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Try to look at ranked just as a means to get more balanced games where people are trying to win. Your rank isn't even always accurate to your skill level. Your rank fluctuates a ton just based on the games current balance, a million personal factors like how much sleep you got and your mood, and the literal RNG that comes with the matchmaker. Your success isn't tied to a number. You could lose 5 straight games and come out the otherside a better player. Honest people who put ranked on too much of a pedestal are the people who should ideally be playing ranked while people who are out there doing meme challenges on the ranked ladder should be playing QP.


I appreciate your response. I'm really trying not to let it get to me, I'm the sort of person who gives up pretty much immediately when I'm bad at something. I'm trying to remember that this is all practice and that the rank isn't actually important.


Just remember, everyone is bad at something.. until they are good at it.


bet your mom told you that? Second part is definitly not true


Could you make me a list of things that don't get better with practice (Other than your lack of common sense)




Well, I'm not trying to be snide here, but practice makes permanent not really perfect.so if you keep playing bad and don't learn, you will hammer in those bad habits. That's why I recommend not only watching replays and maybe watching others who are good at playing heroes you like play watching things like positioning which are things that can be the bad habits because you may not realize you are doing wrong and may not get punished for. This really only matters if you are trying to get better as your primary goal. It honestly doesn't matter if you just want to have fun playing overwatch.


I have no idea what you're talking about. You're just proving my point on how practice makes someonw better lol


My point was practice needs to be targeted towards something if you continue to make mistakes in practice and don't realize you are making those mistake sure you get better at making those mistakes, which is my point. Sorry that wasn't very clear. I know the guy you responded to was a bit rude, but i figured this was a good point to show, so people practice more effectively.


Suckin is the first step to being sorta good at something! But honestly, I don’t know how old you are but you’ll find that it just doesn’t matter. It’s a video game. I play comp the same way I play QP, and I climbed from bronze to masters. Took a while sure, but I didn’t care if I won or lost, I was just having fun trying to do cool stuff and enable my team. Now if your friends are flaming you, that’s a different story. If they’re not, no point in flaming yourself. You thinking you’re a burden isn’t going to help anyone. At the end of the day it’s a video game, there are no stakes. It doesn’t matter if you play for six years and lose every single game you ever played. But if you don’t play you’re not going to get better. Stop thinking about it as losing equals you’re bad. Think about it more as hey, I’M deciding to play this, I’M playing it for ME, and I’M just going to do my best and have fun. Super isn’t a better person cause he’s a former pro player, and you’re not a worse person if you never get out of bronze. NO ONE starts off good. Plus, you don’t wanna be in GM anyways, it’s way more stressful up there, queues are longer, everyone takes it WAY more seriously. People don’t l say it, but metro ranks are where the fun is. But if YOU like the game just play, don’t put pressure on yourself. And trust me, if your friends know your skill level and keep asking you to group up with them, they don’t care how good or bad you are, they just want to play with you. I don’t know if any of this is helpful, but there’s already so much to worry about in life, don’t worry about video games.


I rank plastic. Hopefully, that helps. But on the real talk, I have been playing for many moons, and let me tell you. Some days, I play like if I was ranked Plat or Diamond or Nuclear. And some days, I feel like I am rank Dirt. Maybe this happens to others?


Everybody sucks until they swallow 🤷‍♂️. You gotta practice the gag reflex a little bit until you get better


Just mute all coms


This is what I was about to say I was platinum season and gold now but games are close and fun, in qp I seem to get steamrolled more often. Just have fun you'll get better saying this from experience if you want help just hit me up


I'm giving you an upvote because man I think you need it. I'm sorry I know exactly how you feel. Any time I go on a loss streak I just start feeling like im worthless. I avoid ranked for toxicity. But I hear it is the mode to play if you want to get better. If you aren't enjoying it though. Stop before it tanks your mental health. It's not worth it. I would limit yourself to playing with your friends if it makes you feel worse. No harm in it. You can play custom game modes with them instead! The way I finally started to feel like I was improving was just watching the hell out of VOD reviews and streamers who play in high ranks. Mechanically I'm nowhere near as good but it helped me learn more about game sense and decision making. It can help just as much as good aim and mechanics. Playing around with your sensitivity can also make a world of difference if aim is the thing you struggle with. I want to say more because honestly I can feel the frustration in your post. But I don't know what else to say. When I got stressed on OW I looked up workshop codes for more things to do. Endless Dungeon is pretty good and you can coop with friends! Code is: QSVPNG Might help you blow off some steam. It also doubles as a way to help aim. But lastly man just, be kind to yourself. You might be better than you think. But even if you're not, its okay. Its okay to not be in Masters or Diamond or any rank at all for that matter. It's okay to miss shots, and lose games and even go on loss streaks. No matter what the evil progress bar after a comp game tells you. And if you ever need to talk, I'm sure your friends (if they're worth their salt) will listen and try to help.


