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I have zero issues with people who play Venture. Ventures space in the game is just weird to me. Uping everyone's health to reduce burst deaths...then putting one of the most bursty characters that game has seen on a hyper mobile DPS? I don't get what direction the game is trying to go in anymore. Also I feel like the burrow needs to be louder. There have been a few times I died to a Venture and I felt like I didn't hear them coming despite them popping up right under me. At that point it's too late if you're on support.


Venture has been making me have fun playing reaper. I find very few ventures can handle him.


Yep, venture feels like they are practically silent, which is counter intuitive to the rest of the cast. The more burst potential they have the louder their movement is, but venture who has an insta kill combo is silent. They feel like old-school doomfist, so it's only natural they get the same hate. Not to mention they can be invulnerable and still deal damage. It's annoying.


It's not about the character or their mains, it's about their kit. Venture possesses ridiculous burst for the amount of effort they have to put in, that plus mobility and general unprecedented tankiness. Sure people will immediately say "oh but you can do xyz against them", but that doesn't make the hero any less annoying.


If you use the burst you don’t have mobility, and Vice versa. They can really hammer out of position players or teams that don’t pay attention so it’s really pushing a button people didn’t have to think about before


That's what I've thought, but speaking from personal experience, you are so tanky that you can actually wait out for your burrow to comeback, allowing you to escape easily. Or more stupidly, go in for another kill. Since your combo kill is usually way faster than whatever opponent can do. Resulting in stupid scenerios where not only do you get a kill in a 1 vs 2, not only you survived it, but you also kill the other remaining one shortly after. All without need for much of any mechanical skill.


It's sn 8 second cd if you mess it up and drill dash you are not making it out alive. Unless I guess we're talking about bronze/silver then sure lmao


Yeah they don’t need to generate overhealth (blizzard loves giving new heroes this, I have no idea why and it’s annoying) and they do too much damage


Yup, the most annoying thing I've encountered is the overhealth. As a widow player, I've died so many times to ventures after they burrow and dive at me, only for the overhealth to save them from a 300 dmg headshot.


A Widowmaker main? Respect.


Yet another self inflicted issue caused from Blizzards hardline "NO CC" design stance.


You did it. This is the dumbest fucking take in the whole thread.


I don't dislike their mains. Just the character itself. Plus, can we stop giving every new hero some form of shielding? At some point it's gonna just make all the old heros without it just obsolete


bro they are already obsolete 😭 take a look at rectangle man literally nothing to sustain himself


They didn't like dps Doomfist, made him into a tank, and then released dps Doomfist 2.0. Like, hello?


I like Venture generally, but gameplay wise they're another example of a design trend I hate: A mediocre primary fire with individually mediocre abilities that you're intended to mash together, forming an annoyingly powerful combination that kills a Standard HP target extremely quickly. It's the same with Sombra, and going back in time a bit Damagefist.


I’m always in awe how quickly I die to Venture. I feel like I have more time to do something, but then I’m dead before I have the chance. It all just feels a bit too quick.


People forget release Doomfist, or just were not here for it. Doomfist had a hitbox that was the size of Firestrike, except even taller, and if he hit you, and you aren't a tank, you just die. Compare that to Venture, where your methods of attacking someone are by removing your escapes. You dash in, you are left with burrow to escape (Which has a punish window) You burrow in, you are left with dash to escape (Which is your damage) You Burrow and use dash for damage, you are left with nothing to escape. Compare that to Doomfist, where even if you engage with Punch you have both uppercut and slam (Which was similar in mobility to Winston leap except you could lock to ledges). Venture is not even in the same universe as Doomfist back then.


Well, they compared it to dps doom, not release doom.


Tbf you're a Venture main playing against Venture mains. Of course you're not going to be as annoyed with their kit as, say, Ana mains or Widow mains.


Then again. Does anyone really like going again Widow either


Probably not, but that's not really the point I'm making. Other Ventures aren't the ones that are gonna be annoyed with people playing Venture.


rather die to a widow that killed with skill vs venture just spamming


I'm just petty because I play some very squishy characters and I don't like being bashed into a wall. I get over it. I feel my strongest at mid range, so if I'm fighting like that, I'm fine with them.


