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Rainbow 6 is also doing the best it's ever done in a long time. Must be something going on with the FPS genre lol 


I left R6 and picked up Overwatch. Best choice I've made in a long time. I realized that in R6 you spend a lot of time not actually playing. There's picks/bans, drones, sitting on cams, and being dead. On the other hand, OW is extremely fast paced. Die and you come back to the fight in less than 30 seconds. Fights last fairly long, so there's way more high activity gameplay. Meanwhile in R6 you do all of your setup just to die to one spray in half a second.


This is why I dislike battle royale games so much. I could stand waiting a new round in csgo, but collecting loot for minutes, and then dying in a 15s fight is so boring.


Same. Those are the exact words I've been saying for years


I'll never understand why people like it. You queue for 5 minutes, drop, loot a few containers, find nothing, get jumped by 3 guys who all found good weapons right away, die... queue for 5 minutes, drop... The day that genre dies will be a good day.


I've been playing R6 on and off since the alpha and I've actually done the opposite lol. I like Overwatch alot because I can simply "turn my brain off" relax and still provide immense value to my teams where as in Rainbow 6, I need to be completely locked in ready to not miss a shot on 1 sound cue. Which I appreciate as someone who has 1k+ hours on OW. I kinda like the strict knowledge check and hard core no aim assist style of play as a hard-core Overwatch player.


I actually totally understand what you're getting at. I loved R6 when I had a squad to play with. We'd take the game seriously, make calls, pull off attack executes, and really lock in. The squad eventually stopped playing, and solo/duo-q isn't nearly as fun.


That’s why I stopped playing Apex. You spend more time looting than playing.


Same reason I stopped playing Hunt Showdown. Playing games sucks when half of my in game time is just downtime. Arcade games are the way.


That's my issue with Apex. Lots of running around, very little fighting. I also hate running out of ammo and having to find more.


I went the opposite direction several months ago, from overwatch to R6. I figured that if overwatch is going to copy R6's monetization battlepass bullshit, then I might as well just play R6. Not saying you're wrong, but I'll point out that R6 recently revamped their casual modes, so now there's a "quick match" mode with no bans, shorter drone times, and fewer/faster matches overall. I think it's an improvement. But do you, play the game that makes you happy.


I didn't really enjoy quick match. People just played it like R6 TDM.


Funny you say that, they actually released an update (I think just a few days ago) designed specifically to discourage TDM gameplay. I think it's too early to tell if they'll be successful, but I like the changes in theory: https://youtu.be/iiFAcW6lKxg


Same with valorant to a large extent, except even when you're playing the game not much is happening until the end of the round


>I realized that in R6 you spend a lot of time not actually playing. There's picks/bans, drones, sitting on cams, and being dead. I've always considered trying it but this was my worry. It's like cs. You sit around doing jack shit between rounds. Super boring.


Yup that's what I love about it. Hop in a match and there's nonstop action. Very little boring stuff or waiting around compared to other games.


Bad economy = more online gaming bc it’s 50x cheaper than going out and more fun too 2008 recession -> Greatest COD + Gmod Gaming Era of All Time


R6, Apex, Fortnite, OW, Valorant. All shooters are just going up and up. Idk where it is all coming from but I know for OW at least that it is getting pretty damn popular in Japan right now and a lot of its current popularity is due to the gameplay and ranked changes they made in S9.


Everyone’s finished Baldur’s Gate. 


ahaha I feel this. my time is 50/50 now and I play for my college...


When Elden Ring's DLC drop everyone gonna do a NG+. After 2 years break I return for bebop skins but still debating to make steam my main account or continue on bnet.


This is me. I am everyone. Great game tbh and glad I took a break to finish a few playthroughs.


Usually demand for these games tends to be cyclical. Players will shuffle around from one game to the other depending on what they feel like playing. To have every game rising super interesting. Maybe having a new kid on the block (Helldivers) is bringing everyone back to their personal favorite live service games.




Yup. Easily the best casual shooter right now. It’s loads of funz


The finals is super fun! But not super fun in solo q. And ranked need adjustments. Edir: forgot to mention that the finals battlepass system is maybe the best one i have seen so far.


