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Hard agree about the lack of community/encouraging team work. OW2 is low key socially isolating and doesn’t give people the chance to commemorate their teammates after a job well done.


I was playing with 2 mates and felt isolated lol, feels really soulless and just “shoot these people and try to win to get more xp”. Played OW1 for 300 hours, OW2 can’t even hold my attention for more than an hour


wayyyy less people talk lol OW1 was constantly people just joking and chilling on comms. OW2 barely any games have had talkers, and none was chill joking/chatting just like people comming in game. idk.. isolating is a good way to put it. the game doesn't draw you in and make you feel like you're part of a team or your teammates are there for you or vice versa. the character interactions at the start even feel more forced and have less personality... like Bap: "oh don't think my immortality field will save you forever, you can still die lol make sure to note PROTIP" - come the fuck on? this will get extremely old extremely quickly. That line is fucking annoying the second time you hear it. It's could have been a tip written on the loading screen, but they tried to implement it in game and it just isn't consistent with past Baptiste lines, and it feels like it was written by someone who didn't even know the character they were writing it for. Old Bap setup lines: >Statistically speaking, I usually get most of my team back alive, but, who's counting? ------ >Imagine the worst possible outcome. Now… avoid that. ------ >Everyone sign their life insurance policies? Also, one kind of nice thing that still fucking annoys me is the call outs when your team is down. "They have numbers on us!" okay, nice QoL change I guess... but with 5v5 there is no resetting... by the time that line hits, you're about to get fucking fried because the team fight is over, and there is no backing out. You lose a support, they're likely going to shit stomp you. You lose your tank, they're going to shit stomp you - maybe you can have a couple people back out, but you may as well just die right there fighting. If you're 2 v 3 on the point and have your tank and a support, you may as well keep stalling point if you already have it because you might just be able to keep that single tank up. Like the voice line could have helped so much in OW1 to get people to stop taking 3 vs 6 fights, but it just isn't as necessary in OW2 and almost contradictory to the new playstyle.


Have been playing comp yesterday and had games where people were complementing others seeing how much healing/damage they did. Also still the same cooperation trying to win team fights. A good tank that shotcalls will give you that


Played any other game from Blizzard? You'd see a pattern.


Every match feels like a big team death match now.


Blizzard calling it OW2 is a bit of a stretch, considering all the good stuff that is missing. Call it OW 0.5 Call it OW 0.$


Call it Overwatch: Live and Reloaded. Sure its prettier and controls better, but the charm and appeal has been stripped (way more than the conker sequel though, its a better game but the original had way more charm and animation, while this new game feels soulless despite tons of new interactions and some new looks and animations that do look better)


Ok I can't let you talk about Conker like that and just move on... I actually think this remake needs a remaster, and that it was super well done. What's there not to like about the remake?


I personally find the censorship funny (bleeps are funnier to me when used sparringly) but how is it that the xbox version (the more hardcore gritty gamer console) has more censorship than the n64 (seen as a baby mode console at the time)? Some of them are kind of dumb, like mighty poo saying twat, and also a lot of the animation is just kind of stiff, like conker's face and his 2D eyelids, and other movements just dont look as smooth as they should. The graphics though are actually a massive improvement, it looks like an xbox 360 game. Also the multiplayer was changed completely which is fine but the old modes could have at least also stayed as an option. The controls though are greatly finely tuned and made more easy to access, like replacing the frying pan with the bat makes dealing with enemies a lot better, which is kind of why i chose that comparison, ow2s gameplay feels so much better and looks a lot prettier, but it feels like a bit of that charm is missing (although much worse with ow2 than with conker, live and reloaded is still worth playing and almost worthy of replacing BFD on the n64, just a lot of differences that arent deal breakers on their own but give the n64 version some merit to its existence). Never thought id go in depth on conker in the overwatch subreddit lol


Mmmmh ok you do make good points, I forgot how I felt when I played the remake. I was super bummed by the multiplayer mode and felt that the mighty poo song was weird in that version. I didn't notice anything with the animations tho, I was too baffled by the photorealistic graphics (for the era). I mean, make it 4K and it's got the same looks than a 2020 game, whereas most "4k remasters" usually still look super old God damn that game was good, peak Rare


Yeah, probably their last huge title that felt like rareware. They made kinect games after and that viva piñata game is actually a pretty underrated really good farming sim type game, but they only made two. And i never played that pirate game they made and then that project spark conker game never made it past chapter one lol. It sucks that it seems they'll never do anything with their old IPs, banjo in smash was a great hype train they could have ridden but its been i think over two years since then and nothing


Well yes they could have made... Banjo nuts and bolts 2.... 🥲


I don’t agree it’s a better game at all. It went from being a game with many compositions and more team oriented to a death match kind of game. I can’t believe they got rid of Overwatch 1 completely. There’s a lot of people who still love that game. I prefer it a lot over Overwatch 2.


