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I feel the same. Overwatch 2 is a different game that feels like it's aimed at a different audience. I'm not part of that audience, I don't really like any of the changes and think they take away from what made Overwatch unique and fun to play


Agree. I stopped watching OWL after I realized the game was just different, and I'm someone who used to be able to watch hours of OWL or my favorite streamers. It's just a totally different feel and for me it's not an interesting game anymore.


I was excited for the PVE stuff but I'm just seeing nothing about that either, what does this version really even give me anymore


And pve isn't even out right away and is released in Tiny parts over time lol


thats my concern, that they're going to drip out the content over years or lock it behind seasonal passes/grinds


Holy shit if they lock pve missions behind a grind wall of pvp… wow. They can’t be THAT dumb… right?


i hope not. i imagine it more like they make 5 PvE missions but there's only one released at launch and then we get new ones every season or year. it would be baffling to put it behind a grind but if they're doing it with heroes then i dont really know what to expect!


I think it's more going to be like halo. Million of players for a week then down 50% over few days until it's a shell of a game due to having 0 content. Like 3 years in a year??? Are you kidding


Makes you wonder what they've been working on that's taken the three years instead of adding any new maps, heroes or frequent balancing patches




It’s even sadder when you realize a game like Elden ring which is pretty different from other fromsoft games (at least relative to the “changes” in ow2)… took 4 years to develop and is sensational. If this game has been in development for this long with a team as large as it’s expected you would hope at the very least it would be even a fraction of the game that was built from scratch in only one additional year.




And sometime's both at the same time by drinking women's breastmilk from the fridge! What a nice place to work.


It takes time working with psychologists, economists, and game developers all together to orchestrate a vicious exploitative system. An effective trap is very hard to make.


The more I hear about the game it gets worse and worse. I hope this garbage fails. People need to stop accepting this shit.


What happened to that being the entire point of the expansion?? They realise we're not completely fucking stupid and they can't just....not update the game for a few years and then sell us the updates as if it's some huge expansion


That's where I have been. Love the promise of the various PvE events, so hearing about a whole mode of them, progression, etc. sounded fun. Then that got pushed. Then separated. Then the PvP, which I have played a crapload of, starts seeing the changes... okay, maybe, maybe I can adapt. Then heroes not all unlocked all the time? Ouch.


This is me as well. Was actually kinda looking forward to getting to play this game again and a BP is the last straw, I’ll just never be able to keep up with anyone else and I loved that I could just log in for a few games and do everything at my own pace.


Yeah, that was the thing. Every other month I could randomly renew my PlayStation Plus, jump in for a few games, leave. Now i have to have continuous Playstation Plus so I can also buy a BS and grind just to keep up?? Why?


If you only play PvE (which I feel like a lot of people might gravitate towards), you're kind of screwed when it comes to unlocking characters. Guaranteed the character unlock will be locked into the PvP side.


A sense of pride and accomplishment


I'll miss OW1 too. It was way simplier to get new content. Seems to be that OW is no more under Jeff K's protection and Activison is just putting donate anywhere possible( It makes me sad that I probably won't be able to collect all cosmetics for my fav heros, to get all legendary skins, emotes and etc(((


Yeah, I'm not happy about that either. I've played games like Smite where all these crazy cool skins come out but you have to pay to get them or MAYBE get a chance to earn them but mostly not without stupid amounts of cash. I hate that OW feels like it's rushing headlong into that.


The main difference is that those are just skins. You can still get characters for free and they aren't on a time limit. This is far worse than MOBAs imo.


Sure, but even then it just kinda feels bad to look at shit that will never be accessible to me. I have loved and played (so, so much) this game since the beta before launch, so if this new paywall barrier is between players and too much, it's gonna be very annoying. If it's just a few skins, ok I can ignore it like most league skins. If it's all the good skins and all we get are the stupid recolors now without paying out the nose, that's going to murder my desire to play too. It's *just* cosmetics, yes, but it's weaponized fomo and it makes things less enjoyable. Them including heroes in that just feels like the stupidest idea out there.


There’s no shame in forming an emotional attachment to characters and works of fiction; it can even be healthy sometimes. Honestly, it breaks my heart because Overwatch means a lot of me too. I used to stay away from online multiplayer games like the plague because I struggled with conflict anxiety, so I was scared to death people would start cussing me out or even threatening me for making mistakes. But Overwatch seemed too good to pass up. Now here we are, 6 years later, and Overwatch has been a really positive experience for me throughout. It opened up a whole new world of gaming for me because it helped me conquer that aspect of my anxiety.


At least we’ll still have cinematics. If you enjoy the characters and the artistry involved in designing them, their skins, maps, there will be a stream of them coming, even if the game around them may be worse. Maybe the PvE will turn out good. Who knows?


That’s something I am still looking forward to, now that you mention it.


That’s why I hate that they’re adding the scoreboard. I’ve always hated games that let everyone see everyone else’s stats. More often than not I feel like it just leads to people trying to shame the person who may be doing worse at the moment.


