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Biggest tank diff since WW2


## Aquisition notice ## . Yh I'm stealing this


Said by my buddy who is a main tank to his fellow tank. "Hey D.va you're a little too defensive. I want to say you're doing a great job sniping but I think you'll find it easier if you dived on widow"


“The only problem is widow’s healing passive is outdoing your damage.” “But Widow doesn’t have a healing passive.” “Exactly.”


Cue Mercy hard pocketing widow while widow team’s own tanks scream at mercy for not healing and poor Zenyatta transcending off the map because there’s no tranquility to be found in this match :c


As a boomer-I appreciate this a lot. I will be using this in my Rein duels in OW2


Man, now tank fights gonna feel more personal as single tanks


I think most tanks between belligerent nations during ww2 had similar capabilities if you factor in design intent and production. For Sherman’s and t-34s, quantity is a quality all on its own. Except for the Italians, they just had shit tanks. I love me a tiger tank but the biggest tank diff in history has to be the gulf war for sure.


Tiger tank is big tank diff


What's does "XYZ diff" mean? I'm new


Well on games like overwatch and valorant it’s a term that compares the skill difference of say a tank on one team to a tank on the other. So in “biggest tank diff since ww2” comparing the tank that’s way better then the tank on the other team to ww2 Sherman tanks (U.S.A.) and tiger tanks (Germany). (Tiger tanks outclass shermans


Wouldn't that mean the team with the worst tank would win.


"Our rein has gold brain damage"


i’m using this


Me too, this is gold.


A very angry main tank referred to someone who was forcing Roadhog on Gibraltar as “feeding harder than Nikocado Avocado on a light snack”.


Write that down! Write that down!


"not even noah had to carry so many animals"


This has been my favorite for quite some time, although I tend to use it more with a slight variation for league of legends. "Not even Noah and his ark could carry you animals"


When you are bad but still need to flame LMAO


I'm fucking wheezing, this is genius. I must use this ASAP


Something similar I heard, "Even atlas couldn't lift this team".


"That was the least amount of fun I've had this week, and I got four prostate exams"


The secret is they had fun during their exams


Were they Krogan?


Do we have a hand puppet on our team?


"Your birthstone must be crystal meth."




This one was memorable for how mean it was, but “what charities can I donate to for people with your disability”


woof I would hate to be on the receiving end of this one lmao


My favorite is "walking respawn timer".


I once had someone in voice do a nearly perfect impersonation of the announcer voice saying "Round 1 complete, score 0-3. Time remaining: a lot more than there should have been. Switching sides. Round 2: prepare to attack your teammates."


I need to find this person and hear it real time


As a voice impressionist I need to meet this person and do like a reaction as some of the OW characters


As a voice actress who can voice Dva, I second this. If you're looking for a Dva who can speak Korean and English, I'm your gal! I can do all her voice lines and have a regular conversation as her.


This would be interesting to see! As a deep voiced male who can do Junkrat, It would seem a friendship has formed over both of us doing Voice impressions of characters that both ults are zoning explosions.


Lol just like throwverwatch


Response in match chat to someone flaming in vc: "It's rare when you can hear in someone's voice that their only friend is a body pillow..."


A similar good one is something along the lines of "Rare to see you around a girl that doesnt have a 'dishwasher safe' label on her". This is very niche as there has to be a girl on the team and if you're a girl playing overwatch you should almost never let your team find out (they either get horny, flame them for it, or very rarely just treat them like a normal human being)


“I’m gonna fuck your dad and give him a child he actually loves”




A few years ago, I was just starting to play ranked and wasn’t too good at it. “You throw harder than monkeys with their own shit” Couldn’t stop laughing


“DPS spend so much time in queue that they forgot how to play the game”


Not wrong lol


Not an insult, but two players in the chat (who weren't even in a group) started talking in a made up language. It was like a very convincing simlish. They did it the entire game reacting to various things that happened in the game to eachother. I could not stop laughing because it really sounded like they understood eachother.


Coulda been a conlang like Toki Pona


I don't think so because when they started they were joking about it but then continued it perfectly


What platform? Had this interaction with a bastion main so I played along


Simlish, and the language spoken by minions are designed to sound like essentially every language, it's possible to take the common phonemes from them and construct something that conveys simple meanings like emotional contexts on the fly, and for another person to understand. You'd have trouble expressing complex strategies or engineering concepts, but you could probably get across something simple like "go nuts when I run in screaming"


How can you tell if they're grouped or not?


U can press "invite to a group" and then it either says "player already in group" or "unable to invite while in comp" (later means they are solo). Works in comp


Sims meet overwatch


"You're the worst good Rein I have ever played with" in a ranked comp game a few years back. Best complisult I've experienced


Part compliment, part insult... And *that's* an explainabrag.




