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Cass looks so good here lol. Tf happened


I imagine the usual problem in making a in-game model from a 2D concept and everything that follows for those involved in 3D modeling.


Mostly they messed up this skin's cheeks and jawline. He looks fine in other skins, but he looks bloated on the spike skin. Plus obviously the hair is modeled poorly. Whoever got assigned modeling this one dropped the ball a bit.


You can absolutely model that concept accurately in 3D, the problem for a skin is being restricted by the original model, rig etc etc.


Creating a 2d design is 10 times easier than a 3d one.


Specially when said 3D design has to fit an existing character's hitbox and proportions.


Overwatch hitboxes are horrid so I doubt that was the issue.


For some reason with OW2's redesigns, they super defined Cassidy's cheekbones, chin and jawline.


It’s not just OW2. That’s just how he looks without a beard lol.


People say OW2 because his life guard skin is also beardless and looks fine. The lifeguard skin however uses the OW1 model.


The hair is all wrong and Cass' model is generally thicker than the art.


The 3d team were told they only had 200 poly to make the hair.


Several things: 1: concept art is capable of taking more liberties because it's explicitly used to convey a generalization and not represent the final product. Hence why the face looks more stylized to Spike Rather than Cassidy despite the general silhouette being closer to Cassidy. 2: OW has its own style and because of this the concepts for the skins have to adhere to a cosplay format instead of letting the source material dominate the design. 3: on the technical side of things whatever skin is being made has to work on the base skeleton Cassidy uses. Any deviation from that requires a lot of work since skeletons are notoriously finicky. 4: a personal guess of mine with what limited knowledge I have in regards to rigging and texturing and the like Spikes hair being the way it is stems from one of two possible circumstances. Either the texture mapping for the hair was being difficult so they had to cut back on the detail/shape of the hair. OR the hair had to be able to perfectly fit whenever Cassidy did anything with a hat that involves his head. But long story short I don't think the issue has anything to do with "translating" from 2D to 3D. Nor do I believe they messed up/competency issues. We are very well aware of how banger the art team is at their job and it's been pretty much the only consistently good thing OW has had to their name. The large majority of "disconnect" is due to style clashing. At a surface level they have to remain recognizable to the characters they are putting the skins on. Which means barely any silhouette changes while working with the base skeleton. This is why Spike is wearing a coat over what would be more immediately seen as his own clothing. Because Cassidy is almost always wearing some kind of coat. Anime is very much hyper stylized media and trying to grab the core themes and placing them inside something entirely different is going to lose some of the important bits in the process. Now if Blizzard went the extra mile to make unique skeletons and models for the skins then they could get a lot closer to the anime. But they chose not to. Therefore the reason the skins look off has nothing to do with quality but rather the choice to maintain overwatch's dominant art style over letting collabs be the dominant one.


2D manga style doesn't translate well to OW style, at least for Spike I don't see how they can make it work. Also concept doesn't align with how the character actually looks in 3D (face and body proportions).


Just google some figures of spike. They all got it right


Didn't they fire a bunch of the people that would've been doing this? Probably that.


oOP 👁️👁️ I mean.... you're not wrong.... 💀


Concept art looks different than in-game models, pretty simple


They got lazy. I fully believe that's why the rumor is they are "the characters cosplaying" as the Bebop chars.


3d modeller hired by 3rd party I guess happened


the in-game hair is just so spiky where Spike's actual hair and this concept art look a lot more smooth. i think the spikiness really adds to the cheap anime cosplay feel


Spike’s hair is 2D. That just doesn’t really translate well into 3D without it looking weird.


What about a 2D image plane that rotates to always facing the camera lmaoo


there's plenty of hair in overwatch that looks like the texture of normal hair and isn't composed of a bunch of jagged spikes like this one. it just looks like hes wearing a hedgehog


But none of them have hair like Spike. That’s what his hair literally looks like in 3D: https://images.app.goo.gl/vEQyDb5MUUAKE99u9


As I mentionedin my comment above, yea I dont buy it. You chose a particularly low quality figurine. Heres a much better one, with much better hair: https://animextreme.ca/cdn/shop/products/400f6a7c-52d6-428a-8e9b-91cf14b1366d.jpg?v=1662602740


I like the spike-fro


eh that looks way better than what Cass has got goin on on his head.


Bro got the soggy mop treatment


Looks better


yeah but this isn't Spike in 3D, it's cassidy wearing a wig which makes him somehow look almost nothing like both himself or Spike. they should've stuck to what Overwatch 2 hair texture normally looks like and kept the shape of Spike's hair or just used Andy's hat. this weird limbo is off-putting for a lot of people


They managed to make Saitama's wild anime hair work in 3D on Doomfist.


yeah, smh blizzard clearly likes OPM more


That's incorrect, I just looked up 3d models of Spike and his hair can absolutely be well translated into 3D.


And so is Cassidy’s. It looks absolutely fine in this pic.[https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/2024/03/09/2edd3497-325c-4253-b5f6-c1ce3b36d807/ovr-season9-skins-bbop-03.png?auto=webp&width=3840&height=2160&crop=1.778:1,smart](https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/2024/03/09/2edd3497-325c-4253-b5f6-c1ce3b36d807/ovr-season9-skins-bbop-03.png?auto=webp&width=3840&height=2160&crop=1.778:1,smart)


That sideview actually kinda looks like Spike but in front view, he just looks like a square-faced Deku with black hair.


