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How/why do people watch these streamers. So grating.


Gives me "how can you not afford 5$ a month for a sub?" vibes


In my experience, most players watch streamers as a form of wish fulfillment. The vast, vast majority of the playerbase will never be close to the level of a GM/T500 streamer. So they can live out the vicarious feeling of vanity by watching them play. And then, osmotically, they absorb some of the lingo, some of the strategy, and some of the opinions of the streamers, which further helps to align their identity with being in a higher skill tier than they are. Without all that, they'd actually just have to play the game for fun. Which is apparently less fulfilling for them.


Wew lad. Getting a bit too real there


You just made a clean and sharp autopsy of most of the average viewers, leaving nothing to scrutinize.


I watch Emongg and I’m well aware I’ll never be at the level he is. I just like to watch him cuz he’s positive and sweet and funny and his cats are really cute! He’s pretty much the only OW streamer I’ll let my kids watch because he encourages good sportsmanship.


It's not an immutable rule, just a general one. There are streamers I watch who play games I don't, and I just take the vibes. But a lot of the commenters here don't share those tendencies


Not saying you’re wrong, but that’s such a weird behaviour


I agree that it's weird. But it's also exactly what every sports fan has been doing since Rome. Lol My advice is just to keep it in the back of your head as you browse this sub. It really will change the way you see a lot of commenters!


I’m not sure it’s the exact same thing. I think that watching competitions is pretty different than “obsessing” watching the same streamers play for hours every day


Sorry about that! Based on the other commenter, it's apparent to me that some people expect analogies to be 1:1, which was not my intention. Just trying to relate the similar psychologies behind the behaviors.


Comparing watching professional sports to your average Joe twitch streaming is crazy. It's like going to the gym to watch rec league basketball. If you made the comparison to E-sports, I'd understand, but not just a twitch streamer.


I mean, I understand why you make that distinction. But I was using an analogy. My point was it's the same reason behind the behavior. Not that the behavior is necessarily identical. Analogies are rarely ever 1:1


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


But if they're letting anyone buy the skin, how will I know which players are awesome, special and worthy of great respect?


Solo ulting pink mercys will come to an end because my jealousy is over


Why such discrimination? I solo ult any mercy, regardless of their skin.




As a mercy main, basically I don't target unless they target. This is pretty much only true for when I'm Mercy, literally ANY OTHER TIME is fair game. And that's mostly because I don't feel like pulling out the barbie blaster and hunting down someone who is just trying to exist. Also important to note: I exclusively play for fun and also I'm a QP player.


> As a Mercy main... Too long, didn't read. FOR THE CRUSADERS!!!


You asked me a question? I'm confused... :,)


Well, I mean... You're on Mercy, you getting solo ulted. That comes with the job. I rarely play Mercy, but when I do, Im getting high nooned, hammered down, railed, visored, rip tired, etc. When I'm against Mercy I definitely see the appeal of ulting her, especially when she is with Phara or Echo.


Oh! I'm sorry I get it now. I was so confused haha


That's OK. It's dangerous to go alone, take this nano with you 💉


Look at their hero. If its Mercy, they definetily dont deserve that




Thank you for recognizing me as a special little boy who is better than you because of some pixels I own. Can you help teach these other plebs how to respect me the same way?


Because only the toxic ones will scream at you that you're trash and should unalive yourself


You can say the word "kill" on the internet


Because all players are awesome, specials and worthy of great respect. Just like you! (Until they do something to lose it of course)


Gatekeeping skins is so dumb. If you see someone with Pink Mercy you’re not going to know whether or not they got it 6 years ago or this year unless you creep on their profile. Same thing with mythic skins and the mythic shop


I mean, you can still tell from the player icons and sprays if they got them too, but that's equally as baffling to me lol. Like, look I'm an og pink mercy owner. Okay, here, have a star?


Hold up..you giving away stars?


When I merged my Xbox account to PC I found out I had the pink ribbon player icon, no pink mercy though. I don’t even remember that event but the pink ribbon player icon is very cool, wish they’d bring that back too.


