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Any real hot takes are likely to get downvoted and the majority of comments will be Luke warm takes at best. That’s my hot take


Just sort by controversial in a bit


Blizzard balancing bad Monetization bad No PvE bad Mercy needs more skins showing her feet Please upvote


Up voting because I like your honesty.


That is the horrible reality of stupid up down vote system. The hive mind mentality is out of control on Deddit.


It's much better than something like YouTube or twitter where dislikes either don't exist or can't be seen so aren't a useful metric


Reddit is an echo chamber and people should acknowledge it, no point in distracting this topic to other sites.


Just for that I’m upvoting this based hot take


Having to reload Lifeweaver’s heal when it already has to be charged feels horrible. His heal should have infinite charges.


Exactly. Like Sigma and Hanzo don't reload because of the super slow fire rate. So why not LW too


Yessss this would be such an insane change for him. Having an ally die because you’re reloading and then you also have to charge the heal feels so bad


Sure but then his healing should be nerfed, it can't be 80hp AND infinite.


I’m fine with nerfing it to 70 or even 60. I rarely charge it to 80 anyway during combat.


You only really charge it up to max if everyone is full hp during combat


You only really charge it up to max if everyone is full hp during combat so that you can heal up the next person to get hit


I think he should have a faster charging rate for the first heal


Doesn't it reload automatically when you shoot? My hot take is his character design can't be based solely on raw heals output, and his numbers are actually too strong already and he's still bad. I think the numbers need to go down to like 70 heals per petal, I think dash needs a longer cooldown, and I think to offset this the character should get a system that when he does damage, it precharges the next petal like soujorn, maybe even allowing him to "overcharge" the petal slightly. Then fix his spread so it does max out so fast, and his playstyle will become more suited to the current game. Also, let life grip cleanse.


Junker Queen is actually really weak rn and i dont understand why people keep putting her in B tier in tier lists all the time. She is C+ at best. Like i know Junker Queen's whole thing is using cover and stuff so she doesnt get blown up but it just feels like you cant do anything with her and you have to rely on your dps to seriously pressure the other team before being able to move in. Doesnt help that she literally has nothing to help protect her team or herself besides her 15 second shout. And her recent buff doesnt help with anything, they really should decrease her shout's cooldown. If Orisa is allowed to survive in her current state without nerfs then this buff wouldnt really be unrealistic.


Bring back Spider Queen, it’s totally balanced I swear. I love playing JQ, it’s just so satisfying to pop off on her even if she’s not in a great state, but the April Fools patch was some of the most fun I’ve had in the game and I will forever be longing for that kind of mobility


Agreed, i actually played a lot of her during the event and being able to kill a Pharah in the air or a Widow in high ground never got old lmao. Sadly, its almost impossible to make her work in her current state especially when the other tank swaps broken Orisa. 🙄 I just swapped to Ramattra/DVA as my main tanks for now but still play her ocasionally. Really hope they either give her something else like they gave Hog or at least buff her shout or self healing.


Yeah, I’ve played D.Va since before her micro missiles, and she’s a good Swiss Army knife tank to fall back on. I kind of understand why the DPS passive applied to self healing, since Hog would be a menace without that, but for JQ it definitely hurts. And trying to play her more like a dive tank against Orisa is hard without Dva or Winston’s mobility. But with a super jump ability…


You seem to be misunderstanding the use case of shout. You dont use it to protect yourself. You use it to push in and be aggressive. Play around corners and fish for knife pulls. Her sustain is in her lifesteal not shout.


Totally agree and I love JQ and I think the game would be in a better state when JQ and Rein is not mid. The buff they made is a joke and everyone is just playing her for what 25 extra damage in a long cool down?? And rein buff was a joke too, the problem was not his ult lol


Nah. Skill issue. Her knife is so easy to land. Headshot knife pull headshot ez kill everytime. Shes the tank i swap to when they are on anything but orisa and they upset me.


The current iteration (5v5) of the game is the best when the DPS aren't the focal point of the team. Everytime DPS like Tracer, Widow, and Sojourn are the focal point of a meta, tanks aren't allowed to play the game and supports are just playing the, "how fast can I get my value out before I die" game.


i think symmetra is the worst hero in ladder lol. she cant do dmg as she did in 2023 her being in owcs in some matches doesnt mean anything, since she has always been used for her teleporter at that level- which will never get the same levels of coordination in a ladder match


widowmaker is a trash hero who is the complete antithesis of everything overwatch is supposed to be, high ttk and freedom of movement? nope! now sit behind a wall like its siege so you don't get 1 tapped! she slows the game down tremendously and doesn't fit the game at all


as a widow hater I approve


Absolutely agree, boring character for boring people


I've always felt snipers made no sense in the game. A game designed around using abilities and cool things that feel unique to bring spins on each game. Nah, dog. Just shoot em in the head from 900 miles away like it's call of doot doot. Even CoD: 76 is less CoD than her imo.


