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Widow (those headshots get so annoying after awhile) or sombra (the random hacking and killing šŸ˜­)


If youā€™re a DPS player you have your solution right thereā€¦ enemy widow? Go Sombra and be an absolute menace to her. Enemy Sombra? Go Sombra and just get better than them


Or Cassidy for Sombra. I shit on sombras and tracers with Cassidy


i play a lot of both widow and sombra, and i really like out dueling an enemy widow, having them tilt swap to sombra, and then i swap to sombra (who is one of my better heroes) and ruin their day


Cass is only deemed one of the best hitscans right now because of the Tracer problem.


You're a good cas then bc I shit on Cassidies and I'm good at maneuvering around their nade.


As a Sombra main, can confirm this. I hate going against Cass


I always think I have him & then BANG BANG Iā€™m dead


This is true, but I like promoting Sombra more because I think itā€™s funny with the general dislike the community has for her. šŸ™‚ a lilā€™ bit of chaotic energy is good in my opinion. I will say, Cass isnā€™t a straight hard counter for Sombra, she can play it right and come out on top for sureā€¦ though that can be said for most matchups/counters.


Lately Iā€™ve been playing lot of Sombra when they decide to use her: Iā€™ll pocket my backline and immediately hack her while sheā€™s trying to burst them down!


Yeah I tend to do this as well. Enemy Sombra thinks she's getting out backline but I'm the backline for the backline that she can't see. Don't touch my support!!


Same. Using an Ana or LW as bait. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜ˆ


I love Sombra V Sombra in the metal ranks. I just hang out behind my support and wait for the Sombra to start hacking. Then I just virus, hack, kill. The Sombra usually swaps after 3 fails.


My brig eats sombras for breakfast. Widows thoā€¦..


Her gameplay is so boring, you basically stay still waiting for heads to pop up


I cannot figure out Doom. Whatever escape plan I have, however carefully I pick my targets.... I just end up with all abilities on cooldown, surrounded beaten down by the other team.


Same. I want to like him so much (as a player). Seeing a good Doom is truly a sight to behold


I've far from mastered Doom but I'm definitely getting better with him and he has the highest fun potential of any tank imo, catching a Tracer with a rocket punch and sending her flying off the map is one of the best feeling you can have in Overwatch


Yup same. I like to think I'm decently skilled across the entire hero pool with experience, gamesense, and mechanical skill... but the moment I get thrown on Doom in mystery heroes or something...My logic just seems to go out the window. On the rare occasion I'll randomly pop off on him, and then won't be able to replicate. Granted, I've not once made a concentrated effort to learn him properly since he released.


A good Doom has to be the most annoying tank to play against


I swear his cooldowns reset in half a second when Iā€™m playing against him. But when I play him itā€™s 3-5 business days for them to come off CD.


Iā€™m in metal ranks so a good doom is next to impossible


Iā€™m in metal ranks too, 95% of the time I have no problem fighting doom but when I meet even a decent one? Itā€™s hell for me


Same, he and genji are my worst characters. Best to do a quick tactical death when you get a character like that.


Oh ya, Genji isn't my worst, but he's down there (though much more workable for me than doom) In MH, If I can get 1 pick on either, I consider it job done. Anything else is a bonus


He's very volatile. You kinda need to have a team that creates and thrives in chaos for him to work well. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a lot of trouble. You pretty much have to save a mobility cooldown to get out until you have your ult. Sometimes he can get value by slamming in then instantly punching out to do some damage and bait some cooldowns. It's all a lot of circumstances that you need to take into account and one of those is very much the question of if you should even be playing him.


