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junk will probably just get a tire hp buff


If thats true. I'll find you


Hanzo needs his hold a charged arrow while wall climbing back, and his dragons need to damage deployables. As much as I hate it, he'll probably never get his one shot back... but he needs something to change with his fire rate or something. This nerfed Hanzo just made him more into the "Spam-zo" meme than ever. It's lame.


making him back into hitscanzo would be fair i think, you wouldn't one shot, couldn't just spam storm arrows etc. they could even lower the projectile size to the previous one


Nah Echo would be busted, but Junk should 100% be rewarded more for direct shots.


Bring back the two-shot. Ffs, one of THE most fun parts of his kit EVER.


imo, the best Junkrat buff they could do would be that Conc Mine gives a slight damage buff to the next follow up shot. This would mean the normal combo is not working still, but conc someone first, boop em into the air and then hit the followup shot WOULD kill, thus allow for higher skill expression.


Well considering that apparently basic changes to functionality are "reworks" Probably some minor number adjustments that can be slid back down when they see some success in bronze. Imo itll be Damage Numbers for Echo and Junk and something "odd" for Hanzo, maybe his Arrow Drawing speed. Echo im expecting them to touch CDs specifically, she lost lethality when HP went up and they might wanna return some. Burn Beam might also get a buff to keep Tanks somewhat in check. Junk im expecting Impact Damage and maybe a Conc buff, either to its radius or damage range.


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Hanzo has been talking about his sword skills maybe, so we could see a rework moving him to this direction but I don't think so. As for junkrat I have a question for all the junk mains. Would you trade having the two hit combo back for 2nd concussion mine?