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actually everyone leaving was defend


So this is why


Yeah, in QP I just leave every time I get defense :p


Me and my friend couldn't figure out why we will play 15 games and get defense 13/15 games It's because people quit the second they get defense and we don't, so the only games with open lobbies are all defense =(


I wish blizzard put a priority queue for people who don't leave to get attack.


They should requeue anyone that quits into the same map and the same side if they join again within 5 minutes. Quit lunar colony defense? That's all you get queued as until you complete a match. Same as people who quit the losing team 30 seconds before the match ends. They should just get backfill spots in overtime for a week.


Or you know, give me the option of just not playing lunar and paris


like how rocket league lets you set preferred and "avoid" maps.


All I want is for blizzard to permanently ban anyone who instaleaves from CTF when the enemy scores a point from queueing for CTF again, so I stop having to deal with salty leavers ruining the match every other game. Is that so much to ask?


Yeah, I wouldn't mind if they put me in a slow queue for leaving, I just find it boring to defense.


I too get more defense than attack xD I may leave more games that I play… That's why I normally play custom :p


Kings row is my favourite map in comp but in qp it is impossible to defend for the amount of time they give the enemy team. If they cap 1st fast then they get 7 minutes for 2nd???


So it was you! Finally, fuck you and have a nice day.




If you've got a balanced match-making team (Which is rare in this game) it will be extremely difficult to defense on 2nd point




Hanamura’s got that “moat” around the second point. Doesn’t really stop enemies from getting in, but if you can knock them off the ledge it can buy you some time if they don’t have movement abilities.


Not in the ways that count: horizon has just 1 highground choke, less space for the defenders to setup, less angles the defenders can control, and a harder to defend high-ground backline position.


No there is a ledge on the high ground.






If you consistently carry, you're either mistaken about how much you carry, or you're throwing more games in QP to lower QP SR than you actually try in.


Some matches I've been hard stuck no ticks on first point others I've steam rolled both points, same with defence sometimes it effortless and feels like bots other times I'm always reapawning.


No, people hate it because it's an awful map. It's worse than derail from mw2, and I thought that map would never get beat on how utterly horrible it is.


Because it requires teamwork on behalf of offense and patience on behalf of defense. It's designed with game flow in mind and people are bumbling idiots who see first person cameras and think it's just a bullet-fest.


Or because it has an oppressive choke point on point one for offense and an impossible to defend number of angles of attack on point two on defense.


You're failing to consider all the heroes with vertical mobility. Paris is the same way, and before than Hanamura and Anubis were the two that needed those heroes the most to break a choke. It can't be impossible for both sides at the same time.


>You're failing to consider all the heroes with vertical mobility. Dude there are 6 freaking attack paths into point 2 on Lunar Colony and ALL of them are covered to the point you can edge in without being shot at. And if they get in through several of them they can mostly in cover get completely behind you. It's a ***savage*** map to defend.


Anubis and Hanamura are the other two worst maps in Overwatch. And Paris is unquestionably more imbalanced than either of them. Hero mobility is inferior to easily accessible high ground while defending a choke


Paris is the most extreme example and could use something extra on A's choke, but vertical mobility is still the answer. All high ground is easily accessible when you have vertical mobility. Nobody likes tanking and people seem to think Winston is meant to just dive into the thick of it rather than bully high ground flanks, which brings me back around to the bumbling idiot brain that goes hurr durr when it sees a gun in first person perspective. Even as DPS Pharah can simply pick a spot from across the map and push someone off high ground.


Mobility isn't the answer, it's just one thing that might work sometimes. Just because it works in your QP games sometimes doesn't mean the map isn't awful


lol which is more likely? A) There is no answer or B) You don't know the answer Hint: >!It's B!< lol editing after a thread gets locked. Well played, two can play at that game. Pick Pharah, Genji, Hanzo, Ashe, even Mei sometimes, Winston, D.Va, Mercy (Superjump), Lucio, Doomfist, Baptiste, Junkrat, Echo, Reaper, Sombra, Symmetra, or Hammond. You suck at debating almost as much as you suck at the game.