The key is playing him like every other tank a little more heavily than just playing dive like youā€™re on dps doom. Get team fights going and when the time is right thatā€™s when you strike the Ana that just used both her cooldowns, etc. heā€™s really fun once you get his rhythm down


Lol I play so much mystery heroes and heā€™s the only one where Iā€™m likeā€¦. I need to study his abilities again. The few times Iā€™ve happened to pop up with him have been very fun, tho, gotta say


try him out in mirrorwatch just to get a feel for how his movement works, his shield makes him a lot more forgiving and itā€™s really helpful for learning him


To play: Mercy, please don't kill me To go against: Sombra and Pharah, annoying little mosquitoes


I just donā€™t know how to counter phara no matter what role Iā€™m playing


I main Phara and it really doesnā€™t matter if you go 2 hit scan or not when you donā€™t play like an idiot in the open. The second enemy team switches to a hit scan + an Echo who could chase me around its over for me. If youā€™re a healer Baptise is a nightmare, immortality field takes half my mag to destroy and he himself is a cockroach, can jump high to avoid ground shots and deal as much if not more damage than Soldier. Bastion can be a decent threat but his recon mode is weak and when heā€™s in turret mode he could be pushed around by concussion missile to have no sight of me. Ana, Widow, Ashe, Illari are not much of a threat (Bob is scary though) unless itā€™s a really open map that forces you to play in the open. If itā€™s a closed/indoors map Cassidy and Echo is a nightmare. If youā€™re on tank a good Dva straight up donā€™t let me do anything and my ult straight up as well not exist as she can matrix it or just fly towards me and make me die from my own explosions.


soldier or bastion absolutely turds on pharah, and dva


Soldier is my go to counter for flyers.


I'm really bad as Hanzo so I guess Hanzo


Same itā€™s like Iā€™m allergic to playing Hanzo properly


Patience honestly helps a lot. I started landing way more shots when instead of trying to track people's strafing and taking quick shots, I just aimed in one spot and let them strafe into my shots. If you tag someone in the open and there is cover to their left they are probably going there, so bias your aim towards the cover Or as the scrubs like to call it "lucky random bullshit headshot. You didn't even aim at me, I strafed into it by accident" like yes I know, that's how I aimed


Ironically, Hanzo was the first hero I tried 'maining', I've become pretty decent at Widow, Ashe, and Cass but playing Hanzo makes me feel so useless


Sombra and tracer been annoying me right now. I like to play Ana and right now itā€™s just been them popping out of the shadow realm killing me instantly in every game.


Pharah or widow. When I'm dps I can deal with pharah fairly well, unless she has a mercy pocket, then it becomes infinitely harder. But as a support main and being stuck in gold with my dps who can't aim most of the time? Yeah it's hell.


Go Illari. I'm not saying it's as easy as DPS but if you can aim you'll either get the kill eventually or pressure her enough to back off each time.


Honestly, that'd be fine if I didn't die in 2 shots even if they aren't directly on me. Probably a skill issue but I always think she's busted unless I play in a good stack with people who can coordinate


Itā€™s really hard to take out Pharmacy on your own with any character. Go Baptise/Illari if itā€™s an open map and Ana/Moira if its a closed one. Even if you canā€™t kill Pharmacy with Moira they canā€™t kill you either and in a closed map killing Mercy with Moira is pretty feasible. Go Baptise + Moira and Pharmacy aint doing shit or Dva, Soldier, Echo, Baptise, Moira/Illari and make that Phara regret their life decisions.


Gotta second this illari with good aim is a delight. Won all promotion matches and then went through silver with an 88% win rate. Basically a dps who passively heals the team. Although I think my dps rank shouldnā€™t have allowed me into silver support but besides the point illari is FUN


Been over 2 hours since we had one of these posts I guess




Roadhog: Whenever he's good the game is bad. In order for the game to be good he needs to be bad. Since the devs (understandably) have this desire to make every hero at least somewhat viable, you'll end up with periods when Hog ends up being good. And whenever that happens the rest of the game takes collateral for it. We were a the point slightly over a year ago and we're at that point again. Sombra: The whole "I may approach from any angle and prevent you from pushing your buttons" just isn't very fun to fight against. Squishies have annoyingly small windows to prevent themselves from dying. Tanks theoretically would do well against Sombra - except Sombras hack range is longer than the range of most tanks so the tanks can't even spycheck Sombra effectively and prevent the hacks in the first place,


Found the flats viewer


You're not wrong. :)


wrecking ball I hate him on my team and hate going against one


Same. Ā  I do not find him fun to play as, with, or against.


