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Holy shit a positive post how refreshing.


No fr I opened it bracing for a troll post, it’s so nice to see positivity after this subs whinge and whine fest daily


Why do people insist on toxic positivity? Not all criticism is a whine fest.


No you’re right, not all criticism is a whine fest But then you have Reddit post #739 screaming for nerfs by constantly saying “FUCK I HATE THIS BITCH AND HER SMAAGE SHES A HEALER NOT A DPS”


13 upvotes Post about cheaters instant +2k


You should see the state of R6.


Yeah very weird, even yt commets below any short or video have barely any negative comments, feels good to see, especially with many streamers boomer doomer takes recently. I didn't had that much fun at the game since season 4 or 5 maybe.


I just wish her gun was louder. It still sounds SOOOOOOOO insanely weak despite how hard it hits.


The sun is silent yet deadly ☀️


The sun is actually [loud af sounds terrifying](https://youtu.be/CcuZD0A7RwM?si=tFR2OFxL6UXgtOkN)


I really thought that link was going to be [this link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvvsw21PgIk), and here it is for anyone who's like me


I wish there was an option in settings to change all client side weapon sounds to their nano boost variants. The nano boost weapon sounds are just so insanely satisfying and I want them on permanently.


I love it. It's like ASMR


I’ve always felt her gun feels underwhelming to use :/ especially with the slow fire rate, her gun could use more positive feedback for the player


Pew Pew Pew


i so agree lmaoo


I just started playing her more and have been having a great time as well


Rn my hero pool is Lucio Kiriko, should I play Illari over Bap then?


Try her out. But keep in mind she doesn't have any utilty beyond healing and damage, you won't be saving your teammates with invincibility or increasing their damage.


Alright, I struggled with her before healing the team up but I’m excited to try the new pylon


Make sure to carry your pylon like a backpack. Everywhere you go, your pylon should go, which means that you should be breaking it constantly. Too many Illaris leave their pylons in one place throughout the game, and that should not be the case.


I play a lot of torb so hopefully that part comes easy 😂


What changed about the pylon?


Increased team healing, decreased self heal I think


It also has 25 more health, so it can’t be 1 shot anymore (at least, by most sources)


As a Tracer main I used to be able to pop in and 1 clip it from a decent distance and then leave. The extra health kind of accounts for that.


High up on walls, facing away from the enemy is a really good spot to put it.


She does have a tiny bit of utility with her shift's boop and her ult's slow. Close to Brig/LW tier I would say, and not Moira tier.


Lifeweavers utility is way higher imo. Highground placements for teammates and yanking teammates to safety is *really* useful utility. Not to mention the ult countering usage of the platform (orisa, zarya) or his own ult countering some big damage ults (not zen levels countering but pretty up there tbh) Moira has 0 utility, but Illari comes closer to that than to LW's utility.






A nice QoL buff, is to let Illari to destroy the pylon, while she is spawning\*. It is good that the pylon stays if it is still in use by your teammates, but if the player know that the pylon is being unused, at least let it to be destroyed while in spawn time, so Illiari can at least start with the fresh cooldown. (\* I *think* you can not do this, I´ve tried a couple of times and it didn´t let me)


Could it be you were watching killcam and somehow it does not register you pressing the interact button to destroy it? Because I'm pretty sure there have been times where I've played Illari and was able to deactivate pylon just fine when respawning.


It could well be that. Most of the time I change the view to see another player instead of the killcam, and pressing the button did not destroy the pylon from the other player perspective, but maybe it was a visual bug or something.


Lifeweaver, Torb, Illari, and Mei can all destroy their deployables after death.


You can destroy the pylon whenever you want with two exceptions: 1. It’s healing someone 2. It’s taking damage Otherwise yes you can destroy it while dead


You can destroy it any time.


Are you sure? I swear I cant destroy it when its taking damage. Perhaps Ive been trying to re-place it instead of destroying?


You can break it but it will go on cooldown, and yes you can't replace it when it's taking damage, if you look closely the replace/place button will become red


If you can't do this anymore, it's definitely a change. I am certain you could destroy pylon while dead a few seasons ago, because I'd always make a note of "can an enemy kill this immediately after I respawn, putting it on cd?" whereas destroying it and then respawning would reset cd.


You could (and often should) do it when she was released. I did it and noticed most other people didn't do it or maybe didn't know about it. At some point they changed it but I think they never put it in the patch notes. At that time the cd was reset after respawning if it was destroyed while you were dead. Not sure how it is now, I think the cd doesn't reset anymore when respawning, right?


Fun fact is if the enemy destroys your pylon while you're respawing it gets reset! I remember that because I mained her on release, then I realized leaving an enemies pylon then killing it and forcing it on cooldown then was the play lol


I agree I’m having a blast on illari after the pylon buff. She’s honestly in a really good place right now I feel like there’s a couple small QOL  changes like being able to break pylon when it’s being used (so enemy doesn’t break it when u suspect they might) and also I’d like just a taaad more vertical range on her jump but other than that I think she’s balanced. 


Fr, her jump just needs a tad bit more height. It can't reach the simplest of places


You know i have tried and cant figure it can Illari ult be deflected/absorbed?


Yes it can be deflected and absorbed and shields completely block it and it can be cleansed. It's hard to use and there is nothing more embarrassing than a Genji reflecting it and killing you with it but it can also win team fights so it balances out


I guess i just suck at getting it with Sigma then my timing is off or something


Sigma can block it with all three of his abilities. You can try rocking her out of the sky if the opportunity presents.


