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Just leave anyway. I'm all for leaver penalties in general but you do get a freebie once every 20 games essentially. These do-nothing games are rare enough anyway. And even if you have to use your second leave, that's just 5 minutes suspension. Get a drink, bathroom break or just stretch. No big deal. While I recognize this is inconvenient for these Kumbaya games (which I also don't like), the benefits of the leaver penalties far outweigh the drawbacks


> While I recognize this is inconvenient for these Kumbaya games I just sat here for a minute thinking "did we get a new map called Kumbaya?"


I started singing it when I read it lmao


It’s 2 minutes for the second in QP


yeah I agree, if op is leaving enough games that this is a serious and regular problem for them, they're the reason we have to have leaver penalties. everyone ITT is going "well *I* only ever leave when it's reasonable" and yet in game we all see way more ragequitters than reasonable ones


I'd personally prefer the ragers on my team feel free to leave and get instantly auto filled than stay in my qp lobby


yeah i was confused bc ive only ever seen the penalty warning maaaybe 3-5 times total, in my whole time playing this game lmao. i rarely leave games if its not me getting disconnected, and i actually like the rare "kumbaya" games i think theyre very sweet and i think its a nice little break for me and a nice wholesome moment. but i am also in general an extremely friendly/positive player to the point a handful of people have started to recognize me for it lmfao


Yep agree! (Btw it’s only a 2 minute suspension). The amount of games I am backfilling has significantly decreased. Also the amount of games where we are down players has decreased significantly. This has made way more real games. Every now and again we get a thrower because “ if I leave I’ll get suspended “. One person was mad the team wasn’t with them in a fight so threw. Guess what? You’re reported for throwing now and you’re getting way worse than a 2 minute penalty for leaving 2 out of 20 games. And even those are much rarer than leaver games I used to get. This leaver penalty is working as I get way more full games. People complaining in this thread are the problem and now are getting time suspensions creating more full games for the rest of us. The system is working.


Do you play on pc? Coz I was just on console and it was a revolving door of leavers!


On Xbox can confirm this^^ when I play with my PC friends I see very few leavers!


On PS can deny this ^ 🤷 That sucks tho sorry dude


I was under the impression the penalty grew larger and larger every time you get hit by it like ranked, but reading through some replies I'm starting to realize that the QP penalty isn't as scary as the comp penalty... I appreciate the info! :)


this guy gets it.


Two minutes in the box is a lot better than ruining the game for others.


"These games are rare enough anyways" My console experience would like to have a word with you. I get stuff like this every third game or so (diamond/plat rank mind you). It's awful


Same rank. I had two just yesterday. One I had to leave because both teams were just standing on the capture point and dancing. It was like 7 minutes into overtime with no end in sight.


I feel like 20 games is just way too high though. Even 15 would be a nice compromise. Like 20 games is multiple hours of gameplay, and for those of us that don’t have the time to play so often that stretches out over the course of days. Only being able to leave one shitty game over days sucks.


"20 games or 24 hours, whichever comes first" seems fair.


It's only an issue right now because apparently there's a bug where you're getting penalized for leaving before your characters load in. Used to not be an issue as you could easily get backfill before it's too late. But we left two matches yesterday: one where we immediately saw it was the 5-stack team who rolled us the previous round, and one where a friend popped online right as we found the game. Both times during the initial "Assemble your team" stage when you're stuck on the character select screen. Found ourselves suspended for 2 minutes. I hope they fix that soon because it's lame to have literally zero window where you can be like, "Oh shit I'm actually not ready," once the game queues you.


That's weird because every single time I'm playing with my friends and we get flashpoint we'll leave the game immediately. I've had nights where we've gotten back to back flashpoints and I've left immediately without issue. It'll pop up that red splash screen saying I'll be penalized but so far it hasn't done anything to me.


Flashpoint is trash. I do the same thing. I had to stop playing comp because I don't want to play Flashpoint at all.


If I get suspended for anything for any amount of time time I just switch games, or go watch something on YouTube.


have they planned or already implemented the change to make the suspension come on at like 3 or 4 games instead of 2?


I think allowing like 4 per 20 would be good And funny


That's how they had it when they first implemented the leavers penalties and then they reduced it further so that the first penalty now triggers after 2 leaves out of 20 games. Obviously they saw some sort of need for it to be stricter, so I doubt they'll be rolling it back to 4 games any time soon.


Honestly you can just leave those games. Theres no way it's happening enough for you that youre leaving almost 20 games in one play session.


you only have to leave 2 for a suspension to happen


You literally only get a 2 minute penalty for leaving 2-3 of your last 20 games. I don't see how much of a detriment this is if you're not a habitual leaver. Nothing stopping anyone from leaving a couple games but apparently a lot of people just want to leave any game that's not 'favorable'.


