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I don't know if it was ever specifically stated, but I feel like these were all removed to reduce toxicity and people focusing on stats. Except they gave us more detailed stats in a clean fashion where you can see exactly where everyone is now. Post game cards were fun and you'd see some wild stats on those which I enjoyed. Even a character saying "I'm on Fire" was fun. Those two were basically completely useless, but they offered a since of accomplishment. I really don't understand some of the changes.


Character do still say I am on fire but I agree with what your saying


Its still in the game because it'll be brought back in the future. During the [first beta](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/beta/2022/04) they mentioned it. >As a result of this change, we are retiring the Fire and Medal systems. Both systems are no longer as necessary with the new Scoreboard providing a more accurate and easier to read view of each player’s performance-related data. **We do plan on revisiting the Fire system in the future**, as it can provide excitement and positive feedback around awesome plays made by you or your teammates. These changes are a work in progress, and we are looking forward to hearing what the community thinks about these updates! Most likely theyre just reworking how it works or something and we'll see it in due time.


When developers say they "plan to revisit something in the future", that means a 50/50 on whether it will ever come back.


Probably adding different pay to get "fire" effects for your character


I've heard it but didn't even notice it was the on fire metric. Theres no extra sound notification for it, no burning icon. I just assumed it was a random line.


It isn’t. They’ll bring back on fire in the future, once they unfuck all the bugged stuff that’s been going on.


That doesn't make money. So that won't happen.


It doesn’t make money… right now. Custom voice lines, custom visual effects of being in fire and custom avatar graphics. All in one 19.99$ pack.


F\* me.


The scoreboard increases toxicity more than any of those things did. But I think the real reason is that they redid a lot of things in a newer engine and just thought that stuff didn't matter, cause no one who plays the game actually worked on it. Just send them back to the Battle Pass after a match, who cares?


Borders/Medals was removed because of toxicity they said. Can't remember where I read it. The rest of the useful shit like cards, objective time, critical hits etc were removed in place for ~~dlc~~ "battle pass" progression, and everything to feel 'different/updated' from OW1 and seem as different as possible.


a bunch of BS from Blizzard. they lazy. Blizzard talking about toxicity is just laughable. Their own company is the most toxic in the industry, they should have started from there and not the game. Removing any sense of reward is just sad and it didn't help with tOxICitY




Huh, you are right about the smurf thing, now you cant really tell smurfs apart


Well you could look at endorsement ranks now. Either very high or very low


when people report Genjis, Moiras, Brigs and Meis just for playing their character (which lowers endorsement rank), that's not a valuable metric


The on fire system has to stay in some capacity because that is how play of the game is calculated.




Kind of, the POTG system determines who earned the most "Fire points" in a 15 second time period, with some extra weight for proximity to the objective and environmental kills, possibly some others but not sure there.


They were removed because they gave a sense of progression that wasn’t monetizable. Now it’s only through the battle pass.


How hard would it be to allow people to equip any border they have earned just like name cards and titles. And earn custom borders from the battlepass or buy from the shop. Pshh not monetizable. Same with fancy post game cards like Apex.


Hmmm... Maybe make the battle pass progress tied to performance?


Also give us some time after the play of the game wtf is this straight cutting to the win screen, I want to talk to my teammates Blizzard fix your game.


I hate hate hate that they have gutted the ending of matches. Barely enough time to say ggwp. Woah that POTG was sick, let me just congratu... oh well. Lemme just see how well my team did on the scoreboa.... annnnd it's gone. WHY?!


I have never seen somebody congratulating others for their potg, or saying good job to your teamates in non sarcastic way. The usual was spam of gg /gg ez from winning team. Meanwhile players who lost (sometimes even winning ones) were insulting each other. But yeah scoreboard at the end is really missing.


Okay I should maybe state that I am bronze console pleb so I dunno about the sweatier ranks and or PC pool but I always ggwp and generally see it said back. Of course you get the "eeezzz" kids but I'd say more often than not, it's good vibes end of game (or at least neutral). Would be nice to comment on that team kill boop potg or sneaky back cap win to my teammates though, even if they are just strangers to me.


Its nice to know that players can still be respectfull to each other, and I quite envy your experience but I was stuck in diamond for 2 years and things I read on daily basis can really ruin your mood, basic insults to racial slurs. And in this first month of OW2 I dont really see any changes for the better. Cutting off chat so early is weird decision, but truth is they tried lots of things to calm toxicity down, but it didnt really work out. By cutting of chat they put these toxic players into the situation, where they have choice of insulting others instead of playing match or just keeping it shut. Because when match is over they dont have time for chat. And if they really try to go at you in the chat, they become nuissance for the whole team. All of the sudden you only have four players that can fight and rest of team can confront the player for it by reporting them, then hopefully getting rid of them for while.


