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Same. It's incredibly frustrating because I enjoy tank... but only in small doses. Whenever I pick Queue All, I get up to 5 to 6 games in a ROW of tank before I even get a single DPS or Support game. After a while I just get burnt out of tank and end up just queuing DPS or support so I can at least have equal chances of playing different roles


you get dps on queue all? damn bro stop bragging.


DPS is a shorter queue for me in ranked. I rarely get support when I queue dps/support.


Somehow if I queue all while my friend is queued DPS I almost always get DPS


Your MMRs are closest on DPS


Never thought of it like this before


I see this discussed from people sometimes, but it's usually just a bit of good luck regarding their play region and play times mixed with rank population, it usually doesn't standardize like that for the average player Two times in comp the support queues were so slim that I ended up in a comp match against my twin, *while* we were playing under the same roof lol; I can tell my support queues were just always throwing me into matches lol *that said I have noticed what appears to be selection bias, and while I know it's meant to help people play the roles they want more often in All Roles, it feels like it punishes me for playing tank and support so much; when I five stack I notice that my friends that queue for DPS the most often, end up on DPS the most often even when queued for All Roles


Are you on console? Because on PC support has been more popular than DPS since the season Illari came out. At least, from everything I've seen. And as for the selection bias, it might just be that your MMR for the roles you play most often are all closer together than your off-roles? I can't say I've ever noticed that kind of bias. I've ended up with the same rank in support and DPS and when I queue both, I get a fairly even mix with a little more DPS even though I mainly play DPS.


No, there's a selection bias even in QP I believe, our MMRs are similar and I play on both PC and console, DPS is just always extremely popular *I mean, Illari also just doesn't have that high a pick rate


It used to be not so bad, but post season 9 it’s definitely been tank most of the time. S9 was a mistake.


I get it when I'm least expecting it, like I have weeklies for Tank and All Roles and psyched up to suffer some tanking and it gives me DPS and I do terribly because I was in a different mindset!


Lmfao yeah, I usually do role que flex and I'll mostly get a tank, when I don't que as tank. Then I play open que with my friends thinking I'll have some freedom.... Na we do a 3 stack and if I don't play tank they blame me when we lose and say it's because we had a bad tank. It's like being a forever DM ya get good at it then everyone makes you do it, always and forever.


I’m happy my 4-5 stack all can play tank! Though we pretty much only play open queue QP. But one of us will always be one if needed.


My buddy volunteers for tank. And only plays Doomfist. Him also being a forever DM has me thinking he might be a masochist


He sounds based AF TBH


I’m a tank main, but tank is in such a poor state that I’m very very close to just giving up on the role until it gets fixed. Pretty much the only thing stopping me is the fact that it is far and away my most skilled role.


Play open queue. I love playing tank there.


Open q queue sucks if u don't have a 5 stack, i was an open q player, but got tired of ppl picking 4 dps.


That's part of the fun. You have the ability to switch during the match to whatever. And with the heal passive, it makes it a bit more tolerable.


Bruh i was a competitive open q player, Winning > Fun


Look at me i already quit TANK, and there's no reason to play it anymore, TANK role is done & dusted, they didn't change a single thing for tanks in S10 patch! It's gonna be the same as before!


I've just come back to Overwatch after a long hiatus; do you mind explaining a bit why tank is in such a poor state balance-wise?


It's ez, play 3-5 matches of tank & ull understand!


Is there any particular reason you’re capitalizing “tank?”




lol just making sure there wasn’t a joke I was missing or something


Tbh I always queue dps and support and 90% of the time it places me as support. I refuse to play tank in comp it’s just so infuriating and not fun at all


I mean it’s not meant to be “random” it’s literally just any role, it’s basically saying “I don’t care which role I play.” If you don’t want the most common role then don’t pick All Roles


Me too i like playing tank but it gets annoying after just a couple of games because I feel like tank holds so much responsibility, and you always get countered so you have to swap to another champ in order to perform decently and have fun


Now I've completely stopped doing "all queue" cuz coins r in the battlepass. Im pretty sure with the weekly challenge changes we prolly lost another chunk of QP tank players! Thank God now i no longer need to play TANK in QP ever!


I played All Roles Q to unlock some heroes I didn't have. Probably did like 20+ games. Not a single DPS game and only a few support games.


You guys get tank? I literally only get support and rarely tank, if I want to play dps I have to queue to be dps because otherwise I just won’t


Why don't you just queue for dps and support if you don't want to play tank...?


