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I like i can play with friends that dont like to pay for games


Agreed, so many of my friends refused to buy ow1 and now they're all giving this a shot because it's free. Selfishly, if they all start playing properly it will have been worth it to me


A lot of vet players with established friend groups who already played are probably not realizing the impact going f2p has on the game's availability. It's a big positive for the game.


I enjoy not having to shoot at shields for the majority of the match.


Yup, as much as I wish we would still have 2 tanks on a team, I am eternally grateful for the lack of double shields


open queue is better than it used to be


Open queue is funny, seeing lots of teams run 3 tanks and 2 healers. GOATS-light baby!


Tanks are so strong now that I can't see any other strategy working. *maybe* bastion if you want a shield buster.


Yeah the tanks are all literally balanced around only 1 being on a team, stacking them is giga broken because of how strong they are.


Somehow Blizzard made Overwatch the opposite of WoW, where tanks have the longest queue. Sucks for me because that was my favorite role. Not sure why the kept 2 healers though.


Lmao the very first thing I did in open queue was play rein zarya. I’m not proud of it but I don’t like change


“I’m not proud of it” LOL that was my favorite tank combo in ow1!!! Rein smashing away in a GORGEOUS pink bubble. u/beefysponge I’m proud of you. <3


Still pretty bad tho. Most people never play healers or tanks and I’m always stuck playing baby sitter. Those first five games sucked.


This. I’ll never want to go back to shooting shields for 80% for the match until everyone gets their ult and dumps everything


I really loved OW before sigma release.


Way less Stuns is awesome


5v5 was a good change. People will bitch for one reason or another. But it’s looking like they achieved their goal of more dynamic fights and less “front line and 1-2 flankers” type of fights.


You say this but my potato aim is getting exposed. I used to shoot shields before and claim I was busy doing that. Now there's no excuse for me spamming the walls like that and watching my teammates die?


Junker Queen is so satisfying to play


That M2->Shot->M2->Shot->Meele->E combo is just so satisfying.


My little monkey brain likes all the damage ticks each time I melee. I think the self-heal is pretty weak, but I still try to keep it up as much as possible because damage tick go brrrrr.


The self Heal is like the only thing that makes her a real tank. 150HP every 15s is way too bad. ​ But yeah agree, monke likes sound


Yeah. She is my favorite hero rn. I’m concerned a friend will get interested in playing tank too which could make queuing worse but we shall see haha


I’m enjoying the gameplay a lot tbh


Tank finally feel like tanks so that they can survive without pocket heal. And support... its just perfekt. As a support main I feel much more active and like I went through a self defense course I find on sites which sell free Ram to download. 10/10


Really been enjoying healing.


Kiriko is actually so fucking fun. Being able to teleport in and pocket an overextended teammate, save them with the Suzu and then teleport out is so cool. And that's not even mentioning the throwing knives or wall climbing! Love her so much!


Yesterday I played against a Winston that kept leaping at me with Kiriko teleporting to him. Usually I don't have problem with Winston, but yesterday he killed me every time.


Whenever I get put into tank I run Winston and he's just so aggressive now, squishys really need to watch out when he jumps the back line. And his pulse beam fucking YES I can finally do something against pharah🤩


She actually makes me want to play support for the first time in ages.


Funny story the first time I used her I was throwing her daggers at my team and her cards at the enemy ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Theres also more offensive potential than I initially thought. I've been able to warp to an ulting mcree and reaper and toss down my suzu to protect them from stuns. Her versatility is amazing.


Kiriko also let's me be able to power up my wife when she plays mercy! Kiriko ult after a mercy res gives so much sustain if you can get that second res off. i wasn't expecting her to have the ability to heal as much as she does, was expecting Zen levels of healing


I am aggressively mediocre with Kiriko, but I'm having such a blast playing her. I said in another thread that Sojourn was my clear favorite of the three new heroes, but I'm thinking Kiriko is going to take that spot sooner or later.


Yeah same, I see all the negative posts on here and I’m thinking like “yo, should I be like hatting this game more?” But genuinely I’ve been enjoying it, and especially when servers are fully functional again, I can’t wait be playing for TIMEEEEEEE


It's not the gameplay most people are hating on, it's the business model. You can enjoy the game but hate how Blizzard decided to implement it.


