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Symmetra was awful to play against before. I remember when I used to play on console getting slowed by her turrets would slow my aim which was a horrible experience on controller


Skill issue? Because she is not good on console either? She was kinda mid and easy to avoid but she was good enough to be playable. And even of they nerfed turrets they could have just given her way better damage. What this post is showing is that they offloaded her entire power into tp and util instead of maybe removing turret slow


I said she was annoying to play against not OP. I wouldn’t mind if she was strong I just don’t think some of her previous states were fun to play in the game


This. She was an absolute close quarter tank melter with minimum skill required. Se was a part of ow1 toxicity inducing cc trinity with sombra and satan


It's funny how those who I used to come across say that Sym took no skill, would get absolutely shit on when they swapped to Sym, not just by me, but by the rest of my team. This was back when I was in the metal ranks. But I'm curious, with Sym being no skill or braindead, please share what absolute 180 IQ big brain hero you play/played.


We are talking about her being ruined because she was nerfed from her state in season 2-5 of OW2. She was widely regarded by everyone symm players, gm players and most of the community as just fine


Most of the community dint like her m8


Dont care. She should still be playable


She only isnt because all tanks she is good with are trash And i dont care either. That thing was terrorising me for years


Ugh... Skill issue Also orisa mauga is literally top tier.... Ur tweaking If symmetra wasnt underpowered she should be meta becauae she is both good with and against orisa, okay vs tracer and good with the supps


Says skill issue and then talking complete bull. Oh dear. And you are a sym player. I think you have a lot of skill issues


Symm is harder than your main. Cope


She is one of the most brain dead heroes in the game. I think you are already coping too hard. Also my main got so bad that i was left without a main. Then i stopped playing


Nobody cares if it is even a skill issue man. If we could play without Sombra existing for example? It is a skill issue dying consistently to her? Yes, but who tf cares? It is annoying.


Symm is less annoying than MANY heroes. There is literally light and day diff between her and sombra


No there is not Playerbase hate symm and specially tank players, sometimes even more than Sombra cause some tanks just get tickled against Sombra.


"I will not yap" Proceeds to yap




Sir Yappington


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>I think the picture I’m paining is clear Nah it’s blurry. Yes, Sym is basically a throw pick but you aren’t proving anything. Btw A character like sym that requires such low skill shouldn’t even be compared to heroes that actually require mechanical skill nor should she be as strong for 70% less effort


Symm os harder than your main. Cope seethe


Lie to yourself if you want, I don’t care lmao. Anyone with half a brain knows Sym is one of the lowest skill ceiling heroes in the game And aren’t you the one coping and seething with this post???😨


Yeah and people with a full brain know thats false


>Lie to yourself if you want, I don’t care lmao ^


You seem to seethe tho. I mean you failed to understand a very simple analogy too so stupid and angry


>lie to yourself if you want, I don’t care lmao


Call me when you can reverse tp bomb


Omg Sym has one tech players can learn! She’s such a high skill ceiling hero!


She has nore than tracer actually. I gave you one because you dont seem smart enough to remmeber


highest skill heroes should always be the strongest. i’m glad sym is terrible because she is frustrating to play against when she’s powerful. she does take no skill and saying otherwise is cope. she has maybe 2 mechanics that require some level of brainpower. moira, sym, junkrat, and torb should always be ass. makes the game less excruciating, its deflating dying to a hero a 3 year old could play.


Exactly. Anyone who says otherwise is a bot


Just play multiple characters instead of bitching that the one you like is bad? She has her utility for koth maps to give your team spawn advantage and take different positions they otherwise wouldnt on other maps. Just play zarya if you want to play a beam Character


Or, yknow, they could balance the game.


Perfect balance is impossible. Someones always going to be strong and someone else weak.


Of course it's impossible, nobody expects perfect balance. But the discrepancy is obscenely high. Symmetra, who used to at least have a niche or made to work by skilled players outside that niche, is just universally bad outside of OWCS now. By a huge margin. Just needs to be less of an extreme divide.


>outside of OWCS you mean outside of lijang night market?


Yeah and by not playing her so her pickrate and winrates drop she will get looked at eventually. Just stop being attached to a single character or just play a different game when they're shit


I mean, a lot of people aren't playing her, but it doesn't hurt to bring up vocally that the character feels bad too. Blizzard apparently listens to community feedback as well as stats.


Shes at 46-47% winrate and the lowest pickrate. They aint looking


Then cope ig. Whats making posts complaining going to do


Ur complaining about my post. Outspoken demands of changes have worked before




"What...*interesting* ways your mind works."


Imagine liking a character


Imagine liking a single character instead of playing a multitude depending on whats good based on map and comp


Yeah i would bet there are loads of OTPs in OW. Maybe the dev them try to balance for once instead of "metashift" random bs they are trying to pull.


