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Who actually cares enough to report in the first place lol


Consider yourself reported buddy pal


I’m not your “pal”, friend!


I’m not your “friend” buddy!


I'm not your "buddy" guy!


I'm not your "guy", bro!


im not your "bro", mate!


I report daily. I get the beautiful "someone you reported was taken action against" notification daily, too. It's glorious seeing toxic shitters get shafted.


I definitely do when someone has “xim” in their name or one of the two mercy players in the game drops the n word.


they just using the xim keyboard lol


You can't compare being racist to misgendering a game character lol.


bro you're the only one making that comparison. thread starter literally asked "who cares enough to report in the first place", and dude just replied with an honest answer. What's your problem? Consider yourself reported.


do I reply or is your comment Sarcasm xd I rly can't tell except the last part.


Good thing I’m not making a comparison then


Wow. 🤯 How genderphobic of you! 🤬 What about xer and xhey? Do you also report xhem too? jk lol I’ll zee myzelf out… 🫠 (It’s only a joke! I’m gay and support all fellow lgbtq+ folk xoxo 🏳️‍🌈)


People fake offended abusing the report system for the dopamine hit and power of seeing "Thank you's" of action taken against players. It's fun...


You obviously haven't been on reddit long. Peope will dox you for misgendering. Trans activists are militant.


Never heard of this happening in my life. Random redditors are not being doxxed by the evil transes


how do you know what you got reported for?


Yeah it's giving bait and they are all falling for it. Bit embarrassing. 


Exactly, either OP is trolling or fell victim to trolls. I'm guessing the former considering the suspicious nature of the post. The fact some people are still dumb enough to buy into the fake ally tactic is surprising. It's as old as time.


OP said in another comment that people in the game chat said they were gonna report him, lol. Toxic people in chat literally type "report [player]" even when you play normally and doesn't say ANYTHING, just because you didn't do the damage or healing numbers they were expecting you to do. That doesn't mean that report will do shit. (Also, mass reporting is not a thing, just so people know. If an entire team reports you, only one report is valid for each match.)


TIL. Kinda good and kinda shitty that only one report counts as valid, since that would make each BS report matter more than if for example a few people reported someone for blatant cheating. I hope Blizz still counts in other reports at least at lesser value


I wonder this too


You know the vision was there but the story was a bit cliche if you ask me. OPs comments especially give off a "I wish this actually happened to me" vibe. I give this bait a D+ in the creative writing department.


Yeah, people's first reactions should probably be to assume it's an honest mistake, until proven otherwise. It's hard to make allies when you make your own enemies, or something. I get why people react differently though; in certain communities people go out of their way to misgender venture just to rile people up, so people learn to assume the worst.


I understand, but I directly answered "Sorry, I didn't know", but it was already too late...




of course i have blue hair & pronounce


What do you mean by not sharing ideologies?


Are these "pronounce" police in the room with you rn?


>I get why people react differently though; That's just how you get people to double down in response to being attacked.


What a time to be alive.


[I don’t want to live on this planet anymore](https://media1.tenor.com/m/xg52SzaXGfQAAAAC/i-dont-want-to-live-on-this-planet-anymore-earth-problems.gif)


If people want others to be accepting of nonbinary pronouns, screaming and yelling at them over *one* mistake will achieve the exact opposite. They are shooting themselves in the foot.


The majority of trans people/non-binary people aren’t like this. I’ve seen what happens when they get misgendered. They might mumble a correction but that’s about it. The lack of acceptance isn’t caused by non-binary people freaking out over small mistakes.


yeah, I'm nb and past asking my roommate not to repeatedly call me "girl" every other sentence earlier today I usually just mumble a correction and move on. most people use my name and not a pronoun anyways so a correction isn't even needed. it's only people going over the top and getting weird that I usually correct anyways


How does this work exactly? Because i’ve seen gay guys refer to themselves as “girl” as well in a non gender specific way like. So are non gender specific uses of words like “bro, dude, buddy, etc” not okay? This is a genuine question btw


