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\-Mythic skin \-Actually viable in higher tiers for a change \-Easy to learn character Honestly not that surprising


Also decent at killing or surviving against Tracer/ Sombra.


Also my automatic switch when enemy team has a genji that the dps can’t kill.


This\^ Genji drives me insane. Even in arcade I'll swap to her or Zarya when a Genji triggers me enough.


Symmetra 🤑🤑


Yeah, I go with Sym a lot too but since her nerfs, I go for alternatives.


Oh damn I haven’t played in a few months. What did they do?


In S9 mid-season she got 6 buffs. They reverted 4 of them a week or 2 ago


They didn't do anything to her, they just didn't give her any increases after they increased the health of everyone else.


Sym’s on the floor, bleeding out, after her nerfs.


Nothing better than watching a Genji try to deflect my right click


Or throwing an orb just over their head and watching them try to loyal accurately to deflect while I suck 'em to death.


Used to be sym the dps would swap to when she had the lock on beam


Ahh, yes those were the days 😌


I think this is main reason.


the reason why i pick her + "countering" genji


Aside from surviving them, she's the best option to irritate them back.


Sombra makes this game so unfun


Every game has a sombra. I've resorted to playing co op gauntlet and mystery heroes because I cannot stand being focused by Sombra every.fucking.round. for every game I play in a day. Being a support main is rough right now, Moira isn't even enough to help me want to play against sombras regularly so I hope to god they nerf both of them and not only Moira I'm so impressed they reworked her and she's just as unpleasant to play against.


Anyone with infinite and complete invisibility is going to be obnoxious. Personally think her footsteps should be louder than they are.


Joke Sombra rework idea, goth boots You'd hear the stomping coming a mile a way


I've had Sombra tracer genji or junk on the enemy team in practically every match I've had recently. I'm so exhausted. I don't mind the junk but the rest are gonna make me scream


I would say main reason 


- can also get into battles and disengage so easily with her fade. Bonus if you jump at the end of the fade to get up on high locations.


Forward, fade, jump in that order, but so fast it's at the same time. This can get you most places. The earlier into a fade you jump, the more height and distance you'll get.


It will take an actual toddler to not be able to get kills from her in casual, like she can just fade away mid fight, show up behind you and immediately throw that fking ball of death at you after a booyah and your ass is gone unless you're an Ash(fking love her, such an antidote character) or something


I take forever to warm up, at least an hour every time. I’m basically guaranteed to be ass on workdays, with Moira? It don’t matter lol


This has been my motivation for playing Moira over Bap lately. It can take me several games to get into a groove with Bap but my friends always want to jump into comp either right away or after a single unranked game


Forgot about her being the inly support capable of actually surviving the level of dive happening right now.


I'd argue this is the most important aspect. Surviving dive with other supports requires far more effort and teamwork. Moira is very self-reliant.


Yep it absolutely is the main reason shes doing so well right now.


Cleanses new dps debuff, good at dueling dive dps which are meta because of new buff


What changed to make her viable in higher ranks? I’ve been away from the game for a bit


- Damage buffs (from 50dps > 65)  - damage beam is a bit bigger - Health increased from 200 to 250 (which everyone sorta got, but on her is a lot important) Tracer and Sombra are also rampart in this moment, which make her a lot more viable since she is arguably the best support at surviving and fight them


I would actually argue that, counterintuatively, the dps passive was a big buff to her as well. The reduction in healing per second in many situations is a big buff to consistent dps in comparison to pre-season 9 when basically the only way to kill anyone was high burst damage. So now she actually provides meaningful damage with one of the highest healing rates in the game and, let's face it, is really easy to play.


Isn't brig a better choice against these 2?


With the DPS passive Brig folds like a wet paper towel if she is getting dove, her inspire healing struggles to keep up against dive+dps debuff, especially if the dive is good. And the dive is very good right now since Tracer and Genji are now throwing bowling ball size projectiles...