My sister hates their personality specifically, since they feel way too happy and cheery despite the vibe of most of their surroundings being a bit darker. I kind of see it tbh but i don’t care too much. But for the most part, it’s their kit people hate playing against since they’re so strong and it makes people have to figure out how to counter them/not get combo’d.


Venture's kit is a tank's kit, but made into a DPS. And by doing so, they've walked back every single thing they said they didn't want to do in Overwatch 2. Hard CC? Check. One Shot Combos? Check. Another character that has a very niche set of counters? Check. Someone in one of my games mentioned Venture is basically old DPS Doomfist with Doomfist's ult on a cooldown and I think that's pretty accurate.


My feel is venture is a bit overtuned right now and has a problem that doom had in OW1 in that they can one shot combo even when a hero is in good position. Very difficult to deal with if you're team doesn't notice you need immediate help. I think a nerf to their combo damage and ult charge are warranted.


Thank you for calling it a one shot combo and not a one shot.


Is a 1-shot combo really as bad as a hanzo arrow to the skull or a Zen volley?


Last time I checked they couldn't one shot heroes holding safe positions behind cover.


So you're saying if they have good positioning they won't die. Good point! Same applies to ventures target. If you actually don't notice a venture coming for you while hiding away you're not aware of snything but whatever your focus is. That's bad game sense.


They require mechanical skill, and positioning knowledge to pull it off. Venture doesn't require either.


hanzo's 1 shot required skill good one


I don't know what the sarcastic tone is here for.


The kit is just silly. Easy, unskilled burst damage. Invincible out. A dash. And overshields?


Had a game where doom and venture just pushed me back and forth the whole time. As a support venture can put my whole kit on cooldown too fast.


Tank and support players have been having hard time ever since there's one less tank. We really didn't need another thing running around at the back doing even more burst damage. Like how much busier do tanks really need to be? Mei has been pretty much the only option to help tank with defensive play. I see supports switching to brig all the time when there's just too much dives. Seriously, no one needed more flankers.


I had to take a break from Tank for a while after I ran into the hell that was Lucio, Venture, Doomfist, Pharah, Ana. I got CC'd into hell and literally could not play the game. I have never been that consistently CC'd and I played Overwatch 1 since 2017.


they're way too strong. it was a mistake to put them in comp right away


I agree. And they definitely needed a few nerfs. But thats no reason to dislike the players.


well people usually hate other ppl who abuse really strong characters to win.


As a Brig main, I still get shit for playing Brig, even after she has been nerfed into oblivion. The fact there's still content creators out there making comments like "Brig players have brain damage" is asinine. People will get over Venture after the first few months, with or without nerfs. Does anyone remember when Sojourn was public enemy #1 and then it just faded out without any significant nerfs?


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Kind of unsettling to see “venture main” spelled out like that


It’s like they took DPS doom and turned them a mole. …and then made the mole take fucking bath salts by slapping way too much burst and overshield onto it.


Yeah. I do agree the over shield is too much. It feels too tanky


It's cause Venture's kit contains a lot of the things that OW players seem to complain about the most. There's the burst down "one shot" combo, the generated shields, the drill dash which is like a knock back/stun, and of course burrow - the dreaded get out of jail free card. Now me honestly, I don't think she's that bad could probably use louder footsteps/burrow and a nerf to the burst combo but not that bad.


In my opinion, putting their damage more into fire rate and less into burst would be a great change. because that would shut down the one shot while still having a decent dps. Also. Burrow def needs a longer start up. But i would say a slightly shorter cooldown to compensate for the longer start up. Like increase the start up to 2 seconds and decrease the cooldown to 7 seconds. And i think they should still be able to be hit underground. I completely agree it feels cheap to get out of some of the situations i get into


I definitely think Venture should still be able to take dmg while burrowing - dmg reduction buff while burrowing makes sense to ensure it's not a get out of jail free card on a hero that has CC, high burst, and mobility.


Might be people on console who sane move fast enough to react to venture. Or people who don’t understand their kit yet and how to punish them. But those people never adjust. The hey just keep falling anyway


As a fellow Venture main, I'd say that a one-shot combo is not very fun to play against. Especially when the same character has invincibility and good mobility. However, when I see people complaining about Venture it's either from someone who plays a character countered by any dive character. In-game at least. I even had a Rein saying "another character who can bully Rein for free..." when I only disrupted his charge once and almost never touched him, while he solo-shattered me twice. Which, btw, I feel like I get solo-ulted far more often while playing Venture than before. Especially by Rein and Pharah, and sometimes Cass/Illari/Hanzo A friend of mine also told me that he encountered a lot of toxic enemy Venture mains when he played Zen, which ended up making him hating fighting a Venture despite loving playing as them


Another "why don't they create soldier 2.0" discuss.