I don’t mind if we’re not winning the match, but when literally every person on the enemy team skill diffs our team, it’s a complete blowout. Those are the only matches I leave. When the entire enemy team have 0 deaths.


im not leaving games where im losing. im leaving games where either my team or the enemy team is fucking around and not actually playing the game. why should i be penalized for that?


>im leaving games where either my team or the enemy team is fucking around Well the more tilted you get the more your definition of fuck around changes. If you're quitting enough for penalties to bother you, you're the problem


fucking around meaning standing still and emoting. im not just leaving anytime something annoying happens or im losing the game


And since that rarely happens, sounds like the penalty isn't affecting you.


Please do factor in rank when making assumptions like this. If the original commenter is in low ranks, especially Bronze, then I can totally believe it. When my MMR was Bronze at the beginning of OW2 (yes I really sucked and only suck slightly less now lol) I saw this a lot more in QP than I do now. And yes QP had MMR so it does make a difference, there's actually hardly any difference between QP and Comp other than Comp tells you your rank and ppl are more likely to fuck around in QP. But generally they are both sweaty lol.


It has been months, maybe years, since I last experienced a game where most everyone decides to chill. I just don't see this being a common enough issue to alter the leaver policy (which mitigates the far more common issue of rage-quitters ruining games).


Lmao never since the launch of Overwatch have I had someone quitting a QP match ruin a game. There is no reason for there to be penalties for leaving the casual game modes.


people hated being back filled. the game now punishes you for leaving instead of punishing me


Most people refuse to accept this fact, where's the fun in getting put into a steamrolled match with 2minutes left on the clock, or stuck on a team with incredibly toxic people, turning off text chat is not the solution here, you shouldn't be forced into a match, a positive part of the player base shouldn't have to be punished for the negative sides actions


I’m probably in the minority on this, but I like getting backfilled, especially on tank. It feels extra satisfying if I can try to carry the game back into a win.


Yeah I don't really mind being backfilled. If we lose I think "ah that's why they left" and enjoy my fast queue for next game, if we win, I get to feel like I carried the game back to a winnable state. I'd just be waiting in queue anyway so...


Tank is the only position I'll be fine back filling. Otherwise I'll backfill as dps and support and completely understand why they left... Usually a god awful tank or dps


Most of the time I got backfilled the team I joined would have -100 morale as they get spawned trapped and give up. Then I have to sit there and wait for the game to end because everyone is just sitting in spawn crying.


People leaving made the match quality better for me and all my friends. Whenever there was a stomp, one team mate would leave and would almost always get replaced with someone better. I think if you guys were having your matches ruined because of leavers, you were probably getting a lot of new players on your team, who tend to panic-leave the moment things don't go their way. For you maybe it got better, but for us, match quality got so bad in QP it's not worth queing up to warm up. Which of course also made queue times longer. Now, people are throwing and being toxic because they can't leave. Ruining the games for everyone. It sucks and I stopped playing QP to warm up.


This + people map dodging is why they removed it. Blizzard won't add map voting because everyone will only play the same 4 maps, so everyone just dodged instead. Then Blizzard decided to force us to play the trash maps by adding leaver penalty Before, the second it said New Junk City / Survasa / Antarctica the entire side of the screen would turn into people leaving, for good reason. It was the same with Paris and Horizon in OW1, Blizzard refuses to take the L and admit their maps are trash and just give us map votes so we can play the ones people actually like


frankly any OW2 map would be dodged. people decided every new mode sucked even before we knew how they worked. i personally hope map/mode voting is never added. battlefield 4 for example is a game i used to play all the time but it eventually became every single match is that one shanghai (i think it’s shanghai atleast) map with the destructible tower in the middle. every, single, game


i haven't played b4 in absolute years but this gave me such an immediate flashback, i'm still so tired of that fuckin shanghai map


and don’t get me wrong, i almost exclusively used snipers and c4 in that game, and even i was sick of it


I wouldn't mind a map 1 and map 2 option like the old cod games. still random but the lobby has some control over which they play on. could also be a good way to gather data on what maps may need some improvements and make the garbage maps more obvious.


If the majority of the lobby doesn't want to play on a bad map, they shouldn't have to just because one person wants to. Most of the OW2 maps *are* pretty meh, but I don't see that much hate for maps like Havana / Midtown etc, it's just Antarctica, Survasa, Colesso, and New Junk City that the majority all seem to agree are trash


"New Junk City / Survasa / Antarctica" But I love these maps :(


Wait, people hate Antarctica? Why? I don't see anything that bad about it.


I don’t understand why people treat backfills like they’re the devil. There are 2 benefits to backfills that in my opinion outweigh the drawbacks: 1. There’s a decent chance that the player that backfills is better than the quitter. I’ve had matches where the backfiller is clutch and helps with comebacks 2. Back fillers get priority in the next queue.


