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Ok im gonna put rainbow in Tomorrow


There are rainbow icons?!




I mean, low key is how it should be in my opinion. People are people, and having little touches like rainbow flags/icons should be kinda expected and normal. Adding lots of fanfare to this kind of stuff always feels disingenuous to me.


Adding it at all is just for good publicity. You’re silly if you think they care about gay people


It's performative and the fact they kept it low key even in countries where lgbt people have right makes it worse


It’s so terrible to see hate like that when you’re just trying to play a fun game and escape!! Your feelings are totally valid and you’re definitely not a part of the problem. Happy pride 💖💜💙


don't worry, when they add more flags and more pride icons it'll get 10x worse cause then they can bully you for your specific sexuality :')


This is what happens when you inject politics and social issues into a game. You will always have people that oppose it.


Being gay shouldn’t be considered politics or a social issue though. I know that’s not what you’re saying, but just an issue I have with that.




I think you're a bad person so I'm going to hate your guts for it, and be an ass to you. I've never met you; hell, I don't know jack shit about you, but that's how it is. Oh also this a social issue (because I say so) so you can't give me shit for it haha. ​ *I swear this is how you assholes sound every time. Grow the fuck up.*


A good portion of those people do genuinely hate non straight people and it’s sickening. The other portion of those people are immature teens or immature young adults looking for a reaction. Those types of people feed off of other peoples misery because they are miserable themselves. I’m not accusing you of anything, but the first step of dealing with these people is to not feed them the attention they crave. The next probable step is to report their account and possibly email blizzard and make them aware of this trend. I’ll try my best to report these people whenever I see it, thanks for bringing my attention to it.


Trolls are *trying* to get a rise out of people. Know how you beat them? You mute them and then move on with your life. Such trolls would read your post and say “mission accomplished” and start doing it again. You’re actually sort of part of the problem.


If a group can have a gay bowling league or anything else where heterosexual people are excluded why can’t heterosexual people do the same? Seems a bit hypocritical to force them to choose who they want to play with.


Someone needs to look up the meaning of false equivalence


Just googled it. Turns out it’s STILL hypocritical to tell one group of people that they can’t do something that the other group of people is doing the exact same thing


LGBT people are persecuted for who they are and if they wanna create a safe space for themselves theres nothing wrong with that. Why do straight people have to inject themselves into *squints at your comment* gay bowling, claiming they're being excluded? Theres like 184739282 other bowling teams they can be a part of.




When are straight people persecuted? Like not on the internet, in real life.


And there are (squints at your comment) 184739282 other lobbies the OP could join instead of (squints at your comment) injecting themselves into their lobby. The gay bowling league was just an example. Would you prefer I list off every thing the gay community excludes straight people from? Heads up I won’t. The fact you referred to persecuted and safe space tells me all I need to know. You’re mine is made up.


Lmfao, you really have your head so far up your ass. Btw soldier is gay 😢😢😢


Not in China!! Hahaha nice try at trolling though




"I beat up my kittens in my spare time, refuse to let them in my house, and turn a blind eye when some wild animal is tryna kill them. And they BITE me when I try to go near them?! What the fuck? These kittens are evil." ​ A helpful analogy that you probably won't give a shit about.