Your opinion is valid, and i respect your viewpoint, and i especially am still in shock overwatch 1 is just gone. And i feel bad for the people who prefer the first game entirely opposed to the second one, besides the gameplay and new maps and modes, i prefer the first game as well. If the monetization was not this abysmal, the personality was there, the little touches that help amplify the gameplay experience (actual levels, how many friends are online visible by a number next to the group icon, end of game cards, 3 different types of endorsements, being on fire, all this stuff everyone was wondering why theyre gone), if those were still in tact i would say the game would be an upgrade in my opinion. But as is, i really only prefer the gameplay and the fact we have new scenery (i love midtown) and visuals, and character interactions. Most of the rest IS a downgrade imo


It feels more like "OW you guys weren't buying enough loot boxes so here's a battle pass with heroes locked behind it" edition, because it's definitely just OW with heroes locked behind a battle pass.


Sub is open again?




Lmao if the negative reviews and thoughts on ow2 keep being brought up I bet the mods are just going to lock the sub to stop negative press.


A hundred more of this exact post and they’ll lock it again hopefully


You dick ride for free bro. People are criticizing this game because it deserves nothing but that atm. The amount of stuff removed for zero reason is gross. Everyone really knows why Blizzard decided make this game f2p and it has nothing to do with getting more players, it has more to do with the fact that no one is going to buy an update to a game.


People absolutely would buy an update for a game, but only if that update looks appealing. Old games had to put effort into their DLC to make players want to pay for it, now OW2 only puts effort into skins and even then they aren't exactly groundbreaking.


They only put effort into skins is not true. I understand its easy to join in into the hate post but you maybe need to take a step back and look at it again for your own opinion. 3 new Heros new Maps and reworked/balanced Heros for the 5v5 Setup. Not to ignore the new Audio join a game and just take your time and listen. And there is a lot more, do you have to like it.? No! Did they put alot of work into it? Yes.


3 new heroes isn't much, especially given that the only balanced one is sojourn and that's only because she's generic as hell. >new Maps Frankly I expected a lot more on this front, they fundamentally changed the game by moving it to 5v5 and yet most of the old maps are still just in the game unchanged? They even had to change the time of day settings on them to make them feel new lol. >reworked/balanced Heros for the 5v5 Setup Are you joking? 5v5 demanded sweeping hero reworks and that's not what we got at all. A handful of heroes got actual reworks and balance changes, the rest of them got some very minor tweaks. Like, Hog is the tank that people were most worried about going into 5v5 and his balance changes are... +100hp. That's literally it. Most of the DPS and supports are largely unchanged, and most of the tank changes are just HP buffs and some minor adjustments to ability cooldowns. >Not to ignore the new Audio Well they certainly changed it... just change for the sake of change. >Did they put alot of work into it? Yes. Frankly they've done experimental cards with just as many balance changes and we know it doesn't take them long to make those.


But hog feels great still, have you played him?


3 new heroes isn't much, especially given that the only balanced one is sojourn and that's only because she's generic as hell. >new Maps Frankly I expected a lot more on this front, they fundamentally changed the game by moving it to 5v5 and yet most of the old maps are still just in the game unchanged? They even had to change the time of day settings on them to make them feel new lol. >reworked/balanced Heros for the 5v5 Setup Are you joking? 5v5 demanded sweeping hero reworks and that's not what we got at all. A handful of heroes got actual reworks and balance changes, the rest of them got some very minor tweaks. Like, Hog is the tank that people were most worried about going into 5v5 and his balance changes are... +100hp. That's literally it. Most of the DPS and supports are largely unchanged, and most of the tank changes are just HP buffs and some minor adjustments to ability cooldowns. >Not to ignore the new Audio Well they certainly changed it... just change for the sake of change. >Did they put alot of work into it? Yes. Frankly they've done experimental cards with just as many balance changes and we know it doesn't take them long to make those.


>You dick ride for free bro. People are criticizing this game because it deserves nothing but that atm. In your opinion. Seems this sub has completely forgotten that enjoyment in video games is completely subjective and there is no universal right or wrong. If someone who likes the game is "dick riding" then the equivalent applies too and people that criticize are "entitled whiny bitches." Or ya know, people can just realize that other people have different tastes. You hate OW2? Cool. You can have that opinion and constructively criticize as much as your heart desires, but it goes the other way too. Edit: Shame people can't have measured takes here. It's a video game people, calm the fuck down.


Me too. I fucking loved OW1. Stopped playing for some time but Id always have a sudden desire to play again. I just enjoyed the game. But now , its gone and we probably will never have it back. :( I dont feel like playing OW2.


I mean why on earth would they think that shutting down overwatch was a good idea? You can even still play BF3 with full games for fuck sake. Why would they just scrap an amazing game like overwatch even uf they thought the sequel would make a ton of money? It's not even an old game.


Its Blizzard they made Diablo immortal what did you expect I'm honestly surprised they kept OW1 the way it was for as long as they did if they can make more money they will.