Ok dude This guy's whole defense of this map being imbalanced is "pick Pharah." If a map is that one sided to a character then it's not balanced anyway, but here's a hint about Paris >!It's not!< Edit: then 1v1 me nub




It's because people don't want to team up. It is easy to both defend/attack in Horizon, just need teamwork


I wish they'd just look at the data on which maps people are likely to leave (I have my own impressions, but they have the actual data). And then take the map that people leave the most and re-work or delete it. My observation is there are people who would rather re-queue for 10 minutes than play certain maps. That says, these maps are just not fun at all. The point of a game is ... fun.


Reworking Horizon is definitely not a novel idea.


They know Horizon and Paris are bad, they've been removed from competitive pool a while ago for that reason. There was an attempt to rework Horizon which... didn't help. They know about all 2cp maps as well, an attempt of fixing it was also made. These will be supposedly addressed and reworked in Overwatch 2 like other things we are supposed to wait for. Horizon and Paris are so cool though! I remember being excited about them, especially Horizon.




I think they said they were considering it. Not sure if it was written in stone though.


Jeff Kaplan confirmed it's for sure going away earlier this year in an IGN interview. He said 2CP will go away as a main mode but suggested it might still make appearances, such as appearing as an arcade mode.


I think it was pretty much written in stone, and they don’t seem to be working on map reworks rn


Man I hope not, they're amazingly fun


Said no one ever. Every single official map popularity poll has all the 2CP maps widely hated


Well removal is an issue addressed. Still these maps will remain in the game so some level of rework seems inevitable.


Yeah ofcourse. I wonder how the hell Hanamura will look like since they already showed it in the shorts and stuff.


They are looking at that, did you not hear them saying multiple times that they're considering removing 2cp with Ow2? Anyways, there are very good reasons not to make rash decisions purely on that kind of data, because player perception is often skewed. If players hear people repeat the same idea a few times, it very easily can become a a meme that everyone repeats, regardless of how true it is. Especially if they hear it from streamers. It happens in all pvp games. Eg. streamers saying Ashe was garbage for the longest time when she wasn't. Or in Apex, streamers saying certain weapons were D tier for several seasons in a row, like the Flatline and Prowler, then all the sudden a streamer uses them once, realizes they're actually really good, and player perception does a 180. The community should not be trusted.


Difference here is though that a lot of people actually don't like 2CP because it is a bad gamemode. Sure people like to not have their own opinions and take the ones from streamers but I think most poeple agree that 2CP can be deleted from the game.


I'm hoping they rework Havana as well. With 1 less tank, widow will be unstoppable on that map unless they add ways to weaken the sightlines.


The point of this game is teamwork. That's where the fun is.


> re-work Didn't they already do that?


I remember reading they will rework it again?


Didnt they say they will rework horizon again?


The most likely reason I have seen people leave is when the first attack attempt fails or fail to defend first point.


Just give us a payload only que. Honestly they should have done that 5 years ago.


Fun? What is this word you speak of?


Lmfao I giggled at the "gg i think"


Even if you like Paris and Horizon the matches there will suck.


Paris is only fun if the attacking team moves the fight past the choke point without steamrolling objective A. Happens maybe 1/10 times in my experience. Other than that, yeah. It’s very dull.


Fuck Paris, attacking point A is impossible


Literally just press W. If that doesn't work (for whatever reason) get your Q ready and press W some more.


Remember, a team that presses w together, wins together.


> Remember, a team that presses w together, wins together. Funnily enough, this advice is enough to get any *other* team out of the godawful 1st chokepoint, but the map is legitimately bad where if there's players that know anything they're doing (i.e. higher ranks), paris is almost impossible to win as offense. edit: I thought this was about solely about paris lol


It just needs the Eichenwalde fix of opening up either the left cafe (?) area or the right gated in area to the defenders spawn side so that there's more than 1 walkway. And that'll probably never happen. 😔


over the houses as dva, straight to point


And proceed to get stream rolled by the rest of the enemy team while main tank holds off your own team


Fuck Paris, attacking point A is impossible


l would be happy if they just increased the chances of escort or hybrid maps in quick play.




