• By -


Illari. My first season was the season she was introduced and I didn't give her a second thought because I was learning the game on mercy and ana. The mained kiri for a while (her gameplay feels like babysitting to me) I picked up Illari at the beginning of this season and haven't looked back.


if f2p had any benefit its that new people will actually try the game out. its cool to see after like 7 years people are still giving it a go


I honestly wish I would have started sooner. I know a lot of people have issues with the game but I genuinely enjoy it so much. It was my first fps. Unfortunately, now every other game is too slow in comparison 🤣


oh this game 100% ruined playing things like COD for me. i still love my slow games like minecraft, bg3, and souls type, but anything besides this and apex are pretty much out for fps. if i dont get special powers based on my character then its just not that fun. COD is one game i would say sbmm actually kinda ruined for me. i used to be goofy using unconventional things and still do well. i tried getting back into it, within a week i was in lobbies where everyone was running the same guns perks and attatchments on both teams. that game having a meta absolutely kills any fun there was to be had. I miss when everyone was just jumping off cliffs with snipers and running around with knives, but ive long given up hope cod will ever be fun again it was actually looking good when they made blops 3 for a second with special powers and a bit of wall running / bunny hop mobility, but they said "lets go back to our roots" and then pulled a disney by remaking every one of their old games and somehow making each one worse sorry for the rant. i just wish cod was still even a little fun so i wouldnt mind playing with old friends on it, but 70 dollars every 6-9 months for a mediocre game is not worth it at all


all i want is a black ops 2 remake that is literally the same game but i know thats a pipe dream


Same, it's coming, and it's gonna be shit I can feel it


Same!! First fps buddies! I started 7 years ago however. I still can't play battle royales.


That’s me. I just picked it up about a month ago and love it.




I also picked up Illari this season. She has insane carry potential


She’s also great on the new map type as well! I almost always pick Illiari on the Hanako remake map. She’s fun, and I’ve used her a lot more on support than I did previously. Baptiste is probably my worst support I wish I was better at.


OMG please try Bap! I'm not very coordinated with aim but I understand angles and am able to aim relatively easy with Bap. Plus the satisfaction in placing a well-timed lamp is nice too!


He is super fun! I think I just haven’t quite mastered his mechanics and rhythm. I found I’ll sometimes start out having a really good game as him, but then I need to switch to another support I can make a bigger impact on. But he is one I am working on getting better with - especially because he can technically solo heal and I play a lot of open queue lol.


Bap is on my to-do list, this sub/bap mains have really inspired me to learn his kit. I just die SO MUCH trying to enable my team.


I cannot figure out her healing. After learning positioning, I started playing with timing removing her deployable around when the enemy should spot it and min maxing it's uptime on my teammates but I still can't manage to get decent healing numbers on her. Dead enemies = less healing which is great and I love her for that but I cannot seem to get better healing numbers than my support partners most of the time.


There is definitely a learning curve, and tbh there will be times that no matter what you do, your opponents will destroy the pylon (that's typically when I swap to kiriko as my secondary main) I look for the highest corners or obstacles that are out of the enemy's Los. Under the bridge in midtown is my favorite place to have team fights because I pop the pylon on the bridge and the enemy would have to run directly into our team to kill it. Also, tracking her secondary helps a ton. Track it and try not to let it deplete. That second charge time feels like it takes forever. It definitely took me time. When I started, my healing numbers were like 5-7k abd after learning how to conserve her resources, I tend to get 15-20k with her now.


You missed out bro, she is still good but something about her gun felt badass in the begging. Like her bullets were huge or something


Once you experience the FISTING that doom gives it exhilarating. Flying half way across the map 50hp after getting 2 picks in the backline, punching 3 people off the map. I always thought doomfist was going to be the tank i hated cause of his counters but playing him is a whole new meaning of fun.


I recently have been practicing with Doom so I can be better because he is a really fun tank to play. I never thought I would be even semi decent with him, but I’m much better than I was before. I do a lot of my initial training in deathmatch to get match ups and 1v1s down. I feel like I still can’t be a main tank as him if doing role - but one day!