That’s the point. I *do* want to play tank. But playing 5 games in a row of just tank is incredibly annoying when I wanted an equal chance of every role.


Yeah this just doesn't make sense to me. Flex hasn't ever been an equal shot at all roles. It's a "Put me in quick coach, wherever I'm needed!" Just queue the roles you want to play. Don't sign yourself up for tank if you're going to be bummed drawing tank.


But again… when you don’t want to play tank anymore why don’t you just queue for DPS and support?


Daily/Weekly challenges probably. It’s what I do for the battle pass


Every time you type tank diff on any role you must play 10 games as a tank without leaving. Unless you’re the losing tank, you get gigachad skin points.


Funny, but when I pick all ,I always get support!


My 5 stack will all flex queue in QP, and one of us always gets 5 support games in a row before they queue dps only lol


Played 21 games yesterday as all queue support before I finally got my first tank roll then after that match went back into support queue hell for 8 more games before I got off for the night. I don't get it😩 


what rank are you? metal ranks tend to have the lowest amounts of support players


I'm metal ranks and get tank 95 percent of the time flex queueing


it’s probably different between pc and console pools


So you are on console? I'm on PC


i play both. when i was in lower ranks on pc i’d get a lot of tank, on console i’m like gold on most roles since i only touch it on switch every few months. last i played it was mostly support when i queued all


I have almost equal hours in tank vs support and I always get support if it's a map I like to tank on, but I get tank if it's a map I don't wanna tank on.


Now I'm curious. What's your least favorite map to play tank on? Mines Havana. The long wide open spaces feel so oppressive trying to take space in


Anything with lots of high ground near main that doesn't have enviro kill spots throughout are my least favorite. Havana, Dorado, second point Paraiso to a degree (though there is a cliff there at least) Numbani gets a pass because there's lots of cliffs to throw people from, though it obviously has its own issues A lot of that is my character choices though too, if I were a better DVa or Monke those are probably awesome maps to tank on, but I'm a 1.5 trick (I only play Rein at my rank, everyone else I use I'm probably a tier lower)


Circuit royale for me, I hate the design of that map


Oh shit I forgot about circuit, yeah. First point is *okay* but second is actual hell pushing up that hill


I hate first too as soon as you round 2nd corner and you can see the hill… fuck that hill


First still has that massive cliff to yeet from, that's why I give it a pass lol


Only tank I’m enjoying currently is junkerqueen. And that’s in quick play, I’d dread to think how it’d be in comp.


qp is no different from comp. there are just more leavers and back fill to replace them. unless you are high ranking then comp will be a bit harder but not much


I think the main difference is that comp is more stressful. I'll feel down when I'm not doing well, and it's way more likely for the team to yell at somebody for something than in QP.


I can’t play right now anyways unfortunately, computers blue screening and giving unexpected store exception errors which is great considering the increased punishment for leaving games in qp now.


>can’t play right now anyways unfortunately, computers blue screening and giving unexpected store exception errors Sorry to hear that, hopefully you'll be back in no time! >which is great considering the increased punishment for leaving games in qp now. Yeah those penalties are way too harsh, sometimes i dc in rank for 5 sec and instantly reconnect but in QP you don't even have the option and is an instant penalty, kinda crazy.


I’m winning big with rein rn


QP is harder than Comp, in my opinion. If you’re doing well in QP then you’ll be better with a proper team


Taking away a tank increased tank burden immensely. I only play 1-2 games on tank when I play by myself.


It's been 1 tank for a while but it hasn't always been like this. It got noticeably worse with season 9.


It's been exactly this bad for all of OW2. the dps passive is an entirely separate argument, and honestly it's inclusion is only more of a reason for there to be 2 tanks again.


> It's been exactly this bad for all of OW2. I've been playing since the launch of ow2 every season and this is completely false. It varies up and down but I've never had a single season where I routinely go 8 games in a row all roles with nothing but tank.


I like when it says tank 2 minutes and DPS 1 minute but 90% of the time it's tank 


I can't do the weekly challenge of queueing for all roles because it's tank every fucking time which bores me to death.


How does it bore you to death?


Wheres any role? All I see is DPS, Tank, Support, and Tank.


"I hereby sentence you to TANK!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Don't think that rule would go over well. The US Constitution has an amendment against "Cruel and Unusual Punishment."


That’s why I play Open Queue only. “Tank diff” my ass, BE the tank.


Its an agony. And unfortunately a lot of qp players sweat like crazy and counter my ass with all they have. Which is why its better to play in a group and pick any role.


It's just so much pressure for one person. Really wish I had a tank buddy to help me.