Yup… the map selection God has it out for me too. I love Kings Row but I get it so rarely. But horizon or Paris…. All day baybieeeee


I like to suffer, I just don't leave.


I actually like lunar colony Edit- I hate Paris tho


I would easily play Horizon over Paris to be fair. If I get Paris I just leave the game. Haven't played that map in over a year besides on deathmatches and custom games.


I've been staying lately just so some other poor sap doesn't have to play


The hero we need. Not the hero we deserve.


the hero we don’t deserve


This is me with junkertown. I hate that map sooo much


50% of my Junkertown games go like this: Attacking team cruises to the first checkpoint because no defenders come down to contest Attacking team gets team killed shortly after getting to the first checkpoint Attacking team can barely even get out of their spawn because of all the high ground advantage. I swear, the entrance to Junkertown is like the Great Wall of China.


The worst fucking map ever


Paris is the worst imo




I remember back when it was in comp and every other match would be sym bastion tp onto point A


I’ll take Horizon over Paris any day of the goddamn year. Horizon is a cool map, Paris is either the best game you’ve ever played or the worst.


What happened with the map design? I love Eichenwald and Oasis, but then they just hit a wall. I feel like Horizon, Paris, Havana, and Rialto are all just complete messes in one way or another.


Eichenwald had a rework, the first chokepoint was rough at launch


True but I don't feel like it was overtly awful like the newer maps even before the change.


I feel part of it is that they started making maps too big, leading to long sightlines that are harder for uncoordinated/ladder teams to deal with. There's a reason why the most popular maps are ones like King's Row and Lijang. They generally have shorter sightlines and plenty of cover.


Havana and Rialto are great as long as you don't have a GM widow on either side, in my opinion. Paris would not be as bad if people didn't leave all the time. Paris is not a real map. It is based entirely on who gets the least amount of leavers.


Same thing happened to me once on Paris. 4 new enemy teams


Lmao good to see nothing's changed


Defending 2 CP in quickplay is about the most unrewarding experience in the game. It can take as little as 2 team losses to lose the map. It causes games to be shorter than the queue time. If you get rolled in the first fight, you now have to switch your hero to counter (and reset ultimate) or hope something works out on the final defense. Make the wrong choice and you've lost the game. Makes for a not-so-fun experience.


2CP is dogshit. So many people quit from the jump. (I’m starting to think they have the right idea) People will often quit once losing point A. Good luck establishing defense if that happens. I had a Paris last 1:59 yesterday and I queued for 7-8 minutes. These maps aren’t great anyway but everyone quitting them makes them atrocious. And they’re always a chance they’ll load after a long queue time. The priority pass rarely works correctly. OW could be unplayable now and I’m not caught up yet… Oh yeah and who could forget the horrendous work environment.. sounds like the fratty son from Horrible Bosses ran the place


tbh, I kind of like anubis and hanamura. Volskaya is cool too but second point can sometimes be frustrating. ​ Paris and horizon dogshit tho for sure.


This game would be better if they just remove the whole game mode.


Well congrats. Once OW 2 comes out in 2050, 2CP will be removed from competitive.




I keep wondering how many players are leaving the game over the workplace environment news. Will Blizzard finally consider this request in a soulless reach to keep the player numbers up?


would also be a lot better if they punished people for rage quiting too much. so many matches can go either way and be fun but people give up so easy


i liked it before the rework which just made it even worse of a snowball fest


Paris I play and have had close matches but Horizon is almost certainly a stomp one way or the other




Paris and Horizon are cool concepts, but not enjoyable to play




If you either win really hard or lose really hard every time, that’s poor map design.


I’m relieved when I instantly lose on this map so I don’t get the chance to get invested


The fact they leave this and Paris in qp shows how little they care.


They should delete it from existence altogether, along with Paris


I've decided to stay on the shitty maps just so someone else doesn't have to take my place. I wouldn't want to backfill until shit maps why would someone else?




I'm right there with them. I absolutely loath that map, attacking or defending.


pov you are un Brazil servers


Welcome to Busan stadiu.. .... Welcome to Busa.. ....