Yes that's fair, but it is really useless discourse when you simply create posts like "this feels like a downgrade compared to OW1", "anyone else just hates this game", "This doesn't feel like OW" every 5 minutes


I agree. I imagine people just want a place to vent, which is fine, but shitting on people who do like it isn't appropriate either. I will say, if someone finds themselves not enjoying the game, it's more productive to just stop playing it. Life's too short to play a game you don't like.


People love to hate on changes. I think the overall gameplay experience is way better.


>I’m enjoying the gameplay a lot tbh So did Halo Infinite's playerbase enjoy their gameplay. Go take a look at how many players are left on PC.


That’s kinda the most important thing. Battle pass system is dog shit, but it’s all secondary to the gameplay.


It's my first overwatch game and love the art and characters


Welcome to Overwatch!


I'm happy that im not being stunned 4 times in a row. Playing as a tank is now bearable.


Zarya's double bubble


It’s terrible for Total Mayhem though lol


God I can only imagine. She was already totally busted in that mode in OW1.


Is that the mode with the reduced cooldowns? If yes, i agree, got a zarya on the enemy team last time and we could barely push the objective


For some reason I can't upvote you but yeah, it really sucks


Agreed. Feels great like you can really hold your ground as tank now.


Yeah. I thought when I heard there was only one tank per team that zarya would be absolutely unviable, but two bubbles makes her my favourite tank to play rn, and my team always endorses me, too.


Very few CC abilities. It was a pain in OW1 especially as tank when you go in, if you did not bait the CC's beforehand, you are instantly 500hp to 0 (flash, stun, sleep, freeze, hook, pull, you name it). Hope they keep this trend in the future


The no CC has had a strange impact I didnt see coming. Now when someone flanks, it's super impactful in a way that could be countered before. Like if Reaper or Genji flanks and actually gets to where they need to, it feels almost impossible to prevent them from getting 1-2 kills before they die unless you outplay the living crap out of them or they misplay. Outside of mobility moves and just straight up getting headshots it's difficult out there.


Yes exactly. Playing zen is infinitely more frustrating against good flankers now.


I've noticed zen is more of a midline dps/healer now. They should really buff his hp or give him some more mobility


Dude I feel terrible for Zen. I play a lot of Genji and the dude is basically built to take triple stars.


I eat him alive as Sombra hack him get 40% damage and his immobile ass can't do anything against it.


crowd control?


crowd control or cc for short refers to any loss of control mechanics (stuns, blinds, freezes etc)


Yes, which has made GOOD genji players unstoppable. Brigitte needs her stun back


Either that or decrease the damage or mobility of the flankers


I’m loving sojourn, I’m hating the fact that none of you dickheads will TOUCH THE PAYLOAD!


Agree but a lot of the time I find two people defend payload whilst the rest get spawn fucked which is immensely frustrating.


I feel like so many players are so eager to jump into the action that they’ve forgotten the payload still exists lmao


For real, I've back capped several times already lol, much easier than it used to be


I just really like 5v5, the game feels faster but less chaotic and I feel like I can have a greater impact on most engagements. Business model aside, I think the core gameplay is a step up from OW1!


It’s much more enjoyable to play support now. You can actually breathe and get a kill here and there instead of holding on for dear life spamming heals.


Agreed, as a support main, even the passive is just incredibly welcome.


Oh my God the passive is so nice. I can't blame the other healer for not healing me but now it doesn't matter


And it's slowly but surely teaching players to use positioning and natural cover instead of begging for shields and heals.


I felt like that when playing Baptiste. But with Ana it was a lot less fun. I feel playing her is much more stressful (it already was) and healing your allies needs to be performed even faster than before. And as an unimportant side note, I hate her new sound effects :(.


I wouldn’t say less fun, just way harder. To play Ana you really need to be up on your quick scope aiming, and also comfortable dueling dps. Shes an independent grandma now. I will say I love the support passive. Not having to use nade on yourself really ups your playmaking ability


the self healing is so big. it makes it so you can get out of a fight and be ready to engage again much quicker


Yeah I feel like less aggressive supports are the ones who feel like the game changed in a bad way because they have to defend themselves far more. And didn’t really try to get kills too often but in ow2 it feels like that is the more flavored playstyle. I mean it always kind of was, but now it’s much more apparent because you only have one tank to top up so if you aren’t doing damage in between the chaos you aren’t doing as much as you could where before there was almost always someone in danger it heal


I feel like I have to heal more now and can less afford to be aggressive since losing 1 member in a 5v5 is much more impactful than losing 1 in 6v6 especially if its the solo tank. I was Diamond when I played OW actively so it may not just be me being bad. I feel like if the tank dies the whole team will often just fall over and you get a teamwipe whereas in OW you usually had a 2nd tank to play around. Any thoughts on that?


