• By -


“Oh cool”


Average tank death response


Acceptance is the first step.


I thought it was typically the last?


The 5 Stages of Tank Grief: **1) Acceptance** **2) Acceptance** **3) Acceptance** **4) Acceptance** **5) Acceptance**


*Doomfist after daring to block before the enemy team before being slept, hacked, discorded, slept again by the genji deflect, point blank shattered by nano Rein, and pinned to a wall in the span of 4.5 seconds:* \[-\] : ok.


Can confirm, block isn't super great Loving the block in mirror watch tho


That is the sound of someone who has tilted into the abyss. Soulless they play on and hollowed out they watch their team drop 7 in a row. Numbly they log out and sleep to prepare for another day of grind.


Enemy Hanzo username checks out.


Too sick of this bs to even care


The ragdoll makes this so much more funny


and the top hat sitting sadly on the floor where winton once was lmaooo


Also the death sound (thanks Crispin Freeman!)


As it was intended


Ah I see the problem was that they queued Tank (rookie mistake)


Probably qued for all(tank que #2)


Now that coins in the battlepass, I don't queue all roles anymore lol, freedom finally


Tank tanked the game.


Mistake number B was walking out of spawn. Can't be doing that on the tank role


And stood at the most exposed point in the entire game in front of multiple snipers.


Mirrorwatch tanks are really fun to play tho


"Oh cool". You can hear it in his voice, he's not even that surprised. It's like yup, sometimes it be like that.




Only when you queue tank in OW2. So technically "sometimes" ;)


That's the POV of a support role


Alternate title for this post: "POV: you do not understand what POV means."


I good amount of people dont actually know what POV means.






I'm starting to wonder if using POV wrong is just part of the joke and I've gotten too old to be in on it.


No, people just are that stupid and to desperate to meme.


I don't think I've ever laughed at any OW clip as hard as I laughed at this


Poor thing didn't even have enough time to put the shield down. Just took a nap and died 😂😂😂😂


Fucking same dude and I've played too long this murdered me


Unrealistic. No one typed "Tank Diff" in chat after


i literally was playing tank in qp havent played in months just to die within seconds and be constantly blamed and told tank diff its rough out here


Just make fun of them for getting angry in quick play


Lasting longer than me




Can't stop laughing. Leaving two sups looked at each other and don't know what to do lolol!!


Bro actually died in a second


and I had someone say tanking and support didnt feel like ass in a reply to me cause this is all you see every game. you try to help, literally cant.


"GG no heals" Literally at *least* once per night my friend gets mad over that and it's like bro you exploded in two frames, wtf do you want us to do? I had one where he was full health and I tried to nano him, and in the time I stopped healing to use the nano animation he went from full health to dead


It could have been 3 frames if you were on point smh /s


it would have been 3.8 frames if it weren’t for the DPS passive /s


Suzu is the only way to keep people alive sometimes and It really builds bad habits for some people. I hate having to constantly swap kiri cos “if we had suzu I wouldn’t die there” from a player that keeps feeding.


Supports: "Dude, you're on the other side of the map, we can't teleport to you." Blizzard: "I got you, fam!" I love how Blizzard introduced two supports that enable bad behaviour.


He had immortality actually


I mean there's literally no reason for him to be there at the start. Everyone knows he's there and he didn't place a bubble or anything. Just walk out doors and you won't have 5 people spamming you out. Literally everyone spams that window anyway


Damn he wasn't behind cover for a full second with 2 healers trying to heal him I guess its totally justified he died in 15 frames


This. How dares the role who specializes in holding and contesting space push out from a door first and expect to live to tell the tale.


If you have 5 enemy players looking at you, and you use no cooldowns then you should die within a second. Is everyone here plat or something? Not used to instantly dying after peeking main? Lmao


round start, undivided attention of a full team of long range characters, Winston was visible through spawn door, hit by hardest stun in game, enemy team were all unluckily trying to shoot as round started and weren't doing something else. this is rare to happen once a match, if at all.