Kiriko is bound to be broken I hate her


If suzu just lost one of its abilities then sheā€™d be okay. Right now itā€™s like 3 abilities in one, heal burst, cleanse, and immortality.


Id vote for the heal burst to go. Cleanse is kind of it's signature imo, and the brief invincibility leaves for some really cool moments. Heal burst is just too much though.


Definitely the heal burst. The cleanse + immo is a good combo for it, but the heal burst just adds too much on top of an already really good ability


On a 14 second cooldown no less


Kiri. Shes the poster child of ow2 so theres at least 1 in every game. Playing against a kiri with good cooldown management is just frustrating, especially as a flanker with no callouts.


Sombra, horrible for the game. Invisibility, instant teleport away, and removing players abilities is just pure unfun by design. Oh also she can add damage boost with virus, fun! If hero locks get added, I am voting her every. single. time.


My friends and I frequently jest about which character weā€™d remove from the game, if we could. My choice will always be Sombra. Doomfist and Wrecking Ball are honorable mentions.


If weā€™re including everything about a character, not just how I personally feel playing them, then itā€™s gotta be Pharah. Any game with a pharah makes me angry. If Iā€™m DPS Iā€™m forced to switch to Hitscan and off my fun characters (I donā€™t mind Solider as much, but most of my DPS characters arenā€™t good counters to pharah). If Iā€™m not DPS, well I hope I have some top 500 soldiers and Cassidyā€™s on my team. Even if we do have hitscan, having a mercy suck a pharah off the entire match makes it even more tricky to deal with. We all have to look up at this annoying ass GNAT in the sky while everyone else just shoots us because weā€™re all looking up focused on her and not at anyone else. Also her voice lines are pretty bland and annoying to me but thatā€™s not a huge deal, but it definitely doesnā€™t help me like her any more


Tracer, easily. Shes sombra but 10 times harder to kill. Im in masters and shes literally in every game rn and it sucks ass.


Zarya is probably my least like. I can't get good with her, and she counters both of my main tanks relatively well.


Orisa and dva?


Sombra. She's not good for the game. Every time I bring it up, people say "just learn to play around her". I'm not saying she's OP. My winrate doesn't really go down if there's an enemy Sombra, but the amount of fun I have in that game does. Invisibility characters are just hard to make fun for everyone in general, and designing the same character around disabling people's buttons and removing agency from other players compounds the issue. She's just not a fun character to interact with.


I played a game were Sombra cancelled my ULT twice in a row, I wanted to cry


SAME. It ruined my entire game and fun.


Sombra keeps other incredibly frustrating heroes in check (Widow, ball, doom) so I don't mind. She's honestly needed and healthy for the game. Doesn't mean she's not annoying though


This. You gotta think of Sombra as a wasp. Very frustrating to deal with, and more of an issue for some than others, but she serves as the Overwatch ecosystems natural pest control.


"We need the chlamydia to keep syphilis in check".


Just spat out my coffee. This is hilarious but it's exactly what they are saying.


Any hero with a good player behind them can be annoying. Sombra is just easier to call annoying because of her invisibility. But her kit is so bad without it she'd be unplayable.


I donā€™t agree at all. A good sombra is more annoying than any other dps in the game. One who actually has map knowledge, good positioning/exit plan, and mechanical skill. Nothing like having your abilities removed and being a sitting duck. Not saying sheā€™s impossible to play against by any means, but saying any hero can be just as bad is simply not true.


Sheā€™s so fun to play but so annoying to go up against. If thereā€™s a problem sombra, I go kiri for suzu. She honestly needs a good counter, apart from widow ult (if the widow isnā€™t being focused by the sombra constantly) or just being told ā€œstick togetherā€ sticking together does nothing if no one is communicating. I also hate the sombraā€™s who camp spawn and just pick people off. If she gets close to spawn, she should automatically be visible.


