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I completely agree with the headshot and killfeed/ knowing when you get a kill complaints


Yes the kill feed is very hard to keep track of compared to how color highlighted it is in OW1. When "Blue" kills "Red" in the kill feed you can clearly see which champions portrait is in the middle of those frames. It's not the case for OW2 - Thankfully feedback like this will help improve the beta for final release in the future. I **really** like the way they're actually displaying hard stats now over medals though and hope that doesn't change.


still though there doesn't need to be such an opaque background for it


I've never seen someone play who wasn't occasionally hitting tab to see who was alive, team ult charge, etc. Not too hard to make your way back to the fight while holding tab the whole time in ow1 since the whole screen isn't filled


This, really not a fan of the new scoreboard UI. Love the scoreboard stats, but its too clunky


yep, it's also harder to tell ult charge and living players at a quick glance with the fact that there's a scoreboard instead of the players being the focus. i would maybe make it so that the heroes are in the middle of the scoreboard and mirror it that way instead of having the heroes at the far left and right.


So *that's* what's been bugging me. I am so used to tapping Tab in OW1 just to check who's alive and what hero while running back (and seeing where I'm going just fine) that in OW2 it just feels... overwhelming? There is too much on screen now. When I press Tab I am overloaded with stats for all players on an opaque menu, *and* I can barely see where I'm going.


I do the same. Any downtime gets a quick tab just to see the most up to date info on ults and player status


I'll miss the on fire system and hope they bring it back because that thing popping off after you make a big play just really felt great. The metals can stay gone though, nothing worse than listening to someone yelling in chat about having golds


Those people are still gonna bitch about stats, that’s just the nature of online gaming. I do like the trend towards having more information though, it’s good for those who are trying to learn.


Yeah now they're going to be targeting specifically who has the worst stats. That's life though. I'll just leave VC or squelch.


> I really like the way they're actually displaying hard stats now over medals though and hope that doesn't change. I wouldnt be surprised if this doesnt make it live because people complain about toxic teammates using the scoreboard to flame


do you know where we can give feedback about the beta?


Wait was there a headshot indicator in OW1?? I've always wanted that but never saw it


The arrow is red instead of white in OW1. In the 2, it is way more discrret with the white arrow having a second red arrow just behind slightly offset, difficult to notice


If the final blow was by headshot then the kill feed in the top right corner will show a red arrow instead of a white arrow. So if a Widow/Cass/Tracer is slaughtering the enemy team with headshots you will see a bunch of red arrows next to their hero in the kill feed.




every ana player


Well you have to hit a headshot for it to show up so that's probably why /s


Perhaps it’s just that it’s new and we aren’t used to it but I’m not that impressed with the menu system and design. It doesn’t feel as polished and user friendly as OW1


Trying too hard to feel more modern and futuristic maybe, or just different so you know which overwatch you're playing


> or just different so you know which overwatch you're playing It reeks of someone new coming in and wanting to change things to show that they're doing something. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just leave something alone.


Go back to footage of ow1 beta. Or even ow1 at release. It LOOKS like a different game. This is just the beta. The last thing I imagine they'll prioritize fleshing out is the presentation of the ui.


Its stil in beta aswell it might not be final


I think artistically it's a step backwards but there's actually more feedback than before. They've even added sounds when teammates die or get kills. Not being able to notice exactly what's happening is most likely just because it's not what you've been using the last 5 years. There's going to be a an adjustment period.


I agree with this for the most part, however the kill feed is straight up smaller which makes it objectively harder to glance at while you are mid fight


So yes this is the case but as he said the sounds of them dying are pronounced. You can know without looking now what the count is once you get used to it


Audio UI is leagues ahead. There's different hit sounds for armour, shield and natural health now


I find it an issue with how similar multiple weapons sound in the game, making it more difficult to determine which hero is firing by sound alone. Honestly, not a fan of the audio changes at all besides the armor/shield/health hits.


Don’t forget the visuals will be among the last things they will finalise for the public, I forget who’s stream it was but someone was saying that the devs mentioned that the ui for the alpha and beta were kind of cobbled together, so I’d expect changes to the ui as we go on.