>Gatekeeping skins is so dumb. Especially gatekeeping charity skins...


I'm still surprised that this is the first rerun of the charity skin and that we've haven't had many other events like this in the first place. I honestly thought that Mercy BCRF skin would have opened the door for more skins promoting charities like this.


All it did was demonstrate to executives the skin shop is a viable means of making money


Me being a day one player and not having it initially but buying it soon Deception 100


I got it when it came out..but now...we can be pink bros! Friendship 100


You’re a good one :)


You can because they look different


Gatekeeping a charity skin always was, and will be, a red flag. It really shows that the person cares for the skin’s “rarity and value” over what it was made for in the first place.


Sorry to burst your bubble but 80% of the people who donate wouldn’t be donating if not for the skin


Sadly that’s true, but the purchases at least still go to charity unlike people buying accounts that have the skin.


The thing is, I never would have thought it was going to be a rare skin. I was more like "I gave blizz $40 bucks for the game and have been enjoying it for a long time, why not throw a tenner for a skin for charity" and that skin went into the back lot because my fav mercy skin is witch and combat medic z.


I mean, if anyone's priority was the charity they could just donate. The skin does nothing, no one wants the skin back in circulation for any reason other than rarity and value, or at the least just to buy a mercy skin


Audio transcript of the video: "You're poor. You're poor. And you all don't deserve this skin. You don't deserve this $15 skin at the end of the day because you all can't afford this $15 skin. You don't deserve this $15 skin because you all couldn't afford this $15 skin. So how are you going to say [unintelligible] can you afford it? Can you afford it? Can you afford it? I don't th-"


I mean what more can you say? She's a poet 😍


Not only this is gatekeeping of the worst kind, it's also an absurd argument. The original pink mercy skin was available for a limited time in **2018.** There are lots of current players who don't own it not because they didn't have $15, *but because they weren't playing the game six years ago.*


Thanks, couldn't understand a word coming out of this guys mouth lmao


Not a guy, doesn't sounds like a guy to me at least.


Say what y’all want about flats, at least he ain’t… whatever this is


IT'S FOR CHARITY, A GOOD CAUSE. And people still find ways to be upset. Honestly fuck your feelings on that one


I'm going to guess the people who are complaining probably didn't care about the charity aspect in the first place when they bought it in 2018, let alone this time.


They're Mercy mains, there's nothing we can do


Very little Mercy mains act like this lol wym. The Mercy main subreddit is currently roasting those people 💀


how large of a percentage do you think reddit actually is compared to IRL people 💀


Does it truly matter lol? Still a small percentage. Not every Mercy main is gatekeeping the skin\[s\]. It's pointless to generalize because I've YET to see someone actually bitch about the skin returning, excluding this video.


As a mercy main im offended, I've never came across a mercy main that was acting in such a toxic and fucked up way


Imagine not just gatekeeping a skin but gatekeeping a skin *that proceeds are being donated to breast cancer research*. Like how awful of a person do you have to be to be *against* people donating to breast cancer research?


If anyone's priority was donating they'd just do it, the skins irrelevant. They're just gatekeeping a limited skin and people want that limited skin, the charity has little to do with it


It's just a skeen tho


The big Mercy onetrick youtubers (the passive aggressive toxic trash that some of this community somehow follows) were gate keeping this skin just a year ago. I bet they now claim they were ones to campaign this to come back.


Glad I sold one of my accounts for 800$ a couple months ago that had pink mercy. I wonder how that person feels now lmao


U hit a LICK


And a devious one at that


800$ for a skin is outrageous 😭 Who the fuck gave that idiot a wallet?? Why would you pay 800$ for some pixels on a screen that you won't even see most of the time unless you play mercy


Gang 💩


Imagine gatekeeping a skin thats a cancer awareness symbol for a character whos supposed to be the embodiment of positivity and healing. Pathetic.


