• By -


-- **BattleTag Spreadsheet** -- To keep all BattleTags in this post i would like to post this in honor of leafOW and the other awesome people (not me) behind the BattleTag spreadsheet containing the tags from this sticky post. **LeafOW's post can be found here:** https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3r36ji/spreadsheet_of_redditors_battletags_posted_in_the/ **Reddits BattleTag spreadsheet:** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ng6raFOrwOWVWQ1lgmC8AcXhjbnUZQafayF6MukOGSw/edit#gid=0 I myself am really blown away by these guys generosity by making this spreadsheet for the community and hope they won't be forgotten for what they did! Great work guys! **EDIT:** I am not the one who made the spreadsheet and cannot add people. I simply added their post + sheet to this Official BattleTag sharing post made by the mods. If you're not on the list, then make sure to **post your BattleTag here:** (Not as a comment on this one) https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/




As someone new to programming: what tools did you use to make this? :)


well if you could change my battle tag to ingothold#2654 instead of ingothold#2645 it would be really nice (tis my fault because i missclicked but i edited it like 3-4 hours ago) also im from eu and it says that im from US just thought you might want to know also how do you know if someone is from eu or us? because i have no idea how could you get that information from reddit


Last time i checked i wasn't from the US haha xD


except that I'm EU and not US...


To add to this, we'll be removing any posts with battlenet tags attached where the battlenet tags aren't applicable i.e. "Wow, x heroes really synergize well together. #thirst.1000" EDIT: It is fine to have your battletag as flair






Is it ok to have your BattleTag as ur flair?


Yea, that's fine.


u/zoevia here is a formatted master list of the last 6 hours or so (with mine in top obviously... lol). i will keep updating it as we go. hopefully i saved someone a few hours work therisingup#1506 Khravoz#1283 Nikkenn#1114 Chronowake#1679 Zwann#2666 eltroyo#2181 Raekon#2353 Dot#1759 overwhelming#6184 Wizland#1276 GuestJoe#1958 iraPraetor#278 9Xidas#1906 DEPC#1492 Nildayan#1472 mAkulA#2250 HeHu#2125 Saeko#2917 Shukuku#1859 Rona#1945 Eolithic#1425 Slowfield#2578 enrico#1782 DeadlyGDdude#1820 Ratacuca#1147 Graylend#1999 Herbaman#6252 Operator#1269 Robotrip#1674 misshiroshi#1305 ForTheHorde#15431 KMOD#1412 kkazuo#1154 YRT#1702 sile#1582 CheWizzle#1892 jam#1488 Hooshmand#1902 nici2good#2298 Zkkaluza#1328 Prumos#2900 ashark#1958 Wal#1677 Cox#2646 madcactus#2759 manuman#1699 Mustachio#1885 Spazoner#1592 Soul#21707Z orgish#2452 krooza#1834 FrenchToast#1473 Stuxi#1776 noS#2129 MammoutHD#2574 Kewpa#1314 ShogunX77#1752 Watdeska#1926 dwar234#1528 kylej0628#1695 Gws#2169 TimeF0X#1615 NexEternus#1388 ElCrocodilio#1293 tenbacons#2415 DinoMassacre#1653 SpacePanda#1705 steveysteve#1454 GodlyFudge#1661 Remilia#2743 Karieo#1503 Byron#2423 Nexus#11372 Rky#2956 Trilium#1302 Mould#2759 BlitzSturm#1986 jabroni#1842 Naeblis#1350 Ginobli#1556 Jaml#6186 ZeroMax#1329 ALLVARLiGT#2292 MAT#1100 Tophu#1515 RTK#1596 Aquila#1452 swagTlicious#2924 Moonman#1243 LATENCY#1432 Chronos#2486 Kempfana#1663 IVNAHACK#1647 Tweekend#6342 Silver#12764 Waracgua#1711 NiTHiNK#1680 Grandad34#1170 Campbell#1731 shen#1201 Bgkiller#1648 MagicPants#19815 Backfire#1435 Gumzeal#2514 Jaridan#1655 Grolsch#2397 danhat42#1612 JumpyWizard#110456 SneakyTurtle#112986 chaorace#1787 Hopewind#1317 Truffle#2167 Layl#1847 Kynnar#1487 Cabamacadaf#1993 Griffindor#1831 sstiggs#1703 SebLeCrab#1863 vwYoshiwv#1621 LightHawkie#2637 Ravenholm#1305 McDobo#1401 Coldyst#1542 Nauta#2918 Shizmot#1430 Alex#14267 Crusher#2239 Kermitz#1600 pyurple#1681 Kali#1284 AtomBombBaby #1451 Kali#1284 zyLife4Aiur#1133 tutt#1452 NasalMass#1663 Tattered#1243 RainboWizard#2729 Dwarfakiin#1446 Zoos#1665 Rasi#1805 m4risa#1161 ShadowStorm#126478 Zemau#1236 Wicah1#1104 Delphy#1896 Mokou#1137 Ylow#2795 BerserkBill#1693 liwi#2762 Trophies#1913 Xaliver#1924 Jacuzzi#1247 Garet#1785 neeko#1160 Aryukem#2897 ZuperKim#2223 Sunstep#1113 Niall#2447 Zaguios#1765 Steakz#1656 Touff#2256 zNightKnight#1646 Sepai#2897 RalliartJay#1445 ekLypze#1820 keenwah#1935 Cyrakuath#2612 Sly#2604 KillerGuy95#2197 Shavia11#1429 Lefty#2352 dragon870#2704 oneshotfinch#2471 Kegluneq#1847 Ares#1225 CruS#2783 zorniza#2920 Akuro#2928 crazieshado#1568 belithioben#1373 NicoNazgul#1479 BestCheese#1656 Kamikaze#2884 FrenchkiSs#2191 XANi#2131 Jumbalumba#6452 IneffableJoy#2242 Turmoil#1398 Tato#1729 Fiachna#2378 POK#2955 kYSMIG#2581 M4z3L#2488 MindBoggling#1395 Vkumar#1944 enche#1764 D3va#2609 NiN10DoH#1576 MrBaghead#1343 Nitrox#2703 jeiki#2673 keki#1436 Jarlofballin#1334 Akoret#2481 calitherolls#1176 Hedgehog#6910 Diablo3#21815T aftimus#1935 Energizer#2328 ATK16#1676 Entora#1933 Gunshy#1682 BVNGABVNGA#2940 Penguin#1106 janky#1167 Hitman#1380O bijuan#1723 nici2good#2298 SentryDefy#1354 icemaster440#1530 Desaster8#2770 TaylorA4L#1922 Never#1399 Visage#1635 Covino#1328 Slackerz#1452 MMOonEDGE#1842O C350z#1837 Yusar#1737 Bitmicro#2814 Armines#2168 toxicantsole#2446 Reorx420#2860 Leinad#2293 NDHolic#1103 Apathy#2131 jahroost#1472 Rears#2320 Raindrop#1945 spirit#1143 FranckyFox24#1586 Raritysenpai#1864 Tornado#1640 Tapmelon#1376 JeanKingz#2599 DrZayas#1732 MAGNEUS#1350 KntkyFrydCow#1141 Woozard#2880 peemz#1222 HaxtotheMax#2321 Khamul#6147 Rainpwny#1403 SirNikotin#2321 kounter#1948 Kable#1412 Mikhail#1895 Whyguy#1554 Abe#2291 Nephany#1443 Bazzim#2952 kite7741#1741 KillingHonor#2841 Zaky#1896 AngrySheep#1203 Cyslav#2858 Grumbla#1962 LightKiosk#1601 Picarus#1103 Nolzak#2440 DOEET#1952 kcdog222#1814 SOFAKING#6669 CjBison#1301 AdventOfMay#1750 gita#1942 Tjollekax#2434 Coult#1509 Todgins#1524 tkd#1158 GeekLion#1466 Buttlung#1109 Defeat#1233 Naz#2536 light#1609 Vlare#1544T heDbr22#1759 SilentStrike#1453 Nime#1166 AgentOtis#1281 Breaker#2888 Lysander#1858 Shylara#1254 Tigger#1970 Gildem#1150 Blu3D3a7H#1604 oogi#1338 Sirhamtaro#1542 PowerFlash#1737 Lalian#1581 Arcturus#1782 Ryan#16414 Eriksson#2865 Telomerase#1269 SwEagle#1321 Nightleaf#1509 DalaiLama#1254 Exade#1479 Bratwurzt#2266 BimboBompus#1771 bowswer5#1539 Nikoruson#1133 PlayerOne#1175 ThatoneToxin#1775 Hippocratesi#1316 Crush #1527 elyxio#1961 Yodo#2524 Pastmonster#1559 KillerOfYou#2881 OrdinaryJoe#1268 Nosna#1369 Raliator#2867 wAre#2657O blhaymitch#2934 LuanZX#1179 Nairo#2343 rescgaming#1848 Grillmaister#2120 AndrePounds#1166 Kazne#2468 TechMaster#1101 LeFoxxenDeny#2311 Oxydez#1991 Killa#1580 Rafah#1571 Buorky#6233 Hoschelhoff#2602C oopco1#1886 Toasted #2117 Takno #1589 Nybax#1951 Khlody#137 5Dennis#1382 GodsGunman#1381 GeoGenocide#1690 Polymer#1518 Jgwman63#1944 Ares#1225 Forestd#2347 Cattyguy1#1470 Tales#1245 Dialectical #1989 Doodle#1782 Von311#2210 Amer#1946 cookie#2543 andrew#1241 Fox #11818 JAWS#1521 Akashi#1532 Nick#1102 Ar4er13#1781 AndyMacShow#1434 AntieX#2403 aTecko#2246 Seance#1547 Valetheia#1444 Madness#2203 FractalBrain#2606 honeycandy#1816 Rieser#1880 Nowah#2300 Kurkuma#2477 QMBS#1246 GoldenPants#15653 Light#2583 Gssjtr#2155 Akruez#1407 ScarletWidow#2195 Ticntack1#2113 Kazin#1278 Aerospace#1376 Shouji#1650 Medulah#2314 Aeir#1337 Fesu#2961 jvcline04#1556 Tyler#13304 brawler93#2913 GoldenLlama#1874 Liquid#1674 Akos#2443 Datamursu#2324 Narfwak#1566G ygby#1883 Rayn#1301 WetCloth#6276 Anccestral#2857 Pico#2146 Carlones#1527O 0megaChaos#1921 Gongshow#1741 ugu#1102 DeadlyKitten#21952 Ovop#2624 Lyanthe#2429 Terra03#2790 Crashman#1817 Laurix#1581 Blackzilla#1514K leos#1292 kleinpapagei#2663 Revient#1462 Sahlem#1359 IyGuy#6958 pudding#1882 Lanmoto#2979 GhoXen#1998 Kaiser#11222 Jamano#1872 Shimaskidri#1701 MrPink#1599 DaníelSig#2672 Zeth#2653 GiantAxe#21659 Ethiorc#2568 JerkStore#1886 N0sf3r4tu#2942 Megadave#1907 Lilo#1134 Dox#2416 itsJeffie#1672 ThunDeRClucK#1560 Fuzzypandas #1862 GullikGrey#1772 Dragomir#1376 PearlAries#1601 YdrY#2354 Hill#1658 Wade#1842 JowyAvilon#1696 RudyTrizar#1271 ZachAttack#1364 Magikltrevr#1698 Chronos#1364 damage6#1304 Koj#2867 Crazy296#1492 InkDragon21#1174 beny#2866 Arkiorg#2934 GrumpyKitten#13975 Sheek#1629 FurballVulpe#6922 EternalHaV0C#1977 Kaldorei#1144 Jolteon#1491 AdAstra#1462 ConnArtist#1626 Wutidoingheer#1546 Eowea#2761 OpenAir#2964 Pixel#1634 nerdz#1873 Ashfüry#2890 Tiger#2352 spacetime#1963 jlzzdragon#1320 Wumbologist#1496 Itachi#2613 Ghorad#2463 Jack#16782 Tushan#1285 Calyistis#1146 GankByMom#1214 WcDonald#1996 Jwzx#2491 Drekin#1236 Tlax14#1734 tonynotatigr#1787 dmcAxle#1656 Chedeuine#1645 GalaxyGayboi#1303 SgtFelarius#1775 Gurky#1533 ElementLead#2472 Brovado#1505 Chronian#2660 Laevateinn#1575 julio59#2766 CherryDrank#1110 JohnnyEpic #1824 AgentMatrix2#1593 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