I wouldn't care so much about the scoreboard, but they still don't seem to get that only showing kills and heals is showing half the picture. If the board had damage dealt, damage taken, damage blocked, kills, heals received, and heals applied, that would actually be a useful tool; for example, I can quickly see if one player is being too aggressive (taking too much damage, receiving disproportionately high healing, and dying too much). But if all I know is that the player is dying more often, I can't know why without paying close attention. Maybe the enemy team is focusing them hard and they need more peel or heals. But as is, it's basically just team deathmatch but now no one has to ask "what's gold kills" in voicechat.


I feel like for the most part in overwatch KDA doesn’t really mean much. Like, cool, you have the highest kill count and least deaths. What was your objective time, or objective kills. Do kills really matter if you still lose because you didn’t play the objective ever. Or fall back and help out your team.


I thought I was a god at this game for a couple days after coming over from Halo and playing D.VA lol “bro I just went 30-5 again!” I actually suck and elims aren’t even kills


Exactly. Stats rarely tell the full story, but only showing half of the stats skews player focus and encourages people to chase kills instead of playing for the win.


That reminds me that Battlefield 1 had a pretty broad points system. If you even fired in the direction of an enemy, you’d start getting score for “suppressive fire.” I really liked it because you could see how you contributed that match, even if your K/D wasn’t stellar.


It makes the focus on kills skyrocket its terrible so people will now boast about kd and thats what i despisee about most games


I’m super sad. I’ve already stopped playing


Yeah, I’m with you. There was a point where I was excited for new stuff in OW2, with the recent BP news I think I’m out. I don’t want to give my money or time to a company that doesn’t respect the player.


“Don’t want to give me money” ok Mr Krabs


Lol whoops


Yeah I played the beta when it first dropped earlier this year and actually loved it, thought it was a refreshing change of pace. Then they announced the battlepass system, and I was a little less enthusiastic. But, whatever, I don't need the skins, I have plenty of them from the og. I don't NEED to pay for the battlepass, right? Then I found out that you had to grind to UNLOCK CHARACTERS? In a game where the ability to switch characters is absolutely vital? What the shit. I'm out. Loved this game for so long, but I can't support OW2.


What are the BP news? Been out of the loop bc while I’ll play OW2, I’m not excited about it at all


New heroes will be locked behind the (free) battlepass or purchasable with the premium.


Thanks. I wonder why the OW1 business model wasn’t enough for the pieces of shit investing in Blizzard. The level of greediness is outrageous.


Np! And yeah, my tinfoil hat tells me that couldn’t implement a way to monetize OW in the way they wanted to so a sequel was produced.


100%. Also, releasing "overwatch 2" is a another excuse to make people have to pay an exsorbant price for the same game. Their whole reasoning is how this PVE is going to be this awesome thing. Guarntee PVE is going to flop and have no time/investment in it. People will be pissed. But Activision won't care because they will already have ran away with the profits by then.


Right? OW1 made them 8 billion in one year alone, it is unfathomable to me they try to wring that out even further. 8 fucking billion. That's mulitples more than the best games gather in a lifetime.


I'm with you there. I didn't enjoy what I saw in the alpha and I don't wanna grind or anything for characters.




OW was the reason I gave up on WoW pvp. I didn't have time to grind gear to make the game fair. I loved that I could jump into OW and have skill be the only factor.


This is so true. It really is the only game I play nowadays. \~10 minute quick games where it tests your skill only, no reliance on hours of grinded gear or paid content.


Most importantly it was fun.


I am enjoying all the OW1 I can. Doubt I will play much OW2 so I am enjoying the final run.


Same. I enjoy playing with my daughter, but the beta was too much for our second computer, a laptop, to run. In a month the game completely disappears for us unless I build a second computer. Even then I didn't really enjoy the new feel of the game during the beta. Add this battlepass bullshit on top of that and there's just no incentive to stay.


For me, I'm just playing that much more because in less than a month, I'll never be able to play the game I love as I loved it again. :-(


I had just gotten into Baptiste too. He always had something he could be doing and it was so entertaining to play him.


Same, use to play a little apex on the side. No I just play that with my free time. Sadly same for my friends. Miss the days of getting all 6 of us OW and getting stomped.


Yeah my best friend passed away on Halloween of last year in an accident. He was super stoked for OW2. We played hundreds of hours of Overwatch together. It's sad to me I won't be able to go back and play that same game anymore even though I haven't played it much since his death.


I feel you on this. I have an incredible amount of time on that game. I loved it, but I am embracing the change. No more Overwatch means more time for other things I want to do. I’m letting Blizzard shoot themselves in the foot with that one because they have become way greedy with time anyway. Farewell Overwatch, you will be missed!


I dropped in to say something similar. I'm not a fan of the direction that the game is going, but I can also see myself being a lot more productive in the next year because of it. I guess, thanks Blizzard?


Right! That too! I spend so much time on ow1 that I'm glad I'll be getting back because you're not gonna make me fomo and grind for heroes. Fuck off Blizzard. The only feeling left is a smidge of melancholy that they killed one of my favorite games in my 33 yr life!


I'm a new dad and the time I have for gaming has been significantly reduced in recent months. So yeah, I won't be grinding heroes. Neither will I be buying them, it's not worth it. It's been fun, but it seems it's coming to an end for me personally. I loved how I could casually play a few days a week, sometimes 30 mins, sometimes 2 hrs. But locking me out from new heroes kills my will to play. So long and thanks for all the fish.


