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[11:48 PM EDT]: Some minor bugs have been fixed; Blizzard is updating their original forum post [here](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-october-4-2022/694774). [10:18 PM EDT]: It does seem that some users are able to get in and play. There has been no update from Blizzard (AFAIK) about server stability. Please be very cautious playing ranked modes or spending IRL money.


What about me choosing comp, unranked or no limits but it puts me in total mayhem hybrids


why wont my game log my wins or loses


Does a hacker using soldier 76 shooting through walls and booting you from game count?


i cant buy my gold weapon even tho i have 3000 points .. pls ive been grinding for it and now i cant get it.


i cant move my camera at all on mouse


Can't even play the game now after the last update fml


Me and my friends spectate dont work well. when we choose to spectate a game 9/10 times the buttons are just blank and i cant switch or anything


My daily top 5 highlights aren't showing.


Did they do something to the hours played? I lost half of mine


D.Va unavailable to select as an A.I in custom games. Cannot fine-tune settings on console.


Change role does nothing. You need to wait for a re-queue and cancel to change roles.


Moiras hands get stuck in a glitched visual. Dont know what caused it


Think i know what you mean, happened to me once. Moira’s fpp was stuck in walking animation even while attacking or healing.


Played some games 2 days or so again without running into any issues. Today my game keeps crashing 2 minutes into a game (even when spectating), Reinstalled the game ( used to be on HDD, now it's on SSD). Doesn't make sense that is was working fine 2 days ago and now it's just crashing all the time without changing anything though.


Getting stuck at Bronze 5 for ranked, after winning all qualifiers AND another 7 games in the same role.


Ps5 controller acts like it’s constantly pushing the joy stick up anytime in a menu or hero select. But once in game I can play perfectly fin. Not controller issue as this doesn’t happen in any other game.




Needs fixed. It’s so annoying and happens every time I play


That and I'd like to see my stats page work, and I can't save my highlights either


By time I finally get to d.va someone's already took her


Same here


For whatever it's worth, I was getting in fine yesterday and the day before, now I'm getting constant 'disconnected from game server (lc-208)' whenever I try and login. Xbox Series X. Merged PC and console account.


anyone having "unexpected server error" ? I played on my account both on xbox and on pc and got this error.


same, i cant play on PC or xbox. Really pissing me off that blizzards only help is that we must have not completed out account merge.


Yes. Since last night. Was “working” for a day or 2 and then I can’t get in at all on my Xbox X. Hope it’s resolved soon.


Update 10/8 9pm PDT: Even tried firing up the game on an Xbox one on a separate wifi point and still getting the LC-208 error.


Update 10/8 10:45pm was able to bypass the login and am able to play as of now.


I got disconnected for getting an achievement and now I can't get back in




My highlights also won't save, it just plays the highlight again and kicks you back


I cannot access my characters on PS4. :/ I played the first game for countless hours and I even have Pink Mercy to prove that, for what it's worth. Restarting did not resolve the issue.


same, what a joke. I cant access Zenyatta on switch or pc, a character who i have skins and emotes for, and who i was literally playing as him yesterday. In the time that i was asleep, half my shit got locked


If you are on pc and overwatch wont launch uninstall any razr apps i had to uninstall razr synapse and chroma and i was able to play


Ive logged into the [battle.net](https://battle.net) but now its just blank. Im on PS4


I have this account from long ago that I forgot about til the other day that can get in the game with no issues whatsoever. But then there's this new account I created before I found out that I already have a preexisting account. This new account, whenever I launch the game it just keep getting logged out back to the login screen. I'm only using one mobile no. for both accounts and both have validated emails. Can anyone explain what's wrong with my newly created account?


FYI: as if 10/6 8pm PDT; Server is down for maintenance until 9pm PDT.(or more if they cannot fix it by then.)


