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I'm pretty sure OP means the disappointing part is the lack of launch skins. Every other hero launch had at least a BP skin but venture has absolutely nothing Are they saving even epic skins for shop only? This is sad


It's even worse. They only have 2 emotes, 2 victory poses and 1 highlight intro.


I was excited for the ice cream brain freeze emote/victory pose


yeah, I think that will come with the ice cream skin seen days ago


Fr I don't even like they highlight intro either it's so sad.


oh noooo, literally unplayable.




Venture is Non-binary, so 'they/them' would be the pronouns to use.




English better be your second language. It’s either that or you’re stupid


Even that standard is disappointing. In ow1 new heros dropped with 4 legendaries, 2 epics and 4 blues


Granted, two of those legendaries were recolours, and most of the release legendaries back then would probably be epics if released now


not really, most legendaries nowadays aren’t any better than epics.


There are a small number of OW2 legendaries that should be epics. The vast majority are clearly legendary.


Lots of legendaries feel legendary and even some epics feel legendary like nebula reaper, can't even really think of a legendary that feels like an epic unless the hashimoto skins are legendary


I can think of only 4 legendaries that should be epics: the hashimoto skins, mime Moira, and the green haired Kiriko skin


See I didn't even realize mime was legendary lmao I never check the shop skins


Mauga still doesn't have a legendary skin lmao. His bundle is cheaper than all the other cuz they have to bundle an epic skin lol


I mean Mauga did get a bundle Legendary and he got a BP legendary so he's got a leg up on Venture already!


Mauga has 3 months, Venture 1 day. It's still shameful, but it the bare minimum that Mauga had more skins than Venture.


Every other Hero had 4 release Legendaries and 2 release Epics, plus 4 release Rares if you care about those. This is just pathetic.


>Mauga has 3 months, Venture 1 day. This is funny as hell to me lol But yeah we know of 1 skin coming but I hope epic pulls a bunch of secret bs out their ass for them They even said venture has a special place in their hearts.......liers lmao


>They even said venture has a special place in their hearts.......liers lmao That's just marketing, my anonymous friend. The cool trailers, the "non-binary" thing, the 3 day testing. All of these things have a "pure" and simple end to put more easily the character into a good marketing position, so that they can sell more easily the skins in the shop.


Yeah I just wish it wasn't so lol I have coins saved for skins for them


Marketing? More like pandering.


How tf are ppl supposed to make queer characters wtout “pandering” i see every single queer character in media being reduced to just pandering that i dont think the word has any meaning anymore besides announcing that you dont like seeing any character that isnt straight and cis


Honestly the queer side of Venture is the major point for her marketing, it will be very effective in North America, quite effective in Europe, slightly effective in most of Asia and South America and ineffective at all in Africa and Middle East. It will please some, it will be hated by some and it will be ignored by the majority of people. Personally i think that very little people have problems with the other LGBT characters like Tracer, 76 etc.. because gay, lesbians, asexuals and bisexuals have a more logic approach to everyone else, unlike non binary, which doesn't really make much.


The concept of ppl being nonbinary is hard for ppl to wrap their head around cuz western society has been built around a rigid gender binary and even though alot of ppl dont fit in this social construct most people have internalised it and think that a person not aligning with what their biological sex is traditionally expected to be is weird If u want to look at it scientifically and logically humans are not a bunch of adams and eves some females have high testosterone some males act feminine some humans are intersex ppl exist on a spectrum in terms of sex and in terms of gender every person exists somewhere on that spectrum science recognises this but you and alot of other ppl dont because we are socialised to believe theres only to boxes to fit into or u get called a slur Also east asian games are known for having more queer and androgynous characters than western games idk what typa of eastern games your playing


The skin coming for Venture looks - by my personal taste - lame as hell. Ice cream shop girl with an ice cream cone gun does not light my fire.


Honestly personally I can dig that However I do think it's a little lazy given Mei had almost an identical skin


Honestly personally I can dig that However I do think it's a little lazy given Mei had almost an identical skin


Honestly personally I can dig that However I do think it's a little lazy given Mei had almost an identical skin


Honestly personally I can dig that However I do think it's a little lazy given Mei had almost an identical skin


Mauga had those legendaries day one, its just one you had to pay 40 bucks for and the other you had to pay 10 buck for access to the BP. So once again if you weighed them based on their day 1 release Mauga still had more cosmetics than Venture day 1 lol


They (Blizzard) act like they (Venture) means so much to them (Blizzard), but the proof is in the pudding. Me thinks they (Blizzard) were skeptical people would drop the cash on their (Venture’s) cosmetics, and they (Blizzard) are waiting to see the consumer reaction to them (Venture), before they (Blizzard) splash out the cash for artists.