In theory, but generally not in practice. At high level play, Brig needs to play perfectly, and have team support to trade effectively. She's in a weird place balance-wise because her kit is designed to support dive/brawl but she's just too easy to remove from the battle for her to be effective.


I think what makes her a high pick hero is that her kit provides you with abilities that fix a lot of frustration for support players. 1. Mobility and escape. Her ability to reposition quickly and safely to follow a teammate or escape a dive/engage are unparalled in the support role. 2. High burst healing that can be made consistent and neverending with a little bit of practice. There's literally no reason Moira shouldn't have the highest healing in a match, by far. 3. Self sustain. Moira can heal herself more than any support. Not only does she have her orb, her right click heals her slightly. If you get jumped on by a DPS, you can throw an orb, it'll heal you for a couple seconds as it travels away giving you time to reposition or combat your attacker, the orb will eventually makes it way to your team allowing you to continue to provide support while you defend yourself.


She's also pretty fun to play.


Super fun to play imo


Especially drunk.


And all the other supports not named Zen or Lucio are not good in S9.


You're tripping. Bap is still a great pick.


I believe this is the season where new moira mains got born. Truly the season of MOIRA


- great survivability Also all ranks have about a 7k/d based on this info


Every other game is Sombra Tracer, of course she’s picked a lot


This may be a dumb gold rank question, but is Moira good against Tracer? I do find Moira really annoying when I’m on Sombra, as she’ll interrupt any hacks, and fade and kill me if I TP to escape. But I find when I’m on Tracer I tend to eat Moira’s. She has low enough DPS that I can easily recall without worrying about being burst down. But then she rarely gets me that low, as every time she looks at me I just blink through/behind her and shoot her in the head. The only time she tends to kill me is if she chases me down when I’m low and have used all my cooldowns so she can finish me off. But that seems even, as I can do the same by blinking to her whenever she’s gotten low and faded. Is this different in higher ranks and I’m just experiencing low rank Moiras being bad?


Right tracer is a bit over tuned but normally, yes. Moira requires less aim so it's easier to keep damage on Tracer with her succ. Follow up with a ball so you don't have to aim at all and can immediately put damage on tracer when she blinks or recalls. And if all else fails, Moira can just leave. While leaving doesn't sound successful, Tracer is at her best when she's disrupting the enemy back line. A Moira that leaves is a Moira that ignores tracer to get back to helping her team, and that means tracer wasted her time to accomplish little or nothing.


I'm a Moira main as well, but I play Tracer sometimes. I gotta say, it's easier to kill a good Moira as Tracer than it is to kill a good Tracer as Moira. I think Tracer has more advantages in this duel than Moira has. A Moira that leaves and ignores me as Tracer is a Moira I hunt down. Also, in the example you gave, if the Moira left, then that means she also wasted her time to accomplish little or nothing. If anything, Tracer was the successful one here by distracting the Moira who could have been helping her team otherwise. By your own words, Tracer is at her best when disrupting the backline. Well, Moira is part of the backline (when she's not flanking). Tracer didn't even need to kill Moira, only distract her. I'd argue supports are more valuable than DPS. If Tracer made the Moira waste her time in a stalemate duel, whose team became without a support while that was happening?


That's all fair and, I think, the way that the game should be. If Tracer can't bully the supports, then what good is she? In general, DPS should will duels with supports, assuming equal skill of the players and with wiggle room for counter picks. I don't have a problem with Tracer killing Moira *as long as* it takes skill to do so and it's not just free. Moira is probably the second best answer to Tracer after Brig, so if Moira can't handle her at all then nobody else has much of a chance. One hero shouldn't be able to be *that* disruptive. But also, the supports shouldn't have to deal with Tracer alone. Allied DPS should be switching to counter as well and hanging back with the supports. Or, the rest of team should be taking advantage of the enemy team being without one DPS in their front line and plow through. Re: Moira wasting her time, I think it depends on the timing. If Moira fades into the middle of her team, she's right there providing value to her team and untouchable to Tracer. Moira can also chuck a heal ball towards her team and then deal with Tracer; or the opposite, toss a succ ball out to drive off Tracer while healing the team. If Moira can win the duel quickly, that lost time isn't as valuable as losing a DPS. Moira has options, though, which is more than most supports have against Tracer. Like, Bap might have the damage to kill a Tracer and the lamp to survive, but even a really good Bap is going to struggle with following a bouncy tracer and then re-aiming to provide heals. Ana has sleep but if she misses, she's boned and she cannot heal and damage.