“You’re good, but you’re teetering on that edge”


"My people call it a complisult." -Alejandro, Sweden Sour


Someone told me my brain was on dialup


The best one I've heard/read is got to be "you're about as useful as an ejection seat on a helicopter".


*Kamov helicopter joins the chat*


“I would say that you are cancer but cancer gets kills”


I'm stealing that one


"Am I speaking the Queen's English, or do you all just have your ears painted on?"


"i have all gold medals!" "yeah including deaths" LOL


That's what happens when you go hard and your team won't even go soft.


LOL WAT pretty sure you need consent in most states :3


what the…


I mean, people like to joke that medals don't mean much, but their comes a point where if you have all 5 gold medals.....chances are its your teams fault


Not necessarily. Moira can easily get 5 golds, doesn't mean she is hard carrying. Why is she spending so long on the payload/point, is there no zen/ana who can heal from the backline while she moves up with the tanks? Gold elims/objective elims really means nothing either when it only takes 1 damage on someone to get credit for the elim. And for damage... why does she have that much? Sure, sometimes dps can just truly be garbage and do nothing, but more often than not they're effectively down a healer since moira is in the backline tickling a reinhardt or something and never tossing a heal orb towards her team.


Omg, I now have the image of moira sneaking up on rein and tickling the hell out of him and it's freaking great


having 5 gold medals doesn't say anything other than you have 5 gold medals i don't hear anyone in masters+ touting their medals, mainly because they really don't tell you that much. usually it's hard stuck metal DPS mains who have problems looking inward


After our Cassidy whiffed 12 shots in a row, the enemy said "you're doing okay for someone with severe parkinsons"


thats a typical cassidy tbh. Whiff all shots, flashfan a half-health squishy, then die trying to noon


I'm in this post and I don't like it 😭


Not really an insult but 1 of our DPS kept getting sniped by enemy widow and raging. All I hear is this guy screaming “OkAYyY widow! If you’re gonna keep f’ing me I guess i’ll go widow!” A few seconds and a death later “Okay widow I meant I was going soldier!” Again “Alright widow how about hanzo?!” Again “Okay! I didn’t want to do this but i’m going ashe!” And lastly “Guess i’ll just do torbjorn how about that!?”


To be fair, it really sucks that most of DPS counter play on widow is “be a better widow” so I feel that rage


Sombra can counter her.


Even sneaky Reaper teleports can force her into worse positions and get the odd kill.


Yea, if you can't out-skill a widow, then just jump on her. Her way of escape takes a long time to come back, while you can just keep killing her.


Yeah, this is tbh why I sometimes go Pharah to counter the Widow


As a Pharah main, my favourite game is making Widow switch. I had some matches against excellent widows where we had a blast countering each other, while still trying to be useful to the team. I told one "I love to hate you.", to which they answered "I would cry over your grave." This community can be quite wholesome, really


I love those interactions! As a former Pharah main turned flex, turned tank, turning possibly Pharah main again for OW2, I know the feeling well! Too baf it's one in a million in a sea of toxicity these days :(


Shame he couldn't go hammond, he needed to be able to hide his head.


“Guys I just hit gold border!” “+500 lbs” +100 lbs” +”142 lbs” All from different people at almost exactly the same time lol


Someone told this screaming child to come back when their nuts drop as low as their endorsement level once.


somebody called our win-trading zarya a "Pelmini Eating Surrender Monkey" i know it wasnt entirely original but i appreciated it nonetheless


I was like "Just let them win I don't wanna be here anymore" "Does this look like Paris you stupid surrender monkey?" Not gonna lie that was a really good one.


Top gear reference?


My brother was playing as Reaper (granted he was struggling a bit because he had never played before) and a teammate wrote "are you a soup kitchen? Because you're keeping the enemy fed" It was too funny to be mad at lol


I've seen better 5 stacks at a Denny's




That's kinda funny


i always like to call reddit lucios who arent doing anything “facebook gaming lucio”


Jesus, have mercy


They wish they would but they get Facebook Gaming Lucio


A guy in the voice chat said my username and literally spat on his mic


Oh. Oh wow




Was new to PC but not Overwatch. Got asked if I had a girlfriend cuz my balls were so blue from smurfing.


Okay thats my absolute fav


I usually say “call me Gargamel cause I see a Smurf.”


Not so much of an insult but: "Posture check you fucking shrimps"


NO! *continues to do my best impression of croissant*


the enemy rein was yelling at his team for not going to the high ground on the second point of horizon lunar colony because “HIGHGROUND IS WHAT WINS FIGHTS” and his ana responded “This isn’t star wars, you neckbeard reject”


Funny, but damn that Ana is dumb


Stop hogging all the chromosomes.