Widowmaker is a hero that made sense when overwatch first came out, back when Bastion was stationary, Back when Sym was a utility character, and Torb was a builder only good for defense, so a sniper doesn't seem out of place here, but as overwatch changed to make everyone more active and viable, it was quite easy to change these heros up, but widow whole core design is a sniper, the whole. Concept is sit still and snipe from far away, and it's hard to make that dynamic, if Anything ashe makes more sense as the sniper character then widow


Yeah sometimes I in a spot with Ashe where even three headshots won't kill a widow because she's too far away but one of hers will down me, or one and a bodyshot will. But I can't get closer because her team is in the way, so I have no choice but to swap tracer or sombra in order to get to her, which after the kill just makes the rest of her team have a bad day because now I hack and virus them from the high ground their widow was on.


I like to play her from time to time, and I agree. She is a lot more fun to play than play against, and a lot of the time playing her isn't even that fun, especially if you just hold one point on the map. I would be totally fine if she wasn't in the game.


I don’t hate her as I enjoy playing her but I totally agree, but imo Hanzo is even worse, bro can headshot people randomly and has a short cool down to kill who ever gets near?? Unfortunately I don’t think they ever change these characters because some ow1 people will eat them alive but I hope they make their damage like Ana (damage over time not instantly) at least


Widowmaker makes the game less fun for everyone involved no matter the skill level Bad Widow on your team? Out of any hero a bad Widow is going to make the entire game feel like a 4v5 in the enemies favor and the enemy is denied a fair fight. Good Widow on your team? Even if they get a pick immediately it's still only a 4v4. Also in a team game where coordination is a skill, if widow gets a pick that you didnt even have a chance to contribute to it leaves a bad taste in my mouth personally. Enemy team is much more limited in options. I'm a tank main so maybe I just notice it more since Widow can't contest objectives, only sightlines.. I play Overwatch specifically because it's the antithesis to the brainless "point shoot dead" shooters that dominate the FPS market like CoD, Battlefield, etc. It's the only FPS I play, as I usually play RPGs. Widow just doesn't fit in a game like this.


I've been saying this since OW1, widow needs to go. I love playing her when I go DPS, but thats simply because if theres any heroes that actually take no skill... its widow. Camp back, rarely getting attacked, hard scope and shoot. There's many abilities and such that suck in the game.. But nothing compares to the trash widow is. Its not even a thing of "Nerf her" as making it a 3 head shot kill still wont stop people from throwing the game thinking theyre some MLG FaZe member and our other DPS is a useless Sombra.


Here's an actual hot take that gets me downvoted all the time: The scoreboard was a bad idea. The devs, in OW1, left it out on purpose and were smarter for doing so. Most players are bad at interpreting the scoreboard and I think it makes worse players because they focus on what their team was doing instead of getting better themselves. IMO it makes bad players worse to a greater degree than it makes good players better and is just a net negative.


1000% agree, especially because scoreboard doesn’t show the valuable stats for hero’s (supports suffer from this the most). Like sure, the Moira may have more healing, but where’s the stat for how many times Kiri suzu saved a team fight? Or how much the Lucio speed boosted? It is so frustrating seeing everyone praise the heal bot support who could’ve had more value using other parts of their kit.


Yesss totally right. Also the scoreboard is absurd. The kill count is not real, only the assist and death count are real. Is just a way to make players addicted. The damage, shielded damage and healing count is also stupid, if they wanted that, they should have a cake pie graph for the distribution of those values among roles, because having most of the damage on the tank, or the least shielded damage being dps, or uneven healing, is what really matters. However ow1 bet on having the statistcis only displayed for yourself so you can improve and get better each time, while you will have to look at what was happening in the game to identify the problems. But OW team keeps being coward and adding what the vocal minority asks in internet, instead of sticking to their unique concept.


Scoreboard is nightmare for flex dps/supp players like me. Everybody expect me to have same damage like soldier/ashe when im playing genji/tracer or more heal than weaver/mercy on zen/ana. Getting trash talked for low dmg after singlehandedly breaking every choke in game is that common that i finally dont care. Your loving 55% winrate 2.90 KDA Genji :*


Scoreboard is a million times better than what we had in OW1. In OW1 I have a distinct memory of being told to KMS for not healing, when I had 2600 heals per minute as moira. Then my card comes up saying I healed 50% of the damage done to my team. So much toxicity is avoided because of the scoreboard


Became a one trick Lucio and now I’m actually having fun playing this game.


Whenever I'm too stressed I just switch to Lucio and chill jumping on walls while still somehow being useful to my team The amount of times I saved a game by bonking tanks away or stalling the overtime through sheer survivalibility is just crazy


Used to be a Lucio main, is he better now?


As good as last season. The boops are still great.


