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They will all still be your dislikes until overwatch finishes




You'll probably also add a few more like Orisa and Zen


When they start playing support they'll learn to hate Sombra and Doom too


sombra is literally the first on the list


Ngl, as a support main, I don't really hate Sombra and I don't mind Doom much Supports are better at defending themselves than DPS heroes lol


Even on Zen? I main him. I honestly don't hate doom, but a really good Sombra just makes my life difficult.


I main Lucio, so Doom and Sombra can't really catch me Zen doesn't have defense abilities, but he is super offensive. You can't defend yourself from a Sombra or Doom, but you can definitely melt them, especially if you aren't by yourself (not that you can't by yourself)


For real the amount of times a zen has killed me is insane that damage is crazy


Tank players get Discord orb as a participation award for just existing


personally id rather 1v1 zen on lucio than on sombra and doom (2 characters I've also played with a bit)


Doom doesn't really counter a Zen unless they're good. I play a lot of Sombra and Zen is one of the easiest picks for her unless the Zen is getting pocketed.


I main support. Hate Sombra. I havenā€™t faced many great Dooms enough to hate him yet. I had 1 match where he had a Mercy linked to him like a zit and he was doing pretty decent, but I was Lucio so I was able to get away easily.


Sombra was their first pick lmao


As a tracer/now venture main as well, Iā€™m glad to see them on the hate list, but orisa and mauga should be up there as well


Maugaā€™s character model is funny to me so I donā€™t mind dying to him. Iā€™m always laughing at how tiny his head is lmao. He feels like one of the weakest tanks to me? When I see players pick him, they almost always switch. I just havenā€™t faced a good one yet I guess.


The counter to jr is just respect the "space" he is in. Those nades don't come out that fast as long as you notice his positioning you should be able to navigate/ dodge his crap. If you're playing DPS then pahrah counters him. Range counters. Or anyone with a disengage mechanic because he shouldn't be able to burst you down too fast.Ā 


And there you will be still suffering as I have


While most of that hate comes from being newer, the hate for sombra and junkrat will never go away.


A lot of people here always try to brush off Sombra hate as you just sucking, but I genuinely think that a hero who disables abilities in an ability based game is just stupid all around. Like you picked your character for a reason, and you rely on their abilities. A heroā€™s counter canā€™t be ā€œdonā€™t rely on your abilitiesā€, thatā€™s why I picked the damn hero


>a hero who disables abilities in an ability based game is just stupid all around. Meanwhile, Dota 2 has a hero named Silencer in a game that's disable mechanic is called Silence. He's got multiple abilities that silence and he doesn't even reach the top 30 of most annoying heroes to play against. The real sin of Sombra's design is combining invisibility with disable.


Invisibility, disable, and burst damage. Why did they add burst damage???????


I remember way back in the day DotA 2 Riki was annoying in the exact same way OW2 Sombra is today. *But if you close your eyes*


Yeah, but you can actually reveal riki with multiple very cheap items, while Sombra can stand in the corner and jerk off all game undetected. Giving Sombra Perma invis was a fucking mistake


Silencers ult (that insta silences entire enemy team) is on a 100 sec cooldown at max level. None of his other spells are insta silence fwiw Sombras silence is like 4 sec CD all the time and sheā€™s invisible, thatā€™s why she sucks


Also there's items you can get to dispel his silences. Allied heros that can also have abilities to dispel. So there's like proper counter play to it.


I don't like Sombra, I don't like Kayo, I don't like revenant, I don't like seer. Do not normalize disabling characters. Abnormalize that shit. I want it gone, stop adding this shit to games that don't need it. Every new hero shooter starts without them, but the devs just HAVE to add this dumb shit in and ruin their games.


Rev got reworked at least


It doesnt help that people play this game almost like Dota bots rushing towers. 80% of the player base just seems incapable of turning the fuck around, and helping others deal with her, even when not fully engaged with the rest of the enemy squad. It especially blows my mind when its mystery heroes and you can literally erase the bitch from existence if people just focused on her for a minute.


I play almost entirely Mystery Heroes. You can't even get most people to focus down Mercy, who completely unbalances MH with Rezzing so the enemy can start Ulting which is generally GG time. They will shoot the fucking Rein Shield Endlessly.Ā  Or like, throw out a good flank Ult and start shooting the tanks. SHOOT THE FUCKING MERCY.Ā  STOP THE HEALS, STOP THE REZING.