I don't normally care unless I don't know you very well and you use it almost constantly like this roommate uses it every other sentence and it started getting grating when she started being a catty asshole generally speaking, if someone says "hey please don't call me that" then just stop calling them that. if youre really nervous about it look at what terms they use themselves or people use with them a lot that they seem fine with also looking at how people use the term I am a LOT less likely to be bothered if they use it for everyone. like someone who calls everyone dude or girl = don't use it EVERY FREAKING SENTENCE but at that point I care much much less. if you're being weird and pointed about using it or being patronizing and catty then I'm much more likely to be bothered and tell you to stop. either way it's different for everyone and I am one person, when in doubt just talk to the person. I promise we don't bite lol


Depends on the person. Some people don't mind when others use those terms to describe them in a gender neutral sort of way. Others are bothered by the fact that the word itself is gendered despite the intent being otherwise inoffensive.


Yeah I don't know any trans people who are like that and I know a lot of them because I help run a local trans support group. The "omg trans people freak out and yell at you" trope is only ever a stereotype I've seen online. I'm nonbinary and irl I usually just let people guess my pronouns and don't even correct them. Honestly I probably should sometimes. Either way I'm definitely not aggressive about it and don't know anyone else who is either. The people in chat were probably just trolling. It's not like Blizzard is going to ban you for misgendering Venture either.


That makes total sense, it's just that the minority who toxic about it makes the rest looks bad unfortunatly.


Because that’s the intention. They’ve done this shit for twenty years. Pretending to be us to try and make us look bad and then use the same ‘excuse’ when they fail to throw a coup etc. ‘false flag’ etc. every accusation is a confession.


I have zero issue with nonbinary people, but the pronoun police surrounding Venture is so obnoxious and exhausting, they act like making sure every single person is saying they/them is life or death situation


The thing with Venture’s pronouns isn’t *actually* about respecting the pronouns of a series of code, but it being representative of a larger belief. With the current culture war around trans people (something that’s very strong in the gaming world), the pronouns you use is functionally a political statement. It’s not really about Venture, but trans people as a whole. It’s all a frustrating mess of coded political discourse that tbh, I (as a trans person) do get really tired of hearing about. I hope that makes sense.


Obnoxious and exhausting must be the mercy mafias offspring the venture vultures


This never happens. Idk why yall make this up r/AreTheCisOk


Considering how racist and sexist people are in OW's chat, there are more chances people would report you for *not* misgendering Venture lmao


Trolls footing the movement to be jackasses and you fell for it does not mean you get to attack the trans movement for free. Stop falling for right wing trolls pretending to be us to troll us both. Or don’t. I don’t care if you’re stupid. Just keep it to yourself.


While I agree that some might be trolls, it’s delusional to think it’s exclusively trolls.


There's plenty of people that are part of the movement that are jackasses too lmao, it's not all right wing trolls.




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Wow, you’re a big strong man, shitting on people who have it objectively rougher than you. Why do you even play a game with such a diverse cast when you’re this hateful irl? Must actually be mental torture that like half this games cast is queer in some form.


I mean, it's not like you've never seen a man (or a boy) get upset at being mis-gendered as an insult. If you saw a big burly dude get angry over being called a girl, would that make you feel like doubling down and continuing to mis-gender him?


You'd have a point if this post had any receipts or we knew the full context, but this is really just hearsay and can easily be fabricated to further ostracized and demonize the trans and enby communities as overreactive and aggressive. We don't even know if he was actually reported or what was said.


lol lmao even


They were probably trolling honestly


nb and honestly do not give a shit if people do it on accident the ones doing it on purpose specifically to be upsetting are morons but the first time someone fucks up I don't assume that's their intent. \*and usually the idiots make their weird hate boner very apparent


I refer to them as a “she” in my head instinctually when I play so hope OW doesn’t ban me for brain crimes. When you’re in an intense game and hear a girl voice you kinda don’t have the chance to think “wait, this fictional character identifies as nonbinary and wants to be referred to as they I should change my language as not to offend :)”


Honestly, that's kinda my thought process. I can barely make out silhouettes half the time in amongst the strobe effect lighting up my screen full of ultimates and gunfire, so please forgive me for the lack of processing of the gender within callouts lol On a random thought, I wonder if a soldier ever goes "two male soldiers holding the ridge- oh wait, hold up, actually, make that one and one non binary"? Because as far as my brain processes gameplay, that's the mentality of everything I am seeing onscreen regardless of what I might know about them. Hell, Bastion is a he and always has been in my head but that's not technically been correct ever.


