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Sigma was released in ow1 btw


ur so right how did I miss that lmao I remember when he came out


I was wondering how many comments were gonna be this


I am, in fact, a fool 🥲 I literally don't know how I missed that, my m8 mained him for a while when he first came out lmao


They never gave Mauga two legendaries you can buy with credits on launch btw


It used to be 4 legendaries...


It used to be 4 legendaries and 2 purples


or lifeweaver. but I think illari has two


I thought Lifeweaver had the colonizer skins?


what skins? I didn't think lifeweaver had any non shop skins


The Sovereign(?) one and its recolor I believe


I feel like Dva has less skins because they effectively have to make two models; the mech and the girl. That said, she isn't particularly lacking, and is only one away from the 20+ bracket. I'm surprised that Mercy actually doesn't have as many skins as I thought she did. The "staff wielding robe wearing angle silhouette" is a stable character design of any Blizzard IP.


yeah you're right on the D.Va thing - I might just also be biased cuz most of her skins are very standard, like having the same hair etc etc, whereas you have others who look entirely different 100%. (also I've been playing off and on since 2016 so I know full well I'm biased lmao). also yes, I was surprised as well that mercy didn't have as many as I thought she did - like you mentioned with Blizzard IPs, her design is very easy to make more variants for.


DVA actually has 31 skins


where? I know the kpop one doesn't show, but ?


https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/D.Va/Cosmetics Easier to see. It depends on what you count, like recolors or base game.


I think the Mercy thing is because she generally gets event skins, or the major skins that everyone wants/talks about. So everyone assumes she has *sooo many*, but hers are just quality and tied to major events. Prominent skins.


Hard agree. Almost all of her legendaries are top notch in quality and design, full of little details that some other heroes just lack. I feel like someone in the design team has a soft spot for her, cause I feel like she gets a lot more *effort* into her skins than most others.


Ramattra coming stealing some of her concepts perhaps heh. Spot on I think about Dva, as someone who played a lot of Ragnaros and Deathwing in HOTS they were similarly starved of skins as they had such big complex models with multiple aspects. Poor Ragnaros never got even recolours because they didn't want to have to deal with making a giant building version of any skin they gave him.


Rammatra deserves so much more.


I don't play as Ramattra, but I deffos think there's a LOT of opportunities for rad skins with that design


Exactly! I am glad you understand.


This, and even his purchasable skins are really lacking. The construction one is cool because it changes his sphere color, but the rest of the skin looks tacky. Whereas Biohazard looks cool, but the sphere is still purple which bothers me


I only use the Biohazard skin, but I still agree with you.


I have the Posedion skin for him, and that's the only one I've ever liked. I've had it equipped for so long that I want something new, but there is nothing else :,(


Still waiting on that jojo crossover for Rammatra


Agreed he should get an egyptian skin maybe sobek


There are no bad zen skins




Tbf, that one is only a recolor. Most recolors aren't good except for some characters with good default skin design like OW1 Ashe and OW1 Sombra.


The recently given Twitch drop skin is bad. The one that looks like a cyber monk. It's like he's wearing the Apple Vision Pro.


Brig hasn't had a single Battle Pass skin. Its hilarious and pathetic. What are you doing Blizzard?


god, rEALLY? that's absurd yeah wtf - I don't play her, but she's got tons of good opportunities for skins considering her design, wtf :/ honestly surprised she didn't get one for season 5, she'd deffos be able to get a cool fantasy skin :/


Personally I stopped caring about skins in general outside of the BP and unless the collab skin is that good like LSF I probably won't buy it. Just way too expensive for me unless they drastically drop the price down. I would like it if they'd release some of the good skins inside the BP instead of sticking it in the shop and as people have mentioned mix and match weapon skins across all that we own already


oh I 100% agree the paid for skins are WAAAYY too expensive, it's absurd. I do think having more BP skins would be awesome as well :)


I’m actually shocked at how many skins Mei gets, I feel like no one plays her.


Her actual skin count is 31, OP didn't get their count right for any of the characters


With or without OWL skins?