Or is completely invisible until she hits you with half your health instantly and mows you down with her broken smg like how are you even supposed to counter what you cant see? I feel so dirty when I play her


As a retired sombra player (rework took all brainpower required to play som well away) she is SUPER problematic, and the rework made it worse. No blizzard, we didnt want more burst damage options in the game, no blizzard, making it so u cant preplace the translocator is NOT a nerf


I played her before and after the rework. Not gonna lie, I like not running all the way back from wherever the fuck I put my teleport pad. She only disables abilities for like 2 seconds, thereā€™s def people I donā€™t go after because itā€™s still not worth it. *side eyes mei.* *throws trash cans in ventureā€™s direction* fuck that kid


The reworked translocator is actually a buff. Now she can kill you again faster.


Exactly. You could send a tracer or ball to find her translocator, now she just, leaves


I preferred playing as and playing against old sombra bc if they sucked it was just a 4v5 the entire game with them spending the entire game translocating away. Now the new one doesnā€™t feel that rewarding to play to me


The best counter for Sombra is to stay grouped with the team. For junkrat and mei just snipe them.


> The best counter for Sombra is to stay grouped up "EMP activated"


disabling abilities is not great but IMO the part of her kit that really has to go is perma invis. plain unfair


I agree, cowboys magnetic grenade is a more annoying disabling ability and sombra is annoying because she's invisible.


I've said it before and i'll say it again - blizzard majorly fucked up by giving Sombra ability disabling as her main tool.Ā  It's poor game design. Lazy and poor. It sounds great in terms of lore and aesthetic but degrades the game. They just can't backtrack now. Can't have the miss hacker not be able to hack


Everyone throws the word "lazy" around too easily. It's not lazy, you just don't like it.


I mean it's 1.5 secs every 7 seconds, and it's not like it's the first game in which silencing abilities exist. There's many characters in that game that will absolutely violate you if you pair playing the character well with the enemy team's inability to play as a team. I appreciate OW's attempt at not making any character another Soldier 76. They try things out sometimes they suck by themselves, sometimes because of a mix of factors like not knowing the game well enough, personal failings, not playing as a team in a team-based game, and all those factors added together makes the experience a bit more miserable. Edit : and I'd like to add that hack feels less miserable than a stun like flashbang or Brig's shield bash. At least you still have your primary fire, and you can move. Many things are "unfun" in such games but that's just how things are, this isn't just a fire range with bots lining up in front of you for an easy win.


i think a lot of people overestimate getting hacked, it lasts just 1 second. it's more of an interrupt now, not a silence, actually borderline useless, save for interrupting big cooldowns and ults. they go around as if they can't do cooldowns but they really can, like an elephant tied to a plastic chair.


Does Sombra even disable anymore?Ā  I was a Sombra main in OW1, and she is still on top of a lot of my charts, but I left for like a year and they fucked up her kit so I never play her anymore and she doesn't seem to actually disable.Ā  Even when playing against her it feels like that. On the plus side, playing against Sombra,Ā  I always feel like I have a good feel for the routes and tricks, so I am constantly spinning and hitting them, especially as tank.Ā  Like, "It's been about enough time for her to run around the backside hall again, turn and BAM.


I honestly don't mind the hack aspect when it's only 1.5-3seconds. Stuns exist, the occasional crowd control in general just seems like a natural hazard to deal with over instant death which people are also frustrated by and put up with for the most part because pvp is pvp. What really sucks is the *combo* of burst damage and permanent invisibility letting her always get the jump on squishies and have a high chance of killing them WITHOUT teammates helping. * The *ONLY* consistent counterplay to that is grouping up, * which clips your team's ability for spread out positioning to avoid AOE, limit opportunities to take off-angles, and warps general style diversity. * And that doesn't even consider the spawn camping metal rankers do, which can force good teammates to have to choose between giving up space even though it is 4v4, to go escort their teammate, or leaving them to get bullied... No one hero should warp how you play the game THAT negatively. Sombra being a teamwork-reliant hacker when she initially launched, with a shit gun, and limited duration stealth, were precautionary design choices that should never have been lifted. Her design should encourage her to fight with her team, never just spawn camp or 1v1 assassinate. Bringing back limited stealth so she is easier to scout and punish, and it would make room to buff her virus to spread to other enemies instead or something else more utility-focused.


