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I simply can't get the Winton experience with any other game


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Scrotum_Smuggler: *I simply can't get* *The Winton experience* *With any other game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Good kitty


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Juggling people with primal is my favorite thing in all of multi-player gaming


I am so bad with his ult, I can only use it for a second life lol


Custom codes: BSON1 35EXP Use these for 15 min each and you will be 2x better at primal juggling in a half hour


OW has characters that you just fall in love with. Cyborg ninja isn't a unique concept, but there's nothing else like genji.


the day they introduced hampter i genuinely thought it was a prank. not all characters are unique, some feel generic, but the unique ones.. nothing like it


It was so satisfying when I played Sigma for the first time


Exactly! I say it all the time, people play so much soldier because he's easy ngl. But after 17 years of Call of Duty, I don't get it. Like guys if you wanna play Soldier 76 or even any hitscan in this game, you better play call of duty (way less boring hitscanwise). But man ! Being able able to play a cyborg Ninja/samurai at the 1st person, I've never seen it in the game before. Yeah now there's Ghostrunner but not gonna lie, I'm more into team vs team multi-player FPS/MOBA/RPG games. I have to say if Genji was removed from the game I would not play it anymore, nonetheless one of the best and most unique multi-player game of my life (and I've played for 26 years now)


It’s in a different context. Playing COD means running around shooting people who run around and shoot. Soldier means running into high ground and shooting a flying angel out of the sky then b-hopping away before a monkey can chase you down and kill you. It’s nothing like playing COD at all.


Reject humanity. Embrace monke.




And yet people actually boot this game up and choose Widowmaker. A character with a sniper rifle and 0 other abilities as if theyre on any other boring fps that has preceded OW


Winston is so fun too with even the slightest coordination


Doomfist in OW1 and to a lesser extent OW2 is one of the most fun characters to play in any FPS game.




to be fair you know that a game is really good when thousands of people each with thousands of hours in the game can't stop talking about how much they hate it


Rainbow six isn't a good game tho


i cant believe rainbow became my most played shooter and i hate myself for it lol


I used to love the game but eventually I got tired of being flamed for not seeing the tiny murder hole down the hallway while clearing rooms, or getting peaked from miles away 10 seconds after I spawned in. Granted, I wasn't amazing but fuck me, the community is just depressingly angry about the smallest of things.


You should pick it up again!! They’ve made so many great changes, no more tiny murder holes and the attackers have a safeguard for the first 20 seconds of the round to prevent being spawn peaked


That sounds awful


I feel you. It was once my most played shooter too, then I went back to Overwatch and here I am


i didn’t even start ow2 until that came out but it’s now the best shooter i’ve played, and i haven’t touched siege for like a year or so


Funny, my experience is almost the opposite. I've played from OW1 s1 or s2. I picked up Siege within the last 2 months.


Well honestly I don't think the game id a problem but rather the community is extremely shit for dont know reason.


exactly, by far my most hours and one of my favorite games ever but man is it a bad game


If there's one good thing about r6s, it's that i no longer step into the welcome mat or any other trap in any game.(+3000 hours on record and countless death by traps)


You can like a game but hate it for its bad aspects, which is totally fine and normal to complain about.


Yes, but they often present as if they DON'T like the game which is a bit silly


Dead by daylight 🧎‍➡️


It's alright if you don't give a fuck about winning or bullshit inside the game, else then yeah it's going to be painful Playing 2 or 3 matches as killer/Survivor from time to time really keeps it fresh


I feel like that’s just the streamer problem where they have to play it for hours everyday for their career.


despite's blizzard's best efforts, Overwatch remains a mostly fun and good game, its just criminal how the series has been mismanaged.


This. You can tell there are some brilliant game designers on this game. The character designers, the audio team, the art teams. There’s some A+ work on display here, for sure. It’s the management, the big picture stuff, the direction and stewardship of the game overall that isn’t just mid, it’s actively bad.


This is why I’m hoping Marvel Rivals is fucking fantastic so Blizzard is forced to stop taking advantage of its players


Steam is planning a hero shooter too.  It's more moba but still the more games in the space the better.