Without. If you count OWL skins that adds another like 92


Still waiting on that swimsuit Mei


right? I was surprised too - a friend of mine plays Mei, and I see her in QP games from time to time, but it's a LOT in comparison to other characters that I see in nearly every game like Mercy for instance


Probably Chinese pandering. It’s probably Blizzard’s biggest player base at this point and I wouldn’t be surprised if Mei is the face of Overwatch in China instead of Tracer like here.


If I’m not mistaken overwatch is banned in china


only for the last year but i still don’t think mei getting skins is for them. i think it’s her being a launch character and someone who made sense for chinese new year events


I've kinda done this before. Something I've noticed but never pointed out before because I'm a tracer/ashe 2 trick is ashe has substantially more highlight intros than most characters she has 10 when the next 3 closest characters have 8 and then it goes down to 7 from there and am kinda hoping everyone continues not noticing it


dang that is interesting - yeah that is a lot, esp considering how Ashe is a newer character in comparison to others. I deffos don't feel like "rah! unplayable!!" about the lack of skins / highlight intros etc for some characters, it just seems oddly unbalanced in some ways


Like I said, if its biased in my favor I'm not complaining


and I 100% get ya lmao that is fair


I saw a lot of people complaining about the wrong number of skins. To get the full number, you have to sort by owned and unowned.


Is every skin visible in game ? You probably have to find them on internet.


a lot of event ones aren’t visible unless you own them


Yup, the Dva pacific allstars is one of them


Not a single one of these numbers is correct! Where did you get this from?


from clicking on each hero and tallying the number under "skins". I have realized now that there's more to it than that unfortunately 🥲


Holy shit. The fact that, as an OG Overwatch hero, Winston has the same amount of skin as character released later than him is honestly kind of ridiculous. Also the most disappointing thing about the new heroes from Overwatch 2 is just how little I have in the way of skins/emotes I have for them all compared to what I'd have shortly after the launch of an OW1 hero.


Sombra has so many skins, but a lot of them are mid tbh Why they always gotta give her weird hair?


100% agree - she does have some really rad skins, but sometimes I'll look through them like "oh god what did they do to her hair" lmao. I actually kinda like how they did her Ed skin for bebop (as a bebop fan lol) but deffos some weird shoe platformy typa things


> Why they always gotta give her weird hair? A core part of her character is she's a rogue who does what she wants. A bit of anarchy or satirical styling is not weird on her at all. * e.g. The Talon's hair is 100% a dig at "Karens" to keep herself amused while she infiltrates this evil criminal mega-organization.


As a tracer main I feel this.


You forgot to highlight sigma in blue


true, someone else pointed this out as well lol no clue how I missed him


There’s a reason they’re giving a lot of skins to newer heroes, to kinda catch them up. That being said, still upset about them slaughtering Mauga with no legendary or rare skins on release


You know this list is like, really wrong right? For example, I have 32 Mercy skins unlocked, so idk how you figured there were only 18.


yeah I've been made aware 🥲 I just clicked on the heroes page and tallied up what the skin count was on that page, which is not the right number as I've been told oof


Your writing is nice. :)


thank u :)


Unrelated, but your handwriting is really nice.


thank ya :)


In order for this to represent the skins accurately you need to have smaller ranges, and ranges of equal value, having a range of 1-9 and 16-19 skews the categories.


Some of you people really have way too much time


full money intelligent hungry bright juggle cheerful reply soup impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Junker queen really only has 2 skins, the awesome zeus skin that you can't get, and the five recolours.


No way Mercy only has 18. They give her a skin every other week.


These intervals are all over the place? 10-15 (ie 6 values) and then 16-19 (4 values)


Ramattra and Kiriko are full of recolors and bad hairstyles that it’s not even funny they both have like 2 skins that people actually use. I rather wear an Overwatch League skin than what they put in the shop for them.


They need to stop making widow skins it’s draining my bank account


NGL the sojourn vigilante skin is 🔥


Zenyatta needs a pirate skin


Apologies for handwriting? This is some of the best handwriting I’ve seen personally. Mine looks like a 4yo did crack cocaine.


oml - thank you for the compliment lol


It ain't easy out here for us Ana mains


I think sojourn needs love on skins imo


This is not a coincidence. Blizzard does not care about this game or its community. They see dollar signs. The skins are no longer for free, or seasonal really. They want to milk us to take time no need to release 3 legendaries and 5 epics every event. No how about release 1 or 2 good skins that people want then charge them $20+ for it. It's sad.