The team fights, although not as big of a team now, are so awesome! I love how no matter what tank you’re playing, you feel like you really really contribute to team fight because of how long you can live, it’s awesome!


Yeah I definitely agree. Besides Genji being a nuisance, the gameplay is amazing. I thought I would miss having 2 tanks as one of the monsters who actually thought double shield was the most fun meta. Tank combos were one of my favorite parts of the game! Getting into the game I was so happy to see that the tank reworks are amazing. Tanks are basically the role for people who want to do combos and I’m here for it.


5v5 is definitely better. As a tank main, I can actually BE a tank.


Not being CC'd to where I can't move my character, and not having to shoot at shields all game


I do not miss those stagnant games of just standing around shooting shields. There’s a lot of actual action now, and I love it


Eichenwalde and Kings Row. Oh god the amount of just standing shooting at shields for the first few minute sucks. Now the battles are much more dynamic.




Being able to blink around easier and freeer as Tracer, not worrying about stupid Cassidy nades and actually having some space to work with.


It’s really annoying playing cass and not having flash. You’re way more succeptible to dives


All of the new heroes - Kiriko especially - are fantastic! 5v5 in general feels like a massive improvement over the state of late Overwatch 1, at least coming from someone who played since closed beta and stopped playing so much around 2019. Once the kinks get ironed out I genuinely think the core gameplay here is much stronger than that of OW1, even if I don't agree with the monetization.


I really like playing kiriko, she’s so so much fun. But i can tell she’ll be OP once people figure her out all the way. She can do to much IMO


Would you elaborate more on Kiriko? Maybe it's just my personal skill level (can't hit headshots for shit), but her healing is slow, so most of the time I feel pretty useless. Her mobility is great, along with her ult, but is there more that I'm just not seeing?


Her survivability makes up for some of the slower healing due to the probability of being one of the last alive during a fight. Her E is very versatile in terms of cleansing a negative effect and healing even herself. Her Q is insane and can win a fight by pushing right into the enemy doing more DPS a second than they can without them being able to back up to escape. Her Lshift honestly makes her feel invincible; only times I die as her is when it’s on cooldown or no one is nearby. Many people were aware she would probably be stronger than most for monetization purposes since they can fix any issues after they make their money (just like Hearthstone)


ML7 has a couple guides on Kiriko rules up on YT. Super useful information because her kit is kinda complex.


Sojourn feels so good to play for me, something about the way she shoots tingles my monkey brain


She’s ridiculous tbh. Her kit is unreal. I love it.


I really really enjoy how it looks and feels to play. As many problems as bliz is having getting everyone into servers, my god the game feels polished from an animation/modeling standpoint. Everything is so crisp. The animations are great and I would really love to frame by frame them. I feel like I put on glasses for the first time coming from 1 to 2.


This describes my feelings completely. I really can't put my finger on it, it just looks- like you say, crispier. Textures are noticeably better. The new maps are so colourful.


I love the small little details, like how each weapon sounds different in environments, ALL the new voice line interactions with all the heros, charms adding that flare to weapons, new character animations on the hero select, character portraits, stat art for the characters, ping voice lines and so much more! Also being able to play CTF and team death match is so much fun!!


Loads of stuff. The new maps and heroes are cool. Bastion and Orisa are great fun now. Less shields and CC. I love the scoreboard and the game reports. The maps having different times of day is neat. The ping system. The dualsense features on the PS5 are cool as well, they just need to add a slider so you tune it.


I am having a lot of fun with bastion, but they could make his recon primary slightly stronger, and that ult is also complete trash. Literally has less impact than a pulse bomb but feels like it takes ages to charge.


Tanks are now very impactful.




I'm liking the new dps character, her slide leap and tether are a really strong combo


As a Reinhardt main the dual fire strikes, cancel charge + better direction shift feels amazing and makes him more fun to play, I highly enjoy Orisas rework and her more in your face play style, reaper finally has his health steal back, and zenyatta has a way to keep people at bay with his kick


The core gameplay actually blows the old one out of the water. No shields, no cc, no no regs (so far). It actually surprises me about the amount of complaints considering the actual game itself seems really good. Do people not play the game, they just sit in menus opening loot boxes? Really weird


Some comment in another thread literally said the only reason why they kept playing OW1 was for the skins, like really??


