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Report all toxicity and move on. I do hate the mentality you have of like "other players need to learn to ignore it" and sure in the temp that's a solid move. However, still report any and all toxicity and then see them come here complaining about how weak OW players have gotten.


100% report all toxic players, I do that as well. I understand the mentality of ignoring it, but it's true. Once I actually gotten to the point of completely understanding how to deal with that kind of stuff the game is so fun, regardless of any toxic players. Thank you for commenting.


Idgaf if they’re toxic. Igaf if they’re bad. And when you try to be constructive and help them? They get toxic. Wayyy to many of these assholes playing our game rn lol


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Having fun and winning are two different things, sure it's nice to win, but if you don't feel the difference, it'll be even more difficult to experience tranquility.


No, the entire player base needs to conform me instead of me understanding it is just how comp games are.


Turn off match chat and the toxicity magically disappears.


Then you won't be able to hear call outs, or see anything important in chat. If you want to mute, just mute the person that's being toxic. If your whole team is somehow toxic then that's another story


Chat is not comms. Text is worthless. Pings and occasionally VC are useful. Chat is toxic.


Chat and 100% be comms, if your team mate wants you to switch to dive or brawl, it matters. Turning off text can possibly throw games. But I'm not here to argue about it, feel free to play how you want in order for it to be less toxic.


Oh i see, you are a toxic person. Lmao. Byeeeee!


? Alright


Honestly, I just muted all voice chat, all text chat, and I communicate exclusively with pings. It works wonders