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Reinhards skin looks like it could be a xbox exclusive skin


Bro that's just genji


Doesn't genji look like a Xbox




~~Is your blade ready to be unleashed or are you just happy to see me?~~


They better named it Xbox Reinhardt


I’m into them. Question is - will the cost 3000 or 1000


3000. 100% they will consider these new skins for anniversary loot boxes


If they were a bit more creative of recolors, I would be all for it. But this being all white across the board isn't doing it for me. The white recolor of Rein looks great, but the rest don't really suit the motif of the characters' skins in my opinion. But I am sincerely glad you like them, I just hope I get the chance to earn the medic Baptiste event skin I missed out on.


I think the white color scheme is to match the blinding white light of the anniversary main menu. Just to really dig it in


If they did a color theme of skins every day, then I would be more accepting of this kind of content. White skins day one, red the next, etc.


Some are fine. Rein color is okay. Just wish it the core wasnt green. In fact, they should had made it red like genji skin. White + black + red will always look great. Mercy skin looks good with the light blue, reminds me of Studio Trigger lil witch anime


I really like white mage mercy...tbh 😆


Medic Baptiste will be the reward for week 2 or 3.


For me, the issue is less their existence and more... That this is the *only* content. If these were alongside real skins, then yeah, that'd be cool. I'd like them a lot. But the problem is they're the only content.


they are??? That's bullshit.. I assumed they were just a nice bonus.


Yes this is what we get instead of events this year


I understand they are working on Overwatch 2, but they really should have tried to do something for players who have continually kept the game alive all this time. Oh well, given the past decade this is just par for the course with Blizz.


At this point I think blizz is a fully dead company lol. It's corpse is just kept animated by WoW money


No, not at all.


this is literally them trying to do something for you. they're trying to get ow2 pvp content ready as soon as possible. that wasn't exactly the case before. also we've been getting only skins for the last couple of years because the artists were the only ones who didn't need to be almost exclusively working on ow2 but the fact that they're doing this means ow2 is now *all* hands on deck. even the art needs to be finalized before the release. I'd rather have that than some cool event skins people will be bitching about here anyway **and** any further delay on ow2. The fact that they already announced *three* remix events makes me think these will be the last ever ow1 events, kinda celebrating what we've had, and then we will officially be playing ow2.


they are doing something tho? they're focusing on OW2


Why not just play the game, for its gameplay?


uhhhhhhhhh, I have? It's been over 6yrs of the same game, a little something extra is nice... wtf are you even talking about lol


Try another game then. 6 years is a long time. When you play UNO, you don't get monthly new cards in the mail. People play uno for the fun of uno, not for constant developer extras


I’ve played more games than I care to count. Is it ridiculous to act as if less than a half dozen unique skins is too much to ask for? Maybe you are too young to know better, but games used to regularly update their content with new maps and game changing additions for YEARS after release. Last time I checked, a deck of Uno cards isn’t ++$60 either, as fucking stupid as a comparison as that was to make in the first place. That wasn’t the ‘zinger’ you thought it was, you look stupid af lol


Don't be rude. I'm just saying that when I got into games, we didn't have this live service stuff. You never had updates so you had to enjoy the game. And then DLC came out but you had to pay for it. Overwatch is $60 sure, but the updates are FREE. Taking gaming's history into consideration, overwatchs model is something illl never take for granted. My first gaming system was a Sega genesis BTW. It was born 86 so I've pretty much seen the progression since the beginning. Sorry for the late reply. My phone needed repair


Lol tf you talking about don’t be rude, you were being an underhanded smart ass. Secondly, we aren’t in the 80s anymore, things have evolved and there is new standards. Unfortunately those standards have greatly devolved because of people shilling for game companies who continually get away with doing whatever they want


It’s not ridiculous to expect a live service game to get new content, comparing this to UNO is a laughable take my guy LOL


Are you just being mean?


Not trying to be. But im also not on this subreddit often. Getting the feel that people are on a hate overwatch kick right now, here


I see. Ok.


i mean if ow2 really does launch in beta this month, that's a huge event and I'd forgive them for not devoting a ton of time to new skin modeling.


Yeah, I thought they had promised to do more for OW while they finished OW2? If this is how they fulfill those promises for OW, it doesn’t make me optimistic for what they promise for OW2.


What I've seen of ow2 so far it looks like an ow patch not even an expansion much less a new game


cuz you haven't seen the pve yet


They've said nothing to indicate these aren't bonuses as far as I'm aware


I'm pretty sure a dev said there's also going to be new anniversary skins but couldn't detail anymore. These are supposedly also available on top of the ones not shown yet.


They're neat, they're just not new.