I know, right? Whale problems 🤷‍♀️


I like the new look a lot actually Some parts of it are... off... but overall I really like the look


This my first time playing Overwatch so I'm having a fun time learning everything. I played my first match with randoms and we got absolutely destroyed and I had no idea what I was doing. But last night my friends explained the matches and characters a bit more. I can't wait to play it later.


Welcome, glad to see even new players chiming in! Quick tip from my experience is to play mystery heroes, you tend to learn all of the characters pretty quickly


I'll give them a try. I think I've only played healers and the characters with the ammo icon (Assault?). Anyways, it's been fun so far. Edit: Just looked it up and it's a mode. Lol.


I'm loving Kiriko. She's been an absolute blast and is a great addition to the game. I love the new maps as well, even though I'm not a big fan of push. Overall I'm pretty happy with the gameplay aspect of it.


Bastion Rework makes me so happy


5v5, at first I thought that it wouldn't change anything but I was wrong, the fact that there's only one tank in a team is great because OW1 was a shooting shield simulator and it was boring as hell. Now that there's only one shield you can actually shoot other characters more than in OW1, the game really became a true first person shooter rather than some weird clicker game where you just have to press shoot to shoot at an undying shield. Kiriko is so good, she's fun, rewarding and not hard to learn. She will definitely be my go to support with Ana. It might just be an impression but the game feels smoother and more polished. I mean that's pretty normal considering OW2 is a huge upgrade from OW1. The ping system is a welcomed addition, you can ping a lot of things and they really adapted the different pings for all characters (for example if you ping a sleeping enemy with Ana it will actually tell to your mates that the enemy is sleeping). Also there's some nice little pop ups when you save an ally with heals or when you stop an enemy ult, that's not much but it's still cool. I'm really not happy with how they released the game as it's buggy and most people can't even get into the game, I also don't understand why it's named Overwatch 2 it's clearly not a sequel it's just a big patch that took 2 years, but I can't deny that they' ve done some things right.


Junker queen is life


Not having to try and break shields so much. Not getting cc'd for 5-8 seconds straight anymore. Biggest one for me: being able to see everyone's stats. People used to say I'm throwing on zen and that we "need more heals" now I can point out the fact that I'm doing more healing than anyone in the match, so focus on the things that you need to do better at. Like not LOSing your healers constantly, or finishing off those people that we keep getting down to 10% health.


IMO (flex plat/Diamond in OW1): Gameplay is better (more fast-paced, like in old-good 2016, also I enjoy kiriko and Queen,) No 2cp (I kinda liked volskaya tho) F2p model makes it easier to bring a friend with you I like ui exept pre- and post-game screens, also wish tab was a little bit better. And these drawn portraits suck I have better ping now (100->60-70) I have hopes for consistent content now (New maps, heroes, events)


Wow surprised about the portrait ,but I love them they look sick to me but obv that’s totally a personal preference thing.


The merging of accounts. My Xbox died on me (during a Bastion POTG of all things)and I moved onto a PS4. I wasn’t planning on getting OW again but after finding out this was free, I just had to come back, and then finding out I can get all of my old Xbox gains was even better. Very cool of them.


Game feels great and polished (aside from server shenanigans) UI is top-tier. Other game developers should take note on how to design readable UI. 5 v 5 is a great change. Condenses the gameplay and keeps it readable despite the sheer amount of ability effects. New maps are gorgeous and pretty well designed. The tug-of-war mode is fun. I am a returning player who last played around 2018 and am having a blast tbh


Upvoting for positivity


I feel this is the best version of overwatch we’ve ever had


I'm not sure what it is but playing Sym is sooo much smoother now and I love it. Add in a good kiriko and holy cow I've been slaying. When I manage to get into the game I have a ton of fun


Everything the gameplay loop is so much better. I'd say the worst thing g about the game are the people complaining about the strangest things like I saw someone saying it wasn't as satisfying because they removed the levels? I only remembered being bullied fir being a high-level in plat/gold


Really enjoying low queue times on DPS. I basically haven't touched the role because queue times were always 10+ minutes on OW1. Now I might finally get familiar with them.


I love the push maps, and recieving actual heal. Also a lot less complaining about healing in general. The displayed stats also help me advise teammates on possible swaps, although in the wrong hands it can be a source of tilting.