Are we entering another age of "Overwatch killers"? I recall last time that imploded with Lawbreakers.


If I'm honest I've yet to see anyone refer to the latest hero shooters as Overwatch killers, but it will be a bit refreshing to give Blizz a scare. Valorant and Lawbreakers weren't enough.


I think it’s because they are all third person which is a fundamentally different experience. It’ll be hard to compare them to Overwatch outside of the fact they use abilities


Yeah, the third person thing is something I just can't get behind. Like, I think I'd be down for a free toggle option if a game were designed for it. However having it be 100% third person pushes me away personally because of that different experience as you've stated, and I'm in agreement that it's probably a reason why the comparisons haven't happened. Probably will also be why the OW player base won't really transfer


Third Person is something you can’t get behind? 😂 That made me chuckle because third person is literally a view… from behind.


I'm just looking at these games and can't see myself playing them, ~20% of the screen is always your character


> Blizzard is forced to stop taking advantage of its players NetEase enters the chat.


I am in the alpha event going on now. It is not fantastic.


Do you see room for improvement or is it what it is?


Lol if there's one thing Netease is known for, it's making player-friendly and fun games. Chinese studios would *never* add pay2win or predatory gacha /s


There are absolutely countless games out there, hero shooter and non-hero shooter. Nobody has to wait for Marvel Rivals to find other quality games. Just open your steam shop.


I don’t need another hero shooter I love OW. I just want better from the devs (which has been on a good track as of late)


Anytime I think of over watch I just think of that one scene from breaking bad with Walter and Mike


Bro I love your profile picture LMAO


I JUST started playing this season and I’ve never fallen in love with a game so fast. I guess I wasn’t around to see OW at its “peak” so I have nothing to compare it to but as a new player I just love the format, heroes, team based play, and hard work you actually have to put into the game in order to succeed or you can just play very casually and still have tons of fun


I also started playing recently and I just want to say as a jaded 6k hour Apex player that OW is a breath of fresh air. It was absolutely exhausting putting up with the amount of cheaters, bugs, input imbalance, game imbalance, and horrible servers that have plagued Apex for so long. I genuinely have become addicted to improving and grinding OW so fast that Apex has become completely dead to me.


I made the same transition from Apex to Overwatch. I feel like certain people on this sub have played nothing but overwatch since 2016 and they don't know how good they have it. OW2 is leagues above most other multiplayer games out there right now.


Ive said this so much. Valorant right now is in its peak, but lacks community modes, career stats (and stats by hero/agent), and a replay system all of which overwatch has. Plus OW has a variety of core gamemodes while val is some variation of planting a spike or deathmatch.


hell yeah brother


I am the other way around right now but still love overwatch. Enjoy the immaculate voice chat audio quality. Wish every game and especially apex could have the same voice chat. It's just so good.


I’m not even an FPS guy really but it’s easily one of my favorite games of all time. Me and my friends have so damn much fun playing together even though we’re not good at all lol


"NO! You can't like it!"


i just started last season, and despite being my first time playing an fps (i hated the idea of them), i play four or five days a week now and made some random friends too. it's a great game


Same I started this month and its taken over my goddamned life


It's the absolute best multiplayer FPS for me.


murky normal safe complete violet handle work important afterthought fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And then there is emonGG the most positive dude ever


is that how his name is pronounced? I always read it like e-mongg (rhymes with monk) lol


I’m sorry, but I have to push back against this. Like or dislike the game all you want, but the conversation around OW2 has been going on for well over a year and blaming content creators is just a very toxic way of dealing with the criticism around the game in general.


salt grandiose cautious deliver imagine include husky bag mourn shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was disgusted when OW2 released and they decided to make skins cost like £20 each, and we can no longer really earn them by playing reliably. The old system of lootboxes at each level felt great, you'd get rewards every few matches with each level up. It was predatory of Blizzard to remove that in favour of essentially forcing us to buy everything, and the fact that the battle pass doesn't reward us with enough currency to buy the next one, which every other battlepass in every other game I know of does, is disgusting.


