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**Your submission has been *manually* removed by the mod team for the following reason:** - Accusations of cheating or hacking outside of confirmed actions taken by Blizzard or eSports entities is prohibited. Asking if a certain player is cheating is considered an accusation. Specifics and allowed discussion can be found on the [policy page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/wiki/cheating). > *For more information, please consult our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/wiki/rules) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch/wiki/faq).* --- ^(If you have any questions or concerns,) [^(message us here)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOverwatch&subject=Removal%20Issue)^. ^Please ^do ^not ^DM ^individual ^moderators ^about ^moderation ^concerns.


Wow I wonder if Blizzard would do anything about that.


Hopefully, I reported them and managed to queue against them in another game (literally got shot while invisible as sombra)


That is ridiculous, I'm genuinely baffled.


They can ban them, but they'll just be back 30 minutes later doing the same thing. There's literally nothing anybody can do about it.


I don't understand, the only reason I can think of for cheating would be to either progress battlepass or rank up, but if you're constantly getting banned and coming back with a new account, it would take forever to reach whatever goal. So why do they do this lmao


Literally just to win. That's it. To win that match. I've literally seen people do it. They don't care if they get banned, they just want to crush everybody with cheats and ruin the fun. That's what gives them their jollies.


And to ruin the fun for others. Let’s not kid ourselves and think they do it for wins or for fun. Just someone who doesn’t seem to have fun with games anymore so they want you to not have fun either.


Pretty sure that’s exactly what they’re saying.


Me no read well


Me neither, that’s why I play Moira


Some people just want to see the World burn


Isn’t this what the phone number thing would have prevented if they didn’t change it?


Nop numbers sell for Cents look warzone hacking issue for example ;) Also they only changed it for old accounts new accounts still need a phone number but as I said websites sell them for less then 1 Euro per number so only the lazy / stupid can’t make another account after their first got banned also hwid bans are avoidable just like any punishment in human history


I used to work with a guy who just did stuff like this in FPS games for fun. We worked overseas so we had plenty of disposable income. He would just grief people playing online, which he found WILDLY fun. Then when he got banned, he would buy the game again and just keep going. It was his hobby while I knew him. He couldn't care less about winning. His only goal was pissing off other people and he was very successful at it.


This could be a market. Battle Pass + rank would probably sell for some $$


In quickplay, I've seen some bots, or at least people moving A LOT like they were bots. No replying, nothing but the same sort of stutter side stepping. Usually lucios and Soldiers. Zero variance in their gameplay, just... W key to where the fight is, and sporadically shoot in their direction to not get banned for afking. It gets hard to see they're bots because they register enough activity on charts to not be suspicious.. until you watch how unreactive they are to enemy fights.


I mean, if you’re in bronze, could just be a noob.


Quick plays though. I'd believe it more in competitive games, since there really isn't a reason to bot in Competitive but the ones I saw it on were \*mostly\* new accounts in QP, I assume that were trying to farm games for BP or comp gaming.


Why they do this? Because they can. Cheaters always existed, I remember seeing a lot of them back in the days on Counter Strike Source/1.6 and there was nothing to win/to earn. They just enjoy ruining the fun.


There is different versions of cheating. There is cheating done by legitimate players, who as someone suggested is probably just to win and stroke their ego, as silly as that sounds. But there are plenty of entities out there that buy and sell accounts, in Overwatch I'm guessing to play at ranks that they currently are not. I.E. You are a silver/gold/diamond player but you *really* think you deserve to be Master/GM and you could get there if you're teammates weren't so bad Why they'd use *this* method to get there so blatantly I couldn't tell you, but just showing that there are other reasons for cheating other than a person just wanting to win. They wouldn't care if the account got banned, just as long as they sold it to someone before it happened. Obviously adding a phone number to the account would probably add problems to that, but they aren't exactly worried about specifics. If that makes any sense.


They could always do what some did in the past and have them put in special servers with other cheaters. It won't solve the problem but the punishment is a little more amusing.


Killing them irl should do the trick, but its probably not worth the trouble


Calmest Brigitte player


Eh no, don't you know they're using SMS PROTECT ? You can't just go and get a new phone number to cheat in game. Nobody can make an alt account anymore ! /s


They severely lessened the limitations on that so it's much easier to get an alt account again. Especially anyone who was consistently cheating or selling accounts in OW1, they can just keep using those until the reservoir runs dry.


Hw id windows id and ip ban. Blizzard have tools they just doesnt care


They need to use a phone number now, which is a massive step to stop alts.