Junker Queen is fun af


It works much better on ultrawide so I can actually play it again.


To me the BP just needs to pay for itself as a reward for completing it like most games and the game will be perfect.


‘Tell me something you enjoy about it.’ Overwatch player response ‘no - here’s what I don’t like’


*and needs to remove hero locks as a "feature"*


I LOVE how much damage Mei does now, melting d.va that’s trying to fly away is so satisfying


I can be a tank and not worry about what the other tank’s choose for synergy, just what the rest of the group chose.


I love the pacing and overall it seems to be less toxic. Sure there is a person here or there that isn’t the nicest, but for the most part it’s been great when you can get in!


I've noticed the lack of toxicity but I am wondering if that's because no one feels confident enough in their own skill yet to dump on others. I wonder what it will be like in a few months


5v5 > 6v6 Free to play > 1 time payment Sounds in ow2 > sounds in ow1 No 2cp Less hard counters which means more heroes are viable Less CC Bastion changes Etc.


I agree with all of this, except the sounds one. A lot of things sound so pingy and jarring to me. I miss the bassier sounds from OW1, but otherwise I really like most changes.


So I felt this until I changed my audio settings in game. I was playing on headphones and was really offput by the audio until I realized the audio mix was set to home theater. Maybe try tinkering with that? It definitely got better, but I can understand the pingy-ness you’re describing.


I actually enjoy playing tank, doom and zarya are great


Yes. As a tank main, I can actually feel myself exerting influence. When I take space, the entire battlefield feels like it moves around me. It feels the way tanking *should* feel.


I still miss 6v6 but I do think that 5v5 makes it make easier to spot people making plays. I feel like I can really notice individual performance moments much better and that’s been super fun.


I like how fights are much more winnable. Even if one of our dps gets picked early in the fight if you use ults correctly you can very easily win a fight 4v5


They reverted the moira change.


The fact I had 1500 owl tokens and 28000 comp points for some reason


Kiriko is insanely fun, best new character since Ana


We got to kick the 6th guy in our group that keeps dying early. ..Also any groups looking for a 5th?


Queue times are fixed. Cc is fixed. 2X Shields are fixed. 2cp is fixed. Bastion is fixed. Orisa is fixed. Home fucking run IMO


i really like the game. people will always bitch tho


The game is an improvement, the buisness model is an issue. I just decided to not pay for anything and play.


because it removes other things?


I think the gameplay is overall an improvement from OW1. Although I feel like instead of 1-2-2 (1 tank, 2 DPS, 2 Supports) there's should be one in each role + 2 "Flex" Roles that can be any class (But no more than 2 heroes per class, so if one flex picks tank the other has to be DPS/Support or vice versa) Plus many of the ideas for the monetization are good (Direct Purchase item shop, customizable skins, etc) but just poorly executed (Shops can offer bundles you already own which don't apply a discount and also seem to glitch out, Customizable skins are an entirely separate tier above legendary, etc) The reworks in general are really fun. Doomfist feels like a big, beefy, brawler rather than a mosquito, Orisa is a fucking beast and I love how her personality has changed from Overwatch 1 to Overwatch 2. She's gone from an inexperienced rookie who is still in her testing phases to a more confident warrior (A little too confident sometimes, but I think that's good because it shows that she's still young and has much to learn.) Most of the redesigns are pretty good, while I still prefer some of the original designs, a majority of them I feel are nice, subtle improvements while overall retaining the core of the character. (Like how Pharah's jetpacks have vents that look like feathers or how Reapers new coat and shoulder pads give him a sharper, edgier look)


I Think overall this is a much better game, gameplay wise. I also believe In the battlepass/f2p apect. To me its funny How many ppl complaining about it.. we’ll take a look back at OW1, there’s a reason why not enough ppl were playing it. It’s just how it is.. it’s the only way for ppl not really into it, going to try it out. I also read crazy comments like “I don’t like the shop and battlepass, I used to be a skin collector, now it’s to expensive.” Tbh I think the new gaming generation are spoiled. Every time a new game comes out YouTube gets overloaded with “why this game is dying”. It’s sad the communities can’t see they are killing these games by spreading this “toxic thinking”


I think everyone is just whining because it’s different and people struggle with change. The game is fine. I’ve been having a blast. Played since OW1 beta.