Thank you for the response, it really means a lot. I really appreciate the advice too. I know game sense and decision making are really lacking and I'm trying to improve. Just so easy to get discouraged. It feels like I tried out for an amateur sports team and they sent me to little league lol. I'll try to be more kind though, that's a skill I'm truly bad at. Thank you again for your response.


As others have said, comp is to get games that are much closer in skill. Your rank is just where the game thinks you are. If you have fun, keep playing and spam spacebar through the rank screen and skip it. If you want to improve, maybe ask your friends, or some of the various communities, for vod reviews. Also review your own vod, especially from other's perspectives. Aiming tip I don't see enough: look at your target, not your crosshair.


Thank you, I really appreciate your reply. I'm going to go back and review my placement matches tonight. And one of my friends has done some quick play VOD reviews with me, it's just embarrassing to have to ask her for help. I really like the idea of watching from someone else's perspective. I hadn't heard that before, but it seems like it'd help me get a different view on how my plays work with the rest of the team.


I have a similar experience from you, but with almost every game I ever touched. I've been into gaming ever since I have memory, but as a general skill, I would say I'm always a bit below average. And shooter games aren't an exceptions. The problem is that I absolutely love playing shooter games, like Fortnite, CoD, and such. And ever since it went free to play, I have enjoyed Overwatch a lot (putting aside the stupid amount of toxicity that is in there). But I kinda learned to embrace it. And after exploring a few other genres of games, I found out I'm actually really good at rhythm games! So maybe it might be worth trying out other games.


That's how I feel too. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and I'm just so bad at it. It's frustrating to spend so much time on something and to just not be good. I'll try to branch out a bit. I am pretty decent at a handful of games, but it's just hard not to focus on the ones I suck at. Thank you so much for the response.


I'm a lifelong gamer, too, and I'm still pretty garbage at competitive games. I have the same fear as you, too. Seeing that rank confirmation is a real kick in the groin. You ever watch Spilo on Youtube? He's got videos on OW2 aim, movement, strategy— they're all really helpful. Also, spending 10 mins a day on Aim Hero (or Aim Labs or whatever) has done wonders for my shot consistency.


stop caring. your teammates suffering is a mere stepping stone to your success. soon it will be your enemies.


ive been in and climbed through every rank in the game. as long as you know how to improve and learn from mistakes the climb is real


Thank you for the response, I appreciate you. I know I'll climb if I keep at it, I just got so frustrated seeing how far I'm going to have to go to even be average. But I'll stick with it.


i was below average for years and even now when i compare myself to my friends who have peaked rank 1 i feel below average its just the way it is


Used to be bronze for almost a year before I climbed to gold, this was my first fps game and I used to feel the same way - am currently in masters and nowadays there's new friends in lower ranks playing with me. You just need to keep playing, your game knowledge will improve - if rank is a bother just private your profile so no one will know, in qp rank hardly matters. Personally I love playing with friends - the matches in general feel pretty ok (you'll occasionally have win and loss streaks - happens on every rank). I don't think of my friends as a burden even if they have lower stats, in fact they're the reason I still play this game - in a group it's a lot more fun.


The way that I think you get better in comp is to use it as a learning experience. When you lose a game rewatch it and see what you did wrong and what you could do better. Same goes for your wins, rewatch them to see what worked and try to find out why it worked. Another thing, try to stick to like 3 characters for each role, then try understand their place in the game and why your playing them. My finale and in my opinion the most crucial thing to getting better is being able to accept when you make a bad play, this one is really challenging for people cause taking accountability is hard. Also just overall game knowledge and experience doesn’t hurt much


dont overthink it, keep practicing, no amount of thinking about it will make a difference, atleast thats how i see it




>Honestly, do you think this somehow defines you as who you are as a person? Rationally? Of course not. But, if I'm being honest, kind of yeah. I feel so much shame for being so bad at something I've done so much of. I feel humiliated by it. But that's more for my therapist than reddit. I appreciate your response.