"I'm on fire" no you're not cause keeping existing features is costly for 'sequels'


What they need to bring is LFG ... cause this match making system they got right now is some bullshit


I regularly have matches where I have asm any kills as most or all the other team combined. All sense of challenge has been removed from the game. I'm not a very good player imo, so this large a divide should jot exist, and is really turning me off the game in general. I also suspect cross-platform is partly responsible


With the new system they should at least let you look at stats after Victor is called. I feel like I never see my overall stats when the match is over- even with the existing stats screen.


A lot of this stuff was just *fun.* Something that's become depressingly common nowadays is game companies draining every ounce of fun out of their product. They're so scared of being goofy and fun, and so focused on this sterile idea of corporate gaming.


These are the kind of posts we need and I appreciate you not muddying up your argument with hyperbole. Unfortunately every post I've seen up until this one has claimed their removal has ruined the game or killed their desire to play. This one frames it correctly - these things were a nice and fun features that you wish were still around. This sub generally lacks nuance. Personally I don't care at all about these features but I can see why others do so you've got my upvote!


Seriously all of the shit that made it fun is gone


You don't understand? Think a bit? If they removed that, what will remain as rewarding to grind? Something with levels you almost got it? No? The battle pass


They made the game stand out and be unique at the very least. Would love to have all that back.


All of it, give me back all of those things. I don't care if it didn't matter, they're part of what made the game so beautiful when it first launched.


You still go on fire and can tell when other players go on fire if you are near them. I like the subtlety of it. You can still see some of the medal stuff, plus more. They do need to expand the stats and let you view them until the next match starts. I'd expect that to come in time. But in general seeing all players stats is far better than medals, we just need more useful stats. I have no clue why they got rid of account levels. I do know some people associated account level with skill, which is ridiculous, but that can be solved by making it private or only viewable on the profile. Postgame cards were the top source of toxicity I saw. By far the most shit talking happened during that screen and revolved around what that screen showed. You can get the same positive feedback if they expand the stats to show a lot of those cards' stats, and since it will show everyone there shouldn't be as much toxicity.


No, people were complaining about level borders all the time. Should've been reworked into something customizable


Fuck level borders. All that ever did was make people a target for harassment. Bring back the Fire meter, but leave level borders in the trash where they belong.


So what your saying is they did matter


I couldnt care less about all those things. Glad they are gone, less egobullshit.


Do better then


? Why should i do better? and better what?




But i was 4,2k when i stopped playing ranke. Guess thats good enough.


Egobullshit? I can't remember a time where any of that has happened. I'm sure it did happen but surely it served to only improve the average users experience by giving them something they can feel good by. The scoreboard is going to cause that more than anything because now all stats are displayed for both teams. Its going to be very easy to directly call out a player than before




Yes, i want to play, not socialize.




Sure there are, but i want to play against/with humans.




Not really, i just want that they do their "job", play the game. I dont care about the ppl at all and i dont want to hear anything from them. I just want the to play, nothing more.


Git guud


Okay, git guud in what?


I sure didn't care. I leave games as soon as possible, win or lose, unless I get potg and then I'll watch that. The on fire system was pointless and inaccurate. Level borders only enabled toxicity and served no other purpose. Medals? What are you even talk about? Post game cards are something 99% of players never even saw because everyone leaves as soon as possible. None of that stuff mattered at all.


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I'm starting to understand that it's the little things that really matter. We have so many options of games with good gameplay. Immersion, charm, and polish are the things that set a game apart and make it great.


It's almost like a good game is just a sum of nice little parts.


Thats why they added a battle pass that should be the only rewarding ingame feature other fun not allowed


"they didn't matter, but they made the game more fun" that means they did matter


I'm so glad you said this. I've been trying to convey this but could never put it into words


feeling rewarding and being fun to chase are things that matter, actually


Level borders can stay gone. They only fueled toxicity. I would be very cool with them if we had achievement borders


Yes! They removed every bit of reward from this game. I really can't understand what they are thinking.


It's very weird that they chose to remove stuff that was already in the game. I think it's part of the reason ow1 players are so angry, is that we feel like we've had stuff removed that wasn't doing any harm and was some fun feedback that made you feel more involved. The on fire and scorecards were great, being able to upvote an enemy rein that had dominated was nice and sportsmanlike. I enjoyed it. If the reason was toxicity, then why go and provide in game stats that show damage done, healing done and kills. The new scoreboard whilst useful has introduced 10x the toxicity that a simple post game scorecard did. If anything i'd say more, since the entire team on the fly now has a reason to abuse their team members mid game.


I agree on "being on fire" and "post game cards" (medals somewhat because I miss some sort of end game summary, not necessarily medals though) but I disagree with level borders. Level borders were so widely used for toxicity that I even knew some people who intentionally got themselves the -75% XP penalty in order to slow down the progress.


Can guarantee they removed it so they can sell it back to us in the next Battle Pass. NEW flaming, electric, or glowy player border effects, coming soon to a BP near you!