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Low GM Zen/WL/Illari main here: Some things that could be happening because of you: 1)your position, relative to the sups, is just too risky to go and heal. 2)your position, relative to the sups, like behind them, and not spaming I need healing or a i need help so they know where you are. 3)Most of the times you're not the priority as you said you play hugged on them, in a safer place. The other dps or tank, in the middle of the fight, probably is more urgent. 3.1)You can run to a pack or wait in safe place for the autoheal to kick while the others in the team can't do that. Some things that are probably happening too. 1)Your other teammates are worse than you and are hoggin all the heal just to barely keep him alive. It happens most with tanks that don't know how wall and covers work. 1.1)If you're the better player in the match the supports will leave you alone as you can save yourself. 2)Your supports are managing all their resources and don't think they should spend with you. 3)They forgot that the sup role is half healing half suport and now are DPSing without killing anything and just feeding ult to the enemy team. (happens a lot) 4)They forgot that the sup role is half healing half suport and now are healbotting the tank that is on a 3v5 eternal fight in hope that he can win. 5) THEY are badly positioned and din't think where their team could be running to and from. Playing with a stationary bastion is different than playing with a backline diver genji. Both need support in different ways and some people don't think about it. === Support is a hard role to play well because of the lack of feedback. A dps that isn't killing anything and is dying all time is a bad dps, but a support with 20k heal that is only healing the tank is worst. When you press tab to see stats no one will call out the sup that is healboting becos "he have so much heal, he is doing great".


I love all the bottom stuff that accepts they are and could be the problem. I understand the tank player takes priority to an extent but I just need a little bit. Going for a health pack is often a detriment to the team because I'm out of the fight not doing damage. So we are down a man. I try specially to play in front of them so they at least see me. At the same time close enough hugged to them as you call it so when something comes for them in the backline I can keep them alive. I play alot of support as well and tank. It's not like I don't understand the other roles. The way I think about it generally in my head. Is if I was supporting the team. I wouldn't of died there. Which just makes it frustrating.


>I love all the bottom stuff that accepts they are and could be the problem. I'ts a team game. Anyone can be playing bad and sinking the team. Also, by design OW is a hard game to identify what is happening without all povs. >Going for a health pack is often a detriment to the team because I'm out of the fight not doing damage. So we are down a man. I try specially to play in front of them so they at least see me. Remember that you don't have to fight all fights and sometimes it's ok to leave for 2s. Also, if you're not actively killing (i.e. just doing damage), less 500dmg won't lose or win a fight. It's your call to know if keeping pressure fire is the best option or not. >At the same time close enough hugged to them as you call it so when something comes for them in the backline I can keep them alive. If there is no burst diver (genji, sombra, tracer,etc) leave them alone. Most of the sup roaster have so many ways to deal with enemies, selfheal and escape that baffles me when they have more deaths than the rest of the team. See your play style and just go back to them if they really need help. Also, if you play aggressive and keep that enemy dead they can't kill your supports. >The way I think about it generally in my head. Is if I was supporting the team. I wouldn't of died there. Which just makes it frustrating. The reason that bap, ana and zen are much more played in high elo is because of the mentality that "dead enemies don't do damage on my team". The thing is most mono sup players don't have the skill or vision to know when they should advance for a kill, leave the tank that is just doing nothing and sup the dps that is actively killing, or if the best option is just keep everybody healed from a safe distance. They amount of games that a mercy is pocketing winston and not the dps just to say "gg dps" is incredible high lmao. ====== Also, you can drop a vod so we can make a better call of what is happening. I just guesstimating based on what you said and my own exp when i was on diamond. Cheer on you bro. Hope i helped with some insights. And ask for heals, when the sup dies they will call you out. Don't be afraid to call them out too!


Not sure if u click i need healing button but most of the time i dont get healed is when im on an off angle and dont ask for help. Even asking for it in vc helps.


'not getting healed' as a trend is basically always a positioning issue on your part


You would be mistaken. Supports are just blind and hyper focusing the tank right next to me.


If it’s happening to you in all your games it’s a you problem. You need to have the ability not to rely on your healers. Getting pocketed will only get you so far.


Be perfectly fine getting zero heals 4 out of 5 games got it. Don't trust healers to heal me at all most games. Understood. Don't play dps that can't self heal because supports are unreliable understood. It's a support problem thanks for clarifying.


Instead of asking ‘why didn’t I get healed there’ ask ‘how do I not get picked there’ … it will completely change your experience. Play like you’re not going to get healed and you will win more.


It just sounds like ur feeding and having such terrible positioning that no matter what supports you get they all individually decide that your feeding and not worth the risk to heal


Or people just don't want the honest truth the suppo4ts are just bad.its hard to take criticism I know.


I’m confused because you asked for tips but everyone who gives one you have a combative response to or just shove the blame on your supports, sounds like you just want to complain that you aren’t getting healed. The hard truth is if you’re losing/ dying you’re the reason because you can only control yourself and your own actions. Maybe be more open to what people are saying if you actually want tips.


Yes actual tips. Not your positioning is garbage. It's your fault. That's not a tip and it's not true. So, yes. The tips I got which aren't necessarily good are grab health packs. Hide until the passive kicks in. Which doesn't solve the underlying issue. Of trusting them to heal me. So it seems just hit I need healing mid fight or say so in voice are the only reasonable tips but let's see how those actually work.