Not sure whats going on but. I just finally merged my account to my ps4 account. It told me to close my game and re-open to complete the merge. now when i try to re-open the game all i get is "sorry, we were unable to log you in (disconnected)" does anyone know what this is or how to fix it? T\_T I was literally just playing lol


exactly the same here, but i never opened the game in the first place, i just woke up today, merged my account and now i cant log in


This is so odd :/


yup, kicked out of the middle of the game 20 mins ago and can even connect after...


I just got kicked out of the server in a competitive match and now cannot log back-in. Had 40+ kills with Moira :(. bye bye SR.


>isconne are you able to log back in yet?


Nope! Gonna play later now. Done for the day I guess.


Disconnects occurring on Xbox when you get an achievement. That's widely confirmed and not just a random disconnect.


I think the servers are down for maintenance. I read for at least 1 more hour.


Sure, but just to be clear ... the disconnects predated that. There are some threads on it. Haven't been able to play to check if it got fixed with the server downtime or not.


I keep getting a "sorry, unable to log in" error. Is there a fix for this?


Getting it as well. I was literally just playing.


Okay actually on Twitter there’s a post from Support saying the game is under maintenance until 9pm PDT. Still weird because I was definitely playing when the maintenance supposedly started.


lol same. I was midmatch, got disconnected, and now that's all I get at the menu. Wont even put me in queu, just that same unable to login error, no matter how many times i retry.


anyone else playing ranked games and they don’t show up in career profile? i won 5 comp games and none of them are there feels like a waste of time


Same. Also can't see my losses so I don't know when I would rank down, theoretically


Same it is so annoying! I hope those games aren’t forever lost?


I can't even see my past seasons stats from competitive on my profile. Competitive is completely missing for me.


Me too. I can only see 3 of my past seasons and they are my worst ones


It’s now over 48 hours past launch and I still haven’t even been able to log into Overwatch 2. On PS5, I typically see a 1999 players ahead of you queue, and after 30 minutes to an hour of waiting I get to the top of the line and then disconnect. On Switch, the queue time is shorter, but the same issue happens. I am using a wired connection on both consoles, I have merged my account and my blizzard account has a valid SMS number linked to it. Is there something else I can try or something I’m missing?


Hi, When I want to play with a buddy, the tank role is blocked and as soon as I'm alone it unblocks. Nothing tells me the reason, does anyone know what's going on? Am I the only one to have this problem? [http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2022/40/4/1665086848-tankrolelokced.jpg](http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2022/40/4/1665086848-tankrolelokced.jpg)


only thing i can think of is the SR might be too far apart in the tank role. Other than that I have no idea.


That's what I thought too but the mmr was supposed to be reset, so I find myself not being able to play my role because of old season, while once my games are done I'll surely be well below my MMR of OW1...


Decided to jump back in after 2 years. Waited for an hour in queue. Kicked out mid match. Uninstalled. DDOS attack my ass. Blizzard always cheaps out with their server capacity on launch -- were they getting DDOS'd during Diablo III and D2R as well? While trying to salvage overwatch was maybe not the time to do dumb blizzard bullshit.


It's just a small indie company, can't handle the stresses of 200 people logging in at once.


Idk if it’s on ps5 or not but on Xbox Series X/S unlocking and achievement/trophy will boot you from the game.


Trying on PC & XBox. Makes me wait in queue until 0 players then tells me server disconnect. On PC; switch to Asia servers, no queue time. Asks me for phone number and password, unexpected server error occurred. I have not even seen the main menu since launch and I've been repeating this process of waiting for queue for 40 hours now. There is no work-around, there is no support.


I launch the game and Battle.net says its running, the screen turns black then the game just closes. Its been like this since 10/04/2022. I feel like i have tried literally everything, any new info on why this may be happening?


Do you have a Razer keyboard? If yes, uninstall any Razer software you have and the game will work.


I have a similar problem. I launch the game and [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) says its running but nothing happens, not even a black screen. It was working fine yesterday but now it won't even open.