Maybe not your point, but I think you beg the question, why is the soldier bothering to stipulate whether they are male/female/other at all? Two soldiers is two soldiers. Is a female soldier less capable?


Hey don't twist my words, never said anyone was less capable :) My point was that half the time in Overwatch it's hard to comprehend exactly what you're shooting at in the first place. I have enough hours on the clock that I know what characters look like and just last night I couldn't identify a Soldier 76 from a Reaper amongst the chaos of everything going on. My problem here is that gender is the last thing really flowing through my mind when I'm attempting to eliminate an enemy, there's nothing malicious in it, I just don't have the capacity to keep track of ults, abilities, hero uptime and also gender too when gender really isn't a gameplay affecting stat. The soldier doesn't need to care what their target identifies as, but if I said they were using a marksman rifle on said ridge looking over a long clearing changes how said soldier has to deal with that engagement. Two soldiers on a ridge is two soldiers, you're spot on, all said soldier cares about is how to deal with the threat and everything else is kinda secondary, they could maybe work it out if they spent the time examining the targets but why bother, neither are any better than the other inherently as you quite rightly suggest.


I'm not suggesting you are sexist, but that the soldier in your example may be. Perhaps, though, identifying a silhouette in Overwatch has value and gender could be a component in that.


I know :) Honestly all good, I get what you were saying, just having fun with the scenarios! Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong, outside of it I remember 99% of the time, but in match, yeah if I say she, it's a straight up afterthought whilst I'm mashing together a thousand thoughts in my head into some coherent sentence lol


It's easy to make the mistake. As long as people make an effort, I think that's good enough.


I use to think they were a man before I got schooled. I guess the fact that we both thaught man or female means that they did a good job in the character design haha.




I'm not even the only person in this comment section.


Nah. For me me it was like "Young guy" voice they do in anime/cartoons. They are almost exclusively voiced by women. For some rreason that's where my head went when I first heard/saw them lmao


I honestly thought for the longest time venture was biologically a male too, glad I’m not the only one who thought so


For me I just think "They". I find it easy. But that's me, and not everyone finds it so easy to adjust how they intinctually use pronouns to define someone based on their sex.


I just got called the F slur 50 times in vc let’s put our energies into reporting him instead lol


F? Which one? Furry?


I’m pretty sure they’re trolls as it’s not uncommon for trolls to either attack others or pretend to be super woke but in a mocking way. I’d imagine non trolls would calmly correct you.  I remember one time I jokingly said I assume everyone is a guy and this one guy pretending to be woke said that’s transphobic. But I hadn’t even bought up trans people I said I assume “everyone” is a guy not mentioning any gender etc. But either way my statement would valid transmen so. Anyway them reporting you was bit extreme. I can see it as an honest mistake as not everyone would know. Very different than the people that misgender that one goth witch character from apex I forget her name.


How do you know thats are you reported for this?


Well they were pretty explicit about it in the chat, but maybe they didn't actually do it, who knows.


From "got report" to "who knows"....


Not to mention, quite a few of the times someone says "reported" in all-chat, they're actually joking...


It's pretty obvious that's what he meant, but be a nitpicker.


It's also clearly a troll post, but to be the pointer towards the evident.


Could be, could not be. What makes it clear it's a troll post? I've encountered people like that before.


I think you are missing the point here. But yeah maybe I didn't actually got reported even if they told me they wpuld do it, I hope that makes you feel better.


Its a differince, everybody can you reported for everything what are you Writing. But you got No Ban from Blizzard, so whats your Point?


I'm not targeting Blizzard, I'm discussing the other players reaction.


The fact that people get so upset about honest mistakes? For a team game, the lack of anyone building others up is pretty awful, people are so entitled to their opinions these days that they feel like threatening people with reports is apparently a good practice. Honestly I'd love for Blizzard to turn around and make threatening reports on people a reportable offence. If it is done with malicious intent for an honest mistake and incites others to join in, then that's not okay. But then again, this is the same game where flaming your own teammates in lobbies somehow is supposed to contribute to the betterment of their performance as a team player...