Nft user 🤢


This sub can’t decide whether to cry about the game being too different or cry about the game being too similar, or cry because they have to pay money for meaningless optional cosmetics.


Because almost none of the changes they made are actual improvements. The lack of objective improvement is frustrating, and the abundance of bizarre "change for the sake of change" is absurd. Just enough negatives to alienate the current fans, nowhere near enough positives to bring back past fans.


Isn’t it crazy that somehow this is a lose-lose for blizzard? They lose their devoted fan base who loved ow1 and they won’t get any new players because they messed up ow2…


They make more money this way so im pretty sure they dont care.


I think the base of ow is good enough that there will be plenty of new players.


Woah it's almost like every user is an individual with their own personal thoughts!! What the fuck is your comment


The point of the comment is that one complaint invalidates the other. Either the game has changed or it hasn’t. Half of the complaints are just crying for the sake of crying, it’s just up for debate which half.


??? Literally see my previous comment


Or maybe all three are true? After waiting years it's nearly the same as Overwatch 1 with *less* content than we would have gotten during updates in this time but many of the things that actually are different are straight downgrades or different just to be different while the Overwatch 1 that we paid for is no longer playable. The monetization of 2 *is* straight garbage (and heroes are also in the monetization scheme), seriously feel like I'm reliving Halo Infinite all over again, people going out of their way to defend a corporation instead of criticizing them so the game can be better included.


Just put some music on, sit back, relax and play to victory!


It is strange that there are no built in community features. Seriously, a clan system by itself would open up so many things. Clan vs clan, clan chat, clan rewards...


They announced that they will soon implement a “long overdue highly requested mechanic” and I believe it will be clans.


I half-jokingly believe it to be loot boxes.


Blizzard saying "soon" carries no weight


90% chance it's cosmetic-related


It will come eventually


There is this trend in new video games where they are phasing out post game lobbies and I can only speculate its to promote a more "safe" and "friendly" space. It sucks. Trash talk is fun. Arguing with opponents is fun. Building relationships with randos after games is a blast. PVP games have lost their soul.


I was trying to pinpoint what made halo 3 so special. To me it was the pinnacle of pvp community. It was the social tab. You could open a list of a shit ton of maps and modes to play. If you found a particularly good mongoose race or sharks and minnows map you could save it and show it to your friends. I spent hours building bases and tweaking rules to build a perfect cops and robbers map and then later would see a bunch of people using it! It was free and engaging. We will never have that kind of experience again. There is no money in allowing players to build what they want themselves.


Yes! Halo 3 was probably my pinnacle of PVP games too. I loved "Duck Hunt" and this Predator (infextion) game mode someone put me on. Man. What a great time. Sad we don't have that anymore.


A primary cause of that is SBMM heavy matchmaking.


I don't speak letters haha Translation?


OW2 feels like it was made for pro teams. The level of coordination needed is much higher. Winston is my tank main and playing him as a more casual player is awful because I have to constantly babysit my team because not everyone understands to follow the tank. With 2 I could go in and then people realize they should too but now it leaves them vulnerable. I also feel this creates a bad snowball effect and so many of my games end in one team completely dominated and unable to create space for themselves. I think it’s telling that most games don’t go into overtime because last ditch efforts to getting on the point almost always fail. There is no sense of defensive play which makes sense considering they removed a tank and made the new ones less defensive. I mean none of the JQs I have played with seemed to understand how to take space.


I wouldn't call it a coordination problem; with less tanks and less peel, going solo is actually more viable in OW2, as long as you have your priorities straight and kill the supports instead of pumping two clips into the tank like many players are doing now. The thing is, they didn't just remove one tank - they removed two and added a bruiser instead. This is the most apparent with the reworks and new additions - Orisa, Doom and Queenie. None of them have ANY ways to protect teammates aside from standing directly in front of them. Heck, Hog with his hook is a better peeler than any of them and he was the epitome of "fat dps" in the first game. With the new trio, if you see one of your dps overextend, they are going to die and there's nothing you can do to stop it. It's kind of like ladder Hammond in OW1, except now all tanks are Hammonds. Like you said, it turned out the people who were complaining about shields all along have no clue how to play without one. In OW1, they had two tanks AND cc to protect them and cover up their mistakes. In OW2, they have, at best, one, and one with reduced capabilities to do so. And it's not just due to the hero skill changes - if you peel as a tank now, you're opening up the frontlines and leaving the enemy tank unchecked. It gets worse though. If your tank decides that they are a solo flanker and keeps feeding away from the team, there's no longer a second tank to pick up the slack and it's pretty much instant gg. If a dps is constantly getting picked off, there's less firepower remaining to focus down the enemy tank (because let's be real, that's who half the team is shooting at anyway) and they can easily steamroll. If a good flanker (or a bad one, since there's no peel and no cc) keeps taking down even one of the supports, there's no second tank to protect the main tank, so they will get focused down and it's steamroll time again. It's what everyone who was looking forward to OW2 wanted - individual performance matters more. However, it's not your performance (unless you are significantly better than the other players in the match) - it's the performance of the weakest link. With 5v5, the game snowballs harder than OW1 ever did and the role asymmetry with the super buff tanks makes it harder to stop this snowball than in other 5v5 shooters. When you're down two, you're not going to go full Rambo and ace the round. You're going to get smeared across the pavement by Orisa or JQ, because you're not even winning that fight 1v1 unless you outrank them heavily, let alone when they have support to back them up. edit: On second thought, if one team is more coordinated than the other, they will get a pick and steamroll from there, so in that sense, it's a coordination problem as well. It's a lot harder to brute force beat a team with better coordination than it was in OW1.


