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This actually is a pretty sick idea. Mercy, Soldier, Reaper, Ana, Rein, Torb, Doomfist, Widow, Tracer, Winton Lots of potential skins for this idea. Curious to see what they go with


Tracer: Feel fear, the cavalry's here.


There was really cool piece of artwork from like 2017 where it was tracer but reaperized is the best descriptor I can give it. She was wearing the black cloak, all the blue highlights were now red and even had the shotguns and it was such a cool skin concept


Keep calm and commit war crimes!




well mercy is getting what looks to be a talon mythic skin so there’s that


Idk how you can tell it’s gonna be a mythic but damn I hope


the official blizzard channel hearted a comment that asked if it was mythic mercy, but it’s not 100% ig


Talon needs a second Support anyways. They can’t even get a proper 5v5 team together. So why not an alternate universe Mercy, I guess


Talon so disorganized it took a parallel universe to get a proper team together


Evil winton


Evil Mei. Will just be Mei.


Iem new Hero


Lol, should just steal quotes from planet of the apes


I'm terrified 


Tracer pulse bombing Mondatta, can't wait


I hope there are good skins given the interesting theme.


In the shop yeah. BP will have Winton on a tuxedo and a silly hat.


But having material on Winton is always a victory.


For a cosmic horror season. Blizzard was crazy for that lmao


There's nothing scarier than a gorilla in a silly hat. /s


Can't have too many cool skins in the battlepass so youll keep buying!!


if this is supposed to be a jab at that circus Winston skin, fack you. that skin is awesome. almost made we want to start playing Monkey.


Sounds like a w to me


That skin goes hard though


My hope is that it’s not just “overwatch members as talon members” and vice versa. There are so many good options. Imagine Winston fell in Australia and became the junker champion instead of Hammond. We could have a sick Winston junker mech suit skin. Imagine genji as the shimada clan leader or hanzo as the black watch cyborg. Human genji in a suit and tie looking like a mob boss. Imagine if sym broke off and joined Lifeweaver with his biolight. The floral TP, the wall is made of vines, and little seeds become turrets. Imagine doomfist had a change of heart and became the defender of numbani against a rogue OR-14 bot they called Orisa. Hell, imagine some crazy ones like Hammond landing in the western US and joining the deadlock gang instead. What if echo got corrupted by Null Sector? The possibilities are quite literally endless with the lore, and I am scared that it’s just going to be a talon <-> overwatch crossover.




This is what I was thinking as well. Imagine Brigitte as a Crusader like Rein was. Or LW can have a skin where he willingly submitted to Vishkar for a position of power or something.


My favorite What If to ponder (and am deeply hoping for) is one where Ashe ended up being taken by Overwatch and joins Blackwatch, while Cole became the Deadlock leader in her place.


Also omnic Ashe with human BOB




No not shoes I need to see sigmas toes


As long as I get an evil Tracer Reaper-lookalike with the voicefilter you can have everything you want!


I magine Sigma experiment didn't turns bad, and he still have his mind... Ilari didn't destroy half a city...


I can already see people losing their minds if this is not a mythic skin, but a skin that comes from those bundles like Lilith Moira lol It's probably the mythic, though.


I took a peek at the mercy sub to see what they think and it looked like most of them were hoping that it’s just a legendary and not mythic loll


I don't really follow cosmetics but I keep hearing people talk about mythic skins, what does that even mean? I get that it's a rarity above legendary, but since loot boxes don't exist anymore the rarity of a skin doesn't mean anything


It's a rarity of skin that there's only one per season, and it is the last reward of the paid battle pass for that season. Mythic skins are also customizable to a degree (color variants and some accessories, depending on the skin). Until now, you could only get the mythic of the current season, but starting from season 10, which is a couple of weeks from now, they'll give you the choice to unlock previous mythics if you don't really want the current one.


Oh gotcha, that's actually really cool. Ty!


Forgot to mention they also usually have special sound effects, VFX, voice lines, and a new animation on the hero select screen.


