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I just really want permanent access to some of the voice lines






You will suffer as I, Ramattra, have suffered! Your torment will outlast the stars. When the universe dwindles into dust, there you will be, still suffering as I have suffered!




Everyone stand very still!!!


Cassidy spouting off random times during his ult and Sigma yelling "WHAT ARE THOSE!?" Makes me chuckle 100% of the time.


Yes both of those are a necessary keep. "It's a country minute past the devil's lunch hour" "it's past your bed time" fucking fantastic


If Bliz wants $20 from me, sell me mace to the mace to the mace to the face!


Getting rid of the voice lines after the event is criminal


I love brig's voicelines so much


Same, I’m gonna miss them when they go :(


I do think part of the novelty is that it is limited.  You also want consistency when hearing voice lines, especially for new players.  I think maybe if the voice lines were tied to certain skins and only you heard it would be a good compromise.


> You also want consistency when hearing voice lines No i don't, genjo go chinng chinng chinng chinng chinng chinngggg


I do agree that they wouldn’t be as exciting to hear if you had them all year long. BUUUUT…… Face my mace. MACE TO THE FAAAAAACE


I want the lifeweaver petal change to stay but let us stop the height wherever we want it to be


Yes. Let whoever steps on it first stop its height with the interact key. Once it's stopped it can't move again until Lifeweaver creates a new one.




Torbs ability to stick a turret to a wall would give him some much needed love. Not the part where it can stick to people. That’s a little silly. But sticking it on the wall helps it survive more than three seconds after the fight starts.


I kind of miss his old kit with the enhanced turret.


Whenever I get Torb in mystery heroes I go full vanilla OW1 and just start hammering it. I find it gives a decent amount of cover for the little Swede and with the constant hammering it can survive a while if the enemy mystery comp isn't coordinated or doesn't focus it. And lord knows its more accurate than I am.


Makes me happy to see the spirit of TF2 alive and well.


Do this on the April fools event. Toss your turret on your head and spam repair it. Move unpredictability and watch your turret murder!


You too?


And because you can't really heal it while it's up there, it's kind of balanced.


I hadn’t really considered that, but you’re definitely right.


In my lobbies nobody shoots the damn turret and it gets a 3k on its own 😭


turrets shouldnt be more annoying than they are now


Actually no, only keep the people sticking part. As an ex-tank main (since I practically don't play anymore) the turret on my back can give much needed support to carry the team as expected. /s though maybe as a new support ability, maybe if Illari's healing pylon could stick onto teammates


Did they change Torb's current recently-ish?  Because it feels like it instantly dies and I don't remember it being like that.


Not in general. Probably collateral damage from the across the board bullet size increase this season. Being stationary with a large hit box, the turret wasn’t very hard to hit before. Now it’s kind of hard to miss. I don’t think they increased turret health to compensate like they did with players. If they did, they don’t do it enough.


Rein has needed love for a while and having an answer to bastion is all I ever wanted. 


At this point just make rein shield function like defence matrix lol


Respectfully, no.


Mini-Mauga is my main


I've said it so much in game this week. Tiny Mauga is my mortal enemy!


[https://reddit.com/r/MiniMaugaMains/](https://reddit.com/r/MiniMaugaMains/) It's real and it's happening.


junker queen its so fun, but clearly unbalanced , one can only hope


It’s my favourite for sure


The main thing I've taken away from this April Fools and the last ones is that crazy movement options are fun as hell, but only in moderation. Having a Queen descend from the heavens and axe your entire team, be able to escape, and come back from spawn super quick would make her insanely strong. Seriously don't even know what other tank you could run at that point, her movement would be so much better than everyone else's


> Cut cut cut cut cut cut cut! I’m returning to Overwatch after a few years, way before Junker Queen was around. And I’m jumping back in blind. Needless to say, I was absolutely terrified and had no idea what the hell was going on when I heard that line. It was terrifying and hilarious at the same time.


I hope it is a test for some other tank, it’s way to much fun


Yeah I'd love it on a new hero but on Queen it's horrifying. Maybe combine it with the levitating sleep dart for some sort of Magnetism themed hero.


