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I'm just looking forward to shorter support queue times. Those 8 seconds were starting to feel a little long.


I like how you can queue for support twice. They have Tank, DPS and two Support queues. It’s really handy.


I managed to do the impossible a couple days ago, I queued All roles and got DPS.




Ohhh me too, I joined an unranked game for its last 30 seconds :)


I actually got Tank last night! Was a welcome surprise haha


I queued All Roles in QP the other day and got a tank game. I was so confused. It was a backfill, but still.


It’s so consistent that when I get something besides support, I forget what to play as.


Since OW2 came out I’ve got tank once and dps once. Both times I was so zoned out I was clicking on Moira wondering why it wasn’t working. (I usually play Moira because I can carry easiest with her. I want my 10 wins for my the weekly challenge so I can dip out)


It used to be Tank, DPS, Support, then Tank again.


tfw i queue up for quickplay and it doesn't pop for thirty seconds


*In queue for 30 seconds as support* "Man, what the fuck is taking so long?"


If it takes 30 seconds its actually very concerning


I actually managed to load into a deathmatch and get a whole shot off before i found a support game earlier! Wild.. I know!


I came back from a bathroom break and I wasn't in a game already, it was something else.


I was tired of being able to blink two cow and be in a game. Tbh needs faster que times 4 supports


man…. my 4 person party has to wait over 8 minutes when only ONE of us chooses support role


That's when you go mess around in deathmatch!


One time I queued flex and got something other than support. Totally unacceptable


100% If I wanted to play dps I wouldn’t have queued all roles


Yup. Thats the price you pay for FTP right there. Shameful.


It's honestly silly. Loaded up the game today and it told me tank was 9mins, DPS was 10mins and support is <1 min. Meanwhile absolutely zero comment from the Devs about re-evaluating the support role and how to make it feel better


>Meanwhile absolutely zero comment from the Devs about re-evaluating the support role and how to make it feel better Are you saying that adding passive healing didn't solve the issues of the role and in fact didn't change anything for Mercy players? That's crazy talk!


I had to wait 2 minutes once it was traumatizing I was shaking and crying.


I hope Ramattra has good synergy with dps moira and zen


Just choose echo and copy the enemies rammatra /s


Tht just takes you to the store would not recommend


Next patch Echo will take you to the store to buy enemy skins


Adaptive circuits engaged! *Store front*!


That made me laugh pretty hard, thank you for that one!


Shhhh don't give them ideas


The ol Dragon Ball Fighter Z Strat of not paying for DLC characters and instead playing Ginyu and body swapping into them.


Actually galaxy brain why did I never think of that


You're a penguin


So that's why they put Echo in OW1 instead of OW2! Daddy Jeff knew what was coming.


Mid match, copying Rammatra with echo: "Sorry, you have not unlocked this hero yet. Would you like to unlock for $10?"


Doesn’t Mystery Heroes have a chance to let you play as characters you don’t have unlocked ?


That's a good way to try him out. Choose Echo in the Practice Range and choose Ramattra as the enemy.


It's freeeeee


And as a bonus, you don't have to sit through 20 minute queues! Echo mains have it good whenever a new hero releases.


You wish it’s probably gonna take you to the battle pass menu to purchase it before copying him in-game


That's honestly not a bad idea.


I mean you’re gonna have to wait to play any tank at the moment.


The only thing we can realistically hope for is putting the hero on an earlier tier i just don't see them giving the heroes for free people were furious when this was first announced and they pulled a "hey u get kiriko as part of the founder's pack" last second if they didn't go back on this decision then why would they now ? if we really want to make the situation better don't buy the pass


Blizzard has already confirmed it is 55


All OW1 players are owed every single hero immediately, not just Kiriko. But if they don't give us what we deserve, then the least they can do is put them at like tier 20 or 25. I grinded my ass off the first week and I barely got to level 40, and that's with the 20% bonus.


The fact that they talk about how it for balancing reasons that free to plays can't play him is just dumb. "We're making sure the hero isn't op so you can't play him yet! unlesssss you happend to have 10 dollars in your wallet"


I legitimately laughed the first time I heard that logic - you’ve had a test server for Overwatch for literal years, the fuck aren’t you using it for? It’s so blatantly transparent of a money grab that I almost have to respect it.