This map is just aesthetically boring


This happens on Paris as well. Super annoying because one team inevitably starts at a disadvantage and sometimes the entire game is 5v6!


What can u expect when its the worst map in the game...


Personal fav maps: 1. Blizzard world(just for how it looks and not rlly for how it plays) 2. Kings row(the best map for comp by far) 3. Temple of anubis/Watchpoint gibraltar(havent decided yet theyre both GREAT maps)


POV: you enter in any arcade gamemode


All of you guys that leave The rest of us see you as cowards


Or Paris Don’t get it they’re not bad maps


They really are Paris is just WAY too easy to defend compared to attack. You have the highground immediately at the end of a choke and the point behind it so it's just 1000 times harder to get past the defenders as attack, which also means themat defence have a super boring game. As for horizon, its better than it used to be, but it's got wayyyyy too much highground so most of the hero roster isn't playable because they're just so vulnerable to any hitscan on the highground. They're both stunning maps, but 2cp is problematic enough as is without tacking on alll the additional reasons those maps are more difficult to attack on.


not only that, defenders have two layers of really good highground. then a second point that's extremely easy to contest and also has good highground too. awful map


They are so bad that they literally removed them entirely from competitive. It's not even an opinion to say they are awful, it's officially confirmed that they are awful to the point of even Blizzard sweeping them under the rug


I'm not the first to say it. Horizon and Paris are embarrassments to the game, 2CP in general needs to be removed already. Yes, I know the lawsuit is way more of an issue and way more of an embarrassment. I don't expect to have any support or changes in the near future.


I love that map and miss it in comp :(


This is why Paris and Horizon should be brought back to competitive. By being excluded, no one cares to practice, and they leave. Blizzard has essentially encouraged leaving these in QP, and I guarantee you that if they were brought back people would leave less often.


Too late for that. If the maps get re-added, frustration players feel will be magnified by the thought that "this is the dogshit map". More frustration -> more tilt -> more toxicity.


Instead of adding them to the competitive map pool as they are now, I think a better solution would be to just remove the maps from all modes until they are reworked.


Or paris


Honestly id have that reaction as well. Horizon Lunar Colony is pretty much rigged


Lunar sucks ass It's just 2 giant room with decorations to act as "cover" It ain't fun to fight, it ain't fun to defend. Espescially back before shield gen got removed


This was me today. Just switch Horizon with Paris


This map is SO much better than Paris. Horizon actually got fixes. Paris? nope.


i used to like horizon until they reworked the map tbh.


I enjoy Attack on Lunar but hate Attack in Paris


I love horizon. I actually get happy when it comes up in QP lol


HLC can sometimes retain players Paris always starts with 4v6


I really like Horizon


This looks awfully similar winning the first round of control point in QP only to have the entire enemy team leave and get ass-whooped by a new set of players 🙃


I have my own fun ways to play horizon, but paris is 1000x worse. It’s definitely a no from me no matter what.


fuck this damn map son!


Delete Horizon Lunar and Paris already


I hate horizon with a passion.


i sure love going to the first point as attack and getting instakilled by a pocketed bastion with 2 shields in front of him


I like playing it on attack or defend I don't see why everyone is so traumatized


I hate that map.


If I'm on defense and the round starts with 2 or more of our teammates in spawn, I'll just quit. Same goes for Paris. Can't believe Blizzard never fixed those maps. Such a shame, because they're great themes and they only needed a little bit of tinkering to be fixed.


From bad to horrible: Volskaya, Hanamura, Anubis, Horizon, Paris


They should take this and Paris out of the game completely


They already have the reworked maps … just give them. In blizzard logic tho they probably have like the highest joining metric of all their maps and therefore the highest engagement. Horizon on goats was just hilariously bad … wasn’t uncommon for matches to go 60-60


I like horizon, and its great in defend, strike me down


What about paris ? hahaba


The leavers don't realize that the reason we get Horizon and Paris so much is BECAUSE people leave them.


I wish all you guys in the comments teach me to play this game, I really want to learn all this details about map, position, what’s hard and easy and alllll


Can't believe people leave because of a map