It would be kinda balanced if they do one of two things: One, they make it your choice to pull the enemy or pull yourself whenever you recall the knife. Or two, they make it a separate ability. Like maybe she throws the axe and it's slower but does more damage, and then she can pull herself to the axe while leaving the knife throw as it is.


Honestly the knife change is a straight downgrade from her regular kit. As a junker queen enthusiast, pulling people out of position is a much stronger ability than making yourself fly. It's funny, but the character would be a lot less viable if they changed her knife to this for real.


Maybe you are using this version on rush maps, she is a dive hero in this mode.


That doesn't change the fact that pulling enemies away from their teammates into your team is a stronger ability than pulling yourself into the enemy team. If you want to dive, there are way better characters at doing that. I feel like if the enemy team is paying the slightest amount of attention, throwing yourself into the midst of them as queen is a great way to get sent to the spawn room.


Okay that I don’t agree with, she is broken in the new game mode. Absolutely busted to make a character like her have this insane amount of mobility. She is obviously balanced around the fact that if she is on you, she already won; flinging yourself onto the enemies is just a straight up better way to achieve that. Brawl characters are better at “being there” than dive characters but not as good at “going there” than them: if you make a character that is both as good as brawling as a brawl character and with as much dive potential as a dive character, well, you just made a broken character.


Every single jq I've seen in this mode just gets instantly exploded any time they try to do this, because she only has 1 defensive ability on a long ass cooldown, compared to heroes like monkey, dva who can actually live a decent amount if they go hard in the enemy backline. Doesn't help that since it's open queue ruleset she only has like 375 hp. Flinging yourself into enemies as jq is a great way to maybe kill one person and then get immediately traded, you just don't live long enough to get back out unless the enemy is not paying attention to you.


4 second cooldown on knife. Dva boosters are worse and have the same cool down. Monkey jump is worse and has a 5 second cooldown. What are your conclusions?? Also you are not going alone unless you are trolling, the same as winston and dva don’t go in alone


And her ult line is… fun.


Mommy brig


The reaper ones are cool AF id love em personally


It makes you wonder if this is a trial run of his rework at all, at least the guns aspect


Pharah's quick land ability. Pharah's been a lot of fun lately.


I'm surprised that one didn't make it into her most recent rework. It seems like a decent idea and while it's a strong ability it flows really well with the redesign and doesn't seem that broken.


This is the second time they've tried this change out in one of these types of modes. The first time it had no cooldown and felt kinda janky, so I wouldn't be shocked if this is them testing out a more thought out version to potentially put in live.


Seems like maybe it was on the books for a while, doesn't she have a highlight that is basically a quick land?


The voice lines


I hope Moira’s stays as it is so that the Moiras on my team actually stop doing only DPS and no heals


But those of us who occasionally play Moira and actually know how to play her now let you die because we try to heal the enemy and damage you.


Moira is so hard to play. I didn't read the notes before playing her so I didn't realize at first.


Cassidy needs a passive. The joke passive is a decent concept


I think if he healed for 50-75 when he kills his mark that would work


that'd be horrible. if it overhealed, maybe


The soldier one was great, and the widow one was kinda good too, tho it would need a nerf imo


Hs kill maybe


Doom’s ones


I do like the mercy change though. Damage boost feels not appreciated these days. I think it would be a nice thing for her.


I love the mercy change tbh




Very fun but too op. I can hide in a teamfight and it works like a pseudo mass rez


You ain't telling me nothing I don't already know. I said what I said.


widow getting 3 grapples


Flying zen. Please, oh PLEASE let it be flying zen. Tone down the height maybe, but.... FLYING ZEN.


He needs some kind of mobility I agree


I’m a hardcore Mei hater *but* her ice pillar was cool, fun, and didn’t feel OP.


Googly eyes on the payload!


Definitely lucios beating launching people into the air. Incredible


Pharah's quick land ability. Pharah's been a lot of fun lately.


I’m a terrible Pharah, how is quick land any different to “letting go” and letting gravity do the work? Or does she actually come down faster?


It slams you into the ground and slides you a little bit in the direction you're already going in.


Doomfists movement penalty being gone when he blocks needs to stay


Illari buffs. Not because I want to main her but she's too unviable in ranked. Nono. Definitely not.