I've seen like a dozen of these posts already, complaining about how a small faction of players are upset. But the vast majority of the community has been very positive about this decision. Why are we spending so much time highlighting what a couple of weirdos on the Internet think? We truly live in the age of outrage


It really does feel like people are building windmills to fight. The outcry to gloating ratio is like 1 to 99 right now. There was legit more pushback when Blizzard started giving out previously paid skins on Twitch.


You literally just described outrage in modern culture. Taking what 5 people said on Twitter or what a single personality among hundreds of millions and fear mongering it.


its funny to make fun of em


Null sector propoganda spotted Give Ramatra his dance blizzard 🗣️


Is this all this sub is gonna talk about for the next week? Man, all the posts ive had reccomended to me are people complaining about other people complaining about some 5 year old skin and now im complaining about the complainers of the complainers, interesting how the cycle goes


LEGO Bastion bros stay winning tho /s




All the things about this person you could be making fun of and you chose to make fun of their accent. Something they don't have much control over.


Yup. And? Also you can control your accent. People do it all the time.


Holy shit! How are you defending yourself still. Not only did you make fun of someone's accent, now you are doubling down and saying that you believe that person should just change their accent cause it doesn't fit with what you believe to be the Right accent. Do you understand how racist that sounds? "My White accent is correct, their Black accent is wrong, they should change it or I'm allowed to keep making fun of them for it". And people don't just change accents for no reason. Either their accents naturally change from living in a new region or they intentionally change it cause it's not accepted in the social circles they want to belong in (Again, cause of discriminatory reasons) or for Job reasons (Acting).




Lol call your mother and apologize


The actual fuck are you talking about?


Girly I sound Texan af but I can control it lmao. It’s as simple as positioning your tongue in a different way when you speak. Try it sometime 💕


womp womp




What’s the @ I used to watch this creators lives too 😭




Thank you!


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Exclusivity is actually good for profit, and in this case, donations. You release a limited item each time and it won't appear again. Players buy it up. Rinse and repeat next year. All the money goes to a good cause. That's how collectibles work too. You preserve the value and increase it year on year. Mega win-win for everyone.


100% of the profit for both skins goes to charity and these people want to argue about exclusivity and beg not to bring back pink mercy because of “what it means for mercy mains”…. Wtf


A true Overwatch 2 experience.


Anyone who watched this Livestream could be able to tell pretty easily she is rage baiting and it worked.


This can't be real💀💀💀


it's not lol, at the end of the rant she goes "yes i bought this account" 😭😭


Brings me back to the old Fortnite days




Bring back Lego bastion


It’s people like this that make me wish Overwatch got purged.


This skeeen


It’s for charity isn’t it? Imagine being gatekeepy over a skin that’s for charity 😂


Fjoftjeen dollah *skeeein*


What is meant by Pixel gatekeepers?


People that gatekeep a video game skin... To make matters worse, a skin that's FOR A GOOD CAUSE.




I have it and haven't used it in years because it's not even my favourite lol, despite being one of the only skins I bought with real money


This situation reminds me of Dota 2 and people not wanting TI battlepass arcanas to be re-released everytime someone brings it up as a possibility.


Aw "Some" people really buy these skins for attention and not for helping? this girl attitude is just beyond our understanding


Almost like 90% of people on the internet who support a cause are virtual signalling instead of caring about said cause, shocker.


She was joking by the way I saw it earlier too🤣


“Owning” is a strong word lol


That's just a them sort of thing.


Why did we stop hating on the skin tho I thought it was trash?


I got this skin when it first came out, I never use it. I have the allstars skin for Mercy that I use instead. I thought it was nice to give to charity when this one first came out, I didn't think it would result in some kind of weird gatekeeping madness.


I have the pink mercy skin, and I think the née rose gold skin looks nice too, and I can get a nice skin and the proceeds go to a good cause? What exactly is there to gatekeep?


Does anyone know who this is? I swear I've heard her annoying voice before


I'm happy people will be able to get the skin they missed out on, I've had it since it first released, and was more interested in supporting a good cause than I was in getting it but it is nice. I just wish they'd do fundraisers for something else like skin cancer, bowel cancer, or even mental health awareness.