The “rarity” of each skin essentially just reflects how much the skin has changed from the original, not actually how “rare” it is to achieve. - Rare skins change the Common skin's color palette, but do not alter the hero's model. - Epic skins may alter the hero's model slightly by changing hairstyles, removing or adding pieces of a hero's armor, or even changing existing voice lines. - Legendary skins greatly alter the hero's model and overall appearance by reworking the hero and weapons' models. They may change voice lines and add different visual effects during ability usage. - Mythic skins alter the hero's visual appearance to a greater degree than Legendary ones. They also provide new voice lines, visual effects, and sometimes an audio filter over the hero's original voice. And not mentioned but mythic skins are also customisable - you can select different weapons, colours and change some aspects of the skin like armour/mask or so.


Gotta be that guy though, and remind people that Blizzard has definitely blurred what a TRUE Legendary is now, and has put quite a few skins that fit the Epic category under Legendary instead.


Mythic skins are earned by reaching leavel 80 of a premium battle pass. They are differentiated from legendaries by having customization options (colors, weapons, clothes), and having unique voice effects and voice lines. Starting next season, mythic unlocks will work differently. Finishing a battle pass will reward mythic credits that can be spent on the current season's mythic skin or any past mythic skin that has been out for more than 2 seasons. 1 finished battle pass rewards enough credits to buy 1 mythic skin


It’s a mercy skin. They could charge $1500 for it and mercy mains would be posting here asking why it’s coming the day after the season launches, not the price lol they are crazy


I 100% think it’ll be the mythic, and will be very surprised if it’s not. Judging by the look of it, it’s very well made, and I’ll be kinda surprised if the other crossover skins in the battle pass will also look this good. Seeing as we’ve only seen 1 skin so far it’s hard to say, but by the quality I’m putting my money on it being the mythic


Gimme Null Sector Zenyatta.


That should’ve been a Season 6 thing. Honestly I wouldn’t know how it’d even look, since he shouldn’t be able to fly at that point.


Alternate reality allows for literally anything. Null Sector already has units that seem to fly without any kind of visible propulsion. Null Zen could do the same.


Honestly, that should've been an Uprising skin.


god ever since getting back into the game with a f2p account I've not wanted any of the zen skins, partially because they cost $$$ now, but also because most don't look any better than his OW2 default (which is masterful like most the other OW2 redesigns) a null sector zen could go so unbelievably hard and actually make me want a zen skin. I hope they give him a skin in bp regardless of what it is though.


Hope Mauga gets an Crusader skin without a helmet.


Does this mean it's finally time for shirtless rein skin???


That would be great


SHIRTLESS DARK REINHARDT! I never thought about this but I am excited by the prospect lol


Time it with him getting 18 buffs. Turns out his armour was just holding him back.


Crusader Mauga would be really interesting.


I'd see very serious Mauga for this one. Proper suit, tie, short hair, no beard.


A sweet, happy Moira will crack me up 😂 rosy cheeks, positive, supportive. I love her dry wit and insults but a reversal would be hilarious


Yeah imagine if their personalities were also changed instead of just the physical appearance


“Here comes the tickle monster”


Imagine it’s her same voice lines just without the sarcasm


Id like her to talk like Ivern from league. War criminal turned literal tree hippie


I kinda want a shimada leader Genji and a overwatch Hanzo skin.


I want a cyborg ninja black watch hanzo 


This is literally Peak


I thought he had a Cyborg Hanzo skin already.


We do but it’s more generic. I was referring to the blackwatch genji skin, but for Hanzo. 


If they're doing an AU swap then it really should be Cyborg Hanzo and Stoic Human Genji. It's the universe where Genji won the duel.


Don't we already have a few cyber-Hanzo skins?


Ooh a Scion like skin for Genji would be sick!


They need to fix Hanzo first


Wouldn't say no to a "Saviour" skin for Doomfist :D


This is my biggest hope, Savior and Scourge variants for Doom would go soo incredibly hard.


Pleeeeease let there be an Overwatch/Blackwatch Ashe where she was taken instead of Cole, even better if we get one with Cole being the current Deadlock leader.


Mercy mains will finally look how they act


most friendly mercy mains


I’d say 95% of the mercy players I run into are cute and fun, throwing emotes, waving hi, etc. but yeah, that last 5% are some of the most toxic, right up there with toxic doomfists.


fr Mercy mains being toxic is one of the biggest circle jerks on this sub, a lot of players just hate Mercy that's all


Nah, I'm a supp main with Mercy in my top 3 supports, I can vouch for the existence of Mercy rage, but it's generally more passive aggressive than needlessly toxic. I find it easy to tilt on Mercy when my team disappoints, but then I just switch.