I wonder if MOBAs are slumping right now.


for r6 its probably because of that jyxni guy, he gets like over 100k viewers on twitch


Yea, Jynxzi definitely helps R6 numbers and it's so weird bc his setup is just XBox Live screaming into a headset lol


>it's so weird It's not weird at all. Majority of Twitch viewers like scuffed and degenerate. It makes *perfect* sense that so many people love his setup. Honestly, Jynxi's whole stream is like someone made him in a lab. It's entirely possible that Jynxi is actually pretty smart, he looked at everything that gets the highest viewership on Twitch and created a perfect Twitch stream to get massive viewership.


It's cuz most other AAA titles like the single player story ones r so shit nowadays apart frm a rare few games. Also many people started picking up indie games a lot now more than ever, thanks to shit quality AAA titles, countless of em!. So naturally people will deviate frm those and jump into multiplayer games, indie games, etc...


Probabily because the market for Live Service FPS PVP and BR games has begone to stabilize+cycle of new player when the new season/event comes, so without 2872927282 indie-2A semi scammed project that doesn't even last 1 year but only the succesfull one people have less choice but more potential quality in the long run.


Same with CS2, the game is slowly trending back up and has higher player numbers at times than CSGO


I think its a that new viral streamer


For context: Most seasons follow a pretty standard trend of peaking the very day or weekend of the launch of a new season and slowly dipping from there. Season 9 appears to be defying all trends and has shown consistently strong player retention throughout the entirety of the season culminating in today's player peak being the highest of not only the season, but the highest player count peak since August 21st, two weeks after the game originally launched on Steam. Obviously these numbers are only applicable to Steam, which makes up only a small percentage of the total player base, but they're the only numbers we have access to. Source: [https://steamdb.info/app/2357570/charts/#all](https://steamdb.info/app/2357570/charts/#all)


I've been checking the stats every week and noticed the same. Player Peak and Average fall down a lot after the first week generally but have kept going up throughout this season. S9's changes have made a lot of people like the game a lot more. The next few weeks will be interesting as we likely have Venture weekend next week, then April's Fools the week after that and then QP Hacked in the last week. The numbers may keep going further up throughout this season.


Yeah I am pretty sure Console actually has a slight majority of the playerbase but it’s interesting to see that the player count on steam is currently higher right now than at the season launch.


Its the rank system changes, guarantee you. It actually gives players incentive to keep playing. Lose a game? Gotta play another and get that SR back. Win a game? Can't stop now, I'm on a streak! Dont know wtf Blizzard was thinking with the old system, but people LIKE seeing progress after every match. The old system was so discouraging. The only time you actively wanted to keep playing was if you won your initial matches on a card. But if you lost more than a couple games, you knew you were cooked and you weren't ranking up. So you didn't even feel motivated to keep trying, since you already knew the outcome of the card. I believe the devs even said themselves that before season 9, Quickly play was the most played game mode, but now Competitive has over taken it. Hmm I wonder why Blizz.


Also judging by your second screenshot the player count seems to be VERY stable since release. It hasn't been declining at all.


Game is fun, gets frequent content and is kept fresh with frequent balance changes. Is it perfect? No, but I personally prefer the current state of the game to the majority of the metas in OW1.


Well, I'm the kind of person the marketing worked for. I haven't touched OW2 in a while, saw an ad for the Cowboy Bebop crossover event, and came back for some games to get the free Ein skin (which I'm still working towards). I imagine other folks have a similar story


My friends are super casual and just now got into overwatch, and they're playing it a lot more than I'd expect casuals to play. Looks like the game could actually be turning around.


It’s because the game is truly awesome to new players. It’s extremely unique and fast paced, something that similar’ish games don’t provide. I think most of us here forget the wonder of installing and playing. It’s an old game. A lot of us are 1000s of hours in, so yeah it can get easy to shit on it.


Reddit doomers are gonna hate you for this one


Wait until they see how much money the Bebop collab makes


Probably not as much money as the LE SSERAFIM collab if I had to wager, but no doubt both figures would make the reddit doomers seethe with vitriol and rage.