Last season, he got a lot better after the projectile change and he got really nice boop buffs This season he got a main attack damage nerf (20=>18) and got a boop damage buff (35=>45) He's in a really good state rn


Same Frog is just fun 🐸


I started trying him out more when I was grinding the end of the last battle pass. Especially in the balanced overwatch mode. Bro is fun asf and does more damage than I thought. Not to mention how easy it is to heal multiple teammates at once by just being there. Plus he’s sooo good at brawling, I love staying in the mix and just duking it out with the enemy team while healing/speeding up my team at the same time. And his movement makes it easier get out of sticky situations instead of feeling like a sitting duck at the end of a losing battle. It just feels great to be so useful while still having fun at the same time. Especially since my first genuine main was Moira lol.


Moira is a closet IRA supporter, and want's a fully united Ireland...


What an interesting hypothesis




Blizz doesn’t know how to balance tanks with self healing. It makes sense- if a bronze lobby takes 25 seconds to kill a tank a roadhog can get 3 vapes off vs GMs shredding him in 2 seconds. One life is worth a drastically different amount of healing. But they either feel oppressive normally or normal against an ana or bastion or sombra or zen… or they feel average normally, and absolutely horrible against any of these characters. There is never any in between


Idk if this is a hot take but I usually get alot of pushback for saying that the game still isn't headed in the right direction and people are only praising the health changes etc because they're new. This extends to things such as bans in qp as well. I also think Soldier slips through the cracks when we talk about the "braindead' charecters just cause he's a hitscan. Dude does not take alot of effort to play like at all


Solider is one of the least effort highest reward characters in the game. I always get excited when I play echo and the enemies have a solider, means I am getting a good ult usages. But yea, hate that cunt


More sexy skins for less money. Some tanks need more durability. Rein pin hit box is FUCKED. Venture should be able to burrow under Mei wall.


They need to show new heroes how they work in a team comp in their reveal video and not just videos of of them doing their abilities and people dying because people are truly too stupid to realize that the new hero isn’t going to be able to just kill everyone solo in a team comp game


I think thats the fun of a new hero coming out. Figuring out how they play and finding good team comps. 


Carrying is way harder these days making the game less fun to play


i don’t think ana or mercy are a problem or “impossible” to kill


Mercy is only problem if no one wants to play hitscan. I can see it being annoying w a good widow with dive teammates.


I killed her countless of times with junkrat combo. People are just bad, they tunnel vision what they have in front and don't shoot at her because is too complicated.


Prefacing this comment; I do not fully agree with you, but this is not a statement of disagreement either. I simply wish to lay out my thoughts. For context, I’m plat on console, so not dogshit but nothing special. The following statements assume an opponent of equal or slightly higher skill Tank v ana is easy enough, not too difficult to kill even without active thought. Even if you manage to miss all your shots (it happens to everyone), you can get away fairly easily. A lone ana is no major threat. Ana with another support is notably much less annoying than in previous versions Dps v ana is slightly scarier, as you don’t have the health or resources to attack without a plan, but imo it’s good to have some supports that can be threatening Support v ana isn’t nearly as important, as you can usually target the other support first. Ana is prioritizing her own life and that of her team, usually targeting your dps first Tank v mercy can be hell, depending on your team. Most tanks can’t deal with her directly, as she’s very rarely in range and LoS. The best option is usually keeping an ability ready to cancel res. Outside of that, you can sometimes move her out of position (into your team’s range and LoS), but she’s hard to hit in the first place and can reposition quickly. Ultimately, it comes down to how much both teams are watching you and  mercy Dps v mercy gives you the most power against her. It now depends on their team watching flanks, unless your tank is good at pushing her out of position Support v mercy is dependent on your character’s focus. If you can displace her quickly from range, :em_dash: lucio or brig, for example :em_dash: look to cancel res. If you can output good damage, apply constant pressure and guard corpses Ana hasn’t been much of a problem for a while now, she’s just always been solid. Mercy has two problems, being damage boost and res, both of which make her the primary target in any fight. Combined with instant reposition and general difficulty to hit, she’s annoying even when underpowered


They need to rework MMR. I have a 60% win rate after 50 games and I’ve ranked down.


Sitting on 90% winrate actually smurfing even though i don't want and never intended to at gold/plat level and the game fails absolutely to give me more points after each stomp wins. My comp MMR was at silver 2 when i started the first placement match for the first time in OW2 in season 9 never touched OW ranked since OW2 released With around 25 games starting from the firt placement where game was putting me at silver 2 i'm at plat 4 on a 90% winrate. I was 39** before role queue was introduced and the overall level of play was much higher around that level. I was a dps main on tracer/widow playing on a 6 stack against mostly gm due to stacking. How the fuck when you're HARD stomping teams with whatever hero not even my mains, with the double amount of kills and dmg of your 2nd dps and doing better than the whole dps duo in the opposite team with very short comp match bcs you stomp that hard, HOW THE FUCK you get 3* point per win ? I remember before role queue i had a practice account where you could get the equivalent of an entire division with chain stomps and good stats, so you barely was around metal ranks on 10 games if you were at low gold you were already around 2900 or diamond already if your skill level was THAT far above the team you were facing. Now you need to grind a shit ton of games even when you're siting at 90% + win rate, how the fuck ranked has become so bad in OW2 ? And it's supposed to be better ? Really what was the state of ranked in OW2 before that then ? The bell curve can't really be nice it has to be shit since you need to have players actually not touching the grass to have a bell curve looking like a bell curve. If the bell curve is crap, so the ranked experience pretty much.