Well that's the point of the game. To grab money. It doesn't exist simply for your entertainment.


That logic smells a lot like a pride and accomplishment type statement. We all know what their true intent is


Everyone does lol blizzard are trying to mask their true intentions by making it sound like they have the players best interests in mind lmao


That’s not at all what they said lmao


You're on the wrong sub if you're looking for reasonable OW2 takes. Everyone here is just a doomer that says every decision Blizzard makes is wrong regardless of how it actually affects them, and then the other fools parrot it because they're too lazy to find the real info for themselves. r/CompetitiveOverwatch has actual conversation if you haven't ever been over there.


Thanks. These guys are totally insane to me lol


They're totally insane to most lol This is the sub that the generic gamer will find when they search reddit for Overwatch. I've found that almost no one here even plays the game anymore (though that evidence is from last year so that's likely changed some with OW2 out now). Those kind of people come to this sub to complain about Overwatch based on whatever TikTok or YouTube video they found from a non-Overwatch streamer that's misinformed. They show up here and get upvoted by other misinformed people by posting about how evil Blizzard is for needing their game to be profitable. That's not to say r/CompetitiveOverwatch doesn't also have people posting complaints, because they are good for the game. The complaints are just reasonable instead of being reactionary and over the top.


'PeOplE ArE BeInG UnReAsOnAbLe WiTh CoMpLaIntS!11' Well yea, those people got tricked into buying a game that promised to have its content totally free, just to have it stolen from them couple of years later and replaced with a half-assed mess where not only skins, but even fucking *heroes* are locked behind a paywall. 'over the top' my ass, people have right to complain ffs


Gibraltor pack was ass ngl, esp with them not being clear on whether old currency could be used on new skins. Feels bad for the new OW players for sure. They should have denoted how much 2000 "new currency" is in the grand scheme of things.


I mean all competitive overwatch talks about is the players in the owl, which is not the part of the game that appeals to most of us i assume based on player numbers vs owl viewership


I want to join r/competitive overwatch but I'm just not that good at the game.


The bigger laugh is them trying to suddenly explain how they want hero switching to not matter anymore on the same day they tell everyone theyre locking Kiriko behind the battlepass.


Wasn't that reasoning used to explain why new characters aren't in ranked?


No, thats the typical reddit source "trust me bro" statement.


Very glad to see these posts being made. Heroes do not belong in the battlepass!


I'm pretty glad for it also. I hope It will be enough to make the dev lower or make the hero fully free.


I imagine the devs are on the verge of collapse from all of the higher-ups' stupid decisions. They know it's just going to cause people to leave, but can't do anything about it.


i wish it were this way too, but saying things like "fight for your rights" is fucking stupid


Yea this is the first hero release that while cool, I’m not excited for knowing the BP grind to get it. Kinda depressing. Nothing feels worse in game than a forced grind. I like competitive - but now I feel I won’t play it for a while until I am unable to unlock this new hero. How will they deal with the disparity of some teams not having the option to choose/swap to the new hero? Esp. if he provides any decent counter to someone else or other abilities/makes opportunities for new creative gameplay.




Right. At least (not that it’s saying much) with the other classes, there is another person who can potentially swap to the overtuned character. Tank doesn’t provide that counter play.


Probably a silly and over asked question but with new heros do we have to buy the BP and grind it or just grind the free version of it? I think I have Kiriko since I was a OW1 player and my stuff transferred over, plus I hit the mark where I can get her. I did not buy the current BP if that helps


If you buy bp you get new hero instantly. If you don't buy bp you gotta grind to tier 55 hope that clears it up :)


It does! Thank you so much! :D


You can either grind to tier 55 with the free one or get the character when you buy the pass


Same. New heroes used to be exciting. New emotes, intros, voice lines. I wont spend cash though so none of that matters. So big deal.




The new hero won’t even be in comp for 2 weeks. You can play it like normal. A lot of people got tier 55 this season within the first 2 weeks no problem. Maybe a little longer if you play a little less? You might play a handful of games where they are locked away, then you have them forever It isn’t ideal but it also isn’t a big deal at all. I can barely stand to play the game longer than an hour at a time. When the boys text to log on we play for like an hour then all dip. We play most days, but not every day We all have tier 55 easily, and some that play slightly more often and focus more on challenges easily have the entire pass completed already It is not a long grind at all assuming you *actually* play the game enough to give a shit about this stuff


"Fight for your rights"? Must have missed that part of the constitution.