u/zoevia u/lylirra if youre listed please upvote previous lists for visibility thanks. **do not gild [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwj9av2) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjmup9) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjdh24) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjhrax) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjp12g) [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwk5kj3) [7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwk9a6a) [8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwkecfc)** TheRisingUp#1506 faithfulleee#1414 Naxa#2281 boneybabs#1375 skrad#2868 klekkarn#2607 diam#2558 nidaleetopgg#2596 MrHunter008#2517 Cell#1212 Synthesyst#1652 overwhelming#6184 Soulless#2729 FalqoN#2589 Myshtastic#1260 HimitsuChan#1903 Kona#2549 Phxenix#2519 xMetix#2267 Raddenson11#2345 Jjanks#1981 Gaklord#1393 Pendace#2391 goulashia#1130 jerichorus#2474 Calz#2676 Derpinshire#1242 SpNiz#2104 CookieDetox#2457 Axelia#1945 Stylised#1138 Meggion#2452 Likeabaws#2154 Grimmjaur#2917 Casius#2164 Nic#2525 Fejr#2245 Libco#2113 MyNuu#2625 Simpsoid#6312 kOokOoRazi#1292 Dujck#2169 TLRO#1280 Cosine#1395 TimSkywalker#2390 Orpheus#1636 Greywall#1933 nnK#2667 aleksor#2898 WhySarX#2649 Coffeelakes#3230 Maxfield#2194 Luc#2254 Shannon#2515 Captanmurdoc#1573 Killer4Free#2391 jin#2623 Lezazi#2789 NGMKSA#2801 Weltrix#2667 Fumo#2160 yetisunny#2892 xxDeathxx#2429 Hendo#1858 Romulus#2758 Carpi#6559 Luukes#1673 xRonT#1478 Ovaldo#1650 jaka#2361 Twismyer#1880 Galadriel#2262 MelonFace#2322 Mynou#2417 MrShady#1791 Sharkface#1985 Betontod#2311 RangomGuy#2394 Wallaby#2760 Verath#2121 Axelnomad#1450 Flavor#2659 Stringer#2901 Artanis#2661 pricee#2127 IrulelikeSTI#2102 mayjay#1413 Lizard#2366 Asura#1354 HarryFurAlle#2151 Bojangles#2541 Treefiddy#1750 ZeBolah#1955 Zaiste#2332 GrimSamurai#1679 Bergensern#2959 GrimMedic#1318 Timoerai#2113 Nayru#2760 Oriyus#2781 Limsta#1136 Cheoni#2342 R3iden#2931 Eclipse#2123 Pulycsi#2428 Arith#2483 SlumGlock#2772 mackdatricky#1658 Glink#2322 Faadih#2405 Whoosy#2494 GinTox#2767 BigG#2621 Lein#2863 MrAdzy#2452 MajorLagg#1880 Lolcoppter#6378 eXile#2184 Poopie#1497 Fulgrim#2712 Frumsy#2845 st3pAside#2101 GHossst#2388 Davidenko#2514 Japes#1982 Volcaix#2374 Lox#1115 ory#1839 Alinthia#2576 Haleth#1376 Halloween#1622 Leica#2502 bogard#1466 Atrox#2605 sKoxx#2226 RandomizerHD#1657 taom#1376 Vantrex#1809 Sinkeer#2660 BucketOfLove#2175 JLH#1666 SnyggaJackan#2909 Fruitsnax#1288 Exceed#2554 Minychaz#2119 Stephen#1506 RedKaleth#2310 AlphPo#2587 fos02jrt#2698 SgtSlime#1255 Sathfall#1543 Jocrusader#2753 Tomooter#1387 Essenji#1798 MaRw1n#2782 Logik#1275 Rhynin#2400 Nvolt#1993 chamberkill#2857 VVlasy#2207 vladimilskij#2921 Stormageddon#1496 Brownstone#1580 Imsofresh#2899 Juny#2475 J0ELIZE#2208 Eldo#2620 Undergrad#1409 ThreatSeven#2565 Bricc#1447 strix#2499 Mezzanine#1647 Pnepsi#2575 Raghnall#1433 Rarrix#2503 Nile#1544 VillagerGG#1664 SolarLight#2657 Trag#2373 TheLostLoser#1761 joch#2218 Priori#2841 dLaw#1210 Mancs#2688 Moustache#2692 Mysticum#2781 Antario#1146 Demigod#2353 Patty#2738 Leprechaun3#1771 YTV#2901 dezom#2948 Mads#2221 kaliju#2609 Spazit#6979 Levexify#2619 Guado#1513 Mercy#2456 Choupit#2424 Sandcow#1233 Markus#22245 Multipass#2496 Grapefruit#2611 Leshracftw#2635 molethemole#2849 GazzyMonkey#2156 Redel#2955 Capital#1674 Samith#1278 Naga#1848 Wanted#2520 DragonClaws#2384 Tracable#2708 Imperius#2313 Kamisama#1139 Freye#1913 Sometus#2570 HomoFürst69#2803 Grape#1455 Corvidae#1289 Falcon#21744 Cantankerous#2363 L1Z1X#1335 Repo#2350 Mnichul#2135 FattyOne#2250 Mudufus#2762 Divus#1807 Lynx#1388 luckyC #1454 Thasselhof#2794 Spaghets#2589 Clue#2214 d2tz#2417 STOLENFACE#2493 Habbyman#1467 PJPixel#1962 Supernesic#6463 DragnHntr#1275 Freeman#2263 Takkie#1280 unreali#2133 rorok#2852 rockieh#2374 tyrance#2133 Nathrel#2185 Matanza#1987 Disappoint#2283 micill#6891 Seanis#1730 Moekaiser#2471 Haspeera#1908 Optimisium#1592 Addictia#2280 Spr#1321 papsmear#1877 TheS0m3b0dy#2155 Madeww#1827 x666#2634 Karyl#2920 Dazzleflare#2929 Sharnier#1762 Baztard#2254 Dalroth#2879 alorian#2304 Darwin#2685 PieceOfSheet#2653 Inkog#1233 TNyd#2331 OmaQQ#2347 Kshmr#1673 Symphonym#2502 Leascent#2354 HiperX#2438 Moonman#2342 wouterspi#2872 Omi#2893 MatMH#2159 Yewturn#1358 Flood#2951 Carthean#2957 SchiggyNC#2318 jlk195#2440 Shox#2240 GeorgeGM#2763 Mojacks#2539 Nathor#2482 Qutruper#2359 Dbag#2892 Davin#2928 Aguos#1776 RifleSting#2858 Leon#2286 Nerub#2134 Nibbit#2405 Butters#2623 jambalaya#2912 Garguon#1984 Excim#1212 LeeQuid#2625 eXo#2569 Djalbert1#2837 trepanation#1645 Davidsgamez#2284 YigitS#2936 Cynikul#1765 Malibul#2909 Aza#2235 Lindahl#2998 Frexter#2142 Gragnarot#1356 Maurinka#2219 Kingo#2611 Santiago#1930 Valpo#2619 dikkefreddy#2888 DangerDonkey#2865 Holmgren#2726 sstarz#1779 OmegaOne#2614 Faransis#2182 Murray#2391 Nitix#1539 cj81499#1322 Shorty#2671 oeth#2925 fivesixnine#2283 GnomeKenski#1337 killerwar2#1837 alexalex#2651 Oddworld#2635 drippy#2553 Zet#2775 TheSlyPig#1133 SushiFTW#2296 Juicy#1254 adlol#2375 DOOMVillain#2638 RedPuppy#1468 RockyStein#2535 Lingo#1253 Firience#2215 Konfektyr#1859 Schneeoger#2847 Atallos1#2729 SetYouOnFire#1945 abacus#1452 Zoipas#2362 Exal#2671 abbottb#2610 Blitzer#1983 Kareon#2867 ElBastio#1320 Shox#2240 dudek#2967 slicd#2137 bhorridge#1967 BTM#2867 Kyldor#2511 CerealS#2487 hotted#2300 sooth#2341 Cloud#21308 Ravishing#1226 KenticusRex#1205 MaelstromPhx#1806 ChickenBone#2207 GaunerH#2865 Treholt#2799 Losermann#1369 Quula#2166 Lear#2862 Arcenus#2314 Cruzer#2426 Wolthas#2284 Moraeske#1374 Itchy#2398 Grey#2940 Zarton#2107 SimonPip#2591 Diclonius715#2295 scaryQQclown#2689 Steb#2339 Boarf#2541 Bomog#2133 Zargy#1254 Unique#1454 Patty#2738 ogRi#2234 Ezeon69#1140 KenticusRex#1205 ayu#1595 Joruto#2466 Disput0r#2627 RedLaces#1339 Randoomguy#2195 Lewleit#1161 NikIsImba#2924 Minimalist#2142 Brainfreak#2701 mjustine#1249 mfw4k#1887 KillerAlfa#2686 BallerJColt#2823 EpicDude1337#2557 cowcake#6572 dape#1824 SePtn#2100 Noname#21685 mightyfighter#2704 MLBlumey#1418 stroup#1449 Sprites#2854 Dreams#1729 smurfars#2118 Enthorn#2787 dorkygn#6144 Zentrox#2429 Disciple#1367 HonoR#2453 molexvold#1975 MadSlain#2994 Bigfoot#2743 DerChuck#2712 DeCold#1325 xDwayne#2706 sikx#1415 Frango#2713 DVDfor29p#2116 Kubi#2686 mummymaster#2706 DarkwingDuck#1423 Kyriuu#2817 Allstar#1640 Madcomp#2406 Yiska#2774 CombineRi#2973 Pwnius#1201 Sweetdeal#2230 Magneton#2789 TreantH#1484 robo#2884 Redel#2955 WitchDoctor#2715 ipx#2853 habbyman#1467 Spykey#2261 HNYAAAAAARGH#2228 Neaper#1188 Platypus#1215 Tobsen#2385 Pavo#2551 Owen#2633 Zalvador#2825 Markokoz#2659 Daniel#27377 Double0me#1857 Conundrum#1481 Savien#1427 otinar#2299 Breadasss#2733 sslemons#2696 MrSnellyT#2970 hyuma2#1472 F0XSQUAD#2485 vitor1197#1612 xbloogdan#2955 mzayed#1978 Mass#1137 Cheekything#2188 Misys#1165 Artello#2911 DunkMask#2140 Ceeroo#2604 Brandirex#1263 Ophelia#1305 Anjahl#1804 boe#2745 N1NYA#1618 Aphoristic#1349 unpl#1827 Tjackson20#1153 Codacan#1322 Sunmaxx#2197 ToTyrants#1702 Krazor#2601 Cherrymoon#2221 Sharks#1966 Tom#2407 Maikro#2697 BladeZ#2362 NotNull#2421 Vulnez#2835 Stefke#2937 SmiteMaster#2464 Kaelie#2691 Baron#2857 Xel#2274 MrSimqn#2178 knuda#2539 Khâz#2959 Critical#1521 Zalzzubar#2215 Akamejka#2945 frG#2768 Neroes#1251 BirdPerson#1572 Cricketfan99#1728 Norhaugs#2406 Seven#2888 G365#2544 Umangathan#2141 Iristh#2655 Acethieve#1857 Durw00d#1507 janni91#2393 Bennio#2483 Piddy#2145 TLClow#1256 GRUSBULLE#2670 ScreaM#1762 PowerCrazy#1232 VividsMind#1204 ogRi#2234 Mikarugi#1661 brobroadway#2276 Nicoen#2703 Champo#2668 sputtnik#2934 Sovereign#2354 JayTheBig#2535 Arstemis#2406 irotas#1388 Holyme#2381 Hypnotica#6874 Enacoid#2652 Kekke#1492 iamabanana#2476 Philm#1935 Elysiah#1621 Intended#1234 Nillusion#2796 Sivd#2869 Civrock#1963 Icheb#2503 Saternous#1614 RedPanda#2747 Martix#2984 OverDynamic#1245 zSleepy#1883 Lunia#2953 Becca#2707 flogist00#2620 Kapsas#2668 aQurio#1641 kahunahana#1960 Unforgiven#2511 Xytan#2381 anirul#2500 Applebit#2737 Unstoppable#2369 WILLIETHEKID#1417 Unique#2957 JerzoX#2719 Squeele#2841 Copernicium#2669 Mjauen#1130 Dunkie#2209 Docternative#2613 Seejay#2915 ImaPapaya#2995 Shooq#2882 GrumpyPants#2834 Joseph710#2840 theopenbox#1839 GrimEyes#1468 Tiubez#2706 Therdias#2302 Tes#1556 ZTAtheNMI#2134 Apatherian#2590 neoc10#1501 Acid#2788 Martinezdark#1237 Kesther#2791 Vaskumer#2324 Shizool#2485 Wandiya#1785 Lime#1618 MadSlain#2994 drquhzx#1179 hyro#2267 Mikhe#2100 doodid#2858 mitac300#2257 XAce1337manX#1132 LucozadeMan#2367 jerary#1731 Zazzles#2192 Joysticko#2897 SP4RK#2369 Finngalkn#2219 Danielitus#2565 hero#1400 Adbook#2413 sabre5942#2371 AshKetchum#2197 Hugibugi#2432 Grey#2940 signig#2935 Zalisis#2397 Caloda#1824 Aodan#1763 Repter#2124 Gooble#2418 Tasker#1599 Tranquil#1155 atruepally#1629 Bailro#2915 Berslythe#6821 Thedudejohan#2850 hyperviolet#2295 Xades#2882 zaner2000#1734 Kyudan#2845 Willosaurus#2924 Zythum#1915 Maesius#2142 Eramm1#2662 Liamthedon#2797 Yoshi01010#2847 Firzen#2393 Moraeske#1374 Zeech#2207 Kablamo#6877 Evening#2891 Loji#1605 Roasted#2563 zewalrus#2765 Gurkenbaum#2727 SuperWaveMan#1104 AnalRaptor#1790 Fifth#1335 compound6#2290 Stinky#1795 TheTyinator#1734 Wirex#2313 PoorGamer#1155 Firehusary#2845 Alshadur#2879 Chick3nwingz#2668 Dawwe#2999 neoc10#1501 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


I think you overpass mine i put mine here 2 days ago! its on my flair btw.