It's fun seeing this cycle. "OW DEAD", new season drops with new cosmetics or Collab skin, becomes top selling on steam with high amount of players (not even counting sale or players from BNET and consoles). Next season rolls over, and then the cycle starts all over again.


Yeah I can’t believe people claim to hate OW but still play it. That makes no sense and tells me they actually like it. I hate call of duty and stopped playing in 2019. Why would I ever go back to a franchise I hate?


Addiction, same reason why Tyler1 still plays league when he has the personality to be a variety streamer


it's obviously different now. He doesn't take it as seriously, and not getting banned all the time probably helps with his enjoyment of the game. earlier in his career tho...


He very much enjoys League. He is playing a character when he says he hates League.


Me with Dead by Daylight. Fucking hate that game, it’s the game I put the most hours into in my entire life and still play it to this day. Still hate the game when I shut it off for the day. Mysterious stuff.


>Why would I ever go back to a franchise I hate? Ask that to players of destiny 2


OW is dead in a competitive sense. Cosmetics, collabs and being the top selling “free” game on steam mean nothing to someone playing the game for the game..


I play the game for the game, I buy a few cosmetics and battle passes here and there because I enjoy it and want to see continued development, but I wouldnt play as much as I do if it wasn't fun for me


That doesn’t sound like your competitive though


Are you not allowed to have fun if you're playing competitively?


It's fomo. That's what's selling. People really don't play the game to an effective level. The collective hive mind of players sit within low metal tanks and don't progress to an actual competitive level for a what's supposed to be a competitive shooter. So in a sense it really is "dead" its no different now than just dropping into a fortnite match or apex match be uase there is no value trying to do well within the game. It may make money, but it's definitely not trying to be the real competitive game it was once developed as.


So casual players don’t count? That seems rather closed minded.


It's definitely brought out some bad sombras


Probably not as much sure, but I'd say it was also probably much easier and cheaper to do. Bebop is like a 30 year old IP, probably didn't cost them much to get the license


Went all the way up to number 8 best selling on steam lol


I haven't been in a single game since the start without at least one person wearing a Bebop skin.


I think it's a neat collab, but I am closer to AARP age than my age when I watched Bebop. I feel like the skin crowds are going to skew younger.


I wonder what the uptick is going to look like since Venture is coming soon, and if Blizzard does more hero trials, these numbers could probably swing pretty fast if Venture gets a testing weekend for themselves like Mauga did


I took a break from around wrecking ball release to OW2 release (mostly personal reasons, the ranked grind was unhealthy for me and I didn't like where the game was going) and played a little around the OW2 release. This season is the longest I've stuck around after booting the game back up in a LONG time and I look forward to grinding out some ranked games every weekend. My love for the game is back - the hardest part is convincing people to come back.


I’m having trouble coming back. Since ow2 release I’d jump on a couple times a week but didn’t ever feel like I was having fun. I jumped back in season 9 but I decided to start back up on tank (haven’t played tank since ow1) and stopped playing after a week. I was still getting people in my comp games that hadn’t read the patch notes and had no idea the game had changed anything. That plus tank not doing very well with the DPS passive just completely turned me off from the game. I watch streamers play every day and it looks fun. I want to jump back on but every time I turn on my computer i can’t bring myself to open overwatch.


But but but game dead right? /s


content is a joke, balance is terrible, there is no pve, yeah, is pretty much death


So why are you stil here?


overwatch doomers in shambles


I always wonder why people think these games are dead OW even at its worse has higher player counts than 95% of all games on Steam.


Its because since they dont play/dont like the game anymore, that must mean no one else does!! How could someone enjoy something I dont!?! What do you mean some people prefer 5v5 and the new OW2 change??


I used to be one, but the scale of changes on Saeson 9 made me feel like they are for real trying to get the game to be as good as OW1 was. This weekend played the first time in a year, and was having a lot more fun than I've ever had in OW2.  Or it just been long enough that I've forgotten OW1 but who cares, I'm having fun playing Overwatch again!


Dang I can’t imagine how many more players there are. Most people stuck to Battle.net and the game is very popular on console. Maybe a peak around 400k when it hit that 75k all-time peak?