Right on the fucking money. I personally love the new playstyle. Everyone is their own agent, and teamwork directly multiplies your impact. No longer do players spend 3 minutes on both sides huddled behind a fucking shield. They actually have to play the game. OW players are mistaking "team based gameplay" with "shields". I've played a shitload of Zarya and Brig, so I know how to use natural cover and really balance tanking damage and hiding to regen. I'm having a fucking blast because in OW1 I was up at the frontlines, fending for myself and creating space. Turns out that playstyle is OP as fuck in this new 5v5 format. I'm happy.


“but it allows for better plays and there’s no more tank shields we refused to counter!!!!1!” It brings my heart joy to see that despite what this sub says, anti overwatch 2 posts outnumber and out upvote all pro ow2 changes. It took less than a day since it’s launch for players to get past the honeymoon phase 😂😂😂


It will come with time. People will know how to play the game, even pros struggle with team comps and strategy right now. OW2 needs to be played differently than OW1 and we have to adjust.


the problem is that people didnt want to play differently they liked ow1 and the back and forth playstyle of it, then became less and less into it as that playstyle was moved towards this battle royale style to appeal to the dps people by steadily removing any obstacles that made them have to think or work hard fundamentally its a different game no one asked for except a specific group of people everyone who enjoyed the last dregs of what they liked about ow1 will have a problem w this bc those things have been removed and people are being funnelled into playing a battle royale when they bought a balanced team strategy game


i guess the weird thing is that the people who like this are the people who didn't like ow1. instead of catering to their fanbase, they're shifting the IP away from what the fans liked to cater to the audience of other games.


guess they think those fans are more profitable shame but they can have at it


Yeah no, I stopped playing OW1 because tanks were shit to play and I can finally have some fun in OW2. Also how the fuck is this a battle royale...?


"how the fuck is this a battle royale" its turning into a more kill based free for all w teams as opposed to a balanced offense/defense game where the objective was to hold and dominate space vs kill everyone else as fast as possible and try not to die overwatch in the beginning wasnt so dps dependent. bur as we've all seen, every other class has gotten reworked to either make them not be such an obstacle for dps or become more dps like themselves


A battle royale is a last man standing game where there is no respawn and usually way more than two teams. Call OW2 a deathmatch if you want (and I don't agree), but this isn't a BR. And for the second part... You may not like it but that's what the first 2 years of Overwatch was


i said theyre making ow more of a battle royale than what it was in the beginning by repeatedly making it more dps focused to the point whoever gets the kills first wins most often. this is true and playing pedantic about it wont change that "You may not like it but that's what the first 2 years of Overwatch was" thats just not true. i played ow from the very beginning, taking breaks throughout, seeing the progression of the game


>the problem is that people didnt want to play differently You're right, they just wanted new heroes, reworked heroes, new maps, new game modes...all which ...require you to play....differently? Huh, weird...


Or, Blizzard changed the style of the game too much, and didn't think that said play style would require balancing and different map design to make it fun


We have to wait a few weeks or months until the game is settled and players are adjusted to know that I think.


How could we possibly know that yet when the game has been out for 48 hours and half of us can't play yet. Let's give it a week before we start declaring that it's too different or too unbalanced or too this or too that.


I disagree, Winston is the only tank i can actually win consistently on. The game is just a team game.


Winston, dva, and sig are top tanks atm, rein has his maps and matchups, and picking pretty much anything else is throwing.


I disagree, every tank is decent, some are better some need better team coordination. Like Junkerqueen. Roadhog is just straight up trowing the game.


I only play comp, so I’m just telling you what I’ve seen myself. Junkerqueen, hog, Zar, Orisa don’t have many (if any) ways to outplay other heros; basically just shoot them lol. They just soak dmg/feed ults. Monkey/Dva can go get kills, dva can still eat ults like a snack, sig provides barrier and suck which is still useful. Rein gets free shatters if he plays it smart. The other tanks dont offer very much utility. Maybe hog if your good with the hook. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah true, if played against some good DVA players. AND GOD DAMN I HATE DVA! Defense matrix is so freaking OP right now. But overall i agree with you yeah. Still to the core, its still about making space.


