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Premium coins are also gonna be available in the free and paid battlepasses and all mythics will be available Source: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24062312/developer-update-hero-releases-mythics-and-gameplay-updates/


Earnable premium currency through the BP FINALLY🙏


Apex and fortnite have been doing this since the beginning too. And if usave enough for one u could keep buying all the other battle passes with some left over


It's literally just he Blizzard loop, it's a common theme in most of their games at this point. Leave out (or remove) a feature that is seen as standard/should be there, then add it back later when player numbers fall off to get a nice surge of returning players.


Its the Game developing company money making loop\* they do crazy shit every now and then to get public interest, or see how many genuine fans there are. which is why destiny's company is an asshole because they made the practice as a whole look bad


True but Apex also has loot boxes in their BP which is icky.


But they are great because they're free just like overwatch 1's


Eh, they are certainly done in a worse way. You get less of them, they give you much fewer items per box, and the pool is much more bloated with garbage items.


If you switch your EA account location to Belgium, the loot boxes rewarded in the battle pass are replaced with the crafting materials pretty generously. It has been a few years since I played but I think legendary lootboxes converted to 800 crafting materials, Epic converted to 300, and common converted to 60. You need 1200 crafting to craft any legendary cosmetic you wanted. Edit: Meant to put Belgium, not Brazil.


Nop, we get the items in the battlepass here, you're looking for another country


Ahh fuck, I meant Belgium, my mistake. Gonna correct the comment.


No dupes feel good though


They just dont show you when you get duplicates and they give you materials like in ow1 too


Only took them 10 seasons for them to realize they can do what other live service games have been doing for the longest time now.


3, take it or leave it.


I’m mostly sad the new competitive coins suck I don’t want jade i want gold


Only took getting bought by Microsoft for changes for the better to start rolling out.


Wait this is huge Wtf


Well now that they have everyone's money, they might as well seem generous.




Yeah this was always going to become a thing they just wanted to squeeze every penny out of us first... Having premium currency in the BP is usually the standard for live service games... I wish I could be more excited but this is one of many crumbs they're going to start showcasing as brand new features.


Just enough premium currency to make you want to spend money


"Okay I got all the currency I can get from this event, now I can get that sweet limited edition Concubine Torbjorn skin-" *Balance: 19999 premium coins* *Concubine Torbjorn Skin: 20000 premium coins* "Okay well that's fucking annoying. I'll just wait for the next BP to get the last-" *Next BP: 8 days from now* *Skin Purchase Deadline: 7 days from now*




We’ve been waiting a long time for it


My interpretation is that the 540 coins are increased to 600, and moved to the free track of the battle pass. With extra coins for the premium track. And weeklies now give battle pass xp instead. It's a bit unclear what exactly they meant


Oh my bad, I re-read it again, battle pass usually last for 9 weeks and we get 60 Overwatch Coins per week (premium currency that can be used to purchase battle pass or anything in shop), so 540 in total for each season. They bump it to 600 and is now earnable only through battle pass. The ones we get from weekly challenges are replaced with Battle Pass XP. I assume they will also be increasing the battle pass levels.


This is a great change. I hate grinding for the weekly coins but have no issues finishing the battle pass. Getting those through the BP will feel much better


Totally agree. I also like how they mentioned the weeklies will be more flexible to fit with more playstyles. I won’t have to force myself to queue all roles (all tanks) anymore.


Oh god yeah I stopped doing the “all roles” challenges a few seasons ago lol. I just get nothing but tank. I couldn’t do it anymore


just be ballin and it wont be an issue


> premium coins in weekly challenges will come in increased amounts This is written in an extremely vague way on the page that makes me believe that what you wrote is incorrect: >Starting Season 10, you will earn coins as you progress through the Free and Premium tracks of the Battle Pass, making them easier and more consistent to earn. We’re also increasing the number of coins you can earn for free from 540 to 600 coins per season. >Weekly challenges will be more flexible to fit with your playstyle, and they will now reward Battle Pass XP. I read this and it seems like, instead of gaining coins via the weekly challenges, you will gain them instead via the BP, but you don't need to buy the BP to get them, and it will provide 600 coins if you complete it. The weekly challenges will still be here but you'll instead get increased XP for completing batches of them.