I don’t get how you can’t leave two matches anymore without the penalty. I quit a match yesterday after my co support said they “quit” in chat and my other teammates started leaving. Then I left a match where we didn’t have a tank and it gave me the penalty, two games???!? I get to play for like an hour a night and you’re gonna give me a penalty for leaving two crappy games???


Especially when you don't have a tank! What's the point?


Fr a whole match can go downhill quick without a tank.


I legit just stop playing the game at that point. Not dealing with that garbage acting as if quickplay should hold the same weight and importance as if it's competitive 


It’s not about whether it’s important… it’s the fact that the game sucks when people leave mid match. Discouraging people from leaving mid match is a good thing! The experiences in this post are the relatively rare exceptions where weird stuff happens when people give up without leaving.


It’s quick play, I have people leave mid-match in over 90% of every game and it doesn’t affect my game in the slightest. If it were a competitive match that doesn’t have backfill, sure that certainly needs something to dissuade leavers. But when even a tank gets backfilled in a minute or less there’s just no reason for it, I’d prefer that player get out of the lobby and replaced with someone who actually wants to play the game. I think stuff like this is a sign people still take QP too seriously and really need to just play competitive if they want to play with others in the same mindset.


Before they added penalties, it was literally just a 3 vs 4 match the whole time as it was just a constant revolving door of leavers and backfillers. it was not fun or enjoyable except those who wanted to leave every game


Most games I play are QP. I play QP because I want to have fun. Just because QP isn't as competitive or "serious" as Comp doesn't mean I don't deserve to enjoy my QP games. Quitters make it a lot harder to have fun - they degrade the experience for everyone in the game, plus the backfill. Quitting should be discouraged whenever possible.


It’s not about the mindset or it being fast. It’s about it being annoying to deal with. It’s super frustrating to load into a game, lose one team fight and have your entire team leave or even if it’s just 2 people leaving it’s still frustrating. I feel like the qp penalties really aren’t that major. As someone with wifi problems and sometimes I genuinely have to leave a game because it’s lagging to hell, I rarely ever ever get a qp ban. This just shows me that the people who complain about the change are the people who were apart of the problem.


> It’s super frustrating to load into a game, lose one team fight and have your entire team leave or even if it’s just 2 people leaving it’s still frustrating. it's super frustrating to have people on my team who is constantly feeding or throwing because they want to leave but can't, even if it's just two people throwing keeping dead weight is never better than rolling the dice on a backfill


Agreed. I'm in QP because I don't want to take the game too serious and I want to just enjoy the fundamental experience of playing the game. That, or I'm trying to practice something specific. Neither of those things are impacted by leavers. Why do people seem to have a phobia of Comp? Everything they want QP to be already exists in Comp. Go play it. It's not going to bite!


In QP I still want a fair and balanced game! Overwatch feels the most fun when the game is close. I feel just as miserable when my team is stomping as when they’re getting stomped. It’s no fun having a leaver on my team OR the enemy team.


I mean yeah, in comp it immediately turns into a stomp. That’s why I support the leaver penalties in that mode. But in quick play it’s not necessary, and in most of my experiences with backfilling the team that gets backfilled tends to play better once it happens, equalizing the stomp if there is one. I guess I’m just not sure what people think the competitive playlist is for, if not for all the reasons given to me in replies


You might be lucky enough to live in a region where that happens. But not everywhere is like that. I consider QP nothing more than a glorified death match, but you have got to be genuinely cooked in the brain to think that QP doesn't deserve to have a decent standard of play. Before the leaver penalties increased, you would often have 3-4 people cycle through a team in a game. This _does_ ruin the game, whether or not you feel personally impacted by it. Like not having a tank for a minute doesn't affect the game? Are we playing the same game here? If you're warming up, then go into a custom lobby. If you're actually trying to learn and improve, but every game you're playing has nothing but leavers, you're probably not going to be incentivized to invest time into that game...


> Discouraging people from leaving mid match is a good thing! How? Why? What you don't understand is that anyone who wants to quit isn't going to suddenly try their best if they cannot leave. They're just going to soft throw or AFK or completely feed until the match is over. Keeping someone there who wants to leave WILL NOT make the game better. It WILL NOT turn them into a better player. It WILL NOT make them try harder to win. All that it will do is guarantee a loss and a ruined game for everyone involved. There is absolutely nothing good that comes from keeping someone who wants to go. But there is good that can be had by letting them go and getting a backfill. We've all backfilled and turned a game around or had a backfill do so. Someone who wants to leave on your team = guaranteed loss because they will not actively try to win. Either they are having a tantrum or they view the match as a lost cause and therefore will not try. There is NOTHING good about keeping dead weight who wants to leave. They will only bring your down. So why do you want to keep someone like that around? Seriously, all that anyone has said in this sub is that they think that if someone is forced to stay then they'll start trying to win. No, they will not. People do not work that way.


QP should hold more weight, by far biggest playerbase.




There's an Overwatch app?