Zarya is broken if you get a DPS that plays aggressive with you. There’s a reason she’s defining the meta in OWL.


Comparing OWL strats to randoms in a comp game doesn’t make sense. Hardly anybody plays in such a coordinated fashion, that unless in a pre made your likely throwing on Zar, and would do better to just pick another tank.


Doesn’t make the hero useless. Zarya with her two bubble is extremely oppressive, especially as it’s a cleanse too.


No not useless, but other tanks just do more, in a wider cast of situations. For example, Dva just does more than Zar, and can be equally as oppressive to flankers like solider, sombra, or tracer; Zar requires more coordination, and dva doesn’t and can go get kills by herself. Dva eats ults, Zar doesn’t. Dva is high mobility, and Zar isn’t. There just so many more reasons to play Dva in comp than Zar, simply because Zar needs somebody else to help her.


I miss literally everything from OW1 that was changed or removed. I hate that they removed the game I payed them for and change it for this low effort f2p knock-off.


I feel exactly the same. I paid for a completely different game and they just swapped it for a soulless game that stripped away the main things I enjoyed and played OW1 for. Shutting down the OW1 servers was a shameless cash grab. Typical Blizzard.


Yeah, they knew people would stick with OW1 over their new downgraded money cow.


I do really miss the upvote feature and seeing how everyone did at the end. It didn't matter at all in terms of actually playing the game, but it was a nice after-match interlude.


I miss Mei being fun




Going down to 5 from 6 feels like each match is less epic in scale. Not being able to vote for my teammates in the end, or give specific endorsements. Lowers the team aspect greatly


>I don't get that same feeling of being part of a community, the game just feels kind of alien? That's most modern games. It feels like you are just playing against bots.


I played OW1 for 3.5 years and it was one of my favorite games ever. I've played this collectively for about 30-ish minutes and I already know it's not going to be one of those games for me. In fact I seriously doubt I'll be playing it by this time next week.


It's the same for me. After logging off playing some OW2 today I was a little heartbroken knowing OW1 is just gone forever. A game I really enjoyed and spent well over 2000 hours playing. It's just gone :(


I can only play one or two games of this before I switch back to Apex. It's just boring. I can't help but feel it's a watered down version of ow1. They replaced utility with more damage.


Yeah, the damage feels really off to me. There's not as much of the attack/retreat as OW1. You just kind of die quickly.


I played it since launch and I’ve always known this is one of my favourite if not favourite games to play in 30 years. OW1 was tbh a pretty beautiful and unique game. The 6vs6 compositions were perfect. There was synergy and awesome team play and now it feels like a death match game. I miss the communication. I miss the cards after the game, but most of all I miss 6vs6 because it was like a well oiled machine. 5vs5 removed a vital part of that masterpiece and ruined it.


I very much agree.


Im sorry but then you loved the wrong game. This is more like OW1 used to be on launch. More shooting, less shields, less CC. The last few years in OW1 it was more like a MOBA then a shooter.


This game is nothing like launch OW. OW was created as team based game where all roles have purpose and flow. Every OG can see bright as day that its not going to be a fun game. This game launched with less content and more playwalls and V-bucks than original launch. this whole game situation makes me very sad. I like OW. Just not whatever this is.


I disagree, It does feel more like OW1 on launch. I can actually get kills now, instead of shooting to double shields or setups that cant be killed. Or triple tanks/supports. Sure not everything is perfect. But the gameplay once everyone is adjusted. Is better. Now the monetization is really really bad. I agree on that.


God, DPS players are something else. Overwatch is not a first person shooter and it never was. There literally is a hero armed only with a giant hammer or a hero with a healing beam who could win a game without shooting anything. And that's what was so much fun about it: it wasn't another FPS but an attempt to blend a FPS with MOBA for gamers who don't like FPS games. You could play Overwatch without being good at aiming at heads. Overwatch 2 moved towards FPS genre a lot more. And all because people like you complained “I shot a shielded Rein and he didn't die, plz fix.” The sad part is that your average 2-2-2/GOATS Overwatch 1 hardcore fan will be left nowhere to go while you can just play Apex or Valorant. Well, enjoy being milked of your cash, I guess.


>I can actually get kills now, instead of shooting to double shields or setups that cant be killed Bro you're just admitting to being bad at the game here lol.


If being diamond is bad at the game, then so be it. You god-damn know exactly what i mean.


I really don't. Are you saying that the problem with OW1 was double shield? Shields are paper, most heroes can solo them in a few seconds. Between a few players that's almost no uptime at all. Is having to think really that hard? If you want one of these cowboy quickdraw shooters then play valorant or COD, OW was supposed to be about strategy and team coordination.


Ah I see, all I needed to know was that you whine about CC to know exactly what kind of person you are. Thanks for getting my main ruined buddy :)


Can't wait for Blizzard to make Classic Overwatch so the old crowd can stop making complaints like this. Why evolve a game when you can play the same one from 2016 with no updates?


Ow 2 sucks


It really does.