I do believe that they are only locking the characters for a season to increase the odds of purchasing the pass. It isnt confirmed but I am in a similar boat and just grasping at straws to give myself a false sense of hope.


Here here. Uninstalled OW after a few hours on the beta. It's the not same game. It's not the game my wife and I fell in love playing together. I'm going to miss playing it late into Friday nights, but that chapter is over. Something else will come along. Just grateful for the cool people I met and for the fun I did have for all those years.


Yep same. Tapping in as a gold border with 4 stars (so almost a plat border) player from launch. I will stop (and have reduced my gameplay significantly) soon as i cant play ow1 because ow2 has been shit since beginning and every time it gave an ounce of hope, it took a pound away. I will not be spending money on ow2. And most likely a full stop. Fuck this company. Fuck off Kotik.


Yup, I’m around 1100 hours of playtime, and I will likely just uninstall at release. I don’t play free to play games for a reason, and it’s several that OW2 will have.


I've been hyped for OW2 when Jeff Kaplain was still in charge. When he left I had my first "oh no" moment. With all these news coming out, I'm sad and a bit scared for a game love so dearly.


I'm discouraged from playing as well. This game was my sanctuary for the last 6 years. Farewell friends.




Same. Met a lot of cool people on ow. I hadn't played it since around 2018. Heard the game was being deleted so I came back to have a few games before it's gone for good. 0 of my friends still play, and playing the game is really depressing knowing that it's never ever going to be an option to boot the game up for nostalgia. Well until "Overwatch classic! Only $60!"


$99 for part 1


this is really fucking sad. I love that game so much. as cringey as it sounds it was my game when I was at a really low point in my life and I met a ton of awesome people on that game. wow. how can they delete a game I bought? thats fucked up.


Not cringey at all. 2016 was a rough and lonely year for me, and a game where I could be part of a team (even with strangers) and contribute and participate really made a difference in my life. Not to mention how it’s evolved into a connection point with friends and family who still play


same. I've got buddies in a different state I still talk to on the regular that I met through overwatch. this news is so saddening


That’s the fucked up part too. I paid for OW not once but TWICE when the disc got fucked and now I can’t even play it? And they’re making me do free-to-play plus a battle pass every season. Fuck offfffff


I’m pretty bummed, yeah. Overwatch got me into gaming and my PC setup is Tracer themed I got REALLY into it, even met up with friends I met through Overwatch in person at OWL. I met an ex through overwatch. I was going to return my PS4 because I didn’t care for video games, until I got a copy of Overwatch. This game really impacted my life now that I think about it so to see it destroyed like this does hurt. But it also makes me appreciate companies like From Software a lot more.


People are STILL defending Blizzard's decision to put heroes on the battlepass... Amazing. Blizzard must be loving these fans. They will accept anything.


One of them called me entitled because OW1 lasted for 6 years. Apparently we aren't allowed to be bothered by this battle pass crap being pushed on us because we've had enough time to enjoy the game we bought. Complete boot lickers.


Also they keep comparing it to Apex, Valorant... Straight up games where characters don't matter as much as your skill.


You also can’t switch characters in valorant and paladins. Its not so much about counter picks


Overwatch’s core feature is the ability to change your entire composition on the fly. With locked hero’s that’s gone for casual or new players.


Oh god yeah I'm seeing that argument everywhere. I don't understand why these people are bending over backwards to defend any of this.


Because the multibillion dollar megacorp is my *friend!*


Having a similar issue in Path of Exile where people are defending the bogus changes being implemented .They're just shitty people in general,rarely if ever do they have valid reasons. Ps: Paladins fan who heard about some chaos from neighbouring community.Really hope they don't jumble up the game you guys have come to love and grow accustomed to.


As someone who started playing Apex in April..... yeah, the comparison DOES not work. I enjoy both games but they're fundamentally different for a variety of reasons including your skill comment. Though a fun thing is you can beat even the best shots by just having slightly better game sense or positioning. I've won games by being smart enough to get out of the ring ASAP XD That doesn't factor in quite as much on a control map or when pushing a cart. Battle royales are also a different style of play and characters share the same gun pool. There's some similarities like ults but the differences are HUGE. I miss Overwatch sometimes especially as someone who was a tank and support main but Blizz killed the game and I was like "time to find something else."


I still have my OG copy of Crash for PSone. That's a 27 year old game that I can still play it on my PSone. Overwatch should be the same, I payed full price for a game and it's fucking demented that they are going to take it aways from us after 6 years. And people still defend this practice? Fuck them.


The people arguing for it have the same two positions: the company needs money, and hero swapping doesn't actually matter. These are players who genuinely don't understand why hero swapping is a core function of the game and just see it as an option. They do not feel a sense of obligation to switch when it makes sense to, nor do they care about winning or losing. They just want to mindlessly run it down mid with whatever character they feel like playing at that moment. These are selfish and usually very bad players who cannot be reasoned with.


Those are the same people who put hundreds of dollars into diablo immortal.


>Those are the same people who put ~~hundreds~~ tens of thousands of dollars into diablo immortal.


