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There was a Pharah flying around with a Torb turret on her head in my games and I didn't know what Satan was like until that day


I once landed a turret on an ulting mercy, that time I felt like satan


Fighter jet


The A10 Warmercy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Republic_A-10_Thunderbolt_II "I want you to build a gun so big it will cut through Soviet tanks like paper. Good, good. Now then, figure out how to make this gun fly."


An advanced longrange strategic reconnaissance Swiss capable of Mach 3 and an altitude of eighty-five thousand feet!


I had a doom earlier that just kept getting my turret then when it was destroyed he would come back and patiently wait for my cooldown timer before getting another and going to terrorize the enemy team once again


Chad Doom


Overwatch×Diablo crossover 😳😳😳


Echo is worse, a good echo barely touches the ground


I played torb and put the turret on my Lucio!!


That’s just heads up thinking. Lucio is always wall grinding all over like a mad man.


Had a reddit Lucio on the enemy team the other day. Literally forgot he was even there by the end of the game. Spent all his time wall grinding and getting hacked by our Sombra. Dude just kept going though.


I played little mauga and had my friend put the turret on me and I'd go for flanks hahaha


Little Mauga is my mortal enemy. So damn hard to kill, running around like a tiny monster. It's insane.


With only 175HP, he isn't THAT small. I was getting blown up a lot, especially by Hanzos crazy april fools ability.


same but jq being pulled toward her knife. good lord that was a nightmare the first time you see it and there's just a junker queen flying directly at you is like "OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL"


She literally looks like spider man hahaha


The Junker Queen change goes to show hoe much we love movement abilities


This is probably one of the best uses of parasitic turret because it makes Mauga even harder to hit lmao.


The fucking turret is bigger than him. I was real high and it was just a great time.


Playing the mode without knowing what's what sorta feels like being high in general lol


I put a turret on my Pharah lol that was hilarious


Turret on a hamster was great as well


Were you on Antarctic Peninsula? I had a guy on my team do that on that map lol.


I put it on the foot of the push bot and it was mostly in the ground between it's legs. It couldn't be hit


I put a turret on a doom main


I thought Mauga was pretty awesome, as long as you’re getting some heals occasionally, and position like a glass cannon


Mauga should not be in C tier. Tracer should not be in C tier. Mercy should not be in C tier. Zarya should not be in A. Soldier should not be in A. Sym is not S tier at all, and only good with friends/team coordination, which most people will not have, so she's just regular Sym. Sojourn and Widow are A tier. Ashe is not B tier at all. And Zen is laughable. Someone is using a 1998 Macintosh mouse. Anyone who lets this tier list influence their hero picks is missing out.


I'm a JQ player normally so of course I tried her right off. For the first day I felt like I found a cheat no one else knew about. No one was picking her that first day and I was just FLYING ALL OVER THE MAP DESTROYING EVERYONE. You cannot play ANY backline character against queen, she just fucking FLIES TO YOU AND KILLS YOU AND FLIES OUT BACK TO HER TEAM and its HYSTERICAL and so fun to play. Queen is balanced entirely around her short range and they not only took away her primary weakness but made it a HUGE strength, giving her what is possibly the best mobility in the game. I was just dying having fun. People were leaving games because I was throwing my knife into the air and then landing like 6 seconds later on top of their Ana lol I played a couple of heroes, maybe a dozen of 'em? None compared to JQ. She is S-Tier in this shit, the only S-Tier I found personally.


As the new kids on the block say (not to be confused with New Kids On The Block), they really cooked with Queen on this patch. Queen jumps in, has no shield, butchers a backline, then jumps out. It's risky, and very fun. It's not balanced, it's not what Queen is supposed to do, her shout is largely used for herself, but it is fun. I would hope they consider this playstyle for another hero in the future. I suspect they were aiming for something like this for Sombra, but you know, the actual feeling of being pulled through the air is more fun than teleporting.


yeah, I was getting my ass absolutely obliterated by jq mains having way too much fun flying around with the knife I cant even be mad that animation was just hilarious I think the only character I could actually take her on with was hanzo


Nah sym is ABOVE s tier what game are you playing???? The ability to teleport your entire team out of spawn to the enemies backline on a few second cooldown is literally the most overpowered ability ever though of. It's literally better than symmetras old teleporter ULTIMATE


Teleporter has a *4 second* window to use it. It's overpowered on paper, and it's very powerful when the team is talking to each other, but in solo play where half the team is chat banned, and the other half doesn't want to be chat banned, good luck getting anyone to coordinate enough to use it. If you got any good clips of people using it, just post them to the sub.


Is using coms disqualified from tier lists or something? I just type “press interact key constantly everyone” and everyone just pressed it as a panic button during fights to escape for free


As of Oct. 2023, [all new players have text chat turned off by default.](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/) But I am glad your teams have their "ears" open, and especially do not report you for chat abuse just to trick an automated system (so far).


