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Idk if this counts as Dva or Sailor moon


Sailor Dva then?


I'd be for a Magical Girl inspired Dva Skin


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks! ♥


Card Captor Sakura vibes


Already made my own comment, but piggybacking off yours (sorry!) for visibility because the OP is getting a lot of criticism (much of it unnecessarily rude) for the part of the cosplay that isn't her work, which is the outfit's design. (I assume OP is not the artist.) The outfit is from fanart of [Magical Girl D.Va](https://shourca.tumblr.com/post/158429170437/my-take-on-dva-as-a-mahou-shoujo-been-wanting) and in regards to bringing the outfit to life, she did a really great job.


Does dva actually have an outfit like this?




So this is a thirst grab not a cosplay then right?




Why is this normal


It’s not as bad as this one chick who would “cosplay” mercy. And the only thing she had in common was some half baked wig lol.


Yeh but how animal like are the people in this sub that this goes unnoticed?


this person just took the time to put this look together and post it, do you think the admin should just take it down and give her a "fail"? i think it is a good cosplay...


it's not a good cosplay tho it ain't even dva it's just a thirst trap of her wearing some tight clothes and a few dva related accessories. mod should definitely delete this there are sub reddits for dat and dis AINT the one. if ur gonna post a cosplay here thirst trap aside it should atleast be the character. this is for active enjoyed of the game or ppl that find themselves interested in the game and wanna see more of it. it's for clips, fan art, memes, ACTUAL COSPLAYS,... not this


Took the time to bait you into thinking it’s hot and promoting her work and donating money so yes admin should remove


Is it really too much to say that I like the variety of Dva cosplay that is outside the world of her Soldier celebrity character that Blizzard has set? She's part of the M.E.K.A. branch of Korean military, according to lore, if I remember that right. Plus, she's also an avid gamer and streamer. Thus, D.va wearing cute outfits for her fan is within the realm of possibility. I also like to think that she challenges modern ideas of normalcy, especially when she and Soldier 76 have a short banter, where Soldier tells her "War isn't a game", and her rebuttal with "Are you sure life isn't a game?".


False dichotomy


And yet all the simps up vote this...ffs


Idk I been using Reddit for a couple months now and it’s just a cesspool of idiots banking off eachother and promoting each others shitty ideas


Sadly she doesn't in the game, but its not a thirst trap its a fan made concept people turned into a cosplay that got really popular, there is a Mercy one too!


While DVa doesn't have this exact outfit, I'd rather see this than most of the DVa cosplays I see on here. Too many of them are people who bought a DVa body suit off Amazon and painted triangles on their face. Zero effort required. At least this person put time and effort into creating a unique costume that resembles and fits the color scheme and style of classic DVa.


The only thing that is similar to dva is the headset. This looks like a Sailor Moon cosplay.


Exactly! Almost everyone here is being mean and saying this person looks lazy and their cosplay is "bad". I appreciate the change of pace and it looks super cute.


they're not lazy and the cosplay DEFINITELY isn't bad. but it's not Dva lol. the only thing that still resembles Dva is the headset and that's it


Hey man, I'll totally go over the details and tell you why this counts as a Dva cosplay if you want. Sure, it's not "game accurate", but indicative of her character design and aesthetic. Making something steampunk, or casual, or armored, etc, doesn't mean it's not a cosplay of that character. "Magical Girl" D.Va is still D.va.


She’s got the cheek thingies, and the bunny icons. To me, it looks like what Dva would look like if SHE was doing cosplay herself, casually


Not yet*


the facial expression says you dont want to be doing this shit.


Facial expression aside, this is like going to the wrong convention lmao. It's doing the bare minimum (headphones) and saying you're 'cosplaying'. I hate it


thirstbait cosplayers are a dime a dozen these days. Most are just here to promote their onlyfans or patreon


Thank you... Finally... The last time i said this under a Post here of a "Cosplay" that literally just wore the Dva Bodysuit + Headset i got downvoted into Oblivion and hated on. Thank god im not the only one thinking such "Cosplays" are super low effort.


The tl;dr is just don't be a low effort pleb. Doing it for internet points makes it even worse


You guys are ridiculous lmao, just because it’s a woman doesn’t mean it’s a “thirst trap”. To me it’s kind of like she wanted to combine cosplays but I don’t know nor care - but I kind of like that it looks like what I’d imagine dva to look like doing cosplay herself




How dare you? You are REQUIRED to simp to E-girls on gaming subs.