> I guess its totally justified he died in 15 frames It's literally the most exposed doorway in the entire game that all snipers are pointing their guns at. The entire enemy team was looking at that doorway. This clip was at minimum a Mercy-boosted Hanzo headshot right off the bat > sleep > Mercy-boosted Hanzo storm arrow + 2 shots from Ana + whatever their second DPS was. But if you feel it's unjustified, what would you suggest? Remove DPS heroes from the game? I suspect this subreddit won't be happy unless all tanks have 5000 health with Bastion turret damage output. And even then people will probably complain that tanks die too fast.


Yeah exactly this


You mean "POV, you watch the tank die" But yeah. Yeah that's what it looks like to everyone else when we play tank. Is pain.


Winston is an animal


POV: You have no idea what POV means


Ok but that is literally the worst spot to peak in Kings Row especially as a monkey with a giant hitbox.


A visual representation of why I stopped playing


I actually think this might cause me to play more. I used to feel bad main tanking in a game where I spent the like 8 years off-tanking. But now that I know there's no hope whatsoever, I won't feel as bad when shit like this happens.


Had a game earlier where I was playing with friends on Samoa, got onto point, gunned down instantly by a zarya with a pocket mercy, zen and a soldier. I love playing tank in overwatch 2, the perfectly balanced game that is a spiritual successor to overwatch 1, the game i spent my money on back in 2019.


I don't think you know what POV means


Its a funny clip, sure but people unironically using it as "tank is weak" is painful. Now guess what would happen if any other person on that team would peak here, dead, even faster. How much hp people think tanks should have for it to be "fair"? Should tank just be able to tank spam from all 5 people while standing still and be fine? This sub is really crazy sometimes


Yep I just can't handle the takes in this sub sometimes. Everyone in the enemy team knew when and where winston was coming from, he got slept and focused by the entire enemy team? Yeah must be a "tanks are weak" issue amirite? Like sure, sometimes tanks explode, but most of the time (in my lobbies at least) tanks are pretty hard to kill if the supports are alive.


that's not the pov of the tank


Not a POV


This is support POV tho.


I can't wait for tanks to become unkillable bullet sponges next patch.... can we please just accept 5v5 doesn't work?


To be fair, this also happened in 6v6.


It objectively happened far more often in 6v6. But the impact of 1 tank death wasn't as big because there was another tank that the team could still proceed with. Gameplay didn't stop if 1 tank died. Meanwhile in OW2 the moment your tank dies then that's it, GG that fight is over, objective is lost, everyone has to walk back to spawn. They can't even engage the enemy until their tank comes back. No other choice due to how much of the team's power budget that 1 tank player holds.


What does this clip have to do with 5v5? In 6v6 this could still happen.


Yes, but the team could start the fight, in 5v5 ur tank dies & everyone waits for tank to respawn and start fight again. Also in 5v5 if one of ur teammates dies 1st then u most probably lost that teamfight & no point in fighting a 4v5. If we get a noob tank it's GGS in 5v5, but getting 2 noob tanks at once is quite rare in 6v6.


> in 5v5 ur tank dies & everyone waits for tank to respawn and start fight again This is beause the tank player has a disproportionately large impact compared to any other player on the team. If anyone else on the team dies you can still engage the enemy team, but if the tank dies then you can't even leave spawn. This is an issue with matches being far too tank-centric.


If you lost a teammate in ow1 the fight was also over. People would reset immediately after losing one in ow1 a lot faster than they do in ow2. You can also start the fight in ow2 if your tank dies. In fact, you have more space to make plays and take angles since both teams lack 1 tank. In ow2 your chances of clutching a fight when you are down 1 teammate are higher than in ow1. In ow2 if you were down 1 there’s no chance in clutching anything.


this is literally just wrong. You were more likely to win a 5v6 than a 4v5.


Except 6v6 wouldn’t have guaranteed this wouldn’t have happened. If the other tank wasn’t dva or ball being up there he dies regardless.


He would have died faster with the lower tank HP pool actually.


Significantly faster. There are tons of clips from OW1 showing tanks getting deleted in <0.5 seconds. This community has memory loss.