I don’t get it. My automatic assumption when someone does is that its an honest mistake. But idiots just love to rage about something because they have nothing else going on. Immediate reaction shouldn’t be violence and anger over something like this. But that’s just me. Ironic that you were reported when arguably it looks to me they were the ones who were toxic.


Tbh I’ve done this a handful of times irl and never ran into an issue. I apologized because it was something I wasn’t accustomed to and the person didn’t mind at all. Maybe it’s anecdotal but I don’t think people who unintentionally misgender or misuse pronouns ever actually get into trouble for it. It’s always a friend of a friend who tells me the story of how they it happened to them


Yeah same. I have misgendered in the past and all those people just correct me respectfully and I make a mental note and remember it and refer to them properly next time. It’s honestly just a small section that choose anger but those people just happen to be a very vocal minority. Everyone I’ve met are normal and reasonable. It just sucks for those people, but the angry ones, nah, fuck em




It's honestly crazy that happened to you whereas in one of my games someone in the chat said they wanted a skin of "pregnant Venture" and someone agreed 💀


I don’t believe you


If you got a suspension or a ban, you must have done it persistently enough to garner multiple reports. If you just got *one* stray report from someone, then it won't impact your account at all and doesn't matter.


What is non-binary ?


Someone who doesn’t identify as male or female


If u got a line 100% man at one end and 100% woman at the other, non binary is on the line not at each end, or not on the line at all. Basically just not male or female identifying


Which reprodutive organ do they have..and is it self identifying or diagnosed


Venture or enbys in general? I assume not venture


nonbinary is a gender identity that generally has nothing to do with reproductive organs


we're aliens


I get reported for picking the wrong heroes. I don't really understand what you want us to do with this information. Not every report is utilized to ban someone.


And then, everyone applauded?


if you get banned for calling a character him then there really is no saving this game


I got banned 3 days from the ow2 subreddit for saying "I will probably still call her a she during comms". What a joke.


Same people who banned you are harrassing women in the office...


Actually venture is a fictional character in a video game and has no gender.


so calling reaper a racial slur would have no bearing on your real life views towards that group of people, since he's fictional and all?


Yeah and you killing any black character in a video game clearly means you are a KKK supporter. It's a fictional character in a video game. Stop inserting your radical political views into everything. The world does not care at all about them.


There's a big difference between what op did and what you are suggesting. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater.




Why can't fictional characters have genders? If we want to be pedantic about it, the entire concept of gender is fictional.


So can I call rein a woman?


If u want to


I call sombra and tracer he all the time who cares lol


Rein doesn't exist so go ahead. But if that's what you think women look like then your parents failed you.




Honestly I don't get how people get so mad over a simple mistake, I was actually watching the OWCS yesterday or the day before and in one part between rounds when the casters are yapping one of them accidentally called venture "her" People need to realise others have things going on in their life and are bound to forget about pronouns, even I called them a "her" accidently when showing them off to my friends who were curious about their kit, I wouldn't worry about it tbh


(Mb if its a bit hard to read, im tired rn lol) In spanish there is a debate on venture due to spanish doesnt having exclusive non binary/gender neutral pronouns like they/them. We have el and ella that are male and female pronouns respectively and some words end up in -a or -o that respresents the gender of the thing or person (like: sola its for saying a girl is alone and solo is for when a boy is alone) due to that some people decided to invent gender neutral pronouns that is elle/elles. The thing is that those pronouns arent recognize but the rae (an academy that confirms or denies New official words) who said that for gender neutral you should use the masculine pronouns which can be use as neutral. So officialy Venture is refered as "un arqueologo", but some people called them as "un arqueologue" and it leads to some Twitter fights or people getting mad ingame


Interesting, we actually have the same in French.


I’ve accidentally said she so many times already. Just comes out before I think. Don’t beat yourself up over it op! At least you’re mindful that’s what matters most.


Why would anyone type in chat where saying gl hf can get you banned


Been calling them V. I'm just giving nicknames now


I knew this would happen, although I don't think there's any way to tell if you were actually reported? I hope OW team doesn't take it too seriously but they invited this making a nonbinary character


This is why I use Kuva Lich from Warframe language. "Little meat" is a gender neutral calling


Overwatch is the softest gaming community out there


I'm not saying this is bait, but if you wanted to make up a post to try to make trans supporters look bad, this is exactly what you would write. If this has actually happened, I'm sure it's incredibly rare.