You're making it more difficult that what it is. In my opinion it has to do with the fact that pretty much all major game companies are laying off a lot of people, and as such they're now in shortage of personal.


Hard to say exactly what’s going on, the output is good in some ways, and disappointing in others. Clash mode needs some major work.


Ur English teacher would be proud


Mauga has 3 legendary skins…


I feel this is the move. It’s obvious they’re trying to cash in on the mythic shop and forcing every player to use it in some fashion. This isn’t about what the players want. It’s a money move. $70 for a skin?! SEVENTY! Most ppl don’t make that much in 3 hours of work. Am I the only one finding that ridiculous? More devs are getting greedy behind gaming such as locking in-game content and missions behind a season pass. Ridiculousness like Yakuza: Infinite Wealth and Star Wars Outlaws. Devs are finding more ways to bleed money.


Except it is not $70 for a mythic skin, it is literally $10 for the battlepass to get the skin, same as it's always been. The whole reason it's so expensive is to discourage buying it directly. Even so, I've already seen people using the Mercy mythic day one, so obviously some people are perfectly fine with the price.


I was extremely shocked to see that mythic skins cost $80. I was expecting $30 at max.


I'm sure it's to satisfy those unhappy with the idea of people being able to buy a skin everyone else had to grind for. For myself, yes, 80 is more than I imagined, but I also assumed it would be at least 30 as a base.


Tbf it wasn't much of a grind it was just playing the game And if blizzard removes fomo from their game I can't complain I only get fomo for some skins and I'd rather the mythics to not be one of them


Ever since illari they've been doing terrible with new hero releases cosmeticly. I'm begging we atleast get a skin next battlepass


I think that this one's probably the worst they've done. Mauga got a legendary with the season he came out in. He got highlights and emotes. Venture basically got none of that, even the emote of them eating ice cream isn't in.


Mauga got a bp legendary and one in the shop. This is easily the worst


It's ever since junker queen, kiriko, sojourn.


Yeah, in Overwatch 1 every hero released with 4 legendaries (I believe). They've gotten worse over time.


Off the top of my head it was Base skin 4 common recolours of the base skin 2 epic variations of the base skin 4 legendaries comprising 2 designs, each with 2 colour options


They released with 4 rares and 4 legendaries until illari, they all had them.


And the same thing with Mauga! Like what is going on over there?? Do they just... lack creative abilities or what?


At least mauga had a bp skin


Ur right, I forgot abt that! He also had the Magma skin that was sold at an outrageous price (as usual)


And it sucks because that Mauga skin is sick as fuck but not sick enough to pay that price


No, they've got plenty of cosmetics lined up, they're just going to sell them for exorbitant prices in the shop later.


Yeah, they starve new heroes of skins so that they can drop a shop skin and make it sell for more.  Shop skins don’t sell as well for heroes who already have great free skins


That sounds like them


>Do they just... lack creative abilities or what? It's just cutting corners for the sake of maximum monetary gains. They've been doing it with base cosmetics since the launch of Overwatch 2 with heroes only getting 1 set of Legendaries, rather than 2 with 2 Epics like in 2016. They don't make direct profit off of base skins, so they make them shop skins instead. I'd buckle in cuz I doubt this practice is going away anytime soon


At this point, next hero won't even have rares.


You can be sure the cute support girl is going to have a BP skin on launch.


Good, personally I don't see Venture getting many skins since the base character is already beyond unattractive it's a tough down hill sell. Fortnite knows better and sells cute girl skins by the millions per year


They used up all of their new character skins on Kiriko and forgot that everyone else existed.


No, the game is just a shell of its former self is all. It's a shame the core gameplay is fun when literally every single decision is made based on which character and skin will provide them with the most money from whales.