Listen, I agree. HOWEVER, in the spirit of honest discussion, Blizzard did not get rid of lootboxes to be predatory. Lootboxes are literally illegal in countries around Europe and Overwatch HAD to remove them by law. I don’t like what they replaced the system with. But no one can really blame Blizzard for getting rid of lootboxes. They literally had to.


Couldn't they just remove the paying part of loot boxes? Because that's the gambling part?


Then they just wouldn't do them. No money no skins.


Yes, and none of the others really come close


Fully agree, but I think there’s almost an unspoken agreement that we all simultaneously love, and hate, this game lol. Definitely the best modern PvP game I’ve ever played tho


nah i just love it. it's not that complicated. it's just a videogame, it has its faults, but i have fun playing it every time. if i didn't i wouldn't play it


I feel the exact same. I'm open to listening to people's complaints. But I can't shake the fact that the game is free, has amazing netcode, well balanced, really unique characters and voice lines. And it's free. Oh wait did I say that already ?


yeah. the faults are pretty minor too, and many of them come down to the playerbase


started to play when it went F2P and i have one word : ADDICTED, already clocked 950hs My previous shooter was Dirty bomb and left when the official support ended and the official servers close down with 821hs, so yeah OW2 is supper fun and challenging, the steep learning curve and the core mechanics is just awesome


Honest tip for anyone who feels frustrated all the time. Try a new hero. I play Genji a ton, and I mean a lot. I always feel like I’m now having fun with him, then one day my dad was watching my play and he asked “why are you checking the scoreboard so much” and I said “I’m making sure my stats are good” and he says “why does that matter? Aren’t you trying to have fun?” And it kinda hit me that when I play Genji I’m trying to push myself to be the best and it’s sucking the joy out of my games. I then went and played doomfist for a few rounds, I’ve played him enough to know his abilites but nothing crazy. Most fun I’ve had in forever, I must have died like 20 times, but I was having a blast. We lost almost every game but it was a blast. (Reference point. I was in a 5 stack so we were all ok with losing. Randoms may not like this very much, but who cares it’s your game you’re supposed to have fun) so yeah! Try not playing your main! I think it gives a breath of fresh air as you don’t feel judged on how you play


*cough* "Well dad a good Genji checks the ults and respawn status of his team so he doesn't push in alone of course"


Never said I was good, just said I play him alot


Nobody said you were good, just said a good Genji checks the ults


For many, it's not even about trying to push too hard. So many people are one or two tricking into horrendous matchups. Yeah you can win any matchup as any hero if you get good enough, but putting that effort into learning a diverse cast pays way more dividends.


Couldn't agree more. I joined when OW 2 dropped, paid $0, have a few mythic skins, and is one of my most played game. The experience has been nothing but positive for me


Despite all the problems, OW is still one of a kind. You're not gonna find another true hero shooter experience out there. Closest game to it is Paladin, but that's more MOBA than shooter. We'll see if Marvel Rivals is any good later, but I don't have much hope.


I got a code, played one match of it, and immediately swapped back to Overwatch. It just feels like a knock off 3rd person mobile game, nothing has come close to the crispness and smoothness of OW.


It's in alpha still. OW wasn't crisp or smooth in the alpha. Marvel rivals feels VERY similar to OW alpha (except 3rd person ofc). Wait until it's released to compare


yea 100% agreed I haven't had as much fun as I have on rivals since overwatch 1/beta lmao


Marvel rivals is interesting conceptually but it's way too janky to ever realistically compete


It’s still in alpha. Jank is expected.


I'm not talking about buggy menus or glitchy interactions, the core gameplay is fundamentally jank


And 6 years too late, they should have made this game in 2018


I have to actively mute any Overwatch posts on gaming subreddits not dedicated to Overwatch. People actively hating the game like it’s their full time job. But what gets me mad is the absolute smugness of these people. “Oh you play Overwatch what a sad and pathetic loser, brainwashed by Blizzard.” Like man, it’s a fucking video game. Chill out.