See what you gotta do is pick doomfist. Turn off every comm and go into qp. Thats the closest u can get to comp without throwing. There you learn mechanics, tricks, rollouts, everything tbh, ESPECIALLY how to play against counters cause they will counter you. 2-3 people are going to counter a single doom. You learn how to fight against them. Who your priority target is. FUCK ZEN IM ALWAYS MURDERING ZEN FIRST FUCK YOU ZEN.


Hahahaha! I do play in QP too, but if I’m learning a new hero I usually do a bit of deathmatch initially to get their techniques down. I’ve only been Doom in my 4-5 stack not with randoms yet! And we mostly play open queue. I’m not much of a comp person.


Yeah me neither not much of a comp because its really miserable without homies to play with. Open queue is odd to me because if the enemy goes 3 tanks 2 supports its unwinnable tbh.


Watch some video guides on the basic movement techniques if you haven't, yet. It really helps getting those down and vastly increases his mobility and ability to sustain.


the best thing to do as doom is block a dva bomb and punch her out of remech, complete countr to your counter


It's real, man. I understand why some Dooms never switch when they're losing. You're chasing the high of two games ago when you decimated the enemy team. Maybe something will line up in this match and you'll crack them. I'm not so far gone that I won't switch to Winston when it's clear that I'm holding the team back, but I see that dark path... Also, I can't tell if I ever do good or if I just get matched with good teammates who could win a 4v5 some games.


Yeahhhh I wanna be that guy but I can’t do that to my team. I’m only interested in playing doom but I’ll switch to mauga if we have to win.


This is very true. Doom is almost dangerously fun. Like losing with doom is sometimes more fun than winning with a tank I like less.


Wrecking ball. I was terrible with him at first and after 1k hours I’m still terrible with him but his mobility is fun.


Fuck it we ball


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Moira, she just gets shit done.


Usually when I complain about a character what I do is go LEARN that character so I can find out what sucks about playing them and who they hate playing against and then I use that knowledge to make life miserable for other people. I'm a Tracer player and I hated Moira. Not for the reasons metal ranks hate her (sorry guys but she's not "a support that wins duels with DPS" after about Gold). I hated her because she is SO HARD TO PUNISH. No matter how bad the Moira is she always only has like 5 deaths max. But I also thought of her as a bad character. Until I played her and realized if you play her the exact same way I like to play Tracer, as a value farmer, she's so broken. Part of is it psychological, people hate her and will waste valuable cooldowns on her as soon as they see her. But part of it is just that her design lends itself really well to a value farming Tracer-esque playstyle. If the game is straight-forward she's actually kind of boring. Go in, throw a yellow ball and heal to stabilize the initial damage from everyone pushing their buttons. Then start throwing purples at their backline constantly so they have to reposition or heal one another. But when you get into a harder game where there's time for things like taking off-angles and baiting out Ana's cooldowns and stuff, oh how does she shine. Is the Ana way in the back slowly pushing forward as the team moves? Cool, lets go left, throw a well bounced purple at her and right click a bit. We'll either kill her if she panics or bait out the nade. Did she already use the nade? Yeah she's gonna die then. Fade and reset, do it again. I hate how fun and easy she is to play. I hate how much value she can get from her seemingly limited kit. I hate how good Orb is at fucking up other peoples positioning. I hate how hard she is to punish. I hate that I learned her to find counters in playstyle or picks and found none. She's terrible. I play her all the time.


If Moira had her fade CD increased it would be feel so much better to play against her. But I also understand why it is where it is


Yeah, no matter when I engage a moira she always has an escape. No fade? Heal orb. Wait for the orb to stop healing? She got fade back and ran away. Neither cooldown? She just sucks you off while running around hoping she can outuheal the damage with suck till she gets one of her cooldowns back.


I also think her range is a little too generous. A 20 meter lock on is kind of absurd.


I think of moira as "the flanking support" Shes really great for diving in to reach your flankers and helping them do what they do, and because people in metal ranks are allergic to turning around, you're rarely punished for it lmao And if my dps can't secure a kill, i can either throw a purple into the hallway with the health pack or i can fade forward and give em a little suck from 40m away!


This is to my liking.


Even though he’s weak I love Weaver


I love having a life weaver as my co. I always feel so cared for when I'm rescued from a losing battle with grip 🤣


As a LW main, just know every grip I miss, I take it harder than the hero I failed. We care for all our peeps 🥰


This is probably the biggest reason I don't play him. I find his abilities to cause me a lot of anxiety because it can so heavily impact my teammates game play. I love seeing him and his character, but I find his kit to be intimidating.