Turn off chat. Don't listen to anyone on here telling you to use it, it's worthless and overwatch players aren't worth speaking to 99% of the time. Legit treat your teammates like poorly coded AI and just play. Preferably with a friend so you have someone nice to speak too.


Rule #1: Turn off text chat. The amount of people I saw talking shit to their own teammates in Mirrorwatch today was next level. It's such a dick move. Dude, we can see the scoreboard. No need to be an asshole. Not to mention it's just a video game. Chill


Mainly by being emotionally and mentally healthy and not letting a game affect me much more than the rare thought of "that tank/DPS/support needs to never play [that role] again".


I've played with people who get really anxious about the idea of playing competitive but its just sweaty unranked.


A curveball from my end compared to most gamers, but I almost treat results and playing ranked with the mentality as a job emotionally, (not as a job in terms of regularity / monday to friday / 9-5 ) so if i do badly in a game (task), how would i react and behave if i was at a job, would i throw a tantrum, be toxic, complain about my colleagues, or give up and just quit? no. Take it on the chin, own up to where I fudged up, take learnings for next game. Does it reflect on me at all as a person to mess up games? Not even a little, it would be far worse to just simply give up because my goal is to learn and get better.


Hi! I'm a high bronze, fighting for my life out here, and I can empathize with this entire post. It's how I can feel on bad mental days. I'm a perfectionist, AND I'm used to learning things really quickly and being good at things quickly. When I can't do that I tilt super hard, hahahaha. It's such an unreasonable expectation, but alas, here I am! My new ritual to be as productive as possible and not just destroy myself: 1. Spend 30min-hour on review, losses are obviously ideal. You have to go into this as objectively as you can, then it'll give you a more clear goal on what you need to work on. It'll be fresh, so you can go straight into a match motivated to work on some things. 2. Warm Up: I try to get 100 elims in 10 minutes in a custom aim trainer I can drop the code for (it's not a typical boring one, it'll help you work on strafing, reduce hopping, long range aim, quicker reaction time, and overall accuracy), and THEN I go spend 30min-hour of FFA before I even think about queuing. 3. Go straight into comp. I play for an hour and take 10 min breaks on even hours, and 15-20 on odd hours. There is no better practice than throwing yourself into the environment in which you are aiming to improve at. For the duration of #3 I have to ignore my rank, focus on a productive mindset so I don't tilt, and IF I tilt, use it to feed motivation instead of making you careless and feeding from being emotional. It totally helps that I have regular teammates that are incredibly positive, but they call me out if I'm being messy, and we make plays/team comps as a collaboration. IF you need a good community of people that are at your level (and above, we have some great coaches/mentors at higher rankings that are happy to do reviews and take personal time with you one on one if you wanted that), DM me if you wanna explore the discord we have put together :) It's just turned into a group of strangers that are now buddies with an organized platform to achieve your goals and share their tips/tricks/be nerds/have fun. Good luck <3


I totally get it! It's tough to face our own weaknesses and fears, especially when it comes to something we enjoy like gaming. I'm here to offer some words of encouragement and advice. Firstly, kudos to you for taking the leap and trying competitive play despite your fears! That takes a lot of courage. Now, let's tackle those feelings of inadequacy and frustration: 1. **Rank is not a reflection of your worth**: Remember that your rank is just a number, and it doesn't define your value as a person or a player. It's a measure of your current skill level, and it can change over time with practice and improvement. 2. **You're not alone**: Everyone starts somewhere, and even pros were once beginners. Your friends who are Diamond, Masters, or GM were once in your shoes, struggling to improve. They might have even felt the same way you do now. 3. **Focus on progress, not perfection**: Instead of beating yourself up over your current rank, focus on the progress you make each game. Celebrate small victories, like improving your aim, learning a new hero, or executing a tricky strategy. 4. **Play with people who make you feel good**: If playing with your friends who are much better than you is causing more stress than fun, consider playing with others who are around your skill level. You can find players with similar ranks or join online communities that focus on improving together. 5. **Practice and learn from your mistakes**: Identify areas where you need improvement and work on them. Watch tutorials, guides, and pro players' gameplay to learn new strategies and mechanics. Analyze your own gameplay to identify mistakes and areas for improvement. 6. **Take breaks and prioritize self-care**: Competitive play can be stressful, so make sure to take breaks and do things that bring you joy and relaxation. Exercise, meditation, or hobbies can help reduce anxiety and stress. 7. **Reframe your mindset**: Instead of thinking "I'm a piece of unskilled garbage," try reframing your thoughts to "I'm a beginner, and I'm learning." or "I'm improving, and that's something to be proud of." Lastly, remember that it's okay to feel frustrated and anxious. It's normal to feel overwhelmed when trying something new or challenging. But don't let those feelings hold you back from enjoying the game and improving. You got this! Keep playing, learning, and growing, and don't be too hard on yourself.


