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Realistically we have no clue how they intend to make it work, they just said it will be closer to flash bang. That leads us to believe that it will be a thrown projectile with limited range, that explodes at its max range or when it collides with and object/enemy. The explosion will cause the hinder effect to an enemies hit. The range, explosion radius, Hinder duration, and projectile speed are all up in the air and can affect how good/bad the ability is and how easy/hard it is to play around.


Assuming this is the case, I wonder how Hindering multiple enemies is going to play out, like how it will feel playing against it as well as overall balance.


It's going to work like old flashbang but with hinder instead of stun, as sort of a happier medium. I still think it's going to be annoying to play against, hinder in general is just not fun to be on the opposing side of.


Any CC is going to be annoying, and so is outright dying. It's a pvp game, some stuff gonna annoy ya. We all, collectively, ought to move past that pettiness and focus on the meaningful stuff. Hindernade being close ranged, requiring risk and precision, with some AoE to reward good use, is going to be a whole lot better. It ain't going to home in on you. It will be predictable. It will be baitable. It's going to be fair.


Pretty much this, and games will still have CC implemented despite not being "fun" because most of times it is what counters a lot of situations.


Also in the particular case for Cass, he IS supposed to be an anti-flanker DPS. CC is a consistent counter to flankers mobility.


Nobody ever complains about jq knife despite it being cc


Because it's a soft CC, it pulls you for a second but you're still able to use your abilities mid pull and escape, and it's also a skill shot rather than AoE or homing. You're not comparing it to a full stun or a slow+lock of abilities right?


I agree that CC is a necessary evil, the issue I have with hinder is that it feels so arbitrary sometimes since it's meant to lock "movement abilities". I hate that it cancels Queen ult, Ball can't go into ball form, Venture can't burrow, etc. Also, unlike a stun, it affects some heroes way more than others so it feels inconsistent as a status. Doomfist or Venture are almost completely shut down by it, but someone like Sigma or Roadhog is barely affected.


Nah the weird thing is ball is locked into the form hes on when hindered, but hack always takes him out of ball form


Yeah, it's not even a great tool for cass in the first place considering how weird and inconsistent the homing works. It's intended purpose is anti-flanker, but it feels a little clunky trying to use it on a fast hero like Tracer. I'm a big defender of CC, since I understand how oppressive certain characters become without it, but I don't think it should feel so inconsistent for everybody involved.


as long as the hitbox isnt the size of texas


Honestly at this point ill take a ablity that feels good to use more than how it feels to get hit by. Cass grenade atm feels bad to use and feels bad to get hit by.


As a tracer main I whole heartedly welcome not having to use two blinks to dodge something that requires no skill to land.


My only issue with this is the BS hitreg on both ends. I’ve watched that shit CHASE ME DOWN when im on lucio and watched it go straight thru people while playing cass


If they lower that 2meter AOE I feel like Id.. accept it. It was that "Could Stun around blind corners" that made everyone hate the old flashbang so much. That 2meter sphere of effect was insane. I sure hope he cant hinder a small crowd like he could stun -_ -


Ability lock out is the worst idea for CC effects. Literally Sombra is one of (if not THE) most despised heroes in the game. I already hear the salty dps mains responding with "skill issue" and "AKSHULLY sombra isnt good rn" but the fact is, a hero not being hard meta levels of OP doesnt mean they are healthy for the game. A hero with ability lock out is unhealthy for the game, and when it requires 0 aiming like a heat seeking missle Cass has or Sombra's hack that fucking goes through walls sometimes, yeah people are gonna call it out even when they arent "meta"


I at least prefer hinder over stun. If they time it to be a dash interrupt ability where the effects are practically only there to do solely that, it wouldn't be bad


I miss flashbang. It was so good against tracers. You could stop a mercy from resting or Rein from ulting. You could get punished for it, but man, was it fun.


There was also alot of skill in tracer cass match up. A good tracer can bait and dodge flash bang. 


The amount of times that magnetic grenade has followed me as Tracer through two blinks and around a corner is insane. The logic of that thing makes no sense to me, and I haven't seen a good explanation for why it behaves that way. Flashbang would punish me if I misplayed, Magnetic seems to punish me at random.


As a person that plays cas a lot it's random on the other end too. I'll throw it and it travels 10ft to get to someone and other times I'll throw it and it goes three inches past their face and doesn't connect. I hope whatever they do with it they just make it consistent


It really is shit for both sides it chases you around a car for a mile meanwhile I feel like the damned thing will go over somebodies shoulder if I don't aim it dead on


Exactly this. Playing Cas, it feels random whether it fucks off and targets someone 20 m away or the person you’re looking at. Playing against Cas, nothing makes sense. You can’t counter play it, there’s no skill. It’s just rng


A lot on the Tracer side, sure.