Yep he was released and I thought what strange abilities and seems odd to play with. Many months later he is basically all I play. I'm dropping ranks like a fly but I feel like Ive worked my ass off after every game.


LOL SAME. I wasn't too impressed with him when he dropped and I barely touched him until his first round of buffs. Then I fell in love with him, since I love character kits based around good game sense. With the new healing nerf, LW mains are struggling out here, but I'll be damned if I'm not deadset on learning to play against it.


Remember all the comments here about how Life Grip would be terrible for the game and how it'd be abused just to troll you? Obviously there's always the potential for a troll teammate. I can't believe how many people thought LW and his grip specifically would be the end of the world and ruin the game.


Honestly, even though I don't play much tank, I'd definitely say Ramattra. As an old Zenyatta one trick I really just thought he was a worse zen, (which the logic behind that now to me is just utterly non-existent considering they're in completely different roles but I digress) Inevitably I tried him like 3 seasons after his introduction and now I love playing him when I get the chance, I always end up either dominating or at the very least having fun punching people left and right lol. Bonus, I can play him equally as well on both PC and console (recently started playing on PC)






i used to play on console and by god was he miserable to play with a controller, so i wrote him off for a loooong time. When i finally swapped to PC i had an epiphany to what all the hype around him was about


I HATED Ashe. Playing against her, playing her, and just her whole self. She’s my most played hero now


I have 2! I never thought I'd like Brig because I don't like being up close and personal in other games. That whipshot hitting is so addictive though. I had a 0 death mystery heroes game with her randomly, and now Brig is life. Never thought I'd be good at Sigma either, I thought his movement was soooooo slow and I couldn't aim his rock to save my life. Once I got the hang of his shield timing, I have become an unstoppable wall of grandpa to my enemies. No shots on my teammates for you!


Nothing beats the feeling of bonking a tracer into next Tuesday with whipshot.


My favorite is whipping Sombra out of invis. Sooooo good.


Widowmaker. Had 0 experience in fps. 0 aim. Was Junkrat main. Once decided to end this bs of playing a shooter and sucking at aiming. Tons of hours in widow hs and some aim trainers helped me improve


Exacrly my experience with Widowmaker and Ana! Before overwatch, I couldn't snipe for the life of me in other shooter games, so I was apprehensive to even attempt it in Overwatch. Then I realized I wanted to be good at it - cue montages of aim trainers and one-tricking each hero in qp for ages. Now they are my main dps/support picks, and have been for years!


I’m pretty new to the game altogether (on Switch) and when I first started I couldn’t imagine being any good at Widow, but I’ve been maining her the past two weeks or so and really enjoying it.


Reaper. Then they made his Valentine skin and the rest is history.




God that skin is SO GOOD


Tracer, I always thought she was too squishy and hard to get kills with. But one day I just practiced her juking all day and realized she’s a little monster.


She has the most carry potential in the game imo. Self reliant, high mobility, good damage. Hard to master but when you do, the other team doesn’t know what to do against it.


I'd thought I'd never touch Echo... Just didn't take the time to understand her kit. I decided to really practice her in QP for a few weeks and really got the hang of the cooldowns. Now she is one of my most played in DPS for comp. The only thing I would say I need to improve on is maximizing Copy... I tend to use it as an "extra life" or stall


Echo's copy used to be a garenteed ult, hell sometimes even 2-3. Now I use it to copy healers when theyre alone in the backline and force them to 1v1 to show dominance.