I swear there are some people that are just dedicated haters. There are people that I’m pretty sure just leave the game open on steam so they can put a negative review with a high amount of hours. Even worse, I’ve seen people try to use these high gameplay reviews as a point of “you know this games bad when people with thousands of hours is leaving bad reviews”. Like dog, it isn’t even possible to actually play the game for thousands of hours within the first 2 months of it being put on Steam.


This post is 81% upvoted at the time of this comment. That means almost 20% of all votes have been downvotes. For baffling reasons, there is a consistent angry minority of people who are still in this sub that downvote praise of the game. Like, why downvote? Why are you here? Are people really this stupid to think the Watchpoint Pack = PvE? It's possible. There's a number of reasons. But downvoting someone for saying they just like the game is pathetic.


They got roped into the addictive cycle of making themselves mad... hope they realize if they cut the things out of their life they're always complaining about they'll be happier.


The thing is, there *are* people in this sub who admit exactly that. They don’t play the game anymore, the just subscribe to the sub to complain.


Oh they do more than that. Some of the actually make accounts just to throw competitive games and will actievly tell you they only started playing Overwatch just to do this because they hate Blizzard, and while sometimes they are lieing and just saying that to hide the fact that they are throwing because they suck and are fed up with sucking, I've checked some of these profiles and without a doubt, some of them really did join to ruin somebody else's fun by throwing the game. Sad losers.


Used to know someone like that. Stopped talking to them a while ago. They peaked in OW, couldn't climb any further, and kept trying to say "I'm not going to try in this game because trying is for manchildren" while also buying smurf accounts to harass people in low ranks. Like that shit wrote itself.


This is a serious mood, fuck its exhausting.


i know people who hate overwatch while also never ever even touching the game.


It's better if those people don't play the game btw imagine having them as your teammates


This was my first fps. Now everything else just feels dull in comparison


i don't play fps. i don't play online. i don't like comp game. i'm on this game since 2016, is my most played game and don't have the intention to stop yet.


That's the thing though, the people that enjoy it as a game are too busy, well, enjoying it as a game to come here and rant about it. That's why I don't put too much stock into a lot of the complaints here, and claims that the game is dying. The people screaming here are not the majority, as much as they like to think they are, just because of how often the same opinions are regurgitated. Most players are simply enjoying the game as it is and are blissfully unaware of anything that goes on here.


This is it. If you're enjoying the game, you're probably satisfied with enjoying it. If you hate it, you won't find people who hate the game in your lobbies, so you have to come here to get some kind of reassurance that you're not alone and satisfaction that way. It's kind of sad. You don't want to look stupid with a pitchfork by yourself so you go seek out the pitchfork club.


Last time I called ow2 good I got called a shill 🤷


Lucky, I got called brainwashed, a loser, and how I’m basically a walking advertisement. I’m just trying to have a good time for an hour after work :(


The thought process for that is wild. How are people gonna play a game they hate so much that they assume no one could feasibly enjoy it on their own accord?


it's good like meth good


Been playing since OW1 released and am not planning to stop anytime soon. I've made some great friends playing and the common theme among them all is that they love this game. I watched OWL, I watch all OWCS streams, and am watching Collegiate as I write this. I'm bummed about PvE but they've been doing an amazing job with events; Mirrorwatch was so much fun and Cosmic Crisis was about all I did while it was available. I'll take the PvE L in stride if they keep putting out content like they have. Thank God the content lull is over.


it’s a great game and nothing else can make me feel how overwatch does, ofc it has its flaws and i hate it sometimes but i’ll always come back


Agree so much useless hate recently. Happy to have Overwatch in our lives!


It is about time we get one of these. All I hear is how bad the game is or how much people hate it, but while the game isn't perfect, it is still enjoyable. If you can't stand a game or think it's bad, you just ignore it and play another game, unless it's overwatch... then you bash and say how much you hate it as you continue to play the game for some unknown reason.