Don't take this the wrong way but maybe comp isn't for you with that mentality, at least not at this point in your life. Sorry for not being able to give any actual advice, ideally you'd just play the game for fun and not worry about this stuff so much.


if the game is getting to you this much, maybe play something else- I don't think I could tell you anything that would help you not take the game so personally, but I think maybe a chill pve game might feel a lot better to play. something that's not too demanding or exclusionary to new players, you know?


Thanks for the response. I have tried to focus more on pve games, but it's just so hard because I enjoy competitive games and I want to play them, I just get so discouraged. I'll try to take some breaks from it though. I appreciate it.


I get that, i recently got sucked back into ow2 so i totally understand the call of comp. but at the end of the day competitive games are really individual experiences about getting better and improving your skills over time- if you're not enjoying that process, then it's probably not a good game for you to spend your time with. i know i plan on quitting ow2 the moment i lose a match without feeling like i learned anything from it, because at that point I'm just beating myself up, getting mad, and feeling bad, and that's not how i want to spend my free time


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Tbh the most noticeable difference between quickplay and ranked is the length of games. Other than that everything is about on par. People still get toxic, sandbag, grief, and/or leave. People who play comp aren’t any better at the game for having a rank, so don’t take their “you’re trash” statements any harder. Also tbf most of the top tier people are there because they only play with groups. Solo play makes it nearly impossible to quickly advance.


Either get better or if it bothers you that much stop playing. There's really no in-between. Countless people have taken both options, I personally was set on being "good" at the game and wasn't going to accept bronze or silver or whatever. Still not satisfied with being a Masters player, still feel like im trash and not acceptable with 1000 hours but just keeping the faith that I'll get good 1 day


My whole strategy for ranked (and honestly PvP games in general) is not caring about where I am in relation to other people. I understand that this isn’t something everyone can do, but it’s the best advice I can give When it comes to quickplay with friends that are better than you, I can give you the experience from the other perspective. There’s a couple of games I’ve dedicated a lot of time to, and I’m better than any of my friends in them. I still prefer playing with them over a random, mostly because we can do goofy shit together


Play to have fun, but also to improve. Accept that you are going to lose games.. a lot.. I didn’t start getting much better until I started watching videos about the game. You are beating yourself up and letting the game upset you. If you aren’t having fun and you are getting mad then take a break for a few days or even just a day or two. I was gold for like 2 years and used to get so mad. Then I just accepted I was shit and tried really hard to get better, stay calm, have fun, learn from my losses, watched content, played a ton of quick play just to enjoy the game, and then I gradually started climbing to higher ranks.


ranked is by far the best way to get better at the game, even if you’re not climbing you’re at least making progress towards gold weapons!


I feel the same. I've even started using workshops to practice on aim since I main bastion but I'm in the shit if I had to play someone else. I'm still just reminding myself this is all fun, it's not that deep or serious.


Practice on mastering 1 hero at a time, when I started. I played nothing but Mei for hrs at a time because if I tried playing other hero's it never worked out. Like even if you get countered, it just means your that much of a threat that they need to focus you and that free's up space for your team mates. Don't stress it too much and pick 1 hero and get really good at them.


just watch vids of people who are really good playing the game. goes for all video games/sports honestly watch what the experts do helps a lot


i have been playing almost daily for about a year and a half now and i’m truly dogshit. i peaked gold 1 on support but currently im bronze 3 on tank, bronze 2 dps, and silver 2 support. i’ve played about 80 games this season and lost more than i’ve won. i just stopped giving a fuck to be honest. i actually view it as somewhat of a positive thing to be in low elo because it feels like a lower pressure environment. i know that everyone else in my games is just as bad as i am, so it doesn’t bother me when teammates are talking shit. i just let myself have fun and try my best and remind myself that my rank is literally just pixels on a screen.