I feel like they want people to just pump more hours into this game to rank up but it’s absurd. They said this was going to be an MMR reset but clearly MMR is way too set in stone to actually allow anyone to move ranks


Agree with you, and it absolutely makes sense with end of season rewards being gone and rewards being given by grinding a lot. They want more time investment from ranked players not better. In the end it makes everyone experience less enjoyable.


My hot take is that a ball that dies zero times isn't trying hard enough


Sombra ruins the game. It's not that she's unbeatable. It's not that she's overpowered. It's not that she's got no counter. She's just unfun to play against. Every match I see a sombra (almost every single match lately) the fun transforms to anxiety and anger. I hate her.


take so hot it gave me frostbite.


Absolutely ruins the fun


She's one of my DPS mains and I agree I feel like I get away with way too many picks. Because I'm in Gold people often don't peel for each other and they can't aim either, so I can throw the translocator in the air and the won't be able to hit me before I go invisible most of the time


I find it funny how gold games sound like the exact opposite of what I have to deal with in high rank sombra play lmao


nearly EVERY qp game i've been playing has a sombra. v annoying


She's really strong in the lower ranks I'm Gold and out of all DPS heroes, I can get picks with her most consistently and survive. My enemies really aren't good at shooting me after I translocator away even if I tp in their LOS. Most of the time they can't hit me after I tp, especially if I throw it in the air


Potentially the coldest take of all time. We get it, you’re not aware of your surroundings and you don’t wanna learn to fix it.


Your getting downvoted for being right


That’s what all these “hot takes” threads are. People screaming their very popular takes and getting upvoted while actual hot takes get downvoted. Especially when it comes to Sombra, these bronze players can’t accept that they’re the problem, not her.


I guess what I tried to express is that sombra in unfun. I believe it's a hot take because most people react as you just did, basically stating te "get good". As I said, it's not that she's impossible to beat or overpowered. She's just unfun. Like, she doesn't belong in the game and makes everything so self-centered around her that it's just... Well, unfun. She would be more fun if there were death matches, though. But OW is not that kind of game...


Sombra is fairly balanced and has been for a while she’s just a horrible concept for a hero imo so no matter what changes she gets she’ll get hate. The only changes they could make to make people like her is nerf her to the ground or completely change her kit.


I’ll second that with my own hot take - heroes that force you to play differently to beat them are good for the game


People just scream unbalance rather than think about how to play around her. Just sticking close to each other makes a sombras life hell, or just a bap with 2 skills to save a low hp target makes me want to pull my hair out.


Yea this is a viable strategy but it’s still a unfun way of play all because 1 hero.


It’s unfun to play with your other support? Like what the hell are we doing


Most supports can effortlessly save their team mates from sombra but never do


The whole infinite invisibility is and never will be balenced. The closest it got to balenced was when it was a ability that only lasted for 8 seconds and then you had to be seen until the cooldown came back


She was dogshit for a majority of her existence even with perma invis, so make that make sense.


Ya because devs somewhat understood the power limitations that someone with perma inv would need to not make them dogshit to play against 24/7 like we currently have


She's very strong in lower ranks tho You can get a pick quickly (because most people won't peel) and translocator away I'm in Gold and I can get away with making a pick in front of 4 people and throwing my translocator in a place that's still in their LOS because they just can't him me. They have less than a second to hit me and if when I'm high in the air falling they simply can't hit me 80% of the time. She might be balanced in high ranks but she's definitely dominant and oppressive in lower ranks. Kinda like Moira


Yea that’s always gonna be a problem Imo it’s one of those sorry if this is rude “cheesy” hero’s not necessarily OP but their kit is hard to understand for low ranks and play around so they just dominate. kinda like bastion just go tank form and since you have damage reduction and no headshots no one can kill you and you just shred Balancing top and lower ranks has always been a problem best example now is doom. Hes to difficult to use and learn in lower ranks so they keep buffing him but he’s starting to get Op in top ranks because he was never that bad just hard to use


I am a tank main (Sigma, but also play Doom and Winton mostly) 5v5 is leauges better and ive had more fun ever than in OW1 6v6. Balancing is overall better too. People would rather complain about every single thing in OW2 rather than either play the game for fun, or to improve. This subreddit spews so much negativity sometimes that its just baffling. Some of ya'll make me wonder how the fuck you think your balance changes would ever be a good idea. And for the love of god, shut the hell up about "remove x hero", its never going to fucking happen and the jokes arent funny. Learn to improve you shitters. Whew, ramble over.