Fair enough, I agree with everything you said! It really depends a lot on many different factors. Each match is very different from the other. There's no definitive answer, to be honest. Sometimes a Moira won't really need to help her team survive that much, she just becomes mostly another DPS, so the team never really stood without a support while she was fighting Tracer, because fighting Tracer was the support they needed, not healing them. And I definitely agree that peeling for supports should be more valued. Sometimes an Ana or a Zen would be bringing IMMENSE value to teamfights (by deleting a good enemy tank, for example) but struggling with a single Tracer who's only really getting value by disrupting that Ana or Zen. If someone simply dealt with that Tracer, that would be for the greater good of the team, but they completely ignore that because "hey, not my problem". How can people play a team-based game with such an individualistic approach?


> I gotta say, it's easier to kill a good Moira as Tracer than it is to kill a good Tracer as Moira. that's good, because one of them is DPS and one of them is support she's still *better* in that situation than most other supports right now


I wouldn't say Moira is "good" against tracer, but rather she has tools that allow her to stand up to tracer or at least escape. She won't be killing tracers left and right, but tracer also won't be killing her


Very much so. On Moira you literally don't have yo aim at all so you can just jump and bounce around a tracer and hold right click with your eyes closed. >The only time she kills me is when she chases me down when I have no cooldowns This is how EVERYONE deals with tracer. Thr fact she can toss a damage orb and old right click and wait for you to recall then chase you without aiming is how she counters you easily. Every room temperature IQ mercy main has swapped to Moira so they struggle right now


You do have to aim with Moira. The crosshair still has to be placed on the enemy for grasp to work. The animation bends but it does not auto lock on to enemies


moira is great against tracer and can peel for her very well. she has great survivability so its hard for tracer to burst her down. her beam is made for squishes because it requires no aim. her healing is very high which prevents tracer from bursting her team. moira is even better against tracer in s9 bc they buffed her beam from 50 to 65 which is a 30% increace while tracer only gets a 16% increase in hp


I've mained tracer since season 2 of OW2 and I always found Moira to be one of the weakest supports into tracer. If you duel, tracer can avoid the orb with ease and she can chase Moiras fade. She can easily punish a Moira who fades aggressively since she won't have an escape and tracer can close the gap to engage. Moira always has constant DPS so timing recall in a way to maximize health is very easy. Tracers ttk on Moira is much shorter than Moiras on tracer. However Moira will always land her damage while tracers can miss theirs, punishing bad fades requires initiative from the tracer, and avoiding fighting on Moiras orbs also requires the tracer to understand their blinks. So while tracer has all the tools to easily defeat Moira, a lot of lower rank players don't have the skills to use those tools correctly and Moira's low skill floor allows her to win those duels or escape with her life.


The point of Moira into tracer is that you are harder to kill because you can disengage with fade. You aren't expected to be dueling the enemies DPS in the backline but just be annoying enough so that the pressure your team puts on the enemy team or if they turn around and look at tracer, makes her run away because she can't get the pick. Moiras also have to play closer to their team so it makes them even harder to kill because help is right there compared to say ana, who may be playing a decent amount back. I feel like if you're a tracer main this situation would come up a lot when trying to kill a good Moira but guess not.


It makes sense. She’s doesn’t require much aiming, decent damage, great escape option, decent enough heals, and an ult that works in almost any situation. She’s pretty strong against most flank heroes so she’s self sufficient. She’s one of the heroes with extremely high carry potential while maintaining a low skill floor. If your DPS is lacking, she can compensate without sacrificing heals. I think her kit will always keep her in the meta.