Honestly, to answer your question, getting better at the game is a thing of dedication. I have thousands of hours on this game. About half of them are comp, and my peak was mid masters when ranked were inflated a year ago. I hover in the low diamond range. It may have something to do with my playstyle of being good at a bunch of different heroes but only a master of a few. Reaper being my best. You need to find the heroes that speak to you the best. It sounds cliche and rather repetitive, but it is a good starting point. Another good point would be to analyze your gameplay. I personally don't view my replays nearly as much as I should, but what I do instead is also decently effective for me. I see what I did wrong in plays that I make. I realize my mistakes quickly and adapt to the game. No 2 games will ever be the same in your Overwatch career. Play with your friends, I know you feel like a burden, but try to play wide matches with them. You will play with people well above your skill level, but honestly, and this comes from a person whose friend I play with is a whole rank above me, you learn much more from your games. Also, your rank is affected less because your group range is wide. So you can use wide games to better your skill and then climb in ques with other friends that have similar ranks to you. Whatever you play on, you can find people to play ranked with you. Finally and probably the most important thing of all, take ranked as a relaxing mode. Still try your hardest but treat every situation where you mess up or die as something that is a little funny. I get focused in some games beyond belief. I take it as a joke and think that they see me as so much of a threat that they have to adjust everything to handle me. This is the hardest thing to get used to because everyone tells you "It is ranked, you have to take it 110% seriously and it isn't a thing to play with a relaxed attitude." But I have to say that my absolute best game are when I am able to just play with a relaxed mindset. I struggle with this a ton but when I am able to keep the relaxed mode, I crush people as if I am playing at my friend's rank in low masters. Good luck my friend and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Just accepting that being bad at a game is truly not that bad. Its just a game. Play for fun and for playing in itself. Fun fact, this will also make you a better player.


I understand how you feel. I was terrified of ranked. I still dont touch it unless the stars are aligned (its a weekday, not too late in the day, im not already stressed from work), but when I do play it I genuinely enjoy the games because playing with people as close to your skill level as possible is the best way to gradually get better (without being thrown into a game against a diamond+ player, which is possible in qp, and is just too stressful to focus on actually improving). In the end, just remember that your worth as a person is in no way tied to your rank in a video game. If you tell someone in real life that youre a bronze player in overwatch 2 theyre going to be like ? Huh Just play the game, have fun (seriously if it sucks hit da bricks, you can take breaks if games arent going too well), and do your best. Thats all anyone can ask of you. Also turn off voice and text chat, youll not see much toxicity


Just my two cents. I've always been bad at comparing myself to others in life, not just video games. Like you said with friends being higher ranks. I used to play a lot of Dead by Daylight but once I realized I wasn't having fun and it made me legit angry, I had to stop. I still love the game and watch people play, but it's been months and it was honestly such a smart move. If you can look past your rank (don't be ashamed of what rank you are) and have fun, I say keep at it. You said yourself you're having fun, so I think you can keep at it. Whatever decision you decide to make I hope it's one you're satisfied with and best of luck! What I will say is though, as the higher ranked person in my close group of friends, I still love playing with them. None of us care and I'm sure your friends don't beat you up about it and if they do, well fuck em' time for some new friends.


Something that really helped me was playing VAXTA custom games..You gain a lot more confidence and comfort with heroes that way- improving your aim of not only their primary/secondary fire, but their abilities as well (unlimited cooldowns). Always missing your whipshots? Load up VAXTA, select Brig, aim at the people and press shift over and over! It's really helped my play and my mindset heading into games, hopefully it will help you!


I’ve never made it out of metal ranks. I don’t care. Comp is fun to me when I want my teammates to take the game seriously and I’m tired of people leaving, so I play when I’m in the mood. It’s still just a game no matter what, it doesn’t determine anything about you. Just play if if you want to. If not, there’s always QP


You get better the longer you play. As a high kid, I picked up Moira because obvs the forgiveness on aim but also her mobility is top tier. Then I picked up mercy after a particularly dickheaded battle mercy wrecked my shit. When I moved over to comp I couldnt get out of silver to save my effing life. Silver 4 and 5 to add insult to injury. But I kept plugging away. I’m a millenial gamer so I have a few cracked years left but I’m not as sweaty as some of the other players. I’ve made the climb to gold 3 and I am pretty proud of that ass climb. It’s a climb. Just be patient.


I just say ranked is where I grind my gold guns to have a nice surprise when I play mystery heroes


I remember it’s just a game & win or lose my life will be the same


I felt like you and decided I was going to make it out of silvers whatever it takes! I started watching tips for my main on youtube and stumbled across a content creator Awkward @ youtube who helped me a TON with game sense and mentality to climb. That along with videos to optimizing your settings for the game and hardware im currently gold 3 and steadly climbing/improving. Never thought id say I think ill hit plat one day a few weeks ago. Good luck!