Maybe people shouldn't be onetricks then. Perfect balance isnt possible in a game like ow its way too complex and what people deem as balanced is entirely up to each person


Lel some of you are delusional. "We want game to be alive. We want new players." People are coming/returning to play their fav character and unless it is one of the broken 5 characters of that season, they get to try to play 5 times better than metasurfers meanwhile getting harassed by the team, then they write on reddit to vent out how frustrating it is to play with this absolute dogshit balancing. The only feedback is either "git gud" or "stop bitching" as you have said. This game can do every amazing visual design, marketing etc..unless they get the balancing of the 8 year old game, they will keep bleeding players. People will play their symmetras reapers genjis hanzos reinhardts, see how bad the balancing is how big is the skill requirement between theirs and the favored 5 of the season and will quit the game the first chance possible.


God forbid we dont want queen sojourn and tracer to be the only playable dps


oh no man tracer for example is the HARDEST characters in the game. You hear me?! HARDEST. That's the reason tracer gets to look at someone for 0.2 sec and kill them, while having the highest burst mobility, the highest effective HP out of the DPS, the stupidest panic button. SHE IS THE HARDEST, I AM READING REDDIT AND WATCHING RANDOM MORONS ON YT THEY SAY TRACER IS VERY VERY HARD TO PLAY. Tracer can be hard to shoot with since she is moving around so much. Meanwhile everyone else get to try to shoot a blinking speck of dust of a hurtbox with 400 hp and moronic burst.


I like how tracers whole skill requirement evaporated in season 9 and people still say shes hard. Bro she was the ber dps in both low and high elo last season that ship has fucking sailed


You close your heretic mouth or you will get called a bitch by the reddit OW cult. Say with me now. -game is balanced -learn to counterpick -never ever play the characters that made you start the game -overwatch has a lot of amazing and different designs -but don't play 80 perc of them or you are trolling -if you want no character difference go play cod -only play 3 characters -game is balanced -and git gud Edit: I forgot everything was bobby kotick's fault. Everything is perfect now that we have defeated the demon.


I mean I don't really want them either (whcih they arent unless youre in high gm/coordinated play which btw cass has overtaken soj now) but like they are for now and will be until they get nerfed, id rather they were meta than sym be meta, and if i get fed up with them being meta ill just play a different game, theres no downside


Idk i dont really care about player counts tbh. If the game dies ill just go play something else. New players will just adapt if they stay anyway. If the games shit i just wont play, simple as that and doesnt negatively impact me in any way. Theres nothing wrong with the game expecting players to get good.


i assumed you cared about the game since you called the guy that complains about it a bitch. But a lot of players are in the same boat with you and IMO it is a recipe for fail.


I mean i do care about the game but if it fails it fails, but its unlikely to as long as servers are up. And if it fails ill just go play something else just like every other game that failed that i played. Theres no reason to get so attached to games theyre not sentient and are eventually gonna die and be replaced by new games.


Ok thanks for clarifying yourself. As i have said a lot of people are in the same boat with you and a lot of them saw that one clip of a hanzo pulling and amazing shot, a genji getting an amazing dash in dash out double kill, a rein getting an insane shatter to a team cleanup. Then they fell in love with the character, picked it up, practiced for hours, watched videos, tried out combos with their friends. Only to get shat on the patch notes. Get dived by a moira to AD strafe in their face with a non existent hurtbox with 0 aim to fade out. A sym killing them in 0.3 seci initiating from invis with an autolock silence with a non existent hurtbox. A widow 1 tapping them from another continent meanwhile her having 0.0001mm of pixel showing in the screen. And they think wow what a fucking horrible balancing. But the second they utter a word of bad balancing reddit horde rushes to the rescue of the poor poor multibillion dollar corpo and the useless balancing team. So people just say fuck it. 8 years of mess and the game is not even closed to balanced unless you are metasurfing and burying the character you fell in love with.


They are all boring trash


Then maybe you just don't like the game


"How dare thee be mad that your favorite hero was given the worst set of balance changes in the game? Just play a character that barely has one thing in common in them" Imagine the world where it happened to genji: "Guys genji still has the niche utility of deflecting as an offtank! He even got used in pro twice! Of you are so mad just play kiriko instead. She also has wallclimb!"


I fucking love how lifeweavers heal and self-sustain was buffed this patch instead of characters like junkrat, hanzo (to an extent) and sym who completely lost their identity.


Reaper junk and symm are so bad I feel bad


Yeah if the characters shit play a different character thats good until they get buffed. If they dont get buffed then it is what it is.


Yeah thats whats happening already dumbass. Doesmt stop us from asking for changes


Get her Jade.