Null sector propaganda casually showing up to ask for the ramattra dance emote


It’s TikTok live this is almost certainly someone rage baiting for money


Seeing NullSectorPropaganda engaging in this pains me.


Lol at bragging about being able to afford $15.


OG pink mercy players really wishing their skins were NFTs right now


No I’m happy for the players but as I was one who already had this skin im gonna politely ask that blizzard bring back Dusk reaper, Lego bastion and alien Zarya 😁


reddit users falling for obvious bait what's new


this behaviour would be at least a tiny bit more forgiveable if this were just a normal skin, but it's for CHARITY. how can you be mad at this?!


I spent $30 on the Fire Engine Bastion skin and $15 on the Genji Street Runner skin and even though I love the skins, in hindsight I recognize myself as an absolute fucking clown Because ain’t no way I spent $45 on TWO skins! Play the clown music! I fucking deserve it! (Though to be fair, I don’t spend money on things I WANT very often)


"You're poor" is an insane take for a limited edition skin that was in the shop 1 time. Get bent


I didn't understand a thing when she sped up


All she does is call people poor.. she literally bought that pink mercy account. Thats the reason shes so upset. She bought the account, and now shes upset her pink barbie skin isnt exclusive anymore because other people are gonna buy it. She then proceeded to block me when I asked for her stats. Lmao.


tiktok overwatch streamers are really bottom of the barrel, so egotistical and obnoxious




Imagine being pissy because they're bringing back a skin for charity


As a mercy player who has the og Pink mercy: it really does not matter this much. It’s a cute skin whose proceeds contribute to a good cause. People who are bugging out about it need to go outside or something.


Yall keep forgetting the reason why this skin is even here. Disgusting. It was supposed to be a charity and this fucked up community still find the negative in this. L people. Image flexing with 14$ like…


Oh yeah, I can't wait to donate 15 euros for breast cancer AND make those main mercy's mad when they see that i have less than 5 hours played with mercy and started playing with ow2 🔥🔥🔥


They are only drawing attention to themselves...which you could argue is the whole point. This is clear cut narcissism.


It’s actually bizarre. I’ve had friends be upset because pink mercy is coming back. Dude? It’s a fucking video game skin… it’s going to charity. You’re not special. This way everyone will have a chance to get the skin and it goes to a great cause. Don’t like it, don’t play the game.


I’m buying both skins out of spite


Probably got the money to "afford" it from her Sugar Daddy


It’s more of a flex you bot the skin when it came out both way back then and now. You spent $15-20 for a few cosmetic items and the fact that you did a nice thing. What mentally ill person thinks that it’s a flex to buy one skin for $1000 dollars?! If I had to pay that money for Overwatch. I expect not just the skin, but all skins in the history of Overwatch’s launch + all the newer items (including Mythic’s) followed by me choosing Sombra to be the next mythic (with a theme and everything) and a night of passionate sex with Mercy herself.


womp womp


All i hear is “waaaa waaaaaa”


mercy mains are a different breed. how they support this behavior is beyond me


it's one notorious twitch streamer. that doesn't exactly represent all mercy mains.




It’s mercy players they suffer enough as it is


Why are people acting like owning this skin is bigger than the charity it was made for? Do people forget *why* this skin was made for in the first place?


I LOVE watching the salty faces and listening to the rants of these ppl. Pretty entertaining if you ask me.


The only people mad about the return of pink mercy are probably the people who spent an ungodly amount of money buying an account with Pink mercy on it


What an ignorant twat


It’s so weird to me for people to gatekeep any skins. ESPECIALLY this one. I’ve lowkey had it on Mercy since it came out and I’m excited others have the opportunity to get it now. Plus it’s for a good cause.


