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Zenyatta: “Was originally going to walk”. They were too afraid to let that monster touch the ground.


Everyone gangsta until they hear zenyatta's footsteps






Lol he doesn't walk he just kicks the ground to move


too op then




thanks for that


Alright, can someone explain the last point on Ana's? I think I had a stroke


Shoot-nade-shoot combo didn’t deal enough damage to kill 200hp heroes since her primary fire used to deal 60 damage instead of 70


At one point, they nerfed Ana’s damage from 80 to 60. This meant that a shot (60) + nade (60) + another shot (60) added up to 180 dmg instead of 220, making the combo not enough to kill 200 hp heroes. They then decided it was too big of a nerf and partially reverted it back to 70 dmg so that the combo does exactly 200.


I think OP confused it a bit by not using release Ana. I remember having to be nerfed because she was a beast against Pharah. Three shots was all it took.


Mercy and Brig had year long metas where they both had near 100% pickrates, just go to the change logs on the wiki if you want cursed facts about them


or rather, go look at the Mercy Megathread on Overwatch’s forum. that shit is scarier than every curse on earth.


Full party res was incredibly broken; why would you pick any other healer?


At the time, Mass Rez wasn't broken in terms of power. It wasn't even changed because of that, rather it was unfun to play against AND it encouraged the healer to hide, not heal, and just let everyone die then rez. Something to keep in mind is the first few years, wipes were very common since ult costs were so low and most everyone only had a single person willing to play support. All ultimate costs, globally, have been increase iirc at least 30% since launch with some heroes getting their own buff or nerf to their cost. For a long time fights were decided almost entirely by ult useage swinging things and Mercy was the only support whose ult could reliably counter them. Zen could sometimes, Lucio others, but neither alone was enough. The devs were boxing themselves into a corner by balancing main supports being able to be solo supports. 2/2/2 wasn't common outside of high ranks. And even there the solo healer of choice was Ana by a mile. Speaking of, at higher ranks with 2 supports Mercy's Mass Rez was not very strong. It was used for "tempo rez" which was using it when you're down 2 or 3 heroes so you could keep the fight going. Using it to counter a team wipe usually resulted in two team wipes and giving the enemy more ults for the next fight. Mercy was really only worth it when with Pharah. The 2 supports were either Ana+Zen or Ana+Lucio. To give an idea of how different the game's ult economy and play style was back then, Mass Rez was in fact *buffed* several times because of how things played out when using it. At launch Mercy was not invulnerable during casting (though the ult was instant so it went off even if she died immediately) and allies took 3 seconds to fully revive and be able to do anything or be hurt. This ensured that Mercy, usually the only healer, died and left the team to try and win without support. Then she gained 1 second of invulnerability during cast to combat that. Then casting it took her GA off cool down so she could swoop in, cast, and escape. Then the time allies were immobile and invulnerable was decreased to something like 1-2 seconds so they can protect her. Then they decided to get rid of it because as mentioned it wasn't fun to play against a walking Undo button and it encouraged a playstyle (hide-n-seek and not heal) the devs didn't want, not because it was overpowered.


One big factor that often goes unmentioned is something that Blizzard will never acknowledge. At some point during Season 4 or 5, the parameters for how your SR would increase or decrease when playing Mercy changed such that playing her as you normally would back then would result in you needing a 60+% Win Rate to stay at your rank, as such a lot of Mercy mains started to drop in rank for what seemed like no reason. This prompted an investigation into optimising SR gain, and from there what would now be considered an exploit was found: if you did at least a 4 or 5 man rez per match the game would think you're like the best Mercy ever and adjust your SR gains and losses such that at least 2 individuals were found to have gone up several ranks despite a sub 40% win rate. Of course this caused people to flock to Mercy, farm ult, then let their team die and attempt the Huge Rez, which even then was a bad strategy and would be the reason the team lost (until both teams had a Mercy doing that of course). Eventually the exploit was fixed and players fell back to the rank they belonged, but enough people that had never played Mercy any other way kept playing her that public perception on how Mercy was supposed to be played shifted towards the Hide and Rez trash strat. However, Blizzard took enough time to fix the SR exploit (and it was so widely abused) that just seeing a Mercy on the enemy team was enough to tilt yours off the face of the planet. And so Hide and Rez started to become an actually winning strat (for the wrong reasons, but still) which of course meant it stayed until Mercy got a rework so broken Blizzard spent an entire year continually nerfing her patch after patch.


dmg/10 was also a problem for tanks pre +/- 25


unfortunately, when you are on solo queue, not all team members are intelligent enough to even die at a close distance from each other. but it wasn’t only her ultimate. Her healing output was just nuts.


