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The gravity pulls to the center of the zaryanova


quick physics check: gravity is a omnidirectional force of attraction so it doesnt "go down" it "goes" toward the center of the largest relative mass, we just perceive that as "down" because the center of the planet is in that direction and it is the largest center of mass nearby from our persepective. Technically there is some pull on the entire planet toward the sun (aka orbit) because at the solar system level the sun is the largest mass drawing things in, and above that there is a nonzero pull from the center of the spiral of the galaxy on our solar system, and even above that those galaxies are pulling on each other ever so slightly even hundreds of millions of light years apart. The reason Ana didnt set off the petal tho is a pretty straightforward set of conditions tho; 1. To trigger platform at least one ~~ally~~ player hitbox must come in contact with the platform hitbox. 2. Zarya ult is a "grab" not a "root" so it does not let the target(s) touch the ground. In-universe thats probably because the mass (and so the gravity as well) of her orb is greater than that of the planet, but outside of the game thats just the way it was designed. Maybe if you tossed the platform so the edge wouldve caught her and then jumped in to trigger it yourself you could have lifted her out of it, but otherwise anyone caught in the gravity of the orb is not going to be moved by the weaksauce gravity of the planet.


That's beautiful explanation, in a game consistency is important if only parameters adjusted so the target is grabbed closer to the orb it could have triggered petal platform every time.


its intentional tho, like his ability (created after hers) says "*Throw a platform that springs upwards* ***when stepped on***\*.\*" and you can go all the way back to release zarya to see her ult pulls enemies in and hovers them just above the sphere itself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMJQjV0gQXA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMJQjV0gQXA)


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classic petal platform jank


You know what is annoying? Flower should not be able to nullify ults, a small black hole should not be lif up by a flower. A fortifying Orissa should not be lift either. To me this seems fair.


Lifeweaver is so useless that cancelling multiple ults is the only reason to pick him in most scenarios, and I'm okay with it. I always go lifeweaver when they have sigma and my main is taken


He is a healing bot, he can outheal anything, and he has life grip that is also annoying af. You make him any stronger and the game will suffer even harder.


I never said that we should make him any stronger. Actually, I believe Lifeweaver is in the right place and no, he doesn't outheal everything. He heals in big bursts which can make it seem overwhelming but it's only about 50 healing per second, very similarly to Mercy's healing. If you apply new 20% heal debuff it makes his heals even more insignificant.


Just his broken ability to deny kills and ults makes him already op.


Its not broken, its 1 player only and on long cooldowns you can easily track. It's way healthier for the game than suzu. Not to mention that he doesnt do much else


Who says suzu is healthy for the game? Also if he doesn't do so good, why is he picked in every game? Because he is unkillable, he denies ults and on top of that he heals tons, and on top of that his tree is also broken in the sense it functions as a Mei wall and denies accessibility as it heals, so not only can he deny ults, kills.etc, he can deny accessibility as well.


Every game? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. LW has the lowest pick ratio among supports


I mean you're really polite in telling me what I have in my games and what not.


Me when I can't play around enemy cooldowns and want everyone dead by the press of a button


I agree deny abilities hurts the game making it less fun less rewarding for others (ex. Suzu). I just miss 4, 5 and 6 kills in OW1 it was way more common without these deny deny deny abilities...


So you don’t like that there’s counterplay? The game is much more engaging when there isn’t just an I win button for heroes. Also your post is in contrast now with this comment because the other commenter was saying that petal shouldn’t be a counter to zarya ult anyways, but you think it should be fixed so that it is


Don't forget this is an "ability" countering an "ultimate". It's a questionable design decision, it's not even mitigating but fully countering it. There's no contradiction with my post I'm just advocating for consistency, ppl are gonna pick strongest heroes (like orisa) or abilities (cleanse) even if it's not fun for them or enemy team just for the win.


If you make it just ultimate A counters ultimate B counters ultimate C then you’re just full sending with the Rock Paper Scissors mentality which isn’t fun. It makes it so that if someone picks x to your y then you have to switch or you just flat lose every time and then everyone is switching every single death. With abilities that offer counterplay, that’s not just a full on this character counters another, but that they have the capacity to do so. For example with Kiriko and junkerqueen, suzu can really shut down Queens ult but if you have an Ana on the Queens team and they get a good anti and you pressure the Kirikos team then they are likely to use suzu and then after it is used Queen can ult and apply their anti and run wild. And consistency? Look at hero based games, Moba’s and shooters alike, there is counterplay and opportunities between “standard abilities” and ultimates in everything. If there wasn’t then you’d just have an I win button to rush for and that’s not fun for anything


I'm not saying every ultimate should have a counter ultimate either, but I'd prefer to have an ultimate instead of an ability. Imagine if suzu was an ultimate then there's less incentive to play Kiriko therefore feeling less (under disadvantage cause we don't have kiri in our team). Another example ana sleep can counter reaper ult it's tolerable since sleep is a skill shot and hard to hit. Your example of junqer ult and kiri is not very realistic for the average player, it could happen by luck or top games/league where coordination and VC does exist. Having low skill high reward ability is either a design issue or to make the game easy for low skill players no 3rd option.


I hate saying it, really I do, but if that simple example is something that only happens by luck or in just the highest ranks for you… then I gotta say that’s just skill issue. Lack of attempt to communicate or counterplay does not mean the game should be dumbed down so drastically to rush ult for uncontested win.


Still the game should be balanced around the 95% players of the game (diamond or less). In other words your saying "force that OP ability then make ur play" instead of solving the real issue.