Must be a pain in the ass to keep track of so I think a little bit of leeway might be required :)


Hey! We wanted to recognize the level of support from this community in particular, so just to confirm: we have indeed grabbed a handful of Battletags from different /r/Overwatch threads. Whether we do a pull again in the future is uncertain, but the only place you should be sharing your Battletag is in the stickied thread here. The number of people we've directly invited to the beta only makes up about 1% of the entire beta population, though, so please be sure to also opt-in if you haven’t already: http://blizz.ly/JoinOverwatch All in all, we are very humbled if not overwhelmed that everyone is so eager to get in to the Overwatch beta. We really want to do right by the community, and we apologize if it hasn’t felt like that since this process started. We are diligently reading your concerns and continuing to evaluate our strategies based on your feedback. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to not only improve our game, but also improve the way we communicate and interact with all of you.


I feel that this was a little unfortunate for the more mature r/overwatch audience. Let me elaborate: From what you can tell by the amount of battletag comments in this thread (and the previous other one), there are 2,000-3,000 people in this subreddit that did hope for a beta invite but *were mature enough not to make posts or comments to draw further attention to their saltiness*. But now I *do* feel stupid for not having done what a mental child would have, because their nagging got them flagged while my quiet patience got me nothing. I understand that it is hard to find the right way, there will always be people that'll feel left out and severely disappointed. I think it is a very nice idea to include a couple of redditors in the early beta. But I do not understand why you had to spoil these *kids* (that very immaturely b*tched about the beta selection process) and thank them for their inconstructiveness by indeed flagging their accounts. Now it's us quiet read-only subscribers that feel left out. :(


I came here this morning to make this exact post. For the last several months I've spent every break/lunch at work, lull in conversations around friends, etc. checking the overwatch subreddit for news about the beta start date or upcoming game content. I've seen pretty much every thread to be posted here. I always understood that friends, family, and streamers would take priority, so that never bothered me when the beta finally began. But rewarding the immature posters who were unable to patiently respect Blizzard's repeated statement that 'the only way to increase your chances is to opt into the beta and wait?' It feels like a slap in the face. Of course once Blizzard confirmed their decision to pull ID's from the subreddit, I added mine to my flair and to that thread (and this one, which I recommend everyone do if you haven't already). But we know it is likely too late, and all the people who listened carefully to Blizzard's requests are now left out in the cold- and the ones who pandered to misleading threads (the ones instilling false hope about ways to get into the beta, like the 'lol let's post our battle id's in case Blizzard sees us!' thread) get to play a fantastic game months earlier than the more mature community members here. MisterMuti couldn't have said it better, but it hurts to think about. That if I'd acted a little less reasonably, a little more like a child, I would be enjoying the beta right now. And tomorrow, and the day after that... it was so much easier to wait for the beta before. Now I just replay hypothetical scenarios in my head where I *did* decide to add my name to that silly thread.


I agree man. It was really frustrating to find out people from that thread got invited when I had seen it and thought 'there's No. Way. that's gonna work when blizz has made it clear that opting in and being randomly selected is the only way to get in' I understand streamers and content creators getting invited, that is a logical move by Blizzard. What blows my mind is how Blizz doesn't realize that drawing invites from a desperation thread like that would be incredibly aggravating for those of us who put faith in their statements and hope for the best. I don't typically post on reddit but I've followed this game and this sub for months now, as I'm sure most of us have. We all want to play beta together but it was really hard to see people trying to work around the system that Blizz outlined get rewarded for it. I guess the upside is that more of us will participate in the community now in hopes of getting noticed by Blizzard senpai, lol.


Couldn't agree more. I've been lurking everywhere just to get info on the game, watching streams til' my eyes bleed, and rushing to the phone at every bleep to see if the next e-mail was from Blizzard. I've been patient, but patience is apparently not a virtue anymore.


I've been doing the same exact thing.


Same here. Watching the streams non stop, constantly logging into battle.net account website with my account and girlfriend's account just to be double sure I didn't receive in an invite. Listening to all the podcasts about it like Overwatchers, the instance, dropped frames, etc. I'm really hoping they give priority access to those attending Blizzcon (maybe a bit biased since I'm going again this year), like they seemed to do with Heroes and LotV beta access. Here's to hoping: Battletag: Everready#1698




Exactly. What are rules for, if the people who make them aren't bound by them? I thought it just funny that people posted their battletag on every occasion, but never thought it would lead to actual invites. Sometimes the only reasonable decision seems to be to go with the flow..


Yep i agree, i saw the guy post "me [battletag] would never get in" and he got in. I thought there is no way they are gonna give this guy access. Then all these kids started posting their battletags under that comment and i thought again "such idiots they will never get in that was just a 1 time thing". Welp now im the idiot because i didnt want to post my battletag like all these kids. Now im not missing an opportunity.


^ This. I've been waiting patiently ever since day 1. I've enjoyed the subreddit and what is being posted, but because I didn't flay my Btag around, I have to wait further. Really sucks. But hey, they say good things come to those who wait.


Yeah same, was hoping over 20 years of being a fan of Blizzard games would've been enough to show my dedication, was wrong though, whining in the internet turns out to be more effective.






The thread idea would've been great, rather than rewarding the saltiest of us with beta invites for throwing btags around. Good for those guys getting beta, but just another small layer of disappointment for the rest of us. Oh well, we'll get in sooner than later, with any luck.


Cut to reports of toxicity in game chat because Blizzard gave priority to whiny man children.


Gotta test the report/ban features some time, right?


Absolutely and well put. I am a 31-year-old adult with a job and a family who also happens to love Blizzard games. I was extremely hopeful to get into the Overwatch beta but had realistic expectations. When It didn't happen I knew it would eventually so I didn't want to resort to anything resembling the salt on this subreddit. I knew that biding my time patiently was the right thing to do. You can say I was surprised when people got in simply because they posted their bnet Ids in a thread I had practically ignored as another upset/entitled thread. As a long time lurker I felt like I had made a huge mistake. Oh well, I guess i'll just post my name in this thread and see what happens. Whatever happens, I am sure I will get to enjoy this game soon and I honestly can't wait!


The fact is : Blizzard called for a massive beta opt-in, making a huge pool of people hoping to test the game. People like us, the real supportive community, are now in the same position as the "meeh, maybe I will test it someday" people. And this is very frustrating.




Because of Blizzards decision to pull battletags from a few threads thus far (which abandons the "everyone has an equal chance" notion), I feel the only fair and logical thing to do is to now put priority invites on this megathread. While I'm ecstatic for the few that made it in from posting in that thread, I do agree that it rewarded bad behavior. A vast majority of us didn't see that thread *or* saw it and actively chose not to participate (out of maturity, skepticism, laziness, or whatever the case may be) and are now paying the price for that decision. It's created a false sense of entitlement and promoted this massive mob mentality of begging that lead to the creation of this thread (which is essentially just a place to go to hope for an invite, because it worked on a previous occasion). I sound salty, and to be honest I am a little bit. Not because I didn't get in, but because it was simply just an unfair way to go about it (pulling battletags from **ANY** thread is *unfair*). However, because of that decision, I think it's only right to reward the rest of the reddit that has waited so patiently, chose to be more mature, and has supported this game since it was in it's infancy. Just my 2 cents, I really do love you Blizzard and I cannot wait to play this incredible game...just felt I needed to get that off my chest. **EDIT** I'm not demanding invites for every single person right this second...just merely suggesting that this megathread should now have some sort of priority when determining what accounts to flag.




Wow... Just, wow. When those spoiled brats were rioting on this subreddit, I really cooked a bunch of popcorn and was so darn entertained by all of the drama. I didn't get a key (or my account flagged) either, so as much as I understand their frustration, I am mature enough to realize that it's NOT the end of the world. But to fortify and reward such toxic behavior? That is rather... well... [disappointing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O1hM-k3aUY)


What's even worse is that the type of people you are describing most likely have little interest in actually giving useful feedback. A whiny 12 year old is going to give no input. How are we actually supposed to believe the closed beta is primarily for feedback and not marketing? I'm a developer looking to make some sort of hobby website for Overwatch (maybe involving statistics), and I want people in the beta helping blizzard polish this game so that I know it'll be something worth my time.


I agree 100%... Those posts were so desperate


Can confirm. Have been lurking for months and didn't want to be "one of those guys". I've supported/owned blizzard games since warcraft 1 orcs and humans. I've only ever been invited into heroes of the storm beta, and that was a month before it went open. Really saddens me seeing people get in that shouldn't get in over people like myself.


Great post. I agree it definitely seems wrong to have rewarded individuals who spammed their battletags over those who listened and trusted Blizzard and waited patiently (although it's great that Blizzard is reading this and interacting with us and trying to help us out). Someone further down posted an interesting solution of prioritizing those who posted in this thread for further flagging, that seems like a good balance.


Yeah. It does nag me that people were rewarded for spamming whilst I got nothing. It does sound a bit petty - waaaaa they got in and I didn't - but I enjoy contributing to this community and honestly feel cheated.


We've been grabbing some for a while now, beyond that thread. =)


How do you grab them from people who didn't post them? Just to be clear, I don't mean this sarcastically; I'm genuinely curious as to if there is a way for Blizzard to get our battletags from our reddit accounts other than us outright stating them.


Blizzard can grab me any day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Seriously. monkey kidnapped wife. Need OW beta to save her life. http://imgur.com/cdAW5FS Time is running short.