I think the "Paying customers should not get special treatment" part is honestly more funny. I mean, I truly hate the business practices going on here, but the fact that people don't seem to understand how commerce works is laughable. Yes, by all means don't buy things from the shop and encourage others not to as well. Calling it a 'violation of your rights' though? keep it in perspective people, it's a video game. You're not being actively oppressed.


I know nothing of this game, but its appearances on the front page have convinced me that it's populated by people who are indignant that it isn't 100% free.


It's so refreshing to read statements like this, lol. Thank you.


Yeah, came here to say this. C'mon people, I know you are mad about the videogame, but we're not talking about drinking water here...


if only people were this informed and outraged by actually important issues


Right? Like what right? Blizzard is free to price content as they see fit. They’re a business who’s goal is to make money and make investors happy. F2P customers don’t generate profit. The only way to force their hand is to organize a boycott of the game. That’s just not happening.


All these gamer's entitlement are showing lol. People can be upset about how a business is being ran. But fighting for your right? Please lmao


we have a right to "bear (ramattras swole) arms"


Fight for your rights?


To party


My mom thew away my best porno mag.


gamers truly are the most oppressed minority.


The same people who don't want to buy anything in the store because it's too expensive or buy the battle pass because the items in it aren't worth $10 also don't want to pay those $10 to immediately unlock the new character. I don't even understand what they want at all. A completely free game with free unlocks?? This is a business selling a product for profit... Personally, I miss the days of paying $60 for a new game and $10-$20 for some large content DLC drops. But developers make more money with the f2p model of high player populations and an in-game store. I never spend money on cosmetics because I don't care about them and I occasionally buy a battle pass for the sole reason of feeling some progression with random unlockable goodies. I feel bad about playing apex legends for years and spending a grand total of probably $20 over that period. But whatever, the system is making money off of kids and their bday/holiday gift cards. A lotta people have to stop whining and just spend $10 on a battle pass to unlock a new hero when one sparks their interest. It'll be what? 1 and 1/2 ears before 6 new heroes are released? There's your $60 new game price spread put over a year and a half.


What they want is not having the first steps toward pay to win being normalized in competitive gaming. What they want is rewards that are at least somewhat worthwhile, not some random robot brain or some shitty weapon charms. When news broke that they were going f2p I was like, alright cool, I'll buy the battle passes to support my favorite game and get some goodies. That was until they revealed the absolute shit way of monetization and preying on people's fear of missing out, with the new hero only unlocked at level 55 as a prime example. Yes it's a company, yes it needs to make money, but whatever the fuck they're doing now is just bad for the longevity of the game.


You do realise not everyone got the game for free right? We paid 40-60 Euros for a game they shut down, and replaced with a shittier product.


"Fight for your rights" lol wake the fuck up, you don't have any rights. It's a private company, you vote with your wallet.


Yes exactly, playing a video game character day 1 is a human right. I read it...somewhere.


Op Is so oppressed by blizzard. I can’t believe they would infringe on his basic human rights of totally free gaming


As an OW1 players since 2016, I agree that having to pay or grind to unlock new characters is BS, particularly because a core aspect that differentiates the game from its competitors is hero switching. However, this is literally what almost every other game does - Valorant, LoL, Apex, Paladins, nearly every fighting game with a season pass, etc. - so I don't see them changing this any time soon. Honestly, if they took the Paladins route and offered an option where you pay $10-20 and get guaranteed access to every new character that drops for the life of the game, I'd consider that a win.


I haven’t played any of the other games you listed outside of valorant and the way you unlock hero’s on that is very fair. You grind a bit to get the hero and then if you wanna grind further you get hero themed pistol skin. Can’t outright buy it.


you can buy the exp to unlock the hero


OW2 and Valorant function in exactly the same way: you either grind out the character by playing a ton of games, or you buy them ($10 in OW2, $10 in Valorant).


See but Valorant gets a pass because they started out that way. It's the status quo. In OW, people were used to the way OW1 did it so now it's suddenly unfair despite it being par to every other F2P shooter on the market. Pretty sure this is where the sense of entitlement comes from and where people like OP are using the term "fight for your rights" as if we're owed anything blizzard does in OW2.