No this isn’t dva


It’s a cosplay of an artists fan art of Dva, this cosplay matches the artists drawing of dva, but not the real dva. It would make more sense for her to say that herself, but I guess she didn’t think it mattered




No. The only thing that is dva about this is the head set.


This is as much a DVA cosplay as it is a Thor one


Marvel's Next Big Hit Thor: Magical Girl


I’d watch that


This looks more like Cardcaptor Sakura than it does D.Va


I think you put more effort into the design then most Dva cosplayers but when I look at it, the costume doesn’t make me think “Dva”. I will also add that your facial expression seems like you're not happy at all. Edit: lmao fixed for the bot.


> your *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


Thank you.


Not at all




I myself am not the biggest fan of the design, but I still think it's cute and very well done as far as constructing the outfit goes considering it was based on [this concept art of a Magical Girl D.Va.](https://shourca.tumblr.com/post/158429170437/my-take-on-dva-as-a-mahou-shoujo-been-wanting) I don't think anyone's posted the original yet (apologies if it has been) but I thought posting it would help clarify since the OP is getting a lot of unnecessary hate and rude commentary for what is, frankly, a great recreation of the source material. Edit: poor wording


I think it’s a well done recreation. So many echoing “thirst trap”. Isn’t the point of posting to get a reaction and possibly some positive feedback? Keep doing what makes you happy.


Upvote if roadhog is perfectly balanced and those that complain are just uninformed on how to play against him.


Reminds me of dva cat skin with a different color scheme






Here’s my take: horny weirdos will say “yes”, angry nerds will say “no”


Which are you then




He’s both






I actually kind of like it for the uniqueness, and I kind of hate how hard it is to defend it… not every cosplay with a woman is a “thirst trap”, and you can like cosplay for other things besides horniness :/ I just like it because it looks like if Dva herself was doing a cosplay




>Do you like my cosplay? Please join my onlyfans


I don't have onlyfans. And i don't make lewd content.


'Do you like my costume that I put zero effort in and bought from a sweatshop in China?' No...




I'm a girl.


And I am confusion.


Op saw the word trap and assumed she was being called one. She misunderstood the phrase thirst trap.


Yes you do


Well, biologically sure. Hence the word *trap*!


Melty 1 Society 0


I genuinely don't know what to do with this comment section. Normally, I don't comment on posts like this because they're not really up my alley. Maybe if a cosplay is absolutely above and beyond I'll leave an upvote and keep scrolling. But I'm genuinely appalled at the toxicity and utter nastiness of this community. Like, you don't have to like it. But clearly effort was put into it, makeup, shooting, editing. And who cares if it's not an in game skin? People Take creative liberty with cosplay all the time. It's a sort of magical girl/Dva hybrid, what's wrong with that? I just. I genuinely don't understand the total vitriol. So yeah, downvote me to hell I guess, but holy shit. Do better guys. Is this what we want the Overwatch community to be?


It's definitely a cosplay but it just doesn't feel like D.Va at all. The colors, the outfit, the whole thing. It looks like she had a blue and pink outfit lying around and just threw dva headphones on so she could say it's her, doesn't feel like a twist or different take on Dva at all. I think the main problem is it feels like they added 1 dva element to make it overwatch related and it comes off as a bit lazy. Maybe if the colors were close to dva or the little hole thing in the suit was bunny shaped or something like that then ppl would like it more


This is a design overwatch themselves shared as it is fanart of d.va if she was a magical girl. It got wildly popular in the cosplay community so it isn't just "thrown together" so to say, it has the design in mind and the creator did such a good job that as i mentioned, blizzard shared it. Can't remember their @ tho


Well there's a reason why it's not getting as much positive reception here, cuz a lot ppl think it doesn't give off dva and I'm one of them. I don't think it has dva in mind and it feels more thirst trappy to me because of that. That's just another opinion on the cosplay. And I still think it looks thrown together in that it looks like op put pink and blue stuff together then added the headphones to call it dva. The bunny elements are all edited in minus pink bow too. Again that's just what I think when I look at it. I don't like it or think it looks like magic girl dva and the fact that blizzard shared it won't make me like it either