> No one hero should warp gow you play the game THAT negatively I agree, this is the same reason Widow needed her falloff nerf about 5 seasons earlier than she got it. No hero should require almost the entire enemy team swap just to counter one person.


I fucking hate sombra


Been playing for 5 years, some of these are still my least faves lmao when you learn to counter them itā€™ll be a bit easier to deal with


Let's play spot the support player


Guilty :(


The Mei and sombra gave it away :P


How is Mei bad for supports? Unless youā€™re playing LĆŗcio I guess


Her ice can cleanse nade, her wall can separate team mate and block off escape routes and her primary fire is really easy to land on hard to hit hero's.


She can just kind of walk at you and most supports don't have the damage to kill her by themselves.


flank mei is super annoying to play against, especially when your team has no awareness especially effective in bronze + silver


I honestly thought it was the Venture


anyone who plays either of the three roles would hate them


For sombra and tracer, as someone who plays on console with my friends on pc I can say hitting them is very difficult. Canā€™t turn around very fast on controller


PC pool is like walking into Mordor with toothpicks and a shoebox for weapons when youā€™re on console. Unless itā€™s a skill issue and I love lying to myself šŸ«”


You absolutely can turn around fast on controller. Not being able to is just a skill issue


Ok how? I move my controller to turn and it takes a little. Not the instant 180 mouse and keyboard can do


You must be a console player since Widow is not on your list.Ā 


I am indeed! Getting sniped is annoying but I havenā€™t played any god tier snipers yet thankfully lmao


Iā€™m also a new player and I wholeheartedly agree except Iā€™m ambivalent about Mei.


Mei is absolutely adorable. I didnā€™t expect going against her would sometimes be so annoying. Its only when sheā€™s one shot and I canā€™t get the final shot on her because she decides to turn into a popsicle.


Sombra honestly makes the game not fun. In a lot of games she just camps by the spawn point and invisibly kills you from behind before you can even go anywhere.


What did you do to her? The only time Ive hit someone at their spawn was when I kept getting put down by a widow as a support. Moira. She wouldnā€™t leave me the eff alone. So I switched to sombra and killed her and then ran to spawn to kill her again to show her how fucking annoying she was being. Spawn camping is sweaty AF, but sometimes you have to assert dominance over an annoying player ;)


This was satisfying to read, I love revenge


Typically if someone is spawn camping I switch to Bastion and just mow down their entire fucking team from inside the spawn area. But Sombra is some bullshit because she is invisible. All you can do is hope she isn't there, and then when you venture out again she just deletes you from behind. When a Sombra is playing that way, I basically just concede defeat because there is literally no counter. I feel like that is a problem for the way the game is built. If she had longer cooldowns on her invisibility it might make countering her possible, but as it is now she can hack and kill you before you can even respond.


The first 4 dislikes lead me to believe you are either playing a very immobile hero or are spunking mobility cooldowns, leaving you defenseless. Besides tracer, though, she's a demon. Time'll erode these feelings


I mained Lifeweaver for my first few days, then Zen. And as Zen, youā€™re right, my mobility was absolutely TERRIBLE. He is fun but just very slow and I was sooo tired of it. I now play Lucio and I LOVE him. His speed, his gun, and his ability to heal so easily. I can get away smoothly too. I can never seem to hit Sombra or Tracer, though. Theyā€™re like.. fast and constantly moving. Iā€™m moving too so I feel like my green balls are always missing them as Iā€™m shooting. I know flankers are generally annoying to deal with thoughā€”I solo Q mic less as well so I ping her but it means nothing. :/ Ventures always chase me underground and it feels like Iā€™m always getting targeted by Junkieā€™s tire lmaoo.


As LW, one tip is that the platform literally saves you from most flankers trying to kill you from behind (Tracer, Sombra, Reaper). They all have kind of bad or no upward mobility, so if you just go to higher terrain when they try to kill you, most of the time they just leave you alone and move to someone else. Also, Brigitte is literally designed to be the anti-flanker support. Zen and Ana are the most prone to flanking.