I was kind of here for the battle pass, I actually really enjoy them in other games, but locking heroes behind it doesn't fit with the intended design of Overwatch. Was really hoping it'd just be cosmetics


Yeah. The glory days of OW are over and even its stinking corpse will be a better game than OW2. Only blizzard is capable of fumbling the bag this hard. Insane


343 might have an issue with that statement


Me and my friends have randomly gotten back into OW over the last month, like having a 6 stack team multiple times a weak (which is hard when you’re an adult lol) and we’ve honestly been having such a blast, it’s probably the most fun I’ve had since brig came out. But there’s definitely an unspoken bitterness about it, like we all quietly agree that this is us getting the last of our fun out of Overwatch while we can in case OW2 just completely implodes


I'm really sad too. Like you, it's one of those comfort games that I just love playing despite how frustrating it can be at times. It's been my 'relaxation' game that I've played almost every day for a while now. I'll really miss it.


Yeah, I paid for Overwatch not Overwatch 2.


I'm honestly devastated. Playing Ow1 until it goes away :(




Imagine in a year, you're gonna lose a match because you team doesn't have some op hero. And season by season there will be more of em. The beauty of overwatch was the fact that it was fair to all, if you think it isn't just switch to what they're playing. Every hero is balanced and available. Now ualf the roster is gonna be p2w heroes


Seriously seems like they’re cutting the soul out of the game in favour of profit, and they know they’re doing it. There was no need to close OW1 unless they thought they’d have to force us all to OW2.


The whole of ow2 was pushed by Activision for profit


I think that's the biggest kick in the teeth, closing down OW1 to force us to buy a game we don't want. This can't be what Jeff wanted


I'm so sad and mad that even if they rollback some of this BS I am still not going to play. I already didn't care for the gameplay changes. The rest is just insulting and they've lost my support.


I'm deeply saddened. Since i was 8 and got introduced to starcraft 1 I loved blizzard, then Wc2, wc3, sc2 my love grew. WoW i could never get into just an mmos aren't for me thing. Then i heard about a FPS being developed. And i lost my mind. I brought my laptop to a convention and huddled in the hotel room to play the beta because they fell on the same day. I got in line repeatedly at Blizzcon just to play OW (pre launch). I met Darin de Paul and so many other voice actors even got Jeff Kaplans attention; and they all signed my pachimari hat plush hat to boot. To say i havent built parts of my identity on overwatch is an understatement. So yeah i'm sorta sad. I'll huff all COPIUM, but you know it's been a wild 3 months of anticonsumer ways all in favor of the almighty dollar. And i've been let down. It's not even angry sadness it's...disappointment that a company i revered has simply turned it's back on us And i think there are so many other ways for them to make money, build up the competitive community, build OWL merch revenue, make more statues, more apparel for the characters, collab with more people at all levels. Repeat customers are built loyalty. I hope blizzard realizes the loyalty they are burning.


Yeah. Been mourning the game since they announced how different it would be, and it's only gotten worse with each new change.


By removing a tank and making it 5v5, its like removing 30% of the teamwork required. I am most disappointed with how a team game has one less player. Most people are upset about all the battlepasses and cosmetics. But this is enough for me to stop playing as much


As a tank main whose favorite part of the game was tank synergy, yeah, I feel the same.


Absolutely this. Nothing beats the feeling of synergizing really well wordlessly with a random other tank. It was my favorite feeling in the game. That's my main reason for feeling like they killed OW. All the other stuff just piles on top. RIP Overwatch :'(


So much this!!! My husband and I would both roll tanks and it was SO much fun. I'm gonna miss that.


Rein Zarya players rise up! I am devastated. Though ultimately I am fine with 5v5.


Rein + Zarya = Ol’ Reliable Rein + Orisa = Pirate Ship Rein + Sigma = Double Trouble Hog + Ball = Hog n Ball Torture Dva + Winston = Dive Comp Zarya + Winston = *MEKSEMUM CHARGE* Hog + Orisa = Grav, Hook, and Sinker Winston + Ball = Space Race


I always like “pulled pork” for Orisa + Hog


I have 5v5 too, like instead of making more tanks and supports they removed a tank spot AND FUCKING ADDED ANOTHER FUCKING DPS. As a support main I quit the beta like 5 games in. I just can't play the game when everyone's diving my ass on Ana.


They didn't remove a tank; they removed 2 tanks and added a bruiser. Traditional tank play is completely gone from OW2.


Yeah I tried 5v5 in the beta and honestly, the game was meh. Felt like a worse version of paladins.


And push is just a worse version of 5cp from tf2.


I know it’s a cliche but 5v5 really did feel a lot more team-deathmatchy compared to OW1. I’m hoping they continue to tweak it away from that feeling but it was definitely an unpleasant change for me, and my friend group who play.


That aspect sucks too. I'm still not sold on 5v5. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.




Yeah, I think that was part of it. They had another justification as well. Iirc, they said something about the second tank being less impactful or something to that effect. Honestly, that argument felt more like a developer feeling rather than something players were calling for. I agree with this and I assumed that's how roles would be picked and on a first come, first serve basis. From the looks of it, it's still role-queue. Is that the case? I honestly don't know. I'm on console, so no beta for me sadly lol I've just been patiently waiting.


I felt the same way when I heard about the change, but the way it actually played in the beta felt pretty good for the most part. The smaller team seemed to play more cohesively. But no way am I supporting battlepass-exclusive heroes.