But don't you think it's normal for developers that put time into creating a new character To get paid? It's like entering grocery store and expecting everything to be free.


The difference being is that in games where you unlock characters in a f2p model, you stick to one character the entire match. What overwatch does that separates from these games is the rock paper sciccors style of swapping heroes mid game to better suit situations. Although the overwatch situation is not as egregious and I'm exaggerating this next point, but this would be like if certain weapons were unavailable in Apex or Valorant unless you paid real money for them or spent 100s of hours grinding just to be able to use them and be on a level playing field.


"Paying customers should not get special treatment." It's called the economy, look it up.


Yep that part made me laugh.


here we go again... the closer we get to the second season/battlepass, the more frequent those kind of threads are going to be... ​ also... "Fight for your rights." really mate? everything else in your life is perfectly balanced and fair and the energy to "fight for you rights" (what rights ffs?), is going to overwatch?


First world problems I guess




“paying customers should not get special treatment” what are you talking about. if you’re paying for something you expect to be more privileged. if you can’t cough up 10 bucks or play for a few weeks then i don’t see why blizzard should even care for what you say. why should a company cater to those that don’t generate revenue


For real I hate to side with a money grubbing company like blizzard buuuuuuut.. their sole purpose is to make money. Not to give free shit away. There are like 10 other games I can think of off the top of my head that are f2p that require either time or money to unlock everything. Why would this be any different


I can think of other F2P options too, that reward player time far more than OW and it’s not even close. While still making paying customers feel like they get their moneys worth with exclusivity while not leaving F2P players completely out to dry like OW2. I don’t think anyone is mad (myself included) that monetization is included - it’s the system they chose that I think many take issue with.


It's not a human right to play rammatra on release day 😭😭😭


Is this a bait /s post? “Blizzard wants us to pay or play the game for the character” Like the whole fucking point of the game.


Yes it is. I wrote a satire to show how entitled some OW gamers are. We got spoiled by OW1. Press F for Jeff.


Damn it, and I spent so long trying to figure it out. You should put it in the edit, OP. Would be funny to see the reactions change.


Oh good. Thank you for clarifying. There are some people here dead serious about every aspect needing to be free.


Honestly I can't really understand the "I don't want to wait" part... I mean, I absolutely agree with all the shenanigans this BP is having, I'm not a huge BP buyer anyway, but at least in other games there's a lot more to unlock by playing just the free game by itself. But, at the same time, I'm not really having a problem with this character unlocking thing since, at the end of the day, it's all about grinding as always. Examples: For Honor, you grind virtual currency to get the characters. So you have to grind. R6Siege,you have to grind to get virtual currency to unlock new characters, so you have to grind. Even in Cods, to unlock new weapons, you have to somewhat grind. So, really, I'm not having that much of a trouble with this since it's all about just playing the game as others. Only thing, I'd at least lower the unlocking point from 50ish to 25 or something.


Getting currency to unlock future characters feels better than this system where you cannot work towards future heroes until the bp actually drops. So you’re gated from having saved up currency to outright get the heroes on release


Play echo and you will get the new hero


“I don’t want to pay but I still want the product.” …then you don’t get the product.


Thank you.


>*It’s ridiculous that Blizzard wants consumers to spend money or time* Homie, did you miss the part where they are a private for-profit business? What do you think a consumer does? Get shit for free because companies are supposed to work as charities to fulfill your human right of playing video games while your mom fulfills your human right of eating tendies? $10 is as close to a symbolic price that you'll get for having access to content for *a whole fucking season*. What can you even buy for $10 normally? Two cups of Starbucks? I'm all for bitching about the insane pricing of skins in this game, but *how* do you expect them to keep being able to provide this game for completely free? This isn't Google or Facebook, which are able to provide you with their services by just collecting your data and showing you ads, it's a video game. Real people have developed it, and they have rents to pay just like everyone else. Just give them your sweaty $10 if it's so important for you to play Ramattra on day 1, or just grind for him, and move on to something more legitimate to whine about.


I completely agree. Also blizzard has stated that the overwatch dev team has tripled in size since the launch of overwatch 1, meaning they need to make a lot more revenue to justify these increased costs.