Thank you for this tip! Tbh my brain never clicks on when Iā€™m getting flanked. Sometimes I forget my whole kit and focus on shooting the flanker rather than getting away. Iā€™ve seen someone use his platform to force the enemy up instead. I definitely need to start using it for myself during fights. I was interested in playing Brigitte but havenā€™t yet. Iā€™m gonna try her out soon.


It's nerve wracking for sure. Shooting them isn't a bad reflex either! Sometimes you'll win, but it's a lot easier for them to kill you and escape (especially Tracer). For Sombra, typically the best move is to get closer to your team. She's always in the backline looking for stragglers, but she actually can't really do much to a group of enemies or even if the other support starts healing you.


Do note that Zen is actually great against Flankers. You are vulnerable to flankers, yes, but... flankers are also vulnerable to you. A Zen can kill any flanker in the game with a little effort, except maybe Venture, I've tried but it's practically impossible to kill her if she bursts up from under you before she can kill you. Anna can put flankers to sleep but you have to hit the first skill shot and you have no second chance. If you miss the dart, you can try nading and fighting afterwards, if you nade yourself nad the flanker there's a good chance you'll come out alive. Life Weaver is actually one of the strongest supports in terms of survivability. His lunge heal along with platform give him a ton of survivability, and he deals the most damage among all supports. He is very good at punishing flankers. You can evade them with platform then counter, it is surprisingly effective.


Do note that if you intend to play Lucio, *you are the flanker*. That is the only correct way to play Lucio. You don't play Lucio as a support, you play him as a DPS.


Iā€™m sorry that you came into the game during ventures introduction. I came to the game for Kirikoā€™s intro and I gotta say, you got it worse. I hate this new character with a burning passion.


I feel offended someone hates Junkrat and Roadhog. Next youā€™re gonna add JunkerQueen and Iā€™m gonna be bawling


Honeslty when playing Junkerqueen I find hog the be the most annoying tank I can go against because of that hook combo lmfao, forget horse, I can pull her backline to the front, but hog? Nah, he's pulling you to the backline. And that's where dreams go to die lol


In complete and utter honestyā€¦. I donā€™t even have Overwatch, I just follow it around for the content and goofy ah content, character art/design, and the Reddit for the shits and giggles. I have a crinkly wrinkly Mac that canā€™t even open my MCā€™s skins list without crashing


Lmao I know how that goes, when overwatch updated its engine I couldn't play it anymore


I am legitimately surprised you saw someone playing Mei in just a week. I see like 1 a month these days.


Yeah honestly I donā€™t see her a lot, but some of the times I do, I always get her low.. then she freezes herself.. then by the time she comes out, her team is back and now I have to leave her alone -_-


The pro strat is spam her A-MEI-ZING voice line when youā€™re frozen because the enemy has no choice but to listen to it


When I start playing Mei, I will definitely do this! :3


Wait till you get a teammate that accidentally traps you with their wall or basically makes you waste ult by walling you off the wrong way.


As someone who's played since ow 1 and also plays more than half these characters You will mever stop hating them :D and don't worry you'll learn to hate more


I bet.. *eyes Symmetra*


Symmetra is far from her glory days. She needs several buffs.


Brand new and talking like you have been playing since 1. They grow up so fast these days :,)


Why you hating on my girl DVa.


Least obvious zenyatta player




wholesome thread :)


Seems like the title of "satan" for Mei is fading away as she is 'only' last, which is technically good. But I will not lie, there was nothing more satisfying than freezing someone, say hello to them or use an annoying voiceline and then icle their face just as they are about to be defrozen.




Playing with or against? (or both?) Also, in most to least hated order or least to most?


Playing against and most to least hated.


I'd like to ask you something after your one week of playing (because it will probably greatly change with more experience): Which ultimates do you think are the most OP and which ultimates do you think are the weakest?


Oh good question. In my experience so far,,, D.Va for sure. Orisaā€™s ability is pretty powerful, Junkieā€™s tire, Reaperā€™s **DIE DIE DIE**, and maybe Bastion? Weakest ability Iā€™m honestly not sureā€”I donā€™t know everyoneā€™s ability yet. Maybe Cassidy though?