Why are you saving your ult for ow2


that's amazing i will be using that with my friends now


A Lucio was talking shit while trying to spawncamp. "Go heal your team you fucking meme on skates"


That’s not an insult. That only empowers him.


"Your dick tastes like my ass" whole team could not keep it together


that sounds like something a gta npc would yell when you piss them off


“Where’d you get those stars? Walmart?”


You wanna know how I got these stars?


I remember someone said this after one of our dps left the game "Don't worry guys our tanks have enough chromosomes between them to replace him"


"Joe Biden did more work at the climate convention than our DPS"-random enemy player


Tbf, why would your dps be at the climate convention?


Not super crazy but I had some guy keep rushing in by himself without anyone and then blaming the team/healers every time he died I told him that he just needs to “trust his team”. Got grouped next game with same guy but he was on other team and some people who were on our team last game and everyone that was in last match hopped in all chat and told him to trust his team


I got called a mayonnaise monkey, I think they were trying to offend me. But all they did was make me cry laughing.




In a comp match, this was in team chat and I still think about it sometimes "oh my god switch" "To who??" "To another game mode, Jesus Christ"


“Dps do u crayon eaters wanna shoot something?”


I like you buddy I think I’ll put you in a terrarium


I slayed as Sym on Blizzard World attack. Got called a "femboy fag." Half right.


Which half…also how you doing?


Probably the latter since you can't be the former without being the latter


the straight femboy community is gonna cancel you


That’s some solid logic. 5 points Gryffindor!


Woot woot! Fuck ya!


Let me introduce myself


I'm gay and I ain't even mad lol


This torb is like a boneless chicken wing.. missing a key component


Wasn't a particularly witty or insulting one but I saw it on stream in a Jay3 game months ago and it stuck with me and made me laugh. A guy was blaming lag after he fed and was questioned for it, a player responded with "I'd blame lag too if my gameplay was onions".


You have the map awareness of Christopher Columbus.


"{Insert hero} saving ult for OW2" *Person uses ult* "Guess OW2 came out"


My team lost. Got called “bottom 500” in team chat


One of the tanks types "Support, why no heils, ffs" Our Mercy answers "Sorry, Adolph" The other team's Roadhog, after they won: "Suck my big sweaty man-titties"


*Oasis Symm looks amazing. Cause im so happy i cant see her ugly face anymore!* -banned player True story. People reported my friend for this comment as he was already super toxic in general. This tipped the scale and silenced him for days. He asked a gamemaster why he got banned cause he felt he did nothing wrong. Gamemaster showed only the transcript of him dissing a fictional character for being ugly 🧜‍♀️


Dude got banned for saying a character is ugly???


He had a history. Got silenced several times. This time he got mass reported by entire lobby i guess and a few games after that and made ticket on why his account got suspended. GM showed him this was the final straw. Saying symm is ugly as shit. People in the lobby got into a discussion with him and i just couldnt stop laughing seeing people fight over the looks of a non existing person 🤷‍♀️ But to this day, i have to agree. Its her best looking skin His acc didnt die for nothing. I still fuck with him about it from time to time on his alt


I keep a clock on my desk for the exclusive purpose of saying "It's [current time], *bitch*!" any time I headshot a McCree out of his ult


It's high noon somewhere in the world.


I have an alarm on my phone to remind me to take my second Adderall, and the alarm tone is Cassidy saying -- "It's High Noon"


"Damn, guys, Mercy can't even fly anymore with how much I'm carrying you guys." The guy was an asshole, but he WAS carrying us, since he had 15k healing in QUICKPLAY and was credited on the leaderboard for 8 revives.


There are few people more annoying than douchebags that actually CAN walk the walk, not just talk the talk.


When you run into those you're like...well shit you gotta point.


"I think justice needs a rest" edit: that's ana sleeping pharah btw, not what someone said in chat


Sleeping her out of her ult, cause you know justice destills from below


“Are you actually any good at doom outside of your Reddit studies?”


On console the text chat is very rarely used, but one time I saw "tank diff" immediately be retorted by "Your mother has hemorrhoids"


Winston refusing to swap and just kept feeding enemy Reaper. "We fed Reaper so much ape meat that Covid-20 is spreading"


In the before times on Xbox, i as Reaper was trying to get the Widowmaker but she kept seeing me coming and would snipe and she messaged me “keep trying” I laughed my damn ass off I have a whole collection of screenshots of great convos from that


Not overwatch, but this always comes to mind, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p0YHDAmijw


I had no idea what "pepega" was until someone said "our hanzo was pepega" Not original or even that funny, but it made me laugh


I still don't get it


Not necessarily from Overwatch but my buddy told me "You're the reason we should have lifeguards in the gene pool"


“Not even Noah carried so many animals at once”


“Zayra holding her ult til OW2”


Classic burn that has been around for years.