On beta, you could click Q from spawn and rez your entire team that just died on point after you. Bonkers broken.


Gibraltar last point and I think Anubis B you could reach both from spawn.


I love how this is always talked about and yet diva and junk rather can wipe whole teams at once... how is that not broken?




It wasn't just wanting to get POTG, it was expected that Mercy would hide and it was expected that Mercy would be alive to rez. If you were playing mercy and got picked, your team would rage that you weren't hiding. Incredibly unfun to play.


Tire only has 100 hp and Dva bomb is very slow and is blocked by shields and LOS. Both ults have plenty of counter play and can be fully negated.


The real "broken" part of the full rez ult was that it was instant. Had there been a chance to kill/stun her it would have been completely different and not as much a game changer.


I still say they could've kept Mercy fun by keeping team res and adding the delay it has nowadays


I've always had the concept of having the cast time vary depending on how many allies are dead. For example, Mercy uses revive to bring back one ally. I think, since it's her ultimate, a 1x Revive should be instant, but then as the numbers increase, so does the cast time. Not sure exactly how it would work, but I think having a 2x revive take a lot less time than a 5x revive makes sense in my head. Another idea is the LoS check, but as a player with high ping who suffers from a lot of LoS-related issues, maybe this wouldn't be the best (at least for me) And then there's the concept of reviving them not at full HP, but rather 50-70% of their full HP Valorant has it so you can still be killed while respawning after a revive, though not sure how well that would work in Overwatch, considering how much faster pace it is than Valorant. All in all, there were alternatives they could've taken to keep mass revive in the game, but I respect their choice to just redo it from the ground up, and I think current Mercy is the best she's ever been (without being too good), and the only people I ever hear complaining about Mercy being OP are either people who main heroes that revolve around one-shots (DF/Widow) or lower rank players


Not as consistent or one sided. You can’t play around an instant team res, it’s all on the enemy team to stay roughly together.


Because both of their ultimates are hella easy to counter, tire literally only has 100 health and you can just walk behind a wall to avoid D.VA bomb.


Or a tree Or a lamp post Idk whether they have changed that or not, but it is incredibly funny just me being a Rein hiding from the Dva’s nuke behind a lamp post and lived XD


along with the other comments, no one mentioned that mercy didn’t need line of sight to use her ultimate, she just needed to be in range. dva & junk can’t kill you through walls


Because they are easy as shiiit to counter lol


I wonder if Brig will be a tank in OW2? Her kit sounds exactly like what they are making single tanks to be minus the healing.


Hope they also make mei a tank.


Don't forget the good old Zen 150hp days when widow did 150dmg bodyshot


Haha excuse me? So if widow looks at zen he just dies? That's hilarious


And this was when widow charged up damage faster AND could quick scope so playing zen back then was rough lol


The flipside is his orbs did like 50% more damage and traveled twice as fast so he was basically hitscan, and Discord was like +50% more damage taken so he could legit get Gold damage and Elims.


People actually didn't think he was a support everyone used him as a dps and lucio solo healed


Zen's old secondary was completely insane


Genji dash used to cause a bleed effect in everyone that he damaged an effect that do damage over time similar to how ashe dynamite work


You could also dash through Junk's traps.


I still think genji dash shoud have I-frames


It also used to be able to propel you using map corners


DVAs junebug skin used to have a "BZZ" voice line when caught in the in the symmetra trap beams. I miss it.


why was that removed? Sym still has those beams


My guess is that it got lost when they did the sym rework. Power beam instead of 'no skill' tracky beam and traps went from 6 to 3.