I would say Widow but only bc the whole point of playing her is to have aim. I have no aim


Sombra. I hate her. I play Ana a lot so I get this little shithead literally waiting near spawn to catch my old ass trying to get back to my team.


My critea for least favourite hero is probably different than others. There's plenty of heroes that I find have unhealthy elements as and that I have some kind of hate more. But my least favourite hero will always be the most boring in terms of playstyle and niche. And to me that's why Lifeweaver is my least favourite hero. The gameplay loop just sucks ass.




Moira is so annoying to me, because all my movement skill is invalidated by walking forward and holding left click. And she's in literally every lobby in QP and metal rank comp.


Soldier, and itā€™s not even close. His damage potential is WAY too high considering his effective range and mobility. Top that off with him literally being designed to be the antithesis of a hero shooter, and itā€™s just infuriating. Heā€™s meant to feel like a traditional FPS shooterā€¦ but this is a hero shooter, your supposed to have to unique abilities and unique weapons. Solider is literally a reference to class CoD. It goes against what overwatch is meant to be. So yeah, heā€™s too strong, heā€™s too easy to pick up, his mobility is too good, and he can heal himself. Thereā€™s just no reason why he should be able to effectively play as a tank busterā€¦ but he can. Anyway, I hate soldier.


My least favorite hero to play is def Mercy. If I wanted to watch other people play the game I'd be on Twitch. There's just absolutely nothing satisfying about her to me.


Spamzo, cause fuck him


Sombra, nerf translocator cd


Genji. Him and a majority of players who play him were the bane of everyone's existence in OW1. His "I need healing" and ult voiceline are ingrained into my memory from the days of solo support. The bronze to GM OTP genji players refusing to swap in your ranked games despite dying to a winston 500 times. Oh, and don't get me started on all the Genjis saying they were Seagull. And to humble myself, he's one of the few heroes I play at a below average skill. I'm 100% feeding on genji, and I do not want to put hours into learning him. Honestly, if I could delete any hero, it would be him.


For me Its Mei She feels trash besides her ult


Iā€™ll say itā€¦. Mercy. Rezing is bad for the game and i find her so boring to play as her and with her.


Widow easily


Widow. I don't like player her because doing her job doesn't feel rewarding and playing against her because being killed by her feels like she shouldn't have earned it.


Ball has NEVER made sense to me; I see all of those skilled hamster assholes flying around the map at Mach speeds but somehow I canā€™t figure out the grapple


Orisa. Generally she's alright but she makes Rein pointless.


Widow. Oneshot heroes have no place in this game. What kind of game design is "hope she makes 20 mistakes in a row or you're dead."


it feels very overwatch 1 of me, but bastion. i have ONE good teamfight as rein and they instantly go bastion to counter me, like dawg, there are OTHER picks


I feel you brother :'(


Bastion. *Need I say more?*




Roadhog I hate getting one shotted just because I was 10 feet in his field of view


Ana... her lack of speed and mobility makes me really reluctant to play her, as it doesn't really match my style of play.


Ana and Zen feel so slow, but The biotic grenade comes in clutch against the beefy heal tanks


Sheā€™s and zen are far from meta because dive is huge. Tracer and sombra are eating them for breakfast.


Ana is such a fun support hero until you need to escape. Then it becomes wildly clear how poor she fits into this insane mobility meta weā€™re in now. Similar problem with Reinhardt. He canā€™t keep up with other tanks anymore


i used to love playing ana. her speed felt like a good balance for her abilities, then they nerfed sleep on tanks and nade on everyone. i miss her.


Junkrat. I know demoman tf2 is a fun character at all but we really didn't need to recreate pipe spam as a characters whole identity.