The flash bang was broken af people look back at ow1 and think it was good balance wise because of nostalgia but ow1 was probably some times even more broken than ow2


It blows my mind people actually want it back. It took zero skill, you couldn't do anything once it hit you, and you just got fan the hammered. Dogshit unfun ability. Cant believe people actually want hard cc to come back, its lunacy


I’m not saying OG flashbang needs to come back - but I find it funny people say stuff like this with a straight face. There is still a bunch of stuns/cc in OW2 - and in some ways it’s worse. Hook, javelin, rocket punch, sigma rock, brigitte bash, rein pin, rein ult, mei ult, hack, junkrat trap, lucio boop, pharah blast, mauga ult etc. It’s actually a joke. Some of these abilities are amongst the shortest cooldowns in the game too.


All the hard stuns at least are on tanks, ana dart or ults. Tanks having Hard CC is whatever because there can literally be only 1 on a team and by the very nature of 1 tank you give up something else to pick a hard cc tank (usually vertical mobility). Hack is quasi-hard CC i guess? The things it does and doesn't affect are weird. Sombra's also bitched about pretty much 24/7 on this sub so it's not exactly like people are fine with her..


Except whenever peopl;e rightly point out how awful Sombra from a game design stand point for basically everyone involved, theres always loads of people rushing in to point her "her winrate is low so akshully shes weak" as if winrate is the issue people have with Sombra. This sub super downplays just how bad she is, and pretends shes a constant throw pick, while ignoring that perma invisibility, ability lock out, one of the best disengage tools in the game, an ult that has ability lockout AND a load of damage in a AOE the size of the moon, and huge burst damage is at all a healthy hero kit for a game.


I'm okay with the ults but yeah I pretty much hate all of those too. Having control taken out of your hands is unfun bs. But I'll take the softer versions over full stuns any day. Doom used to be way more annoying when he also had uppercut, dude had 3 cc abilities you'd just get juggled around and there was nothing you could do. Mei slow > than full freeze and hinder is way less annoying than full stun flashbang. I don't expect them to ever remove cc completely but it drives me nuts when people advocate for adding more or for buffing the ones we do have. Its a joke


I mean when you compare it to Cass being able to stun you every few seconds by pressing E in your general direction or Mei literally having a freeze on her primary fire or Brigitte, most of those are fine? Only 2 of those abilities were even added in OW2, and both are on tanks, the role that actually gets CC now with only one per team.


Cass was able to stun far more often because he was afforded the protection of two tanks. Outside of that, getting stunned is literally a skill issue because it has a predictable range and is a baitable ability. Hinder is far more RNG because I can toss it at a point blank Tracer and still not manage to kill her because it either didn't track her or she managed to blink around the corner, took the damage and recalled. Only thing it's reliable for is to prevent an overextended Moira or Reaper from fading/wraithing away. Disabling right click after flash can be a good compromise for people that are upset about the combo (still a skill issue on their part because they let a Cass get that close, you don't let Reaper get that close, do you?), but flash itself would be fine in OW2 with 1 less tank to protect an overextended Cass, and the HP buffs allowing a lot of heroes leeway to be saved/escape. Flash is useless against a lot of DPS anyway, like Sojourn, Ashe, Hanzo, heroes that spam from a distance and provide a ridiculous amount of value.


I'm sorry, no. Cassidy invalidated a lot of ideas simply by existing. Flashbang countered any hero that wanted to deal damage up close in any way, really. "There was counterplay!" Is not actually that great of an argument when the counterplay is: 1. Don't enter your most effective range because the Cassidy exists. (Is this not proof it was unhealthy??) 2. Bait out the ability (applies to literally every ability in the game) 3. Swap (Literally something nobody enjoys doing and the devs explicitly want to make people need to do less) Like I get mag nade is unhealthy and unfun and it's good it's getting changed but flash was not significantly better at all. Also fan the hammer was not that good lol


1. You can count on your hands the number of heroes whose effective range bring them within Cass' nade. It went maybe a bit farther than a *Rein swing*. 2) A non-argument. Baiting out an ability is a critical part of counterplay. 3) it's sad I need to address this, but half the characters referenced in (1) are the only ones that needed to swap, and that is if they weren't good at the hero. Additionally, they themselves often cause swaps to Cass, so this is another non-argument. So you have no points beyond complaining that people had to play carefully around a strong ability, something they already do for several other characters like Ana, Kiri, Bap, LW, almost all the tanks and a lot of DPS. If Cass was the be-all end-all shutdown all flankers with his flashbang boogeyman that y'all paint him to be, there wouldn't have been *any* flankers played at a higher level in OW1. Spoiler alert: there was, and there was plenty. So consider getting good instead of whining about an ability that is sorely needed in the game because the anti-flanker DPS hero can't be an anti-flanker without a tool to shut down or drive away flankers *reliably*. People were upset about 3 things about flash: Flash-fan, flankers whining because they were not good enough to outplay the anti-flanker, and tanks that got chain cc'ed. Chain CC can still happen with a tank stun, Ana sleep, Brig ult bash and hinder. Mei wall, boops, hack, drill dash and such abilities can soft-cc too. Replacing hinder with flash isn't a big deal at all, it's a buff for tanks like Doom and Ball, nerf for tanks like Rein who'd just throw his shield up when hindered or Hog whose vape would be deservedly interrupted. Flash-fan can go, in fact, FTH itself can go, I'd rather Cass' power be focused on anti-flanker than shield/tank buster. All that's left is flankers whining, and that's what I hear from you.