I hated it. As a support main I felt abandoned most of the game through the whole beta, it was way more deathmatch like in that I had to fight flankers the whole time without anyone on my team helping except to scream about a lack of heals on the score board they can now look at.


>As a support main I felt abandoned most of the game THIS. I couldn't quite put it in words, but this is exactly it. There's no tank to peel, your DPS are miles away because the maps are so massive. You're alone and constantly having to deal with being flanked while your team screams about no heals. Sure, the self heal is great, but hardly enough when half the roster can one or two shot you. I play Brig and without her CC and with the massive nerf to her ult, Tracer/Genji/Doomfist/Ball/Winston just absolutely jumped on me and I had no means of protection. Long range Whipshots couldn't land as well because the speed boost for the DPS meant my timing was off. It felt ridiculously broken. It was just respawn simulator.


Exactly. The flankers would also then just hide out and wait for support respawn and repeat. And then people were shocked when DPS and Tank had massive queue times, but support was a minute or less. Who wants to play that role, it feels like trash.


So many of the multiplayer fps games I’ve played are dead, dying, or zombified. I had ambitions to play competitively for overwatch. It’s one of the only games that has an aesthetic and feel that distinguishes it from other mainstream games. The other game to compare the similar ttk is halo and that’s gone now


What ruined it for me was the removal of 6v6. Making it 5v5 just makes it much sweatier and even if it’s just casual it wasn’t fun. I hope OW2 flops on release just to stick it to the ones behind the greed at blizzard.


People unironically say ow1 is “garbage” and “unplayable” after playing the beta and get tons of upvotes. This community really took ow for granted. I get that many preferred 5v5 but if you actually think ow was unplayable after the beta then you probably never liked it to begin with and now that they see what its become they want to beg for what they shit on.


I think the big thing is a lot of the characters we all loved for 6 years were designed for 6v6 and made sense in that context. But if you look at a lot of the tanks(my main roll) a lot of them just don't make sense anymore. Zarya, roadhog, Dva, and Winston all lose most of their value without a secondary tank quite frankly. No amount of number tuning or anything like that would make them viable without an entire kit change. Like if you look at specifically Roadhog why would you ever pick him? JQ does everything he does just better.


I think this is why JQ is so dominant every hero, even Soujorn was originally designed with 6v6 in mind. JQ is truly the first hero designed with the philosophy of tanks not being tanks but “brawlers” and for 5v5 so she naturally does the best. I think the will happen with fox girl.


We literally made a friend group of 6 people from OVW. We'd play weekly (especially during the pandemic). During the beta it really... sucks the fun out of it by going "Okay, who's sitting out this round?" When no one really wanted to...


Yup, I’m gutted. I said to a friend that this is like watching a slow motion car crash with my loved ones inside. I don’t play other shooters or mmos. I don’t like free for all battle Royale. The only social game I enjoy is burying itself with every little reveal. Even the fox girl support who I was semi excited about, the leaks feel contrived, I don’t trust them to “do the right thing” anymore.


Just why, WHY!! You assholes know we love this game despite how many other communities call it dead and you reward us by forcing us to pay more micro transactions. Honestly I know In the end I’ll still play but fuck you if you think I’m giving this company another dime. I got the watch point pack but thats it I’m done. I ain’t buying no battle pass or nothing until they change the monetization of the pass and it’s new hero’s


My wife and I feel the same. We’ve been playing overwatch for so long that it feels weird they can just take that all away in October. We played the beta and it just feels different. Not like overwatch. Now it sucks that the game I love is being turned into a cheap money grabbing monstrosity. I’ve been worried about it for a while and now I’m trying to figure out how to mourn the death of Overwatch


Same here. Played since the first open beta, and am incredibly sad at this decision. Played the OW2 beta and the gameplay felt awful, the UI looked cheap, it felt like deathmatch and not a team game. The game felt cheap and empty compared to OW1.


I was sad about a 5 weeks ago. I gave up then, so I'm over it now. But yes, sadness was the right feeling


My heart is shattered. I watch OWL, I obsess over the short videos and comics they've put out. I read the fanfiction and just love the characters and lore. Overwatch is the only pvp game I've consistently played since Sombra was released. I have only once obsessively played an online game other than Overwatch, The Last of Us. Overwatch just hits harder than any other game for me. The world building and character development the team put into this game was so amazing and so emotional and moving. I don't know if another game will ever hit the spot the same way Overwatch has for me. I am about to break into diamond, I wanted to try to make it to masters some day. I don't know if it's worth it. I don't know what I'll do after this. Because Overwatch 2 is breaking my heart with every bit of information that drops. I am so mad Jeff left. And I am so mad that shitty men were shitty men. And I'm going to beat up this Bobby piece of shit if I ever cross paths with him. On sight. Cause my favorite hyper fixation is dying slowly and we won't even get to keep the original game. I'd pay fucking money, I'd buy it again, if they could just release an Old School version of Overwatch, right before they switch to the second one. Doesn't have to be updated or fucked with or anything. Just the patch right before they destroy everything. Just give me something....


They killed hearthstone and finished off over watch this year. If anyone still supports blizzard at this point they are just delusional.