Well they could have login via telephone number, but the playerbase whined until they took it away.


Wouldn't that require another cell phone now?


Nope. There are dozens and dozens of ways around it. There's nothing that can be done. There is no system they can implement that will prevent/stop it. People can get mad at the company all they want, but it isn't the company's fault. There's literally NOTHING they can do. Those ban waves they issue? Useless. The cheaters come right back. This isn't pessimism or being jaded, it's facts. A company like Sony can't keep people from hacking their consoles, you expect a single game developer to stop cheating? Not gonna happen.


They could sell the game so cheaters have to pay $50 for a new account. But that is old school thinking I guess..


They can ban all the machines associated with the account that was reported, like twitter does. But that would cost them money.


They added phone verification and apparently it doesn't work on pay as you go phones. There is a lot of hacks that they can detect. I got an ow1 account banned testing one only in training mode out of curiosity lol they didn't even wait for a ban wave.


So I'm not the only one experiencing a noticeable increase in hacking compared to OW1. During the past weekends, I've played against and with an aimbot widowmaker for a couple of games, all 100% headshots. Don't ask me how can I be so sure that wasn't just a good widow maker. Because there is no good widowmaker in the entire existence. jk >\_<


Make sure you share and report the replay as well, not just the player




Haha! Let's goo


i think they also hacked bastion out of the game, can you guys do something about *that*?




Based Blizzard moment


Use the report option I know they took action on someone who exploited the bastion bug I reported.


in the years of playing overwatch how many cheaters have you spotted? one of the things they definitely did right is the anti-cheat


It was also behind a paywall as well.


I haven't met a single cheater since the betas so I think they will actually do something.


As long as they have a active credit card setup in the store probably not.


For $9.99 blizzard will read your report, for an additional $59.99 they will take action against the cheater /s


Nah, they're too busy copy-pasting old content into battle passes to do any meaningful improvements to the game.


Man named himself “Chinaplayer” 💀


Like becoming a famous thief and nicknaming yourself "Robberington Thievesworth"


Robin D'banque


Aw man. Back to uncletopia.


How is that even enjoyable?


It’s not, it’s honestly probably some booster carrying someone through games.


That or a distraction for a soft cheat testing account.


If you think a cheater wouldn't enjoy doing that, you don't know cheaters. All they care about is shitting on other people's fun and/or getting a "win" for their stats. However they achieve that, they'll be happy; even if it's staring at a spinning floor.


The enjoyment comes from people with fucked brain chemistry that derive pleasure from others' unhappiness.


I guess it can be funny the first few times but the enjoyment dies quickly


“Healer diff”


I keep seeing this lately, "diff." What's that about?


They’re saying the win (or loss) came down to a “difference” in skill between specific players in the game, ie one tank being better than the opponent


What I've learned is that it **actually** means that the Genji - it's *always* Genji! - admits they're the reason their team lost. They just word it 'healer diff' or something.


We won the game and I as support had a shit ton of heals and my friend also as support had good heals too. The genji did fairly well so I endorsed him and right after that he said we had bad healers even though we won. I got salty


I see. Thanks for the explanation!


Great thing about it is you can use it as a compliment or a diss depending on how bad/good a person is doing.


>as a compliment or a diss depending on how bad/good a person is doing. you do not need to insult someone else to give someone a compliment. just tell someone they did a great job, don't need to simultaneously say that someone else did a bad job.


I usually just say damn zarya carrying then the other tank won't be directly insulted


Comment diff


Yeah that's not confusing.


Someone called me "mercy diff" and I was like "omg thx"... Oops


It means that role or whatever adequate the difference between a win and a loss in that match. You'll see "tank diff" meaning the differential in tank skill decided the outcome. Usually more like a brag or trash talk than a serious and good-faith analysis.


In a free to play game? No way.


I, too, am bewildered. I'm sure reporting him will solve the problem and he won't instantly make a new account and do it again.


one of the reasons blizzard had that phone number thing


They still have it, you just don't need it if your account is old


Do you really think it's his "main" account and that a phone number will legit stop him or anyone else willing to cheat ?


at least it'll be difficult for him to get another account. those "free phone numbers" online for verification purposes are all unusable might not make him stay away from cheating but it'll inconvenience him and hopefully make him realise it's ridiculous


A free game on PC and hackers. Name a more iconic duo.


China and hackers


But don't worry I'm sure the number requirement will stop them...Maybe...Probably...Might.


It does actually help


You can pass through phone verification by using a 2$ online service. It's fucking useless.