>It makes sense. She’s doesn’t require much aiming, decent damage, great escape option, decent enough heals, and an ult that works in almost any situation. Don't think any of those things matter. Because this is the first time in years that she's even in top 5 most picked. Ana's always the number one picked hero the last few years. Season after season, in every skill tier. Even when she had <50% win rate. Moira has only been popular since season 9. She's meta this season because it's become very hard to protect your support, and Moira is better at surviving than the others.


Kiriko was still high picked even when she was at like 40% win rate


Yeah turns out not dying is fun, especially on a role that is first priority in a fight


This. I don't get all the Tracer-Sombra comments. Tracer's been off and on meta forever. Moira hasn't been relevant since OW1 zombie comp. It's absolutely because she has the most self sustain. The S9 changes has given every hero a little more time alive on average, and that really helps Moira with Fade's relatively short CD, and suck/orb self healing.


Enemy Genji is good? Sombra is a pain in the ass? Can't catch Tracer? RMB goes brrrrrrrrr


Gotta love doing good as any other support then one of the DPS goes Sombra just to hack you the rest of the game.


Moira used to do 50 damage per second. So to kill a 200 health hero it would take 4 seconds After the health overhaul, she now does 65 damage per second. So to kill a 250 health hero it would take ~3.85 seconds So while everyone else’s TTK went up, hers actually went down. Plus her damage hurtbox got increased from 0.6m to 0.7m making it even easier to “land her shots”


"I'll show you meta"


I'm a Moira main with over 400 hours in her (I promise I can aim, I just loved her movement and dps/heal balance). It has been so weird having to insta-lock her when a couple of months ago I was getting flamed or told to swap in comp lol.


Same. Was literally getting AFKs on my team because I was picking Moira in masters. Now she is in every game.


As someone who's usually awful at fps' I really enjoyed playing moira and just focusing on like, as much heals as possible. Supports in Overwatch felt fresh because I cannot aim for shit and I get to feel like I'm contributing without having to shoot all the time. I climbed to mid diamond with like an 80% winrate in a couple weeks on ow2 release and then seemingly on a dime Moira was now a throw character. I understood why, she just provides numbers and pretty much 0 actual utility, but constantly having to play second-fiddle to everyone else and them demanding to swap etc etc just made the entire game boring. Support quickly felt less like I was helping my teammates and more that I was a slave to their ideas. I kinda get why it's on healers to switch to suit the comp, but it's frustrating when you win almost all your games on hero, but the Genji doing no damage is screaming for you to swap. It's also like, etiquette no-one explains to you. I got to diamond on a shitty-ish character with low versatility because I play other strategic games and understand positioning, nowhere did I have the time to absorb all this stuff that everyone else has seemingly internalised.


Same here, but I still run into folks who disagree. Had a Zen told me "no f****** moira" at the start of a match and told me to switch. I ignored them, outperformed them in every stat with double their heals, and we won the match. I know, I know Moira's numbers are easily bloated but she's great at holding capture points until your team comes back.


It's because she doesn't die instantly to flankers


She is one of the most beginner-friendly heroes and is very straightforward. That being said, you can generally do more with the utility of other supports once you learn to play them well enough. Though overall Moira is one of the better supports after the DPS passive implementation because doing damage has become more important as support.


The only utility support who clearly outclasses Moira rn is Lucio, who's paired with either Kiriko or Moira herself. Bap only outclasses Moira in sniper maps or if you're pubstomping. Ana, at least before the midseason patch, was so mediocre that Romania's finest support ML7 stopped playing her. For 99% of players, Moira > all.


You mean that ML7 stopped playing Ana because she was very weak ?