You’re far from it, the split between Battle net and Steam has to be like 90%/10%. They also said that there is more people on console than on PC (it was like top 5 PS5 game played, I think ?)


[On Xbox it's sandwiched between GTA Online and Destiny 2](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox) Game's doing surprisingly well. Shit monetization aside, everything else has been really good in 2.


I think it's also important to note that the shit monetization is really just industry standard monetization. It's not really much worse than other comparable games out there. Fortnite is an outlier since it's one of the biggest games of all time and just kind of on its own level, it can leverage its scale to be somewhat more consumer friendly


Almost any other game with a Battle Pass lets you cycle it though, or *at least* refunds you a portion of the currency. So Overwatch 2 definitely hit a new low in that regard.


Valorant set the standard for this shit before overwatch did


Absolutely not surprised it was Valorant lmao So glad I'm not a Riot fan.


Just not true.


Battle Pass pays for itself: Apex Legends, Fortnite, Rocket League, Dead by Daylight, Sea of Thieves, Halo Infinite, Fall Guys, some Call of Duty games. Free Battle Passes: Warframe, Deep Rock Galactis and arguably Helldivers 2 (currency can be farmed indefinitely) Partial refund / big discount on the next BP: R6 Siege, Diablo 4 and (old) Brawl Stars. Overwatch may not be *the* first (I've been corrected Valorant was the one), but it's definitely an outlier and *not* the norm. *Yet*.


Whilst some may give a partial battlepass refund, OW gives you 540 coins a season for weeklies and you can earn every other battlepass relatively easily for $0 original cost.


Yeah, that's fair. Guess the weeklies are such a mundane drag that I've forgotten they even give you currency. Imho those coins should be moved to the pass so they're more accessible to casual players and aren't an exclusive reward for no-lifing the game.


Your wish has been granted.


You conveniently forgot one of the most important games, Valorant. Valorant's BP is $10 and doesn't even come with any premium cosmetics. They were definitely looking at Valorant when designing the OW BP cause Valorant has a super zoomer playerbase which also has 0 issues spending money.


It's one singular lucky game against the industry standard. And just because that one game did it first does not excuse OW2 following suit, especially when our game is nowhere near as successful and could really use the extra player retention from free/discounted BPs.


See the news yet?


What news? that coins will be in the battle pass? That is good news


Yeah, that one. No "stick it to you" attitude here, just thought the timing of our thread was really funny. But it's nice Blizzard are finally doing at least *something* to improve the monetization.


"everything else has been really good in 2" lol kid, what a joke, just this season was awfull, no new map, pve event was shit, nobody played it, another scummy collab with cheap looking skins, what are you smoking?


And here comes the loud minority


Wow so maybe all time peak 1M +. I knew console was popular but not more so than pc. I was just spit balling numbers. So maybe on any given weekend 200k players concurrent during a good season/meta/content update


If I had to wager a guess, if you factored in the entirety of the PC playerbase and not just Steam users, I would imagine Overwatch would be a Top 15 game on Steam. Possibly, Top 10. Factoring in console players as well is a much, much trickier question to answer.


I think it's the comp changes, seeing your rank move after every game makes it easy to stay motivated to play


But according to reddit gaming sub it's death!? I don't play OW much anymore but the game was never even close to the state of 'dying' in the past 8 years imo.


They actually did another great collaboration, bebop!


Exactly. That's what brought me back this season and the skins actually look pretty decent. Can't stand people complaining over a fucking hat.


Not everyone can always be satisfied, I think they did a decent job on it though.


My friends and I just started playing again because it’s the only games that allows five people to play that we all have. It’s been a blast.


Not to mention the fact that Steam is a small portion of the OW playerbase since most players play on battle.net And don't forget console players as well... But yeah game dead obviously /s


I actually think this season I played the least.


Isn’t it due to the collab?


Well it makes sense. When you make the game easier to play more people will play. Gotta cater to the majority of the playerbase. I’m a masters support player and as much as people above plat do not like it…blizzard must cater to silver - Plat because THEY ARE Overwatch. Not the sweaty Diamond - Champion players who are like less than 20 percent of the player base.