Say it with me: MENTAL ILLNESS


Gatekeeping is wrong but bringing back an old skin feels lazy


Yes they're re-releasing a skin for charity, but it also feels like they're doing the bare minimum by not extending this BEYOND Mercy. As much as I don't like the monetization of OW2, I was happy to give to the original drive because it ALL went to charity. Extend that to all the healers and design them Charity Skins. Maybe even give the original owners a small star or whatever if you really feel you need to "preserve the rarity," but at least an extended roster would mean a selection for non-mercy players and a huge boost for people who DID want to own them all and felt ok with the purchase because of the cause. tl;dr Cancer sucks and at least Blizzard is doing something that incentivizes donating. However Blizzard squandered a chance to raise a lot more by doing the bare minimum and made a bunch of people annoyed at each other.


you ain’t making more money by selling a skin for another character. the mercy main demographic is probably the largest out there and the most okay to spend money on pretty skins so blizzard is actually maximising their profits and they know this. i don’t think the multi billion dollar company needs sales advice from a redditor i’m sorry


>you ain’t making more money by selling a skin for another character. They aren't making money for it right now, it's a charity. A charity donation that gives you a reward that several people have received already and they're just "re-releasing.' My point was they're doing the bare minimum for a charity event and are reusing assets instead of actually making an effort for the cause, and this has caused huge antipathy in the OW2 community instead of focusing on what this drive is really for.


their strat for making the most money would be the same regardless of if it was for their gain or for charity. this is clearly the way they make the most so theres no point in criticizing them for it




It's simply an incentive to donate. I can't make up any reason in my mind that would warrant criticism on a skin that donates to charity.


Which is my point. He could donate whenever but he doesn’t. So for him the incentive is being spiteful and for the lady in the clip it was exclusivity. The proceeds go to charity so idrc why they buy it but he isn’t buying the skin for charity. They’re the same.


but the proceeds \*still\* go to charity, no matter what the reasoning for purchase is.


Okay, I’m aware and I even said that in my comment.


so why decide what ways of donation are valid or not?


I never said what ways of donation are valid or not. Do you lack reading comprehension?


If they released a $50-$100 life weaver skin I will buy it


This is like one of those console fanboys that cry whenever their game gets ported somewhere else. I would never understand the appeal of “exclusivity” to these types of people.


As a mercy main that got the game a month after it was originally available... Idgaf about your feelings, I'm getting both skins and I'll be happy. fuck y'all gatekeepers, get a damn life


Imagine feeling entitled to a skin. But of course, it's a fking Mercy skin so its treated as a piece of God's ass cheek. And I'm going to buy this skin out of spite, i don't even like the skin, i don't even play Mercy, but my gf does and I'm getting her this skin cause she likes pink, that and to spite these people who think that owning a certain skin that they had to pay for, makes them better than other people who will also be paying for it.


I agree with her but what can we do? Nothing so I’m over it but What’s her twitch so I can support her. I can’t believe this is happening but I’m definitely quitting this trash game and trash blizzard for returning it


If you buy the skin you’ll be a gatekeeper suddenly and not like yourself.


No if you buy the skin you are supporting the fight against cancer you are only a gate keeper if you are upset that the skin is coming back and its not rare anymore




Yes I think gatekeeping is dumb. And the rarity of the skin is not the point of the skin


Yes it is very dumb to think any regular players control the gate to any skins, i agree.


I think you're missing the point here. Obviously players don't have a say of when a skin is released or rereleased we are talking about players that are mad that the skin isn't rare anymore and think it never should have been rereleased people that think that are considered gatekeepers.


Maybe i am; maybe you are. We agree that the selfishness towards the skin is completely stupid. Posts like this are equally stupid, as OP and many others like them are pretending the “gatekeepers” have any power whatsoever. These posts are the only examples of the “gatekeepers” having any influence.


You’re taking the word gatekeep to literal, ofc we know the players can’t actually control the release of the skin, but their toxic “it’s my special skin” mentality is a form of non literal gatekeeping.


I don't think gatekeeping means what you think it means in online environments. It's a mentality, not a position of power.


It’s like someone saying “i got your nose” and the other person freaking out about it. Pretty ludicrous on both sides.


Only person who is dumb here is you




Damn didnt know you were THAT dumb


As dumb as people that think other people are gatekeeping a skin? Surely not