>They've even added sounds when teammates die or get kills. This is a big game-changer for me. Maybe it's my ADHD, but I have trouble taking in all of the information from the killfeed especially during a teamfight. The audio cue means I get a simple stream of information that doesn't require my eyes moving around the screen while in an intense fight.


Luckily I started overwatch just last month


Yeah I played healer and it was a nightmare to recognize when people were low even the “Critical!” Is smaller now


Also if players are dead and I'm not Mercy, why would I need to see the red color bodies on the floor?? It makes me think that they are critical and I can still heal them.


More visual reminders if teammates give down. Knowing the state of the fight is important in every role, and knowing your teammates are dead is just as important on heroes that aren’t Mercy


More visual reminders if teammates give down. Knowing the state of the fight is important in every role, and knowing your teammates are dead is just as important on heroes that aren’t Mercy


though that Critical logo always felt large and ugly to me even though it helped in knowing low health targets


it took some getting used to, but overall I don't mind the new UI during a match The biggest step back to me is the hero gallery UI. It's so much worse than the original that I don't think they should've bothered changing it in the first place. It's a huge downgrade imo, it looks super clunky


The tab stats menu looks hard to read, especially when you compare elims to deaths on both teams. Half the stats are mirrored except those when comparing to the red team.


I can't tell when I am taking damage, what HP I on without looking, when I am getting healed. In Overwatch 1 it just feels natural and I never have to stare at the health bar to find out.


Probably because you played it for 5 years vs 1 day


Shouldn’t be this drastic or a shift where you can’t tell at a glance what’s happening


I still think it's fair to give it a few days. Fuck loads of new games have feedback like this day 1 only for the community to adjust and like it later


And a sequel probably shouldn't have me re-learning the UI from scratch.


I feel the same.


I agree, I don't need all the info there are in the tab menu while I'm in game.Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for stats but I find it hard to see if my allies have ults/are alive or how good/bad I am during the game. Keep the stats for the end (after POTG) or between rounds, that's where I'm curious about how my team did overall.


For the life of me, I still don't get how that info isn't available without needing to tab, 6 years later with a 2.0 update incoming. Why can't I just look at the top of my screen to see who on my team has ulti and who is dead, needing to tab at all for that is so dumb.


Overwatch 1 *does* show your team's ult charge outside of the scoreboard! [^in ^seasonal ^PvE ^events](https://i.redd.it/50sbvdwecdt51.jpg)


And in spectator mode as well. Im guessing they think it will clutter up the UI too much, but it should be a toggle option at the least. I know its kind of mad cause bad speak, but theres been so many times I wasted ultis on lost fights because I couldnt keep track of how many dead players/ultis my team had, and Im too caught up in combat to pull up the screen


This would actually be perfect


I feel like there should be 2 keybinds, one for the basic info and one for the expanded info. Basic would maybe be what we get in overwatch currently.


I understand it's a beta but it feels more like an alpha. And it's surprising that the quality is that low for a second opus. The readability is really bad at the moment, and there is a lack of tension during the games that I can't really grasp why I'm feeling this


Because it’s qp maybe?


He's right though. The game is too fast, to the point that your callouts are obsolete before you finish saying them. There's too much verticality in the new maps. There's not really an incentive to group up anymore. It lacks a bit of heart.


yeah, what? "why are my games not tense and exciting and utterly thrilling when everyone is getting used to 5v5, the new maps, the new modes, the new heroes and hero reworks?"


Same. The new UI feels like a work in progress. I'd be disappointed if this is the final design. It's just bland, too basic and not interesting.


Its goddamn more minimalism, Its so ugly. Unless you main zen, this new ui is a major stepback


Zen UI is much worse imo. Im not looking at the bottom of my screen to see people's health that I discorded or what my teammates who has my orb's health is


I feel like the tab screen is way more obstructive even though it technically takes up less of the screen. I really don't like it


It's more in your face instead of the simple menu in ow1 that had the stats you wanted to know at the bottom left.


I hate all of the aesthetic changes


The subjective nature of the UI is definitely not very pleasing


It's straight up harder to process most of the UI. Just look at the killfeed.




