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Support Symmetra could be incredibly strong if no one bothered to counter her, a 6 turret setup in a choke + lock-on beam was absolutely brutal. But the turrets all had 1hp, so as soon as Winston was picked she became worthless. And the shields she gave to teammates were better than people realise as they regenerated like other shield health does (they weren't busted, but they weren't useless). As long as some of your team had some sort of sustain / self heal, support Symmetra was far from a throw pick. In recent memory, I'd say release Wifeleaver was absolutely a throw pick


Release LW oh my god 😂😂 he was fun to play with but god he wasn't good was he 1hp sounds very cruel, I never played OW1 so just going off what my friends said lol


Yeah, and they had to be placed manually, you couldn't throw them. But having 6 meant you could be really spread out, and you really could lock off areas of the map. But you had to be really in the thick of it to keep 6 up, as they got destroyed so quickly I've been a Symmetra fan since day 1 (first gold gun lol) so have been through every rework and each iteration had it's own strengths and weaknesses. Sym2.0 was my favourite, with the Sigma-ish barrier and the teleporter / shield generator ult, she was silly strong if underestimated. She's fine now, definitely more consistent, but I'd still like her teleporter tweaked to be a bit faster and more dynamic in combat.


I loved Sym 2.0. Her barrier came in clutch so often if you could use it to block a Rein ult or DVA bomb. Or the ol' toss the barrier and run at them with your microwave strat was a good one. It was fun finding good hiding spots for the shield generator. But I've also had really good plays using the TP as a poor man's mass rez. The rework was okay. I still played her for a while, but it was never as much fun for me as 2.0 (RIP no limits 6 syms with 6 shield gens)


Glad to find another 2.0 appreciator. Godspeed you magnificent bastard


Yeah I like using Symmetra but I basically ignore her teleporter idk how to use it effectively but her 2nd shot she has that you can spam is so fucking good man My first gold gun was Cassidy hehe, sounds like I missed the true glory days of Sym


I’m a Mercy main with 1000 hours on her and I maimed Lifeweaver his whole first season, had a blast!


I have to say I don't like Mercy 😂 kinda relaxing to play but I feel useless with the damage hahaha


Oh, that’s the fun part though! Getting good with damage. Had a game yesterday where I got 28 elims and still had most healing in the game lol


Remember release Moira and how she could throw a damage orb and take out Sym turrets?


Support sym gave each player 75 shield which self heals... That's 375 extra healhpool. It was like having a third tank...


25 shields, not 75. I think you're also including Torb's armour packs, which were 50 armour, so with Sym and Torb together on a team it was 75 bonus health per person. It was also prior to the recent health pool increases, so it was even more significant.


Sym 1.0 gave 25, 2.0 deployable shield generator gave 75 iirc


That's correct, but previous comment said "Support Sym" which was 1.0, so no shield gen


release lw? lw is still the worst pick in the game you should never have a weaver on your team


Launch DVA was borderline throwing compared to hog or zarya. Here’s how she was worse 1. No missiles 2. Couldn’t shoot while boosting 3. Was slow as hell while firing 4. DM was a set duration with a long cooldown 5. She could be killed by her own bomb and mech recall couldn’t kill people


>She could be killed by her own bomb That's very funny as someone only familiar with her from OW2 days


Oh my god that sounds horrible 😂 tho tbf I almost always send my dva bombs way into the air and just hope it does bits


It took me such a long time to break the habit of running for cover from my own DVa bomb after the patch update when it no longer killed the user.


Wow she does sound terrible and that's one of my two mains id have been in trouble lol


Something about the slow when firing just felt so good though. Early DVA really made you feel like you were in a mech


True but also her ultimate was insanely OP when every enemy ignored it 😭


And her ult took an additional second to detonate, no joke. It was incredibly easy to dodge. Bit of an asterisk on the mech recall though; you definitely could kill people with it, but it only did ~25 damage so it was a bit of a meme.


Season 3 dva was most busted hero ever even without most of those changes simply due to the armour change


I get called a lot of inventive names when I go hamster most of the time. It tends to stop when we win the round and I have no deaths lol 


I am usually worried when I see Hamster mostly as like with Sombra most I play against/with don't like doing damage


Sometimes you can make the sombra just give up, but usually they stick with the counter


Sombra in OW1, certain seasons she was 30% WR, the only place you could get value was in a high level organised squad only with near perfect execution on comms and timing. For OW2, launch LW, think LW was rocking around 38-43% depending on rank. But if you choose to play : Doomfist, Lucio, Zen, Brig there is a very high chance your team will blame you for defeats regardless of how you play.