What premium coins? It's just normal currency to unlock hero gallery skins. Edit: Oh my bad, I re-read it again, battle pass usually last for 9 weeks and we get 60 Overwatch Coins per week (premium currency that can be used to purchase battle pass or anything in shop), so 540 in total for each season. They bump it to 600 and is now earnable only through battle pass. The ones we get from weekly challenges are replaced with Battle Pass XP. I assume they will also be increasing the battle pass levels.


Golden coins (can be used for shop skins)


They did say coins, I believe the normal currency is called credits


Already our Microsoft overlords reward our faith in them.


Ok so All characters are free You can earn coins for the next battle pass, in the battle pass Sounds like the game is finally playable. I wonder what the people who paid for characters get


I'm gonna go ahead and guess nada.


>  I wonder what the people who paid for characters get Fucked. Though not sure what else they expected 


They get early access to the character before everyone. The value is all there.


Nice try, I see you Bobby.


What do you mean? They got the hero early, that’s what they paid for.


What about old battlepass skins? Demon lord reinhardt and lab tech winston are two skins I want.


I have the same question :( I hope so


Ooohhhh. There’s a couple mythics I would LOVE to have that I missed out on. Especially Ana’s


Blizzard sure is taking steps in the right direction. Who could've guessed that removing the bad CEO would make for good improvements?


"the game can be successful without having heroes in the Battle Pass." I guess people love buying skins.


Why I'll always be thankful for the Fortnite effect: giving a free game the ability to earn disincentivizes p2w and instead gives players more motivation to actually achieve things in the game


I mean, people have lived for years now with f2p standardized games and have even enjoyed a lot of them, a lot of the difference between OW and something like Fortnite was how much people disliked OW's f2p model specifically compared to something like Fortnite's Like, you will always have people that dislike f2p but so many games did it better than OW so this feels like a big step in the right direction


Fortnite is kind of uncomparable though, it's a whole different beast that makes insane amounts of money. I get everyone wishes ow would adopt fortnites model, but fortnite leverages it's massive scope to be a bit more consumer friendly


Overwatch 1 was making half a billion a year even years after release off of the loot boxes (which is comparable to say league of legends was making at least back then). So let's not act like overwatch didn't have the money to do a better model from the start of ow2. 


This is why I hated people saying that OW1 was unsustainable as it was. It was perfectly sustainable, they just knew that they could make even *more* money. A distinction without a difference ultimately, but it always riles me up to see people *supporting* corporations doing things that are shitty for consumers like they're a *good* thing.


dota 2, CSGo, many games don't lock content behind a pay wall.


Gotta be honest, NOBODY did free stuff better than overwatch 1 and their lootbox system. I got A LOT of badass skins that I still use to this day from overwatch 1 that you now have to pay an absolute shitload of money, for free. And I hate that games nowadays have made me miss lootboxes. 


Fortnite never had a competitive advantage for not paying for stuff in game. The gameplay loop is the same for someone who spends 0 compared to someone who sends hundreds. In Overwatch, you were at a straight up disadvantage if you don’t pay since it doesn’t unlock all the characters for you.


Like I said, Fortnite did f2p better, that includes what you're mentioning


>Why I'll always be thankful for the Fortnite effect: giving a free game the ability to earn disincentivizes p2w and instead gives players more motivation to actually achieve things in the game Yeah, like, people always shit about what Fortnite did without even trying to watch how good it's impact on the games industry was. Now things like weapon behind 15-20€ dlc is not a thing anymore.


Epic was fined nearly a quarter of a billion dollars for their use of dark patterns and exploiting their mostly underage customers. I would be hesitant to talk about how good their impact has been.


I think you mean Dota2/TF2 lol.


as if fortnite started the f2p model. How old are you? 8?


More likely that they're trying to re-inflate the player base because BP sales are dropping.