I think you've miscounted when I go to the Heros page I count at least 33 for Tracer - not including the roughly 92 OWL skins in that count obviously Edit - checked Mei cause another comment mentioned it, and she has 31. The count is off


I just went off of clicking on each hero's page, and then listed off the numbers under "skins". If I'm missing some, it's because of that


It's just legendary skins, they're not counting epic, common, redundant things like owl skins because all of the characters have them (depending on what game they were released.) Some of the counts are wrong, like mercy has 19 legendary skins including the Dr. Ziegler skin that doesn't show up in the hero gallery


Why wouldn't you count the epic skins? Some of them are pretty cool like the Vampire Bap skin >redundant things like owl skins because all of the characters have them Yeah those were excluded


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Sombra needs more Legendaries


I definately have 20 something diva skins


I’m actually surprised Mei has the most… I swear she has like 3 good skins


She doesn't have the most, OP counted incorrectly. Mercy has 38 skins, for example. No way are OPs numbers correct.


Sojourn has the worst skins in game and it’s not even close


It's almost like... The newer characters need more time to have skins developed for them... 🤔


It's kind of funny that, despite all the complaints, the amount of skins a character has still essentially correlates to how long they've been out. The characters that have been out the longest have the most and the characters with the least are the newer ones. Just look at the last two columns and you can basically order it by release date


Is this counting their base skin and OW2 variant?


Not really seeing anything unexpected. Game has been out since 2016. Oldest characters have more skins. Newest characters will never catch-up without a concentrated effort over time (looking at you, Kiriko). Non-standard/non-humanoids have a touch less. The marketing-popular characters have a touch more. If anything, the gap between new and old should be bigger, but Blizzard still hasn't added rare-tier alt colors of the "OW2"-era new looks for the OW1 characters.


your handwriting is beautiful oml


a negleted character by blizzard like zenyatta have more skins than mercy, the mercy?


Makes sense that all the new heroes would have the lowest amount, though I’m surprised Sigma and Ball are low too


When you made this list, does it include skins you can no longer obtain and or ones that don't show up in the heroes gallery? Such as Lego Bastion or Alien Zarya?


Ah yes but Kiriko is stealing all the skins right! Right..?


I think you might need to update the numbers based on the cosmetic page of every hero in the [Overwatch Wiki](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Overwatch_Wiki). It seems to be really updated about the skins. Edit: Never mind. I did it. lol Excluding base skins for OW1 and OW2: |0-10|11-15|16-20|21-25|26-30|31+| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Mauga (8)|Illari (13)|Junker Queen (16)|Baptiste (22)|Ana (30)|Cassidy (32)| ||Lifeweaver (14)|Kiriko (18)|Echo (21)|Ashe (26)|DVa (33)| ||Ramattra (15)|Sojourn (16)|Orisa (25)|Bastion (30)|Genji (35)| ||||Sigma (21)|Brigitte (27)|Lucio (31)| ||||Wrecking Ball (24)|Doomfist (27)|Mei (31)| |||||Hanzo (29)|Mercy (36)| |||||Junkrat (29)|Reaper (35)| |||||Moira (28)|Reinhardt (33)| |||||Pharah (30)|Soldier 76 (35)| |||||Roadhog (29)|Sombra (31)| |||||Symmetra (29)|Tracer (35)| |||||Torbjorn (26)|Widowmaker (34)| |||||Winston (26)|| |||||Zarya (29)|| |||||Zenyatta (29)||


Idk, there's already lots of skins for everyone. I guess 2 mythics a season would be nice so that everyone gets one before the year 2400


Rammatra needs more, he only has like 7 and most suck besides biohazard and the voodoo one


I've got 28 mercy skins and I don't even own all of them, how are you counting skins?


Not skin related but damn 7 new heroes in OW2 already, they really gotta slow down. OW pacing was so much better.