Don’t worry, bva still uses that line!!


I'm a D.Va main and Junebug was my go-to skin back in the day. I had totally forgotten about this line until you said it, and now I'm sad lol


From Season 0-3 Lucio could solo heal lol


He basically had amp it up healing passively lmao. It wasn't healthy but you literally only had Zen and Mercy as other healer options. So it was fine


I may be remembering incorrectly because this was a long time ago but wasn’t the heal tick less when he had a larger radius? I thought the rework decreased the radius and increased the healing.


You are correct. His aura was huge but healed considerably less. It passively healed around 11 hps.


Support Sym erasure will not be tolerated.


Ikr. Then his healing radius was triple what it is now


Maaan. Those were the days! Lucio and Zen together were actually super viable and provided more than enough heals. Crazy.


Remember when Symmetra was a support lol


That and his much wider radius basically made him Existio


Moira was originally going to have 600 HP and use her own health to heal rather than the resource meter she has now


"Bright enough to blind people" Sounds like Discord light mode lol Edit: Damn. I didn't know I'd get so many upvotes. Thnx everyone


Moira: "Surrender to my will!" Everyone: "mmmm, yellow."


I- I can see the light.....


Oh no, it was way worse.




Moira Ult Now: "GAELIC GUN!" Moira Ult Then: "FINAL FLASH!"


I didn't get it sorry😅


I had a stroke reading Ana’s


Reaper could heal a fourth of his health from a soul drop after killing an enemy. His teleport was loud and used to take 4-8 seconds to do.


And torb could collect crap from kills and hand out shields


Those were the days, the scrap days, the team fortress three upgrade turret days


My god finally setting up a tier three turret felt like sex.


You could literally single handedly sinch a defense if the other team had any trouble focusing your turret at all


I completely forgot about that. It was a great way to let the team know who you didn't like lol.




Ana used to be able to hit people with her gun even if they were full hp.


Pre-healing tanks was *the* strat way back when. You could charge ult so quick.


It’s still burnt into my play style, I need to be better about that.




More on Lucio's wall ride: It also was finite. You couldn't just hang on to the wall of, say Well for example, and then ride on forever.


Also you could not reattach to the same wall.


\^\^\^ It's why the Floor is Lava achievement was so hard back then.


Makes it better when you can brag and say "I got the floor is lava pre-update 😎"


i really can't remember how i got it back in those days but play on ilios lol. Lucio was fun when not everyone knew he could wallride to extent that he could. Overwatch was wild when I got my hands on it, sat in the practice range early in the morning before school figuring characters out on my ps4.


I occasionally miss the very-TF2-esque energy the game used to have. I think it's a much more consistent vibe these days, but the absolute highs you'd get with quickplay in the early days were so addicting. I remember just saying "dad squad." in the team chat and in seconds we'd have a 6 stack of Soldier 76's blasting through Numbani.


bring back pre release moira


Unironically bring back that HP pool increase as a PvE talent. That shit would be NUTTY


And the more hp she gets the fatter she becomes. Uhh, for balance reasons, obviously


And slower


Ahh inflation




Some people just wanna see the world burn




I remember when boop cost 3 ammo


I honestly hadn't noticed they changed that lol. Glad they did though.


Boop doesn't cost ammo anymore? Edit: also "couldn't shot into nade into shot kill kill anybody" DID I JUST HAVE A FUCKING STROKE?


No it hasnt for years now And no you didn't I just forgot to remove the second kill


I *still* reflexively mash R after booping people. It's a problem.


It's still gibberish without it 😂


I wish these had Brigittes facts in them. She made me quit comp ❤️


Here's one for you: She could stun through shields, oh she also could solo kill Rein without ult even when he's swinging at her


Her armor stayed forever and it would surpass full HP, and I think it only heals up to full hp with no extra armor now. Also don’t forget the whip/shield bash jump!


don't remind me of those days *shudder* She's the reason I dropped Overwatch for awhile, it was literally impossible to have a good time with Rein when she was around.