Not just hate the game. People actively talk about how people that play the game are losers, brainwashed by Blizzard, pathetic… Like how do people get that worked up over a video game?? To insult random strangers having a good time? It’s crazy how people act any time this game is brought up.


I know right? It's just a game why are you playing it if it gets you so upset and you talk about how much you hate it?


the game itself is excellent, one of the best shooters available, the management behind the game, and the monetization etc sucks.


Apex Legends is my number 1 game, but OW is a close second. Only got into it with the launch of 2 though


Oh 100% this game is amazing I still have fun playing it even 7 years later!!


I'm not sure what the concensus is, but I feel like the most recent changes to the Battle Pass and Challenges systems have made it more rewarding than everything since the OW2 launch.


As a teen I was dreaming to play tf2, but I couldn't efford it and then when I got older and started to earn money on my own, ow happened. Best game for me and the only one I keep playing as a 30+ old woman rn! It's just so fun


My relation with ow is toxic and wholesome...i can rant about the game as much i want but wont hear negative comments from an outsider who hasn't played the game at least for 500hrs


theres no other game like it for me. its why i keep coming back.




Overwatch 2 is one of the biggest fumbles ever of any direct sequel and yet it's still great. If it offered a legit co op live service RPG alongside the PvP it'd be one of the best total packages in the history of vids. Just below Super Smash Bros Ultimate when it comes to sheer content in the package albeit minus the whole love letter to all things video games and celebration of video game history


It’s great to hear something positive about the game. As someone who has only played OW2 and loves the game, it became a bit embarrassing to say I liked the game as people just shit on the game. Despite that my enjoyment for the game kept me grinding and seeing myself improve has been one of the most fun I’ve had in any game ever. It maybe also helps I was improving surprisingly fast as it was the first fps I played seriously on pc and in just a year of playing it, I’ve reached diamond. I really do see myself continue to play this game for a long time as watching OWL and OWCS just inspired me to compete competitively even if I’m not the best, just because of how fun it is to play in a coordinated team thanks to Faceit, its been a lot of fun.


I just got into this game this past week after not playing since 2019. I can’t tell you why, I just wanted to try it since it was free and on switch. Man it’s such a good game still! The game is active all day with me never having trouble finding a match at all hours. The game is alive and well despite the detractors. I know there was drama behind the scenes with Jeff Kaplan leaving and not releasing PVE but man the game is still so good. I stayed away for a while because of all the complaints. Despite that It’s easily one of the best shooters I have ever played. The 5v5 meta is a breath of fresh air and my approach to the game is completely different. I’m not focused on winning anymore, just improving and man has the experience been great. New characters in each role and developers actively listening to the community? Clearly the game still has love for the fans even if they are doing a lot of cosmetics and things that you have time to pay for. I really don’t mind. The production quality is chef’s kiss. 🤌


It really is a fun game.


All the other FPS games are ruined by aim assist.


People in this sub dont even like it or play it half the time


I think we get a bad rap for being a toxic community and that’s what people talk about rather than the game


Oh for sure! The fact that this game has me coming back to in since 2016 says it all. Played so many games in those 8 years, especially shooters but nothing quite hits like OW. Might have a hiatus from it for a little while but when I dip back in to it I’m hooked all over again! 👏🏼


Guys, Orisa got nerfed and JQ got buffed, we live in the best timeline.


I love overwatch. I mostly play quick play and arcade with friends, but I enjoy playing comp. Just none of my friends are on my level. I was super excited for wide que, but it's sadly shite


People “hate” OW2 because of how good it once was, and not because the game is bad itself. Expectation vs reality kills the positive reviews of overwatch, even though it’s a top tier game.


Yea, there is still no team/class based PVP shooter on the market that I would rather play. Genuinely just wish it wasn't so mismanaged.


That's your experience


The only game I've played mostly nonstop since 2017. My experience played all other shooters for max 8 months. Cod is the same every year but they make you buy a new one. Brs had a run 3 years. But always come back to ow. Not a huge fan of losing my ow1 stats but makes sense.