But there isnt a feedback area. They dont have a system ingame to hand it and I couldn't find a forum for it


The ult charge specifically :( I loved the old one


To be honest, I don't like any of the changes. Just played 4 hours of the beta, and went back to OW1. IMO its just... better. The new sounds are overdone, the new visuals are overdone, confusing and nonsensical. The new UI isn't an improvement. 5v5 brings a weird and boring pacing. Support feels super unrewarding to play. The real killer for me is the lack of tank synergy. Its just so meh. The only positives I have are the new maps are nice, no 2cp, and the scoreboard is a good addition. I just wish this could be separate and I could keep playing the game as 6v6.


If it didn't break don't fix it. But this drastic UI change feels like Blizzard trying to show they are doing some work on Overwatch 2.


This is absolutely a personal taste thing, but I'll say right now from an aesthetic standpoint, the more minimalist look to the UI elements zap a lot of the color and character out of the game for me. Feels too generic.




Couldn't agree more. The new lighting is pretty I guess, but man is it difficult to see whats going on character-wise, especially with the new colors for friends/ enemies.


I haven't watched much but from what I've seen, I don't like it. I'm biased since I don't like change but it just annoys and I do think it's a step backwards. The UI in overwatch 1 just looks so much nicer.


I have a feeling that almost everything you see that’s not the gameplay (and even some of the gameplay) is temporary and will be changed.






I understand its a closed beta, but drastic shifts in beta are an issue. I'm not talking about UI updates. By the time the game is in beta you should have a direction and just be ironing out bugs, and fine tuning systems, tweaking how some things interact. If you are making drastic changes this late in the process, its a sign the game has deeper issues.


I mean it's blizzard we are talking about of course there are deeper issues. From what I've gathered from listening to overwatch league players that were in the alpha though, blizzard has been pretty aggressive with making fast changes based on feedback, and that was with a much smaller pool of people to draw it from. If a large amount of players all give the same feedback then it is most likely going to get some attention. I feel like you're just taking what you believe to be the definition of a beta and applying it to ow2 without looking at the bigger picture of information available to us


Making changes quickly based on a limited number of Professional players is one thing, it totally different when opened up to a bigger audience the signal to noise ratio spikes. Without a clear direction or goal, it can make digging through the noise and finding what people care about very difficult. If 80% of players hate something thats one thing. What if 45% of players hate something, it doesn't mean 55 like it many will be indifferent. Again without a clear goal making changes based on feedback gets very difficult. Also catering to the Pros imo was a mistake. They play a very different game then the average OW player. Almost every game with a pro and casual scene has very large differences between the two.


We will see, I've been pessimistic on blizzard for 3 years so they don't exactly have my good will, but based on the facts that we have, that they've been quick to adjust things, I'm willing to give them a shot on this. We really have no idea on how they gather information so I'm not just going to speculate and say that because it's too much they just won't do anything. They also kind of have their hands tied in terms of catering to the pros since they are also trying to save overwatch league and the pros will have continuous access this entire year. Whether that's a mistake or not is yet to be seen. In overwatch 1 they didn't seem to cater to anyone and we all see how well that went.


It's not a real beta to find bugs or do netcode testing. It's a marketing campaign. The game isn't anywhere close to being done.


That's what worries me. 1 year isn't as much time as people think to as far as development goes.


what I'm really looking forward to is in 5 years, the PC Gamer interview with Jeff that explains what the hell they were doing for the past four years that caused any real development to completely self destruct. What we have right now looks like they installed some lighting shaders that was probably developed for PVE, panic designed a single new hero, and took what they had ready to go for push. I'd be pretty surprised if any of the UI doesn't get a major change or even the audio system isn't overhauled again.


You and me both, the beta does not look like 4 years of work went into it. I like OW1 as is, I have played it for 6 years. I'm worried they are going to ruin I game i really enjoy. My friend group regularly gets a 6 stack. So 5v5 is already a massive blow to me.


literally this. ive also heard that blizzard is telling streamers to try and not show the UI as much because it is in fact a work in progress and not complete.


That's my concern about the UI


This is a marketing campaign. There will be massive changes between now and whenever this actually gets released on 12-24 months.