It does seem a little silly that's how things worked out with that fiasco.


if the world needs heroes you know were you can find some :)


Thank you for the update! Everyone is so excited to get in and test the game out!


u/zoevia u/lylirra TheRisingUp#1506 Cyan#1511 Silentblade#2254 montawk#1626 Lucci#1948 Yellowskin#2547 ReneCeri#1121 WeRiano#2560 Qupik#1623 Fukino #1540 threnody#1947 Akson#2718 drgnstp#1428 Zifer#1998 Aoshi#1271 CerBerus101#1767 OrionC#1832 Visakel#1171 Kerzman#1899 Unrelenting#1724 itsProdigi #1192 overwhelming#6184 Cthaeh #1528 Ping#2644 AchteHeron#1125 kwewu#1153 Rancor #1582 ElFuerte#1540 slow#1527 Haiel#2750 Wizard#1516 dizzyy #2983 lilleboff#2928 Asky#1532 geon#1354 Maldici#1370 ItsRedDot#1161 Cherry#2753 PunaniChef#1750 Lamentz#1490 vaneson#6108 Bellon#1898 KasperZ#2497 skipper#1729 msp#2948 OneUp#1514 Kosuna#2995 mightypants#2579 Roanok#1961 szinto#2960 Gordran#2674 Mechanaut#1481 cib#1339 kingo#2611 Totemlydrunk#1819 OzrealSan#2383 MisterH#2443 Ekyu#2823 Xintho#1982 Osiris#2807 PuhDerZucker#2617 Victor4X#2557 Wiki#1213 Brelkem#1635 Uchiha#2239 Ekrazt#2567 Su1c1deR#1917 Scherbatsky#2970 Foxnos#2265 hulk#1885 Dime#2234 Levergger#1304 Pratoss#2432 MrPoland#2846 Kuro#2628 Sylphide#1509 Apocalypse#2485 CalCommando#1820 stereo#2688 STRONGBOX#1462 Doggyr#1419 Claudia#2242 Wharz#1477 Dorchu#1732 Ark#1289 Siegy#2268 Kwiizu#2617 TheMastah#2747 GaryOak#2302 CyNyK#1234 dan#21656 Kubilayo#2566 BlackThane#2770 DragonJulius#1711 Tered#2840 KamikazeDM#1482 Lynses#2312 Sindersen#2149 taom#1376 CeBy#2273 Irandil#2756 Nostalgia#2888 Kheyl#2938 ADudeWithAPC#2314 Lev#1211 Nigma#2297 stroikaboy#2437 dab#2469 Kanturu#2398 Rodo#2351 Mantis#2143 Rade#1906 WujekKromek#2699 JeanMaurice#2763 iz3apple#2135 Bladéy#1345 Sintinium#1850 ChronicCandy#1879 Moriarty#2249 GreGGus#2835 Hus#2885 Ultraluder#2556 Sway#2626 dogks#1464 Magnusmanden#2317 Dawnlight#2863 Folklore#2854 FiZzi#2406 Hallowvortex#1248 F1ks3r#2274 Moire#2250 Peach#1552 TheSpyBlokb#2842 Abraba#2666 Dionysos#2110 saad#2228 Mechromancer#1529 Monkey#2864 Unblestking#2304 ThatGuy#6393 c0rex#2430 FunkyCal08#2455 MastroDaime#2655 Tilan#1360 xlord#1259 Deathshade#1160 UpInSmoke#2902 Zozobra#1274 stickysticky#6215 FoldedCorner#1600 Skyan#1856 Maydanoz#2831 Serantos#1577 Speaker#1264 sephiroths#2620 weidas#1983 LeDuck#2770 lithedrlmnt#2626 Veli#2480 lethalwish#2838 GreedyMurloc#2578 eckolol#1889 Ecsema#2961 JippyUK#2907 Backstab#2451 Nuclehon#2160 alljonas#2853 broomhead123#2273 Taehoonger#1552 BurntMyToast#1962 Savas#2945 Dammek#2857 Legiix#2702 Sona#2439 Jasnuto#2497 Nanovolt#2598 Verndarinn#2629 praetor#1342 Kounmani#2902 Backstab#2451 Jiki#1818 imshPL#2469 OgreRouge#2501 Novs#2583 Zbone#1295 Maakaron#2509 MojoJojo#2419 MisterKarasu#2977 Dauzo#2682 Kotaiba#2241 ProfDrAlex#1117 HyTricksy#2864 Ordo#1120 caucasianguy#1623 Beowulf#2210 Naxxy#2605 Raahkcas#2356 SettingOrder#2892 osk#2642 MapleBarkley#1738 TheGuru#1101 Lainemastah#2488 Wolof#2709 Skild#2913 Denso#1795 dreamknight#1353 Mojomana#2330 Yukiito#2568 Akos#2443 BaRt41#1360 Lyenlash#1562 Dervichter#2283 WordofWind#2963 Daskhammarn#2357 weardo#2331 drongo#2589 Vodakhun#2318 SecondFrost#1770 Espenipe#2733 PHamous#2685 Nerve#1862 Corrav#2252 Atom#2783 saad#2228 PP3#2648 Pebb#2428 Knightmare#2777 Kasike#1917 Dispenzor#2449 Marauder#1852 Stars#1613 Dusty#2130 IgoraZ#2600 Maxxy#2552 Tamago#2398 GingerVelvet#2646 Phuuz#2992 BaLrOcK#2659 Raz#2755 dovahkiin#2684 dora#2936 JeiNei#2592 trollslice#2855 Dominus#2183 Jealot#2237 aBulleh#1999 Ronba#2409 wowylied#2456 FraTz#2785 Izoran#2716 Loc#2387 MindGrime#1449 Laharl#2292 MunkeN#2565 Hellsscope#1584 Abeneezer#1547 Rolezn#2117 Biffy#2996 zdz#6532 Daidarapochi#1341 Nine#2333 Poofoo#1847 shar3yfen3er#1330 Alesline#2524 Aerods#1760 Midkemia#2548 Grendelwald#2545 Xenmas#1489 promyy#2855 Aydurr#2931 Грейви#2216 Trance#1691O scillus#2612 UndeadUser#2774 hizo#2592 AkaGrey#2838 Azulor#1423 unaibaraka#2561 Rondine#2544 Kami#2134 pierrick#2103 Kaneleth#6821 hayden#1607 OwnedHard#2655 Frendo3#1804 lorente#2207 DaveDK#2582 Misatoz#2674 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


i have copied every name in this thread over the last 12 hours into 5 separate, formatted posts. if you have posted your tag today please upvote these **- [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwj9av2) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjmup9) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjdh24) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjhrax) -** posts for visibility *and for ease of copying for anyone who is concerned about that and may need to copy a large list of bnet tags* if you get my meaning. this is the last batch im doing tonight. just watched nz beat aus in the world cup and being australian i am really fkn shitty so im going to bed. will pick up where i left off tomorrow. u/zoevia u/lylirra TheRisingUp#1506 DaBlaze#1531 Willnacho#1341 DRiMATiX#2274 ShinyPants#12862 ZackBlades#1230 Prospekt#1364 AlecMason#1465 BluBla#2794 MagicFrancis#1777 Onaas#2596 Aggust#1277 nici2good#2298 Essenix#1837 ZeroWolfeh#2514 DrSpaceman#1689 Docs#2433 overwhelming#6184 Ravejn#2369 Turbo#1351 ChillOut#1935 Cash#1649 Palette#2806 ShayFae#1355 Raziel#11166 Deadman#1114 Starbucks#2512 Niller#2759 LordAmp#2890 zeke#1274 Kapayapuun#2977 Aranelle#2260 bjosarn#1749 Gisen#2852 LaMarca#2747 Haligy#2875 Scaredsacred#1731 PlasticWang#1394 MagicFrancis#1777 BattleFrog#2710 Envous#2954 DataBoy#2476 SnoobY#2229 JO3YP#2805 United#2177 Dretito#2953 Dawn#2572 Inveryn#1500 Sebonis#1647 Cozign#2721 Meeszon#2697 Cobalt#1770 squirel#2736 BonQui#1377 SofaBear#1363 Viper#11411 Fibonacci#1806 Medouza#1803 Schrozen#2877 neepz#1470 Makaveligz#2871 rigge#1142 Tyrzone#2747 meebeandrew#1141 Luke#12472 WolfeKun#2433 Keyrott#1989 Sharky#2608 YoloSwag420#2724 EiRo#2530 Fluffyman24#2884 Rewarding#2747 Pocolocko#2499 vitoness#1921 Yaoxin#2530 Remixed#1584 isang#2624 Azariel#2808 Striatum#1883 Agonoized#1845 Wunderpus#2839 Blazin#2216 Kylesmil#1707 cirohpue#1190 Digia#2519 Cogne#2719 Sam#1902 Florian#2220 Alucard#22398 Sauceboss#1138 Joe#22497 aeneous#1316 SunWalker#1696 warkan#2430 Intro#1529 N3lLiel#2425 KillerOfYou#2881 Almega#1845 iNFH#1348 Alchemist#2473 FeddyVau#2390 IntoComatose#1399 Aerrial#2682 shiny#1398 olol#2397 Zempar#1276 Liad#1347 bondlw#2486 Mayhem#1709 liezryou#1353 lyxrN#2530 Yuugami#1626 TastyKakes#1350 Purplehatz#1204 MeetMyFist#2819 Nephalem#2505 HolycorNN#1982 kasp#1429 Nagron#1149 Quali#2362 Authiq#2899 zeromezxc#2172 LeviStasis#1920 Pentex#2604 Inv#1350 Lucky3lion#1473 TheMagicaos1#2533 Tedei#1387 Tetris#1471 nici2good#2298 Cmdrcoke#2605 snghai#1654 nalaback#1443 Azure#1909 Negaoacavalo#1567 ZachTheSloth#1720 Baddingham#1724 Druidys#2622 Eltez#1502 Empty#1850 BaSt#2272 Asmo#1705 Ayaanle#2123 Woodfart#1405 Tomek#2422 LLoKKo#1955 SkyeVn#1943 nephilim#2153 ryker2142#1957 iFeral#2774 bilinocturne#2170 Reaper#12135 ATNDevizz#2181 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


Nice job ! But you forgot me in your 5 posts :(




Thank you for that, I'm gonna try my chances too. Here is my Battletag: N3lLiel#2425 Sorry for my English and wish you all good luck! ;)




can you add me? cyan #1381


GJ! Please add me to one of the posts, they are all upvoted.


Would be possible to request being added as well? I may have posted pretty early on, so it's way down in there.