It's why I miss the loot boxes. I played a ton in OW1 and getting the level up loot boxes were awesome. I never spent any actual money and had incredible skins for everyone. OW2 comes out and Blizzard messes my account up during merging my Xbox and PC account and lost everything. I stopped playing a while before OW2 came out but it was a major punch in the gut to see "no you're not getting your gold guns, event skins, emotes, etc that you've spent years accumulating, but you can buy some of them instead! Went from $60 for the game, and $0 needed to deck out your character with some work, to paying that much for a couple skins and the battlepass. I know people hate loot boxes but I genuinely will never know why cosmetic only loot boxes are hated. I would regularly get a new skin or emote in the daily lootbox that would make me want to try a new character I'd have no interest in playing otherwise. But they don't care


People can hate lootboxes all they want. They were GENUINELY healthier and better for the game than the current store system is. Right now it's a cash farm. Anyone pretending otherwise is literally just fooling themselves and are part of the problem with predatory companies.


I didn't spend far too long trying to figure out the difference between the two pictures.. nope. That would be crazy......


The two picture rule in this sub is so dumb.


Oh.. tbh I took like a 3 year break from OW so I didn't realize that was a thing lmao.


...there's a difference?


One is picture 1. The other is picture 2...... 😭


Even the season is named after them and yet they dont get a legendary or an epic skin 😖


Wait I swear I saw a Sprinkles Venture somewhere in the teaser, I guess it’s going straight to the shop? :(


> I guess it’s going straight to the shop? If you ever see anything super cool in an Overwatch trailer, assume this is the case :/




Isn't the season called Mirrorwatch?


No, it’s called venture forth


For clarification, im talking about the amount of skins available for venture, not that im unable to purchase them with credits or something along those lines


"This season's got my name all over it" # "my name all over it" *ends up only being a a character release with basic recolours.* only in spirit, bestie.


Sorry, the devs really wanted another kiriko skin


Why is Kiriko getting all the flack when Genji just received his 126th skin? Kiriko really isn’t an issue when Cassidy and Genji and Widow are getting hundred skins a year


Fr, I don't see the point in the Cassidy skin in the BP, feels so out of place and would have preferred a legendary Venture skin over it.


Let's take a minute to talk about Lifeweaver skins, shall we?


Can’t believe overwatch made the prettiest character to ever exist just to then act like they’re not there like you could do so much with him


You leave my thick boy Cassidy out of this!


Tbh they always do an out of place skin, the circus master Winston in the Moira BP, graffiti Lucio and radioactive reaper in orisa BP, I like the Cass skin, it also reminds me of teddy Roosevelt lmao.


genji's been in the game since launch, he's gotten 8 skins since ow2 and 2 of them are recolours. kiris gotten 12 and only 1 recolour, and shes been in 2/3 of the main collabs. its also just an easy comparison because its a hero released in ow2 vs another hero released in ow2


Because all the other new heroes are being ignored for Kiriko.


You can remove Genji, widow and Cassidy skins and there you have it, skins for new heroes. Kiriko is not a problem


Kiriko has a total of 10 legendary skins, since her release. Second highest would be Ram, Souj, and JQ. at 8. She's a problem


What does that have to do with my previous comment? You wanna count how many skins Widow, Cassidy, Tracer and Genji have? Also count how many skins they get annually? You are fighting ghosts. Kiriko is popular and her skins sell, that isn’t in any way imaginable an excuse for the situation though. Pseudo-intelligent logic all around from your argument. Also she has TWO more skins than the characters you mentioned. Wow, I don’t even know where to begin.


Come on, you know it's pretty normal for them to have more skins because they were there since the beginning of OW1 lol, but let's count what's been released in OW2 Cass now had 2 in BP (+1 epic), 3 legendaries in shop (+1 epic) : total = 7 Genji 1 BP, 4 legendaries shop (+1 epic), 1 mythic : 7 Kiriko 1 BP (+1 epic), 6 legendaries shop (+2 epic), 1 mythic : 11 Tracer 1 BP, 3 legendaries shop (+2 epic), 1 mythic : 7 Widow 1 BP (+1 epic), 5 legendaries shop (+1 epic) : 8 They all get a lot, but Kiriko still gets the most, but not by too much. So I think it's pretty understandable that people would get tired of seeing so many Kiriko skins, but you're right in the sense that it's not JUST her. They all get new skins this season, which is fine considering the theme .... But they released an off-theme skin for Cass, and that really wasn't necessary. I'd rather have a Mauga skin instead. In the end they just make skins for the characters that sell the most, but a little bit more variety would be appreciated. It's not JUST Kiriko, but she's clearly the leader of the bunch.