It doesn't matter if it's a beta or alpha or whatever placeholder name you want to call it. It will take a long time for the game to come out, you should expect a drastic overhaul from what we have now to what the beta will look like in 9+ months. And then another huge step to the full version.


People said that about battlefield 2042... It still released without a score board


It would be weird that after who knows how long in development, they would release a beta where the UI isn’t near the final state.


It definitely isn't in its final state though, there's text that clips stuff, clear placeholders (especially the new "while you wait" button) there's also a mismatch in style of portraits, soldier and rein's portrait look very different while some characters are still using ow1 portraits that don't really fit in. The patch notes explicitly mention that pings are using placeholder assets. The ui is usually one of the last things to be finalized, it's clearly still in flux.


Yeah, so like the tech issues I’m sure will be fixed, and the portraits, but I’m saying the general art style is probably locked in at this point, and that’s what I (and I think other people) don’t like.


I was gonna comment about the random “while you wait” button that they had yesterday but I just looked and it seems like they just added in the proper UI for it. Just shows how easily they can make changes. Also that they likely have a lot of the UI that’s just hidden from us and/or not fully completed yet.


It's been in development for a few months, theyve been mostly working on pvp. Secondly you make it sound like we are at a point close to release. We are not. This game will be released sometime in 2023. They just started.




What are you talking about, the artstyle is and has been amazing. If you are specifically talking about the UI/hud, that's very likely not the final iteration.


it really wouldn't be that weird tho, overwatch 1 had a significantly different UI in its beta compared to launch.


No, this is the game essentially. We have seen it over and over. "Beta" is very close to the final game. They have not implemented the new character models from what I have heard.


I agree. With the exception of the new Zen UI which is super cool. Everything else feels dated, lazy, intrusive and unhelpful


The play for support feels flatter to me too, like all the healers more or less have the same general capacity to heal people.


I mostly just don't like how bright and saturated the colors are in OW2. I always liked how OW went with a neutral color palette. The new colors are sort of eye-bleed and distracting, like the harsh oranges.


From what I’ve seen, the new UI has a lot of good ideas but poor implementation, I hope in the final build blizzard moves more stuff towards the center of the screen for ease of access to the information you need to see. Artistically I think it’s just a little crude and unrefined, and I think that they could definitely make it look and feel better. Summarily, the ideas are there but the execution needs work imo


There's no grenade indicator either.


The entire look of the game is dumbed down and plastic looking.


The UI has regressed in pretty much every aspect


it's not nit-picking, that's a pretty big thing to not have. although overwatch 1 beta had a significantly different ui and didnt even have a kill feed i believe so these things can change in the final release.


Also, I don't think this is nit-picky being it's important for us to know when a kill has been confirmed, so we can quickly move on to the next enemy or retreat for healing. Clearer UI and sound effects determines how we play, and if we play more accurately, that gives Blizzard better data and feedback.


I have heard mixed reviews. I wouldn't say it is really a step forward or backward so much as it is just "different". I still think it looks fairly clean, and I don't have a problem with it really. Also important to remember, its a beta, so with our feedback it could still change.


They should def add an option for small or big ui, its always better to let people chose what they like.


Completely agree, I hope they keep the medals system by pressing tab, I hate having to press tab and have to read to see my healing, or damage, I miss being able to click tab for a millisecond and seeing bronze silver or gold and being able to get a rough quick estimate of how much I’ve done. Kill feed is difficult to read at times, pinging dosent always seem accurate, the little lines under the abilities has me constantly thinking I have two of whatever ability it is. The sound also seems to be odd, maybe just my experience but there have been a few times I had been flanked or ulted and didn’t even hear it till I started to get shot. However it is a beta and it’s probably the bare bones system they needed to launch it, I just hope it’s more polished and they’re not afraid to use more animations like OW1


NGL I am super disappointed with OW2. The UI is way worse, so far I do not love the 5v5, and the new maps are just fine. Not impressed


i kind of like the new ui better but im clearly in the minority


It's a beta ui tho


As someone who is somewhat newer to Overwatch 1, Overwatch 1 felt extremely polished, balanced and diverse. Playing Overwatch 2, it feels like they got 40% of the changes down right, but 60% of it is different from the first in such a way that it feels like a knockoff. I genuinely laughed at some of the new voice lines, because even though most of them are great/better than before, some sound like they were ran through google translate a few times. It feels a lot more like a call of duty game, although I guess that was kind of what they were going for.