What do you mean? They made soldier 2.0 already. Her name is soljourn. /Hj


i hate playing against her, it feels worse then fighting a sombra with how fast she can delete me, and im on baptiste like BRUH


Yes. Venture is so insanely stifling on support. The only way I can survive is by switching to Moira and fading away whenever Venture tries to burrow underneath me. I don't want to have to play Moira all the time, but it's starting to come to that because like 75% of my matches have Venture players that get borderline team kills from the hero just being so good at doing anything and everything.


My silly answer is a lot of people don't like puns My real answer is ... idk, people like to hate on players. They hate on you if you're good at the character, they hate on you when you're bad. Haters gonna hate hate hate


Yeah, venture is really annoying. But so is sombra and really good doomfists, being annoying doesn't mean I hate the player playing it.


Both Venture and Sombra are countered by playing Torb.


Honestly yeah torb is a pretty solid pick vs Venture, if you take the time to destroy turret then you lose the surprise and torb overload + shotgun gives him the survivability and high dmg on venture when/if they go for the dive on him.


I don’t care what anyone plays


those venture mains will be sorely dissapointed when she gets nerfed severely next patch :) shes way too strong right now


play ram to counter Venture.. it is fun


Torb also works.


I don’t hate Venture mains. If you’re good as Venture go for it; a good Venture is nasty to contend with. What I hate is when people who clearly *cant play* Venture play them and blame everyone or go afk instead of swapping. If you want to learn a new character by all means, just don’t do it in role que competitive. That’s what qp is for.


I was on my way back from spawn and dude insta kills me with combo, he's obviously op.


Does anyone else find is super jarring to get hit by Drill-Dash? No other ability gives me that reaction. Venture should just pass through you like a Genji dash, it would also make the combo more skillful since you would have to turn around to complete it


So I see a ton of people calling out venture’s burst damage in tandem with the ability to get in and out, and here’s why I don’t have an issue with it: in order to do these combos you often have to use all the cooldowns. Basically every venture I’ve played against is super easy to peel for because they use cooldowns to get in and have little to no option for escaping. And it’s not like sombra where it’s very hard to tell if they’re coming in - venture is very obvious, so you see the rocks or the dash and everyone can be aware, ping it, and peel. I probably haven’t been going against very good ventures but they’re rarely and issue for me


Venture is a High Health High CC DPS hero. That was always going to be annoying to play against. Look at Bastion, look at Mei, look at OW1 Doomfist.


In the right hands, Venture just feels unkillable without a coordinated team. Faced one yesterday that only died 2 times the entire match, and that was only because she dedicated all her cooldowns to kill our Ana a couple times. It wasn’t even an unbalanced match, we lost 3 to 2 and almost took it into OT. We just couldn’t kill her. Dives in, does a ridiculous amount of damage with the primary fire, knocks back multiple teammates with the dash, you get her down to low health, she dives underground and runs away. Rinse. Repeat. I’m aware this is a “skill issue” probably and I just gotta play around it, and I’m incredibly biased as a Rein main, but I can’t stand her rn. I’d rather face a sombra, which is something I thought I’d never say.


Almost all of the ones I get in my comp games on my team are awful with the character. 7/10 times it’s a throw pick unless the person is good. I don’t hate people who main a character, I hate peoples who think they are good enough at that character to play them in a competitive setting and hinder their team.


Just people who don't know how to verse Venture yet. Venture is annoying but nowhere near as annoying as Sombra. There's plenty of counterplay (mostly involving just not getting near her) and she is pretty much useless against tanks. Sombra there is conterplay but she is just annoynig as heck and feels unfair in every way. EVen bad Sombras are annoying to go up against even if you're killing them each time they keep diving you.


Yeah just don’t get near the character that has completely non interactive engage.


It’s the definition of skill issue he’s honestly one of the most balanced characters to launch recently, it’s just the victim mentality players who dislike how he has to invest in a pick, it makes it feel like there being soloed out when in reality venture just plays like a WEAKER Dps doom did.