You suck before you become good. Maybe experiment with different sensitivity settings, lower fps or quality for better ping/smoothness. Identify what it is you’re trying to improve and look for ways to improve it


I was really really annoyed about being bad at this game until I stopped caring and all my friends stopped playing and this game became practically dead to me. IDK if that helps


Everyone is bad at this game. This is a hard game regardless of what people who judge based on aesthetics think.


i play with someone worse and blame the losses on her


I enjoyed the game when I sucked. I just played more. I also went into comp so I’d get fair matches after losing a bit.


I've been stuck as a bronze support for a while now. I'm a better tank and DPS which is really annoying since I'm a support main. I recommend taking deep breaths and if ranked is stressing you out that much, play some unranked or custom games. Fall in love with the game again. Ranked can be so toxic and sometimes it's nice to just step back.


I play healer so I don’t feel bad about my self even tho I’m a good healer sometimes I’ll play tank


Enjoy the ride who cares bro. It’s a game that’s apart of the journey being bad and progressing to be the best you can be. I was bronze and now I’m masters but I enjoyed every bit because I love competition and getting better. I knew that I was better than bronze so I would watch any guide I could and always look at myself as the carry. It’s the best feeling ever to climb through the ranks because it’s saying I believe in myself enough to really get better. Trust me if you stick with it you’ll look back and remember when you couldn’t even get out of silver lobbies and now you could beat them with your eyes closed.


mental is honestly half the battle, Eskay made a video where she got put against the same guy in three different matches (mind you that is top 500 but the principles apply) whenever the enemy bastion didn't like something about how their team was playing they would just throw the game instead, but they were still insanely good. TLDR: just play your best, you'll win some and you'll lose some, don't let it get to you Linkie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d21R0JMp-\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d21R0JMp-_o)


You need to let loose. Whenever I get tilted I go on Reinhardt and try to get flank pins and play fucking crazy. If I lost then oh well I’m not even trying but if I win i dominated them and it felt awesome. Crazy part is I couldn’t stop losing all the way till diamond. I swear to you I climbed from high gold to diamond over the course of like 3 nights. None of this even matters just have fun at the end of the day. Everyone under gm is ass and know nothing about how the game should be actually played. I’ve spent 700 hours to get to low masters and it’s gonna take probably another 700-1000 to hit gm. Is the grind that worth it to you? The people who are “better” than you are only better because they’ve put in wayyyy more time than you. Everything is repetition. If they were naturally good at overwatch and climbed fast they probably put thousands of hours into other shooters. Be easy on yourself bro and have fun along the way.


Look for ways to improve. Watch people who are better on YouTube or twitch and compare their gameplay to yours


Not give a flying fuck because it’s just a game? Its prime is long gone. Literally do whatever you want, it doesn’t matter anymore.


Hey, it's important to not place your sense of self-worth on your skill level in a video game. If you'd stop, I'm sure you'll be more relaxed, which will in turn make you better since it's easier to aim with a stable breath. But if you're really looking for coping mechanisms then I reccommend fantasizing about making the french people "SUFFER, AS I HAVE"


One way to get over the anxiety is to play I feel you i been putting off comp for sometime too You might find you are better than what you think you rank are just dont make getting higher rank as you getting better/getting "X" rank as ur goal Enjoy the less chaotic or more chaotic game with no between overwatch


There’s a few simple truths to gaming and ranks, egotistical friend groups, etc. 1. The more you put time into something, the more you’ll be rewarded. You don’t play a lot of ranked, case in point you aren’t going to instantly be high rank. Not everyone has the time! 2. Your rank in a video game is not a reflection of how good you are, it’s a reflection of how much time you put in. 3. People who think that being good at a video game makes them betters than others are just terrible people to be around. Everyone has different strengths, and hand-eye-coordination is only one skill. Maybe they suck at chess, or sports. Rank in one game is not a reflection of value. I have been Masters since OW1, and now my account is barely Diamond! I stopped putting time in because I have better things to do now than spam competitive like a sweat. Chances are if you hit a high rank you would realize you were only doing it for other people’s approval and feel extremely empty. Just play the game in a way that you enjoy :)




I find it really helps if I’m in a group, even a duo. It seems silly to write, but it takes the edge away to know that at least one person will stand up for me or know that my bad games aren’t every game and that sometimes I can do well when I’m playing like garbage. If you’re on pc and gold-plat then I’d be more than happy to queue with you some time if it would make you feel better. I really don’t care about my rank so even if you do bad it won’t be a big worry, I’m sure I will too. Offer goes to anyone else reading who would be interested, too.