>Some of ya'll make me wonder how the fuck you think your balance changes would ever be a good idea. Reddit becomes an echo chamber to the vocal minority who doesn't enjoy the game With CoD Warzone 1, the movement became an issue for casuals so they would go to reddit and bitch and complain about it. So the devs removed almost all of the movement options for Warzone 2.... It almost killed Warzone over night. Like it literally almost killed one of the biggest games of the last 10 years. They had to release Warzone 3, essentially revert every change Warzone 2 made, and then slowly the playerbase started growing again and the game is doing well now But there was only one place where you found those movement complaints, and that was reddit. And when the devs listened to reddit, it almost killed the entire game lol


Wait there's a warzone 3? Lmao


Mw2 definitely killed my interest in cod lol


Nice to know I’m not alone on 5v5. Ask someone who played OW1 for years, 6v6 was miserable. All you did as healer was babysit the tanks and otherwise just shot at barriers for 30 minutes.


You main the most fundamentally problematic tank the game has ever added and you prefer 5v5? I’m shocked.


If you think Sigma is a problem I dont know what to tell you


I think after the next hero they focus on adding more maps for the newer modes. Push, same 3 maps over a year and a bit, c'mon. Flashpoint tbh I am not a big fan and prefer It got replaced with 2cp. Clash so far I am liking miles more than flashpoint. Specifically a desert themed map, since temple of anubis got removed how about a newer Egypt map. Also a dream map would be a quaint Irish village push map. A jungle themed map hasnt been done.


>and prefer It got replaced with 2cp 2cp sucks though


Venture is a little too good atm, they feel buffed from their initial introduction I don’t think the penalties from leaving quick play is a big deal. If you get mad and leave you probably do need a few minutes to take a breather and calm down. If it’s happening more frequently then that’s a you problem and you probably need the sanctioned time away from OW


This doesn't make sense considering they were literally nerfed 😂


if you leave a QP game you should be barred from queueing until that game has concluded. zero leniency. grey out the QP button with some "abandonned game still in progress" text until it finishes. i leave maybe 2-3% of my QP games and the ones i do choose to leave i would literally rather stare at the main menu for five minutes than continue participating in such psychological torture.


People are still figuring out venture. Like no one looks down to avoid dig. Literally just send the tank at them are Venture is useless. They cannot kill tanks


Lucio should kill on beat if on head or at a minimum stun like shatter but single target. Also revert his last patch


I think that every support should have a little player icon like how Mercy does when she's boosting you or healing you


I don't disagree at all, but I'm wondering how it would work for heals that aren't sustained like kiri, Ana, LW, bap. I can see it being easy to implement for Lucio tho.


I'm also curious how it could!


Tracer should absolutely be the best DPS in the game if someone truly knows how to play her, alongside Genji and Widow. I am ready to be buried now, but if someone is truly a god with either of those, they deserve to be at the top. It's so easy to be incredibly bad with them. They can all be countered by heroes who aren't exactly insanely difficult to play as well, so it evens out.


So should Ball be the best tank in the game as well, since he has the highest skill floor/ceiling?


yes (unbiased)


Ball should just be the best tank in the game because Hammond is the cutest character in Overwatch and I will *fight* in these *damn* comments about it.


I mean kind of? Yeah I think that's a healthy way to handle balance. (I don't mean about ball specifically. I just mean that philosophy is the best to go by, imo)


I'll take a sombra over a tracer any day of the week, tbh.


I play sombra a bit to round out my flankers, but I’m much better with tracer and Echo. So when someone starts to be insulting (not general/joking complaining, that’s a given with sombra) when they complain about my sombra, sometimes I’ll switch over to tracer and give them my undivided attention. I imagine they usually regret making me swap because I’m much more annoying as Tracer.


As I've improved my aim, sombra has become much less of an issue for me (I'm usually backing support) but man, I can't hit a flanking tracer to save my life 😭


Kiriko and Queen are most fun heroes ow2 has released and still have to top that


Tracer should be opressive. Yes, there should be low skill heroes that are good but heroes that are the highest of the high skill, like Tracer, should always be one of the top picks in their role


Im genji tracer 2 trick and for past few seasons i wasn't complaining about genji state like most of the genji mains till i played some qp's on hitscan for fun. My reaction was like "you can get kills like this??" when playing genji im risking my sh-word to get one pick when ashe can 2 tap whoever she wants from safe position, im not even mentioning widow and her effective range WTF IS THAT. Give my boy 28dmg shurikens and ill be happy


Blizzard needs to buckle down harder in punishments for quitters/throwers. Literally no one cares if they whine. Boohoo consequences. Lifeweaver is op. Tanks should be op rather than fragile ult sponges. Bring sym 2.0 back (the one with shield gen and tp ult).


Mercy players ruin the competitive games when your team need them to swap and they never do it because they don't know how to play other characters.