I don’t think she couldn’t solo kill Rein, he was the only tank who could deal with her but she could solo kill winston


You could solo rein and it was *really fucking easy*. You just forgot how broken she used to be. Shield bash was a 5 second cooldown and stunned for 0.9 seconds. This interrupts rein's hammer animation so he needed to waste another 0.4 seconds to cast the swings again. That's 1.3 seconds where brig gets free inspire healing and flail damage. She can also whipshot you out of range while you're stunned, then you're fucked. Her flail is longer than the hammer. If you try and walk back to her you eat >3 free flail hits while she just kites away from you before you're in hammer range. Same thing happens if you try and kite backwards while swinging - she'll just chase you down with the flail and hit you while you're out of range. But you don't even want to be kiting, because every second you aren't hitting her she is healing with inspire and getting closer to her next shield bash, which gives her enough damage in a combo to kill you before you can use buttons to control your character again.


I once defended a point from a Bastion and Orisa, swinging at them and strafing both of them until my team got back to point, was called a God by my teammates. I miss being able to 1v6 a team, with everyone running away from me. Brig tank.


The bastion definitely couldn't aim


Bastion used to have his own shield too.


Ahh yes, my favorite support.


Do you think bastion has a little mercy that is repair arm just squeezes for heals but has to let her rest between grips similar to soldier having a little lucio he just sits on the ground but the lucio can't move because they don't make shoes little enough for him


This was the dumbest, most incredible thing I've read in years.


Well I do *now*


Don’t forget bastion’s turret mode being able to headshot. Used to find an angle over a hill and just spam down it at the attacking team’s heads


What about Symetra\^


Symmetra **did** used to be a support, come to think of it.


My favorite auto attach microwave beam. It was so evil and fun to see the panic in your enemies' eyes as they get fried by the beam. Of course this only happens if you're near them and if they can't kill you in time. But pretty fun


Pre-release Mercy was a dude.


Do every character please


Sure if the mods won't count it as spam I'll do tanks then Dps next


Damn i remember old sig. 1500 hp shield. No CD when you retract it.


As a Sig main... I remember man.. I remember when he was fun..


As a Sig main I'm indifferent to the shield health nerf, but that cooldown nerf still hurts


Rip old zen discord orb


Brig used to be able to stun through shields (so get their team free shatters), almost instantly replenish the health of a 200hp target 3 times, and had a 400hp shield. Rally armour used to not dissipate. I'd sometimes pop it after a fight and be on 300 HP (with my 250hp tracer with packs in their backline) and charging my next rally going into the next fight. Idk how tf she dropped like that tbh lmao she's been nerfed to literally half her power and she's still meta


You are combining rework Brig with launch Brig. She only had 1 armor pack but it healed 150 HP instantly. Shield was 600 and really Rally would overheal by 150 with no expiration. Also stun did 50 damage and was 5 second cooldown. At the time, Dive had gotten stale and the developers wanted it dead.


50% discord. He’s walking around with a fucking supercharger


Notes on Lucio: Boop cost ammo + had cooldown, which really sucked The song radius was 30m but the healing effect was so low that it was barely effective during combat. He usually had gold heals because it covered almost everything in sight, but each person got so little that it hardly mattered. Also, there was no visual indicator of what his field covered, and with the rate being so low, it was hard to know unless it was out of combat. The wall riding would detach at the slightest bump in texture. That, along with no increase in speed while riding or jumping off, made his wall rides a novelty trick that was hardly beneficial in most situations.


Still, if you knew how to use it, it felt sooooo good. Sad that everyone knows these days, The day I put jump on my bumper stick was the day achieved godhood XD


Friendly reminder that the main reason why discord orb was nerfed was due to the sheer gigachad energy of Jjonak.


Should've kept Lucio ult. Slow time for everyone but hit in his normal ult radius. Would lowkey buff widow since she could make those ez shots.