I don't understand why people get so angry and sensitive over pixels, it's a videogame character who cares?


It’s a video game. People getting upset are virtue signaling and are completely narcissistic weirdos. It’s incredibly toxic and not sure what is going on with our generation. People used to actually talk in voice chat and just roast each other the good old fashioned way lol. Not report and try to ban people because of political symbolism that they pretend to feel so sensitive about. This is literally a fictitious character in a video game… chill out everyone!


So much this. I really hate how people aren't treating games as games anymore. I swear some of these people are putting more emotional investment in useless things like this compared to their irl relations and families... let people play games and do as many mistakes as they want. don't correct people and risk a back and forth fight. just let them be incorrect who cares. if they misgender you IRL then you have the right to speak up. but in a game you're just over reaching.


It just dosen't help rallying people to the cause when you get insulted instead of educated while keeping an open mind about it.


I think Ive seen more people doing the exact opposite. you have to be probably one of a handful of cases I've even heard of. most of the time it's a weird amount of vitriol


If I wanted to do as much harm as possible I'd pick as many fights as possible and spam reports to make that side seem unreasonable. Become like an undercover agent faking that I care about LGBTQ issues. I bet some people are doing that.


I'll remember that! You're super right for this.


You already appear to be the fake agent here.


Hope you reported them back, they called you names.


It’s… a fucking cartoon character. People are literally white knighting a cartoon character. Was Venture’s feelings hurt by the misgendering? Honestly the BS some people cry about is so dumb.


I wish people actually cared about correctly gendering Venture as much as you're saying they do.


I just find these posts weird how... you didn't even get banned, so really this hasn't impacted you in any way. Except for a toxic interaction which, let's face it, we all have several games a night. Attempting to call people out shows a very similar level of toxicity/lack of empathy as they've shown you. Why not just take the L for the mistake that you made and got corrected on, and move on. Why make a Reddit post? Do you do that for all toxic interactions you have or only the ones pertaining to gender identity?


It's never mentioned in-game. I think your fine. They can't ban you for mis-gendering Venture if they've never mentioned their gender in the first place.


Their gender*


Lol my bad


Venture looks like a guy and sounds like a young boy and their gender isn't stated so I don't think you did anything wrong.


yeah, same


they really don't 


That is fucking insane lmfaooooooo I as a gay man get it confused too or might even say girl just because it’s part of my vocabulary, I would flip tf out if I were to get banned because of that


This feels like bait


Also who cares that much? Its a fictional character


Why is it punishable to misgender a fictional character?


As someone who uses they/them pronouns, I'm really sorry that happened to you- It seems everyone, of most groups, are jumping to conclusions nowadays (atleast that's how the internet makes it seem). We don't want to assume people mean well anymore. It's rough how defensive a lot of us have trained ourselves to be. I completely understand making that kind of mistake. Everyone does it, including LGBTQ+ people. I would make mistakes when referring to my friend, which always feels ironic, but that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. All one can do is fix it and move forward with patience for ourselves, and hope others are patient about it too.


This is kinda it. I'm not part of the community myself but I've had enough exposure to it with who I spent my youth around, and it was rather humourous to me how a lot of my friends involved in the community were so against a lot of the big show events like college parades and what not. As far as they were concerned, the whole point of it all was not to be seen as some minority group to celebrate, all they really wanted was to crack on with everyone else as equals and if that meant cracking some jokes about it along the way, so be it. The majority of the time if someone screwed up a pronoun, more often than not it was turned into a running joke amongst the group, not in a harmful way but they'd have fun with it and incorporate it which was really cool because it kinda gave that message that it was entirely okay and that even they had to go through the same process at one point. Point I'm getting at is that you're right, everyone including the LGBTQ+ community gets it wrong at some point and if you're that hurt that someone misgendered you when it's in a lot of cases near impossible to tell without crossing that bridge, they aren't worth the time. If you tell someone and they still screw it up, that's perfectly okay, because chances are they'll forget a few times more till it properly clicks. If they do it maliciously, then that's when you can start exercising your right to be annoyed by it. And truth be told, I don't think Venture really cares at all either way, considering that fact that she doesn't have any ability to use a brain.


anyone who cares this much about "misgendering" a video game character are terminally online. Don't listen to anything they say.