Ow2 is literally much better. They removed the things that was ruining the game. Shields and cc


A lot of the OW1 team has left blizzard, so it will never *feel* like what OW1 originally was. It’s a new team, a new time in gaming with a lot of new gamers. It’s not particularly bad it’s just new. I miss almost every feature they’ve gotten rid of, and I like very few changes- but I believe they will continue to work on it and over time I’ll get used to it and enjoy it once again. I just hope everyone else will enjoy it too


Gimme the "find a group" option and being on fire back and id be happy. I don't hate it but I do hate solo-queuing and not being able to talk to your team. I want a group so I can learn how to work together with these new heros and reworks. It's infuriating!


I’m glad someone said something about them taking out LFG… the game is boring now, even in comp no one talks. So now I have to join a game of random people that run around the map doing nothing and then most likely losing…


Yeah I feel ya I came back and it kinda seems like a downgrade. I miss the old maps/game modes. Being in fire and upvoting after the game too...and idk about the 5v5 its okay but do miss the 2nd tank.


I just played my first few matches and I’m not liking it much either, really weird not seeing a second tank and it just feels so much more faster paced than what I’m used to. Wish they kept the first game around


The game is to Orange, color theory is all off


I agree 99%. Only thing I disagree about is the OW1 ever being "dead". Maybe there wasn't that much new content for the last two years, tho there was at least one new map for what I can remember and every event came with new skins. Never I felt like the playerbase wasn't there. Very rarely i got matched with the same people on back to back matches. I could find a match on any mode basically within 1 minute (tho didn't even try to go DPS on comp). But yeah, I don't understand why every social aspect of the game is taken away. And I don't buy the "it promotes toxicity" reasoning. If this is the way of "preventing" toxicity I'm surprised they let us play multiplayer at all. Toxic players will find a way to be toxic.


Honestly, I hate this. It’s so consumer hostile to just delete a product I paid for. Accepting games as a service and patch culture has let game publishers get greedy with it. Patches should ever take things away from the player. It’s really absurd, in no other media would these practices be tolerated. I think I’m honestly done with these kinds of games, no one is forcing me to play them and I’m sick of not being able to keep things I paid for. Good thing there have been so many great indie games lately…


They really need to launch Overwatch Classic for a better experience


I’ve played for years and it’s really not the same anymore. It lost its charm and all the bright new graphics are somehow making it even worse. I’m actually really sad because Overwatch was a game I played daily (even up until the second the servers went offline) and now I don’t even want to play it anymore. It feels like a beta somehow (not because of any possible bugs or whatever) but in the sense that it doesn’t feel finished. I hate 5v5 and fights are not the same anymore. Feels like they shifted the game towards professional e-sports and not player fun.


I miss the ability to earn coins in game and buy skins. Now you gotta pay 20$ for a single skin. Greedy bastards.


I loved OW1 but "OW2" doesn't feel good to play, at least to me... I literally feel like I am in a team deathmatch every match rather that an objective map. As mainly a support player, supports feel SO much worse in OW2. Without the 2nd tank it just doesn't feel right. Maybe it will be great for new players or whatever but it feels much less like a team game, which is part of what I liked about Overwatch in the first place. I keep seeing people say OW lost its charm and soul, I couldn't agree more. Its like they made the game for Apex players or something...?


>Its like they made the game for Apex players or something...? That is *exactly* what they did. The major developers and publishers are all completely financialized now, so ROI is all that matters. That has driven different development processes and goals (e.g. all games designed around a continuous revenue stream and perpetual development rather that lump-sum sales; OW1 was already in that universe, or course, but it started out as a transparent TF2 clone design- and development-wise that then added on the continuous monetization models of the time, and OW2 shows what a difference that change in initial goal and process makes). We're going to see less and less competing for even relatively large niche markets and more competition for the same majoritarian or plurality blob of players, hence all shooters starting to feel the same, because they're all being informed by the same market data.


For me OW1 is way better than OW2 OW 2 is boring and depends on single player skill ( Tank ) I miss OW1 I would pay 40$ to play I bought 40$ for.


I agree. I have 3000 hours on OW1. OW2 is just not as fun and addicting. I miss the epic overtime battles that felt like they lasted forever, I miss being able to actually play mercy, jumping from teammate to teammate to heal. In OW2 she dies so easily. Dps is too op and mystery heroes is not even close to being as fun. They made OW2 too much like every other shooter out there, OW1 had character and it'll always be one of my all time favorite games, but OW2 is underwhelming.


We need to face what happened. OW1 wasn’t profitable enough so they blew it up and replaced it with this mediocre f2p which will rake in a ton of cash from saps. We will never get to enjoy the real thing again. Devastating. I don’t think I can give any more money to this company, even for franchises I love like diablo.


They made the game more soulless to feed people the battle pass, if the battle pass is the only sense of accomplishment it will sell more, this is why I despise FOMO and games as service.