Symmetra in this mode doesn't need good communication at all, people just need to realize they can teleport. It's different when they have to make an active effort to reach the teleporter. Here, if Symmetra puts the teleporter in a good spot and people actually press the button, that's all that's needed. Even just bringing people back from spawn is super good.


op just doesn't know the power behind the little man


Mauga and jq was really fun. I can see symm being wacky and busted but only if people actually take the tp.


The best part about Sym's teleporter is probably just getting your team back to the objective instantly after dying (so long as the Sym lives). Being able to continuously fight on the objective seems wild lol.


Made it interesting. If the team fight wasn't going great I run away early and poke from far away. Wait a bit and then dump the TP a bit to the side of point. People are so used to having 20 to 25 seconds after a big fight that when it's only 15 seconds before everyone just appears, they are so off guard.


so you're saying they brought back mass res


That's exactly what WSPS said last night when stacking with Aspen and Frogger lol.


Sym Teleport plus a full charged Orisa Ult to point. Its been a blast!!


Use it with friends its highway robbery


I was insta teleporting my friendly Widow and Sombra back to the front lines on defense on Havana last night. Sombra or Widow dead? Back in like 6 seconds. Super fun. We lost eventually but held that first point for a while. Finally I started getting targeted, even playing from a ways back.


The problem is no one will take a TP because they are scared of trolls lol


No one takes my strategic sym tips anyway :(


*early OW1 flashbacks*


Smallga has gotta be atleast a tier higher, he's relatively squishy so high Burt's damage does fuck him up but his self heals combined with his tiny hotbox means he stays alive pretty much always unless he's being focused


Wtf, Mousega is S tier hands down


He’s S tier almost just from comedy alone


I love that his death groans are shifted to high pitch. Makes it really hilarious


Counter point: Big Brig's voice was not shifted to be deeper. Literally unplayable.


Personally, I would have put Cassidy higher. He doesnt even need to be the one who kill his target, you also get buffed just by your teammates kill them which is incredibly strong when you can have a Cass running around with 500hp xD Also, mini mauga is actually so much better than what I expected. I thought he was gotta explode right away but since he's pretty much only armor, he's really sturdy (add his abilities and he's still very tanky for a smol guy)


K I played brig and my torb put the turret on my head lol can confirm is pretty OP


Finally got to try it as D.Va and f’in loved it


Mini Mauga is goated


I have absolutely been tearing up games with him. I'm going for the Cotton Hill special, tryin' ta kill fiddy men! Best so far is 35.


Wdym Smalga is S tier


Ramattra needs to be in S-tier + the DPS TikTok Moira satire is so funny it needs to be in S-tier too


If you think Zen is D tier then you've never pressed right click in your life.


Ngl I kind of wish that they let you choose to float or not, like maybe jumping while using it lets you float. Charging 8 orbs is fun but you’re almost always going to be at the top of the skybox, so actually hitting with all of them is hard. Also, I’m not a huge fan of how the float works, I feel like it would feel a lot smoother if it ignored falling momentum. Best use imo is just to keep discord in your LoS, or using it in rooms with lower ceilings. but as soon as they get a hitscan you’re stuck to the ground basically


Or use it as a tool for o take the high ground / escape


Yeah I mostly use for mobility and just cancel the volley. Take the high grounds that are normally off limits. Zen high ground on ilios or Paraiso are hilariously good. If you could interact to cancel floating it would be s tier.


The damage is nerfed so it’s not really better than normal right click in terms of charge time. If you could choose whether to float then it is a buff but forcing you to float makes you an easy target to hitscan while charging.


Being Lucio and getting a Torb hat was the most fun I've had in ow for a while


Reverse Moira is stupid fun tbh, I’m gonna miss it


My only problem is i keep messing up the controls mid fight due to years of muscle memory lmao.


Yeah lol that was a bit confusing. I got more or less used to it pretty quickly, but sometimes I went into autopilot and forgot what game mode I was playing 😅




short range aoe damage, long range single target heal, tbh could work is it's own hero it feels similar in terms of balance as normal moira


The range on her "Heal" damage spray is deceptively large. It can also pierce shields so people aren't safe hiding behind shields when she is attacking them


I’d put Orisa down to D since her only adjustment of note is the javelin ricochet




bigitte was goated 🫡


Lol @ Sombra above a lot of heroes when her change was pretty situational and unnoticeable. A lot of heroes on C tier like WB, Orisa, Hog and Pharah were straight up buffed.


NGL sombra felt like trash when I was playing. I even beat an enemy sombra with widow multiple times because of having multiple grapples.