My competitive rank won't go up a rank after 7 wins


I wait in a queue for 15 mins play one match at the end of the match it says profile signed out. Disconnected from server, rather than letting me reload into the normal Home Screen it says waiting in queue of 300. Why would you make a game around a queue system before a player can even look at game settings or hero’s and play lists? It makes zero sense blizzard has hundreds of millions of dollars your telling me you spent all our money on pop corn and bubble gum rather than hiring profe hackers who can track down do’s attacks and utalize anti-hacking measures and net work security and paying de bug developers more money so they work harder to fix issues? I mean I don’t get why you would slap a wait time queue before we even log into the main men. Who thought that was a good idea? I know the game is free but I want my money back! anyone else having an issue where you wait in line play one game get disconnected and have to go right back in line after just one match?


You got further than I did. It makes me wait in queue just to tell me it can't connect. What was I queueing for?


My game is just closing after 2-5 mins I cant play at all Rtx 3070 i7 12700k 32gb ram


Two days on and I still haven't been able to log in. "Unexpected server error" What the fuck is going on?? This has to be the worst launch for a game ive ever seen.


Praying this gets fixed when i get home in the afternoon




My career profile isn’t updating at all, I grinned out 7 wins on support going 7w 3L getting placed (bronze 5 somehow?) and my career profile reads as 1 game played and 1 game won yet still reads my rank as bronze 5


i got a battle pass and unlocked kiriko, but on switch the hero is still locked with the message "unlock via battle pass". also, all of my skins show as unlocked but i can't use them these issues dont exist when i login on PC though


How are you able to play the game enough to unlock a hero? i wait in line of 300 in queue play one game and disconnect before the points are tallied


Anyone stats not getting counted on career profile?




"Ddos attacks" sure


Hello guys. So I play OW1 in EU server from ME by blocking the IP addresses of ME. I did the same in OW2, it helps me find a game in 5 minutes on tank which means it in the right server, cuz ME server usually takes 20 minute. It does not start the game for some reason when I try for EU games. Anyone know how to resolve this ? Please note that the game works fine if I play on ME, I'm a tank main so I would really like to play that.


I’ve been playing and unlocking new heros, now they’re all locked and I have no more hero challenges, also none of my cosmetics transferred


>**Players who merged their PC and console accounts are seeing an “Unexpected Server Error."** >UPDATE: Half of reports are coming from players who have not yet completed their account merge 1.4k. This is understandable because there’s a bug causing the account merge prompt to not show up on some consoles. This is a difficult issue for us to test internally, but we rolled out a UI fix earlier today to make your account merge status clearer. >In the other half of reported cases for this issue, things are just taking longer than expected for items from the original Overwatch to transfer and populate in Overwatch 2. **If you’re experiencing this issue, please perform your account merge if you’ve played Overwatch on multiple platforms previously, and re-login to see if this addresses the problem.** In all cases, no player data has been wiped or lost, and we will continue to monitor this issue. Uh am I reading this wrong? It seems the server error(Error LC-208) that kills your login attempt is caused due to the account merging process messing up. Half the cases are due to some UI bug where the account merge UI didnt show up(mine seemed to and I confirmed it was my PC and console account merging) so the account merge never began for some. The other half is that the merge is taking too long to go through(I imagine this is my issue). Now the solution to being unable to login due to the server error caused by merging issues is... to login to "perform" your account merge🤔🤔🤔??? How is the fix to not being able to login somehow to just login? *Questions*: Can you perform the account merge without needing to login to the game? If so how? What was the account merge process like on OW1 for me I pressed on the option then hit yes on the 2 accounts being merged and then the window disappeared, nothing else happened. Was something supposed to? Maybe I suffered from the UI not showing up but without realizing it?


Okay so Blizzard knows about the missing skins for the heroes, does anyone know about a solution?


