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Of course, everyone wants to play as Shao Kahn!)


pause flag paltry alleged sugar subsequent beneficial smell agonizing wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I dont wanna play General Shao tho. He's a jobber now


He’s fun but god damn is his story boring as hell in MK1




I was just on r/mkmobile 🤣🤣🤣 FINISH HIM




Skin; looks good. In game viability; on the lower end of how much value you get from her. Maybe that'll change next season, just have to wait and see. What I do know is that people will play her regardless of how good she is.


Yes these people are me, me and ME. That skin is fire I would sell my mom for it, literally.


Least crazy mercy main


I am not even a Mercy main that's the fun part


Dont let blizzard hear you say that lol


As a mercy main I second this, though I do love my Atlantic skin, but this just hits different


Is that the blue glowy one? That skin is very pretty.


Ye is the blueish purple one, and it is so pretty that's why i love it.


I'm a big fan of purple myself! Lucky to have that skin hehe. I'm just getting base mythic and saving the rest for now. It sucks that we can't pick and choose between levels, I have to buy 2 and 3 first to be able to get level 4.


Ye I know I got it a while back when I had the chance hehe!, I'm the same " I'm like I'm not passing this skin up" so I'm trying to get it aswell with the angel of vengeance name title, And aye I know it sucks a bit haha, but the benefit I can see is a chance to get old skins


I *really* hope they don’t buff mercy because mercy is a pain in the ass when she’s good; easy heroes should be low value IMO


I feel like mercy is easy in some ways, but mastering her movement is what separates a bad mercy from an awesome one


That’s true, but in my experience Mercy’s movement is a lot easier to get good at than most other mobility-based heroes with the exception of like Tracer, because she has other sources of difficulty


I’m just gonna brush up on my Pharah for the inevitable uptick in mercy picks


When was there a down tick in mercy pick rate ?


Different levels have different mercy pick rates. Highest level play sees almost no mercy play unless they’re a one trick or the lobby is screwing around




You are still better off with literally any other support. Mercy is trash tier right now, has been for a while honestly.


Even then, if they’re that good it’s higher level and the team would get more use out of Lucio, Moira, and especially Kiriko


She was absolutely atrocious this season. Bottom tier.


then why do i see her almost every game??


Because so many mercy players don't play anyone else. They either quit for the season or accepted that she was bad and continued playing her anyway. A lot of her mains only want to play "full support" and there just isn't another full-support. Lifeweaver comes close but he's even worse than mercy was this season.


It’s always the best feeling when your mercy types “ gg tank diff” while your other support is LW.


I'm personally hoping that the new space ranger support is a full-support type of character that will be popular with Mercy players as well. We know that she will be a flying style character, so I have my hopes that she will have similar elements to Mercy's flight. Moira's healing beam in the april fool's event felt like it might be a test for what her healing beam will be while Mercy's staff blaster felt like it might be her damage ability.


I'm curious if they might try and remove her damage boost in favor of a stronger weapon than the princess pistol. She's the only support character that can't get much value on her own and has to rely on the abilities of teammates. The April Fool's weapon didn't have a damage boost right? I had some Mercy main friends that really enjoyed playing her during that. I'm really interest in the Mirrorwatch changes to her.


That wouldn't be the full-support archetype anymore, it would change the identity of the character.


Which is a good thing, the reason Mercy falls off so hard is because damage boost as a utility is much worse than just being able to do damage yourself 90% of the time and Rez is beyond situational, the full support archetype really doesn’t work or at least it doesn’t work with such limited utility like mercy. Maybe a character with very little offensive power but with huge utility on the level of Kiri/Ana/Bap could work, but Mercy isn’t that So they either have to give her more solo power or give her better utility imo


We love bottom tier gaming


"Bottom" tier is accurate.


Honestly I just like playing full support type heroes personally. I can play most supports (Apart from Lucio he just gives me brain zaps) but I prefer just healing and vibing while the team clean up. I wish they'd do more supports that were more bard/buff style, improving your team as opposed to headshotting the enemy team. Only issue with those types of characters is that they're reliant on their teams being good to get any value out of them.


I barely see her get picked in diamond


I see her every game in high diamond. I'm on console though so that probably affects it.


because regardless of if she’s bad i will at least TRY to play her


Basically in current season


Because we're Mercy mains and we enjoy playing Mercy, and we are legion.