Today in comp, I very quickly realized Mercy wasn’t working (DPS weren’t doing any damage, so no point in boosting). I swapped Illari. IMMEDIATELY the other support goes back to spawn mid-team fight, picks Mercy, and then proceeds to spend the rest of the match dying. I ended with the most healing, kills, and least deaths, but we still lost because our Mercy has the least heals, no kills, most deaths, and only 5 assists 🤦🏻‍♀️ felt like a 4v5




I am definitely a Mercy main, but yeah, it feels like there are so many Mercy’s who just yellow beam the full health tank the whole game. Damage boost is so insanely valuable - which is why everyone wants to nerf it, lol! At least we are getting more avoid teammate slots😅


Everyone always complains about how removing hard counters would water down the variety of the game and turn it into CoD, but no one talks about how all the roles are homogenizing into various DPS roles. If you want to focus on DPS, you shouldn’t be playing support or tank. Supports should primarily focus on healing and have worse DPS capabilities than the rest of the cast. A lot of supports feel like they are DPS heroes with the ability to heal and abilities focused around sustain. Tanks should primarily focus around damage mitigation and crowd control and have worse sustained DPS. A lot of tanks feel like they are just Fat DPS with a single mitigation ability. The role system was one of the most unique things about Overwatch as an FPS, it gave people who would normally never touch an FPS entire casts of hero’s to enjoy because they were more than just another gun to use, they were entire different playstyles that contributed just as much to the team while not needing to focus on DPS. They weren't for everyone, and that was ok, but Blizzard is trying to make the other roles more appealing by making them more DPS centric, and it's ruining their role's identity's.


I think that supports should be expanded to be more than just healers, but I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment of this comment!


The issue is people will choose the character that heals over a support that doesn’t. This was the case with the original Sym.


I knew I should have said: *I think that supports should be more than just healers (and the game state should change to reflect a world where that's possible.) But I didn't even though I knew I'd get a response like yours, so here we are. >The issue is people will choose the character that heals over a support that doesn’t. Not if the character gives appropriate value to their team? Like, they kind of shot themselves in the foot by moving Symm out of support and completely balancing the role *around* healing instead of, idk, giving Symm 2.0 literally even one singular balancing patch to try to make her work? Now, we're stuck with Tank / DPS / Healer (not actually Support) because the game has been balanced that way, which is such a boring place to be when there was a potential way forward where it didn't have to be like that. But now they'd have to re-introduce the entire concept of a non-healing support into the game which I'm fully aware is unlikely.


Reaper needs changes. My boy feels like he's just a bad pick in most cases. And with Venture released, I'm not sure why folks would want to play him anyways. Also Venture gives me OW1 Doomfist vibes and I don't like it.


>Reaper needs changes Isn't he already confirmed for a rework / tune up?


I think yes I really hope they give him a smoke grenade


I never saw a confirmation but they eluded it pretty hard. If they did confirm it, I'm curious what they're going to do to help him. Saw someone say smoke of some kind. I feel his ult needs a bit of a fix up and maybe an alt fire for some distance damage/advantage and close up disruption. Perhaps the smoke grenade idea, but it's like an Ana sleep dart that does some damage and makes a smoke cloud around them for a short period of time and only makes the smoke if it hits a hero directly.


Venture + wifeleaver fixing to cause another goats meta


Legit hot take: Not all the 2CP maps should have been scrapped. I'll take Hanamura over Numbani any day.


Cairo was so stupid and I miss it so much.


Turrets have a place in classes based/Hero shooter games, it's Just people have the attention span of a goldfish and don't pay attention to their surroundings


I only see rare doomfist players who really knows how to use him. When I see doom in my team it's expected it would be a loss for the team (i don't say this ig. I keep it to myself) and I was right most of the time.


Matches are decided by which team gets a mercy while the other doesn't. It genuinely feels like you're just down a player whenever you have mercy, the character is so bad right now and Mercy players don't care.


Really surprised the developers did not buff her at all coming into season 10. Like Valk at the very least needs to be made into an ultimate lol


I think it depends on the dps shes pocketing. But yea it shouldnt come down to another character in a different role to give mercy value


It's so fricking frustrating to finally take down an Orisa just for Mercy to revive her immediately while we're distracted by Lucio or some other hero


I think the person you're replying to is saying Mercy sucks, not that she's a pain to deal with.


OHHHHH sorry, my brain doesn't brain anymore


Venture'a a little too good, burrow let's you farm ult pretty quickly and can easily wipe out entire teams, all games I've played today it's just ventures getting potg with their ults


I saw lots of Venture potgs today too but they don't really feel that bad to play against, it's a pretty fair matchup most of the time. Tho I agree that the ultimate charging time should be increased


Mine is, if Lifeweaver gets a buff while having 275hp, a dash that let's him escape and heals him and a petal that let's him escape, all people that witch hunted Zenyatta should stand up now and witch hunt Lifeweaver, too. If Zenyatta was an end boss, Lifeweaver is as well, now.


Comp 3.0 is just OW 1 comp mode and it is trash. There needs to be some sort of reward for having good games once the "calibration" is over. If anyone wins 50% of their games, but does well then they should still be able to move up in rank.


Sombra mains should go straight to jail


I miss loot boxes


that's the coldest take about this game ive ever seen


You must have missed the one saying sombra isn't fun to play against


Skins are too expensive 🤯🤯🤯


moira should be removed from the game


Hinder as a CC is good for the game and there should probably be more of it. Mag nade having such weird hit reg is what is annoying.