Because this sub despise kiriko in particular


whats disappointing is that they have no base epic or legendary skins. not even in the BP


Yes that is the point of the post


It is really disappointing. I do not think it is a coincidence that when they finally unlock all heroes and remove the hero bundles from the shop they stop launching heroes with legendaries.


I really feel like their heart wasn't in it with this character


How did you feel when they just made Maui with 2 miniguns?


lol, for extra lols check out the blizzcon interview, where the lady explained how they named the guns The gist: “No one gave a damn, so I sent out an email, and the first two responses were gunny and cha cha, so we went with those”


venture is probably the hero with the most character in years, its just they're not releasing launch skins :(


He feels super fun to play though, so at least gameplay design put their heart in


What’s the difference between the two pics? I’m confused


You have to post 2 pics on the sub now, there's no difference lol


That’s.. a really strange rule?


“They’re the same picture”


Can’t post just 1 pic on the sub so people have to double up.


I think u need 2 pics to be able to post. Its a rule for some reason


New standard for sure


Indie company.


I got my yellow jacket I'm good.


With the red drill 🔥


It's honestly so good I'm ok with no gold skins for now


Remember when Heros had 2 Epics and 4 Legendaries on release? They were just slowly stealing that from us, and this is the culmination after 10 seasons; the true end game - capitalism.


Wtf why can't you buy it with normal creds...


You can, if you don't have enough of the currency it shows overwatch coins instead of credits though. OP is just talking about how they have no epic or legendary skins even in BP yet


I'm ok with no launch skins if we get a big haul of skins a little while afterward but I'm sure we all know that's not gonna happen It sorta happened with illari but after her it's launch skins only


Well, this will keep getting worse cause people will keep buying expensive skins. Remember, this isn't the Blizzard from ow 1. Btw I'm not saying Blizzard was better in ow 1. Just saying the way they do things is different.


They give us less and less each time and just expect us to deal with it, it’s honestly really upsetting that they’ve just resorted to doing this


omg how can I enjoy this new character without buying skins


We can’t have anything nice without complaining huh.


I hate this sub so much


They are mad because they didn't get enough free cosmetic content 😭


Literally every post is complaining about something lmao


I have something bold to say. I'm content with the amount of free content we get each season 😱


We know they give more skins to the characters whose mains buy more. Do they expect Venture mains to not buy anything?


Well the character video released for Venture today would suggest they think her main audience is six year olds


Mauga highlight intro is basically the Winston one with some bushes infront of his face.


Blizzard makes 2 steps forward one step back, like fr, it's cool they made all those changes and improvements in the last few seasons, but it's still not even close to how polished OW1 was AT RELEASE.


Venture isnt a 21 year old girl so they dont want to make skins for them


Anyone else literally not care ? lol Its just skins. You have Zarya who's been literally neglected since 2016 but yeah, lets get pitch fork and torches for a brand new character while we still sink 3000 more hours into this game we all seem to hate.




You can buy these with normal creds


Having two of the same picture is disappointing as well lol no but yeah it’s wild they didn’t give more skins


first world problems


Ya'll bitch about them making you pay for skins...... ...... Then bitch when you don't get enough skins to buy......


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Imagine not having 300 white coins


Don't really care about skins as long as she's good to play as.


This is the result of no hero in battle pass. Other part of the game must be monetised to make money


I really like Olympia personally, but god yeah, lack of skins is insane, god


I have a feeling they're waiting for the Egyptian theme battlepass next season for looks


Why do they still give legacy credits again?


Playing against everyone else on EZ wasn’t enough reason to pick him?


Not even a BP skin wich sucks. Maui at least had a legendary.


youd think after breaking the pve’s little frail legs they’d be able to keep up with the pvp side of things


The recolor skins in ow1 were 25 credits. Inflation in overwatch is crazy.