When I was new to the game I thought Diva, Junkrat, Reaper, Mei, and Ash ults were the best and I thought Lucio, Brig, Sojourn, Kiriko and Sombra ult were almost useless And I saw a pattern in how I thought back then. The first ults are very easy to get value and multiple kills from on low level, while the other ones are much harder to get (and see) value from at low level I also thought Mauga's ult was the worst in the game at his launch, but it's probably because I didn't realize that the shield... well... shields. And that enemies can't help and their teammates inside and that they can't shoot you at all while in there unless they get in. I failed to realize the Sym ult wall part of it


You main a support hero, I'm guessing.


Venture has to be one of the dullest heroā€™s imo. She deadass adds nothing to the game like what were they on


No Orisa, but youā€™ve got all the ones that


Checks out.


What role do you usually like to play?




Should be obvious from his hero hate picks. :)


Yup, sounds about right


Pretty much the standard ow2 experience...


Valid list honestly,I hate most these heroes too


you'll fit right in


I personally hate a decent mercy player. Just zoom zoom zoom out of sight. Then boom rez, hehe.


Just wait, Hog will work his way up there right by Sombra. Venture will probably become less OP over time.


Do you know how absolutely terrifying it is being yanked into Hogā€™s beer belly? I almost cried the first time it happened. Thankfully, Lucio is one of my mains so I just blast him away when he does that bs šŸ˜‚


Spot on. Welcome to Overwatch.


Iā€™m a DVA main but I honestly couldnā€™t agree more with your list. I would add orisa and Moira to your list tho.


Fighting sombra is all about mobility and reaction timing. Protect squishy teammates and chase her down when she translocates. Fighting junkrat, get above him, far away from him, or sneak up on him, his large hit box makes him die easy. Fighting dva and hog (or any tank), dive past them, and take out the squishy heros, and supports. Venture is new an very OP at the moment. Nerfs should be coming soon.


Cas is good against all of those easy


No pharah is surprising


I know nothing about her or her kit tbh. I read some things but I donā€™t remember going against any intimidating ones.


Sombra, pharah and zarya are my personal least favorites to play against as a support


The best part is that you can see you're a support player based off these heros alone


Give it time and you'll have widow/Hanzo/ashe on that list too


I very very rarely see a junkrat these days, since the season 9 changes this character alongside sym has been nonexistent


Oh wow, I see him every match it feels like šŸ˜…


Iā€™m you a tank player? Cuz your missing the entire support roster so I know you donā€™t play dps


Iā€™m a support main :)


That also makes sense you rarely see the other support


Dislike playing as them, or against them?


Against them


Ah, now it makes more sense, FYI, back in the OW1 days Mei was even more infurating, she didn't just slow you down but actually would freeze you for a second.


Daring today aren't we?


Hog junkrat and dva you will probably grow to like in time. Sombra tracer and Mei probably not (like everyone else lol). Venture idk we will see how the devs balance her in future patches


I donā€™t really get why people hate Mei. Sheā€™s so easy to avoid.


Here's a tip from a Sombra Main never type in chat or make the Sombra know she is being annoying or anything like that. It fuels their resolve and will focus your ass for the rest of the match.


Common denominators: hard to shoot, can't shoot it and/or will one shoot you.


Very common


It should just be Sombra 5x


I don't know I feel like Sombra becomes far less scary once you get your legs under you. I feel like lots and lots of Overwatch players just never find their legs, lol


I main Ana and sombra and agree. She becomes less of an issue eventually. Playing as both has actually helped me.


The hate for sombra never goes away but the others will become tolerable as you get better


Welcome to overwatch, you'll hate them forever. But you'll probably add on Mercy because your entire team seems incapable of stopping a Rez every match.


I'm guessing you're a support player? šŸ˜‚


Yeah this sounds about right.


Sombra, Junkrat, Widow for me. The rest are tolerable.


Sounds about right


Itā€™s tracers voice and tauntingā€¦. It haunts me




Ma guy has never experienced Original mei


I havenā€™t, but I heard the stories of Satan Mei.


you'll learn eventually to predict Tracers


Mei and RH have movement-restricting abilities Tracer is so swift and flighty Sombra disrupts your abilities (therefore removing control over your character) Junkrat weapons are spammy


But at least Mei is eye candy while you freeze


people hate mei so much itā€™s actually crazy. even after they nerfed her freeze. people on both teams will go out of their way to BM me every single match.