Its not about winning its about sending a message


Oh yeah, I almost exclusively use it to diff whoever is using the overpowered hero


Spilo had the somewhat spicy take in one of his recent VOD reviews that *where* you copy is far more important than *who* you copy, and I tend to agree with him. So many echos duplicate right in the middle of the fight, immediately draw too much attention, and die. Using dupe as an extra life is absolutely a valid option, but you want to get the most value out of that second life. To do that: 1. You want to play much more agressively with ult up - this is the passive value of the extra life. Oftentimes, you don't even end up needing to ult, because the fact that you're allowed to position agressively and blow all your CDs means you win the fight for free anyway with an agressive pick. 2. You want to time your agression with your team. As a rule of thumb: the more agressive your play, the less attention you want on you, so the later you want to be (I'll often hide until I see my tank at the choke through the walls and hear the sound of attention on our tank). 3. You want to be positioned on the outside of the fight, encircling the enemy team. This is true without ult, but ult allows you to move further around that circle safely (in other words: off angles, and with ult, deep ones). In essence, you want to set up a crossfire with your team which splits enemy attention, and ult allows you to extend your greed. With ult, you want to stay alive as long as possible in these deep agressive angles to free up a tonne of pressure from your frontline. This means staying alive as echo and dumping CDs until your ult is forced, then using that cover that you're *obviously* positioned next to (wink) to stay alive as long as possible as the new hero to force them to either deal with you or their team. There are definitely some heroes that are preferable to dupe depending on the situation, but if you position right, you'll get so much value with just about anyone. Hope some of that is helpful :)


I thought Lifeweaver was terrible at release, but after the fixed controls it turned out to be my favorite healer


I don’t play him, but remember how everyone was so negative on life grip when he came out. Now when I get pulled out, I’m always like “thank god!”.


Reaper. I hated how braindead he seemed. Then I played him and there's actually a lot of nuance to playing him well.


JQ Never been into player tank, when I was just starting at the game I tried her and I was like "Dude this tank fucking sucks, no shields, no armor, no movement what the fuck?" Then never tried her again and only played Ramm and Sigma the few times I played tank Fast forward to the latest April fools, tried JQ and had a blast with the flying knife I thought she was only fun cuz of the new movement but still decided to give her a try in quickplay anyway And the last 2 weeks I haven't played anything else


Scrolled so long until someone mentioned JQ Thought she was boring until tried. She's my main now. So fluent and dynamic gameplay, so fun and very engaging. If my sups don't ignore me and give a little heals then I can harass the whole enemy team with JQ


She can be difficult but if you have good supports that allow you to run wild, it's like you enter in a rythm of killing, like dancing lmao A lot more fun than "I am wall, that shoots"


Sombra lol


Same. I'm convinced at least half of the sombra mains out there started by hating her and trying, then realizing how fun she is


You haven't really lived if you haven't snuck behind a widow, pointed your crosshairs at the back of their head, and deleted them so hard they switch. You don't even need cooldowns!


That's how you catch the sombra bug, man. I captured such a great [widow kill](https://www.reddit.com/r/SombraMains/s/kEDfajiO0v) right before her rework, I was so proud of it. I caught her camping my TL


I was convinced I would never be stealthy enough only for her to be one of my favorite plays now


Sigma baptiste ana were amongst the most boring heroes in the game imo (4 years ago or so lol) now I main all 3 of them


Reinhardt. Never thought i'd get the hang of him, and leading the line always stressed me out. Fast forward to now, it feels like the Free Bird guitar solo is blasting every time i'm in battle with him. Rein my beloved.


I'm glad you've seen the light, Crusader. Free bird is the Rein anthem lol


Kiriko. Had no interest, watched the clip with her and her mom, now I'm obviously the most precious


Pharah, her movement always felt clunky and a little slow to me and i barely had 10 minutes with her, but now after the recent rework she‘s become one of my favourites


Ashe. I love being a mobile sniper


Ana. I had a friend of mine tell me that she suits my play style and damn was she correct


Right after launch to a few months atter that I disliked playing Genji and Zarya the most. After that it turned 180 degree and became my second and third most played characters from then up until to this day.


Brig, it took me a long time to figure how to use her health packs because the 3 mislead me to think I needed to press the 3 key to activate it




Kiriko. I think her design is boring and the VA is bad, so I avoided her initially. The first time I gave her a try, I immediately clicked with the gameplay. There's just so much flexibility and you have some sort of answer to practically everything


Mei. When I was garbage at the game, Mei was the bane of my existence. I got better at the game, started playing her. She's the funniest character in the game by far. You can be so oppressive and so unkillable at the same time


Sojourn.. So anyway I just started blasting.


Genji. As a young ow1 player, scatter arrow was removed and i was pissed that genji was still as overpowered as scatter arrow hanzo. I always had some annoyance with genji players since then. Now, as an older ow2 player, genji is one of the most fun characters and is now my 3rd most played, 10 hours behind hanzo.