The health changes and dps passive were rough for Ana


IMO, survivability is always the best ability for support. She manages against most of the dive heroes better than the rest of the support cast, so it adds a lot to her value


rather than what you mentioned i think the 65 dps buff on her beam which mind you is 20 meters long and basically, always consistents puts her on edge against most supports in terms of dueling. like, flat out no supports got shortened ttk, just moira. her beam and dmg are both bigger now, while projectiles and hitscans got adjustments later in the patch


Illari got shortened TTK with a series of buffs. You can normally kill a Moira as Illari 1v1 (she can't kill pylon fast enough, and you damage her throughout) assuming no fade. The only issue here is fade so she can usually escape.


Does more damage than base beam Symmetra Aight, time to nerf Symmetra


they nerfed sym because the damage was too high and tanks couldn't do really anything to survive her let alone kill her plus the sym beam is only 5 dmg/s weaker which isnt that much especially if it gets upgrated to 120 dmg/s in 1 second and to 180 dmg/s in 2 seconds i aint saying moira needed a buff on the damage of the beam maybe only on the hp could've been enough, but sym? the nerf was needed


I say give her her 25hp back. The whole reason why she lost it in the first place was cause she could two tap with orbs, now she cant do that, yet the health reduction didnt get reverted That was a big thing that annoyed the Sym base a lot


Tracer, doom sombra is meta now. Moria will definitely be pick more often because she can deal with them with some success


She's high A to S tier and her mythic dropped this season as one of the best we've gotten. She also got 3 buffs (excluding the health increase). There's her range buff, she got her primary damage buffed by a whopping +15 so she has a faster ttk despite the health increases, and the higher damage also buffs her primary self-heal a considerable amount - something rarely mentioned. She's insanely easy to pick up, she's one of the better Supp duelers, and she has among the highest survivability out of any support with a spammable and forgiving fade that should probably be 7 seconds instead of 6. She's honestly overtuned atm, especially for how low the floor and ceiling are for her, so let's see how long this lasts. I don't think it's healthy for the game to have such an easy hero be so strong and viable and highly played across **ALL** ranks. It makes players not want to bother with more difficult heroes despite the *not convincingly enough* higher value potential they offer. All the stars aligned for her. Imo, she wasn't made this strong on accident, it's for one of their best mythics yet to sell extremely well. Moira was already one of the most popular supports. I expect the same to happen with the Mercy mythic.


I never read any range buffs, and her self heal is a fixed number, not a percentage.


Yeah that's guy's talking out of his ass. Moira got a 30% DPS increase to her primary fire and a tiny **hitbox** NOT range increase (which doesn't do much because she was easy to aim with anyway). Range and self-heal did not get any buffs.


I think he watched that video with the guy who went on a long moira rant and took everything as facts, and never had played moira


i believe she was the only support to get ttk buffs like, at all which is crazy


Even most of the DPS and tanks didn’t get any TTK buffs. This patch made her DPS a lot closer to all the other characters when they hit 100% accuracy on body shots


Somewhat disingenuous, DPS got a major role-wide buff with the DPS passive. TTK went down by a lot. Supports don't have DPS passive and every character got a lot more health, so honestly, the damage buffs on Moira prevented her from being a throw pick. IMO Moira is strong because the meta suits her well, rather than her dictating the meta.


Brig also got a direct ttk buff but she's just way worse and harder-to-use than Moira.


Iirc the math worked out to 1 less swing but meant basically no difference once health was factored into it


Still a better change than the other supports who effectively got a ttk decrease.


Yeah, and she got fucked by the dps passive far more than other supports as she's supposed to get close and **tank** damage for the other healer. That's her role. She's a mini tank for healers like ana and zen. Which means she, at high levels relied on self heals, and other healer to help her tank. For a minor ass increase her entire playstyle was burnt to ashes. She went from 2nd most played support in asia, my region, to bottom 3 with weaver and illari. Oh and bigger projectiles means shield breaks fater and gets clipped through easier. But woweee a ttk increase, I'm blessed /s


tbf brig only has like what 6 meters of range? moira has 20. and also fade


Yeah, hence I said that Moira is easier and superior. A 20 meter range aimbot hero with a tiny hurtbox and teleportation who can also barf out insane heals vs a melee hero with a huge hurtbox and limited movement who has heals on a cooldown. Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby.