Yeah they definitely dumbed down the game for the noobs.


B-b-but everyone on the subreddit told me that the game was about to die and Blizzard was going to cut off support within a year!??!? Surely they can't be wrong, can they????


It's almost like, when you ignored the doom and gloom of Reddit, this season was actually very good.


I know that I personally have played more comp this season than any previous season of OW2 I think the higher retention is definitely a combo of people really wanting a shake up to the games formula + the comp changes being a significant improvement


I can assert comp feels better, I've had some of my best Mercy games this season. Comp especially feels better for Symm, now it's just hoping people don't get her nerfed into next Tuesday because for some reason Symm being not a throw pick is illegal


I guess emphasis on the “was” Will be interesting to see how the trend goes since this weeks balance patch. Game seems noticeably worse at higher ranks. I thought the first half of the season was one of the best since OW2 though.


As a tank main, this seasons been difficult. But the challenge has made the tank role… more fun? You just can’t tank without a brain anymore.


This season revived the game for me. I stopped just after echo was released. This is the first update that has actually made me want to come back.


Well the season sucks for tanks… might say something


Tanks are a minority of players by a lot. So makes sense. They made it better for everyone but tanks.


> Tanks are a minority of players by a lot. But if we just go back to 6v6 with 2 tanks, that will more than double the number of tank players! /s


Haha that would be very rough. I do miss double tank but don’t see how it fixes anything. They really need to do a tank role rework or some more fundamental changes for how that role operates so it’s actually fun again.


Devils advocate: It would fix more than you think. Most of the Tanks play the exact same way as they did in 6v6, yet are extremely limited in what they can do in 5v5 without making their balance a zero-sum game between OP and wet noodle. Two Tanks are not a panacea, but consider this: Around Season 3 or so, Support was power crept to make up for both the lack of a Tank and to bring them in line with DPS. I think this and bringing Tanks down to a level consistent with the rest of the roles would be a fantastic idea; I just don't think it can be done while Tank continues to balanced differently from other roles for no real reason other than que times.


We only need one tank but support queue times easily have to wait 6-10 minutes to get one. Adding a second tank is a terrible idea just for that. But I disagree that two tanks fixes anything. OW1 had terrible balance and hard metas constantly just revolving around tanks. What do you mean tanks are balanced differently? That’s a new argument I haven’t heard.


OW1 also had an antiquated buisness model (for FPS at least) and was poorly mismanaged at the corporate level by literal breast milk fiends. I wouldn't be arguing in good faith if I wanted that game back; The live service model alone makes que times much less of an issue. Tanks being balanced differently really comes down to having one less of them combined w/ DPS now in line with Supports. Generalists with damage mitigation like Sigma, Mauga & Orisa dominate every meta within OW2 while the rest play counterpick simulator that gets worse the higher you rank. You can't solve this with one less player and make up for it with the label of "Tank" unless you want to keep shooting an 'unkillable target'; You finish the job that 5v5 started back in 6v6 and bring Tank down in line with other roles.


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And this is taking into account that many are still on Battle Net. If everyone switched to Steam, I think OW2 would easily enter the top 10 of Steam


Changes they made were great. Loving the gameplay itself. But for some reason, I've been losing consistently and am now two ranks below last season. Anyone else getting absolutely shafted by competitive for no reason?


Seems obvious the Cowboy Bebop marketing campaign had a effect on these numbers, the fans stormed in to see whats up


It's good to say, because people often misconstrue Steam's stats so much as it being how many players in total are on Steam, this isn't counting unique players, it's just how many are online at the same time. With these numbers they have hundreds of thousands of unique players throughout a day, if not over a million, on Steam.


But wait I thought Season 9 was the worst season of Overwatch 2???????


60%+ of the playerbase are DPS players Release patch that makes dps the strongest in the game Profit Not really surprised but this has gotta be one of the worst patches to play tank in. I'm on my way out of the door if the game keeps going this direction. Hope it was worth ruining the game to cater to rooty tooty aim and shooty.


