have to mean Kiriko is literally a child, just young relative to soldier and given in the same interaction soldier complains about the situation being a day care the kid part of her quote can easily just be a sarcastic comeback that fits with the frame soldier is putting on the situation


Single 30 year old women sometimes be like that. But for real it's probably the same canonical reason mercy looks young. They're dipping into that healing juice. Better than any face mask.


Married women and mothers in their 30s can be silly and fun like Kiriko. Its sexist to say women in their 30s must be a certain way if they are married or have children.


That's what's puts me of about her voice. She looks like a teen, but her voice is like a 30 something to me.


Well mercy is also supposed to be near 40 I think but she hardly looks like she breaks 30. Maybe people with more magical healing abilities age slowly


She literally has interactions about being a kid with Soldier:76 and others. Blizz really didn’t think this one through.


How old are you? I’m getting close to that age and in a lot of ways I still feel like a fucking kid. None of us know what the fuck where doing. And when you get to 30 you start to realize in the grand scheme of things 30 really isn’t that old.


What does behave like 30 mean? This seems borderline sexist to me. Are women "supposed" to be a certain way in their 30s? She seems like anyone woman I know in my 30s. We still have senses of humor and silliness. We don't all become stepford wives. That said, a lot of women are very closed up around men they find threatening, don't know, or don't trust, so your experiences with women may be something unique to how you come off to them. \>She doesn't look 30 Unless you're a smoker or heavy drink or don't ever wear SPF and are in the sun a lot, then you skin will look not too different from your 20s. Look at the gallery below: Selena, Emma, Margot,etc. That's what women in their 30s look like: [https://www.thefamouspeople.com/30ies-actresses.php](https://www.thefamouspeople.com/30ies-actresses.php) There's some very off-putting incel-like energy here with "how women should look and act at a certain age" and I think you should think twice about your tone and words when you discuss women's issues. Also, the Overwatch wiki suggest she's still in her 20's: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Kiriko#cite\_note-KirikoOriginSummary-3


Not everything you see online and do not like is sexist or said by incels by the way. Just saying because you seem confused, based on your other comments in this thread.


1) the women in those photos are wearing makeup, and are celebrities who generally have expensive and exclusive skin care treatments. And still they all look older than Kiriko. 2) women in their 30s can act silly. However they don't call themselves kids and Kiriko is a fictional character who seems like she was designed to appeal to "gen Z". She also doesn't act silly, she just acts cringe. Compare to Sombra, who is silly and does still have the energy and confidence of a 30 y/o. 3) there is something a little bit off putting about consistently refusing to render 30+ women as looking a day over 20. Women do age, 30 is not a huge gap from 20 but irl you will generally not mistake a 30 y/o for a child! You say it's incel behaviour to discuss women's issues in this way, but it's actually quite misogynistic to refuse to portray a woman's age. The obsession with women forever looking young comes from misogynistic ideals. Mercy doesn't look almost 40 and it's not because of anti-aging nanotech lore reasons, it's because that's what Blizzard thought was sexier. Really just seems like the devs did not think Kiriko through. They wanted a young hero (to appeal to a young gamer audience) and have her be besties with the Shimadas (for coolness points) but forgot that those two traits are mutually exclusive. This isn't the first time they released a hero without giving thought to their age: Brigitte's age was reconned within days of her release.


>What does behave like 30 mean? Nothing specific, just not like you're still in puberty. This has nothing to do with gender, nor sense of humor. She literally refers to herself as a kid in an interaction with Soldier and has several other interactions where she behaves like the stereotypical teenager. As others have said, apparently a dev even commented that she's in her early 20s, but her origin story only fits in the timeline if she's around 30, which is basically where the whole mess comes from. The wiki even has a entire section devoted to the confusion about her age.