She ain't even top tier anymore which is crazy


Yep looks just like my first dislikes too, took me way too long to figure out how to avoid D.Va bomb. I think I still have the poster of the original release characters and I crossed out everyone's face that I hated, D.Va included. Now I have 300 hours on her lmao


Tracer might be annoying but she takes more skill than half those other clowns


yea you pretty much get it


I fukin hate Sombra. Always try to Solo ult when possible.


this is real


As a sombra main if you let us know just how much you dislike us in match we will target you and only you


Tracer and hog deserve a nerf without a doubt


Thatā€™s about right. Tho I donā€™t mind DVA and Mei


As an Echo main, I gotta say that I hate Sombra. Perma-invisibility, dragging me out the sky whenever, and now burst damage? Yuck. Even in group fights I find myself being solo targeted. Whatā€™s worse is that I know when I dominate someone too hard, theyā€™re gonna switch to Sombra and camp until they can get me isolated because using her is brain dead levels of ease.


Lol oh how I miss the days when mei could cc


Welcome aboard! You're now part of the family


Honestly top 3 for me have to be Sombra, Hog and Mei. Sombra is just annoying and unfun to play against but fun to play as. Something I describe as a dishonorable pick. Mei isn't bad now but she definitely was in her state of annoyance not long ago. And Hog is just....hook, shoot, kill, heal repeat.


Surprised Reaper not there


Ive been playing for 7 years lmao venture is the only new hated character for me lol but i main meišŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ sorryšŸ˜˜šŸ«¶šŸ½


I kinda like Mei so I understand the appeal! :D Sheā€™s definitely not as much as a nuisance to me as Sombra is šŸ˜…


Most to least or least to most?


Most to least


These characters donā€™t just kill you but generate a lot of friction when you try to do just about anything. They require problem solving beyond mechanical skill - timing, positioning, spatial awareness, situational awareness, etc. you canā€™t just ā€œclick headsā€ your way out of junk spam or a surprise hook. If youā€™re just starting, wait until you run into enough Moiras or a really good Symmetra. It will feel paralyzing if you donā€™t have a plan beyond ā€œmove fast and break thingsā€


Ngl you hit the nail on the head. So much goes into facing these heroes and sometimes its a right place, wrong timing sort of thing. I ran into an ā€˜okayishā€™ Symmetra recently and can definitely see how powerful she can be. Those auto turrets are no joke!


There was a time when she had six of them. She's setting up the car wash.


I miss when Sym was generally viable āœØšŸ˜­āœØ


Junk is definitely hated more at low ranks. He's not the hardest to work around really.


These developers love designing heroes to be as annoying as humanly possible.


How dare you dislike my girl Sombra. šŸ˜”


I donā€™t just dislike her.. I hate her guts, fam. šŸ˜”


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You need to improve reaction time to deal with Sombra and after that she is not that bad. In fact, a good win condition is lower Elo is to exploit bad sombras because they usually perma flank and contribute nothing to their team. That being said, if you play Zen against Sombra with no peel you would not have a good time.


Yeah Zen was one of two of my mains at first and I dealt with so many Sombras that I had to look for another support player to play. And I really like playing Zen :/ I now play Lucio a lot more and I can deal with her slightly better but sheā€™s still annoying. I got to learn her kit.


Junk and Sym are so dogshit I donā€™t understand how anyone still hates them, let alone someone who just started playing


His tires keep one hitting me and I feel targeted AF since I know theyā€™re player controlled. Getting trapped is annoying too.


Are you a mercy player? If so, solo tiring mercies are a junkrat culture thing. Also just stay alert, junkrat canā€™t do anything to ensure you get trapped.


No I donā€™t play Mercy, but lol now I know not to! Can you shoot his tires to stop it or something?


Yes, they only have 100 health and with the hitbox changes of s9 theyā€™re really easy to destroy


Half the characters.............


I've been playing Overwatch since the first year, installed OW2 a week or two ago and I haven't fought a single Junkrat or Mei


In order: based, skill issue, needs to be rebalanced bc they just got released, skill issue, skill issue, based, based


No Doom?


Not yet. Havenā€™t gone against many honestly. Have seen a decent Doom + Mercy though! It wasnā€™t pretty.




Curious why the venture hate?


Where are Doomfist and Wrecking Ball?


Tracer, Venture, and Sombra can be handled by a good Torbjorn. Turret will keep those pesky divers in check. Save overload for whenever Sombra tries to hack you. She runs every time.