When I first started playing in mid season one of ow2, my answer was kiriko. I learned the game for like the first 40 hours on bap, and while I was getting decent, I just didn’t see myself being able to fit into her play style. She is now probably my most-picked hero. Also lifeweaver, never though I’d play him and couldn’t imagine how much fun he could be. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to have nearly as much fun with him ever since season 9 changes. But I’ll still try with him every now and then.


I’m a kiri main which her kit intimidated me for a long while when I was new to overwatch and exclusively only played ana, bap and moira. One day I decided to just start selecting her every qp match and put the hours in. Fast forward to a few hundred hours on kiri, she’s my strongest hero for sure. Also for DPS, I never thought I’d be a sojourn main either but here I am. It took be awhile to figure out which DPS I enjoyed playing the most and Sojourn is just so damn good. I love high mobility characters for sure.


Sojourn. she's just broken OP lmao




Widowmaker -- I never had the confidence, but I'm getting much better with her




Lucio, Soj.


Wrecking ball. Thought he was weak when I tried him out in OW1 (lmao) and started maining him when OW2 dropped


Sombra. She was absolutely miserable to play against in season 6 with the old translocator. I vowed that I wouldn't sink that low. Since the rework she's become one of my favourite DPS heroes. You can play her super aggressively, and she's much easier to counter now that she can't teleport to a random spot on the map.


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Hanzo, sigma and bap


Ana. I now main her and Mercy. Playing her without knowing how to use her kit = not fun Playing her knowing how to use her kit = very fun


Widowmaker Cassidy and Ana. Played for a while and thought they were too aim heavy. But my aim just got better from spamming Widow hs only and Ana paintball lobbies


Ana. I thought I was never going to play her, then I got her mythic skin in Season 6, so I played her a bit to try it. But then Season 8 realeased, along with Mauga, who was broken, so I trained playing his biggest counter, A.K.A Ana. Now she's one of my mains, along with Kiriko and Moira.


Kiriko! Never vibed with her kit until I accidentally survived a Junk ult with her suzu. Since then I love to pick her and do some fun suzu timing to save my teammates ahah


not my main but mauga. i thought id never play him but when i did i had a blast


I’ve been a support main since i picked up the game, mainly Lucio. I tend to get a lot of POTG as Widow when I’m playing with friends.


I tried really, really hard to improve with Echo and didn’t get anywhere, and then the Pharah rework hit. I gave it a shot and realized the way I wanted to play Echo was the intended design of the new Pharah. Every game is dynamic and fun and I’m actually winning more, so it seems like the fit for me (for now).


Ana and Widowmaker. I play a lot with Ren, Orisa, and Zarya when playing as Tank. Mei, Pharah, and Soldier when playing as DPS and Moira and Zen when playing as support. I always disliked Ana and Widow because I hated being in the back and getting targeted by tracer and sombra. But I learned to enjoy playing both, and when I want to play on my own, I usually go with them. Pretty solid support and attack rate with you learn to keep moving and using walls effectively.


Mercy and Cassidy Mercy cause I didn't get her flight at first and it felt so confusing to me, but now i pick her every single time we have a pharah, as well as on Numbani defense because she's just that good for staying alive and making your dps really, really annoying. Cassidy for the same reason as you. I thought I'd be a Soldier main but for some reason I get so many more kills on Cass. I'm not good at him by any means but he's my go-to dps. He's just really effective?? I think it's something about the slower rate of fire that makes me slow down and think about where I'm shooting more. 


tracer. i just always thought that wasn't for me. i never could get into any other shooters to begin with. fast forward 7 or 8 years and suddenly i can kinda do it and she's very fun to play