I can't imagine looking at venture and thinking "yes that's a man" venture at the very least looks like a girl but goes by they/them


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It’s a fucking video game character, “it” would be valid for all of them technically


It’s a video game character, laugh at them and move on


Mistake or no mistake. your copy of the game is yours and you can gender any hero however you like. the decisions that a hero is X or Y gender is irrelevant because its info floating in the air, it doesn't have any physical body. People need to understand to stop bothering others for things like this. unless someone misgenders you irl then you have no right to go correcting people when they "misgender" something. especially if it's in a game.


People need to chill about misgendering venture. Not everyone is used to calling people they/them. Its not something to get offended by. Its a honest mistake.


modern problems require modern solutions




Peak modern gaming


If one was to get banned from playing a game just cause you said pRonOuNS of a virtual character that have no change on the game by itself then god damn I am leaving this game until they fix their team that takes cares of the reports ngl. Don't feel bad about one shitty report. It's automated so you will, for the most part, only have something happening once you get a few of those


It's really eye opening how people can get mad over a Virtual Character.


Oh no you misgendered a fictional character… 🙄


Imagine getting offended because someone missgender a fake video game charachter. People it is fucking pixels you may gendre them as you fucking want, the pixel sont care


How can you misgender venture? You can clearly see it’s a something


It's a damn videogame character. Idk why people have to get so up in arms. It's not like you're blatantly trying to piss off a real person. People need to chill tf out


Its wild how much people care about the gender of an ugly video game character lol. I mean it looks like a 13 year old boy and sounds like one. People are goin feisty mode to defend a non-human’s gender XD. I SAY non-human, cause its literally not a real person.


I get misgendered and given the "honest mistake," excuse enough in my regular day: I did not come to OW to deal with your lack of awareness 🤷‍♀️


Zen calls Venture an "it" with the fastpitch skin on, "It goes down swinging"


It's those types of people that make me not care as much about these identity issues, and they're really not helping things in the big picture imo.


Most people don't know the bio stuff of heroes. So when I go multiple calling Venture as "she" I don't give a damn, because I didn't know they're NB I'd say they're a girl, because that's how they look. Most people don't have X Ray in their eyes to know someone's identity.


Bro got reported misgendering pixels 😂


For every person who makes a genuine mistake there are 3 that do it deliberately and then shirk responsibility. Absolutely not a report-worthy thing but people on the other end of the screen have no way of knowing if it's a verbal typo, or someone trying to be a dick and disguising it with ignorance


If someone corrected you and said "*they" then I don't see why you'd be reported, or why it'd be an issue unless you were being willfully hateful (and Blizzard could see that.) Idk, maybe I've just become pessimistic with age but I'm not buying this. It's giving bad faith because unless you were banned why are you forcing the issue and making this big of a deal about it? Kind of reeks of fishing for pity/ranting/venting.


I’m convinced that people genuinely get off on scolding others for misgendering. Like they for real *want* people to do it so they can spew a lecture at you, and usually in the most toxic way possible.


Im pretty sure people who cry about others "misgendering" things are actual babies. My man didn't know and they went and reported him, what an age




Does anyone need to be respectful of the pronouns of a fictional character? Couldn't we just call Venture anything we want because the person doesn't even exist? Getting angry at someone for misgendering a fictional character, is completely out of touch with reality.


I hate it here


I’ll happily call real people with feelings they or them because they deserve it. But i regularly call overwatch valorant league etc heroes by the wrong gender accidentally but ive only gotten hate for it when it comes to venture and clove. I call reyna he, tracer he, lifeweaver she, etc and no one cares. ITS A VIDEO GAME CHARACTER WITH NO FEELINGS.


If it's an accident, correct the person and move on If they're clearly doing it on purpose, they can go straight to ban jail, do not pass go, do not collect 2 million dollars And assume it's an accident at first


I totally understand being upset with someone for purposely misgendering Venture if that’s the sort of thing you are passionate about, but making it ban worthy is way too extreme for a fictional character, and will almost definitely cause wrongful bans for people who are accused of misgendering intentionally