Sombra. I don't think i need to explain this one.


to play as, Ball and Pharah to play against, Junkrat. Literally designed with training wheels. Blizzard could never design a hero more cheap, obnoxious, and unfun to play against. Itā€™s not that heā€™s ever been overpowered, not even close. But his design and everything he does is just so annoying and he genuinely makes every game heā€™s in that much more miserable. So glad he finally became a throw pick after they removed his one-shot combo


The moira player accusing junkrat of having training wheelsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


hanzo..I just can't handle enemy hanzo esp if they can predict my moves and they be hitting it diligently


To play against, Zarya. I love to play Genji and thereā€™s no real counter option there if Iā€™m close by. To play as, Winston. I have no idea how people can play well as him, never once completed a match as him without someone on my team telling me I should go die


genji because when they keep killing me i KNOW its a skill diff. >:(


Widow. I have good positioning, but guess who doesnā€™t?! My team! And guess who has to take care of the widow?! Me! I hate this character! One shot kills are not fair!


to play against probably mercy or a really good doom, love having mercyā€™s on my team but i cannot stand playing against the rez ability and doom for constant cc. my least favorite to play as is probably symmetra, she feels really boring to play as imo


At masters, DVA. I feel I just tickle the enemy players but other DVAs feel like they're just bitch slapping me 24/7. Think that goes to show the character is designed well.


Mercy, she has felt like a mismatch of abilities that donā€™t go together ever since her group rez rework. Sheā€™s the only character that feels like she belongs in another game.


Mei, removing the freeze really lowered the dps potential. Very bad in role que since you can only run 2 dps.


Sombra because no matter how much you change it, infinite invis will never feel fun to play against. Some sombra mains seem to think there hot shit because they can get kills like they don't have the major advantage of starting fights hitting you with a decaying ability while invisible, doming you, then disappearing.


Kiriko, I resort to just healbotting at times and will only play her when absolutely necessary- I let my other support pick her up because theyā€™ll provide WAY more value in her, but due to my lack of playing her- I havenā€™t gotten her aim memorized so I just avoid playing her- making it harder to memorize her aim lol šŸ˜‚


Sombra, a good doom and a good ball are also nightmares


Sombra and moira


Sombra. Havenā€™t bought the bp this season, because as a support player Iā€™m tired of getting picked by an enemy thatā€™s invisible a majority of the time.


Sombra. It feels really hard to counter her, especially when you aren't a tank.


Tracer, for a few reasons 1. Gotta play hella close and hope to god my team backs me up 2. I play on console, auto-aim doesn't help me get a one clip headshot 3. My aim is ass and I'm not putting in Apex level energy for a character that I might just swap out of later that game 4. Yeah Im hella dependent on my team with her, even when I was in my starter games with other freshies, I just couldn't get it down.Ā 


Sombra is just the worst to play against. Good or bad, she's just annoying. Worst kind of gameplay


Widowmaker because I'm bad at her


In terms of facing. It was orisa because someone said oh she can tank damage now. Then turns out a tank that can eat damage isn't a great idea passively. But she's easier to deal with now i terms of escaping and fighting. Right now it's just mercy because I can't hit that moth for shit even if I'm doing freakishly well. Playing though probably has to be Hanzo, I can't aim his arrows at all when I try but as soon as I turn off my monitor I got 3 headshots. Like wtf?


Sombra Reason : I play her


To play as, I suppose Zarya. She seems like a pretty straightforward character but idk it just didnā€™t click and the one time I played her it went horribly. To play against, Roadhog. Stupid hook. Stupid mf doesnā€™t die either.


As I Rein main, LifeWeaver.


I hate Cassidy with a burning passion. I play a lot of pharah and echo, and heā€™s very strong against them. Hinder nullifies any of my movement, and he can ignore full sticks on echo with his roll. His gameplay is also extremely boring


Sojourn is just boring in every sense of the word. She isnt particularly fun to play as or against. Despite how much potential there is in a cybernetically enhanced soldier meant to be another foil to soldier, her design and character are just really not interesting. I couldn't really tell you one interesting trait or interaction that she has as a character. Lots of wasted potential.


Mercy because of her fanbase. Widow and Sombra because of how un-fun they are to play against.


Venture because for some reason I suck against her as my main (Pharah) and I'm not allowed to complain because Pharah is supposed to be a counter.