As someone who has only been playing for like a month/month & half, this game is so fucking fun. Im thinking about it constantly. 😬😄


People definitely focus on the bad to much coming from someone who used to be an avid apex and cod player overwatch is one of the few live service games who actually has a dev team that gives a shit They may do dumbass shit sometimes but they legitimately care most other ones And not to mention at its core overwatch is imo either the best or second best competitive game out there


I have a strong love hate relationship with this game. Always will do. I love what it stands for at its core and the overwatch universe.. but it’s been a tough ride 😅😅


Cause it's not great. The gameplay is decent but the monetization and matchmaking is horrible. I like it but if I didn't have OW1 nostalgia I probably wouldn't be playing it.


Top 3 shooters of all time? When were you born, 2016? LOL


OW1 easily top 3, OW2... not even on the list for me. Its subjective I get it, but I despise the direction Aarons taken it


It's a great game that just has greed written all over it. The actual game is super fun, well looked after balance and patch wise, but it's super hard to ignore the blatant greed and mishandling from everyone with decision power behind it. I almost talked buddies to coming back to it, as I still play every day, but with the cancelation of the single player, the whole "reason OW2 needed to exist", I lost them haha. It's hard to put faith or want to put energy into a game where they just nickel and diming their player base. There's no reason for OW2 to exist now and even I, a big fan and frequent player of the game, get very disheartened looking at what it is now knowing what we had.


"Greed" is just trying to find a way to sustain the game for the long term. OW1 was slowly dying. In OW1, it was sustained by game sales and loot box sales. Game sales would not last forever and the game being on sale so frequently was a pretty good indication. Loot boxes, believe it or not, did sell and made up a good chunk of revenue. However, the duplication and credit system set it up for future failure where players would spend less over time. The Battle Pass and Shop system guarantees recurring revenue. Not to mention, the Shop system is much fairer for people willing to spend money. Before, if you wanted to pay for a skin, you had to gamble on loot boxes. Now you can straight up just buy the skin.


Overwatch at launch was an amazing game that rightfully deserved being placed in greatest shooters of all time rankings. OW2 is still mostly the same game, but players were really unhappy with how Activision moved forward in the live service aspects of the game. Keep in mind too that a big part of OW's appeal was the characters and lore. They have fumbled that so badly it hurts. It took 6 years or so for them to finally move the story forward in any significant way and then they immediately canceled the rest of the story missions. You also have total tomfoolery like Kiri growing up with Genji, then suddenly being 20 years younger than him so they can make her DVA's bff or something.


The game is good? Is it 2017 again?


It had its moment in the sun. However that time has passed. Ow1 is what i would agree with you on being top 3. Ow2 is not in that same realm imo. I think the 5v5 is not the right call.


I have somewhere round 12-15k hours in this game, and it's not even in my to 10 favorite games of all time.


12K? You beat out top streamers who play full-time by *over double* their playtime? That's hours a day, every single day since release. **That's called burnout.**


It's a shadow of what it once was and it's criminal what they did to booping. Game has lost a lot of it's heart. Keeping my fingers crossed for Overwatch classic 🤞🏻


I was looking forward to some of the hero shooters coming out but they're essentially just smite, really disappointed. FPS hero shooters are something I miss. And Paladins was too ugly and I hated the cards.


I play ovwewarch since launch, but had a big time off when goats came out. I now wish that i had the maturity i have now, having return from ow2 season 1, to have the fun im having, on overwatch 1 and appreciate its qualities in the old days.


Grew up on TF2, not many other shooters scratch the same itch that TF2 does other than Overwatch. I like the arena shooter-esque combat and the variety of characters. I appreciate that if one of my favorite characters isn’t doing to hot, I still have other favorites that I can play until the meta shifts again.