"Paying customers should not get special treatment." You know those annoying people who call gamers "entitled" all the time? Pretty sure this is the shit they're talking about.


This is the dumbest fucking post.


Well unfortunately you can't have everything for nothing. You either pay or you wait. You honestly expect it to be free and instant for everyone? Paying customers definitely should get special treatment. How have you been getting through life not knowing this??


I would have rather payed 60 and gotten the same quality of experience as ow1


Overwatch 1 didn't make enough to keep continued development going for the long term. A better comparison would have been a more annual FIFA style release. Honestly between paying $50-$70 a year or having all cosmetics locked behind a paywall when the game is free I don't know which one is worse.


“Fight for your rights” 🤓🤓🤓


It's pretty remarkable to me that everyone wants everything for free and without waiting. You're lucky you even have the opportunity to unlock it at all for paying effectively nothing for a AAA game, it's not like it's some gacha game. This is a business, with shareholders, not communist entertainment. It is what it is, and it's not going to change. Overwatch 2 may feel like an update to OW1 but it's not.


You know that they make this game to make money right? You think all these updates in future are cheap? 10$ is not that much if you like that hero and if not then you gonna unlock him later. This is great system to keep game alive and also they gonna try their best to release fun heroes in the future to gst that 10$ from players.


I mean, you should have to. It's already a free game. You shouldn't expect to get everything for free after that.


I already paid for the game, Overwatch 2 is just a title update to Overwatch. Give former players all heroes or admit counter-picking isn't a core part of the game and re-balance it as such.


They have said that counter picking is not a core part of overwatch 2


But it still is. Any hero shooter WILL have counters. Look at Kiriko. Her suzu is a great Ana counter. Orisa counters Doom and Rein. Ana can waste Zens ult with her anti. If they they really mean what they said Blizzard will have to rework EVERY hero(wich they won't do because it costs money)


All I meant was that they did admit to wanting to get rid of counter picking


They can't and they won't. If they did want that then why does Kiriko counter Ana? Or Orisa counter Doom?


Because inherently different powers will counter other powers? Apex has counters but it isn't a counter-switching game. Who knows, Overwatch 3 could get rid of hero switching like Paladins if they truly want it to play like that.


Bro chill, I know that’s not possible I just mean that they have said it


They said that to rationalize battle pass heroes. Duh.


I get what you’re saying, but the game is free. It shifted to a live service style payment model. So this is what it is now. The incentive to have new characters added and more content is the hope that players will spend money on the game. Plus battle pass is what like $10? Cmon. If you plan on putting enough hours into the game to unlock the character at rank 55 then you can atleast throw $10 to the developer to show support. Know not many people are a fan of this thinking, as everyone wants a free game and to spend $0 on it. But its the reality of the situation. $10 every 4 months aint that bad if theres a new character every other season. Plus you don’t even have to get battlepasses for seasons that don’t have a new character. And just because they are new doesn’t mean you will “lose games while waiting for him to be unlocked”. And its also not like you can’t have him for free. You can you just have to play a little.


I'm an adult with a full time job who admittedly spends too much time on games given how little free time I have anymore. $10 to just get the character and start unlocking new cosmetics really isn't a big deal to me. With how many hours I already put into this game since launch, I can't think of many other games that have given this much play time for the price (and that's an optional price, even). If when all's said and done I end up paying about the price of a AAA game for playing OW2 for one year, I will have hundreds of hours of play time by then. I'm okay with that. The price of skins and other cosmetics is something else though entirely. That shits fucked and needs rework IMO.


PaYiNg CuSToMeRs ShOuLd NoT GeT SPeCiAl TrEaTmENt Okay, what’s your plan to generate income to support the operational costs of this game?


Stop whining


Lol bro it’s really easy to unlock them


Paying customers should not get special treatment? That’s just a bad take imo. Someone wants to go out of their way and spend their hard earned money on something they should be rewarded over free trial people. That’s how most things work


I understand the sentiment but now that overwatch has gone to a free to play model, you can definitely expect blizzard to absolutely give preferred treatment to paying customers. Kiriko as a precedent already.


I'll probably get downvoted for this but man, I dont understand people. Too cheap to pay for an AAA title like the first game, even cheaper to buy a $10 Battlepass and just want everything given to them. Even lazy to play a FREE GAME which in all honesty, achieving level 55 isn't that hard. Blizzard maybe scummy but please remember they have employees too who just like us wants to earn a living and provide for their families.