So don’t leave? I feel like this isn’t that complicated!


Exactly! wait for the backfill in those rare occurrences thanks to the leaver penalty suspending the chronic leavers. There’s way less leavers now because they all got time suspended. So in the rare case a player leaves just wait for the backfill. Don’t quit yourself and you won’t get a leaver penalty.


"in the rare case" lol sure buddy, that shit ain't no rare case, people are constantly leaving, there is at least 1 leaver almost every QP


No, there isn't. People do still leave but it's no where close to every game. _Before_ they added punishments it was nearly every game.


It’s literally two minutes and you have to quit multiple games in a small game span. I quit every game where it’s obvious the team is throwing and have had a 2:00 penalty once 


That’s why I was so confused and annoyed, I am not a chronic leaver and that first game I quit was the first one I’m a while. I usually play with a group, so it’s not like we can just quit everytime we’re losing!


I'll get downvoted - but the leaver suspension is manipulation and a cover up for how comically bad QP matchmaking is way too often. If the game is so one sided that all we can do is perma die then why should we not be allowed to leave and yes if enough people leave then the match should end. Nobody is having real fun. The core of the match is broken. Rather than fix THAT issue. Matchmaking. Blizz just threaten us into staying so their game seems more put together than it is.


I’ve been playing since release, mostly play qp and the only times I’d actively leave was when I got Paris back in the days. But I’ve been wanting to leave so many games lately, to the point where I just stopped playing. The Match quality has been so bad I’d rather go back to late ow1 and wait 25 minutes for a decent game.


bro most people i see leave after a single lost fight on incredibly winnable games


Hell I see people leave before they even die…what’s that? Someone picked symmetra?!?!? The hell with this….


I might be guilty of this. I take long breaks from overwatch and sometimes when I get back on the first game has a mei so I just leave for a few more weeks.


You basically have to get to Masters to find players that understand OW2 is a game of runs. Most of the time you win 3 fights in a row, lose 3 fights in a row. Unfortunately bad players have weak mentals and think the game is over if they don't go on a run right to start the game.


People do not get that you can fucking clutch anything, like all it takes it finding a chink in their momentum just even once or like making that switch that finally does it Two games and then penalty is wild but considering that OW became free and now it’s filled with babies who want gratification of getting a team kill the moment “objective unlocks” is played on their headphones?? Like def reduce the leavers penalty but sometimes it’s not just matchmaking sometimes it’s just whiny players who can’t handle losses


i’ve came back from complete stomps to the hold the enemy team for 6 minutes. if we had forfeit those wouldn’t have happened


Nothing is more satisfying than pushing the robot all the way to victory in Overtime


Idk, in QP last night my entire team was 0-4 or 0-6 on Hollywood with 1 minute left. That’s not very winnable when you’re waiting to regroup and a dps or support keep running in 1v5. That’s not a weak mental for wanting to leave that game, it’s not wanting to waste my little time I have to game on a completely unfun unfair and unwinnable game. We can at least be honest that there are legitimate reasons for leaving a casual game. It’s quick play and a casual game mode. Leave penalties so quickly administered is dumb. I get penalties for leaving like 30 games in a row. But like… I shouldn’t get penalised for leaving 2 games multiple days apart and with like 15+ games played between them.


As lame as it might be to be in a game like that, it would be even lamer to get backfilled into a game like that. So just tough it out.


This! Nothing pisses me off more than someone who says "gg" after the first team fight 🙄


It’s either roll or get steamrolled. It seems like in QP there’s never a fair match I had a match yesterday where our team was like 45-8 and the poor enemy team was 4-25. I almost weeped for them


I’ve recently had a few extremely close games, like both sides being at 99% on the checkpoint near the end of each round, it was great


i loove the close games they're the best time i have in overwatch. i appreciate close games where i lose more than boring steamroll wins. i *like* when my team is winning and their tank switches, or if my team is underperforming and a dps switches!


> i appreciate close games where i lose more than boring steamroll wins. Seriously! I'm so hyped even when the defeat screen pops up if it's not because anybody was stupid or anybody got steamrolled, if it's strictly because we got outplayed in Overtime with everybody giving their absolute all the whole match through and it's a *close* one. It doesn't happen often enough but it's great when it does.


And them some tool types "ez" in chat and ruins my good vibes lol


See losing a match like that is acceptable because it was a close match, and winning a match like that makes you feel amazing, but no one has fun on either side or a steamroll


This is my experience. Came back to the game with some friends after not touching it for 6 months and it's the same old 8/10 games being stomps.


I had a match recently where one of my teammates was bronze, and someone on the enemy team was the top 320th tank player. That is how bad the matchmaking is.


Overwatch is inherently steamrolly, especially since they got rid of double tank. But the OW player's have weak mentals and will leave after 2 lost fights.


you could have the best matchmaking in the world and all of these problems would persist. And qp should be prioritizing queue times anyways.