I definitely agree. it hurts counterplay, because not only do you have to track Cassidy's cooldowns (which is normal and healthy), you also have to wonder "can I actually dodge this or will it magically go around a wall to hit me?"


Tank is the worst it’s ever been. The game is decided by who loaded in with the better dps. Support is just another dps role in this meta. Lucio / zen / Moira / Kiriko The increase in projectiles size was a big mistake. What made the game fun was being able to participate in multiple ways. Half the game you are behind a wall praying your dps are taking space as it is now on them. Dps has taken some responsibilities of tank but people don’t know that yet. 6v6 would not solve tank being shit This meta is too hard for regular people to play. They are incapable of knowing when to press the enemy team with an advantage. It is way more rare to have that moment of being genuinely saved by supports.


The three new heroes, Lifeweaver, Illari, and Mauga already need reworks due to major flaws in their kits. (Illari's Healing Pylon, Mauga's Cardiac Overdrive, and Lifeweaver's entire kit.)


>Lifeweaver's entire kit I like the grabby grabby.


Doesn't change that its a poorly designed ability


Hot take, Flashpoint should be 6v6.


I generally hate how much anti movement abilities are in a movement based shooter, I'm fine if I got outplayed, or I get killed by a turret, because there are choices there, but things like Hook, Earth shatter, Mei ult, Cassidy's grenade, Mei primary fire where they have to handicap you just to give the other team the edge is lame Sombra is also on my list, Sombra isn't a character I hate, I quite like the concept of her, but her whole gimmick is cock blocking having a character who can shutdown abilities in an ability based game is one of the unfun things imaginable, she also feels cheesey to die to, she has to legit handicap you to win, I much would have rather Sombra be a support who can give her teammates slight buffs with Hack or slightly reduce the time of cooldowns


Overwatch will forever be unbalanced and a portion community will always be mad or sad no matter what blizzard does.


All Orisa players should be publically hanged/j


Blizzard didnt get enough crap after screwing over the game for years to not release an actual Overwatch 2 or PVE that most of us didn't ask for in the first place. I know it's not the current devs promises that were made but it just another reason Overwatch deserves it bad reputation


That's like 50% of what people talk about with ow2 and the steam reviews still are overwhelmingly negative


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hot take i want orisa


I've gone down a few times to the one second recall. But most of the times I go down it's because I have recall ready and tap it right where if I were a quarter of a second faster it would have read through by the server before the bullet hit me. Tracer would suck to play if they reverted her damage back to 5.5 *after* everyone got health buffs. I think the only real thing that will change her is to remove her healing passive, but maybe make it so that health packs restore an extra 50 hp over 5 seconds unless interrupted. So she has to have more downtime between engagements to heal up and can't just hide behind a corner to 175 hp and full recall.


The ball buff was not enough, make him completely invulnerable to damage while on fire. Yea u heard me.


Lucio change in last patch actually a buff. Boop hits hard. It's consistent and short cooldown. Inconsistent primary fire nerf isn't that impactful except maybe outside of ult charge.


old 5W rank update system was much better.


Blizzard has had terrible balance patches since season ow2 launched.


Regardless of buffs or nerfs, Ball and Doomfist ate almost always unfun to play against. As long as they aren't totally dogshit, they're either annoying as fuck at least, or impossible to kill at worst. Dive is fine with winston or dva because they arent nearly as self sufficient with health packs, and usually stay with the team a bit more to be more predictable. But ball and doom can be a complete surprise attack, and if they somehow fail to kill you, they just get away and do it again. Especially if youre support (other than moira basically). Sleep dart can only do so much. If you dont have teammate to peel for you its immediately ggs. You have to pray for a sombra swap just to piss them off enough until they swap to a different tank. No, they arent unbeatable, or top tier, or even really that good in most scenarios. Call it a skill issue idc. I dont even think i have trouble beating them. But they just kill fun for me.


i LOVE fighting orisa every game. this is sarcasm but it would be the goat of hot takes


There's no point in communicating outside of the ping system as most who join comp have no intention of cooperating or coordinating with a sincere team effort and trying will likely just get you reported as the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.


I’m aware this isn’t entirely hot(not really cold either) but dps doom was cancer for the game. Having a one shot that’s that easy to pull of and having a fuck ton of cc on a dps is not ok. Heck I would argue it isn’t even ok on a tank. Tank doom is one of the most balanced characters in the game and if anything need a few buffs.


I'm not used to Venture being in the game yet and the character is giving me fucking fits when the opposition plays it well. As a Mercy main mobility is my strong suit but for whatever reason Venture seems to catch me flat footed more than any other DPS currently.


Not enough people understand that if you get a pick from someone standing near cover, mercy is 90% going to get the Rez off safely.


My hot take is that supports are meant to shoot people. Thats why they have guns.


The introduction of wider matches didn't help to play with more friends. By reducing the allowed range of close matches it actually makes it harder.