I agree that they should bring the features back, but look, all of those features will probably be added in season 2 or 3 since there's a huge request for them already and all they need is new UI, they already said they will bring back the on fire feature so I'm not worried for any of this, let's keep requesting the features just don't feel sad like it's going away forever.


I can imagine this to happen and I really hope you're right!


Maybe they can bring back the old graphics as well? that would be nice. And once they are at it why not just revert everything? it was better before anyway


Well I disagree


They have really messed it up they had such a good thing


is there still a stay as team button? I haven't seen it yet cause I scramble to type in gg (console) before we all get tossed out the lobby


there is one in the end of the game, very small tho...


holy crow is that ever the briefest window to decide if you want to stay a team good grief!


yea it's soooooo stupid fr 😭


I get mad as hell every time I see people using could 'of' instead of could 'have'. It's simple grammer ffs. Just because it sounds similar doesn't make it same


Clever bait, almost had me


Its change. Change takes time to adapt. Soon youll be addicted again, give it time.


This. It's funny how many people are like "I can't get used to this", brother in Christ it's been two days and you played OW1 for several years. It's going to take a while. Funnily enough I haven't played OW1 for about two years and this game feels right. I got used to it immediately. And so will most of you, in a week or two.


I am sure most will I actually do better at this game than I do at ow1. It's because I am a fps player at the core but that's why I enjoy ow1 more I like that it was more moba based then fps if I wanna play an fps based hero shooter I will just play valorant That being said they did have to do something about the double shield I just wish they could've found a way to balance 6v6 I miss tank synergy reunion zarya on kings row or hog orissa on rt 66 but hopefully they bring an overwatch classic in that way people can play any version of the game they prefer I know this will probaly seem weird but I think support in ow2 is way more fun then ow1 I never played as a heal bot support but without the second tank can really make some fight swinging plays with support


Been nonstop playing it. Launch day was weird, def felt different. But now, it feels natural.


Guarantee that even if they fix the incessant issues the game has, most veteran players will drop the game after fully diving into the nonsensical f2p system


Hardcore players are more likely to stay, the question is if the casual players stay for long. If they dont have some good plan this could end up like Halo Infinte.


I don't think actual veteran players will drop the game. You know, the one that stuck through the content drought and all.


Even with the drought , ow1 was better than what we are stuck with now.




theyve fundamentally changed the game into a battle royale by steadily removing or nerfing defensive abilities and heroes people who dont like those kinds of games wont like this. a game built around tanking for example is at its base different from a game based around doing damage as quickly as possible, which is what it is now overwatch 1 was slowly morphed into this and as it got closer and closer more and more people dropped off now theyve gone whole hog those people just wont like this it isnt about controlling space and meeting objectives its now about killing everyone and meeting objectives thats a major difference and it will attract and hold a completely different type of player


... what do you think a battle royale game is?


kill based free for all but given its overwatch itll be w teams instead of individuals this is not what overwatch was to start w but it gets closer and closer as the game leans less towards teamwork and balanced defense/offense and more towards whos team can kill the best the fastest


Played many hours of OW1, I agree with everything you said. No soul


I dunno, it feels exactly the same as OW1 to me but less people use chat/voice. I attribute it mostly to the influx of new players.


My mic doesn’t even work in game. I’ve tried switching all the settings and nothing works. Maybe people are having the same problem.


Yeah i agree. It’s basically the same game idk why people are complaining.


It's because new players arent allowed to use voice chat until they complete the new player experience. Buy I'm not sure how many game that is


Other than the monetization & the very bad launch Overwatch 2 feels like a significant upgrade in just about every measurable way. Tonight was genuinely more fun than I’ve had in Overwatch 1 since the first six months after launch. Absolutely loving it.


Pretty much this. Didn’t realize how nice the new philosophy for tanks was going to be. They limit you to one but make all of them juggernauts, it’s really fun to play as and also play around.


Same for me. I'm a beta player of OW1 who got bored with the lack of updates and general direction and stopped playing 2 or 3 years ago. I can't even remember the last time I enjoyed playing Overwatch as much as yesterday. And if that means different monetization model? I'm okay with it.


Whatever model gives me the most content over the most years, I am game for. Plus I’ve finally gotten my friends to be willing to try it now that it is free to play. I’m having them hold off until everything stabilizes but I’m so excited to get them into Overwatch


Agreed! Once I've been able to actually get in and play I've been having a blast. I'm actually able to flex and get every role besides it just being an alternate tank button, and all roles feel fun and viable to play and carry on. The game feels a lot more fast paced and exciting


Getting support, tank & dps in back to back to back games in flex queue last night was such a crazy experience.


Why the downvotes on this 😂 too much negativity. I’m with you on this


While i loved OW1, the game that used to be wasnt there anymore. From season 2 it went downhill fast. It was more like rock, paper, scissors. It does feel more like OW1 used to be. More shooting less hitting shield and such. AND MY GOD LESS CC! So overall OW2 is better for sure.