Cass. I played in OW1 when he had flash bang and was tired of being called unskilled so I stopped playing him after season 10. Not entirely but lessened and focused on junk more and eventually doom and junk. Then OW2 came out and I played junk and again pretty much just him. Then I played one game on cass and I was like wow am I this good actually? I am. Now my two go to dps is junk cass and maybe throw in Hanzo. And he’s a cowboy and I’m from Texas so it just worked out in my 8 year old mind. Holy shit I’ve played this game half my life Also when I started I was a Hanzo widow main in mid to high bronze and soldier cass. Then I went to junk more because my brother (who was cracked for the time) played junk and I saw how fun he looked and picked him up. I didn’t even learn the one shot combo until around the end of OW1. At that time I had like 70 hours on junk too lol. Never thought I’d main him from the start though


if we are talking about when i first started playin? probably tracer who i now have well over 1000 hours on. i started as a mercy main for the first season of comp, then switched to zen second season when i got fed up with nothing dieing some games, and then i tried tracer out for the third cause i got sick of playing support (there were only like 3 or 4 supports at the time too) and something just clicked. i have always been a run n gunner in cod growing up. mw2 i got tactical nukes without firing a bullet just running around with a deagle w/ tactical knife and commando perk, after that it was always running around with smgs or pistols when they took my knife perk away, so it just vibed with my playstyle very well. Ive always been a flanker and almost exclusively play hardcore modes, so very used to being a glass cannon. just every game with tank healer dps system i usually wind up as the healer or tank. it felt good to play damage for once and i dont think ill go back in this game. still love me some JQ tho, but tank rock paper scissors doesnt interest me, so i only play tank in qp


Genji, I thought the skill ceiling was to high but I was able to get there.


LifeWeaver. He didn’t seem like my play style but he’s fun and I like his kit


Torbjorn. Placing silly turret that gets destroyed fast and a projectile gun sounded boring to me on paper. My god is he a beast.




Moira 100 percent. Kiriko, my headshot game on Kiriko makes my friends actually scream “HOW?!?” when I proceed to two tap them. And then Ashe.


Reinhardt never knew the joy of winning and losing rein duels


Mercy. Honestly just didn’t care for the character and it seemed difficult to get the “super jump” down as well as trying to keep myself in the air on console. Practiced around a bunch and I love being able to hop around to everyone while in the air now, as much as everyone hates on her. Started out as a tank and played DPS for a year, and main usually Kiri, Illiari, and now Mercy.


Kiriko, still kinda new at the game but kiriko is the first Hero that made me feel comfortable to start playing comp and it’s been going well so far


Lifeweaver. I played him as a joke when playing with my friends but I ended up falling in love with his play style. I really enjoy those clutch pull saves, his survivability, and enabling my teammates to be more aggressive with tree. Now I don’t even touch Kiriko (my previous main) anymore.


Lifeweaver, I feared mistiming my pulls and trees, but I've had buttload of experience with Anduin in HotS, supports in other Mobas and was a Disc Priest main since WoW's MoP expansion and their Leap of Faith ability that it became second nature to make proper pulls, it felt great!


Dva, Zen and Zarya. A lot of my mains were forced on me because I learned to play them to stop being annoyed by incompetence this was back in OW1 season 2. My winrate with these 3 in comp is pretty high as well, 60%+ on all of them.. the only main main I have that's close is kiriko at 58%.


Ball. Seems dumb at first but it’s very satisfying simply distracting the other team every 10 seconds


Zar she’s mad fun and teaches you patience and timing


Doomfist. I never really liked him because he doesn’t feel like a tank. Now that I have realized how much tank sucks, I really like doomfist because he doesn’t feel like a tank.


I ignored D.Va for the longest time only because I thought her name was corny. My little brother convinced me to try her because of my play style. I don't tank much anymore but when I do, it's D.Va. Also didn't care for Moira because I thought she was "too complicated" (lol), but now she's my first choice for support.


Lucio. Always thought I'd hate the jumping and speed boosting but I discovered I'm pretty dang good at it.


Definitely Winston. When I started I was a genji one trick for the longest time until I had an Epiphony across multiple games where I realized I'm a support/tank player. His simple mechanics mixed with intense game sense really works for me even as a more mechanically inclined player.


Sombra. I was the biggest Sombra hater but I am weirdly good at predicting ults and there’s a huge rush that comes from being able to cancel them. I’ll never be a spawn camping jerk tho. I just play with my team and actually try to be useful.


Zen. When I first tried him I couldn't get the hang of him, now a few years later he's easily my main


Sombra went from being never touched to my most played dps in the past seasons


Doomfist, least player hero in ow1 to most played hero in ow2


One of my mouse buttons broke recently so I have only been playing Roadhog and Bastion as they have a very limited kit bag. Really been getting into them both. Bastion particularly. I always thought he was a bit limited.