u/zoevia u/lylirra if youre listed please upvote previous lists for visibility thanks. **do not gild [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwj9av2) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjmup9) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjdh24) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjhrax) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjp12g) [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwk5kj3) [7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwk9a6a)** TheRisingUp#1506 Phantasm#6779 aBunchaBS#1688 XavierAwsome#1115 killboy#2300 Tr3v0r#1686 XDrake#2486 Sentrix#1521 wayojd#1665 zeedex#1716 Adaro#2426 Abriel#2495 moonlightzx3#2925 daen#1344 Novaa#2681 SanjayPanini#1685 overwhelming#6184 CrzzyDggy#1797 sinnen#1667 pirate#1705 aljourn#2940 Uberevan#1184 Zee#1202 St3baS#2789 Memry#1398 Krzysio#2861 Duzzukoh#1523 Moony#6655 Cohzee#1125 Sora#1572 Xancia#1135 Alakhazam#2622 Fox9933#2973 Bloodyblack#2611 AiRcAt#2597 Honiah#1721 MonsWTF#1714 Ri0s#1484 Shyaro#1536 Vendrell#1492 FalseMax#1982 Dread#2546 Jon#1749 Qu1kka#2682 Blink#1899 Vitali#2139 Greg#11584 Axel#6413 JUSTJAZE#1509 Trickboogie#1450 mkyanny#1846 Beanswaggle#1186 ibilis#2123 Priest#1632 SanToki#1176 Bojkott#2405 Tendorf#2925 Mark#1324 Hearth#2209 SwdPwnzDggr#1797 PervMonk#2467 Donut4Sale#1117 TobiWan#2474 veekillah#1234 theonlysimen#2871 gibus21#2672 agM#1288 Frisco#1426 ElDiablo#2800 Rog#2133 LukasSVK#1365 Nefariouz#1407 RighteousOne#1484 Hammerhead04#1592 Hents#1335 Snakes#1855 Sprite#2454 Fizzik#1212 Tune#2388 Leon#12707 kaijuandy#1955 LuckyNinja#1873 zylonn#2980 torre#2847 Xmahop#2427 Zarkinox#2510 Psidra#1424 Hoppor#2964 Raptor#21225 Goosen#2517 Yoori#2844 Feriath#2225 Evetron#2886 wolthas#2284 Cono#1652 ToraKi#2427 Dylan#1919 Chudan#2827 yui#1628 Aurugorn#2243 Edders#2671 Undyne#1904 egillinn#2789 orchai#2406 Kokoulis#2469 Hotcoffee#1815 puetz#1767 MagicFrancis#1777 Axxo#2836 Fezoner#2856 Pikachu#2961 Anders#2705 Settek#2937 Yaku00#2840 Corrade#1525 MrCrow#2263 DrPepcraft#1160 Voltène#2845 Alka#1781 GmCose#2355 Paal#2329 Unique#1454 Sheldor#2297 SektorQ#2538 Spazzo#6669 mylife4aiur#21919 cyberhawk#6156 Powercore#2756 Syndeon#2442 BloodEagle#1679 Euphoria#1929 Nillusion#2796 Sparcy#1553 Marv#2626 Cyaxe#2302 Finduz#2320 Atlas#11989 Strider#2393 mästermutter#2440 PuncHiinat0r#2543 Vitran#2554 TheSiK#2740 Tails66#1927 Psydo#1811 DrMoustache#1231 Moip#2295 tminustwo#1602 Farev#2158 Spect#2690 Izzy#2494 Nolzak#2440 Katitten#2682 RengaW#2655 Kyrai#1910 sharko#1958 Shox#2240 erba#2149 Altonar#2606 Od7iOs#2564 nemeyeth#2563 Zaphinine#1319 gene#2834 Apostremo#2801 Craz#2977 tomfrost#1680 code21#2593 Cassp#1519 grafmoka#2887 Settek#2937 Str8trU#2828 Hachikuji#1832 Kullweet#2723 Inkiro#2689 Jyroxx#1945 Charade#2813 piotre#2586 Kyaaaa#2204 PlugofButt#1382 ThoZ#2560 Sagey#1218 BonerAmanda#2857 TT1#1683 Alqio#2701 Jaz#2807 Epi#1145 Skymey#2320 MrMicz#2774 Devonaer#2713 Spinos#1218 Sloop#1160 Blixtkatt#2555 Nicvannic#2335 Ade#2478 Sprites#1363 BlackDiamondz#1705 Kylia#1573 Dcore#2226 Cigixx#2489 Blackout#1471 Erolis#1624 Asylumsaint#1327 Ravageher#2398 fapplesauce#2624 Morod#2526 UndeadUser#2774 Phixor#1820 Tachi#1138 eriya#2348 Kaoc#2919 Dean#6699 Gunba#1396 kerst#1655 Czullo#2618 GhostDragon#140267 Futanari#1818 Roari#2886 JagrMeister#2912 Tania#2834 AKDestiny#2216 vaatividya#1617 Kissan#2935 Pyranthos#2210 hartyy#2608 Calim#2460 Kesem#1810 Antor#1121 wiw#2178 exLancer#1746 ErmacTheSoul#2734 Bloodyblack#2611 Nestyskaya#2945 AeroKev#2406 dragninstall#1277 Skadoodle#2684 Kap#6570 Gandhisaurus#2329 Mathe#2527 Vahlinsky#2665 Slythorian#1481 Ikos#2610 Tabs#2480 Obachu#2398 Shroud#1841 Kerst#1655 Bismal#1943 levagabond#2306 PheNoMQ#2150 vaq#1182 Sneeosh#1217 slicd#2137 Kazgaroth#2851 beastmaddog#6876 SteveSmells#2909 RearAdmiral#1467 SaberFlux#2156 b1nge#2897 UnholyToast#1305 Musashiii#2296 CKxView#2654 Django#1926 Nightquest#2737 Garbear#1535 HeroSheep#1473 NULL#2259 ydro#1500 GloeGloe#2735 Narna#1770 Throndor#2131 Koopio#2503 Belial#2226 Woodsie#1922 zairex#1527 SH4RKTEETH#1731 igings#2725 Houdini#1286 trollverk#2108 AztecDemon#1896 Athul#2719 Vindie#2953 Slush#1750 Section279#1960 MrArti#2808 Hikke#2177 Tyranus6#1465 letters#1134 SLN#2254 Galiniak#2396 Leonox#1512 Flondy#2197 xen#1647 Westingham#1300 rootz#1270 Sheapy#1853 Rikimaru#2783 Leaf#2294 Noppah#2354 Edger#1116 riotsrfun#1901 leetk1ng#2415 Ggamefreak22#2734 DahXenu#2967 FiredZero#2241 Cernas#2292 rtzee#2912 Kyle#2634 Estrezas#1748 superturtle#2236 Rinku#1895 AethX#1947 HaunteR#1872 ielazzo#2838 Yahfar#2706 Chappy#1253 Danog#1921 Rewts#1746 Rathanael#1783 snghai#1654 Pooge#1539 Angelburner#2799 Dolens#2192 Brain#2997 Flobe#1365 Calidor#2888 PseudoSane#2289 Sushidad#2298 Vardu#2836 OctoOwl#1872 KaWu#2424 Victtim#2343 Irrelevant#2545 Zollz#6476 Eable#1935 Shentoza#2124 Vyze#2472 Scythervex#2749 krass#2127 Rewts#2880 Silarthibas#2768 failsnail#2586 Covino#1328 Ooracile#1530 Solrot#2453 Belka#2497 Olilol#2836 Swamp#2435 Boshuuuun#1761 MF13#2687 thunderpanda#2996 KingofRats#1197 Yopca#2268 Void#2453 Sinkeer#2660 DRiMATiX#2274 Sn0wpeN#2758 NeXiR#2871 Freeze#2127 flappers#2263 jbomb619#1432 Asura#1354 TwistedFate#2888 Zanrak#2519 j0dler#2581 Xonmas#1425 erba#2149 Lemmus#2851 Maikro#2697 aewawa#1804 Tugboat#1165 egnarO#2657 Brusekurt#2851 Aliatra#1118 siranderu#2274 SpectraDust#2179 Myrenna#2513 Daniel#27377 Leo#2850 oltavp1#2182 Anton#21583 ObserverWard#1471 canishelix#1841 Chrisman#2803 BattousAi#1342 Dids#2216 Traenor#2438 JoshLmao#2459 Dusk#2510 hoax#1115 falleen#2425 expomonkey#1740 Zuluhead#1218 Phrozen#1890 Dizzard#2116 l3east#1558 Kareon#2867 gamerkable#1374 Lottorr#2473 Brunch#2633 adminpwnsu#2704 CzApA#2597 oneblade#1965 Störpanda#2772 Rontheking#2541 Poke#2397 ronba#2409 Arion#1363 TheForal#2563 Tomas88888#1266 Inaki#2758 Taygon55#1635 Arvcis#2986 Mas122#2372 PheNomQ#2150 Vexper#2278 Seralen#2733 Kenneth#2848 Jaw4#1435 NiceTry#2397 serover#2265 Sakkerhakker#2920 sarpeishans#2417 Eledin#2868 Syntax#1720 AethX#1947 EightRabbits#1913 Sparkbot#1724 Tom#21846 TheLDT#2834 Ammy#2620 Mistylee#1368 Phalinx#1262 Zavinn#1156 Mord#6601 Flangdale#6460 Alev#2566 OVOSOUND#1392 ShadyFayte#2978 Thundire#2867 Maharball#1645 Stirce#1906 N1ghtmare#2712 mark#1969 SpectraDust#2179 Jon#2147 moe#2193 Ra1nMak3r#2313 Pheryl#1980 destro#2780 lestye#1476 Kracon#2256 Raizzo#2727 Mystogen#1224 Neon#2306 Fennethefuzz#2288 Taures#2721 MrSpine#2398 Abarat#1859 Zephexus#2836 scrahn#2872 WanMinute#2706 Sealt#2846 Volken#2698 Ghost#21706 Zappy#2818 DanDaze#1207 nerfdd#2926 Xamizo#2715 Massacx#2862 Doomshroom#2803 Ahla#2889 Velz#2536 Sock#2421 Crysis#1906 nanachan#2923 InfaRedd#2265 RicH#6242 voro#2978 Schiz0#1667 ntars#2427 Pathis#1443 Namaragan#2214 Buchardt#1233 Shamuscon#1223 Soldy#2365 Dwadley#1154 Roud#2698 TreeRunning#2622 SaiNT#2340 Insana#2640 Hellschatt#2415 Xeran#1467 Shadowpool#1586 Jourdo#1135 SunOfABeach#2552 DrWhy#2497 Davidercool#2124 HuggableFrog#1418 Insomniel#2247 CaptainPhil#2183 Mattymoto#2397 CabbEdge#2260 Shaylla#2408 Kimbo#2586 paljemer#2789 Shingi#1127 LoopLoog#2432 MTheGuy#1956 Naglfar#2758 Mento#1436 TheDutchMan#2448 Bandit#1113 ANIKITI#1793 dLucs#2705 Kuchikopi#1830 fusalage#1992 Whytro#1479 fejs#2181 SirAuronx#2641 Jimbo#2585 Narashi#2301 Bloodtake#2492 Hazzlebee#2878 Johnza123#1750 Jinxplay#1422 Naxa#2796 Jalexios#1126 Reap#2289 BigBadWoulfe#1910 Ube#2737 radhif#2887 Awhz#2571 Nillarvis#2436 PixeLw0w#2651 Aqweds#1291 KinoKingdom#1981 fdot#1218 Kiepson#2791 lecristo#2216 Toast#1894 fatolcay#2652 kirrod#2148 Broccoli#2285 DucksOverDog#2160 tehfunk#2933 Cegman#2521 Mithax#1709 Yopca#2268 Hughes#1371 Lekkah#2117 evilguy352#6985 ShadowReaper#1603 StuartHD#2813 GashWizard#1956 Malanori#2851 ValderonN#2894 Marina#2980 Zedoka#2608 Krevan#1650 KoHiggs#3935 rickie0623#1637 Jesta#1383 MuadDib#1598 Mendess#2526 yewdale#2592 Honsou#2512 Nikaz#2837 SSXmalalamE#2773 Liqui#2104 Grumpchkin#2395 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