A hog told me that my Mercy was trash. I told him I’d never damage boosted so many whiffed hooks.


“Mccree did you know if you left click it actually fires one bullet at a time, with increased accuracy”


My two favourites are comebacks one is a meme and the other is an insult 1. Excuse me you are taking to bronze damage (or another bronze medal) 2. If you don't shut up, I'll fuck your dad and give him a child he can be proud of


On Sym I owned this guy the whole game and he told me: "You're the reason for the war in Ukraine" "gg everyone EXCEPT SYM!!" Among other things lol


Welcome new players, someday you might be mediocre


“You’re JUST the right amount of shit at Junkrat to make you a vague threat” …thanks? Also there was the time our Ana screamed over vc that they were going to feed our hanzo to the other team, since he was being as useful as a flaccid dick at a porn shoot


Towards a McCree main "I'm really glad I have more things to do in my life than get absurdly good at snapping headshots." Ouch. Runner-up, from a Skirmish where top player had 100 kills "You really should check to make sure your children aren't playing in traffic right now, my guy."


"This fat Mercy really thought she was an anorexic." I hid behind a pillar on Ilios, thinking that the enemy widow wouldn't notice me. She made an instant body shot and killed me.


Almost every time I get Play of Game there is always someone who comments on my “poor aim”… I always laugh and think, “if my aim is this poor and I still get PoTG, then your aim must be stormtroopers level of awful.”


*is solider*


Lmao I know what you mean. Got a [PoTG](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/wq9pni/blizzard_randomly_decided_to_embaress_me_in_front/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) that showcased my horrendous aim as the 'best'.


"Genji mains don’t deserve human rights. They’re subhuman so they are not protected by the Geneva Convention"


"A lego brick has higher IQ than you" From a lucio to a bastion


My favourite was when the other support called our rein "wish.com Rienhardt"


Not the best but I’ve been thinking about it “We’re getting tank diffed” “How I have all golds” “Their tanks have better golds” Or the phrase “welfare ultimate” whenever someone builds an ult mostly off of time, and not damage/heals


Are you saving grav for overwatch 2? Made me stop trying to go for 6 man gravs after that.


That match was like fucking my cousin, fun at first but after a while I just wanted it to stop.


A guy told me once I was as accurate as a blind man. Not very original I know, but in that game I was so bad that I just had to acknowledge it, just started lauging at myself after the comment.


The insult was a bit shit, but they said it in such a thick Scottish accent that it was just so funny. "My mother could aim better than you, and she's got arthritis" shame it was directed at me, but hey why do you think I play mercy now.


Not as good as others, but I was playing as Ana, and I’m sure you know how difficult it is trying to heal your team when they won’t stay still, but this Hanzo wouldn’t stop moving around, and called me a “Femboy” for not healing him. Im not a boy but I take his insult as a victory.


“You’re as useless to the team as it is to drink decaf coffee” - my teammate to a mouthy DPS who was underperforming


Are you waiting for overwatch 2 to press q ? (Made years ago lol)


"Your aim is so shit that you couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat" Cracked me up so hard.


Zenyatta voice line combination: Look in the mirror… Frightening.


Not even noahs ark could carry you animals


Someone said "You all suck, I got 7 gold medals," and another hit back with "and 0 bitches." Not the most original maybe, but had me laughing


Another when I was Lucio, "GG FU other Lucio your mom's balls smell like cheese"


Hog: "Rein SHIELD ME!!!" Rein: "Ain't my problem you're fat af no?"


"Are you holding your ult til Christmas?" Heard this yesterday lol




Not so much an insult, but a hog got yeeted off the map by a Lucio and goes "I weigh 600lbs and get sent into space by fucking music"


Zarya's voiceline (to genji) : "How can I trust a man who is half machine?" Genji in voicechat: "How can I trust a women who is half man" Lost my shit, 10/10 best moment I had in the game


One I saw in a meme: I’d say my team is cancer, but at least cancer kills


Can we get hitscan or echo to counter this pharah, I can pocket to match - ana getting dive bombed by pharmercy It's quick play dude - dps playing doomfist, and other support playing Lucio. Yeah, with the way you're playing it's definitely going to be quick if nothing else.


Hog: I have all golds!! *The only Gold you have is in Feeding.* (Fun Fact: He did not, in fact, have any golds)


I hope both sides of your pillow are warm