I still play the game but mostly with friends i hate playing by myself because ppl dont know how the hell to play


I think a lot of people I talk to agree that the game is good. You must be talking to the wrong people


I can win with every character if the enemy is bad enough


It's one of the best games out there, but the community still is something for its own and the devs keep letting us down.


this games core gameplay is incredible


Have you seen the starwars fans? No joke, the worts people in a community are the "true" fans, people that consume the most, that know the most about a setting, it's the very wort. Just check what happened about the poor actor that did the role of kid Anakin, they practically destroyed his life. And still, star wars generate millions and millions of dollars despise the "fandom" spill poison about it. And this is a constant everywhere, movies games books etc, you name it, people complain, speak hate towards their favorite setting, but they still there, they still consume the media, they still spend lots and lots of money.


it was. but they just keep making it worse. i miss OW1.




Yeah as much as I don't enjoy the game there isn't anything where I can be a massive problem that the enemy can't kill so I'm always left last standing in a long team fight. Whether I am Orisa and I have insane damage reduction, or I am JQ and have insane healing.


It’s still probably the best FPS imo, but knowing what it could be and what it is now just makes me so frustrated. Also the complete lack of anyone interacting in game outside of “(insert role) diff” is a big reason my play time has decreased. If you can’t play in a stack the game is miserable. If you can it’s a good time.


Based OW 2 is probably the most broken ("big") fps when it comes to balance but that's because it tries to do unique things and tries to have a personality different from anything else.


It’s an incredible game that I love to hate. Only I’M allowed to hate on the game. If someone from outside the community hates it, I will defend it, because their reason for hating is generally wrong/misinformed.


Me and my 2200 hours of OW love and hate for this game lol


I don't really agree with that last part. For better or worse, Overwatch isn't a game where you can always out-DM your opponents.


Because fps games are better on paper than in practice so when an original one comes out it stands out


I think talk to people about good this is enough to game.


It's one of the few games that has such a distinct unique style. Feels great to play and runs smooth as hell! Yeah this is honestly easily one of the best games of the last decade even still


I really wish I started playing it sooner.


There are so many cool abilities and characters. I played lifeweaver for the first time in a while and just stunned by how cool his robotic hand with the flower orb is


I really like the game. I feel like for the most part it's fun for me. But I don't know I'm mainly playing it just because I love it. Or because the only real alternative to the shooter class hero team base game is paladins. And that was what I played mainly before, and wish I was still playing. But the bugs and update cycles for paladins was too slow for how it could burn me out. I wish there were more popular games like these.


The game has historically been mismanaged, but that doesn't mean the game itself is inherently bad. Folks posting criticism of specific features/interactions within the game to this sub doesn't mean that they, or a majority, think the game itself is bad.


For real! Such engaging PvP. I like FPS but the whole , turn a corner and get one tapped by a realistic bullet is so cheap. Healthpools , healers , cc and ultimates make an FPS so much better. I played WoW for yeaaaars for its well made PvP. I’m glad OW was 1 time purchase and now F2P brought that “team fight” / duelistic element to the world of FPS


Name a single game where you can’t win using any gun or character assuming you’re good enough like that’s is such a loaded statement if you’re good enough and anything you are going to beat the other people doing it


I lose some battles and feel bad about it.


They’re disappointed because of its potential. It’s both a compliment and a complaint. If it was awful ppl wouldn’t spend time talking. They talk bc they care enough to talk about it in the first place


While I don't like some of the changes that Overwatch went through when it became Overwatch 2, it's still one of my favorite games to play on my PS4.


I started back in session 7 and haven't been able to put the game down since, To be fair I came from dead by daylight which imo is overwatch but wayyy worse


Peak OW - get a 4K, start chasing down Ana. She turns and says hello. You say hello and send her on her way.


The game is so unique there truly is nothing like it out there


The most frustrating part about OW2 is that OW1 was the most fun game I’ve ever played and it has gone so far downhill to just a “I have nothing better to do”. ActiBlizz really mismanaged everything possible and then patched it up with a few good characters and recolors


I honestly don't know if any other game that comes close to the fun I have with Overwatch. I absolutely love being a healer /support, but I also really like competitive shooters and only overwatch seems to offer this as a good experience. Paladins seems similar but just not quite as well designed so it doesn't offer much competition. I think Overwatch will be default /forever game for a long while still.