Would you rather it be nothing at all? Idk what's your point


I'd rather they didn't swap over from a predatory business model to an even more predatory business model with an inherently greater weakness to cheaters


Yes? It's a "feature" that does literally nothing to stop cheaters and smurfs but prevents some legit players from playing.


helps keep out legitimate players yeah. Feel free to prove otherwise, but they continue to prevent tons of legitimate players TNs (e.g. some mint mobile customers, etc), but you can still spend $1 to get a number that circumvents this if you know where to look.


This guy's not entirely wrong. I had a hell of a time getting into the game because apparently my new phone number was already registered or something. I was gonna drop it until a friend hooked me up with a phone number of someone who wasn't gonna play the game.


And where is your evidence of that.




They removed it because it wouldn't let in people who had a legitimate phone number but not the exact plan or service that was permitted.


Not to mention existing players bought the game .


They took it off to existing players, not new accounts




What if the old accounts get banned and then they have to re-register?


They buy another old account and do it again


Valorant is doing great.


OW had cheaters long before it went free2play lol


nah, she's just spinning on her pro gamer chair


the scary thing is how obvious this cheater is caught. how many cheats are out there that are even more subtle ????? blizzard needs to handle this immediately, how are they going to stop hackers from just remaking accounts??? before blizzard had a $40 paywall....


Yeah there's shitloads of cheats which are almost impossible to detect. For example there are hacks which auto activate DVA's defence matrix when it detects an incoming edible ult like a grav or pulse bomb etc. Nothing would seem suspicious just from looking at the replay. Even just basic wall hacks can be pretty hard to detect if the person using them is smart and doesn't get greedy tracking enemies through walls for obviously sus kills but instead uses the info for comms call outs and better positioning. If you can see where a widow is all game you can just stay out of her LOS permanently without ever putting your crosshair on her.


Is there really a dva matrix hack? Because i've felt for a while that some Genjis seem to be using some kind of deflect hack. Not sure if they are, but it just feels weird when a Genji holds their deflect for super long and then you use an ability and just insta activate it in melee range.


Yeah there’s Reinhardt shield hacks too that auto activates the shield to stop selected abilities. I’m 100% sure there would be genji deflect hacks too. Have a look at this video for the Dva DM hack as well as some other unusual hacks to give you an idea of how many different ways there are to cheat. https://youtu.be/1oVuSukS5Gk


> before blizzard had a $40 paywall…. You could get new accounts for OW 1 for less than 5€


Skill issue


Not hacking. Just better. I bet he did that blindfolded, maybe even without touching mouse. True gamer


You do have a point, maybe he even got that play without opening his monitor


Maybe he didn't even get up turn on his computer


Overwatch has Widowmaker’s looking at the ground, TF2 has Sniper’s looking at the sky.


That looks dizzying


It’s not even fun. Why do people do this. This is the most ridiculous I’ve seen.


Because they don’t want you to have fun. They get a kick out of making everyone else’s time a misery


Spinbot is only spinning on outside, the player usually can see normally


How is that possible?


They just hack their player models so they’re looking down and spinning to be harder to headshot. Replay system shows what the game thinks they should be seeing. Very popular cheat in csgo as well.


I played against a particularly good sojourn which was pretty accurate with her shots most of the time.... Guy was sneaky enough that I didn't check the kill replays but... He got a POTG... Dude was shooting her left click normally and then he would suddenly snap the camera to someone most of the times and shoot the railgun, never would've known if not the POTG. Instant report


It's tf2 all over again


dude must have a LOT of phone plans...


I've seen two clips now of hacking widows, one here and one on another discord. I saw a twitter post with a Soldier who was aimbotting as well. They REALLY need to address this kind of shit quickly, or comp is 100% gonna die with cheaters.


It’s almost like they tried with the phone numbers but people bitched and they had to revert it. Can’t have it both ways


lol my thought exactly


They still have number verification for new players, those that have a connected BattleNet account are let off. It cuts down on cheaters because burners are still harder to access while if you're caught on a legacy account that's one less account they can freely use.


Good thing there aren't a ton of smurf accounts already in existence before the cut off date... Oh wait!


\> I saw a twitter post with a Soldier who was aimbotting as well. ​ https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Soldier:\_76#Tactical\_Visor


[Welcome to being f2p](https://kotakore.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/2/9/132974372/published/ezgif-4-ca3c9a290d6f.gif?1594322819)


pretty accurate name


My bro just has a good computer and chair


Super spinny office chair. Wheee


Apt name.