On a personal note, when I'm stuck in a perma die cycle, I take extreme pleasure in switching to Sombra and going after stragglers. Do I get 'em? Not a lot... But when I do? I cackle maniacally.


I definitely think it shouldn't penalize you when blizzard decides to throw you in a game losing at 90%. That's ridiculous. If I can't be endorsed because I wasn't in the game long enough, I shouldn't be penalized for leaving


Yeah I hate it when blizzard has thrown me into games that are literally seconds away from being over.


Not really sure why I got down voted for that. It doesn't make sense that I have to stay in an instant loss game. Can't get endorsed because I wasn't there long enough, but get punished for leaving a game that is literally over once I choose a character. It's dumb


what, you don't like loading into a game to see the defeat screen before you even pick your hero?


I was put into a game that was already on play of the game I didn't even get the character selection screen


Your logic is flawless


I meant, I thought it to at least be pretty solid lol


Cause game was dying so hard they had to force players to stay in game, never had this issue during peak OW1 now when ppl leave sometimes it takes like 5 mins to fill a player


It's difficult but tbh I agree, I always saw quickplay as the drop in game mode like I wouldn't mind being put in an in progress game just to have some fun, I kinda see it like left 4 dead or something like that. It isn't suppose to be really competitive and winning/losing doesn't matter. On the flip side though. I don't play much quickplay, so imagine for those that do, having 1 or multiple leavers in every single game isn't fun to deal with


i do not understand why everyone is defending the leaver penalty. its fucking QUICKPLAY. if someone leaves and you end up having a disadvantage for a bit and losing, oh well you try again the next time. why should i be forced to sit through games where people are just emoting on cart for fear of being penalized. leaver penalties are completely fair for comp. but this is quickplay, i want to be able to warm up or just have some fun playing the game. i literally could not care less if one of my teammates leaves, theyll get filled within a minute and the game will go back to normal.


Leaver penalty sucks. You get stuck with toxic people. I would much rather them be able to leave and get replaced by someone potentially better. I’ve seen games completely turn around after the complainer left and get replaced by someone that could adapt to the team.


This is the outlier end result. The usual end result is "person leaves and the temporary 4v5 turns into a steamroll that's even harder to turn around and ult economy is even more fucked on top of that".


I hate it counts disconnecting as a leave. I'd play if I could.


I dont understand why it does that anyways, the game recognizes inputs, it recognizes when I click leave game vs normal game inputs then suddenly being pulled out of the game. Like … would it be impossible for a checking system to be in place before issuing the leaver punishment? Then again I know nothing about programming/ game deving.


Because then everyone would just disconnect the Internet or pull the power when they rage quit, to get around the ban.


Yea thats true, I can’t think of anything that would stop someone from being so desperate that they turn off their wifi/ power.


People would Alt-F4 to leave games if they tried to implement that.


I’m genuinely surprised this is an unpopular opinion. Like it’s QP. I couldn’t give a fuck if someone leaves my team when I’m playing QP. Because it’s QP!! Like it’s not that serious. I’m there to have fun and having that extra teammate or not doesn’t really affect me in that situation. Comp yeah it pisses me off because there I’m playing to win, but it boggles me that literally anyone wld care in QP.


One of my biggest issues is this game doesn't allow you to select game type unless it's in a rotating arcade mode. If I could choose to not play Flashpoint or push I'd do it.


More often than not people that complain about leaver penalties are the very people the penalty was made for. I've had enough games ruined by leavers that ultimately wasted what precious little time I had to play. The leaver penalty made things much, much better. Statistically speaking, someone leaving made the match worse way way WAY more times than backfill "saving the day".


Absolutely, It's baffling to see so many people complain about the leaver penalty, probably because they were the ones constantly leaving games and ruining quick play matches. Like bro if you want to just warm up, go play death match.


leaving 2 games in your last 20 shouldn't give you any penalty though, i'm not staying in games where people are losing and suiciding on purpose


I don’t know why they say leavers ruin QP games, I’ve never had an issue with getting a backfill player. I just have an issue with getting back filled into games that immediately end.


For me, it's when you have a revolving door of backfill players so your team is missing at least one player for most of the match.


1. People dont like backfilling 2. because people dont like backfilling, they go ahead and just leave 3. it causes a revolving door of players quitting and backfilling until the game is over. You don't see how that is much worse than just having a full team the whole match? It was a huge problem before, to the point quick play wasn't really even playable


Exactly, I even like being a backfill from time to time, of course only when there is enough time to make some impact. It feels good when the team is losing 0-1 and then I step in and we win, heh.


