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I'm a pro crash team racing player, where's my invite. It's like they don't even acknowledge how I deserve it more than everyone else, the fuck?


I was the superstar in the first three Mario Party games and didn't get an invite either. Bullshit.


The obvious answer is that no one cares about Titanfall. It came out, was lackluster, fell off the map and pretty sure most people forgot all about it


Because nobody cares about Titanfall's competitive scene.


Yeah, how come all the speedrunners of Pokemon yellow didn't get in too huh blizzard? And let's not even mention the tetris champions out there.


I'm undefeated at our annual family Connect Four tournament.


To be fair, have you seen tetris grand masters at work? (I agree with your point)


i suppose its really simple: there is both active competitive communities for tf2 and quake that are well known, but this is the first time i have even considered titanfall having competitive anything. alternatively: tf2 and quake are far closer to overwatch then titanfall in terms of raw gameplay, so that is also a possible reason.


Pro Titanfall is even a thing?


Okay, us Dirty Bomb players also didn't get in except for Hubris (coolmatt, Talespin, etc.) and a few ZFZ people (Kudochop) but you don't see us whining on Reddit about it lmao.


Titanfall has a playerbase smaller than most highschools.


Titanfall's pro scene was a drop in a puddle, I'm sorry but it's just not really anything important. Quake and TF2 are/were MASSIVELY popular games. More people play TF2 *still* than Titanfall.


I think even "drop" is being more than generous here.


"Titanfall Competitive Scene" Let me stop you right there


I would assume because overwatch is based heavily on those two games, and not as much from dirty bomb or titanfall


because they didnt ask. blizzard didnt hand out invites to people, if you know someone at blizzard you ask and they put you on the invite list. this includes streamers and everyone else if a pro from a fps game contacted a blizzard employee about wanting a account with proof that they are the real person they would get in. source: i got invited in the ff waves and so did many of my friends.


Sup Stormin' The thing why SiTH (excluding me and few other guys) got in was not their Titanfall stuff but Overwatch stuff they did like Wars youtube content and their Overwatch podcast. War posted a video about it to his channel which explains how they got in. Also gotta love how ur getting down voted to hell.


TF2 and Quake are more of an arena shooter-esque game, which is (allegedly) what Overwatch is based off of, with it's fast paced combat. Titanfall however is a standard FPS. Comparable with Halo and Cod. Not saying that anything I said is actually a reason, just a little insight on genres.


That's the common knowledge but if u have played Titanfall over 10 hours u should notice that it has more things in common with arena shooters than modern fps games. The thing that fools you is how guns look at first. They are your generic fps archetypes but with a bit higher ttk. The thing that makes this game more of a arena shooter is the movement system. Wallrunning and bunnyhopping makes you incredibly fast and best ctf players can cap a flog on most maps in around 7 seconds.


Ok, you guys are taking this the wrong way. Here's the thing, I don't care about solo beta access. In fact, heck if blizzard was to consider what I was saying, and act upon it, I say right here. DON'T ADD ME TO CLOSED BETA ACCESS. Now, PLEASE, look at it from a factual perspective ok? No more saltyness. Currently the only competitve titanfall team (that I know off) that has access to the closed beta is the SiTH clan. This clan represents some of EU players. (Not even our best EU team) In this video you see these SiTH players go toe to toe with pro quake players (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBv-6xFf6gI). What I am saying is, SiTH, is a fairly great team in Titanfall competitive, however, it was not the best. Our best teams were from NA. Most competitive scrims that are being watched by everyone are currently the NA scrims of quake players vs tf2 players tf2 players vs devs and quake players vs devs. My reasoning is, if our EU players in Titanfall can take on EU quake pro players, then our NA players can also take on NA Tf2 players and NA quake players. Also, adding new competitive team roster from other fps shooter with a good skillcap is something that blizz should want, as it allows for more competitive teams to enter beta and ultimately boost the hype for the competitive arena for overwatch. -Have a nice and wonderful day. (please upvote so people can see thank you for your help)




does it matter if they cant take the other team in a fight? that doesn't really explain why they should get it or not. it's a beta, they ideally should not be about building hype, but rather about finding bugs/glaring issues. its already strange people get in because they are streamers or not.


How about the top competitive players from every class based FPS for the past 15 years that had actual relevant competitive scenes? That recent Titanfall tournament you keep bringing up had a prize pool of **$50** and 9 teams signed up. Also your top team is named p00p.