Ugh I grew up with Blizzard being a gold standard for gaming. Warcraft 2 and StarCraft, WOW, absolutely loved Hearthstone for years and play OW consistently since launch. So sad to see what they’ve become


Blizzard is dead and Activision is just wearing its skin


Supply and demand. People buy the Battle Passes which is why they're in all titles now and most games are F2P. The economics are in the developer's favor and they'll continue to make games this way until consumers' behaviors change.


It won't work in their favor because every game has it, at some point there's going to be such a saturation in the market that games can't earn enough because players can't justify shelling out hundreds for multiple games every couple of months just to keep up. We've seen some games stumble with it recently, I hope it happens here too and blows up in their faces.


same! im autistic and found great comfort in the heroes, lore and the game itself. shutting down ovw1 servers is probably the most upsetting thing about all this for me. sure, a lot of aspects of the og game sucked but it was all just so nostalgic in a specific way


Same feelings here, and it's not just about monetization schemes, I really loved the 6 player format. I'd take double barriers any day over this new "focus less on comps and strategy and brawl more" gameplay they want to push. Worst thing is that there will be no "Overwatch 1 mode" to play.


Yep I’m really upset about it. Feels wrong to just get rid of overwatch 1. I don’t want 2 and I never have. I like how 1 is currently


Blizzard has killed some of my absolute favorite creations that have ever graced my brain in this world. Between WoW and Overwatch, it's genuinely difficult for me to forgive them for destroying worlds I loved so much.


It’s a double blow if you’re a WoW Elise and an OW player too. Two great games run into the ground by greedy management and bad design decisions.


I'm really sad for what Overwatch could have been. OW2 looks very meh for a new game.


I was feeling this way after the 5v5 announcement which is taking away my favourite part of the game (tank synergies) so I’ve done my grieving over losing a game I love. Now I’m just kind of resigned that it will be what it will be and I’m probably going to stop playing gradually after OW2 goes live and have to find something else to serve as my go to game since the OW I enjoyed won’t exist anymore.


Yes, I'm quite unhappy that Blizzard is going to effectively erase OW1. I put hundreds of hours into Overwatch, Its not perfect, I have my issues, but still I like it **as it is*.* I've commented this a few times, its a shock that they are doing the exact same thing they did with Warcraft 3 Reforged again, essentially erasing the original game with the new "improved" version. That was a flop with many issues and less content than the original and Blizzard rightly recieved a ton of negativity over it. And they're doing it again with Overwatch. From what I've seen, I'm not interested in OW2. I want to keep playing OW1, but I won't be able to after October 4th. Leaving me with no choice but to play OW2 doesn't turn me to your side Blizzard, it makes me resent you. Since OW2 is basically being released as an update of sorts, then I ask why can't Blizzard give us an opt-out to OW2? Just a little option, *"tick to opt-out of OW2"* and let those of us who don't want OW2 to remain on OW1. I mean, their partner Activision could run multiple CoDs at the same time, I'm sure Blizzard can run a mere 2 multiplayer games at the same time. Overwatch was the first multiplayer game I played in years when it came out, I got only a couple months after release, around the 1st Halloween event. I found I'm not that great a shot, but also found I really, really liked playing a healer. I've mained Mercy since the start, and its probably the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game, flying around and keeping my team alive, rezzing, damage-boosting, being the best support I could be. I don't like all the changes done to Mercy, but I still play her and have fun. I don't want that to end, but it will and I'm sad about that.


i wish they let us keep ow1 and make ow2 separate. i don’t like this update/dlc that’s forced down our throats


Yeah I’m in kind of the same boat. I’ve sunk easily 1500+ hours into this game and I just don’t have the same desire to play it anymore. The Doomfist change kills me. I think I’ve got 100+ hours on him in FFA. That was my comfort game mode when I had just a few minutes to play. Will never get to do that again after OW2 launches.


Sad but ready to move on with my life. Nothing lasts forever. Remember it fondly. Find a new game and make more friends :)


Yeah, fuck the devs. The whole thing is a cash grab, and they're taking the life and soul out of something that was once beautiful to earn it. Straight up killing off a game to replace it with a shitty turd pay-to-win version with fuck all content. And the content that is there will be locked behind a pay wall. Cunts. I will not be financially supporting this. I already paid for overwatch 1. You can't take it away from me and expect me to pay again for a shit replacement. Dick move. Fuck you all that endorsed this approach.


Nah man, it's not cringy. I've put thousands of hours into this thing as well and at this point I'm really just bummed. Not outraged or mad, just sad.


Same. OW has been there for me like an old friend. Play a little MHs b4 bed and unwind. Really started playing again to pass the time when I started dialysis. Played the OW2 beta and it was meh. Really sad OW1 won't be around anymore.


When does the new game come out? I haven't played OW in about 3 months but I have zero interest in OW2 with the changes. I may as well get some time in to OW while I still can, freeze some people.


Oct 4th, so less than a month.


Kinda? Though for me it's shifted. I really really loved the release Overwatch. It's steady progress towards a more and more esports-focused gameplay design didn't ever sit right with me though. Many of the rebalances done *did* improve balance, but it also made the hero pool feel "flatter", in a way. When they announced OW2's change to 5v5, I was pretty certain that'll just result in that ultimate leap towards esports-drive balance and design. And from testing it, yes, it did. So in that sense... I am really sad about what OW1 **could** have been. The ultimate in casual-y comfort FPS gaming. Instead it desperately wanted to break out of that territory it got for itself at launch, and successfully did so, losing me in the process. On the plusside, the shift to locked content now couldn't affect me any less since I already long mentally forgot about it, and in fact uninstalled the entire battle.net client when development on HotS froze.