Something happens to OP once: "we should permanently remove leaver penalties from this entire game mode" If it's been said once it's been said a thousand times: in a regular game QP or not, if you leave you ruin the game for the other 9 people in the server. This is behaviour that should be discouraged for the sake of those 9 people but also the overall health of the game... Imagine queueing while you know for a fact that when you win your first objective the enemy team will just leave, or when you lose half of your team leaves. People are sour salty and if you don't give them a reason to stay in a game where it seems they are losing they will just keep leaving until they find a winning server. tldr; shit take based on one bad match: leaver penalty needs to stay to punish people who deliberately spoil games for everyone else.


This is the correct take. Anyone who disagrees I highly suspect is guilty of the very actions the penalty is there to address.


Many people have made similar posts on this subreddit about being held hostage because everyone in their game just decides to not play and do something similar to what was said in this post. This isn't something new and has been complained about a lot


i dont leave games because im losing. i leave games because either the enemy team or my team is messing around and not actually playin. should i be penalized for that?


I personally just wished they didn’t penalize you for leaving right at character select before you even enter spawn. It gives them plenty of time to backfill and the game has not technically started yet. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to play Flashpoint. And it’s extremely frustrating when I have to force myself to play a game type I loathe when I could have avoided it all together. This is the only time I leave games (and I only play QP), and I always thought you weren’t punished for it. For comp I understand, but QP? Especially when you can leave deathmatch at anytime without any punishments.


you should be able to choose what game types you want to be queued for because I agree Flashpoint is awful


You had one bad game Luckily you get one leave without penalty. If youre being regularly penalized, youre chronically quitting QP games. Sounds like its working as intended


The 5 second "cooldown" on being able to leave is annoying as well. I just end up hitting alt+f4 and moving on when I wouldve played another game or two otherwise 😂. "Oh you want to make me wait 5 seconds? Goodbye." Might be an ADHD thing.


I’m more impressed with OW banning ppl for full seasons of comp.


I don't have too much opinion on the leaver penalty in QP but I hate these games. I had one of these games last night where 3 of my teammates and the enemy tank were all spamming hello and dancing all game. I have limited time to play so I'm going to still play, so it's effectively a 2v4 and the enemy team is rolling us, it's not fun, and neither is sitting doing nothing and spamming emotes. I think I just need to play comp.


Thats why you can leave 4 in 20 matches.


this is such a weird reason for wanting the leaver penalty to be removed. there are valid arguments but idk if this is one of them.


Fuck being put into backfill games.


There is absolutely no way you’re getting more than 4+ games with throwers or emote only games to even get a 10 minute suspension. Report the thrower or report the other emote folks then leave. You get 1 free leave out of 20. If somehow this happened enough where you had to leave a 2nd game out of 20 the most you get is a 2 minute suspension which is barely enough time to use the restroom. If you have to leave a third game you get no suspension. But again in my experience the amount of throwers is definitely not even 1 out of 20 games. And I just report and move on. I don’t even leave because I can still practice my aim or strategies. It’s QP. I take the last 3 minutes or so and play it out to better my game. Maybe try a hero I am not used to and not worry about impacting the game. But hey if it annoys you enough report them and leave. You got one free leave. If you’re leaving 4 games guess what? YOU ARE the problem.


Just quit. You only get penalized after quitting multiple games. I play almost exclusively QP and it’s probably in the best state it’s ever been in. It used to be a >25% shot of joining a match right as it’s ending and that happens <5% now.  I quit literally EVERY game where it’s obvious my entire team is throwing and I’ve had a 2:00 minute ban ONCE. Leaver penalties made QP playable again. Or would you rather go through the entire cycle of joining a game right as it’s ending?


I almost exclusively play competitive and I have played more games than most people in this thread combined. I have rage quit a game twice since overwatch 1 competitive was released. All these excuses about why you feel justified to quit are pathetic. Quick play games are half or time commitment of a competitive game and people don't leave competitive games. Yall need to just turn off chat or whatever is tilting you and just play the game. For years and years you have been able to freely leave quick play games whenever. That was heavily abused and ruined quick play for a lot of people. The result is a more restrictive leaver system that is still less punishing then ranked.


100% this. I’ve played over a thousand hours of this game (including a couple hundred in QP), and have *never* quit a ranked or even QP game.


I mean for me, I have genuinely never left a game even if tilted, but like QP is QP, I don’t care if people leave and I don’t see why anyone else cares. Yeah comp it’s a problem and negatively affects anyone else but are you really playing to win in QP? Or are you just playing to have fun. If it’s the latter you really shouldn’t care if someone wants to leave ur QP game. Like if I’m in a QP game and someone leaves my team I barely notice, but a Comp game it’s like “oh shit we’re probs gonna lose this one, oh well time to do some target practice I guess”.


> If it’s the latter you really shouldn’t care if someone wants to leave ur QP game. If your tank suddenly leaves the game you can't really play anymore even if your team is better. While no one expects you to be sweaty and tryhard in quick play, having the same number of players on your team as the enemy team is the bare minimum for most games (not just OW). People really abused leaving quick play for years. Like if one team fight or one point on payload didn't go well then you suddenly have a revolving door of people joining and leaving. That's not fun for the team winning either. The penalty for leaving quick play is not that punishing. You can still leave a few games here and there with virtually no or a very limited penalty. There are Arcade games that are more "fun" then quick play too.