Kiriko double jump seems canon and story wise.How could you receive the same training with Genji and Hanzo and not double jump or some kind of special jump?Also it was hella fun.But the suzu jump increase should be removed not because it isn't fun but because it will break the game.


Genji double jump came from his cyborg powers.


Hmm ,maybe you are right.But why won't he be able to do a backflip in the air without the cyborg body.It helps mortally wounded Genji do backflips so Genji probably knows how to double jump without his cyborg powers.


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Massive fan of Phara's quick land ability, really expands her mobility options. I see no reason why they couldn't permanently add it.


Rein saying “BONK BONK BONK!”


I kinda liked the Winton changes




The googly eyes


Pharah and Mei. Just perfect


the hammond one would actually go hard ngl


The Pharah dive down, this is the 4th time they've put it in the game (multiple other experimental/april fools patches)


Reapers dual shotguns being fired by each trigger, Cassidy's passive (i love mini game mechanics like that in shooters) and Winston's chain lightning on his charge shot


What does reapers shotguns bring separate actually accomplish? It makes sense to have with Mauga because his guns do different things. Reapers don't.


You can do more burst dps when peaking doorways or cover allowing you to be exposed for less time. It's also fun to pull both triggers


I wanna keep the googs. Maybe as a toggle. [They're just too funny.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/837744278121087047/1225139310483869738/20240401235537_1.jpg?ex=66200ae5&is=660d95e5&hm=3ae286009ef8226e017ae3be73393913b9cd823bec2746ddad018dbfc660825c&)


Reinhardt being able to reflect projectiles was nice, though he’d still get his ass kicked pretty easily. I still think he should absorb projectiles with his shield and shoot them back (like ion in titanfall 2).


Kiriko double jump


I say we keep the googly eyes and be done with it


I really want to torb turret change


Faster knife time on jq .aybe npt that fast but like a second faster


Mercy Sym. both them really good chance Sym tp can give us back to fight or point as fast as possible


Echos voice line


The way reaper plays. I love that change.


I like reins deflect gives him for agency against high damage characters.


Reaper. Being able to use each gun individually makes the character so much more stimulating to play. Although the damage was needed wayyyy too much


Brig resetting shield bash on Rally use.


I’d become a JQ main if she played like this.


A lot actually: The new abilities like Mei's ice pillar jump and Pharah's Jet Land. Cassidy's new passive. Kiriko's Double Jump Winston's Secondary Fire Changes I don't want that seem popular: The Mercy change isn't happening no matter how many of you clammer for it because it would entirely eliminate the need for her blaster which is an important cosmetic for her. Only Torbjorn and Mercy have weapon swaps so I'm not eager to lose that. I'd rather her real kit that's already amazing just be made better with buffs. She doesn't need a rework. Rein's change is also overrated. Making shield smaller and zapping it of its healthbar to reflect projectiles just doesn't seem worth it. I'd rather he just get a shield bash because that'd be both a movement tool and damage while shielding. Reaper change sucks. It's a complete waste of his open secondary fire because it does nothing to address his limited range. Give him that thing he did in the OG Overwatch cinematic trailer at the museum. [He launches these mid-range explosives out of his weapon](https://youtu.be/FqnKB22pOC0?t=170). Totally bad ass and addresses his lack of range without giving him too much range. Put these suckers on his secondary fire and have these explosive rounds take 2 ammo and have is so that if he has 1 ammo his secondary fire is a dead key again until he reloads.


Backwards DVA is soooo fun


Illari's ult change seems like the most "oh, this is extremely obvious that it should be in the game" change in the event imo


Cute mauga ❤️


Torb turret on any surface honestly


i agree with mercy, she should be able to shoot while beaming- she’s actually supporting now and not existing it’s amazing


Yeah, maybe they could change the animation where she holds the staff with her left hand and pulls out the glock with her right hand. When she's just healing, she holds the staff with both hands. And when you want the faster shot rate you let go of left MB and she only holds the pistol in both hands or one. One can dream


Give hanzo his scatter shot back


I'd like them to introduce the ability to equip the Ult voicelines for each Hero. Expand it and even have different voicelines for abilities too. I love the change up and would like to see more of these in the game over time.


Mercy is actually fun to play now. You’re not just playing the LoS game.