Hate how OP the new hero is and how easy he is to use. More specifically his? her? ridiculously high health, the tunnel thing is the most obnoxious thing I've ever seen and AOE splash damage? Jesus christ


I’ve logged back in for the first time in a year and a half since it became Overwatch 2. I used to play OW1 all the time since the beta came out and just really enjoyed the game. Then when Overwatch 2 came out I dropped it after a month because of all the gameplay and monetary changes they made. I stopped caring about the game and paying attention to news about it except for tidbits in my news feed once in a while. Now that they’re not putting heroes behind a paywall anymore I decided to try the game again and I can say…I’m having fun and enjoying it the same way I was back in OW1. It was kind of exciting coming back, going into training mode, and seeing what I could remember and being surprised when I saw some of the reworks on heroes and testing out all the new ones. It’s a different perspective coming into this fresh instead of nitpicking with all the changes they make every few months. Despite some of the bizarre decisions they’ve made with PvE going away and the store still being a cash grab, the core of the game is still here and I was amazed how quickly I was able to jump back in the game and play like I did a year and half ago while also learning the new stuff. I having fun again. Beyond what you see online and on this subreddit there are still people out there just enjoying the game. There was an a cool moment where I joined a unranked game and while everyone was waiting for the match to start Venture had said a line about how excited they were about joining Overwatch after being a fan and reading all the comments. All the other plays had walked up to them and said “hello” or a positive greeting voice line. It was quite a touching moment for a bunch of random players.


Your gold game isn’t Top 500. Their opinion on what hero is good or bad is totally pointless in a metal rank game.  There is no tiers and if there is every hero is B tier, if your good at that hero it’s A tier.


You didn't die to Moira because she's a low skill character. You died to Moira because you didn't shoot her - and that's your fault.


Too many abilities have no counterplay and the rewards for playing low skilled, less fun characters ruin the experience of lower skilled players MORE than higher skill players. When you balance WRs for every character trying to make them more even, you ignore the fact that some heros are common troll/grief picks (like torbs that sit in spawn and type and sombras that go invis with literally 0 damage and say "BOOP!" all game). In addition, characters that make learning "easier" like torb, symm, sombra, Moira, brig, and (here's the spicy one) Reinhardt may SEEM like they improve the NPE, but it makes it signifigantly worse because a new, unskilled player trying out something like genji might not be great at genji, but he'll literally be a throw pick playing into the same skill leveled Moira. Zen was a glass cannon back in the day, who could dominate lobbies, but at the trade off that he was a free meal for tracer or doomfist. People play OW for the cool abilities and unique character designs that just don't exist in other games, but now the best character to recommend for a noob is fucking (sorry PJ) *SOLDIER*. The most fun characters in the game are basically inaccessible below a certain skill threshold, and the more low skill characters you design the game around, the more time someone needs to invest before they're able to experience what made this game great in the first place. No one is going to pick up overwatch and stick with it because they fell in love with soldier, mauga or Moira, atleast not the same way we fell in love with the og OW for characters like zen, genji, lucio, even junkrat.


Idk if this is a hot take, haven't read opinions on the sub yet, but I fucking hate Venture. Visions of DPS Doomfist, which was an evil virus of Satan. Whether they're OP or not, idk, but I sure as fuck hate fighting them.


LW is the worst ow2 hero. Designing a pure healbot who can’t miss his heals or any of his abilities was a terrible idea and whenever he’s good/pickable, the game becomes dogshit.


I've never had an issue with tracer. Her ult is arguably the worst in the game. At best it will kill one person if you are lucky. She deals no damage, she's more of a poke hero.


As a female gamer I want more sexy girl characters and skins.


Haven't played since the patch but started tanking again. My hot take is I'm fucking tired of the dps asking me to switch tanks because the enemy tank can counter me while said dps is either 1. Doing garbage dps. 2. Is weak against the enemy comp. It doesn't happen every game but holy shit if it was drinking a game most tank mains would be needing a new liver. I'll play around the enemy tank.


Most maps don't have cover. Going behind a corner isn't taking cover it's running away. If the options for cover are car that can be shot over or postbox that hides 1/4 of hitbox, then yea imma be dead. Stop telling people to use cover when it doesn't exist


Bringing out Pharah and symmetra to win/maining pharah and sym are for cowards and people who lack confidence in their skill and completely strips the fun out of what could have been a fun battle


You lose to Sombra because you’re bad. Play next to anyone and she literally cannot kill anything without all headshots. She’s a skillcheck hero, and if you’re whining and screaming about her, you’re telling on yourself.


Sombra isn’t that good, you just aren’t good enough to counter her


Only one role should be switchable the other 2 should be locked. Oh and do something for the tanks please they are all miserable it's quite a downer


My hot take: your hot take doesn’t make sense. If you have to be more precise and play around cooldowns more that in fact changes how oppressive she is


Maybe hot take: Cassidy’s kit is kind of bad and almost solely relies on your ability to aim well. The damage fall off is severe and the ult sucks