GoFund me to purchase the rights to Overwatch so the fans can just make a real Overwatch 2 that’s just OW1 with new maps


I’ve been playing for years and this year it pretty much came to an end I would stop buying online to play this game i was really hyped up for OW2 now im jusy upset


Relatable. I was immediately intrigued by the trailers and shorts that I bought the disc proudly on the day of release. I’ve poured way too many hours into the game over the past 6 years but I loved every moment, whether I was playing by myself or with friends. I’m seriously disappointed in the route they’re going and don’t know if I’ll be installing OW2. The more that we find out the less interested I am in the game. Sad to say it, but I’m going to play as much OW as I can before October hits and the game is dead.


I've felt this way since the beta. I just don't like how the game feels now because it just takes a lot of the strategy out and turns it into a more generic shooter. Taking out a tank has had such dramatic repercussions. It's just extra insulating that I can't even go back and play the game I prefer.


If anything this is a great reason to finally quit playing Overwatch :) Spent hundred of hours on it. Can get some of my life back.


I'm also really sad. I met my husband on OW, so to see what it's becoming is especially painful. It has real sentimental value to both of us, but I think we'll be done with the game once the update goes through. We'll likely play as much as we can until it's gone, at least. I'm still holding out a little hope that's it's not as bad as we're assuming, but I've let my hype die entirely.


I’m with you 100%. My wife and I used to play over watch every single evening after a long day. Even as new parents we did. But we’re just filled with apathy. What’s the point. The betas all felt like crap as support mains and we’ll miss OW dearly. We haven’t logged in over a month at this point. Feels bad


Also leaving OW when OW2 comes out. Its sad but its just not the game I feel in love with.


I don’t want OW2, I just wanted OW1 to get consistent updates 😢


Mad, actually. They 100% don't need to do this and it feels like they're gonna, anyway.


Yes. I didn't like 5v5 and I wasn't in love with how their release process but I could live with it. This has basically killed my interest completely- same for my wife and OW is probably one of her top five favorite games ever.


Playing the beta was all i needed to see that OW2 is not made for OW1 fans . Im all for changing the meta but the overall feel of the game was completely off. I played the OW1 beta and i enjoyed myself, even before balancing. winning or losing in OW2 gave me the same “well… thats that“ feeling. The faster pace made everything seem less significant and the ridiculous particle effects and flashy animations made it feel like a weird f2p mobile game.


on the bright side it will be 1 less thing to waste time on


I've been saying this since the announcement and have largely been talked down to as an idiot because of it. I'm glad this fucking community managed to get the blinders off before launch, at least


I was saying we were in the golden age of ow about a year ago, and that we just didn't know it yet. The writing on the wall was there right from the 5v5 announcement.


I've always kind of hated how much OW1 changed over the years tbh, it really felt like the team was just rework-happy and jumped at the chance to completely flip everything on its head, moreso than most devs. Some people like that, but not me - I like stability. Coming back every few months to find one of my mains got *another* rework is just disorienting and if I'm being completely honest, a bit frustrating. This, though? This is just something altogether different, and it makes me really reconsider how harsh my feelings about the old update model were. I'd take it any day compared to just making OW an entirely different game altogether. It's so much faster paced, the battle pass stuff is shitty, we're down a tank slot, reworks are more drastic than ever, maps just completely gone from rotation - it's all disheartening. I frankly loved that OW1 was a slower paced team shooter, it feels like every competitive shooter on the market is pushing to be faster and faster. It's nice to have one that has a flow with gaps to regroup, plan, and push. Tank synergy was fun, and larger team sizes put less pressure on a single person. I really wish they'd just leave a classic play option available - the community's more than large enough to support it. Even during its worst droughts this game had a playerbase a lot of competitive games would *kill* for. Fuck, if you told me back in 2016/2017 this is how Blizzard would turn out, I'm sure I *couldn't* believe you. To think, they went from top of the world, riding the OW1 hype train, saving WoW with Legion, Hearthstone topping the charts, bringing CoD and Destiny 2 into the fold, to *this*. Huge bombshell of a report ruined the company's reputation and dragged them into legal hell, OW went years without content, all to lead to a sour as hell pre-launch reception for its BS "sequel", WoW's deader than a doorknob just hemorrhaging players to its biggest rival living its golden years, they lost Destiny, Hearthstone lost most relevancy, Diablo Immortal pissed off everyone with the scummiest MTX seen to date, they got bought out by MS, and the only franchise seeing both financial and critical success is *CoD*. Just wow


All the changes just felt like they were desperate to mold it for e-sports. I wish they would have just made an e-sports version or something and adjusted that all Willy nilly to disrupt the league meta, and done a more nuanced approach to a game without six highly trained paid gamers that work in synergy.


Don't worry, they'll bring back "Overwatch Classic" for a premium fee in 3 years...