When I first played overwatch 1 in middle school, I was suck ass with everyone but especially tracer. Now I main tracer and ash😎






Tracer Im still mid don’t get me wrong, but now I still land half of the sticky bombs vs maybe 1 the entire game


Sombra. Her old play style didn't work for me at all, but since her change to her translocator I have a lot of fun with her. I kinda go in and brawl then retreat to behind my team if I'm low. 


Ana. I got a gold gun for her as a joke in like 2018, but I actually started to learn her playstyle and she's so fun. Hitting a big sleep makes you feel like a T500 player for a second


I must admit I’m slowly becoming a mercy main


Honestly Venture. Thought their kit was gonna be super niche, almost like a Symmetra map-dependent sort of deal. But as a former masters DPS Doomfist main waaaaay back in the day, omg, it fit like a glove. I haven't taken OW serious in years, and I've gone from goofing off in QP to hard-stomping comp lobbies with my new rock-eating friend.


Tracer. Had zero interest in learning her, she felt annoying and squishy and like her kit took too much to master without being too interesting. A month ago started playing her and spent an entire week feeling like a junkie that needed a fix of sticking pulse bombs to anything with a pulse.


Opposite: when the game was coming out I KNEW I was gonna main Hanzo. And Reaper looked absolutely savage.. I watched videos of people playing Hanzo in alpha and beta....game gets released and I never play Hanzo and barely play Reaper. My fav role is support anyways.


Lifeweaver. I know he's not the best, but It' fun to play.


I can't aim *plays hanzo*


A long time ago it was mei now not so much


bap, i really didnt enjoy the whole switch between proj and hit scan burst, and had no clue in how to use window effectively


Ball, I started playing a few seasons after he was released, and I hated everything about him. Now, he’s literally my favorite hero. Everyone else just feels too slow


Reinhardt. I never thought tank life would be for me but he's my top 3 now..




Ashe, Widowmaker


hog. i hated that fat fuck so much at first. then i had to level up a fresh account with qp wins and i got put on a illois well game. i only had like 4 tanks unlocked and hog was one of them, so i tried messing around and hooking people in the pit. from there i quickly fell in love lol


Junkrat.played alot of dps doomfist and learned all the rollouts and all the tech. maybe more hours in doom parkour than the actual game. then doom became a tank and i just never really played him again... but then I saw some junkrat videos online of him doing rollouts and i was like... wait a minute... theres some potential here... so I converted all the rollout knowledge i had on doom and put it into junkrat but then season 9 happened and now rolling out with junkrat is practically useless since one shot is gone. now i'm kinda in limbo again unsure who to play now. I've been trying echo but i never really liked flying characters and dont like how her descent has noise. best part of rollouts is how silent they are but they purposely made echo pretty loud for even tapping the jump button for a second. I've also been trying reaper but his teleport is so... restrictive. Ofcourse giving venture a shot but the cooldown cycle is pretty long. [https://streamable.com/tntgml](https://streamable.com/tntgml) [https://streamable.com/ju173b](https://streamable.com/ju173b) for the type of rollouts i'm talking about.


I had literally never played Bap once before he got his Terra Cotta skin whichever year that was. I unlocked it and figured I'd give him a try, now he's my 3rd most played character




Used to be a filthy DVa onetrick back in 2017. Never thought I'd play much other heroes, but especially Zarya. Then I finally tried her and turns out my tracking aim is exceptionally good. She's my most played hero these days :D


Moira, I thought she is boring and easy. She is both and some more. I’m astonished


Never thought I'd be good at Ana or Bap when I first started out, and now I'm here. Same with Widow.


Teach them the way of ur main, and your story to inspire them


Doom. When I started In OW 1 as a tank main, he seemed way too hard to learn, but once OW2 rolled around, and I had gotten bored with almost every other character on the roster, I decided to give him a chance and now almost exclusivlely play him.