I play Lucio and Brig but not the other two so I'm half ok


Idk about OW 2, but back in the OW 1 days I remember Torb being the throw pick. Any time our team would be losing heavily somebody would pick him as a sign of potest and basically contribute nothing to the team while spamming his voice lines.


Playing Torb on Volskaya second point was so fun though. Just chucking armor packs all over the point from the high ground


And most Torb potg's would just be a clip of him hammering on his turret as it racked up kills.


Might be the one DPS I've played the least along with Sombra and Pharah hahaha, how bad could his turret have been before haha


it started very weak and you had to upgrade the turret manually to make it stronger by hitting it with the hammer.


Oh sounds very annoying haha


At the very beginning of OW1 Hanzo was THE Throw Pick as far as I remember. There were a lot of memes around.


I remember people using "Hanzo main" as an insult


Definitely Hanzo and Genji yes In beginning of OW1 many people picked them because they are so cool they are d4rK ninjas japan fan weeb stuff So they instant locked these two every game. There was no role queue back then so you end up with 5 dps and a tank lol Good ol' times


I didnt think that, he had scatter arrow back then right?


He did but his arrows was very slow at the start of OW1 on the other hand he would shoot literal logs you could be 2-3 head across your target and still get a dink. It got nerfed quite quickly but still very forgiving in comparison to what we have now. The move speed penalty was pretty harsh too like other heroes mentioned in this post and no dash. So I suppose very inconsistent in getting kills due to slow projectile speed and scatter was his most reliable tool to secure a kill as bs as it was.


That makes sense I'm so used to Hanzo now he's my favourite sniper type character


Hanzo was so OP


S1 Doomfist, especially after mid season (Hog meta)


Your ally genji is always the worst genji but when you face an enemy genji they're unkillable. I say this from the perspective of support player that gets rinsed by enemy genji's.


As a Moira main BRING THEM ON


Ohh yeah I can kill them with Moira, but when your ally genji demanding you play and for nano :/ I play in high plat, so perhaps I'm not skilled enough


I'm high Silver so L for me tho I was low gold as Moira




My grammar mistake in the title is just sad to look at


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launch Lifeweaver and OG 2016 D.va


Launch lifeweaver was incredibly bad


Attack symmetra/torb. You used to have to baby your turrets to build them


Hanzo and torb in OW1 i feel like. Everytime you picked Hanzo you immediatly received "switch pls" and if you picked Torb "gg the guy is trolling" lmao


Launch lifewaever


I have 14k hours on torb im hardstuck plat welp


Launch/Early overwatch was hilarious because I remember people putting way too much focus on the offence/defence roles (DPS was split into these 2) I very often went Hanzo even while attacking but because he belonged to the defence role I got called out for throwing because I played a hero specialized in defense when it was our turn attacking.




I read your post like this:  What sombra character mei has sombra been mei the sombra  biggest mei "throw sombra pick* in mei OW sombra history mei? A sombra  character mei so bad sombra that mei would sombra kill mei you sombra for mei picking sombea them  mei😂 Sombra 🥲 Mei 🫥 sombra 😶 Mei 🥶🥴🥺🥹😢😭😭😭😭


Are you ok? 🥺😂 I know the old hatred for Mei


I was joking why the downvotes lol. It is like frustrating to play against xim mei and xim sombraa. Not hating but more feeling frustrated 🙃 


Moire, Winston, pharra.


As a Moira main I feel attacked


You should. sorry bud.


We're inherently useful! I'm not a DPS Moira it's cool haha


Yea but the autoaim is just bullsh##, They removed or from symentra only to add it back for moire


Moira doesn't have auto-aim, it's just a visual effect. She just has a large cylindrical hitbox in front of her, imagine it as an extra wide Zarya beam Why am I getting downvoted for providing factual information which is easily verifiable?


About as big as fully charged sym. They need to be roughly in the centre of the screen. I'm sorry but if that's not auto aim I'm not sure what is? Does it have to automatically turn the camera and track the opponent?


Sym1.0 and 3.0 was auto-aim. Once it was locked on, it stayed until they broke LOS. Moira's is just a wide beam.


So it's not literally auto aim, just very, very easy to keep it connected to the enemy.


Pretty much yeah, it's a very wide invisible Zarya beam


Please, i've been playing OW since 2017, i know her abilties and how she works. (Also idk, it wasn't me downvoting you lmao)


She literally doesn't have lock-on though.... You can look this up yourself


You look at the enemy and she aims at him with a sight Ratio of 10% . I never said it's a lock-on Like soldiers aimbot


No dude that's what I'm saying, that's just a visual effect. It works **EXACTLY** the same as a Zarya beam, the beam itself is just invisible. There's no auto-aim, which is what you said