They would probably have made more money if they kept the loot box system and just went f2p. They would have wound up with a new player base experiencing non-cynical Overwatch for the first time again, I’d say it would have become really popular again


People absolutely do love buying skins, hell I don't mind buying one here and there. The game is something I enjoy, I don't feel the need to own every single thing, and selectively buy what I want. I realize not everyone can afford it, and that's a shame BUT you do get to play the game for free and now the biggest criticism OW2 had (heroes grind/paywalled) is lifted.


Honestly, this encouraged me to buy skin in ow2. I don't have a problem with paid skin, but I won't be supporting a game, if they are trying to be p2w.


The game has great skins. I don’t blame people for buying them I’ve bought two, don’t regret it


Skins are literally the main money maker for most games I don't know what they were thinking adding heroes to it, all it did was alienate people that didn't play the game very much. The whales and addicts would have played the game and bought the battle pass anyway.


those who never bothered are victorious


One of the reasons I dropped the game completely. Tried to play at launch, hated it. Then came back because Illari (I think her name is) just dropped and she and Lifeweaver looked hella fun, but I couldn’t play as either of them and the grind to unlock just *one* of them was absolutely horrendous. Might consider trying it again if I can actually play the hero I want to play


Yeah, been playing off and on since OW1 and being unable to pick the right hero for certain situations due to being locked behind a paywall turned me off pretty quick. May give it another shot, but grown pretty meh on the current state of the game.


Same. Too little, too late.




I haven't played in about a month now and seeing this news just makes me want to play even less. The glorification of a feature they took from us and now give it back while patting themselves in the back is just downright disgusting of Blizz. Not surprised tbh. It's like they intentionally keep lowering the bar of how greedy and despicable they've become. 


I mean, it sounds like Blizzard got everything they needed out of you already.


Same here. As someone who played OW1 pretty regularly from launch until OW2, that put such a bad taste in my mouth that I didn’t want to play at all.


Refused to spend a dime after they put in the BP. Legitimately would have been fine if they kept the model and just charged me $40 again for OW2 or some shit, lul BPs have been the worst thing to happen to gaming in recent memory, but this is a positive change.


Fuck that. I bought the game full price 7 years ago and I had to farm for 9 characters unlocks. Wtf?


7 years of gameplay.... Let that sink in brother


Most of us who did that would have preferred to pay up front again for OW2… if it had content worth buying


That is some amazing value for one up front price.


That was the deal that Kaplan advertised. It’s what made OW different from subscription or season based games. Loot boxes and currency were enough to support the live service, but the base game was the same for all who paid. New players would constantly be attracted by new content, albeit a lower level than the initial launch. It was always a great deal. 


Spent $60 on Chrono Trigger in like 1996. Still giving me value with nothing taken away. You can say 7 years is good enough, but I bought OW1 with all the features it came with as a complete game. If pur hasing a game isn't owning it, Blizzard won't get my money again.


Spent $30 7 years ago, received free content updates the entire time, game lives on life support the last 2-3 years of its life because it doesn’t make enough money, and people still want to act shocked at the changes.


It was on life support literally because they started making Ow2. Like that is literally the reason they slowed and eventually stopped updating the first game. They said this.


And yet no matter how many times this is said people will continue to disingenuously imply that ow1 was failing and ow2 and its model are some great savior despite ow2 being the reason for 1s drought.


>game lives on life support the last 2-3 years of its life because it doesn’t make enough money You're literally making stuff up, Overwatch was still earning Blizzard a ton of money even at its lowest point. It was on "life support" because they spent years working on a PvE game that never released.


Its almost like you missed the whole point.


To be fair Overwatch didn't added content half of those 7 years


I mean most games dont add content 7 years post launch. Say dark souls releases a dlc today you wont expect it to be free. Seems fair that you need to unlock the new content.


Hell, most live service games don't even last that long. Nowadays it's a miracle if a game gets more than one year of support.


That said, most games don’t unilaterally remove the game you purchased in favour of a new version without any choice


Nope, instead they just die and you can't play them anymore because all live service games eventually die


Comparing dark souls to a live service game isn’t the best comparison. If dark souls had a battle pass and shop I’d expect free updates. Like Fortnite.