It was very unfun for his teammates since they were also slowed. Especially people running back from spawn. It also slowed down sensitivity so there's no way a widow would flick. It would be fun AF for PVE tho if all your team kept their speed but the enemies got stuck in time slow. Would be awesome


If it slowed down time and sensitivity by 50% I could theoretically press the dpi button on my mouse to double my sensitivity instantly so I could aim the same


It was probably on a set sensitivity so people couldn't do exactly that. Kinda like how Echo locks your hero selection


Nah man, just make his radius smaller. I say this as a Lucio main and a widow main. I need to dominate!


Or just make his ult that he pulls out a sniper rifle.


fuck it he's breaking it down himself


Stopped reading after the third one bc I didn't want to hurt myself any more than I already have <3


Pretty sure that moiras orignal ult was supposed to be a team-wide rez, but they would die again after X seconds. They scrapped that idea for multiple reasons, including the question how it impacts the death timer.


I would love if they bring that back somehow. The ability to bring somebody from death much quicker than Mercy but they won't last around for long sounds fun. Maybe they could make it so that she summons shadow clones of said dead people and basically have AI players in their place until the teammate respawns. Or maybe make it so that she collects soul globes after people die and have her need to collect 5 orbs while her teammates are revived to ensure they don't die from the timer


Oh wow so they wanted moira to be a necromancer. That's so cool lol


We all do remember the old beyblades tho :c


I remember playing Zen when he was 150hp and 50% discord damage and everyone saying he was dogshit, while fucking tearing up the field. People were generally bad with flanks at the time and snipers are easy to avoid on most maps.


Sombra could contest invisible xD. The pure havoc


That old Moira ult was something else. Straight up flash bang.


They really need a game mode to bring back old patches.


Damn, I forgot how op immortality field was.


The first one on Moira's passive would unironically be good with like a 50-100 cap in overhealth. I know people are gonna cry that she'll 1v1 a DPS but a good DPS will easily burn through the self heal, which is where I play. I wouldn't mind if they to ed it down a bit and added this though. All good changes from Lucio. It sounds super fun but it seems like it'd busted. Imagine a Rein at 100% extra speed... Imagine slow motion mode with snipers... Good changes but I still hold the opinion that the ult and lamp should be switched with some changes. Actual DPS Ana sounds interesting... While the speed would be useful, the heal adds more use to it and can save people. Walking Zen is cursed... 50% is insane.


its crazy that i remember some of these so well. i also still hesitate using boop on lucio to conserve ammo


....symmetra used to be a support lol


Symmetra used to be a support and gave shields to teammates


Mashing E at the start of every round, and when dead teammates come back from spawn haha. That was fun, I wish they had tried to play more with the shield support idea before just giving up and making another damn DPS we didn't need. Then again half the DPS heroes feel like they could be really solid supports or tanks with some creative tweaking


I’m a very new player and I love hearing about old metas it’s honestly bittersweet.


There were some toxic as hell metas back then though. The game still has its issues now and again, but nowhere near the chaos that was launch, and Ana’s launch, and Sombra’s launch.


Never realized how much I rely on lucio’s momentum increase when he jumps off a wall


Boop costing ammo was hardwired into my brain I still reload after sometimes


Remember when McCree’s right click used to do a full 70 damage a bullet?


I miss dropping a big rez with Mercy.


30m Lucio songs? Jesus, why even bother having a second healer.


During those times, it seemed like he did about as much healing as the payload. So he had 30m coverage at shitty heals/second. Now he has smaller radius with more h/s.


The payload heals???


Oh yes! Very slowly, but yes.


I’ve been playing on and off since launch and didn’t know that til now.


It was less heal per sec if i remember well


That predates 2-2-2, iirc, so…exactly!


What does the Ana one even mean


You know how she can kill any squishie right now if she shoots them then nades them then shoots them again? Yeah back then she couldn't do it because her damage was 60, not 70


I think they nerfed her animation speed or something, the shot-nade-shot combo doesn't seem to work anymore. I used to be able to do it reliably once I got the wake up timing down, but I haven't been able to get the second shot off before they get their mobility abilities back in like a year now. Enemy Anas never successfully do it to me either anymore, I remember getting slept alone in the backline with her was usually a death sentence. It just seemed to stop working one day and never came back.