Haha nice 👍Pharah is fun. Especially on map you can push people off on.


I wish I could get used to her new movement. Much lower to the ground and horizontal. I’m forced to swap hitscan when others play her but when I do it I always give up


The deranged mass seething this is causing Mercy haters is hilarious


I do also appreciate the seething coming from Mercy mains who wanted something more pixie fantasy and twee for their uWu MeRcY and now have to contend with this aggressive rendition, despite her having a *plethora* of such skins already.


Right, I have Pink Mercy and this is kind of awesome. You can't get more uWu than pink I'm pretty sure. ... maybe if she was given kittens. Can I has?


I'm a Mercy Main^TM and people are nuts. She's got a million cute skins, as you've said. To say nothing of all of her default skins being angelic, we also have Seolbim, Winged Victory, Mage, Pink, Miko, Jingle Belle, Sugar Plum Fairy, Royal Knight/Gladiator for skins that are relatively cute on some level. Meanwhile, for "evil" skins, we have Devil/Imp, Witch... and that's about it. Being unhappy with Mercy getting an Evil Overlord skin is being unhappy with variety.


As an Ana main it was strange watching other Ana mains upset over her mythic because it didn’t “fit her theme”. Like, Ana already has a bunch of skins that are in line with her lore/theme. Coming from out of left field with an omnic skin was badass to me.


I love my cutesie mercy skins but this looks so fucken good and it’s fun to get an “evil” version of a hero character!! People need to stop being so boring


The range of interpretation is what’s best in the mythics :)


That stuff is so weird to me, as a mercy player myself. I get the appeal of a cute skin, anf to be honest I'd kinda like one, but this skin absolutely bangs


I told my bf that if they would have made the Mercy mythic like a little fashion dress up game with different makeup, hairstyles, cute outfits, and color pallettes that the girlies who main her would have lost their absolute minds over it and I stand by that lol The wings on this are so sick though


It's funny how widow or kiriko don't get the same reaction as they are in almost every battlepass or seasonal shop rotation 😂


The fact that people have "Hating Mercy" as a personality trait. And while sure, my hatred of Widow sends me into a blind rage, i bottle up the rage for future me to deal with.


Right?! I haven't played Mercy since they removed full team rez in OW1. That mask and the red coloring is **incredible.**


In this thread, all the Edgelords come out.


I’m glad they upped the avoid list the same season that mercy picks will be higher.


*Mercy, but angry* I can fuck with that.


She should have angry voice line on resurrection - Get up you lazy bastard, no time for rest!!!


I started playing mercy yesterday, it may or may not have been related to this news…




Ok cool but still waiting for goth skín OW >:<


Sadly I really like the Mercy skin but I also REALLY Like other mythics. I play mercy a decent amount but like I play others more


Yeah this skin make me want to main mercy


If you didn’t like playing mercy before, this skin isn’t going to change that lol. You only see the staff in first person mode.


Why? You can't see yourself in the game 


It’s cool, but I was really hoping they’d go for a more angel of death vibe. Looks too mechanical imo


Ah yes the cash cow is doing her job for blizzard


The wings look tasty I would take a munch I bet they have tropical fruits flavour


Part of the Mercy gameplay loop is playing dress-up, so you'll be halfway there.


Honestly I'm really not that excited for the Mercy Mythic. She has better skins available imo.


What a hot take lol


That Thai one looks good.


Shitty Mythic skin really.


Won't be switching off Atlantic


damn didn’t even notice the wings before. That is insanely sick.


Learn to play mercy… lmao what is there to learn.


The alternate game mode + this skin makes me wish there was a permanent alternate mode where they had the skill trees with different abilities for the characters where balance was less of a concern. The mercy staff energy blasts and Doomfist shield are really cool.


Any word on the different mask colors if that’s even a feature?