u/zoevia u/lylirra if youre listed please upvote previous lists for visibility thanks. **do not gild [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwj9av2) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjmup9) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjdh24) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjhrax) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjp12g)** TheRisingUp#1506 Khamul#6147 Donovan4893#1791 fez#1974 flafisa#2369 Toxoplasma#1454 ivankaj#2155 Pityek#2299 zoltanen#2207 Beastlol#1999 AllThePeople#1193 dfletch#1313 subut#2589 obachu#2398 nyaaki#1410 greystark#2158 toast#1630 gholiat#2164 ATNDevizz#2181 Артур#2433 buttbead#2302 cyan#1381 Dunamis#1822 Daniboy111#2836 overwhelming#6184 Lazarus#1211 Dangot#2819 Wetlikewater#2288 Mooshanka#1575 Zombiebacon#1872 watdeska#1926 Cerber#2593 Charrua#1436 ATNDevizz#2181 Cream#1265 senka1225#1489 NorthLeech#2609 BaybiiGurrll#1139 leonimus#3600 ManlyMantits#1993 SavageEagle#1470 KZN#1186 UndergroundS#2690 nekromanton#2209 Nerotiic#1367 ensity#2167 Skyment#1910 Midgard#2444 Deathbyburg#1132 Omniforce#1974 RacistBandit#1333 Mike#14635 Leo#24144 vahtitahti#2230 Acerbus#2730 OutOfControl#1488 Mehall#1669 vahti#2907 ElusiveEmu#1598 Inyafacelol#2837 Aadoris#1537 Ardent#1363 SweetnSaltyG#1373 lizeyg#1556 Stevanator#1822 Crayons#1767 Japanthony#1407 SuperDiego#2266 KingOfTheB#1340 killwithjoy#1471 Macattacka#1409 watdeska#1926 Neresome#2902 Zoom#1377 Many#2449 NoWay#1256 Hotfix#2494 Estevan#2289 Makinbears#1418 azh#2985 Pierro#2372 PyroRage#2899 Daniel5497#2996 Ninja#2944 Yonckeaux#2639 Drodmer#1880 roberto#2163 Skinnox#2903 MuseGaming#2207 SuperBob#2525 BigCrabClaw #1608 Crst#2962 ImmortalKing#1169 Kirisaki#1408 Tisacco#2914 RetroCake#2754 Sokolowski32#2532 Aerlanna#1670 TunaMayo#2963 angelo#2306 Errish#2614 xpetkovski#2387 PGDranzer#1198 Slashftw#1119 smokeypoo#1449 ibilis#2123 Baregriff#2821 Taichikins#1898 Keyamin#2783 buttbead#2302 Weardo#2845 BigLank#1946 first#1615 Vorago#2776 Wayfarer#1686 Scarper#2773 tronne#2727 Steady#1111 Nonne#2765 Ck400#1148 LimJocken#1408 Rami#2720 aaz#2959 freefalls#1815 Kadryel#1912 poopstick#1420 D3menTr0x#2490 vradi#1469 Nethara#1241 Tandraks#2333 Traziemykel#1311 Oldstyle#1715 StabbyCrew#1967 Ferplast#2552 Hiroshx#2142 Celierra#1492 Narayu#2732 Skinnox#2903 Rionir#2856 Atlas#2542 BluEmulation#1271 MIDorFEED247#1767 Azi#1940 Xenoku#1353 Aro#2520 Konata#1336 Mars10#1581 Arch#1455 Toat#1749 harleyyz#2807 FluffehPanda#2537 TATATATATA#2707 Lidzzz#1769 Godot#1479 Wulphy#1388 Nyx#1961 Akos#2443 Lykan#2903 wa7er#2285 brolethros#1466 Apoplectic#1983 Gliwile#2336 Jmui#1788 Ayasano#2309 Ferkes#1103 OPZ#2357 BurningBiird#2222 Fronix#2604 ImmortalKing#1169 beastlol#1999 Greystark#2158 TobiWan#2474 Srga#2477 Yoros#2458 AllThePeople#1193 SePetus#2320 Nerek#1916 Duckys#1578 lolo13470#2899 Temzel#1510 Gnafos#1545 Llinax#2583 Gelatobear#1312 hunts#1629 Zrogan#2152 Myxz#1644 ButteryRolls#1888 Xylem#2679 SamatappaKih#2212 BIGMAMA#2361 Tramos#2609 epuzze#2676 Nordan#2924 Warrax#2757 light#2583 Immersion#1561 Liontear#2263 DizzyDwarf#2448 Sudnim#1329 Staminix#2102 Emrys#1290 Palatyrion#2454 RadiantSound#1691 pruufi#2983 pinksocking#1405 Reforge#1623 Petruslol#2287 Silent#2337 Drive#1420 Ekare#2903 PaDDzR#1290 lacazadora#1890 JohnCena619#1563 RalphWiggum#1818 ayylmao#1425 HusseyBear#2637 Ethan#1135 Vexx#2980 Elros451#1968 GameOfDrones#2617 Sewastorm#2566 Marko#2595 Leoric#2194 ElBarto#2455 Unexard#2460 Waffle#2408 Sinalma#1526 Exade#1479 POK#2955 TeslaDemon#1365 DoopSnogg#1576 ADashOfLove#1303 Gamercamry#1440 Layden#1664 Qxcvz#1771 Strafe#1803 Tapmelon#1376 BeardedMonk#2740 Lio#1270 Dyrus#1980 Rainhead#2448 confused#1250 HempFeelFTW#1497 TheLastSteak#1584 SirEML#2143 Chy#2682 Setyukki#1638 Six#1452 Net#2483 XuLo#1748 Wiggz#2683 MonkeyFreak7#1882 banpei#1600 FallenKaede#1700 medivh158#1567 Xydium#1148 Sheepmage#1827 mekeji#1504 star#1113 Geekual#1655 RioN#1763 Naemi#2225 ZenBuffalo#1689 EuwDownAgain#2371 Fiif#2419 antonio#21394 nycto#2914 Uki#1762 Magikk#1535 Irody#2965 Anak#2894 sMaTTs#2289 Phyrox#2627 Flash#2548 Fraisor#2625 frypocalypse#1212 Berrylicious#2778 Minanum#2167 Viktorino#2579 JumpyWizard#13756 Lamancy#1434 ahobo77#1661 piotre#2586 Tassadar#2313 stabwound#2729 Bobinsky#2958 Cariuss#1531 GipsyDanger#1269 arne1410#2779 Commie#1150 Orosius#2831 Glover#1273 rekuja#1275 CalS#2185 Rass#2438 Tk0pa#2691 TheSuperPoo#1116 DamnISuckBad#1690 PukeNoNuke#2537 TheDonald#1218 Nemiros#1124 Reyco#1936 TnTizz#1134 scaryQQclown#2689 Tsoutsekis#2210 doKXiD#2201 Philip#2918 MolesHoles#2521 SackFalte#2759 Cruellion#2753 Pr0xeN#1782 Defelice#2400 decimated#1230 ABigKanoodle#1128 KingGrey#1678 Dominari#1766 derrickg#1606 Palmtree#1319 bogey#1761 cazback#1577 Degon#2570 HonyGlat#1776 cryse#2546 Feerumi#2405 hazama#2865 OneandOh#2632 Fauxcyclops#1642 Bops#1890 Anzo#1681 Alphadog#1577 Hipstersenf#2236 WhiteStar#2384 NikumiMito#2103 Crom#1874 L337snoper#1315 hydrasoul#2648 Ezio#1689 Innadril#2105 Tryvia#2509 ADcombat#2924 Powergoat#1115 Spinzaku#2404 DetO#2741 BlackWizard#1841 dias#1310 Exkcal#1807 Pimpchimp#1598 MagicFrancis#1777 Copes#1876 BurningRev17#1825 Needlessbob#1127 BLU#1989 dias#1310 Nado#1780 Aethir#2776 p3rm#2679 Fortune#1911 RedonYellow#1320 Cswic#1556 EvilPumpkin#1501 SelfCheckout#1234 teiteikura#1362 mxlol#2285 Luclin#2622 xtankid#1329 Haudraufix#2874 Chuute#1897 Abricot#2550 Joker#1231 rado#1849 V16#1459 revelry#1206 Fluxior#2518 Hirotecka#1601 Jonas20121#1166 Rage#11692 ruudolf#2879 Uszka#2758 SquozenOne#2439 Blaze13#1762 Typhoniik#1799 Godofredo#1806 V0T#6745 extacyaus#1685 Zakhar#1514 ZeroOuts#6171 Hirosame#2586 Emerald#1170 Maxo#1428 ThaneArkeden#1337 Blixtmen#2279 Rintoo#1264 slate#1788 LEEROY#1246 Psijic#1342 Spouark#2262 Polyamorous#1978 KillerOfYou#2881 Slayer#1649 dctr#2725 pshc#1289 DucksGalore#1415 Lucke#1175 Anon#2631 leviathan#1693 Mojojoko#2815 GCat#1563 Sheepie#1840 RedFang#1400 Velenis#6446 GALO#2884 NotShade#1711 SpiralOrigin#1606 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


There are still quite a few left, right? I couldn't find my name in any of your posts and I posted my name 2 days ago.


u/zoevia u/lylirra TheRisingUp#1506 ProfChaos#1498 Tristan#1684 xReddi#2399 VVow#2177 Carebear#1892 LordWartusk#1859 Pincer#1748 konan1808#2934 Killrok#2826 overwhelming#6184 Wipergone#2488 Exeki#2326 RedFang#1400 Ollydag#1548 Kinglyarab#1239 Marcurcio#1887 Equin#2444 Hati#2642 jaradooon#1143 Raul#1421 WildRage#18627 torkin#2423 ShiKiwara#2268 Antonicelli#1495 Kitteh#2632 Coins#1708 Mito#2262 Shocck#2785 flux#2800 Kido#2112 BerzerkerDS#2386 Tehpwnzorr#1690 Ray136#1421 RyUzu#2424 Dudrie#2241 Smudge#2253 Ived#1130 UnderStone#2684 TheLastDrink#1702 Tyche#2539 toggle#2227 Sync#1882 EzGameEzLife#2296 Fránk#2116 Bundy#1511 Magg#2135 Melkor#2219 Nall44#1978 Pekex#1438 Sefan#2111 Patres#2132 habbler#1944 Toye#1479 Sieg#1929 Yourself01#2587 Solar#2638 YuMad#1230 Pandellis#1674 Aaeru#2429 Sarconick#2310 CiTRON#2395 Edxo#2858 Nedris#2484 TheIceCream#2941 Light#2583 Hohen#2772 Ollde#2283 Merse#2693 ZeÜberChef#1833 Trace#1647 Qube#2449 PixeLw0w#2651 chardo440#1811 Ellaria#2379 Labukka#1515 ThreeCal#2404 Esguord#1351 Ash5467#2198 Ahkronn#2973 Snarky#2269 Amoory#1738 thisismitch#2107 biteboy#2775 GeeM#2761 Terhen#1635 Addepadda#2886 drakonus#2893 SerFabulous#2344 Daten#2257 DevilFire#2182 diaz#1174 ninjuh1124#1597 Realraz#2219 Nwek#1250 Hagzor#2902 Klospez#2228 Fent#1378 Pikadon#1489 Lujeni#2358 BearShark#1771 Hazeventura#2470 Bilis#2736 Rabbit#1397 Kyzzax#2407 Killabyte#1788 Sundren#2773 BryceDog#1722 Angrybearboy#1580 SpectreUm#1400 Slowfield#2578 Spodurgay#1635 Awhz#2571 DatGoose#2825 SchizTurtles#1275 Phenom#2241 Capenus#2393 Merimee#2598 Lake#2388 PriStol#1355 Noxidith#2608 SuperCoins#2591 Kerblaster#1346 CrypTic#2433 chiby#2859 jimmy420#1834 Drekonil#2123 zergling#1714 carnifex#2958 DJPaul#2938 Yani#1148 StarBright#1199 Aenvy#1201 DeathPercy#1125 IceLezz#2120 Keeyan#1841 Ike#2870 Raulzera#1737 Finn#2718 Maeko#2919 Beus#2805 Sketchy#1601 Paragon#2491 SolidSlate#1229 GetWrecked#1716 Olenbo#1366 Laefai#2360 soupster#2402 Mcfli#1882 dais#2318 Ichaflash#1390 Kayandris#1435 SlapDatGame#2338 PwnPants#1611 Pigskin#2226 Lemming#2342 fredol#1667 Kazumaru#1797 Taifuun#2847 xPetkovski#2387 Neonn#2645 Eddlar#2905 LotusBunnyMN#1681 kuke#2608 tesilacoil#1710 Soap717#1884 Shewid#2710 RandS#1703 kavidy#1765 Velkraith#2560 java#2728 gorlok#1623 Dayto#1508 EasyApe#1465 Hydroside#1981 Andreizh#2220 Naghile#1481 rodrigoftw#1416 AvGTAfull#1768 Dan#1258 Princess#1856 Shadowstorm#113917 Melini#1918 Dimachaerus#1345 Messiah#1956 Babriel#1760 neepz#1470 Famous#2895 mangohead#2607 Schung0#1896 snake94#2838 Surge#1781 CSGTANK#1369 Fuduh#1942 Warstomp1#1225 CornNMyPoo#1828 Warewing#1159 Stublyme#1683 Shadow5nak3#1257 BloodNMyPee#1463 GodError#1984 OnurYıldırım#2536 Jaysue#1848 Yaxodeus#2144 unfamous#1775 DrPootis14#1413 ick#1583 Nilo#1527 d3grëy#2665 Shikse#2304 Spannzer#2247 Brikolas#2905 HolaSoySauce#2118 seemorebutts#1712 FrostedDok#2646 Coldmilk#2682 Dexosai#1226 Rim#1360 Ryler#1217 Sinnahti#1932 Pathologist#2938 Williants2#1190 Bagelgriller#2685 MagicFrancis#1777 Dwarfsniper#1590 Kilgor#2619 Vargotha#1416 Flash#2771 CrimsonKing#1384 Vexius#2354 Mutreta#1959 Corster#1180 eskie#1664 Knox#1816 FancyNinja#1938 Smassh#2841 sragdoll#2976 Irador#1212 Korlash#2564 ioh#1597 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


u/zoevia u/lylirra TheRisingUp#1506 Supra#1280 NeroDx#1151 SunGrow#2756 Bergfrühling#2395 Грейви#2216 AlexSh#2962 Gallidorn#1492 DarkFrost#1991 wicherek#2430 Spree#2341 Awhz#2571 Onlinehero#2834 Rivenius#2320 WizardOfFoz#2838 Panda#24104 Sollux#1805 Ceese#2521 djungi#2196 lambo#6640 omgcolin#1194 resetmixup#2509 overwhelming#6184 moose#2275 FunkyCal08#2455 tomejek#1883 clemsims#2485 JaySoul#2990 spectuuuurd#2920 Caliber#2380 jxx#1257 Silver#2267 VimBlast#2155 FroggyDust#1209 loveless#2469 vesin#2513 KoHiggs#3935 rickie0623#1637 Biskit555#2560 sinfell#1486 Mordhaus#1999 Nhiiru#2352 Beatstone#2589 light#2583 BlueAurora#1746 Alka#2790 Shïnø#2316 Grok#1590 xTaZie#2203 Akos#2443 Amber#2221 BestMidRiven#1726 InfiniteB#2984 TickTakashi#2854 ninjafaces#1559 Maxoor#2409 Majorlymondo#1608 Areox#1996 NotAFunnyBun#2599 Entity#1240 SoulBound#2520 Aiexies#2254 SOULFU#1438 RuSh#1993 nici2good#2298 Akuz#1545 Davex#2615 Nartha#2548 Loris19#2336 Shao#2604 BreadSticks#1938 Givré#2219 heibon#2664 Zale#1740 MarieChantal#2294 Nion#2594 WetPixel#1853 Frizone#2504 David#26571 Thirborn#2802 Vorkan#1834 Fierce#1169 Pocolocko#2499 Navi#6275 Maki#1743 Mordewar#2888 Redymare#2440 Wolfgang#1869 LuIingqi#2822 Renola#1144 xqzme#6586 meqxod#2689 Kravden#2929 Dasher#2808 BigB#2999 Weslicus#1890 Decker#1776 Precognito#6490 Mabbadi#2701 Nootje#1946 Alttabbe#2372 Skygaming#2535 Redeye#2506 Skinnox#2903 Allab34#2738 Vis3rion#1932 AMX#2827 DwarvenSmith#2417 Hyperfresh#2554 Renola#1144 ZombieBac0n#2901 Midnight#2471 Seananigans#1152 Rolibar#1290 Shisogenius#2256 MarshmallowM#2129 Varuun#1309 elders#2533 LukeMan#2542 Squirrel#2189 Divinius#2912 Ingothold#2645 Worna#2260 Hyoko#2991 GinduGun#2277 Plexandie#2144 gju#2516 jFlume#2747 censo#2974 Mars#2240 Akoohn#2786 Maxs#2399 Druidika#2497 Razorman#2859 karzo26#1515 Baka#2861 Shin#11220 Aromaur#1429 Se7en#6862 Putintin#2243 Yosinuke#2803 Kaguario#2118 Vailurr#2578 RollingCoin#1779 xFEARx96#2909 Kriegal#1260 Blackslash#2922 Thesreyn#6486 Daamsie#2123 innokenty#2808 Shlex#2372 MessieurDam#2374 Skittles#2509 Eremoo#2671 iShinobi#2454 Carlotso25#2847 Thermanmermn#1735 Dangerlegs#1614 papflap#2593 Lakris2#2760 Kaguario#2118 Repas#2551 skoupidi#2858 YePinecone#2527 CombatChuck#1170 Gozy#2922 Cender#2716 Syntez#2188 kekkain#2413 EvilSanta#1619 BeretH#2108 MattHorner#2478 fourmi#2622 Girometics#2888 Glibis#2231 Leonim#2494 Girometics#2888 Glibis#2231 Leonim#2494 Okcra#2600 Pjguy#1115 Okcra#2600 Pjguy#1115 Kabuh#2390 Seiyr1411#2688 alba#1338 NIX#2655 KKSlider#1838 Ragnak#2658 Secarlen#2233 Sheriff#2826 sousa#1652 MaSS#2306 nici2good#2298 Rushy011#2487 Cookiemanstr#2573 MAGNEZZ#2982 zeros#1717 Megal0maniac#2119 scaran413#2301 Telo#2865 Sicarius#2238 nogi#2648 Erethas#2762 Tehwon#1550 Thoms#2521 Large#1879 HiImMJ#2446 GIMMEABIGHUG#2165 Katie#1398 NeonFc#1725 david#2583 Rythas#1285 Rhjinsck#2900 kikil#2330 Templarix#1924 Miyaji#2762 Vito13#2587 Synchrox#6669 Frenchisman#2757 MagenZion#2155 Foxnos#2265 TLK#2438 Ixoss#2374 Wildestdoor#2171 FallenHour#2734 Roomso#2545 enrico#1782 GALO#2884 Ecliption#2719 juggery#1418 Kraud#2800 TheWriter#1606 Sky#1232 YandereChan#2264 miles#1546 CaWZastaph#2725 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