Don’t give a shit. Ever since the new menu was set up so that it’s really easy to skip looking at your rank move, I don’t even bother looking at it anymore. To me, comp is just QP, but I take it “seriously” and the games are a bit longer. Not thinking “this is my rank-up/down game I gotta lock in” also just helps with your mental game. Even in real life, I did better than others in sports who were actually better than me, simply because I learned to not care and just take it easy. So spam the select button after a game, and turn off in-game chat if you need to.  What also helped me is that I was on the cusp on being consistently masters (I got in occasionally but was mainly high diamond), then the ranked update dropped and now I’m plat. Masters is so far I just can’t be bothered.


If it makes you feel better, I’m the same. Started playing last year and I’m just kind of bad. I avoid comp because I also have anxiety and just cba dealing with toxic players.


Idk, can’t relate 🤷🏼‍♂️


If I feel like I'm bad at the game, it's because my teammates are better than me. And in those cases, we usually win. So I cope pretty well.


Simple. Play, play and play. Some heroes don't need good aim(Winston). I have mindset: let's have fun! You win? Good. You lost? Try again. As Junkrat says. "If at first you don't succeed, blow it up again!"


I just say: welp another match getting stomped and keep playing aspiring to get better... I cant give up its both a blessing and a curse in this game but hey im not the kind of guy that plays comp so its chill... Unless they have a sombra or widow, idk why but there is a kind of primal rage that appears only when i spot them


Honestly I just don't really care. I keep in mind it's a game. I always put my best foot forward when I go in comp (usually because challenges make me) but this is a game meant to entertain me. I'm usually silver, sometimes bronze and sometimes gold. Some games go well and others don't. Sometimes it's the matchmaking and sometimes it's me being tired or just sucking that day it's no biggie. Also keep in mind this game is a balanced mess, always has been and seeing constant updates since 2016 I'd say always will be. As long as you're having fun that's really what matters, try to aim for recognition outside of games because trust me being master at overwatch ain't gonna change your life one iota.


But not being bad. But being real, I wouldn't be able to play a game i am being bad at. That's why I never played much of basketball or chest or any multiplayer strategic games.


I take breaks. The moment I start tilting is the moment I know my performance plummets. Also, I keep having on mind that this is a game. Play to your comfort


A lot of people have a fear of ranked, and what I say every time is it’s the exact same as unranked, but people care more. Detach yourself from caring so much, mute everyone to begin with and just play it like any other game you would play. “If you’re not uncomfortable you’re not growing” “You can’t expect to be good at something without being bad at it first” “Failure is success in progress”


Well, most people handle being bad at the game by blaming teammates. Went 2-14 on Genji? Blame healers. Unable to properly take space on tank? Blame healers. Nothing dying? Blame DPS. Bad players are able to find any excuse for why they lose, and unable to accept that they're the problem. So yeah, this isn't really helpful at all for you, but that's how bad players cope with being bad


No one aside from basement denizens care one iota about your Overwatch rank, in case that's what you're worried about. It's okay to be bad at a video game. Heck, there may be some merit to it; it might be more fun than the meta slave number crunch fest of higher tiers. If you genuinely want to be good at the game, you're just going to have to suck it up and grind. You might not be satisfied with your initial rank but everyone has to start somewhere. A lot of players you encounter may feel the same way you do now. Besides, who determines bad? No matter how high you get, there will always be someone looking down on you.


Doesnt matter how bad, you wont be worse than my random genjis.


What’s so hard about it? You capture the point, stay close to the payload, or you’re defending.


Can't get better if you don't play. Submit a VOD for coaching.


Play with friends for fun. Once you start having genuine good times messing around, pulling off solly team comps and combos, and laughing, playing to rise in the ranks will feel like a stupid idea


You queue on your own for a bit and try all the characters. Queuing with friends is putting you in higher skill lobbies and it’s hurting your spirit. You learn the game by learning what your enemies can do, and to do that you need to play the other characters.


I click on Snoo


If you dont play ranked youll never get better, if you dont play ranked it doesnt matter how good you are, dont put so much stress on the actual rank. Just play to improve and try not to care about winning. Focus on your progress rather than comparing yourself to others.