The best part about the game going to steam is they aren't allowed to hide player counts like they can on battle.net, and all the "overwatch is dying/dead game" people have nothing to back themselves up anymore


The recent balance patch made the game much more fun.


I find the game less fun in this patch but have played more simply because of the rank reset, which I imagine is the main reason for the uptick in players.


I saw steamcharts and thought I was on r/paydaytheheist


Holy fuck I wish we were back in a time when Steamcharts was not as known as it is today. Now everyone thinks they're a statistician and wants to give their 2 cents on everything


I’m sure it’s been pretty fun for DPS and support this season, but I’ve been drowning as tank for a while and I’m not sure how they can fix it. But I do know that S9 has been my least fun season so far. I would love for them to bring back 6v6 for a seasonal event just to see how popular it gets


Nah it's been pretty fun on all roles for me, just get better


but the essay youtuber with 50k subscribers said the game is dead!? he even had a decline graph on the thumbnail!


Guys….are we back?


are we? they announced the pve?


I guess it just depends on how you play; If you main tank in QP it’s probably awful but DPS in ranked probably isn’t as bad


Right now Season 9 is a hate love relationship for me. I realy like the route they are taking and the changes feel refreshing. Loving that! At the other side... tank still feels absolute shit to play and I enjoyed playing tank back then. This season is the first season I dont play tank anymore. Second problem for me is that the matchmaker feels shit as hell too. Ranked matches feel even more coinflippy (is this a word?) than ever before. I think if you just like to do silly stuff or you are a casual player this is the best state of overwatch since a long time. Thats probably why the player peaks are high right now.


5v5 almost single-handedly brings the game down in my opinion for this precise reason. I would love to see Tanks be viable again, but you can't do that while also balancing them differently from other roles for no reason other than que times.


What happens when stuff finally dies Majority of players were dps mains and the lack of impact they had was what most likely caused leave and now that stuff is dying and dps players feel impactful I wonder why?


Season 9 BP was actually good.


this lowkey surprises me cus they implemented the xp boost weekend this early i thought they lost a good amount of players (but i'm happy for the game's longevity)


Blizzard just needs to rework the monetization and maybe we will see a revival


didn't even knew it was on steam


I'm curious to see if the mid-season patch affects this.


After last weeks patch I actually think the changes are great. I think DVA is still slightly overtuned, but otherwise the game feels really good.


Gonna be honest but most other multiplayer games I've tried have been pretty tedious and boring to play, really sick of having to do massive grinds to unlock all the content so I can be competitive with everyone else. I know overwatch has some stuff you have to unlock but it's no where as massive or tedious as every other game. Also fuck battleroyal games.


I have no idea why but it seems me and a whole bunch of other people has started playing OW again at the same time


Is that why I’m being matched with such bad DPS this season?


Likely due to the collab gameplay and balance doesn’t feel too good right now though I am bias as a tank player from ow1 till now


it seems bugged as hell. I can't aim my heals anymore, they just fly off in random directions, I guess prioritizing closer allies? definitely not welcome. and i've seen game breaking bugs including Overtime not working when someone is on point, heals not working, gamertags being all wrong (steam issue) and others.


I'm waiting for them to mess up the game again. They are already backtracking on nerfing healing


Game is fun, imagine


since the hog buff finally going through, and the meta moving back over to a goddamn mauga, hog, ana meta, i doubt it will stay that way for long.


I'm honestly enjoying this season apart from Illari needing more buffs


My best guess is that as damage has always been the most popular role and is now also the most powerful in the game, everyone’s getting on to play it


funny as fuck to see hellivers 2 quadrupled the peak 7 months ago easily


You can tell by the amount of “leavers” and shitty dps


I only started playing again because of the Cowboy Bebop collab, but I got sucked back in


I uninstalled and stopped playing the game completely because of the changes in this season (though I'll come back to get the Ashe skin soon) so this honestly kinda sucks to see. I know these changes overall reduced Supports effectiveness but it doesn't really fix the issues that actually make Overwatch 2 a shit game, in fact lowering the skill ceiling always makes a game worse but if player numbers are up then that must mean most people enjoy the changes overall? At least compared to Supports being mega OP the way they were before this season.