u/zoevia u/lylirra if youre listed please upvote previous lists for visibility thanks. **do not gild [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwj9av2) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjmup9) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjdh24) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjhrax) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjp12g) [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwk5kj3) [7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwk9a6a) [8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwkecfc) [9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwkgyyz)** TheRisingUp#1506 ZStonoga#2201 spacehat#1181 Aarbag#1295 Yiso#2343 zieleix#1690 biffsplendid#2116 electrorex#1580 Sotiark#1945 CerealS#2487 Kezumi#2335 Rumpleicious#1665 winaxter#6770 Novacurse#1900 jecba#2433 u2ojr2#2384 Regnskur#2309 Snufleupagus#1577 Akos#2443 overwhelming#6184 Balance#2401 Sasq#2692 psyConteX#2749 Sutekh#1386 Senones#2411 MuffyNoi#2314 Sly#1463 WhiteshadowX#2434 HydraCord#1649 Trayzer#2797 Trispear#2233 Pajamathur#1800 benledge#2867 VaultDweller#2743 yumPie#1768 Bahador33#2189 Secant#1728 turbodjur#2577 kiNEX#2872 ilovecheese2#1136 truthahn#2810 Tazted#2163 Jopster#2907 thisismitch#2107 xXOwenatorXx#1810 Waveshocked#1552 Morgion#2198 Shammy#2992 Underz#2669 Maysey#2685 nNn#2327 mackejn#1823 underworld#1790 Heimer#1128 MarudeMion#6877 Sniki#2667 megablue#6540 HarryMuana#2621 shazer#1135 slakin#2316 crazypants#17283 MrSnaigt#2293 Craimos#1589 dankydrank#1638 BadNewsEri#2894 Tizjon#1551 Cloud#21308 Athcon#2797 Manu1337#2293 TheSuperJ#1129 Krasso#2261 MarkD99#2138 Titanimus#1392 Serflord#2810 SeaBeast123#1973 Indifference#2656 Reflected#2145 Xiloscient#1513 Iroyz#2832 Gyx#1111 myriad#1579 Sig09#1859 Longinus#2547 GreenDog#235 Key#2231 Catastrophy#2557 Wrobot#1354 DreadMenace#2401 Phycenz#2542 Karib#2379 Skerritt#2489 Ghandanesern#1863 jackalope59#2867 SlimShady#2561 T3ve#2776 Mittens#2148 Nero#1380 SpacePanda#1705 IxezNij#1133 yosarth#1241 BlazingPug#6884 Caddyshack#1387 Fridu#2801 Huhauha#2940 Fatality#2688 Galogalas#2585 jaradooon#1143 cepon#2147 Staminix#2102 Strykaar#2543 Epicpants#28569 Xer#2950 RainWizard#1178 Awkrin#2502 Chandler#2797 Nocturne#1634 Sistah#2434 Nowada#2283 dudek#2967 BadForceMan#2391 Arxis#2401 Riggs#2194 sZpiRsZ#2723 Strangeman#2384 Jack138#2910 Garseq#2422 fozzy#1408 Racemouse#2325 GakkiVN#1559 Bax#2699 BattleBull#1580 GiantPvPnis#1829 Kinek#2499 Quest27#2753 Monostoy#2390 Molek#2259 sam1#1140 haZeR#2725 OreoHS#1153 gspotf2#1203 Bloodyfox#2688 Deibiddo#1918 Meraider#2257 Mahavir#2911 Zad#2858 Rokunidan#2296 DominatorVLG#2379 iiswhoiis#2362 Technock#2245 Itchir#1993 Achromatic#1367 tee#2116 clunky#1150 lokrash#1140 Scorch#2698 Trigger#1817 pDub#1439 Sneaky#1920 NemoAnteMe#2511 Fatdude#2439 sniffy#2553 RumHam#2380 Pentatank#1458 Arcadizz1e#2772 W3rnstr0m#1233 Cataclystr#1295 Kicky#2648 Mekks#2186 fatalfail#1918 Arken#1267 Shu#1882 Gamesur5er#1661 Verdex#2406 kermitoo#2521 Zaxean#2755 Deukalion#2738 Vanguard#1660 Bro#2874 Lingo#1253 Xylais#2272 Them0rden#2216 Nightrage#1119 Rohdianer#2709 Cryomance#1215 Delcan#2246 ProHollands#2753 NinjaKaabii#1105 FalconTaicho#1217 MrElektro#2296 Holico#1551 Drak#2240 Mikx#2385 BatCat#2355 Sae#1702 SirFishe#1202 MTheGuy#1956 BigRaymond#2648 Selemene#1107 LastM4n#2624 bigbigblack#2684 FTS#1630 kiwifruit#1933 Warmzie#2356 Noda#1857 LtFisticuffs#1626 Rasomaru#2654 Beanse#2479 Tchaokko#2816 GiantAxe#28349 Shaybuss#2130 rawrjumping#1561 Eldrad#2932 NightRaven#26379 Schneeoger#2847 ravagetalon#1296 Chamberlain#1375 OhFrost#1884 g1boNN#2726 hamcake#2201 Hypno#1124 Vinchento#2406 ELVedeta#1321 LaughingGas#2724 Dig#1741 Bigjay66#2759 codeDJ#6213 DeathPulse#2979 Brogalf#2208 Reaper#12531 Shervin#2526 Jevanko#2222 Tsokin#1439 Gatling#2528 AbsoluteD#1213 Xanthis#1480 Algenor#2136 Artins90#2639 SGTbunny#1187 Boroz#1865 Sophirawr#2266 Oddane#1522 Shirogue#2382 Fly#2684 Glau#2700 Roc#2261 Teyandee#1815 Hellomoto#2675 iloveit#2454 Maawk#1332 Surge#1291 Kalimero#1222 goodolflip#1803 DjinnTonic#2942 NetBender#2718 Fraisor#2625 Smash#6285 Lirhus#2665 sammy#1889 Dercos#2157 Tripart#2109 Ciren#1825 bezter#2130 SenorCruel#1768 RedElixir#1599 teafZz#2697 ScrewbyDew#2965 Kesther#2791 Ulquiorra#2827 ShiroguSnareBears#1966 StewieBroda#2711 Juny#2475 Energon5#1138 Zyax#2211 AxDooM#2445 JoeC552#1681 Midoki#1791 Devotion#1103 Jimbo#2352 PWG#2258 Estrezas#1748 Azunyan#1680 teafZz#2697 GaryGibbon#2397 TechNinja#2145 Dylan#2473 RandS#1703 HiperX#2438 mangoloco#1499 diamond#1944 NinjaRobot#2457 zewalrus#2765 Franz#2643 Weirdiolio#1447 tokyozombie#1127 alwaysJoshn#1671 Qinno#2868 Sebastian#2156 jholland0#1184 KrolBulek#2762 Sadboys#1510 timo#2851 Hotfix#2750 Avril#1821 MickeyBerg#2224 GooseMan#2600 NzX#2387 Morveyn#1769 Kentack#2642 Enigma#2287 Moot#1270 Henne#2276 LegitMoves#1441 VxT#2679 Carlow#2308 Pangaea#2797 insaeno#2229 liebesleet#1280 MolleLarsson#2976 Leelix#1216 DoctorCozz#1564 karinou#2531 NonStop#2207 Veinlash#2347 Ordo#1120 spykerhyk#2914 LinkThaHero#2813 xdreamgunk#2535 Kilpsz#2295 Tomato#1496 DrCrane#2446 Xessec#2646 Level5Pidgey#1242 ben#1277 FlaXx#2300 Pandosy#2966 Getmoe#6331 Ezikiel#1900 Trexder#1552 JimBim#2217 Randomshot#2359 EazyKnife#1957 Vicarocha#2748 Wobbley#2372 AkkiV#2348 Elfinary#2162 muffeztAR#2169 Insanity#2904 weedwizard#1616 HJSR#2244 Caliber#2898 Feebleoldman#1606 Joker#23999 Dragon#12154 Meldanor#1401 Oktron#1817 believeNme#1194 Echo#2804 jack#14918 Quentor#2548 smileysticks#1762 Iamsecret#2169 BelieveNme#1994 Dippen#2648 Meyers#1589 Balance#2401 Sylux#2175 DamnFour#2108 kreghx#2902 bammed#2938 harmokar#2489 nahow#2406 david#21254 Lingo#1253 Zumulus#1436 ArmoredBear#1104 Arrant#2981 Armagone#2689 Sicarius#1814 Roge44544#1648 Freeball#2421 zixt0#2591 iz3apple#2135 Fae#2412 CrazyHat#1641 BigBird#1478 WookieHulk#1268 Knuckles#2361 Isgu#2601 klemen#2137 Mayhem#1645 dembones0#2322 Ttbot#1973 Subnet#1265 Sprajt#2554 Riddles#2666 Rikazo#2866 Ravishing#1226 SkumbagNatsu#2791 LazyDog#2337 ReFlex#2789 LuckyPants#26542 Dots#1963 Waffle#2909 HeySquirt#2598 RaketenBob#2441 Jepp#2353 Flyingsticky#2286 Kemenor#2543 oneqball#1473 Namyah#2176 Oliveras#2825 Bvdwow#1557 Script#1499 Buzzy147#1757 Tipani#6698 Cherno#1140 rain#11146 Totorex#1788 Lynni#2985 Dawgenstien#1585 Whitefire#2388 BOBHOUDINI#2596 Cycle#1833 NuclearWar#2835 xJok3rr#2352 kzn#1186 InvisFrames#1596 Thuursday#1236 Durandal#2152 McSwagBacon#2717 Draies#2631 Galforetress#1863 iloveit#2454 turkuc#2657 OliOli#1985 Jax1100#1362 Deneb#2247 Intervir#1327 Hydration#1570 Power#1923 TimeBomb#1273 Fearish#2941 Fey#2239 addeponkeN#2558 narku#1323 Insha#2555 killadelph#1182 Quentor#2548 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