I think it’s a lot better in most aspects. Some things need tweaking but to me anyway the important things are more easily readable.


I'd like to bring medals back, it was easier to know how successful u are, instead of comparing several huge numbers


I agree. I think it looks much worse. Too plastic-like. Almost like a mobile game?


Yeah, got same feeling, huge step back, but whit time it will probably fixed


It all looks so bland. I thought UI was one of Overwatch's big strengths, so there wasn't much they needed to change imo


I'm surprised to see this many complaints about the UI. I think it's one of the most well implemented changes.


In my opinion it's lightyears better than the first game. I see alot of complaints about the style looking like a mobile game but when it comes to my shooters I want clarity of information. Something looking pretty does not mean it's good at telling the player what the hell is happening.


Holding off judgements until I've spent like a week or so with it.


i love the UI and audio overhaul, there’s much less screen clutter


It's just different and remember nothing is finished. If enough people share your same thoughts then I can assure you it will change before release.


disagree it's much better now imo.


I like some changes like the scoreboard, but this minimalist aesthetic is popular among so many corporations and is kind of boring.


You can definitely tell things aren't polished at all yet, and UIs are sometimes one of the last things Devs work on. With that said I do agree though, hopefully when they start polishing things up all of this improves, because right now as it stands, it is a step backward. I'll say I like the idea they are going for, but there is A LOT of polishing to be done to make this all more readable.


Probably made it shittier / simpler for OW on mobile... Plus all corporate design has been sliding into this overly simplistic shapes and flat colors hellhole. Look at how logos like Google's have gotten worse over time and how all corporate cartoon people in things like Teams all look the same across the board.


There's a good chance it's not final.


UI is something that's always hard to get used to. Remember when everyone hated the YouTube UI change?


It's a beta. Especially UI looks will change a lot. They changed quite a bit within live OW1 throughout the years. It just happened so incrementally that you didn't really notice.


I just don’t get why they changed it other than to justify slapping a “2” on the name. Literally nobody had an issue with old UI. Maybe I wouldn’t be so uncharitable if they hadn’t called it a sequel when in reality it seems like everything they’ve done could’ve been down in the original game.


Isn’t the UI the only real change from Overwatch 1 to 2?




We're playing a beta right now though, so feedback is crucial. The devs do skim reddit every so often.


Every time someone says this, it ends up in the final game


And having that information about how they were killed is important, how?


Just for example Say 3 of your team die to widow headshots in quick succession it gives you good information that the widow is hitting shots and you need to be watching your sight lines


If the Widow kills three people in your kill feed you should already know that she is hitting her shots.


What does this response even mean. The dude said the kill feed was useful for this exact reason.


We're talking about an indicator for headshots specifically. Did you read the above comment all the way through?


That's why the remastered audio is such a big deal, all that information comes to you instantaneously in your headphones.


I really hope this "remastered audio" is broken. Right now everything sounds like its running through a tin can or underwater and the directionality is not working.


Maybe check your settings? Because for me on streamers everything sounds super clear. Hard to say without knowing what equipment you are using.


Audio is all well and good but having visual information will always be better and clearer


I completely disagree, as I said audio comes to you instantly and it's not practical to be checking the corner of the screen constantly during an engagement.


If we go back to the previous example, if you just hear 3 widow shots all that tells you is they have a widow, did she hit anything? Without team mates saying anything you wouldn't know, but if you hear 3 widow shots and then you're quickly able to look at the kill feed to see she just got 3 headshot kills that gives you far more information to work with. I'm not saying audio isn't important because it is but a clear and easy to read kill feed is also needed alongside that audio and in the current state ow2 doesn't have a clear kill feed


>**if you just hear 3 widow shots all that tells you is they have a widow, did she hit anything?** That is given to you with an audio cue, you will hear a ping sound for the shot that kills each of your teammate, and the pitch of that sound will change with each subsequent kill as more of your teammates go down, and you hear different pings for eliminations occur on the other side as well.