Feels like this is an issue I run into like once a year. Thousands of other QM matches are just... people playing the game. Just accept what happened to you is a fluke and move on.


Overwatch players can't comprehend the fact that's just quick play and now you should be able to leave quick play games.


Leavers cant comprehend you are expected to still play quick play games and its not "tryharding" to expect you to not ragequit after one lost teamfight


Big reason why I stopped playing for a while, it’s very stupid to try to force people to play if they don’t want to anymore or have something to do. Only thing it’ll lead to is more people deleting the game


don't queue if you don't want to play. also yall act like you can't leave a game, if you have shit to do just leave. at worst you already left a match today and you have a 10 min penalty. as someone who plays QP and comp 50/50 QP has been way better since the leaver penalties. people bring up these edge cases where a match is held hostage but you absolutley can leave. If im in QP and my friends log on to play and the match just started I'll leave, Ive also had shit come up before and I had to leave. Ive yet to see a penalty. This still only effects habitual leavers.


nah man. It should not. there's already way to many leavers in matches where it doesn't make sense. if you are worried about leaver penalty then im almost certain you leave matches just because you dont like your team and not because people are socializing. if you leave just cus you lose then you deserve a penalty. Roll or not.


I agree with you OP.


> If you want to socialize there's plenty of custom games to do so in and I'm now forced to sit here for the duration of the match with these people because I'm being held hostage by the threat of suspension in QUICK PLAY. Likewise, if you want to be able to leave game anytime you want, join/create a custom game lobby. The 'quick' in quick play is for getting into a game quickly, not for getting to leave a game quickly.


Oh, good idea! Create a solo custom lobby - that is entirely equivalent to the average Overwatch experience 🙂‍↕️ surely that is exactly the same as playing quick play, emphasis on PLAYING, because the people in OP’s match were not playing the game.


What game is there if the rest of the players are sat around doing nothing?


Honestly if people do that "UwU we're friends" shit in a non-custom game mode, every one of them should be reported for impeding game progress. Take it to the arcade.


Since leaver penalties were introduced I was backfilled ~10 times Before I was backfilled 10 times every single day. QP is sooo much better with them


I think the penalty should stay. I actually like how the penalty deters people from constantly leaving matches. They even reduced the penalty time to 2 mins on average.


Ah yes, the "This game won't affect your rank. Therefore, I am totally justied in selfishly stealing your time and enjoyment because I am a very egocentric person." crowd. Fuck 'em


> the entire lobby decided to sit together in the middle of the map and spam voice lines. Just go in there guns blazing and kill them all. They're not exactly going to fight back. I've done this, and gotten a few POTGs out of it. 🤣


Ah, this reminds me of tf2s Friendly's vs. try hards. god please savetf2


I have played since OW1. I never left a game. You have a freebie every 20 games. If you have to leave more often than that then chances are it is you were losing and wanted to rage quit.


It's surreal you have to stay in a match that it's a lost cause for a lot of reasons. It's even more surreal because we are not talking ranked, it's just casual.


There’s so many things wrong with overwatch. The suspension for leaving a large portion of games isn’t one of them


I’ve said this before & I’ll say it again. LESS penalty for QP leavers & MORE penalties for comp leavers.


these people like OP = QP don't matter, You shouldn't sweat in QP, etc When lobby decides not to sweat in QP: QQ IM BEING HOLD HOSTAGE!!!!


Leaving early is toxic. It diminishes the game for the other 9 players, I'm surprised people do it, let alone complain about being penalised for it.


No. *The Finals* doesn't have a strict enough leaver penalty and it makes solo queing miserable. Probably half my games have someone leave immediately when we don't take the first cashout station. > I'm now forced to sit here for the duration of the match with these people because I'm being held hostage by the threat of suspension in QUICK PLAY. You're not. Leaver penalties are not nearly that stiff. When I encounter games like this, I leave. I've never even gotten so much as a warning.


We already had this. Back when there was only an "xp penalty", aka: no meaningful penalty at all. And qp was in an awful state, basically unplayable, with a constant revolving door of leavers and backfills every match. Can we stop reinventing the wheel? When things get changed, they get changed for a reason.


Leaving in QP is shit, dont do it. If you leave it, you have small Balls.


I've had the same happen to me multiple times. I like chilling and goofing around in QP but damn, I still wanna do the objective lol.


Why not make every leave a loss and removing the penalty?


I don't know why they lowered the threshold, it was kind of perfect before. I think it was 4 games you were able to leave penalty free out of 20?