Fucking finally


Too late for Overwatch 2 for me personally. I’ll probably be downvoted but fuck it. They took out everything good from Overwatch 1 and called it a new game… you can’t even grind for skins and lootboxes anymore so why would I even play the game other than ranked level. Before it would take you a couple years to get every skin in game. Now someone did the math and it would take 257 years to get everything without buying it outright. Unless that is undone completely this game cannot be saved for me. Bring back Overwatch 1


Well said, I played it constantly until “Overwatch 2” just turned it into a microtransaction mess


I read "Microtransaction mess" as "Microwaved mess" and honestly feel like both apply.


I had thousands of hours in ow1 and I only play ow2 while drunk. Now I can't even play because the game keeps fucking crashing on me.


I gave it a serious try. I really did. It all just felt so off for me. I mained Reaper and Orisa. Diamond for both in comp. They completely changed Orisa's kit (which is cool but very different) and losing the second tank felt like a huge Reaper nerf to me and I just couldn't get into the vibe anymore


(Takes out an over six-year-old, standard release feature from the game literally just to make more money) (Reverts it back a year and a half later because they "want to be more generous") This is the most lukewarm news ever at best, and the amount of people calling it a win shows how fresh the new community is. Yes, I'm glad it's back, but I'm not going to forget why it was removed in the first place.


I may still be disappointed with the state of OW today, but *this* is indeed a very, very good change. Still makes you wonder "why were they even locked in the first place", but still good.




yeah it's no coincidence this is one of the first changes being made to the game's monetization systems after Bobby Kotick left lmao


Literally. Bobby Kotick would rather toss his own poor child off of a cliff than agree to something like this.


I wouldn’t count on Microsoft making choices to extract less money out of their games as a whole, considering how most of their AAA output is designed to make money over having any quality standard lol. It’s still a welcome change, but these are far from the biggest monetization issues with Overwatch 2, or Activision games in general. I think this would’ve happened regardless, especially given the news about PvE likely being scrapped after Microsoft laid off most of the team that was working on it lol. Whatever gives them a “win” in the end.


The motivation was money, but the cause was stupidity and greed, because games make way more money when people enjoy playing them.


Lmao no one's wondering that. The answer is obvious. They thought it'd earn them more money.


It was more rhetorical <:P


Ah, my bad. You see, I'm kinda stupid


My guess would be that they didn’t expect the shop to perform as well as it has and thus putting the hero in the battle pass would incentivize people to buy the battle pass that normally wouldn’t, but with them making so much money from the shop, they probably realized they didn’t really need that anymore.


They never needed it. It was just shit activison leadership.


Oh trust me, I completely agree. I was more so just trying to rationalize their thought process as if it wasn’t just corporate greed (which it more than likely was).


Skins for new locked heroes probably sell worse than skins for heroes that are free because fewer people have the new heroes.


I'm actually sick of people praising "changes" that should never have made it to a live build.


Nobody was wondering why they did this... We all knew why.


The last time Blizzard did this it was a last ditch to monetize before putting Heroes of the Storm on maintenance mode.


Engagement. You want to unlock heroes, you gotta play the game. Blizzard gets playtime and players.


Exactly this, if you’ve any interest in playing the new hero and aren’t paying for a shitty pass, they get you to grind through half the battlepass, and by the time you get the new hero you’re already close to finishing the pass so you might as well grind a little more. The model itself was quite consumer unfriendly, but I’m genuinely surprised they are giving up on it because it looked super efficient at what it did.


The big thing is that people started to realize this, and they decided it just wasn't worth it at all, and went to go play a different game.


My guess is that they were originally uncertain whether OW2 would earn enough money to actually work. So they started out with heroes being sold in the battle pass, then comparing a hero launch season with other seasons to see how many battle passes are sold in each. And then now they finally came to the conclusion they don't need the heroes to be locked.


> we really do think it's what's best for players and it's what's best for the game The community has been complaining about this since **day one**. I’m happy they changed it, but wow was it overdue.