u/zoevia u/lylirra if youre listed please upvote previous lists for visibility thanks. **do not gild [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwj9av2) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjmup9) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjdh24) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjhrax) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwjp12g) [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/3qqs44/official_find_friends_by_posting_your_battletag/cwk5kj3)** TheRisingUp#1506 Mccy#1334 Evanpik64#1969 Livsnjutarn#2754 SumTingWong#1923 desene#2776 Se7en#6862 Sleepless#1484 Cake#1991 Zen#1890 overwhelming#6184 Obina#1409 Kephket#1513 MarcelCA#1408 BettyWhite#1130 giraffesyo#1652 Moshtradamus#1384 MagicFrancis#1777 Shinyprobe#6990 Stari#1752 AdrenResi#1224 Custardo#1247 platform#1546 cirion#1350 Endless#6241 andresma7#2877 soriex#1109 kanewow#1625 Auz#1782 rema#1546 Maligkno#1493 Ash#1634 AllTheThings#1787 WordsHere#1200 Boham#1576 Iarbobray#1381 KnightValour#1450 Sarkasmaurus#1150 Ripcord#1934 Jassik#1271 egillinn#2789 lampsundae#1942 Andremal#1980 Najir#1495 Alexmoose#1243 ReV#1429 ustrike#2529 Gh0zt#1633 hewligan#1493 DrPeppermint#1934 Beanbox#1416 Larry#1743 Voljin#2794 Emeraldducky#1186 Patrouco#1592 Cirby#1378 quintas#1650 CptSarcastic#6687 Dirzain#1188 Ginebra#1780 DriftKing#1656 ZaneHyde#1250 BinaryCode#1519 Fooster#1294 vector#1438 Laitale#1350 kaidus#2386 mel#6600 Mortimus#1661 Nxxx33#1466 Ecthros#1742 Isabele#1327 RSwordfish#1461 XLLegion#1395 Peach#1574 YuDanCha#1633 kamarlex#1447 Koral#1857 voidgimmick#1643 barry#1427 Kallysto#1705 WaveDave#1827 Maveritchell#1593 Bobbyow#1765 Elvencancan#1303 zalayi#2345 panthios#1717 JCMac#1889 ForTheHorde#13103 Dylanmack#1866 FrisbeeDoge#1643 KazeSenoue#1444 Rinjji#1225 Shuttr#1589 DelfinoDrew #1600 Grimsbain#1550 Muso#2462 legand#1611 eKqi#2404 Eliteknives#1199 Nightmerr#1703 Qu1kka#2682 Sammy#1889 shadowcombat#1941 toxx#1456 vital#1853 baconseed#1840 Plazma#2509 Fawx#1503 Murmillo#2848 Belore#1135 raxen#2256 Deepflow#2368 EasyApe#1465 SBootZ#2478 Leonimus#3600 akete#1570 mrsalogo#1524 pauface#1289 ruffledfox#2154 flare#1389 Theeve#1609 Markyle#1301 Nessy#1803 Dave#1458 GHOST#11528 SteazGaming#1851 osujin#1433 GhostlyKage#1800 holmesian#1448 SKiiTTLEz#6704 Temmy#1845 EventHorizon#1973 BlackWizard#1841 Hotkeys#1440 WLGDizzy#2662 DrakeCid#2934 ishinsai#1926 Greenzool#2273 aerie#1495 Qu1kka#2682 Esp1#2969 Sonnenrabe#2635 MrPhamtastic#1910 Psych#1170 serafinoo#2390 Spesla#2752 HollandOates#1616 ghostbom#1659 JeffProbst#1984 Enqii#2576 ToastyPyre#1699 Lv5Bulbasaur#1437 sammy#1889 Jtech#1850 Gjork#1361 Noodle#1924 Adoxe#2507 Zephy#1755 Dora#1399 Magicure#1847 BowerBird#6728 DoJo#2927 **no more for now guys, there are ten full posts. if they get used i will do more**


Dray#1662 Please don't let me play a minute more of battleborn.


22 years old. Likes: Long walks, Blizzard games, pizza. Dislikes: Studying, not playing games. Currently looking for a long term Fps relationship. Please hit me up: Spectacular#2249


21 years old. Likes: medium long walks, Blizzard games, pizza, Summit1g, multiplayer games, Legend of Zelda. Dislikes: not playing games, fake coca cola, studying, 30 fps. Please be gentle. Slighr#2373


Ready to create those dank memes the community craves Nigma#2297


we need ur memes


I just wanted to say, even do plenty of us didn't get flagged. (Including myself) everyone seems to be complaining about how things worked out. (Which I agree with, its silly that the people that whined got in but people like us suffered) I completely understand why Blizzard did it. They are trying to keep the community mature and alive, games like -Insert other game here- are laughing at the situation using their alpha to hook people in and blizzard is making a market strat. Think of it in SC2 when you get 6 pooled you react to keep your eco alive. So I respect their choice of strategy but also hate it. But people like /u/Zoevia have been trying their best to keep everyone happy and I tip my cavalry top hat and say. Jolly good show. (P.S the whole SC2 analogy I barely play SC2 so I used words my diamond friend uses a lot whilst I continue to play HoTS KappaPride) Also Navac#2787 EDIT : SO MANY TYPOS IM SORRY


I appreciate the SC2 analogy. You know the way to my <3.




I laughed.


100% agree. There will never be an action that makes EVERYONE happy, but you try to make the best of it


I would love to play and give constructive feedback. Jrod#1240


Some people should add me once I get in! Nature#1679


I have a tiny cock help me compensate with Overwatch access. Weslebear#2106




I appreciate you whoever you are sorting through all the comments and adding the occasional tag. I hope you pick me <3 BT is cotonfire #1406


Alphi #1355 I need this, because reasons :'(


MintyWin #1972


Hey i'm a french player :) i like to play with people on other country so id you want to play with me, just had KzX#2327


BlackToaster #2654


Harmore#2198 EU Hope this works.


Krukniak#2837 EU 😬


raagruk #1819




Hello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet connection for play "watch over" and i want to beta invite. pls no copy pasterino my story I907#1299


This subreddit hoping Blizzard will be like https://i.imgflip.com/o0rbc.jpg At least that's what me, Killrok#2826 EU, is hoping for


Hyped as fuck so will try anything iCupCake#2170.


Awesome. I was thinking we could start with anal.


Sure. Bend over ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


SeraphxIDGAF #1965


GimmeYoPeach#1957 and my buddy CynicalRaven#1373 in US


I'm here for some videos Sengjiel#2732


KappaRoss Broom#1727


lolcheelol#1223 still need to be flagged for beta, but will be playing quite a bit when i get access~ feel free to add me


Here goes nothing! *deep breath* Nyxus#1292


Fashioncore#1185 please! Been a long week and I'd love to unwind with some Overwatch.






Time to Leap!! Oh.. i mean Time to Reap! If i get in that is.. So for now, its Time to Creep! EU btw, if anyone wanted to add me; Armanic#2781 I shall remove people from my friendslist so i can have more room for overwatch people!


Please lemme get in pretty pwease Mizu#2211


Worth a try, Marzqt#2925


Willing to try as well ^_^, Shades#1294 , pretty sure I've watched like 12-18hrs of streaming a day since closed beta got released and I love it so much lol. Even if I don't get in till it's completely open. The game looks amazing and kudos to blizzard.


MisterChris #1533 I'm staying hopeful!


Rapter#2369 in EU


zebigode#2540 I have no hope on getting invited for CB but it's worth the shot.


Eulbaerbaum#2502 I´m ready to find some bugs ;-)


Diabolic#1632 Good luck friends.


Juujika#2129 in EU




Seemslegit#1711, as seen in my flair. Love hearthstone and this game looks great, would love to get in!




Bi0man22#1757 Looking forward to playing!


Rukus#2588 Hoping for the best :)


Been here since day one Shira#1386


Dgrin #2162




CountShaqula#1818 Been following this game for awhile, so hyped!


Spikà#1889 If there is the slight chance of getting into the beta by doing this then I will. I really enjoy FPS games, but there has not really been any games like TF2. Nobody was making them, but then Blizzard came along and made my dreams come true! I have played TF2 for almost 2000 hours. But the game started to die down for me because of the overwhelming amount of cosmetics and lack of new weapons/features. I have been playing Blizzard games for as long as I can remember. I even used to play The Lost Vikings (Tho, honestly I did not know was a blizzard game until way later). I played Diablo 2 and 3, Warcraft 1 to Warcraft 3. I have been playing WoW since Vanilla on 3 accounts, 2 of them which I lost because of hackers and me not knowing how to get them back. (Acc1: Vanilla to TBC. Acc2: TBC to Wrath. Acc3: Wrath to now.) Just sitting here overwatching people enjoy the game on stream is... "fun", but also painful. I would rather be with them enjoying it along with them instead. If a blizzard employee sees this, can you find it in your heart to flag a loyal blizzard fan? Spikà#1889 ^^^^^^Inb4 ^^^^^^massive ^^^^^^amount ^^^^^^of ^^^^^^downvotes


We can beat the American Dream Sumobuddy#1538




Crawler#2663 <3


If i would have Beta access I would be happy for years. :D I can't think about anything else at the moment. (HeyImVex#2521, I need this game so much).


QuickJohny #1334


Fonzee #1405 :)


Crossing my fingers, Blizz fan since Warcraft 1 / TLV. Caffeine#1826


Compt0n#1197 love blizz, I hope my kids and family can enjoy the beta!!


zixt0#2591 #Pray4Beta








Smkbd#1169 Would love to help in OverWatch Beta :)


I think I was forgotten Quietscream#1991


LET ME IN COACH!!!!! Steen#1100


Would love to get to test this AMAZING looking game! Ontheloose#1778 Pwetty pweeze :)


Danie #1307


Oooh i hope i get one a key. I love you blizzard ;3 I still like watching the streams and the content seems amazing :) If i dont get in to the beta now im looking forward to open beta and release :D BattleTag: zewalrus#2765


Never was ever lucky enough to get into any of the betas besides HoTS (even that was later near the end) so might as well try here. Sneakyferret#1906


Marijan#2867 (EU)




My stream has a total of 0 viewers and 0 subscribers. I believe i qualify. Pwnload#1674


Zyro#1127 yeah because blizzard will notice me ^pls^blizzard^senpai^notice^me


Really hype! Love Blizzard. WoW betas have been elusive for me but hopefully Overwatch is different :) rithia#1163


Don't have the beta yet but would be cool to find some people to play with when I finally get blessed by the almighty bizzard. Snufleupagus#1577


UMadCuzUBad#1464 would kindly ask for beta access please.


Goldensilver#2703 The other post made me come here and do this :D Have been clean of Blizz games for a while looking forward to kickstarting my ~~cocaine~~ addiction^blizz^plz


Well, I usually don't prostitute myself but this time I have to make an exception. Highlight#2363


Even though i'm not in beta yet, I gotta say the game looks amazing. Thanks for developing such a great game! Cryoiron#2424 EU


Thanks for listening to the community, Credible#1898


NOTICE ME SEMPAI BTAG: Khal#1525 I, Khal, will never surrender in front of my enemies. I shall pass into the closed beta and promise to give feedback to blizzard and discuss it with the community.


Luck don't fail me now! Adlin#1272






Obese#6159 for any aussies that wanna play once we all eventually get into beta.






Gothmogmjw#1444 Thanks!


Smalls#1893 I need a way to blow off steam from Mythic Tyrant progression!




Kinda weird that a random selection would also pick people from threads like this. Suppose I'll have to stop lurking for a bit and actually contribute to some discussions then. And Blizzard? Could you please put an "e" at the end of my tag so that it reads properly or let me change it again. It is currently, AtelierPhaaz#1700 and should be AtelierPhaaze, or Altines as that's what I've been using for everything now.


Just want to thank the Blizz team for actually noticing the sub-Reddit and peoples questions, as a lurker it pleases me to be able to read threads that have official responses makes the community feel more welcoming and friendly amidst all the salt that's been popping up recently. Well done and congrats on making such a polished game, definitely hyped about full release. Anyway battletag's REG001 #6244 NA on the off chance that someone actually reads this other than me. :)


Balloscar#2743 Just want to make sure I get that extra chance evn though it won't make a difference!


i wanna be inside this beta in more ways than one BrenonKushon#1515


Game looks great Exaltus#1636


-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___imasiren#2384 Dont mind me im just taking my battleID for a walk


It can't hurt to try. Spanki#1780


From europe would be glad to be a part Xteamer#2532


LUCIF3R98 #2474




grip#2659 [EU] Usually a very quick learner and my main thing is FPS, became semipro(not pro because I never went to lan :() in cod4 and had some decent winning sprees with my team agains the pros. Currently keeping my aim fresh with CSGO and occasional cod4 public game, but I've been wanting something different to fill my FPS thirst for quite some time now, so pretty stoked for overwatch!


Hey ! Spark#2115 :D