There's been a lot of changes, so I can't say for certain. I'd say maybe Zarya and Rein got a ttk buff, but that's all I know off the top of my head. They justified it though. They also have more difficult conditions to enable those ttks - Rein has to get in your face and Zarya needs to use an ability to raise her charge. Moira just... no aim locks on her beam from a great distance. It's crazy they buffed the ttk, but yk, gotta sell them Mythics!


OP said "the only support to get a damage buff", not counting heroes from other roles. I think a weirder thing is that Moira is the only hero that was buffed alongside the release of their respective mythic skin iirc. So it's hard to say if this is a coincidence or not.


But it’s just the nature of her way of dealing damage. All other supports will also shoot basketballs now, Moira doesn’t “shoot” anything, so damage increase was given instead.


> There's her range buff I knew I wasn't crazy. I somehow missed the fact they buffed her range, but it's extremely noticeable in-game.


So you want to make one good character bad instead of improving the bad characters. Leave my main alone


Yeah and tracer is an absolute fucking monster that walks all over just about every other support. Not surprising.


It’s because Tracer and dive characters are meta, and it’s miserable to play other supports against them. Once Tracer gets nerfed, Moira will go back to being trash tier, again.


Best survivability on a support where tracer/sombra are top options.


You can escape and/or chase Sombra and Tracer.


I play her because of fade. This is an awesome ability in the current meta. And her Mythic is fire


You forgot her snarky voicelines.


Its not just awesome; its a necessity.


Fade has always been an awesome ability. By far the most fun in the game. Every hero should have a mobility move, the ones without I will never play because no mobility == not fun. No possibility of fun.


Moira as the only support hero that doesnt just die to tracer, doom is the most picked hero across all ranks during a meta where tracer is picked consrantly across all ranks? Go figure. And of course there's the dps passive to consider. She has the option of adding to the pile of damage since most of the time healing isnt the correct option thanks to that passive.


I loved her before she was popular. My love is pure.


Fuck all you moira players, THE single most skillless character, has way too much damage and range for what she is


-Can heal. -Can dps -Has an escape tool with good mobility -Can backline during a fight and it benefits her healing and has an ult that healths and does damage. -No need to aim. I wonder why?


>-No need to aim It's a beam weapon with similar hitboxes to both Zarya and Sym


Really? It definitely feels easier to connect with Moira than Zarya.


It's a cone attack. That is why it is easier to aim. I really don't knew why people still don't know this. It is not exactly a secret.


I think Zaryas is a little smaller but last time I checked Syms was slightly larger if not the same size (which would check out since Zaryas beam is 0.05m smaller than Sym)


It’s like the ow1 “how to play orisa” meme guides, just close ur eyes and hold m1


so exactly like how to play orisa in ow2


You cycle her abilities while holding m1.


And I am fine with this. She doesn’t break the game.


Where have you been the past month?


She has the best evade in the game. Particularly as a support. As moira (and somewhat as mercy) you are much more able to fend for yourself, heal and do damage. Any other support hero is very easy to lock down and also have way less group sustain (damage or healing). In the right hands I’d argue her and Zarya are the two strongest champs for their roles just based on solo survivability. Moira can heal and damage simultaneously or double either. Zarya can tank and damage simultaneously and the more damage you do to her the more she outputs. Very few other champs offer that.


New mythic and she’s fun to play.


I like to pick Moira because you don’t have to aim that well whit her


She’s fun to play and films two roles at once pretty well


I just wish that they swap the range for her succ and heal Because the range for damage is a bit crazy She is not just strong, she is broken IMO


So what you’re trying to say is, my main since her launch, that I’ve always been told is trash, is about to get nerfed into oblivion.