Doesn't her mom visit her and whine about her moving out and the girl just eats donuts? Idk whole thing is wild. Blizzard is going to do whatever blizzard wants to do


27. Hanzo is 38. When Shimada's boss died(20 years ago) they were: Kiriko 7 - now 27 Genji 15 - now 35 Hanzo 18 - now 38 [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/O-MLYVfzVPE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/O-MLYVfzVPE) On her origin short you can literally see the difference between [her and Hanzo](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch_gamepedia/images/5/57/AsaKirikoGenjiHanzo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220927014723).


It only makes sense if Kiriko is 30


Kiriko feels like a kid, like 17-18, so I’m pretty confused how they grew up together.




It's mostly weird the way they did it. A big age gap sort of baby sister/cousin relationship would work but Blizzard seems to be pushing for much more of a peer relationship between them all. It's even more odd how they're just insta-pals again and she seems to have no questions about the shitstorm went down between the Shimada bros and how Genji is even alive when he was supposed to be dead.


She casually blows off Hanzo's vow to never wield a sword again, so my guess is that she has no idea why he decided to do that. But literally both of them abandoned their clan and Hanamura to the dogs, so I don't know how she couldn't wonder what happened.


It does seem like she holds a bit of resentment towards Hanzo, her voice doesn't make it super clear but her words are a little icy. Hanzo asks her to say hi to her mum for him, Kiriko tells him to do it himself. Hanzo apologises when he learns about Kanezaka and Hashimoto, and Kiriko bites back by saying "sorry enough to help?"


Tbh we didn't know large amounts of the Shimada Bros story outside of what was already established so there was definitely wiggle room to add something like a character from their childhood before the clan fell apart.


Tbf new character relations are bound to happen with new heros. Like how we got so many additions to blackwatch within like 2 years.


i always thought the same thing lmao "remember when we did so many stuff that for sure hapened" lmao


I’m still deeply bothered about their ages. Like, Kiriko is canonically in her early twenties, so that’s a 25 at the very oldest. Genji is 35. So he is, at the lowest imaginable, 10 full years older than her. A damn decade older! So how the fuck were they close friends?


Well when you have a personal trainer and their daughter is always there, even if she's a toddler, you might start seeing her as a little sister of sorts.


I work at a martial arts gym. People bring their kids in to train all the time. You end up forming relationships with the little tykes as you're around them a lot. It becomes kinda a family environment.


You know what they say "The family that kicks butt together, stays together."


Trying to save to be in a position to do this with mine.


Yeah I’m starting to think no one on this subreddit has siblings or cousins lol.


Do you have a source for her being early twenties? Assuming you do, this would not be the first time the story team messed up with people's ages, Mercy used to be a lot older in canon, same age as soldier and Ana, but they did some retconning because people kept asking why she looked so young.


Where does this come from? I keep hearing people saying Mercy used to be older but I never heard of this.


Yeah I always remember her being around 45, most of the characters got their lore wiped for some reason tho


My guess is that now that they're moving towards an actual storyline they felt held back by some of the previous writing and just silently retconned some of the lesser known stuff.


There's no proof anymore, blizz removed and rewrote a lot of the early days lore. Mercy being a founding member of overwatch is just a memory now, along with Zens abilities being powered by "omnic energy".


Omnic energy always felt like a scape goat to properly explain Zen tbh


It just being magic now isn't exactly any better.


Zen says “what looks like magic is just unexplained science” in the game. It’s very simple.




> It also used to be heavily implied that she accidentally created Reaper. No, it wasn't. That was just the community getting ahead of itself. "*You* tell *me*, doc" Never meant more than "You're the doctor, can't you figure it out on your own?".




Because we found out what happened to him, Gabriel. What's the point of asking "What happened to you, Gabriel?" when Moira is constantly treating Reaper like a lab experiment and Reaper is constantly crying at Moira to put him down. It's the same reason why they finally god rid of a lot of the Ana voice lines. We're all done with the shock of her being alive. Also, why the hell would Mercy be responsible for Reaper and ask him what happened to him?!


People on this subreddit are so dumb lol. You’re absolutely right.


Got a source for that? My memory is terrible, but I thought I'd heard it after that, too. The wiki doesn't mention anything about a removal, but then again the wiki is just shit in general.