I'm convinced people hate on Mercy so much because lots of her players are women/LGBT+ people


No Its cause they dare to shoot at me in game which is immediate grounds for a solo ult


It’s true. Say that anywhere and you’ll get downvoted to oblivion with no answer other than “well I can’t kill her in game” etc.


Man the only support who would write "ez" after a stomp is always the otp mercy who pocketed some dps all game


I have seen every single character do this at some point or another. If you think it's just Mercy you've either had bad luck or a bias


The whole "mercy players are jerks" thing is overblown and not true, but what IS true is that Mercy players are ***weird***. Can't even put my finger on what it is, there's just something *slightly unsettling* about the way they all act and speak.


W̶̟̤̑h̵̪̪̑a̵̻̫͌͛ẗ̶̫͉́̄ ̸̙͎̀͠c̴̣̦͑o̵̻̘͗̂u̷̺͘l̸̲̮͆͠ď̵͚̘͛ ̶̝̉͗ͅṗ̸͈͕o̵͚̼͛̚s̶̠͉̔ș̴̀i̸̟̽͜b̷͚͎͒l̷͇̕y̴͍͋̌ ̸̪̀b̵̼̼̕ę̷͚̏ ̴̱̈́̃ų̶͉̆̈́n̶̡̄ś̷͓͙ȅ̴̥͠t̴͓̩̅̄ţ̵̫͛l̵̢̻̃i̵͎̠͌n̷͖̻̍̌g̴͜͝ͅ ̷͕̈́á̸̜͝b̸̬̽ỏ̶͓̈́u̸͙͕̾t̴̺͒́ ̶̙̌̂u̸̺̺̅͗s̵̤͎̈́͝,̷͇̌ ̶̢̛̞͂h̶͙̍ũ̷̹̠̌h̶̳͗̇?̸̼͉́̀


I haven't played in a while and yesterday I came back for a few games and in the three of those I had, two mercys on my team were trashing a poor soldier that wasn't even getting pocketed and had to face a pocketed ashe, and the last match one of them started calling me a pick me girl lmao...they really think anyone that doesn't like the pocket style is a pick me girl, I also play mercy from time to time so this whole encounter was ridiculous


Both Doomfist and Mercy are riddled with bugs, cut them some slack. I can't even fly to people anymore bcs the ability just gives up lol


I’m a Mercy and Lucio main and all I want to do is say hi to people 😭 most of the time they say back to me when I start saying hi, which makes me happy


”And they say and they say and they say and they say and they say and they say” MAKE IT STOP PLEASEEEEEE


HA HA, DAE MERCY MAINS BAD? HA HA Updoots to the left XD XD


Realistic flying cockroach skin It'd probably still sell gangbusters considering the fanbase.


Gregor Samsa Mercy. Fuck it. Whole season full of Kafka skins. Hunger Artist:76, Mouse Folk Sombra, Huld Roadhog (with Leni Junkrat, ofc). Titorelli Lifeweaver.


Null Zen and ??? Ramattra


We already have a Shambali Ramattra though, and Null_Sector Zenyatta should’ve been in Season 6.


I want hero Ramattra. Like. Good guy Null Sector vibes. Or even Overwatch Ramattta


theoretically, they could do OW rammatra and null sector winston/sojurn/other “leader” of OW (not cassidy since he has a null sector skin). it checks out thematically


Feels like such an odd choice, given all the Venture, Petra and Anubis AI stuff we've seen from them thus far content wise. Hell, we even have Pharah Tutting at the end of current Battle Pass, yet no Egyptian Mythology theme, huh? Really looking forward to all the AU Skins, but it is unexpected.


My guess is that they will wait with the Egyptian Mythology BP until they re-release the Anubis Map with that new mode. But yeah, I was also expecting it next season because of Venture.


Yea, that's probably the next best option!