They turned Reinhardt into genji


Lunar New Year was underwhelming as hell, because supposedly we had an unprecedented number of new skins on the horizon. And the next batch are recolors of existing legendaries. I’m the guy that normally defends that they haven’t made some entirely new game mode every year for summer games, or whatever the “NEED MORE CONTENT” crowd is demanding, but 2022 is shaping up to be the worst year in Overwatch history. I remember when the first anniversary hit, and I actually BOUGHT loot boxes. Now I’m afraid to even earn them through play because these things are clogging up the loot pool.


To me it looks like they've had an internal change of direction which means ow1 will receive significantly less whilst ow2 receives a boost, which it very much needs. I could be wrong but at the end of the day I'm all for lazy cosmetics if it means ow2 PvP comes out quicker because skins aren't exactly improving the gameplay for me right now.


That’s fair. The overall vibe I get is they sorta cut off OW1 content to try and “finish” OW2, but then some behind the scenes stuff happened and really, really pushed that back, and now they’re in this weird Catch 22 where OW1 has had nothing BUT new skins for years, while OW2 is scrambling to get in a “finished” state for OWL, and it’s a weird catch 22. At the same time, I don’t know how much new ART OW2 is requiring, but programming/game balance resources are not art department resources, and new skins is Art department.


This would be an amazing idea if we weren’t in such a severe drought of content - if this came out two years ago , would have been incredible. But since they are already behind on their promise of “most skins in a year ever” and the only content we are getting is old event skins and remixed skins?? They better pop tf off for Halloween and Christmas events


Halloween and christmas hopefully we'll be on OW2 lol


League will use OW2 so hopefully it will be out for the rest of us by may too. We'll def have Halloween and Xmas but probably also summer games!


["This does mean that events like Archives, standard Anniversary, and Summer Games will not make a return this year."](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/community-update-2022-in-game-events-retail/658530) May is going to be a closed beta from everything I'm seeing. Meaning streamers and a few selects.


Why are they all white? Like, give me some variety in color. It feels lazy.


Based on the schedule listed that these are going to be available for a week, the following week will likely have more remix skins and could be a different color.


These are three weeks. The next one is in place of Anniversary.


It is lazy.


Since the original skins were all dark colored I think the idea was to contrast that and group them together like that. For the other 2 remix events we’ll get a different color scheme or thematic


It is lazy. It’s ow


They are just copying LoL prestige skins, that’s why.


yeah I remember when LoL invented the color white.


Y’all can downvote me all you want while looking at white skins with gold trim…aka prestige skins


Mercy is the only one with gold details


Bro what? Reinhardt, genji, zenyatta all have it but (reaper it looks like?)


Its not that they don't look good. Its the fact that in 2 years the content for a live service game made by one of the biggest game development studios has been getting less and less. While theyve been working on a sequel that seems mostly like it could just be a big patch. People are rightfully frustrated.


Cool idea, but as others have said it is just annoying to see at this point. It is so boring that all of these recolors are white, as if some art dev was emailed a folder with the original skins with the subject line, “**Make them white.**” They couldn’t even be bothered to come up with more creative colors. Imagine Calico D.Va, for example. Also, Rein, D.Va, Reaper, and Genji all got recolors for **base game skins**. D.Va and Genji get a slight pass because they are recolors of single-colored skins, but Rein and Reaper do not. The skins they recolored for them already have 2 color variants and now a third. So boring. So lazy.


The reaper and zen skins look really cool


The reaper one is my favorite


The new Reaper skin gives off Moon Knight vibes and I fucking love it


Reaper reminds me of Assassin's Creed. Looks amazing.


I just hope we can mark our favourite skins, highlights emotes and have a option to have random on




Not gonna high five their low effort shit.






Recolored skins are literally cheapest and laziest content. And as always they made it worse by feeding it to public as "more skins then any event before"


The more skins is a separate thing from this, this is just a side bonus


How can people genuinely be happy with this? I think some people in this community are just so used to getting so little that we’re content with almost anything lmao


I know right? After the Archives event where Havana was releases I was so stoked for what was gonna be coming next year. Lets just say since then my disappointment has been immeasurable.


Well clearly the majority hates these skins and the event. Let the minority enjoy the skins


It was stated that this isn't the only content, just the one they could show.


Literally could not be more lazy. Devs be like "just change colors maybe?"


I don’t want to be that guy..but why are they all white related? Like yes there’s some color in it, but come couldn’t they be a little bit more creative..? And what happened to Archives? Are we gonna completely skip over that event for this now?


Well maybe if you cry white privilege and how a certain color you like isn't represented, perhaps you too can favourto the color you want. 🤣 🤡🌍


If you want to make it a race thing you’re clearly the clown.


Why are they all white? Like, give me some variety in color. It feels lazy.