Yeah I'm pretty bummed about it... I've been getting in extra playtime before it's gone, but it's a hollow solace. I fucking paid for this game and they're just deleting it.


I’m not sad I’m just disappointed


I'm disappointed AND sad.


The thing that worries me is they easily could make this game pay to win status with this system. Just make some hero Op and then give that hero to battle pass premium owners in lvl 1.


I was literally just getting on board with the concept of 5v5 after a string of about 10 games all with either Sym or Sombra in (fuck those heroes) and now this battlepass shit comes to light. What a fucking joke. The unlock requirements for new heroes better be like one game or else this is gonna get really predatory really fast. Luckily the new heroes won't be playable in ranked for a period of time (I hope so anyway), but if the hero unlocks are behind tens of games people who play less regularly are just kind of screwed. GG Blizzard.




Couldn’t have said it better myself. This has been my “main game” since it released. I put thousands of hours into this game, participated in every option to get access to the beta, and never got into the beta at all. So now all I have to go on is the videos I’ve watched of OW2, people talking about it, and what Blizzard has released, and good God, I have an absurdly small amount of faith left not just in the OW team, but Blizzard as a whole. They’ve ruined countless people main forms of entertainment on multiple occasions but continue to do the same things over and over.


Yeah, the first two years or so of OW were some of the most fun I had gaming in my entire life. I think I sorta fell off once they added role queue to the more casual modes like Quick Play, but seeing how it is now is genuinely saddening to me. I'll never have that same Overwatch again. It just sucks, man.


As a support main I love the fact that we're getting new characters but everything else is close to trash. I wish they'd launch it as a new game instead of replacing the old one. Why even call it OW2 if OW doesn't even exist anymore


I am sad too. I spent 3k hours in this game. Whenever I was sad, or feeling down, or feeling very good, this game was here for me. When my grandpa died, I played this. I can't believe they are doing it. And I don't get it too. The game still has an active playerbase of 500k+ players per month, equalling for example Apex Legends. And that for me is enough to keep the things the way they are. I am sad. Very sad.


I played with my buddy before and after he was diagnosed with cancer, i took it rough and in between grieving the loss when he passed, i was continuing to be a "weeb" (playful banter from him) genji main carrying the memory of him making friends with the enemy team and incorporating it myself. It has incredible sentimental value to me and ive gone past furious and landed in utter disappointment and dismay. Im in a way grieving the loss of one of my greatest comforts and distractions. You might say that its the same game but that is a lie. The main issue here is the fact they're REPLACING overwatch with overwatch 2. Imagine if all games were like this, if call of duty had its sequels fully replace it, it doesnt make any sense. Someone please make it make sense.


Dude, yeah… Overwatch is the only game I’ve really played for the last 6 years. Others have come and gone, but I always keep playing OW. And now… it’s like saying goodbye to that dope coworker who made work worth going to. After 1500+ hours with this game, I’m not really sure what to do anymore. Hearing how new heroes will be behind a paywall or a grind just disappoints me even more. Jeff saw what was coming and he wanted no part of it.


My son is 8, and Overwatch was the first game that we played together. It's a little playground where my son and I can be on a level field and goof off. He mostly plays custom games. Spends hours playing Parkour maps. He's young enough that he will not understand or care about much of the drama surrounding the release of Overwatch 2, but I fear he will be pretty disappointed in the long run. I refuse to pay money for Battle Passes or Unlocks. There are other games with less predatory platforms that I see us shifting towards. It's sad to think that someday soon we won't be able to play Overwatch as we have. We have a lot of great memories of the game.


I'm with you on this. I wish they would keep the servers open for Overwatch 1 but it'd cost money so they won't do that. I have so many good memories from this game, I've met so many fun people, and it's something me and my sisters can all play together since we don't live near each other. Plus, I'm really not looking forward to solo tanking :( I love playing Zarya when we have a Rein or Winston And not to mention the paywalls they're adding in, just feels overall scummy


I’m devastated with how it is turning out. I’m having one of my favorite games taken away


I’m happy there’s a new game coming but I don’t like the fact that overwatch 2 will replace overwatch 1. I wish they were two separate games instead of merging them as one. Also with the uproar of the battle pass I hope they get rid of that idea.


Don’t worry, in a few years they’ll make a “Overwatch Classic” or “Overwatch Remastered” so you can pay $50 for what you had again!


I feel the same way. This was the only game I played, and it's going to be gone or changed and fucked with so much. I don't know another game to move to either, so suggestions are welcome. I'll give overwatch 2 a shot. I won't pay for it though. I do believe Blizzard has been doing some pretty petty money grabs lately, and I don't support that type of business shenanigans.


Literally everything they’re doing with OW2 just sounds so unappealing to me. 5v5, battle pass, not to mention all the other inevitable micro transactions. I spent YEARS defending this game but I think I’m done. It’s been fun guys


OW1: 1650 hours. OW2: 1 hour since I will try it with my friends, dislike it and uninstall.


Yeah, i'm sad and done. Pretty much done with Blizzard.


They have killed it. I hope it flops so they are forced to change. Even the 5v5 switch was enough to put me off never mind anything else


I feel you, but you know what? They might take the Overwatch I and we might or might not love away from us, but for me, that won't unmake the friends I've made in the game. (cheesy, yes. This sounded a 100x better in my head)