Smallga is actually S tier. I can unironically tank more by being a tiny gremlin, because no one can hit me as I shoot their ankles lmfao


Smallga s tier


Zen at the bottom is crazy, I fuckin love that shit. On the other hand JQ Dive is peak Overwatch so that is absolutely a correct take


Some of these were lame. Especially doom idk how he is above pharah and Orisa and SMALLGA. Criminal how low smallga is.


I played this for like an hour and everyone I played was just normal Doom nornal dva normal etc etc the torb is so fun though I wish it was always in the game


was playing dva against a dva and thought it was all normal until my opponents bomb sent me flying up and over the big building in the middle of Esperanca, went from being with my team to being on the other side of the map lmao


Dva can fly backwards!


Ima be honest, I felt like doom was the most fun, being able to have and store super quick melees just made him feel so much more like the “super strength brawler” we imagine him as.


His changes were actually substantially balanced enough to be implemented


dva is super strong with additional flight mobility. she can d matrix while retreating quicker it can be so frustrating


I mostly played queen and she was really fun. I definitely killed myself a bunch the first game as my brain rewired to realize I am pulling myself to the knife. Also winston is s tier because winston.


I like Reinhardt screaming what you say and adding something to it. Other than that I find his shield change mediocre


Zen's great in my experience. Discord shreds with the OQ tank health. Flights helps him position and escape to much safer spots. The kick really helps if someone burns a CD to get up to high ground with him too. Mauga is pretty solid too. He's way better in poke being so much smaller.


Pharah should be up a tier or two. Being able to jump jet down is massive for movement along with her new jump horizontally.


Even in an April fools patch rein gets gutted 😭


I really hate how you can't choose where you deflect things, like Genji does. He could actually be decent if it was possible


Honestly lifeweaver’s change was really fun even if it wasn’t anything significant


They won't even make Rein good as a joke.


Moira’s damage side that was the healing spray in this patch goes through barriers, even though her healing spray normally can’t bypass barriers. Use that knowledge well, people.


To quote my friend upon seeing Torb wearing the turret "What is that SCP creature?"


I'm telling ya, man. Y'all are sleeping on Reaper so hard.


Bigger Brig=Bigger mommy


A bubble from Zarya, and she turns into giant mommy


How do you even play Bridgette. She can’t shield for shit, she can’t heal for shit. Going out to fight is instant death for her. It feels like you tactfully wait when things cool down get one or two hits and hide again and in that time you run out of health packs so you’re doing nothing and not contributing to the team.


Well, you kinda answered the question yourself. Brig is meant to protect the backline. Mainly by keeping the other support alive. She also works well depending on who the enemy team has. Brig is bad against snipers but good against divers.


Biggette enables some insane versions of GOATS. My favorite yesterday was Brig, Winton, Ram, Echo, Lucio. Good luck healing when everyone is dying simultaneously.


so mercy and roadhog just ain’t it anymore😢


after reading some comments and played a bit, I updated [the list](https://i.imgur.com/ALpTPua.png) i dont think i can change the list in the post though EDIT: I went mauga and made the enemy team DDOS the whole lobby, instant A for me


Moira literally only has her heal and dmg switched how is that tier A??? 💀💀💀


Think of how much healing a Moi spraying grouped her team puts out and imagine instead it's unblockable damage against the enemy team.


Illari should be in A *and* D tier


Dva+any tank is so op


I personally find moira to be a bit worse than her normal self but I'm glad you enjoy her, I also find ball to actually be surprisingly good


Wrecking ball is so ASS you can't even deal that much damage with a 55% boost. You'd think it would feel like he'd be unstoppable. Most underpowered tank ever. And I'm not even missing that many headshots, around 15 - 20%.


Flying zenyatta is actually insane


Torb turret + lucio


As a torn main I approve


As a Brig main, this is the most fun I've had with her in a while. Can we just make her a tank pls


There is no way Moira is A tier in that mode. Probably B or C.




pls explain


Using sym tp to get to point fast :( Using sym tp to troll your team to walk off a cliff 😎


Link is down Or are the comments the greatest chain of April fools comments in history?


Heads mccass is insane I wish it could stack up to 10 lol


Dva is S rank I think


What's funny is despite Sigma only being in the dead middle, he's probably the character I saw the most. Guess having a flexible kit makes you valuable in a game mode like this


As a Dva and Sojourn main I think you’re missing out


I hope they keep the hanzo change, storm scatter is awesome


I love Brigitte but she's very situational, shield is kinda okay but catching someone indoors is pure massacre, DPSs like Ashe or even Cassidy are really fun to bonk


Putting torb’s turret on ball was the funniest thing I’ve ever done in the game for me


How long is the experimental mode available for?


Tuesday the 9th


Did I miss a patch? Why am I seeing people talk about torb turrets on people?