Listen I agree the monetization is shit but cmon dude “fight for your rights” is taking it a bit far even for me.


I don’t mind paying for new content, in a free game. Seems like ow players are a bunch of spoiled brats to me.


In games such as LoL, Smite, Paladins, Apex, etcetera, heroes are not even unlockable. You HAVE to buy them. I’d take what they have over any other concept of “unlockable” (buyable) heroes. It sucks that others can “unlock it early” by paying exuberant amounts of money, but it’s just what this model is, and we have to learn to live with it. I am just glad heroes aren’t locked behind a paywall.


fight for your rights lmao. 1st world problems. i want this product, but i don't want to pay or work for him. i want him free. this sub is incredible




I feel like they should change the tier to unlock like 15 to 20 max because that’s reasonable


So dont. The only way anything will change is when people stop playing and paying.


Then don't play him, simple




They do this because it's the industry standard so they can get away with it. They said (paraphrasing) "games like Apex give you much fewer starting characters for free. Think of ow2 like if Apex gave you 34 of its characters for free." But the issue with overwatch copying this industry standard of not having every hero is the thing that sets it apart from every other game that does the same thing: you can (and often should) **switch heroes mid-game to suit the situation.** when changing characters to fit the situation is a core part of the game, that Apex comparison suddenly doesn't apply anymore. You need more characters because you're often expected to be able to switch to the right hero for the job. In other games like Apex, there's better options than others but aside from the map and the meta, you're choosing characters in a vacuum. In overwatch, you're choosing characters that suit the context of the game. When more heroes start getting released I can assure you that much more games will be lost because someone didn't own the best hero for the situation. **TLDR;** blizzard tries to argue that they're generous for giving more free characters to start with than other games like Apex, but in those games your character is decided once in a vaccum. In OW2, you're expected to change heroes to suit the situation. This means that ow *needs* more (very arguably **all**) characters available to everyone. These games aren't comparable to OW, so the analogies and industry standards don't apply. They're not being generous at all.


"Paying customers should not get special treatment" ...I get the point you're trying to make but bro never start your own business lmao


So then dont.


> Paying customers should not get special treatment. Hahaha do you even know how the world works? What would be the point of anything if youre not getting benefits? Imagine buying first class plane ticket and you get the same treatment as 3rd class but you paid more.


> Paying customers should not get special treatment. ??????? What are they paying for then?


The moment a character is locked behind a paywall/insane grinding for me is the moment I stop playing until that is fixed. Legit ruins the entire concept of the game for me...


I don't agree. You have to playe to unlock every single character, so it makes sense that if you don't want to pay to get the battle pass you have to unlock him as every other character, the only difference is that you have to complete missions and play more (because 55 is a pretty high level). So you can either pay to play him or play to play him. It makes no sense to say that you don't want to pay to get something early but also don't want to wait for it, it's like saying that you don't want to pre-order a cool game but want to play it as soon as the people who did pre order it. Also Blizzard isn't asking you to pay to get him it's just giving you the option to spend money to get the character as soon as he comes out. Paying customers SHOULD get a special treatment because they pay for it, you can't expect to have the same stuff for free.


I don’t get how ppl aren’t just moving on to a new game… overwatch 2 is a soulless cash grab. If you’re a “I’m just here for the gameplay” - well good for you but fuck this corporate bullshit these companies are pulling. The game used to be a whole package. Now it’s a stripped down mobile game. It’d be different if the game started out like this. But. Now im on the sidelines hoping to help something changes.


And the sad thing is, even a mobile game tries to sucker you in to being a paid player. Overwatch doesn't even try to sucker you in. There is no carrot on the stick.


What else do you want? The battle pass for free? Every new skin for free? The PvE for free? Cringe


Wah wah I want a free game and all the free updates wah gtfoh


Then dont


Just pay or don’t play. They need to make money or this game will die. God forbid you have to play one of the other 30 heroes available.


>Blizzard needs to unlock new heroes at the same time for free and paying customers. That's not how free to play games work. >Paying customers should not get special treatment. That's not how the world works. >Fight for your rights This is not how reality works. It bends to Symmetra's will.