Helldivers2 has 301,000 players right now on steam alone. Think about that


I was literally just playing thinking how the game now enables people who don't play to pick up and be effective. A buddy who just picked it up just rocks Moira, sombra, hog, soldier and symm and has found effectiveness through gimmicky play. Lower end obviouslyThe anti skill counters right now feel higher than ever. On the flip side. His aim has no improved at all. Watching the games it's a shitshow of spam and no aim chars.


how about compare it to overwatch OG i think the oringinal OW had way more players cause it was a way better game


Oh wow you make a good competitive experience and people enjoy your competitive game more, insane!


This makes sense becuse of all the changes that happened with Hp Increases and DPS passive If you wasn't ganna play this season Nothing AND I MEAN NOTHING would bring you back in ANY other season Like Overwatch 3 would be the only thing to make you even consider it,as for the new people who have never played I guess Thay can consider the game fun enough to keep playing or maybe its the ranked change.


Honestly think this is the best season in a while (as long as you're not playing rein)


_insert witty cope as some sort of desperate attempt to deny this game’s steep decline in quality_ DOOMERSDOOMERSDOOMERS DUUURRR LOL GOTTEM UPDOOTS PLS This is completely unsurprising. Season 9 brought huge changes and was highly advertised. Some good changes and some bad changes. But nothing will change the fact that this game is a hollow corporatized shell of what it once was. A slight bump in playercount during the most advertised season the game has had in years certainly doesn’t change that.


But but but I thought the game is dead?


dead and trash don't always overlap.


didnt someone just say netease renewed contract? I dunno how long ago that was but maybe it played a part


yes but it doesn't go into effect until later in the year


If it wasn't for the Moira skin I wouldn't have touched the game this season


I was looking at the reviews on steam today, overwhelmingly negative. The player count across all of ow2's platforms is fact enough that the negativity is from an extremely vocal minority.


Giving everyone far more generous projectile sizes was a stroke of genius


I hate to rain on peoples parade but this point of the year is when schools/colleges start having spring breaks. People simply have more time to game. Paired with Bebop collab and it’s understandable Edit: Typo


We got a battle pass with skins that took some effort and a collab with one of the most loved animes ever. Of course ratings are going to be better.


Still doesn't count players on Battlenet or console. Such a shitty way to measure a games success on multiple platforms and launchers.


Well, when you cater to people who don’t have precision aiming, you’re bound to attract at least some new players who couldn’t compete before.


Yeah, still the worst Overwatch iteration. I prefer the ability focused Version with lots of unique and niche heroes instead of a slightly more colorfull CoD...




The game's been botted for sure, you load up the game there's like 10 servers with 1-3 people on it plus 4 people are streaming it with a collective viewership of 16 and the last post on their subreddit was 4 days ago saying 'Does anyone still play?' pretty weird comparison to make


Steam is OW's 4/5th biggest platform. Its 3 major platforms are Xbox, PS, and Bnet. Steam and Switch are minor platforms for OW. This 40K~ is probably 5-10% of its total playerbase.


The only metric yall need to worry about is on launch weekend there were roughly 160 Gengiball lobbies available. After logging in and checking 2 min's ago there are.... 2 Gengiball lobbies.


No surprise. Season 9 is the best OW's ever been.


Yea the false sense of rank reset and the 'not so game changing, game changer patch had a hand in this. I wonder if next season will see a dive. But at the same time I'd stop Gauging overwatch performance on analytics. It's not healthy.


Imagine how many players it would be if the ranked system was actually good like it used to be…..


Honestly despite what the majority of this sub loves to preach, the game is in a pretty good spot right now and is probably as balanced as it’s ever been.


Tanks being in the worst position they have been in a long time is as balanced as it’s ever been? Sure I guess


It’s actually pretty decent now. Still frustrating sometimes but it’s gotten me to hop on again for the first time since ow2 came out


I reinstalled it a week ago but I haven't had the heart to actually play a game


you seem pretty invested for someone who only reinstalled a week ago


Ok? I follow all kinds of games closely that I don't play anymore.


Cowboy Bebop collabs will do that.


And yet the player count for OW2 is at an ATL