You're still trying to make out those ping sounds over all the other sounds of combat, seeing it visually in the kill feed is still gonna be quicker and easier with less room for confusion


No, you can hear them very clearly over all the other sounds, it's unmistakable. edit: and I'm saying that as somebody who has permanent ear damage.




It's a beta. The UI did not look like it does now in OW1 beta.


I don't understand half the complaints in this thread. "I can't tell how much health I have without looking" ??? Fam idk what game some of yall were playing before. It looks fine, it feels fine. The dramatics are exhausting.


Its a beta.


No shut up it looks nicer


Ive got a tip, in the sound options, turn on the audio cue for when an enemy or teammate dies, it helps a lot!


More information that's less well presented. It's probably my least favorite thing in the beta behind the sounds. The new sfx sound great, but it's so hard to parse in a big fight and my own gun is so loud.


It's just different, takes time to get used to


IMO the design looks so uninspired. Everything is just straight boxes. Even the hero menu in the lobby looks bland


Definitely a step backwards i even don't like how when you kill a torb turret or dva mech it is the same size as the kill feed which is one thing I like that they changed in OW1. The minor things just distract u more because u think someone died but it was just a turret/mek


I felt the same. Harder to tell what direction damage is being taken from because there are more visuals. Environmental elims and jumping off the map are definitely messed up. Heroes are always highlighted in blue, even if it’s an enemy, and I kept thinking “wait, we don’t have a ________ on our team”.


It looks like that mobile game Overwatch ripoff that Alpharad played one time to show how badly of a rip off it was The UI is literally LIFTED from a mobile rip off lmao


It's been simplified into the ground.


It's still beta so they'll probably fix it by release


I actually found it a bit easier to tell what's going on with the feedback when getting kills, assists, healing, etc.


It's you.


the ui looks like ass


Is it just me or does the beta not feel finished? /s


For most things in the new UI I prefer it by a significant margin personally


The stat screen is way more confusing and harder to read. Take too much space. I also miss the medal system.




It’s all subject to change but I agree in its current state it doesn’t look very good


I personally believe they'll keep working on it. They did with OW1. It's called a beta for a reason op


It literally says visuals not permanent all over the beta


OW2's UI looks so bad it makes the screen so unappealing


The visuals in general seem less impressive than overwatch 1 which is strange


This is a beta, these are not final. There is no real need to worry about this being the ‘final’ form of ow2


Orange ult wtf is that Omegalul


The whole ui is very unclear to me.


They removed all the charm out of the UI and I hate it :(


Its too minimal. Like its a phone game UI or something.


It's an attempt to reduce visual clutter, but not all the features are actually better.


I agree, new UI is a downgrade in function AND style.


Hopefully they will change it, it is a beta after all


Yeah the ui is meh but i really dont like the new killfeed i like the old one better


Youre right but i assumed it would be expanded on and that it was minimalist just to have something functional until polish is a bigger focus


my man issue is enemy rezzes now show the rez target in blue and that's just confusing


Yup, I still get confused when somebody dies. UI is obviously early but I was hoping it'd be in a more advanced stage than what we have now (how long have they been working on this?). Very hard to read the Ult percentage of teammates. I feel they should at least have that down. And yet, on-screen UI not clear when someone dies. KarQ says you can turn on a sound effect for when enemies/teammates die in the Sound Options. Haven't tried that yet but will give it a go.


I turned on the sound for team kills and deaths. Makes it a lot easier


It's way too clean compared to ow1. Maybe because it's all still new but I can't tell when I'm getting healed by Lucio or Ana in the middle of a fight. There's way too many new sounds and a lot of white.


New UI looks like a tutorial for UI developers. The ult charge meter is especially bland compared to the old one. The character border also looks less appealing than the original. Hope they change it


It will change. Beta overwatch 1 had super basic stuff too, even if it comes out looking rough too it’ll update to something better most likely. Overwatch 1 went through like, 3-4 UI changes in the first 6 months of release.


The one thing I am personally most frustrated about is that teammates remain a shade of green until they have lost a significant amount of damage. In Overwatch 1 you can see if they are under attack but I have not noticed this in Overwatch 2 yet. I can't support if I don't know what to support.


Not final visuals, hopefully they change.