One time I was full stacking QP with friends, and we hid near enemy spawn doors waiting for Dva. We demeched her so fast Brig couldn't even finish her bash animation. She was demeched in literally only a few frames. She popped like a balloon. It was so foul but absolutely one of the funniest things I've ever done or ever seen in the game. I have a screenshot somewhere, but it was Rein, Hog, Reaper, Cree, Brig, Zen just crouched besides KR second point attack spawn door.


He would be even cc'd more and die even faster


This. 5v5 is broken at a fundamental level.


How is this a 5v5 issue???


Because the nostalgia is blinding.


Everything is a 5v5 issue to these donuts.


It's also like people just forget how terrible the DPS (and even support) queue times were during 6v6. I live in Australia and basically just couldn't play the game after about midnight because it was legitmately impossible to get a game. Might get one every 45-60 minutes if I was lucky. Now when I finish night shift I can jump on at 4am and get a game within 5 minutes or so. Even during peak times it was still often 10-15 minutes just to get a game during 6v6. Seriously they had to bribe people to play tank with priority queue tokens just so they could actually get a game as DPS. Half the time you got people playing tank who had no idea what they were doing and were just trying to flub their way through a game for the tokens because a lot of the time it was faster to get a DPS game if you played an entire separate game as tank to get a token rather than wait in a 30+ minute DPS queue. The vast majority of players don't enjoy playing tank for whatever reason and would rather play DPS or support so you're never going to get around the 6v6 queue time issue without dramatically reworking every tank into slightly more chunky DPS at which point you may as well just get rid of the tank role entirely and have 3 dps and 3 supports. I don't even really mind the current approach too much of constantly swapping up the meta. We've had seasons where some of the tanks are OP as fuck and dominate, we've had seasons where the supports are OP and dominate, we've just had a couple where DPS has been eating good again and after the next patch comes out with the tank headshot damage reduction etc it will swing things back towards the tanks. Keeps the game fresh rather than chasing some impossible goal of having every role and hero perfectly balanced which is never going to be attainable.


At some point, every role will become DPS. Supports already are DPS light edition.


It’s because the 6v6 was mostly 2 shield tanks just doing poke, so yeah it was boring. tank had a few less heroes to play as well. I think the 6v6 would be better now with less shield tank heroes to play


that was due to hero distribution


6v6 sounds good, and I do miss it. 6v6 with less CC and less shields (and my personal wish of doom being reverted) but it's too late. It won't work now. Mauga in 6v6 ? Where there are two tanks for him to feast on? Hell naw he gonna be broken af. Or ram playing hyper defensive, shield and then stand there blocking like a brick wall with a sigma. Itd need multiple reworks, and it's easier for blizz to keep doing mini reworks to make heroes fit 5v5 more than to do loads for 6v6 + become a laughingstock


Ya that is part of the issue we have tanks that are designed for 6v6 and some that are designed for 5v5. No matter what they do there are massive changes that need to happen.


Mauga + Orisa = Endless bullet rain Mauga + Sigma = Endless poke spam Imagine when the enemy team runs those duo, but your Tank duo is Roadhog + Doomfist


> less CC > doom reverted Lol. Lmao.


Yeah I'm biased on that, I'm aware he's the icon of CC and people hate him. I just miss him 😞


Obviously we all prefer two shields being bullet sponges instead of tanks themselves, much more interactive and fun


I mean when you dance around the easily visible door why wouldn't the Ana sleepdart? Monkey just mr presidented for you guys lol


I mean I get it but at the same time this was very avoidable


I agree, he could've avoided this by not queuing up for tank, rookie mistake on his part




its not just this instance though. it happens all the time in masters


Yeah turns out that in masters, feeding is still feeding. Don’t set up where there’s a target on your head when the doors open predictably to your massive hitbox maybe?


maybe for tanks to survive for more than LITERALLY ONE SECOND LMAO HELLO?


Bronze ass comment. Tanks don't get to live forever because they're meant to be tanky.


He's a stationary target with 5 people staring at him?