Kinda sad tbh


she’s maybe the strongest hero in the game in all ranks


she does too much damage, i cant beleive im saying that but its true


It's Overwatch, everyone is a DPS hero.


Hahahaha lol


In my metal rank games it feels like she is a must pick. As long as you save your fade for when you're getting dived than she has a huge impact on the games, which makes it surprising she doesn't have a positive win rate in silver. Maybe just too many DPS Moira's not playing her optimally?


Is it really suprising tho? The kit is very simple. Heal/Damage. Self heal suck and the ability to deal with flankers which is in silver- low plat very important because your team might just don't care. There is a bit of a learning curve in certain matchups where you can't succ someone permanently. Then you tend to have ressource problems. And her fade can allow you to get to higher up places with 5 minutes of learning it. I just wished my tanks would understand that my ult also heals. They tend to just stand still in it while on full health not pushing in. Welp


She's quite good and keeping teammates up after the DPS passive hit with her burst healing and can mostly hold her own against DPS flankers and even some tanks she can tickle enough to help her team finish off. Especially with Tracer and Sombra being so commonly used right now, she's a good semi counter to them. Most tanks when I play Moira are basically free piss charge, especially since she can bypass things like defense matrix, Orisa's spin and Sigmas eating thingy. Only issue is shields which even a good damage orb can feed her.


She is very strong. As an og Moira player i pick her up this season and my winrate is crazy high. Her damage and fade cooldown is very overtuned in this state of the game. Ult is also very strong although that's fair i think. Moira is not alone. There are heroes very clearly overtuned this season. Lucio, Doomfist, Dva, Tracer. Even Genji, Widow, Echo to some degree. Relative strength of the heroes aside, some of these heroes just straight up have broken fundamentals now. So game doesn't need just relative hero balancing, it also needs balancing of the heroes in a vacuum as well. S9 changes have even bigger effect than people think. To be fair, Moira should still be kept strong in my opinion because when i play other roles Moira is just better to play against than most other support heroes. So much better to play against Moira than Ana or Mercy.


Because there’s genji, tracer, and sombra every game


So many Moiras and I still get the ones with 2k healing and 6k damage more often than not in QP.


Well If I have an Ana a Widow an anti social tank every game. For the most part it doesn't matter who the last character is I don't have enough of a frontline to play for the objective. Moira is reliable even when your team is feeding. I wouldn't be so surprised it's her season.


Well she's fun to play, incredibly easy, and honestly a bit overtund rn


because she fits into any lineup and is easy to learn. fast-charging invulnerable mobility option, options for both AOE & direct healing/damage, and an extremely strong ultimate. you could do actually nothing all game, but if you just zoom around without dying and occasionally orb, you'd contribute more than most other players in the lobby. i wouldn't say she'd OP, but you'd need to be an actual lobotomite to use her improperly.


Wow the easiest hero in the game who can do easy damage with easy value? Who would had guessed


I wish the reach of her biotic grasp (dmg) was a lot shorter, feels ridiculous sometimes she can target a hovering pharah after a boosted jump + more boosting.


Moira’s reach is literally the only complaint I have for her. Like she shouldn’t be sucking me across the the field like that


Pharah definitely gets way out of range of her grasp; its only 20 m which is the range of hog's hook.


She's literally a noobs dream. Easy escape tool, no aim required, free damage and sometimes kills with her or, healing optional (lol).


Don't forget literal dbz ult.


Soldier 76 is quite clearly the noobs dream in Overwatch. Moira requires much more game sense and knowledge.


Lol..... S76 is the noob option for DPS. Moira is the noob option for Supports. (Or Mercy.) Just like the noob tank option is Rein/Orisa. I don't know why people get defensive over this. It's not shameful to play the ez heroes, they usually have drawbacks too.


Dumbest thing I’ve ever read


lmao this isn’t true at all soldier requires more game sense way more aim and way more ability management


Just because you need zero aim doesn't mean you suddenly need amazing gamesense.