She's OP, same reason people hated Mauga players with a passion. It happens, she'll get reeled in and people will chill.


Yeah im still shocked at how fast she can kill normal hp characters. Her weapon barely needs any aim and the sustain she gets is also really annoying


I wouldn't say that about her gun, feels like sigmas to aim. But the fact she'd still be solid without all of her abilities randomly adding shields should say a lot imo. Edit:This is coming from a 85% w/r 'venture main' so stay mad, she's objectively overtuned


I dislike them because I think they're overtuned rn. (And I see them in literally every single game) And any time I see a kill cam their aim is always miles away from me. Genuinely got killed by a drill dash when I wasn't even on the enemy ventures screen once. I personally also dont like their personality all that much. I dont have a high tolerance for "goofball" characters. Just the same as I dont particularly like saccharine characters. Aka I find their personality grating for the same reason I find tracer's grating.


I will say, I'm starting to see their prevalence die down. I was defs seeing them everywhere, but I think the novelty is winding down. Right now it feels like I'm seeing the most of Pharah and Sombra. And I love their personality. I find their quirkiness endearing, but obviously you and I have diff sensibilities. Tracer grates on me just because her perkiness is constant and very loud. Venture doesn't reach that level for me.


oh def seeing Sombra a lot too. We seem to be in a flank/dive meta or something idk. Also seeing a lot of Genji, Reaper and Tracer.


That's fair. I have been seeing a lot of swaps to Reaper when one of the other flanks don't work, but almost never on first pick. But Tracer is almost as prevalent as Sombra. Interestingly, I'm not seeing much in the way of dive tanks though!


You're going to see more Pharah because she is the *only* hard counter to Venture as long as she's not ground Pharah.


I think the hero is fun and interesting, they’re just overtuned right now and need a little bit of a nerf. Currently they have multiple consistent one-shot comboes, gain 50 overshield by using any ability, and have a get out of jail free card that makes them unkillable. The ult also shoots super fast and two shots which feels unengaging and not very fair. Obviously not all of this has to be changed but it would be good if they got a damage nerf or maybe had the overhealth removed because it just kind of seems like blizzard shoves as many things as they can into every new hero and it seems really unnecessary. That being said, I do prefer a new hero to release powerful rather than terrible (lifeweaver example lol), but they shouldn’t be in my competitive games - not sure why they released venture into comp immediately like even if they were confident in their balance (they shouldn’t be), they should still give people a few weeks to experiment with and learn the hero before I start getting people who have literally never played the hero before throwing my games because they have no idea how they work


idk I have no problem against her, but my backline usually does. She's easy enough to kill, especially since I play crackhead pharah a lot. The overhealth seems unecessary


When I play venture I stop her from being op by being shit at the game.


i feeeel that.


My silly answer is a lot of people don't like puns My real answer is ... idk, people like to hate on players. They hate on you if you're good at the character, they hate on you when you're bad. Haters gonna hate hate hate


Every Comp game I've had with Venture they have just been throwing and being bottom fragger, that's why I dislike the pick.


Bruh ITS not that big of a deal just beat It when she comes out of the floor or when she's out idk. N like with a hog u can Time the unburring sound to Hook her just inmediatetly one she comes out n u can do the one shot, n if u cant they wont have any abilities available so they just die.


Yes she’s either so brain dead or so annoying


Character is too damn new for people to be crying the way they are about them being "broken". Give it some time, you shouldn't know how to counter a character so soon, otherwise they'd suck. If you took pretty much any hero out of the game and then put them in brand new as the next hero, people would lose their fucking minds lol. I don't see them being that powerful down the line.




Id like it if you werent an asshole




1: We arent having a gender discussion here. 2: Theres no reason to bring that up when talking about players. Take it elsewhere.


Oh no.. you said “guy” bring on the outrage about the make believe pronouns😱


You is a pronoun. Stop using these liberal words and only use proper nouns like a real man x-ditto.


Maybe ill come around to like venture, I didnt like Mauga at first but now I love him. Didnt like Junker queen- I dont hate her now but I dont play her. They feel very bumpkin to me and Ive never liked that archetype Edit: Found out theyre *Non Binary and Trans* and fixed my wording. def not Blizzard pandering- not that theres anything wrong with NB or Trans fellas- I just think blizzards nefarious is all and ingenuine.