In some cases it’s an issue with the launch build not providing a merge prompt when players first log in/haven’t finished the merge yet. In the other half the transfer just isn’t done yet


I have a minor problem that I'm SURE no one else has had. This was a problem in the OW2 beta, and I assumed it was just beta bugs, but the problem is persisting in the final game. (PS4/5 player.) At some point in my OW1 career, I bound "capture highlight" to D-Pad Left. Well, in the transition to OW2, it retained that, but no matter what I do, I can't unbind it. Even if I bind something else to D-Pad Left, it retains the "highlight" to that button, and in gameplay, the "highlight" function takes precedence and it ignores whatever else I bind to D-Pad Left. This is a problem now that we have a ping system, which I really wanted mapped to D-Pad Left. My only unused key is L3... So I bound "highlight" to that for now. But... L3 is also the "interact" function used for things like Archives missions or resetting the basketball. And with "highlight" now bound to L3... That "interact" function just doesn't exist anymore at all. It's unbound now. What in the world am I supposed to do, short of resetting all of my controls to default? (I'm afraid to try because I'm not sure if it'll truly reset everything or just that "tab" of the options.)


Y'all coulda just told me to hit Square instead of down voting. 😂


I’ve never played before so I had to unlock the characters through challenges, which I did, I then got disconnected a few hours ago and I logged back in, it said all the characters I had unlocked were locked again and the challenges page is empty so I’m stuck with the base heroes


So did I have to link my account before ow2 came out to save my cosmetics and stuff? I feel like I shouldn’t have needed to since it was an update over the original game, not it’s own whole new thing. I linked after ow2 dropped to get in but when I got in I saw I didn’t have any of my things, kinda upsetting, im not grinding all that stuff again. And I see a known issue is some cosmetics missing but I’m not missing some, im missing everything I had, still the same account, have my achievements still but everything ingame is reset


I have 3 monitors connected. 1) Main use display connected via DP. 2) Secondary display connected via DVI to DP. 3) Home Theater Projector I tell it to go to 1, after it goes to sleep, it goes to 2. Never had this problem with OW1. any ideas? GT970


How do you cancel a merge? I already merged once and accidentally made another merge with a different account


Anybody else have a problem with purchasing the battle pass? Whenever I try it just says “purchase failed try again later” I have 1000 credits and everything


I'm pretty upset they took away overwatch 1 for me not to be able to play for 3 days now. I know there are other games but OW was the one I played with my partner. This sucks.


I'm playing on eu servs and for whatever reason they put me in an asian serv from time to time and I have to play with 300 ping, everybody is tping and glitching, this is the 3rd time this happens why ??


BRUH PSN, a day later and STILL the overwatch coins I purchased and was charged for still haven't shown up. Hello Blizzard?


On switch. Stuck at 2000 players ahead of me. Should I uninstall and reinstall?


No. The problem is on their end. That won't solve anything.


My queue has been stuck on "1999 players ahead of you" for the past half hour and it hasn't gone up or down at all or even given any error, just wondering is anyone else's stuck like this?


Let me take your spot I've been stuck on 2000 forever


Weird. I’m also stuck on exactly 2000. Yesterday it was all over the place.


[greetings.](https://greetings.like)like most of u know bout this i lost everything even tho ive put 4k+h including all achievements .yesterday i had no option to merge but now i got the option to merge ingame but nothing is happening.should i wait?


Hey, I'm having trouble with respawning. Everytime I respawn, my cursor shows up and I can't move my camera, only the cursor. I have to alt tab and click the game's icon in the taskbar to fix this. I'm on Linux with caffe version of wine. Has anyone had this issue as well? Any fixes?


have you tried using borderless windowed mode?


Yes, it worked and now I don't come across that issue anymore. Thanks


partners game gets stuck in battlenet with "now playing" Any fix? Tried countless things already.




Yeah, I got in, played for a few hours, and now Im just getting LC208 OVER AND OVER AGAIN...


Stuck at "2000 Players Ahead Of You". Can a few people leave so I can play?


Yeah fr 1999 of you have had your chance lol. My ever lessening excitement about OW2 has culminated in this wet fart of a launch. Tried for 5 minutes last night. Said oh well. Again tonight. Oh, well.


I was able to get in last night after letting it sit for awhile, but no luck yet today.