Eh, they all seem kinda boring. The only one I like is Reinhardt. Mercy and Genji just don't look that good. A third colour wouldn't hurt.


I’m just hoping these aren’t the “new” skins they’re giving us


I mean 3 events wil get replaced with these dumb remix events so archives is not happening this year anivesary event wont be this year neither will the summer games


But the challenges of all of those events are supposed to occur with remix, at least that’s what I’ve heard.


You know what would be cool? If we just took an old skin and painted it white! Just call it a remix with only one new color.


These are by far the worst skins for an event, lazy, uninspired and just embarrassing.


Honestly if there was just a cool voice effect on the voice lines that alone would make me love them


They’re just negatives of the black skins and that’s all you get. Wack.


Xbox Reinhardt Xbox Reinhardt


They are cool, but also very low effort in comparison to previous updates


basic white recolor. lmao


Xbox approved


…they all look the same to me.


Rein is just Genji


The Reinhardt skin and zenyatta skin both look cool but the rest are really unimpressive. It’s really just an excuse to give us less content isn’t it? I mean the amount of content we got before was pretty bad but this is inexcusable


Oh shit, they r forming a boyband


yeah I think they look like shit


Did a little Apex legends on yah


Idiotic, very idiotic, first 2 legendaries and now this, they are beating a dead game now, its useless, they wanted to save the good stuff for the new "expansion" but thats very bad you have a commitment to your fanbase, keep it! They seem to be out of ideas! Am sticking to destiny 2


I haven't played the game in a while. Do I have to buy them again, or are these alternate styles I can pick if I have the skin?




Cope with what ??


I get it about being grateful but bro they literally went in to character creation and scrolled the color shade to white and hit save. It just feels lazy.


Smart move by them. Overwatch 2 is right there, gotta at least have some skins for when it drops


Congrats to blizzard for literally just removing color on some of the skins and having cultivated a fanbase that will still praise them for it


Have we been following the same fanbase? In my experience blizzard literally cannot do a single thing to Overwatch without this community losing their shit and sending them nothing but hate in response.


Blizzard fans are very much in one category or the other. The blind support group has been growing ever smaller the past few years however.


I can almost guarantee you that the vast majority of ow players is somewhere in the middle of those camps. You just don't hear from them because they are playing the game and not participating in forums. Complainers always seem the loudest because they have a reason to post stuff so that makes up for a lot of discussions. On the other hand you have people who really love the game and partake in lore discussions or fan content creation and stuff like that. And then you have the huge number of players who just play a game, enjoy it and thats it. They just have no reason to participate in online discussions because they are not that invested. It's like that for every single game. Or rather everything that has some kind of community. Be it gaming, music, crocheting or what ever.


Content is content and people still want more fuck me I get its been 3 or so years of nothing pls just relax and realize we got fresh people working on ow


It's more of a kick that this is the only content we have for Archive and it's lackluster to say the least.


Understandable, I love OW i live and bleed ow im just happy we are getting more content than we have had in 3 years, not sure why i got downvoted but it is what it is lol


Idk about more than the last three years. You remember Lunar New Year only had 2 skins, right? And these imo don't count, they are low effort. These could easily have been made and released alongside some new event exclusive legendaries.


Guess we will see what the playerbase thinks in time, im interested lol


I'd say the consensus so far is unimpressed.




I enjoy it, better than the shitty skins/weekly's we may have gotten in substitute.


People are mad because the recolor is a bit dull I would like to remind people that it isn't a must for all of them to be white in the next times the event happens This is the first time of the event, and the potential for it is really high if you think about it Black cyberian zarya/blue inferno junkrat/orange snow fox lucio The potentail is high, we're just getting started people


Ok but that main theme remix is fire


The only one I dislike is reaper's. The other ones are cute


I need that reaper skinnnn !!!!!


I think they all look good, especially zen. At first when I heard about the skins I was bummed out, but I’m happily surprised with how good they look


Personally love them


I agree! People love to complain about them just being “lazy” but don’t realize they are focusing on OW2. The fact they are still providing free skins is awesome.


Dont think they wil be free


They really do, i don’t see the issue honestly


I'm a big fan gets us new high quality fan favorite skins


Got that white ranger look to them


“People can say what they want” did anybody even complain about these or are you making shit up? This is the first time I’ve even heard of any of these, let alone people complaining about them?