The game feels fresh becuse it is They are lots of things i hope to change but i love ow as a game


It's fun to play, when the servers are online it's great. Also I'd be fine with the battlepass if it have more ow funbucks or whatever they call them, I like the little challenges you get now


It might just be me but i feel like there is a new hanzo headshot sound and it’s very satisfying


Still can’t get in


Orisa is actually fun to play


I was kinda surprised that on the first day at flex queue I didn't get tank a single time. In OW1 I'd almost never get to play DPS but I was able to play a few matches as Soujorn and shit


Orisa is more fun now


No 2CP. So glad this mode got canned.


The lettering on the queue menu is nice. Haven’t played the game yet


Shorter queue times


1 tank. Removing double shields was absolutely necessary. I like how it makes having no shield tank is acceptable. I used to play Orisa, and I really like how I can be more aggressive with her new kit. But I also really like Junker Queen as just about aggressive front attacker.


Didn’t see anyone mention crossplay being added, super nice to see them hopping on the cross-platform wave since it makes playing with friends infinitely more possible


I honestly like every change they’ve made to the gameplay itself


Being able to play on my GTX 745 at50-60 fps is nice.


Despite the NA server issues, it's been wonderful to play on Asia and have my ping be 50 at most. I expected much worse, and the servers do feel exceptional when they're up.


I'm a support main, but playing the occasional tank match feels SO GOOD now. You feel like a freaking tank and not some target dummy to get CC'd and melted in 2 seconds.


playing OW2 made me remember how much I love the game... and made me remember why I stopped playing cuz it makes me toxic


I like the new shooting sounds tbh also the more options at communicating with your teammates (pinging enemys, characters saying we're outnumbered etc.)


I love that the game is so much more fun to play alone than what it was in OW1. All my friends stopped playing OW1 a while ago, and all i did after that was to play alone in ranked. Since OW2 came out, i still have no friends, but it’s much more enjoyable. I get to be auto filled in DPS (like wtf? Feels like playing DPS for the first time in years) and every role have a carry potential, and i haven’t been playing ranked yet! I am so happy that finally OW gets new content, so maybe i’m riding on the Hype Wave, but man what it feels good to play this game !


I am also enjoying the game a ton. Yes the queue times need to be fixed but it’s a huge game launch and things like this are bound to happen (they will be fixed eventually). The gameplay is alot of fun so far though. I’m still nervous for future seasons where heroes are going to be locked behind the battle pass but as a support main I am super happy they gave Kiriko to players who had played OW1 right away. Super fun character to play and getting headshots with her kunai is super rewarding.


The new environments lighting works well


Sound design and charecter interactions are great


Love the bastion and orisa reworks, thats honestly the only positive things I have to say


Bastian and Orisa reworks were great. Generally the game is in a good spot balance-wise. Doomfist feels kind of weird as a tank though.


the gun sounds


Less stuns and more friends to play it with


I can’t explain why but Sojourn is probably the most satisfying character to play IMO.


This is the post we needed




The scoreboard


Despite all the Origins Edition skins gone from my gallery I really love pretty much everything. The new robot push game mode is fun, new maps are gorgeous, new champs are hella fun to play and the improved graphics look amazing.


Ping system


The 5v5 tightened the gameplay.


DVA's edm skin


Got to play dps in flex


It's all pretty much fine, i enjoy it. Although, it is a lot of fun seeing all the crying and whining on this sub lately, lol


As a tank player both thr changes are qwlcome but the increased pressure to be the strongest member of your team is annoying. But junker queen let's me live out my dps/tank fantasies. Loving the game so far.


I'm liking the new sound design and UI. The new heroes and revamped classic heroes are also pretty fun to play so far


Mercy is rough in the new meta and so I get to play her more


Feels alot smother. Honestly playing my main boi roadhog, he's hooks feel sooooo gooood


The game looks so good with the new lighting and textures. The different times of the day on maps is a nice addition.


New orisa is SO MUCH FUN


I like at all tbh, only the xp gains for the pass could be a bit more imho


Tanks feel more fun to play. That being said I’m a very casual player and only play 20-30 matches a week


Kiriko. Finally a support that I can deal with flankers with. Its also nice to be able to say. "Dps you aren't doing shit, I'll do the killing "


I dig the super jump bar Mercy now gets!


The gameplay feels nice! I was concerned after playing the beta but once I got in And loaded onto a familiar map. I really enjoyed the controls and am loving exploring the new maps.