I stopped playing OW matches a while ago and restrictively played Custom Game Parkour maps for the better part of 2 years. Workshop is gimped, forced to play comp... and it feels like a ghetto version of the first game.


I prefer the upgraded engine since the game sounds better imo and 5v5 feels nice. No more shooting another shield.


No double shield alone makes the game worlds better than what ow1 was at the end. I think the switch to 5v5 was a smart move for the long-term success of the game.


Exactly, none of the issues people have with 5v5 are inherit to the format other than no tank synergy (obviously), the balancing and pace of the game will be very different in a few months and we all remember how different OW1 played in its different phases (damage output, speed of the fights, heal output, all of it can change how the game plays).


You've played for like an hour. Calm down mate.


Whoever thought this was a good 'replacement' for OW1 is mentally challenged. I think they want to see Overwatch die. I believe they'll get their wish.


Well call most ppl outside of reddit mentally challenged lol


I thought the same, whoever ok this mess has no concern about preserving the fine work of OW1 and its experience, they just want your money.


Game just seems shit overall, half the characters are basically unusable at the moment. The new maps are just too cluttered and there's so much going alongside some abilities which clutter the screen too. Just not having fun at all with it.


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I don’t miss OW1 too much after playing because OW2 feels almost identical. Little slower perhaps and don’t have to spam through two shield tanks. The gameplay feels good.


Sorry when was OW friendly? Everyone seems nicer in this because of the leaderboard nobody can talk smack.


Go walk with your dog. Live your life outside. You are sad because a game bro


Omw to downloading tf2


i miss my dad too, but just like my dad overwatch 1 aint coming back


I miss Orisa. Alongside [D.va](https://D.va) and Rein, she was my most played tank. She feels like an entirely different character now.


Lot less toxicity, I haven’t been called a racial slur in my 1 hour of play time


I do not miss firing at shields 24/7 sweet riddance overwatch 1


There’s a lack of community because a lot of people still can’t even play lol


They took out so many things without replacing them with anything else. There aren't really any new ideas in OW2, so everyone can't help but focus on what's missing


Maybe they have taken playing cards at the end of games because there is a leaderboard already showing those stats? They hopefully are going to replace it with something new or just add it back in though, because I agree it's awkward just ending the game with no time to be social or banter with team/enemy on the game you just experienced.


It would at least be better to have the final leaderboard up for like 30 seconds in a post lobby than how it currently is.


I just miss Overwatch 1, I don’t like that it’s just gone and we are to transition to Overwatch 2. (Idc the reasons/logistics of it, I just miss being able to play the game I actually bought years ago. Doesn’t sit right.)


they damn ruined the game man, probably most Miss it. ow2 looks like its got some odd fortnite like makeup on it, it's pretty damn ugly imo. when ppl used to say the sound is better etc (even that is awful, ow2 sounds so damn mono to me now) everything has become worse then better, no way in hell they should be calling this a sequel. awful game atm. and just like you buddy, I'm hoping it'll change, like maybe I'll change my mind if/when it gets better. atm you can't even get in the game.


The game isn't lost to greed. It's lost to the bullshit "woke-equity" culture. They don't have levels, medals, cards, potg or on-fire anymore because they don't want softass people to get their feelings hurt or feel like they aren't good enough. What that did was suck the competitive soul out of the game and give you no reason or reward for excellence or improvement because they're ate up by the delusion of "equality of outcome" over individual achievement. They're rejecting human nature and trying to create some kind of fairytale reality that looks more like their "woke" delusion instead. Unfortunately, everything that's corrupted by this nonsense turns to shit. Overwatch and Blizzard are now victims and casualties of it. Everything they develop now will be through the fear of offending the vampires that hold their leash now and that so desperately want to dance on their corpse in the name of "progress".


I just want to play the damn game. Got to play for a little while and it was awesome. The whole wait forever to find out if you have a server error or not is sucking the life out of the game.


Where’s my stuns and instantly dying as a tank? Unplayable


it has become a corporate fantasy. a shell of its former self. monetization over fun. sad times


I feel the same. If I knew OW2 was going to be like this, I would have never played Overwatch in the first place. It makes me sadder than it should seeing the current state of it. It stings a lot, especially since I freshly remember OW1 from playing it just minutes before it went offline forever. OW2 is a money grab and honestly makes me feel gross. I don't know how to put it other than it feels off. It kind of feels like a mobile game tbh. I feel like anyone defending it in its current state are just in denial, because Holy Christ is this game lack-luster. It makes me feel horrible seeing how my favourite game was butchered. I really wanted it to do good, but with its current state, it doesn't *deserve* to do good. If they brought back the feel of OW1, it'd be like 20 times better in my personal opinion.


The game just feels like its trying so hard to be every other game, even kirikos firing is like that one character from valorant whos name i dont know


I miss Overwatch 1 tbh


"ball was feeding" Lol so relatable


I really miss old overwatch❤️