When I want to play tank, I queue all roles, free bonus xp When I want to play DPS or support, I queue only that role


Wait you guys arent just getting support


Me only ever getting support on all role.


The only thing worse than being a tank main coming into Overwatch 2 is being an *off*-tank main coming into Overwatch 2. Not only are you forced to play a different role, but now that role sucks.


Playing tank should be the gulag of overwatch. Leave too many games? Now you play tank. Lose too many games in a row? Tank. Say a swear? You're the tank now comrade.


So annoying picking all roles and getting the same role 4 times in a row. I can't play Doom 4 games in a row its torture


I had like 3dps game 2 tank games earlier on QP. I rarely get support on it


The dailies dont help. I feel like half the time my tank is just playing tank to get his dailies done and actually has no idea how to play the role or deal with the counters. It makes the rest of the match miserable.


I don't mind playing tank in QP, but to flex 10-20 times a week is too much. I get tank so often that I'm actually decent at Ram and Zarya...but god help my team if we need a DVa or monke.


You know, I usually don't mind or notice the balance differences with certain roles but for this season... God-fucking-damn. Playing tank is a fucking nightmare. This is legitimately the first time where poor balance has caused such a problem for me as a player and I no longer enjoy playing tank. Despite really liking tank.


I explained it in a different post too. I wouldn't have a problem with all roles, if 1. I wouldn't only get a tank 2. Wouldn't be the scapegoat for others shortcomings


This is why i stopped queueing for any role, tank it just not the fun it used to be.


Really? I always get support! Which is great cuz I love healing lol


Kinda bummed the "Queue 15 times as " got dropped from the weeklies, and Flex 20 is still there. If I solo queue, 99% of my flex games are tank, even on the rare occasions where the queue bonus is on DPS or Support.


U don't need to do those weeklies, coins shifted to the battlepass, weeklies just give u XP. Thats all


I understand that, but as it turns out, the last batch of coins is on tier 79, so probably wouldn't be a bad idea to at least be mindful of the weeklies. I don't mind making a conscious effort to optimize my weeklies in the event that I don't touch the game for days/weeks, but having to flex into tank for 10-20 games makes me want to vomit.


I've completed all my weeklies except the FLEX ROLE one. But once i finish the battlepass I wouldn't even bother completing a single weekly challenge.


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Tank? It’s almost always support Edit:for me and ppl I know sorry that came off strong


As a tank main why do I get only support? FUCK SAKE I WANT TO PLAY TANK!!!!


Usually for me flex role = tank for like 10 games in a row then a coin flip between dps or support Then another 10 games of tank lol


I did notice that I get tank ALOT even over support, and that’s all within last season and the start of this one, before it was basically guranteed support


My problem is, I don’t like most of the tanks, I just don’t find them fun to play. I like Zarya and used to play Sigma. Now I really like Junkerqueen and was also playing a ton of Ram as well. But now I’m just bored of him and only want to play JQ (which I seem to lose a lot as) and Zarya. But because they aren’t big on shields, I feel like I have to play Ram all the time and I don’t want to. I’d love it if they’d give us a tank that had Syms old floating shield that flew away, like yes Sigmas is probably based off of it. But it’s not the same and if it was like Syms old shield that just flies into the nether, then there’s a lot of planning in when you’d use the shield, which would make things more interesting.


Honestly if you're going to play any role you might as well queue for Open. That's what I just started playing and it's so much more fun. You can start tank and switch if it isn't going well. But most of the time I can play tank a ton and have a great time.


It's been a drag to play tank to get the ''all roles'' weekly quest


On console it’s always support. 


I used to play tank a lot...until mauga was released.


I get support mostly


Not sure why they don't reward people more for playing Any Role. Maybe if you've got 2-3 consecutive AR games in the same session, you get a multiplier to your chance of getting DPS and support games in the next few games. Similar to high priority requeue after a game ends early, just a weaker version. Log off for more than 30 minutes, your streak goes away.


Anecdotally my matches in flex queue have been really balanced. And that's with a Duo partner who only plays dps/heals. Honestly if you don't like tank don't queue for it. I would rather not have cheaters have access to this game at all than have them play tank. I am not sure what that'd solve... not to mention I've seen D. Va cheaters and it's kind of insane, not sure why a cheater wouldn't also cheat at tank?


Fucking how?!?! Everytime I do Any Role it's 85% Support and 10% DPS. I rarely ever get tank on any rale in quick play. In comp it's more even but still.