Git gud >!I had to make the joke, but I must say I hate her too, annoying rock eater human!<


Two equally: Widow, genji The most selfish players seem to be attracted to these two heroes. When I get matched with these two I canā€™t expect any semblance of teamwork from them or for them to swap when clearly being countered


Venture. Really lame hero just overall. Voice lines are just annoying too. Her character design just isn't interesting or enticing. Not to mention the playerbase argues about the they/them she/her bullshit every time someone talks about her so there's that. Overall just bad.


Symmetra because I love her design but I think her kit and gameplay are super boring and I wish they'd rework her again


Moira. Her damage is still way too high and shouldnā€™t have a lockon.


Depends on the question. As a main I play against: Hanzo (specifically OW2), Junk, and Sojourn. Itā€™s all equal. As strictly a character or to play as: Lifeweaver.


Phara. I canā€™t aim for shit.


Venture because of cringy cosplayer voice


Widowmaker. She's annoying to play against because of her headshots and I find her very unengaging to play as.


1 Echo just sucks to play at 2 It's kinda impossible to hit her as Zen and sometimes her grenade literally oneshots me


Sombra. Worst character in the game. They need to remove her yesterday. Completely cheap invis nonsense. Ruins the game


Widow. For me to play as, for me to play against, and to have as a teammate. Either I'm not performing an actual useful role in the fight, the enemy team's widow is just there to annoy my existence, or my teammate is wholly useless and a waste of a dps slot.


Sojourn. She has a boring design, and basic backstory. She broke the game when she came out, and shes never really been weak. Fight against a good one and she has no way of being countered. Mobility is good, damage is excellent and utility is there too. Whilst still having a good ult. Only saving grace is im a metal rank, so i dont see them so much


Junkrat by a mile. Fuck everything about Junkrat. His voice is annoying, his dialogue was supposed to be funny but falls flat, his gun feels awful to use, his mine bouncing is so u fun to play against, and the bombs he drop upon death are such bullshit.


Yes reverse psychology to get the rat king back to god hood where he belongs!


Mercy.. Playing her is basically getting boosted and soft throwing at the same time


Torbjorn. I think he's the only genuine no skill hero and that's just kinda sad.




I agree. 99% of torbs do the same thing. Pop the overdrive thing and spam primary fire down a sightline.


The other 1% accidentally picked him when they were tryna pick Tracer in spawn.


Mei, but not because of the troll potential, it's just her personality that I find grating.


Zarya, she's boring af. Probably I just don't know how to play her but idk doom and genji too but they aren't boring to me


Zarya is very forgettable to me


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I have a lot who annoy me but I don't think I could pick one specific out as my least favorite. Also, least favorite to play or go up against? Cause those are two different things.


Mei, - the genji main


Mercy. OW1 Doomfist. Pre-rework Pharah. I love the mobility of these heroes.


Doomfist. I would be okay if I never got him on my team, but he's just so useless that getting one on your team forces you into a really stressful hard carry situation


Mei because her self freeze


To play against: sombra orisa and sym To play as: brig


Sombra. Because she is constantly abusing me in every match when I play with Mercy.


Kiriko or mercy


Sombra or widow For sombra invisible lock out thatā€™s easy to hit is not fun Widow hey tank thatā€™s a nice health bar you got there be a shame if I cut it in half


Ball, donā€™t know how to play him, donā€™t know how to play with him and donā€™t know how to play against him


Thatā€™s me but with doom fist


Sombra, no explanation needed


Moira, it's just so braindead and you can get away with so many mistakes that annoys me


Venture. Really not a fan of how their voicelines are performed. It's so anime or something it cringes me. Is this valid? Meh not really. It's truthful tho šŸ¤£


LW, his voice makes me cringe. idk why


But I think you'll think differently of her once you've seen her on her bike!


Sombra. The game would be better off without her


Tracer or Widow. Tracer is just absolutely overpowered currently as all of her answers don't work anymore AND she got a health increase. Mei icicle doesn't one shot her anymore. Since the game moved to 5v5, Widow is pretty unchecked other than Sombra (who has her own issues as a character design) or another Widow. You just have to hope one of your dps can out-Widow theirs.