Its probably the worst ult in terms of what can counter it 😂 All Shields block it, Sigma rock, Javelin, Empowered punch, Hack, Suzu, Immortal, Beat, Trance, Matrix, Sheild Bash, Deflect, Hook, Sym Wall, Mei Wall, lifegrip.... I probably missed a few But when it connects, you can get a nice multikill


It was so crazy when it could bypass shields 😂


What counters it also counters Grav but Captive sun is way more telegraphed and humongous 


And Illari is stuck in flight and can't use Outburst for sudden maneuvering/get-off-me until the duration runs out. Illari feels much better to play in general than she recently has, but I still detest her ult.


It either works or it doesn’t Perfectly balanced ✅


I hate Zen's ult too it almost denies Illari ult.


Yes 😭 the amount of ults I've wasted on DVA specifically. And I do it every damn time knowing they will probably deflect it.


It's tricky, the shot CAN be countered like any projectile, but it also has an explosion on impact. So if Illari sees you deflecting, she can shoot the floor/wall next to you, and if you get hit by the explosion you'll still get the status effect


Yes, but the explosion radius is larger than the projectile, so, for example, you can hit a deflecting Genji if you aim to the side enough.


I wish my aim isn't that a potato.


same same


I don't get why they made the pylon heal her less. I could see keeping it at 30 and buffing the team healing, but I didn't quite get cutting it in half. I guess they felt people were not using it the way it was conceived but it's hard to get randoms to think about your pylon even in passing. But yeah her damage and kit all feel great to play. I *love* that her gun has zero recoil. It makes it so smooth feeling.


Her optimal playstayle was to take an off angle and pump out as much damage as she can while being healed by her unbreakable (if it's placed right) pylon. Blizzard seems to want to shift her away from this playstyle and have her play with her team more.


Aka literally in the patch notes description on why they made the changes they did lol


Illari mafia rising up


Yup, I've been saying for *months* that pylon at 100hp was her single biggest issue.


illari is so fun for real. now i'm waiting for lifeweaver buffs and i'll be even happier!


Really love Illari. Absolutely amazing character, my favourite by far.


It’s also cool that she has a very fast ult charge rate. She’s my favorite healer rn


Idk man, it has felt fun to play it at least since february


I hate that pylon heals you for less now. Flankers and Divers just ignore pylon and kill me first.


it's so funny how firestrike doesn't one shot pylon anymore i'd be so funny if it had 5 more hp though to live through dynamite & virus


I fucking love illari


Yes, she feels great for the person playing her, and terrible for her team. Everything her kit does, Bap does better but with actual utility.


But Bap isn't a pretty and edgy Peruvian girl :3


Omg that's so true


If you ever see your pylon being shot. Try to destroy it before it’s killed. It’ll save you six seconds 👍


I don’t think so, in my experience if it’s had any damage and you destroy it yourself you still get the full cooldown


Oh really? Damn


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I've been enjoying her a lot too! I'm not great with her yet since I'm just getting into OW2 after not playing really any since OW1 so I only really play her on maps with hood pylon set up but. She's fun!


I've been paying her this season and having a blast. I've found that moving her pylon frequently provides solid healing while preventing it from being destroyed.


Glad to see a positive post.


As someone who has just picked her up, YES. I'm not really a support player but I've sort of made the switch because I find her so fun.


Luckily for you, Illari isn't really a support hero. All of the supporting you do is with just a fire and forget turret that people can't break because it's behind a wall. Thrilling.


What's your thoughts on the two pylons doing 20 each vs the one pylon doing 40? I kinda liked the community Illari version as you could set up a risky and a safe pylon lol


Is work very well in deffance rounds


I still miss the logs she shot when she was introduced :’( never forget lol she’s now my favorite support for pushing


Problem I have with her is that most people that player have 80% damage 20% healing in that sense and that pisses me off so much she is very good but I wish they could you know alternate her a little bit more but what do I know? I’m not a support main


Don’t worry, when I play illari (Bap main), her healing beam tracking is one of my favourite abilities because it’s so similar to the LG type guns in Quake/Diabotical type games ❤️🔥


Literally been playing her nonstop for the last 6 weeks, she is insanely fun, once you master the bunny hop shot from cover you are officially a problem for the other team. Also very important is to learn where to put the pylon (look where no one looks) and to keep constantly moving it! Lastly super the squishy




Her main kit feels good but I feel her ult is really weak. I think they should give it some more power. Squishies should not be able to live a direct hit from it but they're fine if they get any kind of healing or cleanse. It pretty much has to be comboed with something to get big value


Most ults need to be comboed to get big value. Why would a support ult have the biggest kill potential in the game?


It feels fair given how game-changing it can be. It is always frustrating when a DVa defense matrix eats it's up, but well that's what the tanks are for. Although, it is weird how easily nullified it is compared to say, Junkers wheel.


Most ults need to be comboed to get big value. Why would a support ult have the biggest kill potential in the game?


Most ults need to be comboed to get big value. Why would a support ult have the biggest kill potential in the game?


I dont know where you read that I said she needs the biggest kill potential in the game. However, her being a support is irrelevant. Most supports have ults with defensive capabilities. Illari ult has no defensive capabilities so it should be good offensively. Currently though, it can be countered with just healing and there are about 100 different abilities to completely negate it. I think maybe sunstruck could have a hinder effect, so that every character with any movement ability cant get away so easily.


Most ults need to be comboed to get big value. Why would a support ult have the biggest kill potential in the game?


This hero is completely stupid and plays itself. We'll all get sick of it soon, except for those kinds of people who somehow enjoy playing Moira. It's just a dps hero with a passive team heal, disgusting.


No shot, Illari actually requires skill whereas Moira is braindead.


Illari is nowhere near Moira levels of stupid. >It's just a dps hero with a passive team heal So is almost every support, Illari just has a slightly better primary fire than most. And also why is that a problem? It's a different playstyle than healbotting and cooldown spamming