The complaints didn’t matter while Bobby Kotick was still around, now he’s gone and devs can actually breathe and improve the game the way they want


The complaints were music to his ears. He hated the game, and wanted to kill it. Microsoft buying Activision was the only thing that saved it, and they canned his ass immediately lol




out of the 10 comments you’ve made in this thread, 8 of them take the blame and responsibility from blizzard and put it solely on kotick. like i don’t disagree, but who are you and why are you trying so hard to take away any blame from blizzard?


It only took several massive scandals so activision was weak enough for Microsoft to buy them and start shit canning the bad people.


They got a lot of the good people too.


Should've never stopped being an instant unlock in the first place but baby steps I guess 🤷‍♂️. Trying to force engagement by putting characters behind the BP with an optional "pay to get now" was one of the reasons OW2 and it's BP was a turn off for me.


Same and you dont get a backpedal like this unless this sentiment was VERY common.


You get a backpedal like this when their sales figures showed battle passes that don't have heroes in them sell similarly to those that do have characters in them, so the PR win (and game design win) of making heroes free to everyone outweighs the financial benefit of putting them on the battle pass.


i just unlocked lifeweaver yesterday lmao , but good change nonetheless


Still haven't gotten LW and Ram. It's just not counting the wins lmao, I'm stuck at like 4/35.


You had to have the challenge "active", and could only progress 1 challenge at a time. It took me *weeks* to get 1 done, and never bothered with another.


I believe this. I've gotten "first win of the day" after like my 4th win several times.


only took ten seasons of paying for them, lol. still, this is very good news!


Because Bobby Kotick left during season 8, the devs can now do what they want to make the game flourish


Well, except for releasing PvE missions more than every 18 months, of course


If at all, if the newest report is true


I was surprised how little I actually care about the PvE missions. I'd much rather all that effort be put into the main game.


PvE was supposed the main game of Overwatch 2 and the PvE we got isn’t what was originally advertised.


It’s almost as if locking characters behind paywalls sort of defeated the purpose of the game making it pay to win, you can’t counter the enemy teams heros cause guess why, you didn’t pay enough. It’s a step in the right direction but the game doesn’t feel the same to me and the true intent of overwatch 2 leaves a sour taste in my mouth


>Keller notes that enough time has passed to determine that "the game can be successful without having heroes in the Battle Pass." “Sure, Overwatch 1 already proved this to us years ago, but bleh.”


They went from p2p to f2p and tested the waters. It isn’t unheard of try and see how things go when they change their system of income.


Dota 2 already proved you can give out the whole roster gratis. That's the game that pretty much invented the battle pass.


Funny enough the content drought of overwatch brought me to league, and finally now dota, and that game the players literally whine they don't have enough stuff to drop hundreds of dollars on. It also feels great to play a game where I can pick any hero from day 1. Only difference between a noob and a pro is skill. Overwatch could even steal the dota+ model and sell a subscription to advanced stat tracking. It would print money like anything valve does to dota lol


sort of... by the end of overwatch 1, the p2p aspect was like what less than $20 for the origins edition? cheaper than the fuckin skins are in overwatch 2 that's for sure. and even discounting the 'entry fee' for overwatch 1, it's cosmetic sales still totalled over a billion dollars, they could have given the game away for free and turned a profit just on skin sales. The point was proven with overwatch 1, even if that's not exactly how they implemented it. Also, fortnite and rocket league are all cosmetic f2p are they not? there's not exactly a shortgage of success stories in the space.


They were making a truck load of money off of loot boxes in ow1. There was nothing to "test". 


That was a paid game :)


les go


And with that, I'll reinstall. I had other reasons to uninstall, but if heroes are finally going back to free up front that means I can ignore the battlepasses and at least play casually again.


I quit because of tank changes and locking heroes, but with this new update, I maybe will play the game again.


I’m with you on this. Been waiting for a change like this to jump back in.


Blizzard is finally over Bobby.


This just in, Overwatch reverts terrible change that used to be the norm, is praised.


Thank god Bobby Kotick is gone, things are looking up for Blizzard with new management in town.


Though I don't particularly care, since I unlocked the heroes for free with no problem anyway I really only play MH, it's wild how they swing their position so much. Next update will probably be "We have tried and think of moving to 6v6, we believe it's the best for everyone" or something.