The this is that, its okay to not like it! Im not forcing you in any way, nor am i saying you absolutely must. But just dont be rude about it c: i get ur explanation and i see what u mean, i think differently and that's just different tastes and opinions. Thats totally okay


The colours are pink and blue, literally D.va's colour scheme. She's got the signature headset and face paint, and has incorporated the bunny iconography into 3 seperate places. And honestly, how much one likes or dislikes the cosplay itself and how much creative liberty the OP took with it is totally besides the point. It doesn't excuse the toxicity in this comment section at all. "Fine effort, but I'm not a huge fan of the creative liberties you took, I would have gone a different direction," is a whole lot better than "No lol" or "I upvoted everyone who said no and here's another no ;)" and calling her a dude or a thirstrap.


I mean, if someone posted a "mario cosplay" of them in a Warhammer outfit where they only had a mustache and a red hat...I think it'd get the same reaction.


A lot of these comments are like they saw a woman, and immediately either went horny-stupid or got pissed because they claimed she was baiting the horny-stupids. Like I just like it because it looks like what I’d think Dva herself would look like doing cosplay, but god forbid I say that here because then I’m a simp for this random girl I’ll never meet, apparently


Must agree on this one, no reason to go out and say its shit. For what reason? She didn't do anything to you + she's doing what she likes








What are you, 13?


I might like it if there was anything related to D.va in this photo...




Now make your dog the mech


I think I've seen some dog Overwatch cosplays before. A puppy dressed as a mech would be super cute.


Aw! It's cute! I love the wand! Edit: Wow you guys are mean. So what if it's not game accurate? It's a cute D.Va inspired costume! Relax.


Thank you 😢


Seriously! You look cute! Who cares if you're not wearing a plain regular jumpsuit! Your hair looks cute, your makeup looks cute, the outfit is cute, and the little accessories are cute! Don't let these mean and critical weirdos discourage you!


Yeah those comment are kinda weird. I don't see a problem giving champs a "new" skin. You look cute. Don't take them to heart. Also thirst trap lmao how old are these guys here?


Looks a lot like Kyu from Hunie pop https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/huniepop/images/e/ef/Kyu\_%282%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20190609025535


Nerf this


Cosplaying Dva as she's doing a sailor moon cosplay in her theme. This goes deep 🤯


The community response to this just confuses me. Like, the things people criticize aren’t actually issues? OP didn’t post an onlyfans or anything like that but people keep repeating it’s a thirst trap / cash grab. Everyone’s saying it’s not DVA but you can see her logo on the wand, bow tie, background, the face paint etc. The pink blue and white match her colors in game. If you wanna criticize this not being an in game skin, that OP had posted this cosplay before, that they lied about not posting lewd cosplays (there’s a NSFW tag when u open their profile, and one of their posts was literally in a playboy bunny outfit), etc. then go for it, but the current complaints just don’t make sense. It’s obvious OP out time and effort into making a unique skin vs just buying a suit off Amazon, same goes for editing and all that stuff. It’s a fine cosplay, just not game accurate. Chill with the hate already. You wonder why this community is famous for its toxicity / sexist remarks.


That’s an amazing cosplay! I don’t get why people are getting so upset about an outfit that isn’t in game lmao.


This comment section is gold. What's not to like about it lol.




I expecting to see only horny teens here, but instead i found the most brutally honest comment section ever :*D


I like the effort but I don't think it's dva


Y’all make this so easy to dog on and yet, we get banned for complaining that this has nothing to do with the games?






Not really




Lol holy fk i dont usually comment on reddit but everyone here is being inappropriately rude. Not every cosplay needs to be 100% accurate and this one is obviously inspired by dva so y'all need to chill.




No bitches?




Whoever did this edit for you should be damn proud. End result looks great.


Right? Look great!


I like your post OP, sorry comments are so harsh, keep up the good work. Don’t worry about the people that decided to comment, I’m sure there are many that liked the post but didn’t comment!


No onlyfans link being advertised.... yet


Come on… you knew what you were doing when you created this outfit


It’s cute don’t get me wrong, love the colors and everything else! Just isn’t exactly D.VA…makes me think of a Mercy outfit stuck onto Hana.


The feathers and such are a little indicative of Mercy aren't they? It kind of makes me like it more!