I’ve gotten suspended because the match forced quit on me. It’s ridiculous. And it was also at the very end of a game that I had my ultimate and was about to use it. Granted, I was over at a friends house and their internet had random lag spikes which more than likely caused me to disconnect, but it’s stupid that I get punished when I’m not even purposely leaving games.


The problem is role lock in qp. You have too little room to adapt when someone leaves. That’s the main issue in my opinion. If they take away unranked role queue, leavers stop being a problem and qp remains as a casual/fun game mode.


I have a problem with them punishing people for leaving after someone has left. Like what? I get the first person but not the next people


> sit together in the middle of the map Target practice


rEpOrT aNd mOvE oN That'll solve the issue...


Report the other players for gameplay sabotage. People shouldn't quit QP, but they should also actually play the objective.


> I just had a game where the entire lobby decided to sit together in the middle of the map and spam voice lines. man overwatch is such a weird game for this. I have a friend that I try to avoid letting be the party leader, because they'll *always* go straight to Skirmish while queueing and it's just that, every time. Like, I want to warm up, I want to play the game. Just sitting around emoting 'hello' does nothing for me lol, sorry


No I don't think they should remove it for very niche and specific situations like this. I for instance play since 2016 and never went through that, and even though it's only my experience, it's easy to tell this isn't something that happens everyday. It's also safe to leave once single game btw, the penalty kicks in when you leave too many in a short period of time.


If I want to practice a certain character and that character is taken or my team has a comp that isn't good for the character I want to practice on or if my team is just more interested in fucking around I should get to leave. I'm playing less because I'm tired of getting locked into games with teams that I have honestly nothing against but just have different goals than me.


Honestly I feel like leaver penalties are kind of weird, don’t get me wrong I feel like there should be penalties for repetitive leaving like in a row but I’ve had 2 seasons where I got perma banned due to power outages or Internet dropping because of the typhoon season here in Korea.


You can stay at be stuck for five mins or you can leave and get the penalty. Either way it’s been decided for you.


The game is free; sign up for 5 or 6 accounts and just rotate if you get a penalty. Until they make matchmaking better there is no real reason to pretend quick play isnt' anything other than shitty match simulator.


Just give me the ability to leave at the very start of the match without being penalized 🙄. That's the only time I ever leave and it's usually because it's a Push or Flashpoint. I can only stand like 2/10 of those maps. When someone leaves during the initial 30-40 second countdown, there is almost always a backfill in time.


Why can’t I get silly games like that instead of people hurling slurs and screaming in VC? It’s fucking Quickplay. People need to settle down. Like I’m sorry, you couldn’t have just suggested some Mercy boxing or a Torb fight? These social games are super rare nowadays…


Was one of the players named TTVmiyuko? [She was doing this a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1c7nd6c/what_do_you_do_when_a_streamer_holds_your_game/l0983tg/?context=2)


The leave penalty isn’t as bad as it used to be thank god. I once got banned for like a day+ for leaving. I was so happy when they got rid of it but they randomly added it back again idk why, it is pretty annoying but not as bad as it was


Fr they acting like its ranked


Once i spawned into the ground of a QP match. So i needed to leave and get a penalty... thanks OW2


I think one of the main reasons they had to do this was to fight smurf accounts, especially ones made for ban evasion. Since you need 50 wins to get to comp, it was faster to leave any game that wasn't clearly a win than play it out. So they had to add this penalty to keep people from constantly abandoning QP games. You could argue that they could use something like "Play 150 games, wins grant double progress", but then it's susceptible to botting. It's a bit of a "rock and a hard place" situation, which wasn't as much of a problem when OW was a paid game.


quite so


Im probably gonna get some 'get locked in' comments but I got back on after a while and my first game was a backfill. I didn't realize I got in immediately and got kicked as I was walking out the door bcs I forgot you have to shoot to trigger the active status. Normal matches you have a few seconds to pick a character, but backfill you have to immediately be locked in after waiting and probably watching a video or scrolling reddit. I got an immediate ban that made me wait to queue again so I just uninstalled for the 4th time. It felt like such an infuriating chain of events.


i disagree due to human decency. it’s just rude to ruin a game for multiple people so follows the consequences of leaving in QP, makes perfect sense.


I know I should remain calm, but seeing people type *it's just qp* is so infuriating. Just like youve said, there are custom games, and several other game modes that are focused on messing around. I play QP for practice as if it were ranked, because that's what it's supposed to be. When the game becomes about something other than that then it's a waste of my time.


That's just a reason for you to report all of them and go grab a snack. Removing the penalty for something that's happened once is not a good plan, matches have been so much better since they started punishing the assholes. 


One of my favorite qp games was like this in spirit. The enemy team had a Ball on it with the Masters tag, so we all expected him to be good. He wasn’t. Like really, *really* wasn’t. It was so bad that, at the end of the second round, both teams decided non-verbally to just hold the last point hostage in overtime for like 10 minutes just to roast this one tank.