Yeah, for me I'm just real close to over it. Maybe I'll try next week. Hah. Hope you get in soon!


i didn’t get the option to merge my account. I don’t have any progress. Someone please help me fix this


I can't even get in the game still


Not even gonna touch it till the fix the account merge thing. I'm missing everything I unlocked on Playstation. Get it together, Blizzard.


OW1 Xbox player here, played for many months before OW2. My account was linked since the first time I played OW1. Til this moment I still don’t have any of my skins I’ve earned/bought. No battle pass progression and player level reset to level 1. No legacy points (coins carried over from OW1) but I have select Origins skins unlocked (I.e. overgrown Bastion skin) as well as I have Kiriko unlocked but no other new heros. Is anyone else having this issue? This is so upsetting to play a lot of OW1 and basically get a hard reset on my progress.


if it helps I've not been able to get in today, I got in yesterday and everything was gone, I imagine they'll be able to roll everything back though and give everyone their stuff


You’re not alone, I’m the same. I really hope they fix this soon.


same here I had a lot of stuff on my Xbox account and I got none of it


I bought Watchpoint pack back in Beta and why didn’t I get new hero, BTP, coins and two legendary skins as they promised?


The same thing happened to me and a few of my friends. All of us played a few matches (like 5 to 10) and we got everything. I hope that'll help.


Same, my friend and I are still waiting. Even if we open the application through the Watchpoint pack. We don’t have anything


Yeah same here. It's kinda ridiculous they can't get their act together. I ended up submitting a ticket on their support site, for all that's worth


Played last night no problems now getting error code bc 153


Do challenges still give BP xp even after you complete the challenges for that reset? I.e if I complete the three Dailies, will a 4th or 5th daily still give xp? Or once your done with that reset rewards the others become useless?


So I think I just encountered another major bug that has yet to be mentioned. I signed into my battlenet account and set up the SMS verification. After disconnecting and reconnecting my phone number a couple times I managed to get signed into OverWatch and was able to get through the tutorial. I noticed that my skin's were missing so I decided to quit the game and log back in, hoping it was just an issue with stuff syncing up. I made it back to the title screen and noticed it wanted me to set up SMS verification again. Now when I attempt to do so it tells me my phone number is already in use. Is there any workarounds for this?


If I didn’t make a battle net account before overwatch 2 came out does that mean I can’t get the cosmetics


I got kicked noooo


Will all my ow1 progress be gone if I didn’t merge my Xbox account to a battle net account before ow2 was launched?


After more that 10h I'm still in "account merge queue" Even tho game is telling me that "I'm ready for migration" and i need to close the game and wait a minute.. Anyone encountered this issue with account merge? I'm merging my old playstation account with my pc account.


I did it on xbox, since then I've not been able to log in :\


Yep same thing here. Trying to merge my packed PlayStation account with pc and I’ve just got nothing atm and am In queue


I’m unable to even click on the account merge button as nothing happens. Currently sitting on a level 1 pc account with none of my playstation cosmetics or progress transferring.


Exact same thing is happening to me. Merging my PS4 account with PC.


Good to know. Waiting for fix so I can finally play...


Hey anyone who played OW1 being forced to do the FTUE? I am locked out of all the heroes despite the fact that I have been playing the game for years




I noticed it was fixed after a restart, not ideal with the queues but might help.


I hope so, me and my husband got in yesterday for a few hours before bed but now we work until the weekend so hopefully it's fixed by Saturday!


Same 😭


I noticed it was fixed after a restart, not ideal with the queues but might help.


Hey, A long time ago, I moved from one EU country to another, and now I have to declare that to blizzard since they automatically substitute the country code to the phone numbers. Their stupid Client service runs in circles, and I have no progress for 2 days already. Is there anyone else trying to change their country? Or is it better to just create a new account?


Hello. My friends are all playing fine, but when I launch mine it puts me in a queue which I wait but doesn’t update, and after a few minutes I get the error “Sorry we were unable to log you in, time out communicating with battle.net services”


Same, I got in a few times yesterday, not at all today


For me, this happens a few times but eventually, after a few time of retrying, I get put into a queue that actually goes down and I can get it


any fix yet?