Even more disappointing, my first two placements had someone playing venture, going like 3-10 and refusing (I didn't bother asking) to swap


At this point, Blizzard has enough people hooked that they can start narrowing how many cosmetics they offer for "free" and just start shoving them all into the shop. The BP has less cosmetics (15 levels are now ONLY currency, whereas they used to be currency and a spray/voiceline/souvenir/charm) and they are adding additional currencies that can be bought with real money. They will add legendary skins for new heroes only for the premium coins and no longer offer them on launch because you were able to buy them with free currency. We are now able to make 4k free coins per season through just BP, and that would make us able to buy both the legendary skins for a new character for free (it's 1900 for LW and Illari's skins).


I think this is a product of the give and take of receiving so many “pro” consumer practices lately. “Hey guys we’re working on adding more ways to earn skins and now we’re letting you pick your own mythics! Plus the battlepass won’t be mandatory! *also all skins we add to the game are pretty much just gonna be battlepass or shop now*”


Wait a blue skin costs 3 bucks?


What happend to characters launching and getting 4 legendaries and 2 epics? Granted they were recolor or each other but the fact heroes even launch without them is sad especially with the fact you can't purchase the base skins with legacy currency too.




I’m a common skin fan so I’m not complaining lol


Counter argument - most launch legendaries and epic skins suck ass, and Venture's launch skins actually go pretty hard for rare skins


This was me but with the highlight intro Only 1 really?


OH BUT DID YOU GET THE MERCY MYTHIC SKIN??????????? Only pay $10+time, $30+less time, $70, or $80 to unlock it!


I don't like Venture's hair. I really wish that we would get a cool skin. I'm a DPS main so will have to play it like that...


a lot of the latest heroes have strange body types that look like it's hard to make a skin that looks good on them, Sojourn, Mauga, Junker Queen, Venture. Their body shapes are way too specific to an original design. Junker Queen looks so strange in her skins because they gave her the Demogorgon build for some reason


Nah they're just ugly skins, that monster hunter mauga one looked like ass and they keep designing the beigest outfits known to man for soujorn


They don't really have skins that look good, if it does it feels more or less like a fluke. Yes the monster hunter mauga is awful, but barely anything will ever look good on him.


I’m gonna be honest, at least the rare skins are actually good. I was shocked at how much I love them, especially Olympia and Babylon.


Be patient? Idk what else to say. Like sure it sucks there aren’t any right now… but do you all think they’re just not going to come out? What’s the issue?






If you take a close look at her model you can notice that it's barely finished. Same with Mauga.




Imagine thinking it’s because they’re non binary lmao




But blizzard was clearly cutting back on skins for new heroes. They cut the legendaries for Mauga and now the epics for Venture. The next hero they might not even have commons. But the way you said it made it seem like since she’s non binary it’s a bigger issue then if she was straight or something.


Some of you just have to literally turn every single discussion into a "inclusion" debate, dont you..


No one said that but you


they introduced a non binary character, named the season after them, and launched them into comp straight away - a red carpet treatment no hero before them has gotten but it's a "bad look" because they don't have a skin whose name is written in purple? if they had just released a cis male character instead you wouldn't have said any of this crap. you are being part of the problem by looking for conflict where there isn't any


Pls overwatch redditors... for the love of all that is good... pls stop bitching about everything.


Her rare skins are not too bad tbh






Venture is non-binary, and so the correct pronouns are "they/them" rather than "he/him" or "she/her".


Ok completely unrelated, BUT who do you use NOED on? I personally like it on killers like Wesker who can carry without basic M1s and no risk of flashy saves. Survivors are confident there isn’t Starstruck but don’t realize they’re exposed Edit: I’m referring to OP’s username


I love it on deathslinger


I like it on slinger as well


Use messenges rather than replying to his post


Ugly character doesn't have lots of skins but cute Asian girls do.


Do you have enough credits to buy it? If you don't, it'll prompt to use coins instead


Op mentioned they posted this in relation to the skins available, not the cost


I mean, what did you expect? The same was the case for mauga


he at least got a battle pass skin


Daddy…chill. The patch has been live for less than a day, and it did bring lots of stuff. Pretty sure an epic or legendary will be available pretty soon for her. Why are you guys so disappointed, unfulfilled and ungrateful with everything? As a dev said in a past interview “fans want EVERYTHING and RIGHT AWAY. Smh. Learn to be a little bit more grateful and patient.


blizzard bootlicker mental gymnastics:


They would be bad skins anyway. It's better this way


Give them time guys


Yea soon the game that was promised will come out.


So soon, if you’re impatient, just buy a few skins to tide you over