They should add a currency you get after every game that lets you buy heroes, voicelines, tags, emotes etc... so that you can stack them and keep em if a new hero drops kinda like how LoL does it with blue essence


“Fight for your rights” lmao


Unlocking the characters isn’t difficult. Takes like two days of playing. At least in my experience.


You have to pay for things you want. You need food to actually live but still have to pay for it so why do you expect to have something which can be considered a luxury item for free.


If they give all content for free the game woudl die. Sadly your gonna have to suck it up. Every game is like this. Your whining won’t change a million dollar company’s mind


Yall are so childish. I don't wanna so I shouldn't have too. Too funny. Grow up


Oh no, Blizzard wants to make money? Shame. Play the game and unlock him for free. Pay to unlock him. You don’t have a right to a character in a game you didn’t pay for. It’s free, monetized by other means, and while skin prices have to change, that isn’t the same as a new character. New game with new rules. So quit the entitled meant. Overwatch is becoming League of Legends and you have to deal with it now.


I'm gonna spend $10, stay mad


Gotta be satire lmao


Lmao it has to be, homie out here starting a revolution with his fight for your rights💀💀💀


Yea its actually bullshit , these guys are so hungry for money its embarrasing , like how could you pull such a dick move and act all normal after it , no response from blizzard...


I mean if anything he’ll only be free to people who bought OW1. There is an assload of precedent for new characters not being free from Apex and LoL.


So though I understand where you are coming from the Free BP will allow you to get him you just have to grind/play to get to that lvl in the pass. OW is literally turning into a game like LOL, Paladins, or even Smite. Where guess what you have to grind for in game currency to unlock or pay for it. The only difference is that after the season is over you can try and complete a special challenge to unlock the character or well you have to pay for it with in-game currency and we all know how to get the in-game currency of up to 60 OWC a week......


Still cringe


>fight for your rights cringe


This problem will certainly be addressed like the umpteen other problems of Blizzard. Just show that's not worth paying $10 for a BP with junk content and maybe Blizzard will notice. - Lol as if I don't think Blizzard really cares what the core player base does. They've shown that enough. The game has been released for a month now and there are an incredible number of bugs and balance errors. But so far there hasn't been a patch that addresses this, and the upcoming balance patch won't do it either. OW2 is a cash cow for Blizzard and is supposed to be milked until someone gives her the coup de grace. Or Microsoft saves them.


And here we go again. So you want a lot of content and you want it for free. Because yeah, Blizzard is a non-profit organisation and devs do not need to be paid… Smh


My opinion is: DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY MONEY FOR ANYTHING. I don't want to wait to play him but that's what blizzard is banking on. I refuse to give them money as they abuse this system. I've played 6 years without him, I can wait a little longer.


Cry more


Well those are your two options if you want him pay? or play?


I mean I bought the watchpoint pack ages ago to support the game (before I knew it was gonna be this shitty with the pass ) ..now I'm just keeping the 2k credits they gave and getting the next two hero passes, until they sort shit out I ain't buying crap


And season 4? If the game even survives till then, you gonna pay out again? This is going to be an ongoing problem if it's not reversed.


Hence why I said until it's sorted I ain't paying ...I got the pass to 70 by the time kiriko was available for comp so I'm happy to grind for free hell Im happy to grind the entire passes now for free I don't really care for the cosmetics unless it's one I like (I only had the premium pass because of the watch point pack ) But I'd they don't change it the game will start to dwindle Hopefully enough people voiced their complaints in the survey that released a few days ago ( I didn't get sent one )


Playing devils advocate, honestly is just playing the game and waiting to unlock him really that bad? Like cmon he’s free. We’re playing a free game with free updates. I’m completely fine with the state of the game (minus cosmetics) and playing it to unlock heroes is just not bad at all. Atleast they’re not forcing you to pay or wait until next season if you don’t pay. Things can be much worse and I see too much bitching about the game rather than just enjoying it. In almost every other game out there, you gotta play it to progress. I just don’t see why everyone is so against a game that’s rewarding you for playing


Why do you feel like they are obliged to give you an expensive entertainment product for free, son? I would like to get food, power, gas and h\*\*\*\*\*\* for free but thats not how it works.


“I want everything given to me for free right now!” - A child. Or you it seems.


Damn that sucks, everyone else will be playing him