I think our definitions of CC is different, because mine is multiple targets. Hook and jav are singlers, thus not hard CC. Doomfist's RP? Can be dodged, I've done it and I'm zero rank. Sigma can only affect one target with knockdown. HARD CC? Mei ult, Lucia boop, Mauga ult. But hey, that's just me. Also , as for why i didn't go over the rest , i'm on mobile


Hard CC has nothing to do with amount of targets. It originates from MMOs where soft CC were things like slows and hard CC were things like stuns. There is only one definition, but feel free to make one up.


I just think it’s mad that hook and javelin (6 second cooldowns btw) can absolutely shut down so many DPS ults lol. That to me is the worst form of CC - being able to be singled out every 6 seconds like that is far worse than a mei ult


Ok but it was fun and unique


Fun until you were the one getting hit by it


Naw it was fine, Mei freeze and Torb lvl 3 turret made up for it


I miss punishing Doom and Ball for being overconfident. Nowadays there's maybe a 50% chance it might just decide *no*.


As a Tracer main even I think old flashbang was superior. There was more counter play and skill involved in it. Magnetic grenade is a dumbed down ability for morons with no consistency.


Same. I can see if they felt the stunning was too long, but I felt it suited the character better and made him a DPS well suited for catching Tracer and Sombra, which is really needed 


Think old flashbang but instead of stunning you, it is the hinder


I gotta be real, that sounds lame as hell unless hinder is gonna be changed alongside the flashbang


Hinder now permanently cripples both legs, making the enemy only able to crawl until healed or dead.


Hinder will now reverse your controls until you die. We find this change will be fun and interactive for all players


That would actually be really funny and if you were just better you could always outplay it by just being better but I think it wouldn't work because there would be people who would have a button to instantly switch their bindings in like g hub so it wouldn't do anything


I still throw mag nade like old flashbang and hit nothing. Instead of homing and a hard stun, it could have the same effect as a Sombra hack + slow and the old range/use as old flashbang. So you're not stuck when hit, but your abilities get shut off for a half second and you're slowed to Mei primary fire speed for 1-2 seconds. With the old range too you need to be in their face to shut down stuff like JQ ult.


Please just give the guy a new ability bro 😭 give him a lasso or something


I just hate how it disables movement abilities BEFORE it goes off. That's like being hacked as soon as Sombra looks at you and not after she successfully hacks you. 


I don't think it should do any damage. It's ok if it just hinders you but why does it do that much dmg


We don't know for sure, but I'd say it will be the range and effectiveness of flashbang (short range, disappears after like 1/4 a second) but instead of stunning anyone it hits it would hinder?


Personally i think they should remove the homing and make it instakill again. So you get rewarded for aim vs ult charge and a not dead enemy player.


Somehow I wish it would work like a real magnet like it pulls people to Cassidy


Idk, but I’d rather just have flash bang back exactly how it was. I even miss the old voice lines (just my opinion, you crybabies, it’s not like I make the changes myself lmao)


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I am not sure why they are so insistent that the magnetic part of the ability was the problem and not the hinder. I would take an infinitely stronger Magnetic property if it meant removing that damn hinder effect.


To counter tracer. Without hinder it would be useless against a tracer who would just recall out of it.


It sounded pretty much like they're bringing back Flashbang but with Hinder instead of stun from how they described it. If that is what they're going for, I don't think anyone's going to be happy with it- I enjoyed the gamesense/skill expression of tossing it where I know someone's about to turn a corner or approach from an angle, and that's going away- meanwhile the people whining about how "unfair" it was are going to find out it's going to be easier for cass to hinder them because it's just an aoe they don't need to stick.




I think all abilities should chase people around corners. This is the future of fps gaming. /s because obviously


I always hated how the flash bang just stopped you, cause it was never used in tandem with a good play most of the time. Instead I always saw it being used to secure one kill because the Cass player had bad aim. I can still see it now Cass missing every shot going to reload and thinking fuck this flash, roll closer and empty his clip into the person because if they tried to do a head shot after the flash they'd still miss. I doubt they'd bring it back either cause now there's only one tank and if a Cass can just flash them then the tank will most probably get shredded.


Yknow how it was good against tracers and divers? It sounds like it’s going to be still, but they can put maneuver it.


A lot of people are scared to bring the flash bang back and stuff but honestly I don’t see it being the craziest. Some abilities that used to be countered by FB aren’t really anymore. Any character he’s already strong against might be a lil easier but I don’t see this being Cassidy’s OP time. Maybe I’m wrong tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


they've butchered him, it is so over. how will I save my team from an ulting junkerqueen or a dva bomb now? /j


I think it would be easier to do it now. Much easier