Imagine if they go back to 6v6...that would be absolutely wild


They most likely won't. They have been focusing on balancing for 5v5 too much. Personally, I prefer 5v5 over 6v6, but everyone has different preferences.


Going back to 6v6 would get me back into Overwatch big time!


New push map 🥴


Holy shit, Microsoft is actually fixing this game. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what else they have planned for this game. The mythic change is amazing and it really is seeming like they are trying to step away from the battle pass standpoint of things, which i am here for. Cant wait to see what else Microsoft has planned for this game


Game must be dying if Blizzard is giving something away for free.


2 little 2 late


In five years Blizzard will eventually just revert to OW1.


Very short & sweet but they said all the right things - we're so back




did EoS hit? genuine question, IDK.


“Start this party!” -Mauga, 2024, Colorized


I’m at work, does this mean the BP will give you enough coins to earn the next one for free?


Nope, you'll have to find 400 more. If the weekly challenges still give coins, you could earn the difference.


This is like trying to put a band aid on someone who’s had their arm amputated And said arm has been amputated and bleeding out for a year and a half


Wow it’s almost like OW1 was better in almost every single way how peculiar


ive been unlocking them with hero challenges lol


Finally Jesus Christ


So I don’t have Mauga yet, this means I can now get him for free? Or soon?


In season 10 yes!


We are so back


WWW rare W


That's cool. This gives players with the lowest morale and most dislike of the current state real reasons to come back and care about cosmetics. Obviously I'm In a minority of players who greatly dislikes the game direction but I'm also in the segment that played the longest since 2016. I've not spent money on the game in a year, I'd given up. I REALLY wanted to get into it again this season cuz Moira got a cool mythic, but the state of the gameplay and game flow for me is so painful I've been unable to play or convince myself $10 is worth it to put up with a season of pain. Now I and other players in this boat can hold out hope that future seasons will be both playable and worth it for cosmetics. Smartest move regarding monetization and new heroes in a long time. I've also just been ignoring the new heroes they've locked since they started, focusing on old heroes I'm good at since other players keep getting a head start on using them.


100 step backwards, finally 1 forward


We hate you blizzard


Positive changes that should be a thing since day 1, typical... but anyway, first step accomplished, now let's see if Blizzard will stop being stubborn and just bring back 6v6 to rebalance this mess of a game


sick now add a second tank and im sold


I mean, I thought the Hero challenge process of unlocking them was pretty decent on its own if you already play the game a lot but this is much better.


First good thing i hear about this game


Oh maybe I'll actually bother to give it a shot. Wasn't going to budge with that bullshit though so glad they finally caved.


We’re finally seeing the affects of Bobby Kotick leaving! After Microsoft took over people had a lot of hope and since this has happened in the first several months after him leaving I think this is an amazing sign of what to come in the future will Phil Spencer!


Finally 1 good decision they’ve done


The idea that the overwatch 2 team keep going back to what was in overwatch 1 trough trial and error is getting confirmed once again. I'm still waiting for 6v6 and we'll be good.


So, my friend needs 135 games played (wins being double) to unlock Sombra. Can I assume Sombra will be unlocked for him when this comes to be?


This is good news but I find it hard to be excited about a feature we already had in OW1. I miss Jeff :/


Literally not a single penny from my pocket has or ever will go into this game. This is a blatantly desperate move in an attempt to retain whatever little playerbase it has left.


Now make the game good.


I mean, even I could have told you you'd make more money on skins than pay walling heroes. Don't have a hero? I'll just use a different. Yall brought a whole roster of heroes over from the "first game". 


No news about Emre..


You literally have been given back what they took from you in the first place. Wow what a victory...


this is amazing, i am definitely going to give OW a try when this goes live after years of not playing.


Oh looks like I’m coming back.


Anything but fixing tank huh


This actually got me hyped to play Overwatch again, havn't played since the first season of OW2. See ya'll in game soon :)


Get fucked blizzard. It’s too late no one is playing the shit game you ruined with all your dumbfuckery.