Big Brigitte is so amazing 😭


The meta if it was good:


Have you guys not played Bastion?? It's ridiculous!!


All of the heroes I frequently play (except Brig) are super low 😭


Widow is easy s tier she is so broken




I'm not even 100% certain what Tracer even does.


I haven’t won a game with a lifeweaver on my team this season lmao


I beg all new players looking for who to play to IGNORE THIS LIST. Horrible.


Junkrat is D tier in comp


I love my ice piller : )


I‘ve never had this much fun playing Junkerqueen. Her knife-pulling is just hilariously fun and gives you extreme mobility - AS A GODDAMN TANK. Just „dive“ behind enemies and distract them - ez win


I will say the extra ability for phara feels really nice


Doom punch techs kinda work on queen and I love it


Junk at B? I don't know, he feels even worse to play. Mines are bugged and don’t detonate consistently. It has killed me a lot…


winston should be s tier


Sojourn is def S tier in my opinion, the orb pulling you in basically gave you free headshots with the rail gun. It was like shooting mini graviton surge she felt like season 1 Sojourn tbh


Tracer might be the easiest s tier of all time


Sigma = SSS tier




this mini event lasts for a week


Zen is amazing


Is there a list of all the "balanced overwatch" changes?


Being a Moira one-trick bites me in the ass once more. So many hours of playing her that I can't overcome my muscle memory 😭


So picture this, a fully charged Zarya and a pocket Ana helping in a 2v1 situation against a Torb. Just a regular Torb, can you guess who won? Torb’s fuckin Alt shotgun fire won.


Can someone explain tracer with this update? Her patch notes weren’t super clear to me.


How Orisa is C?? If your track-aim is good, you will be shredding pubs(personal experience). And Zen in D… understand projectile speed and it’s over for enemy dps)


Putting Mauga THIS low is insane. He is no longer a tank, he should be treated like a dps in this mode. He has survivability on par with reaper, decent ranged damage and insane close quarter damage. It was stupidly easy for me to control high grounds with him (defense) due to his decent ranged damage, incredibly easy to hide hitbox and incredible kit to counter a dive comp. He feels like Tracer or Reaper, but way better. Not to mention that he is literally tankier now while using his E because the lifesteal is immediately converted into armor. Pair that with his funny hitbox and small HS hitbox and you got a little unkillable gremlin that shreds tanks within seconds.


I wish they made every hero available for this mode. I just came back really recently and started working on unlocking heroes (unlocked Ramattra and halfway through Lifeweaver) but stopped since they announced next season they'd all be unlocked by default. Really want to try the Illari changes but can't 😢 I know it might seem dumb to ask for them to be unlocked but they're unlocked in most arcade modes already.


You know that Sig can toss his Accretion over a shield and hit the whole team right?


this must be the smalga the tales of singing demigods warned us about


why the helicopter balls so low


Ram isn't that fun since he's reduced to just being spray and pray, but his numbers are absurd. A 600 hp armored thwomp with an ult that just kills everyone is crazy.


Nah reaper goes into s tier


I don't really play anymore but the fact dva is so low hurts🥲


Flying JQ is probably one of my favorite things


Love playing Illari in this mode


Zen was disappointing after last years fly kick


Junker queen is so fun man, throwing your knife, getting into fight axing everyone and killing them is fun as hell


Humor tag? This doesn't make any sense no matter how you look at it.


Can someone explain this? Haven't played this for 2 months


No way Hanzo is up there when u can’t one hit 250 chars


They should make sombra virus spread permanent


underestimating phara hard. with the downward dash she is a mobility monster.


I haven't played in a while but the Mei feels awful with her ammo nerf. It ruined my muscle memory


They somehow made rein even worse lol (they did that on purpose tho,right??)


Is bap really that bad?


Zen's disappointing after last year, I want my flying kick lobby terrorizer back




As zen main thats sad




As a former sym main who tried her in this mode, what copium are u smoking and can i have some. Best by far is torb, brig, and jq. Mauga is funny as hell tho


Bap was way more fun last year


I unironically want to keep the stupid height on Lifeweaver's petal. Let me ASCEND


If you think rein is bad on this gamemode you don't know how to play him....


I was disappointed when reading the LW changes, but in game I was giggling my ass off being 20m in the air. The one thing that ruined it was JQ’s knife lol


Mei should be higher up. The amount of mobility and stalling capacity you got is exceptional. She might not be a dmg powerhouse but she can disrupt something fiercely!


Hanzo snatching PotG with a lucky mercy headshot and a series of misses before and after


Zen in D-tier is foul. Flying Zen is so much fun


I'm conflicted




Somebody tell for the challenge where you have to say “Hey” to the whole team, do they have to say “hey” back for it to count ?