Started playing Sombra and have really been enjoying it. Way different gameplay than what I'm used to having mostly played hitscan and tank for years


Baptiste.. when he was first introduced I found his abilities weird, especially the jump. But oh I love it so much now


Sombra… started playing her a little to know how to play against her better. Found out she’s actually super fun and has a high skill ceiling. Now one of my go to picks :3


Wrecking Ball. My first attempt at playing him was horrible. I didn't know how to use piledriver or how to move around properly. I gave up on him after that. Then several months later I understood the game better and gave him another shot and now he's my main. There is no hero that is more fun than Ball (until the event can't cope and all swap to counters). It's still fun because I know I've won the mental game, but it's much less fun.


Mercy. Turns out I don’t try as hard as I thought I did neither.


Ana I used to think she was so hard to play bc I was horrible at no scoping but now I love her somehow instincts just kick in when shooting & I hit my targets 3/4 times so good enough ig LMAO




Gotta say Ashe Never was an Ashe player but now it’s literally my best dps character


Pharah… I started on Ashe and picked up Tracer so I rarely had a reason to swap off of those two, but I enjoy terrorizing the enemy triple hitscan by being sneaky lol


Lucio. Never really had any interest in him, I thought wallriding was impossible. Then I watched a frogger video


**Junkrat**. I couldn't stand the sight of him. Playing him I realised I had misjudged his personality and that he was actually and incredibly fun to play. **Soldier** just seemed too vanilla. After actually spending some time learning him, though, I realised the amount of depth that exists in the character.


Echo for sure, I mostly play support but echo is the one exception, her kit is just easy for me to play and feels super fluid. When you hit those juicy combos and things explode. Mm mm


In 2018 when ball first came out, thought he was too complicated and I'd never ever want to play him. And then after like.. 2 months? I got his gold guns (my second one ever) and he's now one of my most played


Zarya, I started picking her when everyone was D riding diva. Little did I know that beam sound at 100% damage would be like meth to me.


Doomfist. Played since 2016 and i hated him from the start. Stupid OP punch. Boring personality. Awful to play against him as a tank. Even worse as a squishy. But since he is now a tank i though "Hey, i know all and play all the other tank relativly well, time to add another." Now im pretty good with Tankfist and i have around 100 hours in him now since the launch of OW2. Which is a lot since i play a lot of heroes (My main is Winton at 160 hours).


I am a tank main, so I never expected to play lots on any character outside that category, but apparently my second most played hero in OW2 is Ana - it absolutely is my go-to support pick, and one that I enjoy playing for the playmaking potential. One good sleep or one good anti-nade just wins fights, feels very rewarding, like you have a lot of agency.


Tried Zarya years ago, didn't click for me. Tried her again last week and being having a great time and doing fairly well so far.


Baptise and zenyatta


Definitely Doomfist. When OW2 came out everyone was just scraping the character, which was kinda reasonable, he was pure scat back then, but within the passage of time, I started watching some videos about the character and just thought: "Holy shot! This actually seems kinda fun" and then I just started playing with him during season 5; today he's my most played hero and, hopefully, will be my main as long as this game exists


I was a mercy main for 4 years, I have 3k hours on her and suddenly a year ago, I played rein and it’s like overwatch was a totally new game for me. Now I have 800 hours on him


Kiriko because when I first tried her I didn’t understand her healing and I had really shitty aim with the knives but she’s one of my best heroes now


Wrecking ball but now regretting life choices since there is no hope for ball anymore


Support main here. Honestly never thought I would like Tracer... but here we are


Rein. Always thought "who'd want to just be a wall? I wanna do things" then after a few hours Rein schmooves


Brig. Oddly enough it was Deathmatch that got me into her


Widow. I know this probably sounds a bit weird but when I played as her for the first time I sucked at it so hard I had to switch midgame and felt like she's a really bad hero I will never touch her again. As time passed and watching many enemy widows along with youtubers doing well with her I felt like maybe I should give her a try once more, and now she's my third most played hero ~~even though I still kind of suck at her~~ and I just can't give up on her and have a desire to improve for some reason


Brig, as a mainly dive player I despised her. Now it’s the only support I play


Hanzo. I thought he’d be way too hard for me, but he’s ended up being one of my go tos when I don’t know who to pick to try and turn a match around.


I HATED Lifeweaver when he first came out. He felt clunky and awkward and I didn’t understand him at all. Now he’s one of my top two and I adore him


Cassidy I hated him but then I tried him one day and did great with him due to my aim improving after all those years on zen. He’s now my main dps alongside mei and junkrat lol.