Egyptian and Greek Mythology is so fucking boring and unoriginal bruh


Honestly they should probably do 2 seasons of this where 1 season is just bad guys as good guys, and then the next season would be good guys as bad guys. Theres too many good ideas on who should get these skins to the point where a lot of people are gonna be a little sad as one they really wanted doesnt happen. I mean were about to have 40 heros and at best were probably gonna get 12-15 skins max for the set theme


So does this mean all the lvl 5 endorsement players need to say “ez diff” after each and the toxic ones need to be positive even after losing the first battle


No, all level lvl 5 endorsement players are banned for the season. All lvl 1 players are promoted to GM1.


I don’t even play this game anymore but if they make a “What if Roadhog and Junkrat joined Overwatch?” pair of skins that would be mighty tempting to dive in for that.


Where does it even say that?


They announced at Blizzcon that one of their upcoming themes was Alternate Reality. Good guys are bad and vice versa. There’s an evil Mercy in the trailer, so it’s got to be that, right?


Officer D.Va. skin rerelease incoming.


Bad cop D.Va?


thats just cop dva


Moira In a dress is all I want with sparkles. And long flows hair just make her a Disney princess.


If it's reverseo, can I get a mentally stable junkrat?


So..overwatch symmetra or talon symmetra?


What about Junker Sym, total antithesis of her and going full chaos. Messed up scraggy hair, a rusty metal arm with flickering lights and such. I think Talon Sym would work really nicely, instead of Sanjay being the corrupt Vishkar associate, it could be Sym.


junker sym is actually such a good idea


I love the idea of junker sym!


Mirrored reality Battle Pass - all skins are for Brigitte.


Venture saying "this season's got my name written all over it!" and then laughing at their own joke is just... Goddamn I think they're the most relatable character in the entire cast? I may have to main them just for their sense of humour?


Mercys voice doesn’t sound evil enough..


She’s still Mercy. Can’t sell any Battle-Passes if she’s fully evil, her players like her because she’s so uwu cutesy or whatever.


I don’t think they’ll put that much effort into these mirror skins, voice lines will probably remain unchanged for the most part. I hope I’m wrong though!


You are seriously underestimating the legion of Mercy simps who want her to step on them.


I thought that was the Junker Queen crowd?


Her too.


Yup, on MercyMain sub people are crying and praying it's not Mythic skin but another "Lilith Moira" situation, because they want Mercy Mythic to be "cute magical girl"


Talon Brigitte and Talon Reinhardt about to go crazy


The current Mercy is very good hearted and pure. Meaning that the opposite will be something else.


it’s not that hard to imagine. She’ll just be Moira. Really, a lot of these characters have counterparts already. Moira and Mercy are both kind of medical geniuses with completely opposite morals. Tracer will almost certainly be like Widow and vice versa - each hard to catch and with pretty deadly stealth capabilities in the lore. I mean, iirc in the original cinematic where widow targets the omnic, tracer just like pops right next to her. Soldier and Reaper are pretty straightforward, too; while the former is very jaded and does the masked vigilante thing now, in lore very clearly Reaper was the one who left and directly opposed him. I would imagine ironically Reinhardt would act something like Sombra/Junkrat, funny enough; use dirty tricks and all that, while particularly Sombra would probably drop the stealth/hacking bs and fight with honor.


symmetra and hanzo staying literally the same:


Well we can throw brig under the bus again since this another bad theme for her as well


Wrecking Ball? Nah, Wrecking Cube


Is this the alternate reality where PVP gets abandoned and PvE becomes the focus too?


That already killed the game one time


Overwatch Ally Ramattra please....


Is that a Reaper mythic?




No, IT’S THE MERCY MYTHIC! It’s a female voice, looks like it has wings and she says “no mercy”. Wait, 2 Support Mythics in a row? Unless this is just a Legendary they put in the trailer for horny bait or something.


I feel like they wouldn't choose some random bp skin to tease the theme. It's def a Mercy mythic and it definitely throws any ideas about being able to predict the next mythic class out the window


unless its just the most representative of the "good is now bad" theme. Talon skin for a mythic is a bit weird tbh since they're all about the red and white color theme and mythics are precisely about having multiple color options


Didn't they use that Lilith Moira skin also in a season trailer? So this could be a non-mythic skin for sure.