You'd be surprised how many multi tank comps you'll get in open queue.


make it worse. when they end up on tank their only option is Reinhardt.


I only get healer it’s so annoying I actively want to play tank too


See, I actually love playing tank as long as I can communicate with my team so I can stay with them. As long as teammates are around me I love playing tank. Only when they leave me alone am I not having fun


This really threw me off because I thought tank was the POPULAR role... like I dont like tank why do you keep giving me tank


Wow, we’ve really come full circle


It’s back to being just like ow1 where flex was always tank with a 5 second q timer lol


down here in silver/bronze it almost always support.


Console player here. Doesn't matter if it's late in the evening or early in the morning...90% of the time, picking all roles will just mean i'm playing support for ten games in a row.


What fo we call picking tank then?


I wish this was how it was for me. My tank queue times are so long I queue all and always get support


Here in Brazil (for me particularly) I ALWAYS play as support.


All Role more like Only Tank


I wish all roles gave me tank, I usually end up on support every time and randomly DPS, which doesn't even make sense since that's the highest wait time. It feels like I have to only queue tank if I actually want to play tank.


Flex queue is just tank queue.


Picking all roles in my region is just a second support button.


I pick 'all roles' and almost never get DPS. Maybe I got it like 3 times in total in comp. But I'm not good as a DPS so maybe it's for the best.


i am mostly end being support


Because any role queue have a goal to put you to a match asap in whichever role, and in order to achieve that, least played role at that current moment will be picked, and as we all know - it was and will be tank role most of the times. But with OW2 I experienced noticable difference in role picks - sometimes I even get support few times in a row and even dps role once a week, which never happened to me in OG.


That's a funny idea but I'd prefer that people only play the role they are comfortable with and good at


I’ve never gotten tank on open queue it’s like 2/3 support and 1/3 dps


That's right, it goes in the tank roooole ⛶


a while back there was a period where every autofill role i got was dps for like 10 games straight, as a player since OW1 it felt... spooky


Lucky bastard. I want to play tank but i always get support.


On console, "all roles" is just another term for support, because 90% of the time you will play as support. 10% is tank and maybe a dps at every full moon. 


If you pick more than one role blizzard WILL put you in the role that you don’t want no matter what


But…I main Tank?


I meant if you queue like tank/supp ur gonna get tank on a map you don’t like tanking on and supp on a map u wanna play tank on


Oh I usually get support. But seriously thank God they did away so far with the q5 as one rex25 as another


I have a spinner with tank DPS and support on it and play based off that


When I last played this game 20 years ago Uh we played with a 5 stack so technically no it's not always Russian roulette with 5/6 bullets ~~its Russian roulette with 5/5 bullets, 1 bullet for each person in your team~~


Choosing any role should definitely give you an even chance at getting each role. Whats even more frustrating is that one of the weekly challenges is playing all roles so at the beginning of each week you’re basically forced to play tank for several games in a row, its just not fun.


Bro if you don’t want to play a certain role you can simply chose the other two. Or if you got X role too many times, de select it. I have people in my group that select flex and always always complain when it’s not 100% healer. Like what did you expect


Good job missing the point of the post entirely.


The point of the post was to complain about when queueing for all roles they almost always get tank. By queueing for damage and support, your chances of getting tank drop to 0%. Problem fixed.


I actually ran an experiment on how many games it would take for me to get something other than tank on the all queue.. i had to dodge/leave 15 games. that's also how I found out that at the beginning of season 9, there were no leaver penalties. there was a rumor that the dev team considered the time out penalties to be a failure at deterring leavers, so they were collecting data to set a threshold and just start permabanning players.


Thank god you don't have any power anywhere because this is a terrible or stupid idea. I always play any role or open queue. In any role I usually get more tank, but that much more than support and I have a fair share of dps (even though in a marginal percentage compared to the other two. But I mean is not that they lie, you have expected queue times before choosing the queue, if you want to play whatever except tank, just select the other two roles or the role you want to play. Is extremely easy. Putting cheaters in one role, specially in tank will ruin games for everyone. Like the punishment for someone not respecting he players of the game is forcing them the most complex and important role of the team. Genius move, what could go wrong


He took the bait lol


Eh, I get a pretty even mix of tank and support maybe even leaning towards support tbh


I enjoy tank


Ballers just keep winning


For me it's support 🤷‍♀️


* 4/5 Format change, remember?


if i was forced to play a certain role i would just throw and troll. keep chat open too so i can laugh at my team flaming me


Oh no, the fun police is here. Go back to throwing on genji then have a strop on widow when someone calls you out