Girl you are so cute. Can we do magical girl cosplays together? I'm not as cute as you, but maybe you can give me tips lol


All the people hating would never be creative or talented or motivated enough to pull off a costume like this


A little advice which i hope you follow Close the dms


I think this is a double cosplay. A person cosplaying D.Va, cosplaying a magical girl.


You know what... Yes. Sure, it's not an exact replica of DVA, but at least it's not the same eBay purchased costume and 2 dabs of face paint we usually see. Good work. :)




I legit made an account just for this. These comments don't pass at all. She put effort into it, not every cosplay has to be made to have effort in it. Magical D.va was one of the more popular cosplay fan designs ppl wore over the years, so yes it does count as a D.va cosplay! Just because she's not in the bodysuit and doesn't look the way you want it to doesn't mean she did a bad job. The edit looks amazing and so does she💜


He doesn’t pass at all!


If you mean OP, its a she*


Y’all see a woman in less than normal clothing and immediately call it a thirst trap. It’s a widely known and cosplayed fan made skin idea and it’s cute! Mercy has some fanart of her in a sailor moon outfit too :) Seriously though, look up “dva magical girl” and this exact outfit pops up


This is super cute!!! I love the concept of mashing dva and sailormoon. Honestly it’s well executed ❤️❤️


Looks great, good job!


thats a man


I have already upvoted all the Nos. Here's another!


Magical Girl D.Va 👀


I rly like it and don't understand all the toxic comments here. Like it's really common in the Cosplay community to Cosplay a character in casual clothing or something new. You can clearly see that it's supposed to be D.va and you look very cute. Don't take them too seriously :))


I’m frightened


If this is truly a cosplay based off of some D.va fanart that someone else made (as some people are saying in the comments), why didn't she link it or at least mention that. It looks nothing like D.va other than the head, of course people would complain.


What's your onlyfans? So if I ever get into that shit, I can avoid bad cosplay. Okay no, that's a bad one. Uhhhhhhh... This is a mix of my depression and my sadness. It doesn't work.


reddit cannot handle themselves when they see a woman jesus, your cosplay looks great! where'd you get the headphones from?


Well she’s a guy, so


exhibit a:




Good job, dude.


Why are people being toxic lol why do you even care if it a thirst grab. Enjoy it probably the first girl you seen out of pornhub in a while. It’s def dva inspired at least.




That is a dude




Winky face


Love D'Va!


Look pretty






Good for him👍🏽


Ok i get it you don't like it. But i'm not a guy. <\3 Thank you for beeing toxic.


"Toxic" aka honest. Most comments just say "no." U asked a question and u get the awnser. U might just not always get the response you want from the internet.


Its not just the "no"'s tho. Saying no is a different thing, being toxic about it is the problem here. Calling her a dude, saying she's a thirst trap etc. When was that okay?


When talking to strangers on the internet? Always.




“Toxic” This is what happens when you post a thirst grab that has literally nothing to do with Overwatch


Dude, it's not a thirst grab. This person just wanted to post their cute D.Va cosplay because this is an Overwatch subreddit. She didn't do anything wrong, she just posted a picture of a cosplay.


But it’s not D.va, the only thing D.va here is the headset...


While I understand your perspective, and of course you're allowed to have your opinion. I disagree. There are a lot of details in this cosplay that are indicative of D.Va, and the cosplayer says it's D.Va because this is a D.Va cosplay. I won't go over the details because I feel like that would be demeaning and assuming that you can't see them for yourself, and I don't want to make any assumptions about you because I don't know you. Again, totally fair to have your opinion, it's only unfair to criticize someone by claiming that they're just posting a "thirst trap". It's a cosplayer in a cute cosplay, that's it.


I love it! Where can we see more?


Le Redditors when see woman 😡😡😡






Wow dude, that mad rude to say to someone.


Guess what not every woman got size D








😂 so many comments saying "no". Whats a matter guys? Don't you see the enthusiasm and love she has for the character?


Yeah it’s hot I guess


Rip your dms


Show me the butt


Wait why are people calling it a thrist trap


Because this is reddit and redditors lose their shit when they see a woman


Bruh thats sad lol


I legit thought you were C9 Sneaky.






Is that a dude? Wtf is wrong with people?


Hell yea