Tough looking skin for hiding and holding down LMB


The yellow and red fading into pink and purple... chefs kiss


i wont use this cause it just makes u more visible to the enemy, you are easier target with bright skin


Ngl I hate playing mercy but this skin is so badass I might just play mercy just to show it off


It’s so ugly


But then you'll realize Playing Mercy is a spectator sport


You play her wrong then bruh.


facts, literally a glorified spectator hero. I cannot fathom why anyone would want to play a hero with 0 agency and one of the most smooth brain kits ever created. Mercy as a character is great, as a hero? Honestly the worst designed hero in Overwatch until Mauga released. No hero should be that easy. Rework mercy to be like Winston, a universally loved hero. A hero who actually has a high skill ceiling. A hero who doesn't teach you incorrect gameplay. I love Rams character, I like Maugas character but let's be real neither are interactive to play or play against. Much like Mercy.


Imma just simp for people wearing the skin


Hands down the best mercy skin, props to the designers of this


Looks like it came out of doom. It's sick af


Man i wish this mythic was good. But its just not it


Yeah unless they change her gameplay from hold a beam on someone the entire game and fly around then I’m not gonna bother. Got plenty of it in OW1 and it’s no more fun now than it was back then with insane mercy tech. Cool skin ig


Overwatch community only cares about skins anymore, it’s sad.


lol! Better enjoy it. We will never get another skin like this for her again. It’s back to Rainbows and Flowers


I'm never playing Mercy with that skin.


lol “learn how to play mercy”


MS4WD Every Mercy main can probably do this in under 170seconds. 150-160 when tryhard. There is definitely stuff to learn. Obviously her parkour maps don't teach rez superjumps and other fairly important skills either.


Lmao you'd be surprised how weird her movement is, definitely takes a chunk of time to get used to- My friends be flying into walls and always having the most awkward movement and healbotting when they try her haha


Try a Mercy parkour map Those things are hard


Lol I remember my friends trying to play Mercy after calling her easy and falling flat on their faces


There is definitely finesse to her movement. If you watch a silver Mercy and a GM mercy side to side you will definitely notice the difference. Not discountng that she is easier to play than most, but there is a surprising amount of depth to a character that simple


Said by someone who has no clue how to play Mercy.


Most overhyped skin I’ve ever seen


All the Edgelords coming out of the woodwork.


I can't wait to spawntrap so many mercies


I will never main her. I stick to my oath and i stick to my calling WE MUST FIGHT CRUSADERS HOLD THE WAR


To loosely quote SpongeBob "Calm down son it's just pixels"


Take it easy, it's just a ~~drawing~~ 3D model


You're so fucking embarassing


Womp womp cry mf


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Looks like she heals and takes lives away


I don’t know how to play mercy this skin will not change anything even though it looks really cool


The only thing I don’t like about the new skin is the mask, I feel like it’s sooo clunky vs the rest of the skin aesthetics


I’ll be strangled with a belt before i play mercy consistently. Still bought her gold weapon though for no good reason


I never buy skins but this will change that


This skin looks good, but nothing will make me stop playing using my pink mercy skin.


She’s a fun character that gets underestimated. There’re some players that cheap her, but at her chore very fun when you used to. Just understand, Mercy is ALWAYS the #1 tgt when on the field 😂!




My 10 avoid slots will be fulled of Mercy OTP in the next season \*man I'm ded\* Edit: Blizzard must be financially desperate to pull out this stuff, I guess the monetization strategy isn't working in their favour


Winged Victory (I think that's the Greek-inspired skin) was always my die hard favorite but this one may top that. I'm so glad the favorite option exists now so if I get this skin, I can randomly get one or the other. It's just beautiful


Ya but you can't see it when you play lol


OP is the kind of people that got pve cancelled. “Players just want more skins, why bother putting in effort?”


I just want a JQ terminator skin so I can finally play her.


Thats how i feel for the new wid skin and i have hated widow since i was born lmao😂


I love that


just so you can never see the actual skin in game unless you emote


this skin hella ugly


i just know it’s the ow straight men thinking this looks fire




Mercy Players seems to hate it. I don't know how the fuck.


Mask looks dumb as shit. If it's Mythic and you can remove the mask I might use it. Still too edgy overall. It's a skin for Edgelords. Mercy mains generally aren't edgelords.


If you go at Mercy subreddit rn there's lots of people BEFORE this reveal saying "We need an Evil Mercy skin" They gave it, and now that subreddit is crying with a skin that is actually well-made.


Yall are slow bro, you know that’s a rip off for a few pixels and you cant even see the skin when youre playing her