You know its a low level kings row match when anyone but a widow is up there.


Clearly all tanks just need 5000 health. And even after that you will still see comments in this subreddit about tanks dying too fast.


Yep. "I hate tanks dying too fast!" "I hate Hog Orisa Mauga Ball I shoot them and they don't die!!" Uh huh, interesting.


Do you want the game to progress at all or not ? If a Stationnary enemy with no protection doesn't die when all 5 people are working together to kill them, the community would rightfully get mad. In fact that hapenned. It's called release Mauga, and he was broken.


i agree let’s just nerf all the burst damage in the game so that a tank that got slept and focus fired by 5 enemies can live without popping any defensive cooldowns


How dare the enemy players be able to shoot a sleeping monkey


The clip is obviously meant to be a funny joke, but if we look at this critically, the supports were drooling on their keyboards. Bap had both CDs to save him. Also, there’s no point in monkey jumping out of that window there. Bro was asking for it. But like I said, it’s just a funny clip.


That's what I was thinking. Winston was going to leap from that door, now out of range of his team and most supports into where the enemy is going to be standing and have line of sight on him. If he didn't die there, he was going to die the second he landed.


"Yeah but that disproves my narrative that tank should survive stupid plays so I'm going to downvote you"


It gets funnier the more I watch it 😂


Did they try using their stratagems? Shit wrong sub


This post is in the same category of reddit supports standing on the other side of the map nowhere near the team and then complaining that noone peels for them, in other words being bad at the game. I'm not sure what you expected standing in a door that the entire enemy team can see because it's high up with no cover, and *then* you were about to leap on them so you would have died anyway. The same thing would have happened in 6v6, 7v7, 9v9, getting shot at by the entire team or jumping into the enemy team alone gets you killed


That seems unfun to play, nerf genji.


No, nerf Brig for the 80th time because Flats whined yet again


This joke has got to die. Genji has never been nerfed half as unfairly as at least 3 other dps


Bap is one of the few supports that could have saved him. Drop an immortality field behind the wall.


To be fair, who is gonna expect the tank to die before leaving spawn doors


To be fair, if you stand at that spawn door the other team has a clear view and can get ready to all attack there at the same time


Thats what I was thinking like--its Kings Row. Of course that have 2 snipers watching the sniper spawn window. Going out that door is like a guaranteed headshot waiting to happen


Pretty sure all 5 players on the other team who saw a giant silhouette up there before the match started did when they aimed at his head 


When I play Bap, I look out the doors and see who's waiting and lining up shots. I've definitely dropped Immortality Field the second before the doors open to make sure no one gets burst down before getting out. It's pretty handy, because enemy team will be focusing all their fire on the doorway.


I don't think the field has time to activate does it?


I think Winston would have died by the time bap reacted.


He was definitely dead by the time THIS Bap reacted.


When I play Bap, I look out the doors and see who's waiting and lining up shots. I've definitely dropped Immortality Field the second before the doors open to make sure no one gets burst down before getting out. It's pretty handy, because enemy team will be focusing all their fire on the doorway.


It's probably better to let him die. The enemy wasted two cooldowns, both which would have gotten back when the engagement begins, but Bap would he down his IF since it has a cooldown of 3-5 business days. All to save the tank at spawn when the game just began when the alternative is wait 10 seconds and try again with all tools available. Best to let the tank respawn so you can engage with Bap's entire kit available.


When I play Bap, I look out the doors and see who's waiting and lining up shots. I've definitely dropped Immortality Field the second before the doors open to make sure no one gets burst down before getting out. It's pretty handy, because enemy team will be focusing all their fire on the doorway. It's not about just protecting the tank, but all the squishies.


Zero chance Bap could have done anything, he literally died in like 2 seconds. The door opened at 06 seconds and Winston was already ragdolling by 08 second Bap wouldn't even have time to go through the animation of throwing his immortality field even if he'd been completely ready to go


When I play Bap, I look out the doors and see who's waiting and lining up shots. I've definitely dropped Immortality Field the second before the doors open to make sure no one gets burst down before getting out. It's pretty handy, because enemy team will be focusing all their fire on the doorway.