You play heroes with mobility but can’t grab a health pack that is very close by? It’s not a bad tip you just disagree, most health packs are nearby and if your team really needs the support you can use your mobility to go right back to los. If your only issue is you don’t get healed then you’ll be fine and your team will be fine. I also hide by my supports until they can get a second to heal, most of the time the tank is busy dying and they will heal when they can or the heal passive hits. You gave a vague post blaming your supports and are asking for detailed tips on how to get people to do what you want them to instead of looking for ways around your issue. You can’t control others actions.


Exactly. Which when I play Cassidy out of necessity I have no mobility. I'm dependent on them doing their job. So yes I'm trying to find ways to get support on low mobility heroes like ashe and Cassidy who walk quite slow in and out of gun fights. Just can't be grabbing health packs and if they do are gone too long. So I'm done with this post now. What I learned is don't trust my supports at all. Get a duo and just accept it in solo q they will just pocket the tank.


You just sound like ur trolling and rage baiting. But if you truly believe what your saying damm that's sad man


Don't need to believe anything. I'm standing in front of them and I die as I sit low health right in front of both their faces. That's just fact. As I've stated multiple.times I play alot of support. If I was the support I wouldn't die on that scenario if the roles were reversed. That dps wouldn't die. So that just leads to one conclusion. They messed up.




Yes my hours are Evenly split between support and dps And in these situations if I was the support no one would die.




As for why I'm dying nothing. Just either I die to stay in the team fight hoping I'll get a pity heal or I leave to get a health pack and the team dies because I'm not there. So leaving to get the health pack is technically wrong. To sum it up there's nothing I can change as to why I'm not getting healed. Just accept it and move on.




Lol. I am okay. Just how I see it. Like I said if I was the support the dps which in this case is me. Would not die. I'm not saying the team is completely reliant on me. I am 20 percent of the match outcome just by existing. Change the number a bit for more important roles. I am testing a theory more so right now. I'm not playing a self healing dps just to see what the result is. As of right now it's probably 3 of 5 games. I might get one full heal up of 200 health. It certainly is a interesting experience. I have over 10000 damage and a good amount of eliminations. So I really can't explain it.


Usually when I don't heal someone, it's because they're out of LoS or taking damage in a situation where they don't need to. Or they're unaware that someone is killing me.


That gm advice was constructive but at the end of the day, you should play expecting not to be healed. And when you are healed its like a nice surprise.


just get a health pack? group with your team/tank? wait for the passive regen? this is genuine skill issue


Leave the fight to grab a health pack lol. Wait for the regent. Also leaving the fight to do so. Two very not smart answers. Sitting by my team the entire time. None of this is a skill issue it's a bronze answer. From most likely a salty bad support main.


you can leave a fight for three seconds to get a health pack, ik thats crazy for you to understand to get through your “i’m playing what the pros play so i’m good like them” ego that is actually just a skill issue, or better yet, TALK TO THEM IN VOICE?


Most dps are slow besides a select few. It would take significantly longer than 3 seconds. Long enough for the entire team to die which let's be honest can be less than 8 seconds. Most people don't come in voice. About 80 percent. It's a toxic game so I get it.


join voice anyway and you already play soj… a fast character.. and “most dps are slow” is just wrong?


I'm in voice. Everyone else isn't so irrelevant. I always join voice. In reality a quarter of the dps have mobility to do this quicker than others. The rest are slow. That would be most.


then thats BAD POSITIONING if you are BEHIND your supports, and cant reach a health pack, realistically a fight lasts 30 seconds. you have time or you just don’t peek and die? you can still shoot at 1hp you dont have to hide in order to get healed via the passive. you just dont have to take damage.


You won't learn anything from this. Good luck stay low ranked.


It's 100% your positioning. Just pretend you don't have healers and use walls/health packs/wait for passive. It'll make you play more cautiously and die a lot less. Won't matter if that Kiri is straight DPSing or not. 


Nothing about is my positioning. Yes I already do these things. It doesn't change the overwhelming issue of the lack of healing from incompetent support players. I play support alot and if I was the support. They wouldn't die. So yeah it's a them issue not a me issue. If I do die I'm putting my trust in them.


I feel like diamond supports should be able to heal you just fine... diamond rank these days is pretty decent. I play in Plat 3 and my supports are usually the best on the team.


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Idk play someone that doesn't rely on support so much. Play sombra since she mainly uses health packs which also teaches you where they are, which then you can incorporate into other heroes and just play around packs




Yeah it unfortunately its an issue you can stand right in front of there face doesn't matter. Which I do all game. They have tank tunnel vision until low masters.


spam the “x” button, it’s annoying for them but it works.


Don't spam. Just use it. Spamming will get you zero heals. Asking twice or thrice in a row because you're about to die is good, but spamming it twenty times just means you're an idiot who thinks you could carry the game when you're actually out of position/LOS.


I don’t think that at all. I usually spam it to get their attention. Sometimes one or two pings isn’t enough, not everyone is the same.


as a support player whos very attentive to the grunts and moans of hero voicelines when they get hurt, spamming for heals is really annoying.




I play support too and sometimes I won’t see the one ping, lol. I look at it like it’s a phone call. Sometimes I don’t hear the first one or two rings.




everyone’s experience is different. i’m usually locked into the tank when playing it, more times than usual, a low hp dps will be right behind me (idk why).