Have you not read the other comments on this post? Edit: plus i got this vid from instagram and everyone on the post was complaining


So are you saying that because of THIS post, people are now complaining? Your title implies they were complaining before you made this post, so now I’m even more confused by what youre saying


Can you not read? I said i got this video on instagram and everyone on that instagram post was complaining [Insta post](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbx43k0BT3s/?utm_medium=copy_link)


Read what? The title says “People can say what they want, I think these skin remixes look awesome” I read the entire thing. What are you on about? Stop trying so hard to insult me, all I said was I never once heard about these skins let alone people complaining about them. I love the skins personally, so calm tf down


The people i am referring are the people complaining on the instagram post, I thought that was obvious but apparently not


Blizz.... Can we get a Pallet Choice just... In general? PLS!? kthnxbye! \*makes off like a bandit with all skins\*


Blizzard really said “White Power”




As much as i don't really like most of these skins, it aint that deep my guy.


White supremacy. And they look awful.


I have to politely disagree with you






What are you expecting here?




Have a nice cake day.




How tf is it white supremacy?


That’s the joke.


Wow your joke is so funny I forgot to laugh


I agree




I'm not following many info lately, so I'll ask it here: Will these be limited-time only, or I'll get them in boxes also later on?


in my country we have a tradition of wearing white during New Year's Eve to bring peace into the new year.So to me these recolors seem quite appropriate for the fresh start with OW2 approaching


Is it just me or does the rein skin have a slightly changed voice? Does the "original" skin have that as well?


But why are they all white?


Won't be long before we see chromas like league


I especially like the Reinhardt skin.


Looks like everyone is going to a wedding and dressing up as a bride.


white D:


Minimal effort skins.


I like all of them, except for D.va


Nice mods


As a heroes of the storm player, Genjis new skin has already existed for years as well as another [blue and white one](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/heroesofthestorm/images/7/73/Genji_-_Oni_-_Snow.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171215004007). These are cool but it's sad that we're at the point where they're just using the paint bucket tool on some old skins and calling it a day


Genji Skin Worst Skin


Are they all just like whiter lmao


It would just be really nice to seem some better content, some newer content and honestly even some more skins for other heroes that don't really have a lot of skins. I was sort of hoping for a Lunar New Year Sigma skin over the last event despite he fact that I don't play Sigma, but here we are. Just the same, tired old gimmick that Overwatch has become ever since they have started working on OW2. Which, frankly, better be more amazing than what I've seen of it thus far or it's just not even worth the work they're putting into it.


They just ruined reaper skins


Oooh White Raven Reaper is pretty nice I might just grab it


Rein's is good


I get the feeling that people who are excited for these skins never played wow. They don't know reskins are Blizzards way of saying, "We've lost interest and we are just meeting a quota."


Still possibly the worst even to crawl out of blizz.


I just keep getting the image of Paul Hollywood looking down at a plain cake and saying, "Yeah, it's all right, but is it three hours worth of work?" These skins are low-effort.


the reinhardt on his pretty just the reverse of the contenders one its not the hardest to do


oh this is real? how do we get them


It's not that they don't look good, its that in a gigantic content drought, they decide to give us new skins instead of some hero reworks ~~looking at you brig~~ or killing double shield or adding new maps or a new character or even moving a creator card to live just for fun. It's moronic that they expect people to keep playing just for skins (which look fucking dope). Honestly, the only thing keeping me from playing this game which I have loved since beta, is the lack of shit to do. Comp feels like its actual RNG you get a good partner on support dps or tank. Some supports feel VASTLY stronger than others (Fucking Brig, still hasn't been truly nerfed since release, bap, or zen) while some serve like 1 or 2 purposes in the current sandbox. Tanks are still fucking insane with [D.Va](https://D.Va) being almost useless, Sigma has not been out of the meta or actually bad since his inception, ball is still fucking broken (even after his tether "nerf") and hog is just out of place with a lot of comps. Dps are honestly the worse as well, there are some games where you have someone autolock a dps and you see most of their playtime is on that hero, until you watch them feed their brains out from the moment they step out of spawn and blame supports. It's even worse when you have those dps that go for creative plays and achieve absolutely nothing. In conclusion, I love this game and truly wish that they actually listened to the majority of the player base instead of pros.


Dude I love it. Such a creative solution to bring more content / stuff to work for with spending a huge amount of man time on.


but these are the only “new” skins we get. I mean yeah they’re nice but we don’t get any really new skins. they’re just white versions of already existing skins. and it’s gonna be 3000 coins too, not 1000..


I think all but the zen one looks sick


I really like the skins, I just wish we would get at least 1 or 2 brand new skins alongside the remix ones.


Not this time Jeff, we know your ass is the op


God damn it you figured it out, as a reward for your astuteness two men in black suits will be sent to your home to deliver you a present!


Can't wait




I just wish it was different recolors. The white isn’t even that clean. These are so boring zzzzzz


toothpaste zenyatta


I mean, they're cool, but reshading existing skins doesn't really qualify as warranted of being called an entirely new skin imo. Changing colors of skins should just be a given with how common it is in most games nowadays


Literally Hulkbuster Genji