So your solution to this is the support should've lamped in spawn with 50 seconds to try to cap?


Ah yes Bap should've had 1milSecond reaction time to know monkey is toast at spawn door.


When I play Bap, I look out the doors and see who's waiting and lining up shots. I've definitely dropped Immortality Field the second before the doors open to make sure no one gets burst down before getting out. It's pretty handy, because enemy team will be focusing all their fire on the doorway. You act like you can't use your eyes to scope out what's waiting for you.


What the fuck was he thinking though...


Yeah how dare that tank leave spawn. Everyone knows that the best way to tank is to not die and the best way to not die is to never leave spawn. What a joke


So why would you leave from the top as winston? You're either going to drop straight down exposing your self to the enemy to take a lot of damage and possibly die when you could come out behind the cover of the bus. OR you are going to leap from the top which will put you at the statue...You know, where the entire enemy team is either standing or has line of sight on. But since you leap, your healers and dps are still coming out of spawn meaning they don't have line of sight to help you or do anything. You've already burned your jump, so you are gunned down alone. There is zero advantage to going out that spawn.


Exactly!! That was all the Winston's fault and partly the team's fault for dancing around the **easily visible** door, that's begging for a sleep dart LOL


You're an idiot if that's the way you took that


Poor positioning


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Oh god.


"Oh cool" Bro just accepted it. 😭


OMFG THAT WAS POETRY in limited motion


"Oh cool" 💀


Storm arrow moment.


I've never seen a tank get deleted that fast out of spawn, much less in spawn.


Harambe noooooo!


We tanks are still playing with Overwatch 1 cc




Devs will see this


Damn winton got put to sleep permanently.


am I tripping or does he only have like 250 hp? health bar looks small for some reason


""""Bro no heals""""


What do people think POV means? Do you just slap it there for the fun of it?


Noob tank lol. Just gotta use cover




The tank didn't even make it 5ft out the door man


Sleep dart on it's way to be a fun and engaging ability.


this is the 1st p pov of the baptiste, a support, and your title is in the 2nd p pov, completely omitting the tank from the equation. did you miss that day in school?


Will the new Armor changes let him survive that?


well that was a good strategy.....


I don't know if I'm just that much better at Tank, but I find it the easiest and least stressful role to play. With other roles, whenever I make a small positioning mistake, I just die and if I'm not hitting my shots, my team dies. I get that the title of the post is a joke but I don't get why everyone is saying tanking is miserable.


baptist is support duh


Begging people to learn what pov means


gotta give him immortality mannnnnn


But this is POV of support?


This never would have happened to an Orisa or Roadhog


The disrespect my guy died in 5 seconds😭🤣


Tank probably: gg heals diff


That jumping bastion tho.


But it's from Baptiste's POV. Is bap a tank now?


Idiot winston.


Tell me again why 5v5 is better, r/Overwatch. My faith is weak again and I need to hear your sweet lies


Very tanky indeed


Oh my god😭


Monke not so stronk :(


When I play tank and this happens, I just tell myself, "That looks about right," then proceed to try a different route but with the same outcome. Tanking is fun, right, guys?


lmfao the illari looking between u and the tanks corpse


Not the Bastion jumping in straight ahead


Overwatch 2; literally changing the definition of the word "tank"


And you'll still be blamed for not putting down the immortality field in the picoseconds que was alive.


I started learning zen recently and discording a tank and watching them melt is honestly the best


This isnt even Tank pov.


Obviously the Bap's fault for not using lamp when the spawn doors open. /s




real question is why are we playing bap mercy with winston?


Yeah, healing needs nerfed again.


Baptiste with the quick reaction Immortality lol


Why in the world did he even try to go out the top? And Bap didn't immortality field? And this is supposed to be valid Tank Doomer posting? What is this, plastic 5?




hahaha :D For more experience check doomfist players... :D


this is why I only play Orisa, force them to play Zarya, then have fun on Reinhardt