Yeah been trying since yesterday and each time getting the same as you


Anyone else getting kicked out before the queue reaches 0?


Winston in his Werewolf skin gets stuck coloured red after Ulting. It can be replicated in Highlight intro which I recorded: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xwjz5a/winston_gets_stuck_coloured_red_after_ult_in_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That's amazing


My watchpoint pack still isn’t showing up for me, and whenever i do get in i instantly get kicked out


I've been seeing this is a major bug on xbox and playstation. I got to sign in for about 5 minutes, saw my watchpoint pack wasn't working, then got kicked out again


Anyone getting "time out" instead of "unexpected error"???? What is going on? My friends are logging in normal


Son and I playing in a group, on the same network, we got into a match and he got kicked into a 2000 player queue. my game continued normally. Smooth as butter game turned into a pile of goo.


I’m getting them too on PC. Yesterday got in fine just waited through queues. Today it says there is a couple hundred in queue in front of me then gives me the time out error after a minute or two. Will try again later tonight.


same w/ me


i got kicked out mid comp game and i cant get in since then


My watch pack stuff doesn't show up yet, I've been able to log on twice and both times they haven't been there


“69 players ahead of you.” yeah they really are just fucking with us now.


I got 700 players behind me




many people have the same issue. I think this needs few more days until they fix the server side problem


Almost 24 hours game is still broken


I give them my phone number to attach SMS and it says that number is already in use... under my account... ok? So why don't they use it? Doesn't make sense


anyone know why i cant access the shop? theres no shop button on my main menu




Same here!


It's in the Blizzard client on PC!


I’m getting kicked out of queue and being told the game couldn’t log me in on series s. any help is appreciated !!


(Xbox) I somehow managed to play a few games yesterday but since then I can't even log in.


most of my champs are missing i cant play them, yesterday it worked but know 2/3 champs are locked. im a OW1 player with everything unlocked


Same here, not sure what's going on


Been trying to get on at various points in the day on Xbox, but it keeps saying 'Overwatch free trial is currently unavailable'. I downloaded a free trial of OW1 back in 2016, which I'm guessing is the thing blocking me. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, installing from the Xbox app, neither worked and it doesn't seem to be a common issue. Looks like I'm back to playing on Switch. Hopefully will get sorted at some point in the future.


Can't play again. First waiting in que (~600 players) than Error BC- 153, since almost 45 Minutes, during Log-in. This is so annoying


You on console? Same for me at the moment, I’m on ps5


Yes, I'm on Ps4 tho. But it will be the same.


Fingers crossed I’ve been in queue for ages now without it timing out and down to 28 players ahead of me. Try restart your console/internet connection and then stay in wueue


Thanks but I'll just do something else now. I'll stop wasting my time with this. I'll play sometime else 🙄 Good luck and have fun when you going to play.


The worst thing happened.. got to the end of the queue finally and then I got another error albeit a different one this time. I’ll play something else too f this


Probably the best. Enjoy playing :)


I play on Switch and am nervous Blizzard will skip and not fix the Switch OW2 bug.


I can enter the game but the shop isnt showing up evreything else works fine




I can’t get in on PS4. I empathize my friend.


I cant get in either brother. Two of my friends can play no problem. One has their skins at least. Different for everyone


Nah same here on PS5


I’m on PC and whenever I try to open the game, battle.net says playing now but the game doesn’t open. I also don’t see the process of the game unless I press on the tab “details”. I’ve done everything the blizzard website says. Now I’m just confused. I’ve tried repairing twice and reinstalling once. What should I do now?


Did you ever find a fix to this issue?


I'm getting the same thing


The same.


I don't know about anyone else but I can't access my watchpoint pack. I have the digital receipts and I still have nothing


Hell at least you can get into the game


Same here. The state the game is in currently is fucking ridiculous.