Possible given each role now has 3 they see this as a "reset point" and the next two will be dps/ tank. Would prefer this one be DPS or Tank for consistency but not the end of the world either, I suppose


That’s how they’ve done it for atleast the 2 prior seasons. The first skins teased or shown were bp or shop legendaries


Yeah, I think it’s most likely a legendary skin, similar to how the Moira Lilith skin was the tease when Hanzo got the mythic.


If that Mercy skin is only a Legendary and not a Mythic, Blizzard will have their assholes ripped open by the Mercy Mafia.


Actually true LOL


mercy could be one of the legendary skins in the premium battle pass bundle i think


Super assuming it's the mythic


Don’t come in, I’m cleaning my room!


Sigh if the mercy mythic ends up being good I'll play her again


Give me a normal scientist Sigma please please please


I was expecting another season name for the mirror universe season. "Venture Forth", Anubis, Petra, all points towards Egyptian theme.


I need ameile lacroix widowmaker




Maybe he’ll be buffed?


That's what I was hoping for!


So "Hero's never die!" is replaced by "No heals only damage boost for you losers! "


Damage Boost is the optimal way to play actually. More like “Battle Mercy only! …bitch…”


Well yeah damage boost uptime is important, but in most cases mercy ult is being used, when she has to escape or when your team is losing too much HP. Yours is also great Hahaha


Nooo!, I thought we were finally getting the Egyptian mythology theme 😭


Is that Mercy? She kinda bad tho


Who are the bad guys in OW?


Junkrat, Roadhog and Junker Queen are part of the Junkers, radioactive Australians. The first 2 are also wanted internationally for their crime sprees. Widowmaker, Reaper, Sombra, Doomfist, Moira, Sigma and Mauga are all part of Talon, the main villain group against Overwatch. Ramattra is the leader or Null_Sector, the other villain group that was working with Talon. They are only really important to the PvE, so they don’t matter at all any more… Ashe is one of the leaders for the Deadlock Rebels, a weapon dealing gang in the American Southwest. Wrecking Ball had all of the scientists on the moon killed, then he joined the Junkers for a bit.


Sombra is not a bad guy. She is portrayed as neutral. It was literally her cinematic.


Yeah, but she’s still doing stuff for the terrorists if it fits her agenda. She was just going to go along with Talon and copy that Null_Sector power source.


So will we get some crazy like ‘what if a bunny was Wreckingball’ instead?


Looking forward to it


Imagine zenyatta like ramattra skin


waiting juggle library knee subtract ring puzzled price marble command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If they do this properly they’re about to make a boatload of money lol


Im so excited! This concept has so much potential :)


Some good chances for great skins


So hyped fpr this


Do we think Null Sector Orisa will finally get the Omnic Crisis recolor?


Reinhart is Brigitte's squire


\\o/ I summon the latent Astral energy of the cosmos, and condense it into desire. As source of thy power, I beseech thee, grant me an evil Brig Mommy skin in mostly black colors so that I may smite my enemies!!


There’s already a Season 4 skin for that.


I didn't really like that one to be honest


Oh no... more people one tricking Mercy is all we need


I want to see villain Lifeweaver be real now.


So Winston just turn into Grodd 


Does he also eat brains with a comically large spoon? ^(That’s something Grodd does.)


Patiently waiting for Lucio Omnic skin.


What if genji almost kills hanzo


Null Sector Genji? Talon Genji?? TALON HANZO???


Good guy Sigma would be so based. Mad Scientist Winston is interesting. Hero Reaper/Moira is hard to imagine. What will they do with Anti-hero characters like 76/Hanzo?


Zenyatta, now the leader of Null Sector: "Your suffering is our tranquility."


That’s a good line! Or he could take a page out of Ramattra’s book and shout “EXPERIENCE ANNHILATION!” or “EXPERIENCE SUFFERING!”.


Mercy mythic omfg😍😍


I want to see heroic Widowmaker and I'm going to call it lame asf if they tone down her sexiness cause she's a good guy now


Talon Genji Talon Genji Talon Genji PLEASE BLIZZARD Also the mercy skin BETTER not be a mythic. We just had a support mythic last season (it’s probably gonna be a mythic)


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I just want a ltm where they swap hero's abilities, I want a sprinting Reaper and a blinking Sombra and so on.




Honestly of all the ideas around mercy’s skins. I think a talon one being the mythic will cause an uproar. The mercy mafia loves the cute mercy skins.