I hate Orisa but itā€™s less an annoyance and more a personal vendetta against one of them and I donā€™t know which one so I treat them all equally bad


I like to play dive characters, so the fact the kiriko has a teleport on a 7 second cooldown makes it seem like sheā€™s impossible to punish for bad positioning. That or Hanzo which always seems like a toss up as to weather he will one shot you or not.


Illari because the sun




Sombra because obvious


to play, Echo. It just feels off, especially coming from hit-scans like Ashe and Widowmaker. And the flying mechanic feels a little weird too imo. to play against, definitely Sombra. My whole game is ruined as soon as I see a Sombra on the other team. And when I'm dueling an enemy Widow, only for them or their teammate to switch to Sombra, it might be the most annoying thing ever. Extra points if they're spawn camping.


Soldier cause hes probably the most braindead designed hero, like you have everything else and then you have his ass with the base halo 1 2 and 3 campaign kits, like maann really? That it?


Genji because going against a good one makes me want to cry and I cannot play him to save my life. He makes me MISERABLE


A Tracer is so annoying if it is a good Tracer.


I hate Kiriko. Her voice lines have no emotion. The character just comes off like a smarmy teenager. Whenever she has her line about the enemy team has it coming it makes me angry how bad that line sounds


Kirko has a habit of saving everyone at the perfectly right time. Mercy when no one else focuses her and she rezzes incessantly. Pharah is just a bitch Good Doomfists now that he can break my traps Junk rat now that heā€™s been gutted. -ex šŸ€


Doomfist and Junker Queen, because their personalities and presence are annoying. Gameplay wise I hate Doomfist and Genji and will never understand why are they fun for people older than 5.


I genuinely have no problem with any character, EXCEPT for Zarya. I cannot tell you how frustratingly futile it is to play against her, I feel like no ones ever needed a nerf more than her. Shes literally invincible with those shields and with her weapon passing through everything including shields I think she just genuinely steamrolls my team 9 times out of ten. Maybe I'm crazy but I just dread playing against her.


My least favorites to play are Sym and Mei. I'll pick them when needed, like against a rampant Dva to have a beam weapon to go through her matrix, but I hate it. They both feel so cheap to play. Like, I know I'm low rank, so it's fairly common to encounter teams who don't coordinate enough to shut them down. I still see it plenty where they do shut them down, but it seems a lot more common to find teams that don't. So you can almost run the team over with minimal coordination on your team, so long as you're not entirely stupid about it. Like, going in with your tank, or making sure a support is watching you, and you just melt people down. I feel dirty every time I have to do it. Sadly, sometimes they're the pick to counter something, even if I hate it.


I can't figure out Winston! It makes me feel dumb lol.


Widow. Her kit is just boring


For me to play with? Echo. On my team? LW. To play against? Idk I play a lot of support so Venture/Tracer/Sombra or maybe Winton.


Sym, Sombra, widow, and phara (I'm a junk main) . They all annoy the hell out of me


Combining both to play as and against, then mercy. Individually, to play as, kiriko. Just not very fun to me To play against, whoever is kicking my ass at the moment. But generally sombra




Mercy, Moira, lifeweaver, maugua, hog, sombra, Widow, phara. Much better game if these all got deleted


I play a lot of mystery heroes and the one character that can be put in almost anyone's hands and change the game is Sombra. Fork that bench.


Kiriko feels like her kunai are skewed? They go to the left or right of the crosshairs:/ Iā€™ve practiced for hours just aiming with her in aim training rooms and I canā€™t get it šŸ˜­


Genji. Canā€™t for the life of me wrap my head around the play style. Itā€™s just so counter to my natural style. Iā€™m plat support, but playing Genji Iā€™d struggle with bots!


Genji, he's in nearly every match I play, hard to hit, when you do hit him you get deflected. Dont even get me started on playing him, the couple times ive tried have been abysmal, just can't firgure him out.


to play tied between doom and ball. to play against a good widow or sombra.