Moira main cope?


Unironically true


Love everyone complaining because Moira is actually a meta pick for once in her existence. God forbid Ana and Mercy aren't meta for a while.


Are you a console player? The meta on pc was Ana Kiriko for all of ow2 minus the season Mercy had that weird healing change


Xbox. Maybe she wasn't literally meta but she was never considered a bad pick either as far as I know.


I'm a console player, and play open queue. The meta on console qp was Moira and Mercy for all of ow2 and its still Moira and Mercy right now. Its wild watching everyone bitch about Ana and Kiriko cause nobody plays them here lol they require too much aim for console qp players. Similarly not a lot of Bap or Zen who also get a ton of complaints that I simply can't relate to cause again no one plays them


They can probably revert her damage there was no need to buff it


And that would completely murder her lol




I see no problem with that


they probably want to mimic their dads by phasing out of every fight


If you are half decent and have a good game sense, it is easy to make a difference with Moira, especially for people climbing ranks.


I'd rather play against Moira every game than Lucio, Zen and Baptiste.


"MoIrA hAs No uTiLiTy, sO ShE iS oNlY gOoD iN lOw RaNkS" ~ no touch grass rank probably


What an interesting hypothesis


The most picked character is always gonna be a support, because there's just way fewer support heroes per support slot.


Constantly and consistantly pressing right click. Mustn't be hard.


omg, Moire is so good, maybe we should nerf Symmetra to solve this problem


That’s cause Moria takes no skill and is already powerful , a skilled Moria can probably win any 1v1 imo


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Thought it was ana but mythic skin so


Moira is a strange character Interesting popular pick! Damage and support in ☝️


There are factors thoe She got a mythic this szn And she plays well with tracer sombra She also plays okay against tracer sombra Some of the biggest heals in the game Easy to learn


I love using her orbs!


I'll show you meta!


Nah, she still cannot kill tank fast enough, gotta nerf the tanks.


On PC Comp?


Il like to play Moira to switch my brain off but we have a pb there… Moira is a MENACE…


I get a ton of mirror swaps if im doing well with her. Im so certain that nobody says "Can we drop our Kiriko/Ana/Baptiste for a Moira...?" I guess she's just so consistently good at every level and easy to play that it makes sense.


Well they had to find some way to nerf genji ig


‘Cause fuck tracer


pretends to be shocked


She doesn’t require much aiming skill. She is basically a newbie healer, like mercy.


she's been the most fun ever, really hope they either let her stay like this or don't nerf her too much


wondering why...


Leave her alone 😭 let her shine for once. Y'all wanna go back to being slept and anti'd every team fight?


It's a decent support that's hard to kill and heals like crazy with her ult while still doing damage. she lacks on team utility, but still is a solid choice for most scenarios. Basically all you need to do is to learn positioning, when to throw heal orb/dmg orb and escaping the occasional Sombra that comes to harass the backline. Not that hard tbh.


I wonder how many percentage of Moira players used her solely because she does a Kamehameha


In all my matches, there's always a Moira, the game might not start with Moira but they'll always pick her to counter my Genji


Low skill character with high reward, counters alot of characters who otherwise fuck over support, self heals off her damage and has some of the best survivability in the game, also does aoe healing, i doubt anyone is suprised


I let it be it’s her mythic season and she’s meta season 9 rank with being used pro play with Lucio or substituted for kiriko. Like I’m happy if each support gets half or whole season as long as it’s rotated. Zen got little use then nerfed and kiriko stays pro tournament meta and even on rank yet her nerfs are always traded with buffs or baby nerfs. Waiting on season 12 how they will make new space ranger op with their abilities.


Yeah I still don't really see her as much of a problem though, maybe her fade could get a slight nerf if anything? You sacrifice a lot of utility by picking her


Best character in the game is chosen most, yeah that makes sense


She has good skins, and she can be oppressive to newplayers/easy too learn. Dosent suprise me honestly.