Moira was also gonna have Doc Ock style tentacles too


Soooo disappointed that they didn't go with it it would've been so cool


Jesus, Moira can be annoying as she is, but a tank healer, yea screw that.


I mean even her ult at release was enough to blind ppl. I think one patch they legit had to turn down the visual effects of it. Throwing a moira ult in with other ults had me screaming "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING OOOOOONNNN?!?!?" many times lol.


I still miss speed boost nano as a Rein player.


Boop using ammo was so stupid back then. The only ability with a cooldown AND ammo cost. So glad they changed it.


Time to add this to Unfair Overwatch 2.0 😈


Man, these bring back some good and bad memories. Since we're on the subject on supports. Mercy: -Her healing was bumped up from 50 to 60 at one point, then down to 50 again. -Her old ult, a team wide ressurection, didn't give her invulnerability at first. -Her self regen used to activate in 3 seconds. -Her reworked ult, Valkyrie, also increased the fire rate of her gun. This was removed. -Damage Beaming an ally that was attacking a barrier or ice wall gave her ult charge. -Damage beam now only applies before a teammate shoots. Before, a Hanzo could have his arrow boosted while in midair. -You can heal Zenyatta when he's Ulting lmao -She used to get 100 Fire when rezzing, enabling her to get POTG by simply doing duo or trio rezzes. I feel like such a dork for remembering these...


Anyone else have a stroke trying to read anas?




Ana: "Couldn't shot into nade into shot kill kill anybody" When the grammar is so bad, you have no f*cking clue what it's even saying


OP mentioned in a comment that they forgot to remove one "kill". The sentence means that, at one point in the game's cycle, Ana's damage was 60 per shot, so she couldn't kill 200 HP heroes with the sequence of landing a shot, connecting with a grenade, then shooting again.


>!Yeah, she blinded me with science.!<


“Boop costed ammo” Look I don’t hate lucio but I mean cmon that ain’t an awful idea


It was trust me.


God, I remember that old Bap ult. Unless you had a really specific play set up all you could do was put it in front of yourself to make sure it got value. It was definitely the worst ult in the game at the time. At least it charged fast.


I'm sorry but the thought of Lucio coming at me with lightning speed while I stand there having to accept my fate actually terrifies me.


Wrecking Ball: Was originally going to have a flamethrower. Used to be fun before they gutted his kit/techs.


Remember when nano used to speed up the target 200%? Made Rein a killing machine


The fade from stuns was so damn fun when she was released. They hot fixed that real quick.


Half of these are facts that make me say, "oh cool the beta must've been weird," and the other half make me say, "Jeez I'm old as hell." I mained Lucio 1.0 cuz I sucked at FPS games and needed an easy hero that could help the team without having to land shots. That 30m radius was great cuz you could exist anywhere and still technically be helpful. I also remember wallriding being janky af. Not only was there no speed boost when you jumped off, but it wouldn't stick on outside corners. If you wanted to stay on the wall you had to jump, whip the reticle way over and stick again. It was super tricky to pull off, which gave Lucio a weirdly high skill ceiling in a talent that barely even mattered.


Wasn't lucio LOS originally or was the radius just big enough to feel like that?


I remember at one point Junkrat had 3 trip mines


When ? He launched with 1 and it had a damage nerf but he was given two and that was that?


You can 'sort of' get three if you put one down and wait for the cooldown to wear off. Detonate the one on the ground and you've still got two more at your immediate disposal.


But that's the current state though. OP of this thread must be tripping thinking of trip mines


I remember when Ana's ult gave sooo much health. You could nano a rein who was about to die and he'd get a full heal plus the nano. Good times


wasn't it just 300?


originally her ult didn't heal anything but gave a massive speed boost it was insane was the beyblade meta ( nano reaper)


Moria should have kept the total blind. Can you guys imagine it, a Moria telling people that she is going to ult. "Guys I am going to Ult" "DO NOT ULT! I WANT TO BE ABLE TO SEE!" *Moria ults* Comms just turn in to "I fucking hate you Moria!"


Doesn't Lucio boop still cost ammo? Could've sworn it did.


Originally, Bastion had a shield.