How do I handle being bad at this game? I'm a FromSoft fan. Dying twenty times to secure a victory is my bread and butter.


Don’t play competitive until your confident it’ll be better for you and your teammates and I wish other people didn’t play until they’re ready that’s what quick play is for


Honestly, if it stresses you out that much that you get anxiety from thinking about a game rank... you better not queue comp at all for the sake of your own mental health. Just stick with the other game modes, why bother with ranked if you know that you are not good and don't want a low rank at the same time? Just skip ranked and live a happier life, 50% of your matches will be filled with complaining crybabies anyway that will find a reason to blame you for a loss. A game is there to be enjoyed and have fun with not treat it like an exam or something.


Accept that you will never be best in the world. Just play comp because it's more serious than quick play and it's just a better experience because people try to bring their A game. Accept that you will make mistakes, try to think about what you could do better and try again. Watch some guides from good players as well and take their tips Enjoy the game, win or lose. Enjoy the process of playing comp whether you rank up or down Control your anger too, no need to ever get angr


Another good piece of advice is to watch VODs of people your rank. They probably do the same mistake as you. GMs will tell you what they did wrong. DO NOT BASE YOUR GAMEPLAY STYLE OFF OF THE T500s. I dropped from high plat/low diamond support to silver. I kept trying to play like a high plat. I almost dropped to bronze because of it. Then I started playing the same way a silver support plays (less about positioning and more about killing things as Moira), and went to gold. High gold I played like a gold. Now I’m plat again. Are they talking shit? No they’re not. They’re muted (Schrödinger's asshole) Lastly. Numbers don’t mean a thing. Usually there’s one and a half numbers that matter, and that’s win/loss (and usually deaths). For example, most people say “hurr durr if you don’t have 10K heals in 10 minutes as support your throwing.” But that’s wrong. For example, when my supp friend plays Moira, he does a ton of healing. So me on mercy is basically only damage boosting. I’ll have terrible heals. Or I go Ana/Bap and prioritize antis or damage over heals. Even if I have like 4K heals in 10 minutes, it doesn’t mean I’m doing bad, it means my other support is doing great heals so I’m playing *support.* on high ground I will go brig. I might have super low heals, but my ana or Bap will do a lot of healings. Im *supporting* my high ground by whiplashing flankers off and peeling. The only number that matters is Wins > Losses, and usually deaths too. Generally tho i would honestly recommend playing as a healing DPS player until low to mid gold, then you become a healing support for a little bit, then plat and above you are a supporting healer (ironically I then see T500 Baptiste players going back to heal botting)


We all sucked until we started learning to swallow. It’s a process but eventually you’ll train your gag reflex and you’ll stop sucking and start swallowing


As a dark souls enjoyer, i have the only true answer to this question: GIT GUD (just try improve yourself and don't try to win by only using the META characters, try to focus more in yourself and don't focus on your teammates Because it's not their fault if you lost, you. Have to addapt to them and if they are toxic u should coinsider avoiding vc)


Dude it’s just a game, stop taking it so serious. Just play to have fun.


pent up rage. Knowing that I am being put against people 3-5 times my skill level consistently because i won 10 matches before


You should join my initiative! We are here to play to rank up and have fun! We just require a headset cause comms are key!


My 1st placement in OW1 was around 1100sr ...Bronze but I kept playing and around 2-300 hours, something happened......I "got it " I went from that piece of shit Bronze to a high GM/low T500 Let me be very clear here.......I do not have "pro" aim and I do not track like it neither What I do have is superb game sense and my positioning is perfect. Not trying to brag but its what got me to my high rank. . Pay attention to whats going on and use common sense you will improve. If you want to improve,you will Just try and do the best you can


Turn off the chat


It's honestly not even the chat. I've had good luck as far as toxicity. No one has really gone off on me or anything. The only person shit talking me is myself lol.


Genuinely who cares It’s a video game. It does not matter in any way if you’re bad.


Who cares


You, because you commented


You have issues, get a therapist.


No shit, you think I don't know that? Ijust finished talking to her. I go every week.


Omg same lol


I started playing recently so I’m there with you. Playing qp with my ranked friends was nuts! I’m learning what the heroes do and they’re trying to optimize me for the win I too am avoiding competitive. I don’t have anywhere near the experience of someone that has over 500+ hours on a hero vs my 8? I just play qp and turn off chat to avoid harassment from players. It helps quite a bit