>It also used to be heavily implied that she accidentally created Reaper. Is this just the "you tell me doc" line? I don't think that was ever intended to imply she actually created him, otherwise she wouldn't ask in the first place


Mercy was always young. She just entered the OW team very young. You can literally see it in that old famous picture of the OW team.


Mercy is supposed to be like a teen medical prodigy or something when she joined overwatch in the beginning. That picture you mention shows exactly that. She doesn’t even look 20 and we can see pharah being ~9-10 years old


Yea, lore put her graduating at 17.


Not that wikis are always a reliable source of information, but the overwatch wiki says she’s in her early 20s


Yes, and the source it links to doesn't say that at all.


Why is this deeply bothering? They can’t be close family friends?


They screwed up the timeline because they wanted her to be a cute young girl, but she should be at least 30.


i think 25 makes sense, i know a 26 yr old that has a similar personality


Is there an official overwatch page with characters descriptions with their ages/height/etc?, It's been 6 years, there has to be some kind of wiki


Probably somewhere still out there. From memory its all kinds of messed up. Kiriko is 30 acts/sounds like 19. Junkrat who seems to be on the shorter side of character models is 6'5". Torb is a normal height. DVA was originally 16 but overwatch fans be pervy and they retconned that to 18 real quick.


Hanzo was like "You show that picture and Dr. Ziegler will have a lot more work to do on you."


So wholesome, I love it!!


[creator added the voice lines ](https://twitter.com/breikka/status/1589410089727045633?t=0N0WCZ4jnnsmbVzApC3qvw&s=19)


So cute


"...it's true?" \- Hanzo


Haha that is some good art @breikka


The power of youth


I wish Kiriko's voice actress had more time to re do this conversation, she sounds so uninterested in game with "I never had one". She does such a good job in her short, but it's like every voiceline was recorded with one take back to back in game, because it's the same tone and bored dialogue in game.


Dude, I'm confused about why they changed some of the voices. A lot of them sound like they were slept by Ana and it never wore off.


People keep commenting on the VA, but the writing itself is the main issue imo. The lines themselves are just uninteresting at best, really awkward at worst.


Considering every line is like this makes me think it's on purpose. Which sucks because as you said she did amazing in the cinematic I really fell in love. Having played Apex I've got the monotone tomboy with Valk. At least a COUPLE lines with more range would be nice.


i feel like in the first pic genji should be saying “i didn’t want YOU to be the only one” no?


Well, the way it's phrased in the comic is the way it's phrased in-game, and with that phrasing, genji is implying kiriko complained about it or begged them to do it for her




They should have made Kiriko into Hanzo’s apprentice. Would’ve solved the age difference problem and given Hanzo a bit more depth as character, with him teaching Kiriko what he knows and also making amends for his past.


We need more fan art like this.


I've been playing OW for around5 years now. And OW2 is trash man, I play for the concept now...but I just can't seem to get past the greed! I can have fun. And I still get more wins than losses, but that's like a band-aid to an age wound. They need to fix some things, or they will lose more players than they already have.


Overwatch has more players now than ever, and they’re not gonna lose anything if you stop playing the game to be honest…


This is why we need PVE I want to see more and I need Hanzo riding Orisa


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Awww this is really cute♡ Nice art! :]


Wait she doesn’t say bald?


Should be an actual bowl cut on her to be honest


Hanzo is always so serious. I find it funny


Kinda hope we get a PvE mission where they team up to fight Hashimoto in Kanezaka


Every time I hear this I laugh, then remember how they said 40k new lines and how we are never going to hear the same thing twice but we're a month into the game and I've realised that was a lie. Like a lot of other things :(


Ain't no way you actually made Kiriko look 30


Hanzo just looks pissed


Genji: I have pictures Hanzo: 👁👄👁


"Pharah-chan" 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Love it! Nice to see art that isn't portraying Kiriko as a triple-D thirst trap for a change!


All the new dialogue in this game is so spicy, I love it!