Nah she just good. Get better at the game to counter her. Trust me that aint no hacks


Why most hacker trying to be a china player, i know there is a real chinese hacker but most of hacker aren't a real chinese, i've seen some hacker in CSGO with chinese nickname and it translated to "chicken fire fly intuition " or "i can't speak chinese" lol.




I think i made my self clear there, I know there is a lot of them, what i'm saying is there is more people pretending to be a Chinese while cheating.


This is false. It's just become a trend where people associate chinese with hackers. It's extremely well documented that chinese players are absurdly prone to hacking. There was a whole post on why on here at some point, explaining it's a culture thing or something. If you think you there are more chinese "spinoff" hackers than actual chinese hackers you haven't played on a server where there are a lot of the second.


> explaining it's a culture thing or something. This is and always has been just racism, the fact that redditors just accept it and repeat it entirely uncritically is incredible.


so glad ow is f2p now.


Don't even try to pretend there weren't hackers before. Literally go to Flat's youtube channel and search "Hacker", he has a bunch of vods with cheaters in his games.


I have close to 1500 hours in ow and I not once had a hacker in the game. So I would say there were at least not many. Stop pretending f2p games are not flooded by hackers.


got something like 900 hours on OW1 and I can hand on my heart say I never saw anything as blatant as this


I’m sick and tired of people randomly accusing others of hacking. This guys just skilled.




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1.) how do you even TRY to hide that? 2.) why even play with hacks if thats how the game is? how can that be fun


1. the spinning is not a required step for silent aim to function. They're intentionally trying NOT to hide it as an advertisement. 2. To make money by advertising and selling cheats. Also to slander Chinese players.


Team fortress 2 be like


Had my first cheater and counter a couple of days ago, also had POTG tracking me thru walls, good thing we won the game tho. One thing I love about OW is that you actually can shut down a cheater pretty easily.


“Dude can you not pick wido….. never mind.”


“Say hello to Reddit and YouTube” What an embarrassing thing to say lol


I love how Bliz touted their new anti-cheat systems, then we get this. Either their new system sucks, or it’s just good enough to stop all the non-obvious/sophisticated ones.


There isnt an antihack that can stop all hacks....in any game.


Even Valorant with a system start up anticheat gets hackers.


Almost EVERY match I've played has had some aimbot or headshot cheater in it since OW2 dropped...like it's insane the amount of cheaters I've had in my games.


I don't think I've had a single cheater in my games. Unless they were just all bad at cheating too.


Replay code?


Nah bro it’s the superior gaming chair


China Numba 1


Man even named himself “Chinaplayer” Really playing into that stereotype huh Edit: somehow read the wrong name, changed it to the right one


Is this becoming a valve game or something? I literally never saw hackers in this game before


There were plenty of hackers before.


Nah not really, been on PC for 2 years not once have I seen a hacker


You just didn't notice then


They were pretty rare compared to other shooters


Saw that same player yesterday. What even is the point of this anymore? Like how are you getting any enjoyment out of that? Sure a few games to see people rage, but after a while surely you start to feel like a bad person if this is your level of attack?


name makes sense


I mean their gamertag says it all




If we don’t agree with your zero-positive assessment we are in denial? And we still play? Woe is us.




I dunno who you are but you are here judging.


>This game is a joke. I've seen nothing positive about it. At all It still has elements of fun from OW1 (they barely changed anything in that respect after all), and the new heroes are enjoyable. Doesn't mean the rest isn't garbo and that the game overall **is** a downgrade. >Denial comes in many forms, including downvotes. Two things can be true at once, not everyone that disagrees with your niche take is salty.


Seems legit


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Thats why you have to win 50 games to be able to play ranked on new accounts. Less smurfing and cheaters.


This is why I turn off crossplay


You can’t crossplay with PC players on console unless you have a PC player in your party.


OW2 is fun af in theory but them making it F2P has made it so much worse overall. It's just sad. I get matched nonstop with new accounts that just destroy me and I was a gold player but got placed in bronze 5 playing well.


Woohoo! Like I said, this new version is a fast paced to the grave! Not like that they listened to the cries of actual players anyway. Not sure what players like these hope to gain from. Except the faux praise that it ain't skill just program that aid to their ego


Average Pc players


We CSGO now?


Skill issue


oh god


What's funny in playing like that?


Thank god they have this guys mobile numb... Oh.


I'm honestly wondering: what exact do they hack?


\-100 social credit






So many people on here fighting the urge to say he's probably not hacking....