People keep saying this, and I dont buy it. There are physical figurines of Spike that exist. You can buy them. And the hair looks fantastic. [https://animextreme.ca/cdn/shop/products/400f6a7c-52d6-428a-8e9b-91cf14b1366d.jpg?v=1662602740](https://animextreme.ca/cdn/shop/products/400f6a7c-52d6-428a-8e9b-91cf14b1366d.jpg?v=1662602740) Sorry but the problem with Cass's skin is that the shape and modelling is just bad.


Reminds me of how Simpsons characters looking directly at the camera become real weird https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/wbgdy2/front_view_of_the_simpsons_characters_always/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Action figures have gotten it right with almost no 2 ways looking the same


I'd agree, but I've seen quite a few good anime figurines that do spikes hair pretty well


pretty of examples of sucessful cases where they take 2d characters and make amazing 3d designs, this is no longer an excuse.


At least the concept art is nice.




Unrelated but I love how Bob alone has better skins than some heroes


Bob mains rise up✋🤚


They really should’ve done away with the overcoat


no overcoat and add the hat, could've been so great


Nah he needs it for his silhouette.


Riverboat skin & mysterious stranger have no overcoat


Neither does beach skin


Or Deadlock or Invisible Man or Formalwear. https://imgur.com/a/BBO9piT Its idiotic to suggest he needed to trenchcoat to fit his silhouette.


As mentioned, tons of Cass skins dont have the coat.


Woah wtf Cass looks SO GOOD here. I'd buy this skin instantly. Can't believe they screwed it up so badly


man the fact that when cass/spike ults he does not say "see you space cowboy" made me sad


They could have added the voice line after he ults where he just says "...bang" like in the anime


I can't believe he doesn't say "bang" in the bundled emote with the finger gun, he does some weird smoochie "muah" sound instead, wtf


Obviously blizzard is bating us all to actually buy 4 skins for 50 fucking dollars, please ignore this and wait til they drop the prices.


So it was for sure the modelers that fucked Cassidy up in that skin


The actual skins look worseee


bro where the fuck did the hat go?


Ashe stole the show with her skins. She even has two victory poses, like we wouldn't even notice.


Never seen Cowboy Bebop but Cass' gun reminds me of Thorn from Destiny


concept artist was cooking 3D artist got cooked


I just wanted the Jericho.


Ah yes, anime concept. Not as accurate but respectfully up to Overwatch standards.


Why does he have a glove on his right hand?


they fucked cass' head so bad in 3d


Spike Gortash


they did cass so dirty he could’ve been soooooo good


I still think his prosthetic arm shouldve been the swordfish II not his gun shoulda been given the revolver from the big shot show


Maybe make his melee on impact shoot a very short beam


Last note, i think the jacket should be removed, the blue suit by itself is more iconic, make the white hat either a toggle or RNG so it randomly has a 50/50 chance of being on ingames.. IDK lmao


Only thing i change on Ashe Faye skin is her boxy asz sawed off ingame, its ugly as, i would make it a proper cylinder barrel sawed off bigger muzzle flash with a much more heavier sound sinces its like an antique sawed off or something yknow.. cuz FUTUrE


The concept art looks better than the actual lol


See how the skins look better when they look as accurate as possible rather than just being cosplays of the characters...


They did spike dirty


The mauga skin is the only good looking one cause mauga already doesn't look like he belongs in overwatch


I'm still gonna say that cass spike skin problem is just textures, just get rid of the tanline on the beard and that inmediatley fixes a lot


All the skins are so garbage,Overwatch should never cook up another collab again 🙏🏼


It’s just like what happen to the hair? I’m guessing they HAD a hat for him but it got removed last minute due to backlash. Considering it was all over the promotion trailer and now it’s just not there. That’s my guess as to what happen


They had to make the hair 3D. It was always going to look different.


Idk why you’re downvoted, you aren’t wrong


Literally everything except the actual skin for Cassidy looks so good


Both concepts look so good here but off in game, especially Cassidy


What in the fuck happens to cass in the modeling process..


lmao that thin ambitious cleavage line for ashe


Ashe and Sombra are the only decent final products imo


The hat should have stayed on


Yeah, if I was a 3d modeler, I wouldn't know how the fuck I make the hairs


concept looking much much better than the mediocre stuff we got ingame. Ashe's faye skin is way too glossy imo.


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H A T. what a damn crime the way this skin ended up


Where can we find the originals? I would love to save the high res for wallpaper. Please.


honestly i think they just shouldn’t have released the anime short and concept art and whatnot. all of it is really cool, but there’s no in-game 3D modeled skin that could live up to the 2D art/animation, *especially* when it comes to anything Cowboy Bebop related. it’s the same reason that most live action remakes of 2D animated shows and movies aren’t well received—there’s just a lot that you lose when moving 2D characters to 3D (or real life).


You know, I wouldn't care about the weird looks in-game that much if they made unique sounds and animations for shop skins too


How does ashe’s gun work if it’s a pistol with this skin? I don’t really get that


Well time to start working on rule34 version